Steven Universe (2013–…): Season 4, Episode 24 - I Am My Mom - full transcript

After Events that have taken place in the past, Steven tries to fix all his mistakes.

♪ We ♪

♪ Are the crystals ♪

♪ Gems ♪

♪ We'll always save the day ♪

♪ And if you think
we can't, we'll ♪

♪ Always find a way ♪

♪ That's why the people ♪

♪ Of this world ♪

♪ Believe in ♪

♪ Garnet ♪

♪ Amethyst ♪

Pearl: ♪ And pearl ♪

And Steven!
Season 04 Episode 24

"I Am My Mom"

This is an emergency!

Why is Homeworld stealing humans
from the boardwalk?

I don't know, but they're only
taking my friends!

They even got Connie!

If we don't do something,

they're going to take them
into space!

And our spaceship got jacked,
so if they leave Earth...

They'll be gone for good.

Who were these guys?

That little gem I saw before,
her name's Aquamarine.


She's got a big friend...
A fusion, named Topaz.

A topaz fusion
and an aquamarine?

Are they a big deal?

Uh, yes!

Blue and Yellow Diamond
must have sent them personally.

The Diamonds?
Oh, no.

They must be collecting
more humans for the zoo!

But there's loads of humans
on Earth.

Why are they only grabbing
your friends?

Maybe... because my friends
are the best!

It's from Connie!

I know where they are!


Stay alert.
They could be anywhere.

Did Connie send you
any more pictures?

No, nothing.

We know they're here somewhere.




Why them?

W-Was that Connie's pho...

Oh, no!

You found us.


Give it up, Aquamarine!

There's nowhere to run!

Oh, what's this, now?

Did you think
we were running away?

Steven, save yourself...
after you save us!


You know,
now that I think about it,

this Steven does seem
to know everyone on our list.

The list did come
from a Steven, after all.

Maybe you can help us out.

Just let the humans go!

Uh, no.

Who are these dullards?

We're the Crystal Gems,
you chump!

Yeah, yeah.

Rose Quartz's old lackeys.

That was in the report, too.

We're not here
for any of you rogue gems.

We'll leave you totally alone...


you tell us where we can find
my dad.

I don't know
what you're talking about!

Let's see.

Yellow Diamond asked for, uh,
my dad,

a Connie, a Lars, a Sadie,
a mailman,

and an onion, I think.

Six human variations

specified in a report
by Peridot 5XG.

Oh, no, there's lots of humans.

There's my dad, Connie,
Lars and Sadie,

the mailman, onion...
I think.

The list.

I gave them the list.

What are you talking about?

Aquamarine doesn't have a dad.

She's looking for someone
named "my dad!"

This is all my fault.

Don't worry about that now.

Our objective's still
the same... beat the gems...

Save our friends!

Hey, Topaz, look!

They want to lose another fight.

No, Garnet,
I've moved on, I swear!


Oh! Ay!



That's dirty!

My spear can reach her
without hurting the hostages.

Oh, you're so smart.



This is getting annoying.

Hey, Topaz, can you remind me?

I mean, my memory is perfect,

but our orders were
to bring back these six humans.

I'm just not sure.

Did they specify...

You know,
I don't think they did.



I just think,

if you care about your friends
or whatever,

you should tell me
where my dad is,

all right?

What are we going to do?!



I know where you can find
my dad.


Where? Where?!

Right here.

I'm the one you're looking for.

I am my dad!

What? Huh?

I know what
you're thinking, Topaz.

It seems a little suspicious
that my dad is also a Steven.

But you know...

if it means getting out of here,
I'll believe it.


Steven, do you know
what you're doing?

Hi, Lars.

Don't worry, I'm gonna bust us
all out with my bubble power!


Her body's so thick.

This might be
a little difficult.

Time to go.

Uh, Steven, di...

Did you actually have
a plan or...

Just need a minute...

Very nice meeting you all,

and your compliance
is appreciated, but...

our job here is done, so...

Let's get back
to Homeworld already.

But I'm already
on my home world.

I haven't even delivered
all the mail today.

Don't worry.
I can do this.

You might want to hurry, Steven.

The threat of us perishing
in this quagmire of yellow

feels very real...

A real encompassing
kind of real.

A neon death trap, which has
imprisoned us so tightly,

like a winter coat that's
too big in the sleeves.

Lars, stop!
I need to concentrate!


If I never get sent
on another mission to Earth,

it'll be too soon.

What an ordeal.

But the Diamonds needed me.

That's the burden
of being the best.

What justice is there in
such a gross tangling of symbols?!

Will you stop?!
You're ruining my moment!


I almost got it!



Get this mess cleaned up.

And, Topaz, help her out.

I'm setting a course.

The door!





Steven, let's fuse!

We're already in the air.

How are we going to get back?

Watch out!

I'd really appreciate
you wrapping it up down there

before we exit the atmosphere.

Come on!
Lars, you gotta get up!

We gotta move!




Come on!
Help me!





Hey, thanks!
Get to the door!

Topaz, pull it together
and finish this!


Connie, I'm sorry!

What are you
talking about?!

It's my fault
you were abducted...

why everyone was taken.

If it weren't for me,

the diamonds wouldn't have
come for my friends.

If it weren't for my mom,

they wouldn't even be trying
to destroy the Earth!



What now?

The door.


Take us close to the water.
We're gonna jump!




Uh, go! Go.

Steven, I-I seem
to be paralyzed with fear.


Nice try.

But it's hopeless, my dad.

I can't go back to Homeworld

without getting
what the Diamonds want.

I'm... not my dad.


I'm not my dad!

How much longer is this mission
going to take?

Well, I can end it for you
right now.

Oh, really?

I'm someone
the Diamonds will want

more than any of these humans...

The leader of
the Crystal Gem rebellion -

The gem that shattered
Pink Diamond.

I'm not my dad.

I'm my mom.

I'm Rose Quartz!

No way.


- No. Steven!
- Don't!

What are you doing?!

I get it now.

I'm the only one
who can stop what she started.

I can stop all of it!

You're wrong!
Steven, get down here!

She wouldn't have wanted this.

But I do.

I'm gonna kick your butt

if you don't come down here
right now!



Don't you dare!

I love you.




Sync corrections by srjanapala

