Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009): Season 5, Episode 20 - Enemy at the Gate - full transcript

A hive ship turbo-charged with a ZPM has received the Wraith's message from a alternate universe containing the location of Earth. The ship is now heading for Earth.

Incoming wormhole.

Signal's coming in, now.

No doubt you're surprised
to see me, John Sheppard.

Well, you weren't looking so good
last time I saw you.

Yes, well, you'll be pleased to know
the treatment was successful,

although excruciatingly painful.

You're just saying that
to make me feel good.

I was able to return to my position
as leader of the alliance,

although I have had
a recent setback.

Perhaps you can see
what is remaining of my shuttle,

behind me.

Yeah, nice landing.

Don't be so critical, Sheppard.

It wasn't long ago my flying skills
saved the lives of both you

and your companions.

It wasn't pilot error.
I was attacked

by one of my underlings.

You'll excuse me for being blunt,

but why should we care?

It isn't the fact that he attacked,
and at least temporarily defeated me

that should concern you.

It's rather

how he managed to do it.

And how was that?

He acquired a very rare
and powerful piece of technology.

One with which I believe
you are quite familiar.

- A ZPM? Are you kidding me?
- That's what he said.

- I don't buy it.
- Why not?

They don't exactly grow on trees.

He got betrayed.

Now he wants us
to help him clean up the mess.

End of story.

It is possible that he mentioned the ZPM
simply to get our attention.

Except he would also have to know
that we would discover the truth,

and, in the meantime, he's volunteered
to place himself in our custody.

- It's not a good plan.
- There's something he's not telling us.

Granted, but that doesn't
necessarily mean that he's lying

- about the ZPM.
- If this is true,

it could be very, very bad.

Inefficient power generation
is the Achilles heel

of Wraith technology.
It's basically the reason

for every technological advantage
we have.

If this underling,
or whatever it is that Todd calls him,

- is flying in a ZPM-powered ship...
- It's a threat we can't tolerate,

and we won't.

Season 5 Episode 20
Enemy at the Gate (v. 1.00)

The Projet-SG & SG-66 Teams

Well, here we are again.


This City has become
quite familiar to me,

almost a respite from daily life.

It would be a shame
to see it destroyed.

If we don't help you,
that would be a likely outcome?

All right,
let's start at the beginning.

Where did the ZPM come from?

You'll recall I managed to acquire
a few of the devices

from the Replicator City,
before it was destroyed?

Yes, and they were lost

when Col. Sheppard took out
the cloning facility.

Not all of them.

I may have acquired a few more
than I let on.

How many more?

Let's not get caught up
in unnecessary details.

I like details.

Even if I gave you a number,
you'd have no way of verifying it,

so what's the point?

Then tell me this.

Why now?
You've had those ZPMs for over a year.

The organic nature of a Hive
creates certain incompatibilities

with Ancient technology.

I put my best scientists to work

on this project,

and, recently,
one of them succeeded.

Only he didn't want
to turn it over to you.

He decided to keep it for himself,

and now you want us
to help you kick him to the curb.

What you really need to know

is that this Hive
is a work in progress.

It has yet to reach
its full potential,

which means if you attack it now,

you may be able to destroy it, but
if you hesitate, it will be too late,

and this Hive will be unstoppable.

Lookin' good.

Was it really necessary
to remove my subspace transmitter

and force me to wear
this ridiculous outfit?

Well, after what happened
last time on this ship,

you can't blame us.

I take it then
my request to be on the bridge

- when we make contact...
- Denied.

- Understandable.
- Here's the problem...

Every time we get involved with you,

I feel like I'm walking around
with a live grenade in my pocket,

just waiting for it to all go wrong,
for that one thing

you forgot to mention.

- I assure you, in this case...
- Save it.

I've been down this road before.

If you really feel that way,

why would you let me go
after our last encounter?

We had a deal,
and you kept up your end of the bargain,

and to be honest,
I didn't think you'd live.

If I find out you're playing us,

I'm not going to wait
for authorization.

There isn't going to be
any paperwork.

I'm just going to kill you.

- What's the status, Colonel?
- We're approaching coordinates.

You going somewhere?

Drop us before we get into sensor range.
We'll check it out in a Jumper.

- That's not the plan.
- We can go in cloaked,

stay in touch on a secure channel.

If it's what Todd says it is,
you can come in guns blazing.

All right.
Just be careful.

Almost in range.

Engaging cloak.

All right,
we're getting readings now.

It's a Hive, all right.

- What?
- I'm reading

higher than normal energy output.

- I mean, significantly higher.
- Consistent with a ZPM?

It's hard to say from this far out.

- Sheppard, what's your status?
- We getting some interesting readings,

so we're going to go in
for a closer look.

- I'm detecting massive energy output.
- What's happening?

It's growing.

What are you talking about?

They're using the surplus energy
to grow a larger,

and if I'm reading this correctly,
significantly denser outer hull.

Look, it makes sense.
Normal Hives have a limit of growth.

Any bigger or heavier,
and they become impossible to maneuver,

let alone get into hyperspace.

You make a left turn,
and you're torn apart by inertia,

- but with a ZPM...
- What does that mean for us?

When they're done,

my guess is that hull will be all
but impenetrable.

All right, well, better take 'em out
of the picture before they get that far.

Hold on,
they're... powering weapons.

- They can't see us, right?
- No, of course not.

They must be just running a test.

Holy crap.

What are the odds of them randomly
firing a test shot directly at us?

I would say, given the enormity
of the empty space, non-existent?

They can see us.

They're probably increasing
the sensitivity of their scanners.

Let me guess,
something to do with the ZPM.


Daedalus, we've got a problem.

Our cloak's ineffective.

We're on our way.
Take us in, maximum sublight.

- Shields up.
- Yes, Sir.

- I'm dropping the cloak.
- Not to mention you could fire back.

One thing at a time, Rodney.

We're hit!

- I've lost controls.
- I'll work out a bypass.

They get a bead on us, Rodney,
we're dead.

It worked, sir.

We blocked the shot.
Shield is holding.

All right, now return fire,
main battery, full power.

Yes, sir.

Direct hit.

- Damage?
- Minimal.

Ready missiles.
Throw everything we have.

Sir, I'm reading
a massive energy buildup.

Brace for impact!

Shields are down!

Heavy damage on all decks.
We've lost hyperdrive and main weapons.

Evasive maneuvers!
We can't take another hit.

You should have flight controls.

- What about weapons?
- Not a chance.

Something's happening.

It doesn't make any sense.
Our main systems were down,

these guys had us dead-to-rights.
Why would they just fly away?

Perhaps because they knew
we were no longer a threat.

It's not like the Wraith
to be so charitable.

Todd said the ship
isn't finished, right?

They haven't adapted
the full potential of the ZPM.

- Maybe they maxed them out.
- If that's the case,

I'd hate to meet up with them
when they do finish it.

We need to get back to Atlantis.
What's the prognosis on the hyperdrive?

Control systems are completely shot.
My guys are working on a patch,

but it could be days, even weeks
before we're back online.

For the moment,
we're not going anywhere.

- Sir...
- What is it, Marks?

I think we may have something.

What the hell are you doing here?

Reassignment. More fun and adventure
in the Pegasus galaxy.

- Show us what you've got, please.
- It's a subspace signal.

We detected it just before
the Hive jumped into hyperspace.

It was weak. Luckily,
I happened to be monitoring the sensor,

or we might not have
picked it up at all.

- It's a Wraith code.
- Obviously.

We're having trouble
because the message is interlaced

with a residual radiation,
and I've never seen it before.

I have.
Once, when we met another me,

and once when we encountered
another Daedalus.

This signal was sent
from another reality.

I'm sorry,
what are you talking about?

Look, some Wraith, somewhere
in another reality, sent a coded signal,

only whatever means they used
to access subspace created a rift,

allowing the signal to cross into
multiple realities, including our own.

So, what does it say?

Just give me a second.


What is it?

It's a set of coordinates.

Coordinates to what?


You think the Hive
picked up the signal?

Why else would they leave like that?
It can't be a coincidence.

The Wraith know that Earth
is a richer feeding ground.

They've been looking it for years.

As soon as com are back up,
we'll contact Atlantis,

- have them relay a message to SGC.
- Wait a minute, I've got an idea.

- How many ships do we have available?
- There's the Apollo and the Sun Tzu.

- And the Odyssey?
- On secret mission

- I'm not supposed to know about.
- Two will have to be enough.

- What are you suggesting?
- That Hive may be super-powerful,

but it has to drop out of hyperspace
at some point for hull regeneration.

I can use the sensor data
to extrapolate where that will be.

- It's risky. If you're wrong...
- I won't be.

We can't afford to wait
till they get to Earth.

My guess is that, by that point,
they'll be fully adapted to the ZPM.

Do it.

Sir, the Daedalus
just dropped out of hyperspace.

It's about time.

Colonel Sheppard and his team
are beaming down.

Colonel, it's good to finally
have you all back.

What did we miss?

There's no indication of any other
Wraith ships heading for the milky way.

It's as I figured. That signal
was too short and too weak.

That ship only detected it because of
its obvious improvements to the sensors.

What's the bad news?

Show them.

This is a subspace message sent by
Colonel Ellis, from onboard the Apollo.

We've engaged the Hive,
unfortunately without much success.

The Sun Tzu is crippled,

and she's venting atmosphere.

We're in the process
of taking on her crew now,

but unfortunately,
with my engines down,

I won't be able to get to the nearest
Stargate for at least a month.

As for the enemy,

all indications are that they received
very little damage,

and are continuing
on their previous course.

With those two ships
out of the picture,

nothing stands between that Hive

and Earth.
00:14:04,803 --> 00:14:07,452
- There you are. I've been thinking...
- So have I.

- Another ship can help defend Earth.
- We're standing on it.

- The City, exactly! The only problem...
- ZPMs.

But if we want to get there in time,
we need a full complement.

Where do you think
I'm headed, Rodney?



Things didn't go exactly
according to plan.

So I heard.

You intend to hold me responsible?

All I know is everything went sideways,
as always when you're involved.

You're going to tell me
that's a coincidence?

Then you've come to make good
on your threat.

The other ZPMs you talked
to Woolsey about...

tell us where to get them,
and maybe it'll improve your situation.

Am I supposed to be enticed
by this offer?

No, I'll probably kill you anyway,
but don't forget

this Wraith betrayed you
and got away with it.

For no other reason, you might
want to do it out of pure spite.

You know how to talk to me,

John Sheppard.

We got 'em.

He actually came through for us.

Maybe he's turning over a new leaf.

Get these down
to Zelenka immediately.

Or maybe they're going to blow up
when you plug them in.

- Have Dr. McKay check them first.
- Right.

All right, I'm heading
to the chair room.

Actually, Colonel,

you won't be flying the City for us.

In fact, you won't be coming
with us at all.

What are you talking about?

You have a half an hour to pack,
and then you'll be gating back to Earth.

Even with the ZPMs, there's still a good
chance we won't get there in time,

and Earth's only other line of defense
is the Ancient weapons platform.

General O'Neill
wants you in the chair.

Good luck.

Yeah, you too.

- Colonel Sheppard.
- Colonel Carter.

It's good to see you again, John.

All right, I've finished
recalibration on the chair.

Radek, how are things at your end?

ZPMs are online
and functioning, 100%.

We're good to go.

- Okay, who's flying this puppy?
- That would be me.

They called you in for this?

You must have
a higher CIA than I thought.

- Excuse me?
- Chair interface aptitude.

Well, apparently,
I'm number two.

I'll have a look into that.

for the vote of confidence.

Oh, I'm sure you'll do fine.


I suppose I'm ready.

Raise the shield.

Take us out.

So you're in command here, huh?

Only until General Landry gets back.

He's heading up
a task force in Washington.

My next position is to take command
of our new Daedalus-class ship.

The Phoenix?

Actually, we're renaming it.

The General Hammond.

Oh, yeah.

I heard about that.
Sorry it was kind of sudden.

Heart attack.
I was off-world at the time.

- He was a good man.
- He really was.

So, what's next?

C-130 to McMurdo?

Not exactly.

Colonel Sheppard, this is Major Davis,
Homeworld security.

- What are we looking at?
- The Hive ship.

It dropped out of hyperspace
and established orbit around the Moon.

You've got to be kidding me.
It's not supposed to be here for weeks.

this is no ordinary Hive ship.

Yeah, that much I know.

- What's it doing?
- For the moment,

- nothing.
- The best we can guess is

it's completing its ZPM upgrades
prior to launching an attack.

Then we got to make a move first.
You got any F-302s?

We have a squadron on permanent
stand-by with Earth defense,

but they aren't outfitted for anything
more than fighter interception.

- There's no way they could take...
- How long to fit 'em with nukes?

Well, that could take some doing.

I'll get right on it.

These pilots have any experience
fighting the Wraith?

That's not why I brought you here.

I could sit in the chair
and wait,

or take the fight to them.
What do you want to do?

- You wanted to see us.
- Yes, come in, please.

I wanted the opportunity
to offer you both

one last chance to reconsider.

Reconsider what?

Your involvement in this mission.

I'm told we're about to pass
the outer edge of the Pegasus galaxy.

If you wish to be dropped off,
now would be the time.

We've all grown so accustomed
to having you here,

as part of the team,

it's easy to lose sight of the fact

that your priorities
are not necessarily

always the same as ours.

You're being asked to fly
to another galaxy,

to take what might turn out to be
the losing part

in a battle that isn't yours.

Do you mean like everyone on this base
has been doing for the last five years?

Thank you for your consideration,
Mr. Woolsey,

but I assure you
it is not necessary.

We're not going anywhere.

Very well.

All right, looks like
we're ready to go.

There's been a change of plans.
I'm afraid the re-fit took too long.

The Hive's still in lunar orbit,

but we've detected
an inbound wave of darts.

Guess they got tired of waiting.
Any idea where the target is?

The Wraith message we intercepted

contained a warning about
Earth's defensive capabilities,

specifically the drone chair.

Only in the alternate reality
where the message came from,

it looks like the chair
had been moved to Area 51.

- That's where they're headed?
- We believe so.

Well, evacuate the base,
let 'em hit it,

when they bring the Hive down,
we'll take 'em out from Antarctica.


- Sorry, I was gonna tell you this...
- Tell me what?

The chair was in violation of
the Antarctic non-proliferation treaty.

After lengthy
international negotiations,

they finally moved it
just less than a month ago.


Area 51.

They're entering the atmosphere now.

Should be showing up
on the screens momentarily.

All right, we got 'em, 12:00 high,

range eight kilometers
and closing fast.

You are cleared to engage.
Good hunting, Colonel.

They're outnumbered.

They'll never be able to keep
them all from getting through.

Sheppard, two darts have disengaged.
They're headed for the deck.

I'm on it.
Riggs, you're with me.

Two more on our 6:00!


- The darts are coming in too fast.
- It's a kamikaze run.

Come on, baby...

Stargate Command, this is Sheppard.

Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

It was a nice try.
There was just too many of them.

The chair's been destroyed.

- Sheppard, what are you doing?
- I've got an idea.

He's climbing,
he's heading into the upper atmosphere.

Sheppard, your orders
are to return to the base.

I've still got a nuke.
I'm going to finish this mission.

You don't have enough fuel.
You'll never make it to the hive.

He got what he wanted.
He's going to come to us.

He's right. The Hive ship has
changed course. They're on their way.

I've got enough fuel
to establish orbit,

then I'll shut everything down
except basic life support.

That way, he won't detect me
till it's too late.

Even if that does work,
given what we know about this ship,

- one nuke is not going to be enough.
- No, not from the outside.

I'll wait for him to enter orbit,
I'll fire up my systems,

shoot my way through
a dart bay door,

and fly the damn bomb
right down his throat.

Then I'll detonate from the inside.

- John, I can't ask you to do that.
- You're not asking, I'm volunteering.

Look, without that chair,

Earth is basically
defenseless, right?


Commencing radio silence,
Sheppard out.

- What happened?
- We dropped out of hyperspace.

- Don't tell me we're there already.
- Not even close.

- We're on the edge of the Milky Way.
- So why did we drop out?

Well, obviously, we...

We're not sure.

The hyperdrive hasn't been operated
at full power in over 10,000 years.

- Not surprising there are glitches.
- But you can fix it?

I have to figure out
what's wrong first, don't I?

Zelenka, in the meantime, recalibrate
our Gate position so we can dial Earth.

Right away.

We have to apprise them
of our situation.

What's our status?

The Hive ship has almost
reached Earth orbit.

They've begun scanning us.

- Any word from Sheppard?
- Not yet.

According to my best estimates
of his trajectory,

his orbit won't intersect with
the Hive's for another 20 minutes.

If he fires up too early...

They'll detect his presence
and send out darts to intercept.

He wouldn't stand a chance.

- Excuse me, Colonel...
- What is it, Walter?

We've tried to dial up the Alpha site,
to send through those IOA dignitaries?

Good old IOA,

courageous to the end.

- What's the problem?
- We can't establish a lock,

and it's not just the Alpha site, I've
already tried a couple of alternates,

but for some reason,
the Gate's offline.

Open a channel.

Stargate Command, this is Atlantis.

Stargate Command,
this is Atlantis, do you read?

Comm system is operating, sir.
They're just not responding.

Okay, this is weird.

I'm picking up an energy signature
feeding back through the wormhole.

It's Wraith.

- The Wraith are at Stargate Command?
- No, these readings are more like

something you'd pick up
in the middle of a Hive.

But we dialed Earth.

- You don't think that...
- Standard Wraith procedure.

Keep your victims from dialing out.

- What are you talking about?
- There's a Gate on the Hive.

The Wraith always
try to block the Gate

of a planet they're attacking,
usually by dialing in.

They couldn't do that,
so they found another solution.

You see, when two Gates are in
proximity, one supersedes the other.

Usually, it's the default Gate, unless
it happens to be a Milky Way model,

- and the other one's from Pegasus.
- It was the same on the midway station.

We had to create a workaround to prevent
the Pegasus Gate from taking precedence.
00:28:02,513 --> 00:28:05,596
You're telling me that wormhole...

Leads directly onto the Hive.

Think that cleared the way?

There's one way to find out.

The guards at the Gate
have been neutralized.

We're moving on.

I should have sent
more marines with them.

A full-scale assault
wouldn't have accomplished anything.

To sabotage key systems on that Hive,
they're going to need speed and stealth.


I just hate being stuck out here
not able to do anything.

That's something I've been wanting
to talk to you about.

This is something that Rodney
has been working on for quite some time.

An adaptation of an Ancient technology
abandoned because of instability

- and enormous power requirements.
- What is it?

Wormhole drive.
It's nearly instantaneous travel

across enormous distances.

It's not unlike Gate travel itself.

If it works,

it could have us at Earth
in a matter of seconds.

Now, the calculations
are incredibly complex.

If we're off even by a fraction...
It could be very bad.

All right, I'd say
it's time to get moving.

- Is there another way around?
- I think so!

Go, go, go!

This way!

They hit his lung.
He's bleeding out.

Just go.

We are not leaving without you.

Come on, we've gotta get outta here now!
Let's go, let's go!

SGC, this is Sheppard, come in.

- Sheppard, where are you?
- I made it inside.

Look, I don't have much time before
this place is swarming with Wraith,

so I'm arming the nuke.

Just do me a favor.
When Atlantis shows up,

tell 'em I said goodbye.

SGC, this is Sheppard, come in.

Look, I don't have much time before
this place is swarming with Wraith,

so I'm arming the nuke.

- Did he say "nuke?"
- When Atlantis shows up,

- tell 'em I said goodbye.
- Sheppard, this is McKay.

Look, stop what you're doing now!

Yes, it's me, Lorne and Teyla,
we're onboard the hive.



Look, it's a long story.

Just, if you're about to do
what I think you're gonna do, don't.

This Hive is about to attack Earth.
I don't have much of a choice.

Look, just wait. We'll come to you,
I can rig up a remote detonator.

What good's that going to do for us?
We can't get off this ship, Rodney.

That's where you're wrong.
This way.

We're about to fire up
the wormhole drive.

If it works, we could find ourselves
in the middle of a combat situation

rather suddenly.
You and your staff need to be ready.

And if it doesn't?

From what I'm told...

The City would be
instantly vaporized.

You guys are the last people
I expected to see on this ship.

Same here. Give me a minute.

Where's Ronon?

Teyla, where's Ronon?

I'm sorry, John.

I restored your life, human,

and bound your wound.

That was real nice of you.

Now you will answer my questions.

Hive has completed surface scan.

They'll target military installations,
then the power grid,

send the population into a panic.

Then they'll launch the Darts.

How many humans are on my ship?

Where are they?

How you doing, Chewie?

You were dead!

We're all going to be dead
unless we get outta here.

That's it.

They're powering weapons.

Sheppard, what's your status?

We got Ronon,
we're headed for the Gate.

- How much time?
- Five minutes,

five minutes to recalibrate the DHD
for local coordinates.

10 minutes.

I'm sorry, the Hive is powering weapons.
We're out of time.


- Give me the detonator.
- Yeah, but we're almost there.

Did I say five minutes
to recalibrate the DHD?

I- I meant two minutes.

John, wait!

We're detecting another ship.

Now would be the time, Doctor.


It's Atlantis!
They're engaging the Hive!

That might give us enough time
to get to the Gate.

The Hive is returning fire.

Shields are down to 70%.

Keep firing, Dr. Beckett!

- Get to work, Rodney.
- I'm on it.

We got company!

The force of enemy weapons fire
has pushed us into a lower orbit.

- We're skimming the atmosphere.
- It's draining the shield, Sir.

Dr. Beckett,
can you adjust our course?

I don't have enough power.
I can keep firing or pull us up,

which is it gonna be?

Keep firing, Dr. Beckett.

- How's it coming, Rodney?
- I got it!

I'm dialing the alpha site now!

Shields are about to collapse.
We can't take another hit.

All right, let's move!

They did it.

The Hive has been destroyed.

Atlantis, this is SGC, well done.

Thanks for the kind words, Colonel,
but I wouldn't pop the champagne.

We've lost orbit, and Dr. Beckett
is unable to compensate.

We're going in.

Do you have enough shield
to survive re-entry?

We're about to find out.

Atlantis, this is SGC, do you read?


We've been monitoring radio chatter.

Several vessels in the North Pacific

have reported a giant fireball
streaking across the sky.

Atlantis, this is SGC, do you read?

Atlantis, this is SGC,
please respond.

SGC, this is Atlantis.

Nice to hear from you again,

Mr. Woolsey,
you gave us quite a scare.

Sorry about that.

We've completed our re-entry,
and we're still in one piece.

Dr. Beckett thinks
he can bring us in over water,

but you might wanna alert the Navy.

It's gonna be close.


We are tracking them again.

We should be able to project

coordinates for splashdown.

Walter, you'd better get me
the president.

It looks like
Atlantis is coming home.

- Well, how you feeling?
- I'm ready to get outta here.

Take your time.
The City's pretty banged up.

Even with the ZPMs,
we're not going anywhere for a while.

And when they fix it,

you really think they're gonna let us
take it back to Pegasus?

I'll make sure you get home.

This is my home.

Am I interrupting?

No, I was just leaving.

I heard you died
and came back to life.

Pretty much.


there's a few things
I still need to do.

You up for taking a walk?

- I don't see why not.
- Good.

There's something you should see.

So, all is well.
Your homeworld was saved,

you and your friends survived,

and all thanks
to my zero-point modules.

That's right.

Question is,
what would happen next time?

Is there going to be a next time?

You have room for two more?

Of course.

Welcome to Earth.

No one can see us, right?

We managed to activate the cloak
before we came in too close.

This entire area
is under naval quarantine.

So this is where everyone went, huh?

You okay?

I'm alive,

and I've got you.

What else do I need?

Nice view.

Yes, it is.