Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008–2019): Season 4, Episode 7 - Darkness on Umbara - full transcript

During an assault on the shadowy world of Umbara, General Skywalker is called back to Coruscant. He has to relinquish command of the 501st legion to legendary Jedi Master Krell, who turns out to have a low opinion of Clones.

War in the Expansion Region!

As the Separatists tighten their grip
over vital but isolated supply routes,

the Republic launches a lightning strike

into a remote, ghost nebula,
to control the strategic system of Umbara.

Republic forces smash
through the Separatist blockade

in an effort to claim the shadowy world.

Masters Krell and Tiin will be
supporting my troops in the south,

while Anakin's battalion comes in
from the north

and takes out enemy reinforcements.

It is imperative
that we conquer the capital city

as quickly as possible,

and hold it.

Our biggest problem
is gonna be the local militia.

The Umbarans have aligned themselves
with the Separatists

and are heavily armed.

ARC Trooper Fives will be
assisting my units on special assignment.

Ready to do my part, General Skywalker.

- Nice to have you on board.
- Just like old times, Rex.

Remember, Anakin, Cody and I will be
12 clicks to your south.

We're counting on you
to take out those local fighters,

or, I'm afraid,
the capital will never surrender.

Does my battalion
have to do everything?

You seem to always volunteer.

All right, let's go!

There's a lot of surface fire.

They ain't got nothing we can't handle,

- You hanging in there, Tup?
- So far so good, Captain.

General Skywalker,
I've turned the lights out.

Our night vision sensors
are having a tough time in this chop.

I hope we don't overshoot the landing site.

Just get us as close as you can.

Time to lock and load!

- After them, boys!
- All right!

- Let's go!
- Let's do it!

Go, go! Go, go, go!

Give it to them!

Go, go, go!

Take them out! Take them all out!

That's the stuff!


That's it.

Give it to them!

Let's go, let's go!

Go, go! Go, go, go!

The planet has a ridge
at 23 degrees, north-northwest.

Good. We can use it as a staging area.

That's it!
Take them around the right.

Keep moving. We've gotta claim that ridge.
The other battalions are counting on us.

Let's go!

Don't stray too far.

The enemy could have
the whole place rigged with traps.

I can't even see the enemy!

That's why they're called
the Shadow People, Tup.

Everybody, take cover!

Go, go, go!

Look, it's just a vine.
Keep moving, Hardcase.

Yeah, I got it all under control.

That's not right!

Nice work, Fives.

- Hardcase, right?
- Yeah, that's what they call me.

General Kenobi's battalion, sir?

They're pushing towards the capital.

We'll need to move out
as soon as the men are ready.

All platoons have reported in, General.

- Get some rest.
- Thank you, sir.

I'm fine.

The General's giving you an order, Dogma.

Of course, sir!

He's wound tight, but he's loyal.

He kind of reminds me of you.

Maybe, back in the day.

- What is that?
- Look out!

Ambush! They're behind us!

The enemy's circled behind us.

Everybody, we must defend our backs!

Call in an air strike on
the enemy positions.

Let's hope they're not too busy
helping Obi-Wan.

There's an opening to our south.

I recommend we move
all platoons off the ridge

in case the air strike overshoots.

Good thinking, Rex.

Everyone, move out, now!

All here, sir.

Stay covered. We have to hold the position.

Are you sure those bombers are coming?

Good old Odd Ball.

Always on target.

- Glad we got off that ridge.
- Yeah.

That'll teach them.

General Krell's here?

Something big must be going on.

Master Krell,
my thanks for the air support.

Indeed, General Skywalker.

The locals have proven to be
more resourceful than we anticipated.

But that's not the reason for your visit?


The Council has ordered you
back to Coruscant, effective immediately.

What? Why?

I'm afraid a request was made
by the Supreme Chancellor,

and the Council obliged.

That is all they would tell me.

Well, I can't just leave my men.

I'll be taking over in the interim.

Don't worry about a thing, sir.

We'll have this city under Republic control
by the time you're back.

Master Krell, this is Rex,
my first in command.

You won't find a finer
and more loyal trooper anywhere.

Good to hear that.

I wish you well, Skywalker.

Your reputation precedes you, General.
It is an honor to be serving you.

I find it very interesting, Captain,

that you are able to recognize
the value of honor,

for a clone.

Stand at attention when I address you.

Your flattery is duly noted,
but it will not be rewarded.

There's a reason
my command is so effective,

and it's because I do things by the book,
and that includes protocol.

Have all platoons ready
to move out immediately.

That is all.

Quicken that pace, battalion.

This isn't some training course on Kamino.

The new general has a way with words.

He's just trying to keep us on schedule.

By raising everyone's ire?

Either way, he's in charge,
and we've got a job to do.

Just treat him with respect,
and we'll all get along fine.

Do you see that?

Yeah. Ready your weapons.

Anyone else wanna
stop and play with the animals?

Didn't think so.

Now keep moving!

Sir, we've been keeping this pace
for 12 hours now.

The men are getting worn down.

We should rest.

General Krell, the top of this ridge
will make a good place

for the men to make camp.

The men don't need rest.

They need the resolve
to complete the task at hand.

- But, sir...
- CT-7567, are you reading me?

Excuse me, sir?

I asked you a question, CT-7567.

Do you understand the need
to adhere to my strategy?

Sir, the terrain is extremely hostile.

Despite the difficulty of the conditions,
the battalion is making good time.

- These men just need a little break.
- Captain,

do I need to remind you

of this battalion's strategic mission
in conquering this planet?

Look back.

See those platoons?

Their mission is to take this city
and take it swiftly.

Time and rest are luxuries
the Republic cannot afford.

We are the key to this invasion.

The other battalions
are counting on our support.

If we fail, everyone fails!
Do you understand this?

Do all of you understand this?

Now, move on!

Sir, we're ready
to bring our forward platoons in

for a surgical strike
on the city's defenses.

- There won't be any need, Captain.
- Sir?

All platoons will execute a forward assault
along the main route to the city.

But, sir, General Skywalker's plan was
to surprise them with multiple attacks.

If we come in from the main route,

they're likely to engage us
in a full frontal assault.

Change of plans, Captain.
I'm in command now.

With all due respect, General,
we don't know what we are up against.

It might be wiser to think first.

Are you questioning my order?

This battalion will take the main road
straight to the capital.

You will not stop,

and you will not turn back,
regardless of the resistance you meet.

We will attack them with all our troops,
not some sneak attack with a few men.

That is my order.
And you will follow it explicitly.

Do I make myself clear, CT-7567?

Yes, General.

Now, engage!

So, why aren't we sticking
to the original plan,

and probing the city defenses first?

We can do this. Let's take them.

Yeah, leave it to Hardcase
to dive in head first.

The General's new plan is reckless.

You ever think that maybe
the General knows what he is doing?

I know you think this is a bad idea.

I raised my objection
to General Krell's plan,

but he didn't agree.

So, this is it.

What if he's wrong? Then what?

This isn't the time for a debate.
Right now, we have to stay alert.

Eh, it's too quiet out there.

Mines! Nobody move!

Oz is down.

So is Ringo.

Can you sweep them?

There are more over here.

Looks like the whole road's
been booby trapped.

Everyone, watch your step.

We're completely exposed.

Hold your ground!

You want a piece of this?

Uh-oh. I think Hardcase made them mad.

We're blown!

The Umbarans are advancing.

Make them eat heat.

They're coming from all directions!

We don't have any cover!

We need to pull back.

Get them to follow us.
If we can draw them out, we can see them.

If we can see them, we can hit them.

All squads, pull back now!

This can't be good.

Feeble minded clones!

Get in there and save their necks.

Get ready. Here they come!

Stand back.
Hit them with everything you got.

Where are you going?

Get back here!

They're pulling back.


Do you have a malfunction in your design?

You've pulled your forces back
from taking the capital city.

The enemy now has control of this route.

This entire operation
has been compromised,

because of your failure.

General Krell, in case you haven't noticed,
Captain Rex just saved this platoon.

Surely you won't fail to recognize that.


stand down.

Sir. Yes, sir.

Sir, if I may address your accusation,
I followed your orders.

Even in the face of a plan,
that was, in my opinion, severely flawed.

A plan that cost us men.

Not clones! Men!

As sure as it is my duty
to remain loyal to your command,

I also have another duty.
To protect those men.

You have a spark of tenacity, Captain.
I'll give you that.

I know that I don't command
like the Jedi you're used to serving,

certainly not like General Skywalker,
but I have my way.

It may be difficult,
but these are difficult times.

And it's proven effective.

And I suppose your loyalty to your men
is to be commended.

They seem to admire this.

That's important
to an effective commander.

All right, Captain Rex,
your opinion has been noted.


I think he almost complimented you.

It's hard to tell.


Get back! Get back!

The Umbarans must have regrouped
for a counterattack.

Everyone, we must hold this position!

You think General Krell
still intends on taking the capital

using this strategy?

I don't know. I'll get back to you on that
if we survive this battle.