Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993–1999): Season 5, Episode 1 - Apocalypse Rising - full transcript
The war between the Klingons and the Federation is rapidly progressing into a full scale conflict and Starfleet has decided that something must be done. Now that Odo has told Chancellor Gowron is a changeling, Sisko is ordered to infiltrate into the Klingon Empire and expose him. Sisko selects O'Brien, Worf and Odo as the people to go with him, there's only one problem. Odo is still having a great deal of trouble adjusting to his new life as a "solid". His work isn't fulfilling anymore and he's not interested in joining the mission. Sisko doesn't take no for an answer. Meanwhile, the plan is taking shape, with only one problem. Gowron moved his headquarters to Ty'Gokor, heavily fortified and located in a tachyon grid protected asteroid field deep in Klingon space. Gowron is also protected by the Yan-Isleth, his personal security force. Approaching the chancellor unnoticed seems impossible.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine...
What's wrong?
I... I don't know.
I think you did this to me.
You killed a changeling, Odo.
That's why we forced you
to return home...
to enter the Great Link
and be judged.
What have you done to him?
We made him a solid.
He's one of you now.
I'm reading a heart...
and a digestive system.
It's as if he were... human.
...will be considered
the enemy and fired upon.
it's him.
What about him?
During the Link
I sensed
that the other changelings
were trying
to hide things from me...
faces, names...
one of them was him.
What are you saying?
I'm saying
that he's one of them.
Gowron, the head
of the Klingon Empire
is a changeling.
Where are they?
They should've been back
hours ago.
Maybe the meeting
with Starfleet Command
took longer
than they thought it would.
Why haven't Sisko or Dax
contacted us?
Well, the whole area
they're traveling through
is crawling
with Klingon ships.
The second they use
their subspace transmitter
they become a target.
I never should've let them
leave in a runabout.
I should've insisted
that they take the Defiant.
You did.
But the Captain's orders
were clear.
As long as we're at war
with the Klingons
we need the Defiant here
to help protect the station.
All I know is, I'd hate to be
dodging Klingon raiding parties
in nothing but a runabout.
It would take a fleet
of Klingon ships
to breach
the station's defenses.
I say we take the Defiant
and go look for them.
I'm with Worf.
Glad the two of you
are in agreement.
But, with the Captain gone,
I am in charge of the station
and I say we stay.
You may be in charge
of the station, Major
but I command the Defiant.
Mr. Worf, the Captain
has given us our orders
and I intend for us
to follow them
until he issues new ones.
Hold on a minute.
I'm reading a warp signature
approaching the station.
It is the Rio Grande.
On screen.
Looks like they had a run-in
with some Klingons.
Weapons systems, shields
and com system
are all pretty shot up.
Life signs?
Two: One human, one Trill.
Permission to welcome
the Captain back on board.
Permission granted.
Glad you made it
back in one piece.
So are we.
How was your meeting
with Starfleet Command?
I'm afraid the war
is not going very well.
The Klingons are throwing
everything they have at us.
Starfleet's been able
to slow them down
but that's about all.
It's hard to believe
one changeling
could cause so much chaos.
He can if he's impersonating
the leader
of the Klingon Empire.
So is Starfleet going
to do something
about Chancellor Gowron or not?
Oh, they're going
to do something.
Starfleet's sending
an infiltration team
to Klingon territory.
Their orders are
to do whatever it takes
to prove that Gowron's
a shape-shifter.
Tough assignment.
Who are they sending?
Captain, you're just
in time for Happy Hour.
Do I look happy, Quark?
You think any of these people
looked happy
when they walked in here?
How could they?
There's a war going on.
But they come because they know
I'll do everything in my power
to help them forget
their troubles.
For a reasonable fee, of course.
Now, what can I do for you?
I'm looking for Odo.
Oh, Captain, we all have
our failures, and he's mine.
Ever since he lost
his shape-shifting abilities
I haven't been able to get
a smile out of him.
- Where is he?
- I'm telling you, Captain
that's one depressed
He's upstairs
at his usual table.
Just follow the black cloud.
Listen, Captain...
do you hear it?
You mean the bubbles?
Soothing, isn't it?
You know,
before I became a solid
I never heard that.
I had no sense of taste
so I never paid much attention
to food or drink.
I had no idea
how seductive they could be.
Would you like me
to get you a glass?
I'm on duty.
I'm not.
I thought you were
always on duty.
You know, at first
I found the whole process
of ingestion disgusting.
But now that I've
gotten used to it
I find eating and drinking
to be quite comforting.
It's one of the few things
that you...
that we...
have control over.
Not necessarily.
There's always the temptation
to eat too much,
to drink too much.
One has to find something
to do with one's time.
For some reason,
my work isn't as...
fulfilling as it used to be.
I might be able to do something
about that.
Starfleet has ordered us
to try to expose
the Gowron changeling.
I want you to come with us.
Maybe it would be better
for you to take Deputy Yndar.
There's nothing I can do
that he can't.
I don't need Yndar.
I need you.
What you need is someone who can
turn into Gowron's pet targ.
I can't do that anymore.
What I need
is my Chief of Security.
There will be a staff meeting
at 1600 hours.
I expect you to be there.
to Starfleet Intelligence
Chancellor Gowron has relocated
Klingon military headquarters
to Ty'Gokor.
That will make our job
more difficult.
Ty'Gokor is located
in an asteroid field
deep in Klingon space.
It is probably the most heavily
fortified installation
in the Empire.
There are at least 30 warships
stationed there
at any given time,
and the entire asteroid field
is protected
by a tachyon detection grid.
Which means there's no way
we can get a cloaked ship
within transporter range.
Even if we do find a way
inside, getting close to Gowron
will not be easy.
He is guarded around the clock
by his personal security force,
the Yan-Isleth.
The Brotherhood of the Sword.
Look, I don't want
to sound negative
but even if you do
get to Gowron
how are you going to prove
to the Klingons
he's a changeling?
I doubt he's going
to stand still
and let us take a blood sample.
Klingons are obsessive
about blood screenings.
If he's lasted this long
the changeling
impersonating Gowron
must've already found
a way around them.
There is another option.
We could kill him.
Dead changelings do revert
to their gelatinous state.
Our orders are to expose Gowron,
not assassinate him.
Which is why Starfleet
has given us these.
Very impressive.
What are they?
They're modified
polaron emitters.
Starfleet Science thinks
that exposure
to polaron radiation
will have a destabilizing effect
on changeling physiology.
In other words,
if we use these on Gowron
and he is one of my people
he won't be able to retain
his humanoid shape.
That's the theory.
The problem is,
for it to work properly
you have to activate
all four emitters at once.
With this.
I hate prototypes.
Plus, too much polaron radiation
can be fatal
which means we can only expose
a person once.
Any more than that,
changeling or not
and they could die
from radiation poisoning.
The plan is to smuggle these
into Ty'Gokor.
Once they're set up, they can
cover about 12,000 cubic meters.
So, let me get this straight.
All we have to do
is get past an enemy fleet
avoid a tachyon detection grid
beam into the middle
of Klingon headquarters
and avoid the Brotherhood
of the Sword
long enough to set these things
up and activate them
in front of Gowron.
If we succeed...
there will be many songs sung
in our honor.
Let's hope we're there
to hear them.
Well, the first problem
is how to get you safely
to Ty'Gokor.
That's one I think I can solve.
Major, I must say I'm shocked.
You use my daughter
to lure me here
you're asking me to risk my ship
on some fool's errand
into the Klingon Empire
and you're pregnant.
I hope First Minister Shakaar
what a lucky man he is.
Shakaar's not the father.
But then who is?
Chief O'Brien.
Well, at least
there's one good thing
about your condition.
You won't be going
on this suicidal mission.
It may not be
as hopeless as you think.
How can Sisko be so deluded
to think that he
and three of his crewmen
can infiltrate Klingon
military headquarters?
They'll be caught
in a heartbeat.
maybe not.
What's wrong, Dukat?
Haven't you ever seen
a Klingon before?
I see we're all here.
The ship is ready
for departure, sir.
At your convenience, Gul Dukat.
Captain, I insist we make
a holographic record
of the four of you.
Consider it payment in full
for the use of my vessel.
Maybe after the mission.
After the mission,
you'll all be dead.
Damar, let's not spoil
this special moment
with predictions of doom.
Even you have to appreciate
the... audacity
of Captain Sisko's plan.
Personally, I think
we'd be better off
launching an orbital assault
on Gowron's Command Center.
A full spread
of photon torpedoes
would take care of him,
the Klingon High Command
and everyone else within
a few hundred kilometers.
Ha! You should ask Dukat
for some shore leave.
I think you've been
in space too long.
Why? Because I'm willing
to spill a little Klingon blood
to get the job done?
Shelling Ty'Gokor
won't get the job done.
You'd be lucky
to launch one torpedo
before they shot you down.
Besides, even a dozen
won't penetrate
the shielding around
the Command Center.
Thank you for your input,
Mr. Damar
but we'll stick
to the original plan.
Have you made any progress
with our Klingon identity files?
Oh, don't worry, Captain.
By the time we get to Ty'Gokor
we'll have something
suitably impressive
to plant in their central
computer system.
Our names should be added
to the list of candidates
for the Order of the Bat'leth.
"The Order of the Bat'leth"?
Don't you think
you might be overdoing it?
They'll be inducting
some new members in a few days
and Chancellor Gowron will be
presiding over the ceremony.
That should make
for a very interesting evening.
Here are the results
of the crew physicals.
Ah. Anything interesting?
Lieutenant Vilix'pran
is budding again.
You're kidding.
How many will this make?
Oh, let's see now...
he had two
from the last litter...
four before that...
could be anywhere
from eight to 18.
He'll need
bigger quarters again.
He said the request will be
on your desk in the morning.
I just hope I can survive one.
You're doing great.
Oh, I don't feel great.
You're... positively glowing.
Oh, really?
I think so, but then
I suppose my opinion
doesn't really count.
Oh, it counts,
but don't forget...
this is still your fault.
My fault?!
You performed the transfer
from Keiko to me.
After you volunteered.
After you put the idea
in my head.
After you flew the runabout
into an asteroid field.
After you insisted
we check
on those anomalous bio-scans.
That was Keiko!
That's right, it was,
but I'd rather blame you!
Whatever makes you happy.
I never argue with my patients
or my commanding officer.
You think they'll make it?
They'll make it.
Question is:
Will you be able to give them
their old faces back?
We shall start with you.
I am waiting.
I don't understand.
I am not interested
in excuses.
Are you a Klingon warrior
or an Alverian dung beetle?
I really don't see the point...
Do not look away from me.
I called you a dung beetle.
I heard you.
And what is your response?
You should have
your eyes examined.
This is not going to work.
It is not enough
to look like a Klingon...
one must act like one.
Perhaps it is
better if I went...
Are you questioning
the validity of my plan?!
Very convincing, Captain.
But was it your intention
to challenge me
to a battle to the death?
No, not at all.
Then next time,
do not strike me
with the back of your hand.
Use your fist.
This is more complicated
than I thought.
You should think twice
before insulting
a Klingon like that.
What did I do?
Look at you...
you stand so far away from me.
You speak so softly.
Are you afraid of me
or just disgusted
by my presence?
Klingon warriors speak
proudly to each other!
They do not whisper
or keep their distance!
I'll do better next time.
Keep practicing.
I have no business
being on this mission.
I'm not
a very convincing Klingon.
Then you better work
on becoming one
because, like it or not
you are on this mission.
I'd hate to be
the reason it fails.
Let me worry about that.
I know this has been
a difficult time
for you...
that you would have never
chosen to become a solid...
but what's done is done.
Brooding about it
isn't going to change anything
and shirking
your responsibilities
isn't going to make you feel
better about yourself.
I don't suppose it will.
Then I suggest
you get back in there
and do your job.
What's going on, Dukat?
We're being hailed
by another bird-of-prey.
What are you doing about it?
We're hailing them back.
I wouldn't worry...
this happens all the time.
Sir, they're requesting
visual contact.
By all means.
It's a shame you can't see
the holo-image I'm projecting
over the com system.
I make quite
an imposing Klingon.
Sir, the holo-filter's
not working.
What do you mean
it's not working?
Let me take a look at it.
Sir, they're repeating
the request.
The optronic relays are fused.
Maybe Worf should speak to them.
I might be able to convince...
I have a better idea.
You should have
let me speak to them.
Was that really necessary?!
It was either that, or trust
to Mr. Worf's ability to lie
and frankly, I have more faith
in my weapons.
Get us out of here, Damar.
I want to put as much distance
between us
and that wreckage as possible.
I hope I remember
how to set this thing up.
If that is a joke,
I am not amused.
It's not easy being funny
wearing these teeth.
Well, Captain, I've enjoyed
your company as always
but it appears it is time
we said good-bye.
I don't envy your assignment.
Orbiting this place
for the next day or so
won't be the safest job
in the galaxy either.
Which is why we'll be leaving
as soon as you beam down.
For how long?
I really don't see
any pressing need to come back.
That's not what we agreed to.
I realize that.
But how long do you think
we can stay here undetected
without the holo-filter?
Besides, if you succeed
the war will be over
and you won't need us.
And if you fail...
Did you add our names
to the Commendation List?
I haven't survived this long
by being sloppy, Mr. Worf.
And now...
Jodmos, son of Kobor...
your medal awaits you.
You all right?
I'm fine.
I just wish they'd stop
ringing that bell.
The Hall of Warriors.
You can smell the blood
of history in these stones.
Come. We must celebrate.
Now what?
Now... we celebrate!
How's the view?
You know, you can tell a lot
about people's moods
just by watching them walk
on the Promenade.
When things are going good
people take their time...
window shop,
talk to their friends.
And then there's days
like today.
Everybody's in a hurry.
They can feel the Klingons
breathing down their necks.
Well, I shall have to remember
to walk a little slower.
"Show no fear."
That's my motto.
Ops to Dr. Bashir.
Go ahead, Major.
Report to the Infirmary.
The Armstrong and the Drake
were ambushed
by a Klingon battle group
and they took heavy casualties.
They'll be docking
in a few minutes.
I'm on my way.
Your father's going
to be all right, Jake.
I suppose.
But sometimes I wish that
he wasn't so good at his job.
That way, maybe
every once in a while
they'd give someone else
the tough assignments.
He goes where he's sent.
It's all a part
of wearing the uniform
and I doubt that's
ever going to change.
I was the first
to board their starship.
With one blow from my bat'leth
I beheaded their helmsman
a Tellarite.
The pig didn't even have time
to raise his weapon.
Well, then, I turned
my attention to the Captain
a Benzenite named Laporin.
Ah, he put up a valiant struggle
but in the end,
I ripped the breathing tubes
from his head and...
Brag all you want
but don't get between me
and the bloodwine!
You knew Captain Laporin?
We went to the Academy together.
How long
before Gowron gets here?
Many hours.
He will not appear
until tomorrow morning,
at the earliest.
This is...
an endurance test
as much as it is
a celebration.
It's part
of the Initiation Rite
for the Order
of the Bat'leth.
The idea is to eat, drink,
stay awake all night
and still be clear-eyed when
Gowron arrives for the ceremony.
So, when do we set up
the emitters?
Not until morning.
I don't want to take the chance
of anyone spotting them
once they're in place.
In that case, we might
as well drink up.
It's a pity it doesn't
have any bubbles.
You know, I think I'm actually
beginning to like bloodwine.
It's really not too bad
except for the taste.
Just be thankful
the anti-intoxicant we took
is still working.
Or you would be so drunk
you would not be able to stand.
Not bad.
Captain of the Academy
wrestling team...
22 years ago.
General Martok!
Hail Martok!
The General!
I see him.
What if he recognizes us?
Then we'll have come
a long way for nothing.
- Qapla'.
- Qapla'.
If Martok is here
Gowron will not be far behind.
Let's get it done.
Hold on there.
Don't I know you?
I would be honored
to think so.
I know we have met.
I am Pahash
of the House of Konjah.
The name is not familiar to me
but there is
something about you...
Perhaps we met
on the battlefield.
My regiment fought at Mempa.
Many noble deeds were done
on that dark day.
And yours have become legend.
yes, that must be it.
After the ceremony, would you
honor me with a drink?
We will salute the fallen.
There is something...
very familiar about this face.
Hey, where's Gowron?
What is this?
Get away from me or you
won't live to see Gowron.
I'll take that.
This looks like
some sort of weapon.
Kodrak, my brother!
Ah, you found it.
Found what?
It is a tinghamut.
A what?
A Vulcan toy for children.
The spoils of war
from the raid on Archanis.
If you want one
you will have to find your own.
Give this to your son.
I'll make sure he gets it.
Hail Gowron!
- Gowron!
- Gowron!
Long live Gowron!
Long live the Empire!
Klingon warriors, I salute you!
At least those of you
still on your feet.
This is a great day
for the Empire
a day when we honor you
who have brought us glory
whose deeds of valor
will live on in song and story!
And so, now, here,
in this hallowed hall
under the watchful gaze
of our greatest heroes
you will receive
the highest honor
that can be bestowed
upon a Klingon...
the Order of the Bat'leth!
Gowron! Gowron!
Come forward, H'Ta,
son of Kahmar.
Glory to you
and your House.
This is my place!
Step down.
Find another.
Come forward, T'Vis
son of Barot.
That won't be necessary.
Glory to you
and your House.
Come forward
Huss, daughter of Altrom.
She brings honor to our House!
Glory to you
and your House.
Come forward, Jodmos
son of Kobor.
Glory to you
and your House.
Captain Benjamin Sisko.
I knew I recognized that face.
Seal the room!
It seems we have
some uninvited guests.
Captain, you have no idea
how much I've looked forward
to killing you in battle.
And now your foolishness
has cheated me
of that pleasure.
I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Leave us.
You heard me!
Don't you understand?
You've thrown your lives away
for nothing.
Or did you really think you
could fool us into believing
that Chancellor Gowron
was a Dominion spy?
Gowron is the one
who's fooling you.
And as long as you follow him
the Empire will be nothing
but a pawn of the Founders.
Where's your proof?!
You want proof?
Take our polaron emitters
and use them on Gowron.
Gowron had
your equipment destroyed.
Of course he did.
He had to make sure
he couldn't be tested.
Captain, your mission
was a failure.
For that, you deserve to die.
Would you be happier
if we'd succeeded?
I am a loyal officer
of the Empire.
You think we're right,
don't you?
You believe that Gowron
is a changeling, too.
That would be treason!
Since when is it treasonous
to act in the best interests
of the Empire?
How long have you suspected?
I've known Gowron a long time
and it is no secret
that we have not always agreed
on the way he runs the Empire.
He is a politician.
Too eager to compromise,
too eager to talk.
Last year, he stopped the attack
on Deep Space 9
instead of going to war
with the Federation
and then he changed.
Suddenly, he was the one
calling for war.
I would've thought
that would make you happy.
At first it did.
But after the war began
he started ignoring
the counsel of his generals
throwing aside all wisdom
in his pursuit of victory.
Our losses continue to mount
and still he listens to no one.
No one but the Founders.
There is only one certain way
to expose Gowron
for what he really is.
To prove beyond
a shadow of a doubt
that he is a changeling.
Gowron... must die.
Once he's dead, he'll revert
to his natural form
and all doubt
will be eliminated.
You could challenge him
to honorable combat.
There will be
no honorable combat
no formal challenges.
I will release you
and help you reach
the Hall of Warriors
and then...
you will kill him.
The prisoners will come with me
for further interrogation.
General, I have strict orders
from Gowron himself.
The prisoners are not
to leave this cell.
I see.
Well, we wouldn't want
to disobey the Chancellor.
Follow me.
What? Another toast?
Then let us salute
Rurik the Damned
conqueror of the Zora Fel,
liberator of Vrax.
For the Empire.
Let's go.
Not you.
There's no telling
where your loyalties lie.
What is this?
It is your death!
Lower your weapons.
If this traitor wants a fight
I will give him one.
You want to kill me, Worf?
You're welcome to try.
What are they doing?
Why doesn't Sisko
just shoot him?
I have a better question.
Why isn't Gowron letting
his bodyguards kill Worf?
I'll tell you why.
Klingon honor.
A concept you should
be very familiar with.
My people, on the other hand
don't care about honor.
How did you put it?
"There will be
no honorable combat
no formal challenges."
Hardly the words of a Klingon.
Tell me, General
did Gowron destroy
the polaron emitters
or did you?
Worf, stop!
Martok's the changeling!
Well, looks like we found
our changeling after all.
So the Founders mislead Odo
into thinking I was a spy
hoping that you'd eliminate me
and pave the way for that thing
imitating Martok
to take over the Empire.
That way, the war
between the Federation
and the Klingons
would continue
until both sides were destroyed.
Leaving the Alpha Quadrant wide
open for a Dominion invasion.
That seems to have been
their plan.
And we played right into it.
But they sorely
underestimated Odo here.
Thank you.
If we really want to strike
a blow against the Founders
we have to find a way
to end this war.
That may not be possible.
Why not?
You told us
that the Martok changeling
was the one who pushed for
the attack on the Federation.
True, but if your Klingon blood
wasn't so thin
you'd know
that once battle has begun
there can be no turning back.
You want the war to end?
Then the Federation
must allow us to annex Archanis
and the other worlds
we've seized.
I wouldn't count on that.
But if the fighting stops
and the negotiations begin...
Ah, yes. Talk.
That's right... talk.
The last thing
the Dominion wants.
I will call a meeting
of the High Council.
Advise a temporary cease-fire.
Where Gowron leads,
the Council will follow.
I'll see to it
that you're safely delivered
back to that space station
of yours.
I'd appreciate that.
You have done a great
service to the Empire.
For that, I thank you.
As for you...
you should have killed me
when you had the chance.
I promise
you won't get another.
Now, that's better, isn't it?
I don't know.
I could do
without the ridges, but...
I kind of miss the fangs.
Well, that leaves you, Odo.
It's about time.
I, for one, won't miss
the fangs at all.
Well, you know
Constable, I can give you
any face you like...
Bajoran, human, Trill.
My old face will do
very nicely, thank you.
You heard the man.
Whatever you say.