Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993–1999): Season 3, Episode 19 - Through the Looking Glass - full transcript
Chief O'Brien, suddenly pokes a phaser in Sisko's back and disappears with the captain through the transporter. It soon becomes clear he has been taken to the mirror universe, where Kira and Bashir got stuck earlier. O'Brien tells how their mirror Sisko had been the leader of a rebellion against the Klingon-Cardassian-Bajoran alliance, but he recently died. Sisko tells O'Brien he is not interested in replacing him, but his interest is piqued when O'Brien mentions the name "Jennifer Sisko", and in the mirror universe, Sisko's wife is alive and working for the alliance.
I found 27 voles
in his storeroom.
Vole infestations are not
uncommon on this station.
If you don't believe me,
ask Chief O'Brien.
When I came in
he and Morn were painting
numbers on the voles' backs.
We were just... counting them
to see how many we'd caught.
You were getting ready
to stage a vole fight.
A vole fight?
I'm appalled.
Do you really think that was
what Morn was up to?
Constable, I want the voles
and removed from the station.
You can't confiscate
Morn's voles.
They're like his pets.
I'll see if I can
get him some goldfish.
Now, gentlemen,
if you will excuse me
it's late.
Poor Morn.
This is going
to break his hearts.
Ops is yours, Lieutenant.
You going somewhere, Chief?
Sir, I need to talk to you.
It's kind of private.
We were just leaving.
Come on.
Let's go break the news to Morn.
Do you want to talk
in my office?
Actually, I thought
we might go to my place.
Stand down.
Get on the transporter pad.
energize on my command.
Where are we?
I guess you could say
we just stepped through
the looking glass.
Sit down, make yourself
Right now, I'm not feeling
very comfortable.
There, that's better.
That was a pretty nice move.
I'm glad you liked it.
Of course, it doesn't
change anything.
You can't go home
unless I reconfigure
the transporter
and I'm not about to do that.
I guess you have
a lot of questions.
Not as many as you think.
You know where we are?
If I had to guess
I'd say that this is
the same parallel universe
that two of my crew members
visited a year ago.
Oh, you're quick...
just like our Sisko.
That saves me having to give you
a history lesson
but I better update you
on current events.
Since your officers left here,
we've started a rebellion
against the Klingon-
Cardassian alliance.
We're fighting for our lives.
I wish you luck
but I don't see
what that has to do with me.
It has everything
to do with you.
You were the leader
of the Terran rebellion.
At least,
our Benjamin Sisko was.
Captain Sisko's dead.
The Cardassians
blew up his ship.
Ah, so you want me
to take his place.
Like I said, you're quick.
Well, I've got a better idea.
We're going to walk back
to the transporter pad
and you're going
to send me home.
Wait. Hear me out.
I'm not asking
for a lifetime commitment.
All I need is for you
to finish the mission
Sisko was on
when he was killed.
I'm sorry, but you're going
to have to find someone else.
I don't belong here
and I'm not about to interfere
with events going on
in this universe.
At least let me tell
you about the mission.
Then, if you decide not to help,
I'll send you home.
There's a Terran scientist
working for the Alliance.
Our sources tell us
she's close to completing
a new transpectral sensor array
that will allow the Alliance
to locate our bases
in the Badlands.
Without a safe place to hide,
the Alliance will be able
to track us down
and kill us all.
So, you want me
to prevent this scientist
from finishing her project?
Captain Sisko was convinced
he could change her mind--
get her to work for us instead.
How did he plan to do that?
She was his wife.
You know her?
She was my wife, too
but, in my universe,
she's dead.
Not here she isn't...
not yet, anyway.
What do you mean "not yet"?
Unless you can persuade
Professor Sisko
to join our cause
we'll have no choice
but to kill her.
Kill her?
We cannot let her finish
the sensor array.
It'd mean the end
of the rebellion.
I can't let her die...
not again.
You're the only one
who can save her.
Mmm. Delectable.
And so are you.
Mr. Garak said
you wanted to see me.
Join us.
If you're wondering
when the new sensor array
will be finished,
the answer is...
"As soon as possible."
I know.
Will that be all?
I have to get back to work.
I have news of your husband.
Nothing you could tell me
about Ben would interest me.
I haven't even seen him
in five years.
Oh, I know that
and I hope that will make this
easier for you.
You see...
Benjamin is dead.
Can I go now?
You must have
loved him very much
to be so angry with him,
to become so cold.
Were there other Terrans
killed with him?
Oh, a whole ship full.
All of this killing--
it has to stop.
And it Will.
As soon as you complete
your transpectral sensors
we'll be able locate
the rebel bases
disarm them
and put an end
to all this bloodshed
and I will be able to resume
pressing the Alliance
to become more reasonable
to its Terran population.
You do believe me, don't you?
So it's agreed.
I help you get Jennifer
away from the Alliance
and then you get me home.
You get us Jennifer,
you can have anything you want.
I just hope you can convince her
to leave Terok Nor.
I don't understand
what Jennifer is doing
helping the Alliance
in the first place.
I mean, didn't she know
that Sisko was leading
the rebellion?
She knew, all right.
The truth is,
she and Captain Sisko
didn't get along too well.
Then again, the Captain
didn't really
get along with anyone.
In some ways, the rebellion's
better off without him.
Don't get me wrong.
The Captain knew how to fight.
But that's about all he knew.
You don't look
very confident, Chief.
Well, you better start
calling me "Smiley."
That's what the Captain
called me.
All right, Smiley.
I just wish we had more
time to get you ready.
I probably haven't told you
half of what you need to know.
I hope you don't run up
against too many surprises.
If I do, I guess I'll
just have to improvise.
I told Sisko he'd never
get close to Terok Nor
and I was right.
I say we teach
the Alliance a lesson--
throw everything
we've got at Terok Nor
and rip it to pieces.
I disagree.
Following your suggestion
would do nothing
to enhance our goals
and would result in
a significant loss of life.
That's easy for you to say.
Those Cardassian pigs
didn't kill your brother.
We've all suffered losses
at the hands of the Alliance.
logic dictates caution
in the face of a superior enemy.
Logic isn't going
to win us our freedom.
We have to take action.
And we will.
But this time, we do it my way.
And what do you propose we do?
We smuggle explosives
aboard the station
plant them in her quarters
and detonate them.
You realize it is
highly unlikely
that anyone assigned to such
a mission would survive.
I say it's worth the risk.
Does that mean
you're volunteering for the job?
Captain, you're alive.
Of course he's alive.
You can't kill the Captain.
He's too ornery.
I hope that doesn't
disappoint anyone.
We're glad you're all right.
I'm sure you are.
We heard your fighter
was destroyed.
The Alliance said you were dead.
Just their propaganda
machine working overtime.
But you know what
all that tells me?
They're scared.
And we're going to give them
plenty of reason to stay...
Well, well, well...
it's about time you came back.
That's to let you
know I missed you.
And that's for letting
me think you were dead.
I'm glad to see you still care.
You coming or not?
I thought you told me
I was married.
Well, you are, technically
but she's your mistress.
I see what you meant
by surprises.
I'm really glad you're alive.
And I'm going to make you
glad you're alive.
We have a lot of planning to do.
It can wait.
I suppose it can at that.
Well, these progress
reports are unacceptable.
in the ore processing center
is down 15 percent.
You have got to do better.
Or are you purposely
trying to make me look
bad to Sector Command?
Not at all!
I've done everything
I can think of
to motivate the workers.
Such as?
Bribes, uh, torture...
I've even given
overseers permission
to execute any worker
not meeting the quota.
Well, I'm sure that
pleases the overseers
but it is not
getting the job done.
Follow me.
Let's start with, uh...
him, him and her.
And do what?
Execute them.
I think you'll find that random
and unprovoked executions
will keep your workforce
alert and motivated.
I bow to your brilliance.
Let's go.
You, too.
Though I do hope
your mood improves
before we run out of workers.
What does my mood have
to do with anything?
If you don't mind my saying,
I have noticed a certain amount
of ill humor
on your part lately.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
As I recall,
it began about the time
you learned
of Captain Sisko's death.
Now, why would I be upset
by such delightful news?
Well, I was
under the impression that you
were rather fond of him.
Well, then you were mistaken.
Well, I will say this for him--
he did have spirit.
Too much spirit can be
a dangerous thing.
Tends to... infect others.
Well, that's something
we won't have to worry
about, at least.
With Sisko's death
and the imminent completion
of the transpectral
sensor array, the rebellion
is certain to collapse.
You seem very sure of yourself.
I am.
I'll remember that.
If the rebellion continues,
I'll know who to blame.
Are you sure these Alliance
patrol patterns are accurate?
You tell me.
You gathered the information.
Oh, that's right.
Are you okay?
You seem a little distracted.
Just thinking.
I've been thinking, too.
You know we've been fighting
against the Alliance
for almost a year now.
And what has it gotten us?
Sometimes I think
we were better off
when we were collecting
tribute for the intendant.
Those days are gone.
Maybe... but I'm tired
of living like this.
The rebellion's a lost cause
and we both know it.
Don't you want to see
the Terrans gain their freedom?
Have you taken a good look
at your troops lately?
They're nothing but ex-slaves
with delusions of grandeur.
They'll never overthrow
the Alliance.
Let's just get a ship and go.
Forget all about the rebellion.
I'm not ready
to give up just yet.
It's not like you're going
to have much choice.
Once that witch you married
her new sensor array
Alliance ships are going
to be all over these Badlands.
We're going to have
no place to hide.
Then I guess we'll just have
to make sure she doesn't finish.
Trying to reach Terok Nor
using small fighters didn't work
but we need to get
Jennifer off that station
and we need to get
her off there soon!
We have been meaning
to talk to you about that.
Mr. Bashir is not convinced
that you can persuade
your former mate
to join our cause.
I can be very persuasive.
I don't even know why we're
bothering to discuss this.
The Cardassians
destroyed your ship
way before it got even
close to Terok Nor...
Hit him.
That's what the Captain
would do.
Go on, hit him!
...convince your wife
of anything!
Let's face it, Captain,
the woman hates you.
What my wife thinks of me
is none of your concern.
Anyone else want to disagree
with the Captain?
Put it away, Dax.
Go on!
Put it away!
No one is questioning
your authority, Captain
but we have to stop her
before she finishes
the sensor array.
And there's only one
sure way to do that.
We have to kill her.
You've been saying
that all along.
Well, maybe it's time...
he listened.
Killing her would
be a lot easier
than trying to get her
away from the Alliance.
Easier, but not smarter.
If she's that important
to the Alliance
think how important
she could be to us.
We could use a scientist
on our side.
You tell them, Smiley.
At least someone here
is using his brain.
Oh, think about it.
Who knows what other weapons
the Alliance is developing?
Someone like Professor Sisko
could counteract anything
they come up with.
She's valuable.
We need her!
All right...
does anyone disagree?
Now let's get to work.
Tell the intendant
what you told me.
It's about Captain Sisko.
He's alive.
He was able to get off his ship
before it exploded.
I suppose it's possible.
It's more than possible.
It's true.
But I can tell you how
to get your hands on him...
if you're interested.
Don't do that.
Can't help it-- it itches.
I hope this works.
It'll work,
just stop scratching.
You know, you did
pretty good back there.
I don't think anyone suspected
you weren't Captain Sisko.
At least,
not once you hit Bashir.
But you and I both know
that was just a warm-up.
Jennifer is the one
I really have to convince.
I guess seeing her
isn't going to be easy for you.
How long's it been
since your wife died?
Five years.
Well, just remember
Jennifer may look like her,
but she's not.
She's a completely
different person.
I'll try to remember that.
Do you have any idea
what went wrong
between her and Captain Sisko?
From what I heard
they never should have been
together in the first place.
She came from one of the few
privileged Terran families.
People who cooperated
with the Alliance.
The Captain fought his way up
from the mines.
What is she like, this Jennifer?
I don't know.
They'd separated by the time
I got to know the Captain.
What was your Jennifer like?
She was the kindest,
most caring person I ever knew.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Hold on.
I'm reading a slight energy
distortion in subspace.
What are the coordinates?
It's coming from all around us.
You know, Captain Sisko
would try to fight
his way out of this.
Be glad I'm not him.
if it isn't
the notorious Captain Sisko
and his friend, the Tinkerer.
I'm glad to see you,
too, intendant.
Still the same old Benjamin.
You wouldn't have it
any other way.
Um, perhaps not
but I'm still going to kill you.
Maybe, but not right away.
You flatter yourself.
Not unjustly, I hope.
Please, let me teach him
some manners.
All in good time.
But first...
whatever shall we do
about O'Brien?
I remember the first time
I saw you, Tinkerer
you were fixing something.
You were always fixing things,
making things better
and everyone loved you for it.
Even me.
But that just wasn't
enough for you, was it?
You couldn't be happy
staying here, being loved.
You had to lash out
and betray everyone
who was ever good to you.
I wanted to be free.
You're a Terran.
You were born a slave,
and you'll die a slave.
Take him to ore processing.
Remind him where he belongs.
And what about Sisko?
Take me
to the intendant's quarters.
Then she'll decide
what do with me.
Of all the impudent...!
Do as he says.
Intendant, I demand
that this man be...
You... demand?
You promised me he'd die.
And he will...
when I say...
and not a moment before.
Shall we?
After you.
I really don't know
what to do with you.
I sympathize.
It's a difficult decision
but I'm sure you'll
come up with something.
The only reason I can think of
to keep you alive
is to infuriate Garak.
What better reason do you need?
Well, suppose...
I let you live.
What will I get in return?
What do you want?
Your loyalty.
That's all I've ever wanted.
For you to be at my side,
my strong right arm.
But I'm afraid I can
never trust you again.
Which means...
that I will have
to dispose of you eventually.
The question is should
it be sooner or later?
Do I get a vote?
Of course you do.
It just doesn't count.
I've got to think about this.
You will let me know
what you decide.
I wouldn't dream
of keeping it a secret.
Hello, Ben.
Please, leave us.
What, and miss this
touching reunion?
You heard her.
If you need anyone
to beat him
into submission for you
please don't hesitate
to call me.
All right, I'm here.
What did you want
to see me about?
I was hoping we could talk.
You never seemed interested
in talking to me
while we were married.
I made a lot of mistakes
back then.
Save the apologies, Ben.
They're not going to work.
You are, without a doubt
the most insensitive,
self-absorbed, egotistical...
You've made your point.
I doubt it.
You never listened to me before.
You were always too busy
trying to impress
every woman
who crossed your path.
Were there really that many?
There were enough.
And if it wasn't women,
then it was that ship of yours.
Sometimes I think it was
the only thing you ever loved.
Maybe I loved you both.
Then why did you leave me
to go run and play pirate
for the intendant?
That's a good question.
Now this rebellion of yours.
Do you know
how many deaths you've caused?
How much destruction?
I'm fighting
to help free our people.
You're fighting
because you like to fight,
The only thing
you've accomplished
is to give the Alliance
an excuse
to treat the Terrans
worse than before.
I just hope that,
with your capture
this rebellion
can be ended peacefully.
Who said I'd been captured?
Oh, I suppose you came here
just to see me.
Actually, I came here
to rescue you.
Rescue me?
That's what I said.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
You can't stay here.
I have a job to finish.
You mean the sensor array?
That's right.
If you finish the array,
you'll destroy
any hope our people have
for a better future.
I don't think you want that.
All I want to do is put an end
to all this fighting
to force the rebels to seek
a peaceful settlement
with the Alliance.
It's not that simple.
The Alliance isn't interested
in a peaceful settlement.
If we lay down our arms,
we'll all be killed.
The rebellion
is killing people every day.
It has to stop.
Not this way.
Not while the Terrans are still
at the mercy of the Alliance.
They're your own people,
You have no right
to talk to me like that.
Since when do you care about
what happens to our people?
You've never cared about anyone
but yourself.
Maybe I've changed
in the past few years.
Oh, how many times
have I heard you say that?
I guess I was
a pretty lousy husband.
You guess?
Look, I know it's too late
for an apology.
You're right about that.
But for what it's worth...
I'm sorry.
What is it?
For a second,
I almost believed you.
You know what I wish?
I wish I'd never met you.
And I wish things could have
been better between us
but this isn't about us...
or is it?
Why are you working
for the Alliance?
Is it because you believe
in what they're doing
or is it something else?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I think the two of us have been
fighting each other so long
that you've gotten used to us
being on opposite sides
but I'm not the enemy
this time, Jennifer.
The Alliance is.
The Alliance is your enemy,
not mine.
That's where you're wrong.
Don't you see?
You're no different
than the slaves
in the ore processing center.
In fact, you may
even be worse off.
At least they know
they're prisoners.
What if I am a prisoner?
You don't have to be.
Fight back.
Come with me.
You want me to join
the rebellion?
The way I see it
freedom is a whole lot better
than slavery.
Think about it.
Took him long enough.
What are you doing?
Sending a message.
You have a sub-dermal
Courtesy of the Ferengi.
Jennifer, I need an answer!
Are you coming with me or not?
Do I have a choice?
Of course you do.
If you want, you can
go back to your quarters
and forget we ever spoke.
It's up to you.
All right
but let's get one thing clear.
What's that?
I still hate you.
I know.
What are you doing down there?
I'm rerouting
the central ODN processor.
The intendant's orders.
I don't recall receiving
clearance for any repairs.
You don't say.
Get him!
All right!
Anyone who wants to get
out of here, follow me!
Come on!
You still haven't told me
where we're going.
Airlock 7.
There should be a ship
waiting there for us
providing we can get there
before the security
systems reactivate.
Did you look in there?
Get back.
Now what?
Uh, I'll think of something.
Good work, Smiley.
Yeah, the only problem is
there's 30 more
of them behind us.
Then we better get
to the airlock.
Come on.
Something tells me
that's not part of your plan.
We'd better find
another way out of here.
Got any suggestions?
Fall back!
That was very clever, Benjamin--
having one of your own men
betray you, so you could
get aboard the station.
I was completely fooled.
Fortunately, Mr. Garak
is somewhat more cynical
than I am.
Your Ferengi friend
informed us of your entire plan.
With a little persuasion
of course.
I'm afraid there's no escape.
Your ship's locked down.
Your pilot's dead.
There's no way out.
You might as well surrender.
If we surrender, she'll kill us.
Maybe us...
but not Jennifer.
What if we offer her a trade?
I stay here
and she lets you live.
Benjamin, you know
how I hate to be kept waiting.
I came a long way
to get you out of here
and I'm not going
to leave without you.
What is it?
how far is the ore
processing center?
Only a couple of levels.
Time's up, Benjamin.
He always has
to make things difficult.
It's one of his least
endearing qualities.
Smiley, seal the door!
it's easy for you to say.
I'm going to get you
out of here.
I promise.
I believe you.
I don't know
what you're up to, Captain
but there's no way
out of this room
except through that door.
Don't worry, I know
what I'm doing.
I just hope your
Terok Nor was designed
by the same Cardassian
that built my Terok Nor.
Are you sure they're in there?
Then we've got them.
Use the manual override
to open the doors.
This time, intendant
I trust you're not
going to be so lenient
on our dear Mr. Sisko.
Don't worry.
He's disappointed me
for the last time.
Oh, Jennifer.
Ah, I was so worried about you
but you're safe now.
In fact...
I can assure you
that your husband will
never annoy you again.
for the first time
since I've met him,
he's not annoying me.
In fact,
he's making a lot of sense.
Well, he can be very persuasive
when he wants to be.
I suppose this means
you won't be finishing
the sensor array.
I'm a Terran.
Keep her alive.
Kill the others.
Oh, I wouldn't.
You'd be making a mistake.
The only mistake I made
was not executing
you in the first place.
You don't know
how right you are.
I have activated the station's
self-destruct sequence.
Unless I disarm it
this whole place will
blow up in nine minutes.
That's impossible.
There's no way you could know
the station's
command access code.
Computer, disengage
self-destruct sequence.
Authorization Kira
Authorization denied.
I changed it.
You have eight minutes
and 30 seconds to let us go.
Otherwise, we all die.
Don't listen to him.
He's bluffing.
He's not bluffing.
How do you know?
I know.
Give me the new access code...
and I'll let you go.
I will give you the access code
once my friends and I
are safely away
from the station.
Do we have a deal?
This isn't over, Benjamin.
I'll hunt you down.
I swear it.
You're welcome to try.
Well, I'm glad to see
the two of you
are getting along.
We have a lot in common.
He's all yours.
Dax tells me you're leaving.
I thought I'd pay
the Romulans a visit
see if I can convince
them to help us.
Then I guess this is good-bye.
there's so much
I want to tell you.
I just don't know
where to start.
Why don't you start
by telling me
what happened to my husband.
He's dead, isn't he?
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Who are you...
It's a long story.
But ask Smiley.
He can fill you in
on the details.
He seems like a good man.
He does at that.
what are you going to do now?
Oh, I'm sure Smiley will find
something to keep me busy.
You're not really going to visit
the Romulans, are you?
The deal was that I get you
off the station
and then I go home.
Will I see you again?
I don't know.
Thank you for rescuing me.
It was my pleasure.
Ready, Captain?
You'd better go.
Take me home, Smiley.
in his storeroom.
Vole infestations are not
uncommon on this station.
If you don't believe me,
ask Chief O'Brien.
When I came in
he and Morn were painting
numbers on the voles' backs.
We were just... counting them
to see how many we'd caught.
You were getting ready
to stage a vole fight.
A vole fight?
I'm appalled.
Do you really think that was
what Morn was up to?
Constable, I want the voles
and removed from the station.
You can't confiscate
Morn's voles.
They're like his pets.
I'll see if I can
get him some goldfish.
Now, gentlemen,
if you will excuse me
it's late.
Poor Morn.
This is going
to break his hearts.
Ops is yours, Lieutenant.
You going somewhere, Chief?
Sir, I need to talk to you.
It's kind of private.
We were just leaving.
Come on.
Let's go break the news to Morn.
Do you want to talk
in my office?
Actually, I thought
we might go to my place.
Stand down.
Get on the transporter pad.
energize on my command.
Where are we?
I guess you could say
we just stepped through
the looking glass.
Sit down, make yourself
Right now, I'm not feeling
very comfortable.
There, that's better.
That was a pretty nice move.
I'm glad you liked it.
Of course, it doesn't
change anything.
You can't go home
unless I reconfigure
the transporter
and I'm not about to do that.
I guess you have
a lot of questions.
Not as many as you think.
You know where we are?
If I had to guess
I'd say that this is
the same parallel universe
that two of my crew members
visited a year ago.
Oh, you're quick...
just like our Sisko.
That saves me having to give you
a history lesson
but I better update you
on current events.
Since your officers left here,
we've started a rebellion
against the Klingon-
Cardassian alliance.
We're fighting for our lives.
I wish you luck
but I don't see
what that has to do with me.
It has everything
to do with you.
You were the leader
of the Terran rebellion.
At least,
our Benjamin Sisko was.
Captain Sisko's dead.
The Cardassians
blew up his ship.
Ah, so you want me
to take his place.
Like I said, you're quick.
Well, I've got a better idea.
We're going to walk back
to the transporter pad
and you're going
to send me home.
Wait. Hear me out.
I'm not asking
for a lifetime commitment.
All I need is for you
to finish the mission
Sisko was on
when he was killed.
I'm sorry, but you're going
to have to find someone else.
I don't belong here
and I'm not about to interfere
with events going on
in this universe.
At least let me tell
you about the mission.
Then, if you decide not to help,
I'll send you home.
There's a Terran scientist
working for the Alliance.
Our sources tell us
she's close to completing
a new transpectral sensor array
that will allow the Alliance
to locate our bases
in the Badlands.
Without a safe place to hide,
the Alliance will be able
to track us down
and kill us all.
So, you want me
to prevent this scientist
from finishing her project?
Captain Sisko was convinced
he could change her mind--
get her to work for us instead.
How did he plan to do that?
She was his wife.
You know her?
She was my wife, too
but, in my universe,
she's dead.
Not here she isn't...
not yet, anyway.
What do you mean "not yet"?
Unless you can persuade
Professor Sisko
to join our cause
we'll have no choice
but to kill her.
Kill her?
We cannot let her finish
the sensor array.
It'd mean the end
of the rebellion.
I can't let her die...
not again.
You're the only one
who can save her.
Mmm. Delectable.
And so are you.
Mr. Garak said
you wanted to see me.
Join us.
If you're wondering
when the new sensor array
will be finished,
the answer is...
"As soon as possible."
I know.
Will that be all?
I have to get back to work.
I have news of your husband.
Nothing you could tell me
about Ben would interest me.
I haven't even seen him
in five years.
Oh, I know that
and I hope that will make this
easier for you.
You see...
Benjamin is dead.
Can I go now?
You must have
loved him very much
to be so angry with him,
to become so cold.
Were there other Terrans
killed with him?
Oh, a whole ship full.
All of this killing--
it has to stop.
And it Will.
As soon as you complete
your transpectral sensors
we'll be able locate
the rebel bases
disarm them
and put an end
to all this bloodshed
and I will be able to resume
pressing the Alliance
to become more reasonable
to its Terran population.
You do believe me, don't you?
So it's agreed.
I help you get Jennifer
away from the Alliance
and then you get me home.
You get us Jennifer,
you can have anything you want.
I just hope you can convince her
to leave Terok Nor.
I don't understand
what Jennifer is doing
helping the Alliance
in the first place.
I mean, didn't she know
that Sisko was leading
the rebellion?
She knew, all right.
The truth is,
she and Captain Sisko
didn't get along too well.
Then again, the Captain
didn't really
get along with anyone.
In some ways, the rebellion's
better off without him.
Don't get me wrong.
The Captain knew how to fight.
But that's about all he knew.
You don't look
very confident, Chief.
Well, you better start
calling me "Smiley."
That's what the Captain
called me.
All right, Smiley.
I just wish we had more
time to get you ready.
I probably haven't told you
half of what you need to know.
I hope you don't run up
against too many surprises.
If I do, I guess I'll
just have to improvise.
I told Sisko he'd never
get close to Terok Nor
and I was right.
I say we teach
the Alliance a lesson--
throw everything
we've got at Terok Nor
and rip it to pieces.
I disagree.
Following your suggestion
would do nothing
to enhance our goals
and would result in
a significant loss of life.
That's easy for you to say.
Those Cardassian pigs
didn't kill your brother.
We've all suffered losses
at the hands of the Alliance.
logic dictates caution
in the face of a superior enemy.
Logic isn't going
to win us our freedom.
We have to take action.
And we will.
But this time, we do it my way.
And what do you propose we do?
We smuggle explosives
aboard the station
plant them in her quarters
and detonate them.
You realize it is
highly unlikely
that anyone assigned to such
a mission would survive.
I say it's worth the risk.
Does that mean
you're volunteering for the job?
Captain, you're alive.
Of course he's alive.
You can't kill the Captain.
He's too ornery.
I hope that doesn't
disappoint anyone.
We're glad you're all right.
I'm sure you are.
We heard your fighter
was destroyed.
The Alliance said you were dead.
Just their propaganda
machine working overtime.
But you know what
all that tells me?
They're scared.
And we're going to give them
plenty of reason to stay...
Well, well, well...
it's about time you came back.
That's to let you
know I missed you.
And that's for letting
me think you were dead.
I'm glad to see you still care.
You coming or not?
I thought you told me
I was married.
Well, you are, technically
but she's your mistress.
I see what you meant
by surprises.
I'm really glad you're alive.
And I'm going to make you
glad you're alive.
We have a lot of planning to do.
It can wait.
I suppose it can at that.
Well, these progress
reports are unacceptable.
in the ore processing center
is down 15 percent.
You have got to do better.
Or are you purposely
trying to make me look
bad to Sector Command?
Not at all!
I've done everything
I can think of
to motivate the workers.
Such as?
Bribes, uh, torture...
I've even given
overseers permission
to execute any worker
not meeting the quota.
Well, I'm sure that
pleases the overseers
but it is not
getting the job done.
Follow me.
Let's start with, uh...
him, him and her.
And do what?
Execute them.
I think you'll find that random
and unprovoked executions
will keep your workforce
alert and motivated.
I bow to your brilliance.
Let's go.
You, too.
Though I do hope
your mood improves
before we run out of workers.
What does my mood have
to do with anything?
If you don't mind my saying,
I have noticed a certain amount
of ill humor
on your part lately.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
As I recall,
it began about the time
you learned
of Captain Sisko's death.
Now, why would I be upset
by such delightful news?
Well, I was
under the impression that you
were rather fond of him.
Well, then you were mistaken.
Well, I will say this for him--
he did have spirit.
Too much spirit can be
a dangerous thing.
Tends to... infect others.
Well, that's something
we won't have to worry
about, at least.
With Sisko's death
and the imminent completion
of the transpectral
sensor array, the rebellion
is certain to collapse.
You seem very sure of yourself.
I am.
I'll remember that.
If the rebellion continues,
I'll know who to blame.
Are you sure these Alliance
patrol patterns are accurate?
You tell me.
You gathered the information.
Oh, that's right.
Are you okay?
You seem a little distracted.
Just thinking.
I've been thinking, too.
You know we've been fighting
against the Alliance
for almost a year now.
And what has it gotten us?
Sometimes I think
we were better off
when we were collecting
tribute for the intendant.
Those days are gone.
Maybe... but I'm tired
of living like this.
The rebellion's a lost cause
and we both know it.
Don't you want to see
the Terrans gain their freedom?
Have you taken a good look
at your troops lately?
They're nothing but ex-slaves
with delusions of grandeur.
They'll never overthrow
the Alliance.
Let's just get a ship and go.
Forget all about the rebellion.
I'm not ready
to give up just yet.
It's not like you're going
to have much choice.
Once that witch you married
her new sensor array
Alliance ships are going
to be all over these Badlands.
We're going to have
no place to hide.
Then I guess we'll just have
to make sure she doesn't finish.
Trying to reach Terok Nor
using small fighters didn't work
but we need to get
Jennifer off that station
and we need to get
her off there soon!
We have been meaning
to talk to you about that.
Mr. Bashir is not convinced
that you can persuade
your former mate
to join our cause.
I can be very persuasive.
I don't even know why we're
bothering to discuss this.
The Cardassians
destroyed your ship
way before it got even
close to Terok Nor...
Hit him.
That's what the Captain
would do.
Go on, hit him!
...convince your wife
of anything!
Let's face it, Captain,
the woman hates you.
What my wife thinks of me
is none of your concern.
Anyone else want to disagree
with the Captain?
Put it away, Dax.
Go on!
Put it away!
No one is questioning
your authority, Captain
but we have to stop her
before she finishes
the sensor array.
And there's only one
sure way to do that.
We have to kill her.
You've been saying
that all along.
Well, maybe it's time...
he listened.
Killing her would
be a lot easier
than trying to get her
away from the Alliance.
Easier, but not smarter.
If she's that important
to the Alliance
think how important
she could be to us.
We could use a scientist
on our side.
You tell them, Smiley.
At least someone here
is using his brain.
Oh, think about it.
Who knows what other weapons
the Alliance is developing?
Someone like Professor Sisko
could counteract anything
they come up with.
She's valuable.
We need her!
All right...
does anyone disagree?
Now let's get to work.
Tell the intendant
what you told me.
It's about Captain Sisko.
He's alive.
He was able to get off his ship
before it exploded.
I suppose it's possible.
It's more than possible.
It's true.
But I can tell you how
to get your hands on him...
if you're interested.
Don't do that.
Can't help it-- it itches.
I hope this works.
It'll work,
just stop scratching.
You know, you did
pretty good back there.
I don't think anyone suspected
you weren't Captain Sisko.
At least,
not once you hit Bashir.
But you and I both know
that was just a warm-up.
Jennifer is the one
I really have to convince.
I guess seeing her
isn't going to be easy for you.
How long's it been
since your wife died?
Five years.
Well, just remember
Jennifer may look like her,
but she's not.
She's a completely
different person.
I'll try to remember that.
Do you have any idea
what went wrong
between her and Captain Sisko?
From what I heard
they never should have been
together in the first place.
She came from one of the few
privileged Terran families.
People who cooperated
with the Alliance.
The Captain fought his way up
from the mines.
What is she like, this Jennifer?
I don't know.
They'd separated by the time
I got to know the Captain.
What was your Jennifer like?
She was the kindest,
most caring person I ever knew.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Hold on.
I'm reading a slight energy
distortion in subspace.
What are the coordinates?
It's coming from all around us.
You know, Captain Sisko
would try to fight
his way out of this.
Be glad I'm not him.
if it isn't
the notorious Captain Sisko
and his friend, the Tinkerer.
I'm glad to see you,
too, intendant.
Still the same old Benjamin.
You wouldn't have it
any other way.
Um, perhaps not
but I'm still going to kill you.
Maybe, but not right away.
You flatter yourself.
Not unjustly, I hope.
Please, let me teach him
some manners.
All in good time.
But first...
whatever shall we do
about O'Brien?
I remember the first time
I saw you, Tinkerer
you were fixing something.
You were always fixing things,
making things better
and everyone loved you for it.
Even me.
But that just wasn't
enough for you, was it?
You couldn't be happy
staying here, being loved.
You had to lash out
and betray everyone
who was ever good to you.
I wanted to be free.
You're a Terran.
You were born a slave,
and you'll die a slave.
Take him to ore processing.
Remind him where he belongs.
And what about Sisko?
Take me
to the intendant's quarters.
Then she'll decide
what do with me.
Of all the impudent...!
Do as he says.
Intendant, I demand
that this man be...
You... demand?
You promised me he'd die.
And he will...
when I say...
and not a moment before.
Shall we?
After you.
I really don't know
what to do with you.
I sympathize.
It's a difficult decision
but I'm sure you'll
come up with something.
The only reason I can think of
to keep you alive
is to infuriate Garak.
What better reason do you need?
Well, suppose...
I let you live.
What will I get in return?
What do you want?
Your loyalty.
That's all I've ever wanted.
For you to be at my side,
my strong right arm.
But I'm afraid I can
never trust you again.
Which means...
that I will have
to dispose of you eventually.
The question is should
it be sooner or later?
Do I get a vote?
Of course you do.
It just doesn't count.
I've got to think about this.
You will let me know
what you decide.
I wouldn't dream
of keeping it a secret.
Hello, Ben.
Please, leave us.
What, and miss this
touching reunion?
You heard her.
If you need anyone
to beat him
into submission for you
please don't hesitate
to call me.
All right, I'm here.
What did you want
to see me about?
I was hoping we could talk.
You never seemed interested
in talking to me
while we were married.
I made a lot of mistakes
back then.
Save the apologies, Ben.
They're not going to work.
You are, without a doubt
the most insensitive,
self-absorbed, egotistical...
You've made your point.
I doubt it.
You never listened to me before.
You were always too busy
trying to impress
every woman
who crossed your path.
Were there really that many?
There were enough.
And if it wasn't women,
then it was that ship of yours.
Sometimes I think it was
the only thing you ever loved.
Maybe I loved you both.
Then why did you leave me
to go run and play pirate
for the intendant?
That's a good question.
Now this rebellion of yours.
Do you know
how many deaths you've caused?
How much destruction?
I'm fighting
to help free our people.
You're fighting
because you like to fight,
The only thing
you've accomplished
is to give the Alliance
an excuse
to treat the Terrans
worse than before.
I just hope that,
with your capture
this rebellion
can be ended peacefully.
Who said I'd been captured?
Oh, I suppose you came here
just to see me.
Actually, I came here
to rescue you.
Rescue me?
That's what I said.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
You can't stay here.
I have a job to finish.
You mean the sensor array?
That's right.
If you finish the array,
you'll destroy
any hope our people have
for a better future.
I don't think you want that.
All I want to do is put an end
to all this fighting
to force the rebels to seek
a peaceful settlement
with the Alliance.
It's not that simple.
The Alliance isn't interested
in a peaceful settlement.
If we lay down our arms,
we'll all be killed.
The rebellion
is killing people every day.
It has to stop.
Not this way.
Not while the Terrans are still
at the mercy of the Alliance.
They're your own people,
You have no right
to talk to me like that.
Since when do you care about
what happens to our people?
You've never cared about anyone
but yourself.
Maybe I've changed
in the past few years.
Oh, how many times
have I heard you say that?
I guess I was
a pretty lousy husband.
You guess?
Look, I know it's too late
for an apology.
You're right about that.
But for what it's worth...
I'm sorry.
What is it?
For a second,
I almost believed you.
You know what I wish?
I wish I'd never met you.
And I wish things could have
been better between us
but this isn't about us...
or is it?
Why are you working
for the Alliance?
Is it because you believe
in what they're doing
or is it something else?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I think the two of us have been
fighting each other so long
that you've gotten used to us
being on opposite sides
but I'm not the enemy
this time, Jennifer.
The Alliance is.
The Alliance is your enemy,
not mine.
That's where you're wrong.
Don't you see?
You're no different
than the slaves
in the ore processing center.
In fact, you may
even be worse off.
At least they know
they're prisoners.
What if I am a prisoner?
You don't have to be.
Fight back.
Come with me.
You want me to join
the rebellion?
The way I see it
freedom is a whole lot better
than slavery.
Think about it.
Took him long enough.
What are you doing?
Sending a message.
You have a sub-dermal
Courtesy of the Ferengi.
Jennifer, I need an answer!
Are you coming with me or not?
Do I have a choice?
Of course you do.
If you want, you can
go back to your quarters
and forget we ever spoke.
It's up to you.
All right
but let's get one thing clear.
What's that?
I still hate you.
I know.
What are you doing down there?
I'm rerouting
the central ODN processor.
The intendant's orders.
I don't recall receiving
clearance for any repairs.
You don't say.
Get him!
All right!
Anyone who wants to get
out of here, follow me!
Come on!
You still haven't told me
where we're going.
Airlock 7.
There should be a ship
waiting there for us
providing we can get there
before the security
systems reactivate.
Did you look in there?
Get back.
Now what?
Uh, I'll think of something.
Good work, Smiley.
Yeah, the only problem is
there's 30 more
of them behind us.
Then we better get
to the airlock.
Come on.
Something tells me
that's not part of your plan.
We'd better find
another way out of here.
Got any suggestions?
Fall back!
That was very clever, Benjamin--
having one of your own men
betray you, so you could
get aboard the station.
I was completely fooled.
Fortunately, Mr. Garak
is somewhat more cynical
than I am.
Your Ferengi friend
informed us of your entire plan.
With a little persuasion
of course.
I'm afraid there's no escape.
Your ship's locked down.
Your pilot's dead.
There's no way out.
You might as well surrender.
If we surrender, she'll kill us.
Maybe us...
but not Jennifer.
What if we offer her a trade?
I stay here
and she lets you live.
Benjamin, you know
how I hate to be kept waiting.
I came a long way
to get you out of here
and I'm not going
to leave without you.
What is it?
how far is the ore
processing center?
Only a couple of levels.
Time's up, Benjamin.
He always has
to make things difficult.
It's one of his least
endearing qualities.
Smiley, seal the door!
it's easy for you to say.
I'm going to get you
out of here.
I promise.
I believe you.
I don't know
what you're up to, Captain
but there's no way
out of this room
except through that door.
Don't worry, I know
what I'm doing.
I just hope your
Terok Nor was designed
by the same Cardassian
that built my Terok Nor.
Are you sure they're in there?
Then we've got them.
Use the manual override
to open the doors.
This time, intendant
I trust you're not
going to be so lenient
on our dear Mr. Sisko.
Don't worry.
He's disappointed me
for the last time.
Oh, Jennifer.
Ah, I was so worried about you
but you're safe now.
In fact...
I can assure you
that your husband will
never annoy you again.
for the first time
since I've met him,
he's not annoying me.
In fact,
he's making a lot of sense.
Well, he can be very persuasive
when he wants to be.
I suppose this means
you won't be finishing
the sensor array.
I'm a Terran.
Keep her alive.
Kill the others.
Oh, I wouldn't.
You'd be making a mistake.
The only mistake I made
was not executing
you in the first place.
You don't know
how right you are.
I have activated the station's
self-destruct sequence.
Unless I disarm it
this whole place will
blow up in nine minutes.
That's impossible.
There's no way you could know
the station's
command access code.
Computer, disengage
self-destruct sequence.
Authorization Kira
Authorization denied.
I changed it.
You have eight minutes
and 30 seconds to let us go.
Otherwise, we all die.
Don't listen to him.
He's bluffing.
He's not bluffing.
How do you know?
I know.
Give me the new access code...
and I'll let you go.
I will give you the access code
once my friends and I
are safely away
from the station.
Do we have a deal?
This isn't over, Benjamin.
I'll hunt you down.
I swear it.
You're welcome to try.
Well, I'm glad to see
the two of you
are getting along.
We have a lot in common.
He's all yours.
Dax tells me you're leaving.
I thought I'd pay
the Romulans a visit
see if I can convince
them to help us.
Then I guess this is good-bye.
there's so much
I want to tell you.
I just don't know
where to start.
Why don't you start
by telling me
what happened to my husband.
He's dead, isn't he?
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Who are you...
It's a long story.
But ask Smiley.
He can fill you in
on the details.
He seems like a good man.
He does at that.
what are you going to do now?
Oh, I'm sure Smiley will find
something to keep me busy.
You're not really going to visit
the Romulans, are you?
The deal was that I get you
off the station
and then I go home.
Will I see you again?
I don't know.
Thank you for rescuing me.
It was my pleasure.
Ready, Captain?
You'd better go.
Take me home, Smiley.