Star (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - Forward (E)Motion - full transcript
Major competition ensues between Midtown Sound artists Take 3 and Noah Brooks when they fight for a coveted track produced by one of the industry's hottest producers. Blasts from the past ...
Okay, so last time
you all saw Star...
We can't do this, not here.
You need to find somewhere
else to stay tonight.
He would keep me from
school to have sex with me.
- Paola.
- Mom?
- ICE is looking for you.
- So what are you saying?
You're an undocumented
- I did something. I got married.
- You married Angel?
You're gonna need
to use every ounce
of your energy if you
want to walk again.
Girls are hyped up about
landing an A-list promoter.
I fought for Sound House
to back this tour.
I fought for you, Noah, but my
company sees you as a risk.
If you keep selling out
regional shows, I'll run
the idea of a tour. But it
won't be a Noah Brooks tour.
Will you be my manager?
Brody, I remember everything
the night that Mama died.
- What did you do?
- I love you, Star.
♪ ♪
♪ Now I'm sittin' here wishing I
could get you out of my head ♪
♪ Baby, I tried, but
I can't unlove you ♪
♪ You know you got your
hooks in my soul ♪
- ♪ Feels like I'm dying ♪
- Mama.
- ♪ Slowly because you ♪ - Mama.
- ♪ And your love will never let me go ♪
- What'd you do?
- What did you do?
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
♪ Sometimes ♪
♪ I thought I could
walk away, but it... ♪
Cleaning up.
What does it look
like I'm doing?
Looks like you just stabbed a
knife into a chopping block
like you were gonna
kill somebody.
You been trippin' for weeks.
We have a fitting at the label.
Change your clothes.
Can you wear anything
besides plaid?
It's all about plaid right now.
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
Saint Laurent is serving
mad plaid this season.
Can't even believe they
have a budget for this.
See? Lesbians ain't the only
ones wearing plaid now, Star.
I'm very happy for you.
Can you please tell me what the
hell is going on with you?
- I can't be myself?
- Look,
get off your period and come
pick out some damn clothes
for this regional tour. Okay?
Thank you.
Come here right quick?
♪ I'm only lookin' to
prey, then I feast ♪
♪ I'm off the leash,
it's mandatory ♪
I don't know. Let me know
what you think. I...
I just feel like it's
missing something.
All right, let me hear it.
♪ I got all that I need ♪
She's still helping him out.
♪ Don't matter 'cause
I got you... ♪
One of you want to explain
to me what's going on? Huh?
Skipping out on studio time?
- We got a track to finish.
- Ask producer boy here.
- I'm working on it.
- Listen, man.
Hey, listen.
I know it's been a lot lately,
okay, with your mother showing
up like that and everything.
Yeah, getting hit with
a lifetime of lies
doesn't really make it
easy to be writing music.
Actually, it should
make it a lot easier.
Great artists write from
a place of pain, man.
Shut up, Andy.
Look, I could lose everything.
If you lose, I lose. And I
ain't losing a damn thing.
Life happens, okay? You
got to get through it.
And we're on the
road in two weeks.
Be ready.
- Whose dumbass idea was this, anyway?
- Yours.
And you invited the whole
damn neighborhood.
Hey, bitch, you should've
hired a caterer.
♪ Who was that, who was
that, who was the one ♪
♪ That was there for you ♪
Who gonna pay for that?
We celebrating.
We got a salon full of
weave ready to be sewn in.
They closed that arson
that we know your ex-con
boyfriend was behind.
You didn't tell your grandma
that you let him live, did you?
Girl, hell no. If I tell
her that, she'll kill me.
Who keep blowing up your phone?
Bitch, cut them vegetables.
We got a party to throw
and a salon to reopen.
- ♪ I got all ♪ - ♪ I got all ♪
- ♪ That I need ♪
- ♪ That I need ♪
♪ Every single thing that
could matter to me ♪
♪ All that matters is ♪
- ♪ I got you, I got you ♪
- ♪ I got you, I got you ♪
- ♪ I got... ♪ - CARLOTTA: Noah,
we locked that track already.
Okay, girls, what
looks do you like?
'Cause we got to get this budget
in to Maurice for the tour.
Any of 'em.
I don't care.
Since when do you,
of all people,
not care? This regional tour's
everything you've been grinding for.
Only if Sound House
backs the national one.
They will.
Hey, guys. Did you
all find something?
Hey. Mira. Come here.
- What?
- You finally got your apartment.
So why is your RV still
parked in my backyard?
Look, I'm-I'm dealing with
a lot right now, Lottie.
- Oh, what?
- Okay? I got the tour,
I got Paola and Angel. I mean...
- I'll take care of it, all right?
- Get off me.
Just move your damn RV.
Regional tour's in two weeks.
I need looks and
set lists and...
Man, what about those tickets?
You know
Sound House is gonna be down
our necks about the numbers.
Ticket sales are good.
Especially because
"Can't Stop Loving Her"
just got listed by Spotify.
- Wait, what was that?
- Andy and Angel,
you're starting the
tour with Midtown's
- top song.
- That's a hit.
- That's a hit.
- Looks like we winning.
Now, listen, if that's
not reason enough
to finish that song, I
don't know what is.
And I told you this...
we ain't losing nothing.
Sounds like a win to me.
Bye, y'all.
How are those two idiots on top?
We need to talk
about radio play.
- Carlotta, I need you in the studio.
- No.
Miss C., we need spins to get ahead.
Group meeting right now.
Wait, wait, I-I talked to Carlotta
yesterday to set this up...
Excuse me, we're talking
to our manager right now.
- This is my manager, too.
- Okay, everybody, one at a time.
Miss C., you should
have never said that
you were gonna manage him
after what happened.
- After what happened?
- Nothing important.
Nothing I can think of.
Hmm, yeah, like...
I don't know...
before the showcase, he was
messing with the both of 'em.
At the same time?
- Look, it was not like that, all right?
- Yes, it was
Both these girls
been acting messed up, and you
the only common denominator.
So, is it over?
- Completely.
- Is what over?
Yeah, they all hos.
Definitely some ho-ish behavior.
♪ I bring me ♪
♪ Get mine, 'bout
mine, go hard ♪
♪ Looking for another like me ♪
♪ Boy, stop, I bring me ♪
♪ Whose love is the tightest?
Whose kiss is the nicest? ♪
♪ Me ♪
♪ Whose touch is the rightest? ♪
♪ I bring me ♪
♪ I bring, I bring me. ♪
Maurice, we need to talk.
Hey. You get my e-mail
about the tour backdrops?
I'm already on that. Get this...
Noah was fooling around
with Alex and Star
before the showcase.
All three of them
working together to
keep it from me.
That's some good
teamwork right there.
No, it's not good. It don't make
for good energy in a group.
- How did I not catch that?
- Well,
we've been busy with
our own little secret.
Not to mention getting my
salon back in compliance,
paying down that damn fine.
And now I got to get my
groups ready for this tour.
I need a hot track ASAP.
With Charles in Europe,
you're in charge, right?
Yeah. Why?
Midtown Sound is a subsidiary
of Floyd Entertainment.
Floyd has got to have a big
vault full of unused tracks.
Can I take a look?
Yeah. It's on my laptop.
It's all yours.
Thank you, baby. I owe you.
Oh, I know.
And, trust, I'm-a
call you on it.
Good stuff today, sir.
You're a miracle worker.
You know that?
Let's get a drink tonight.
Look, I can't. I got
this neighborhood thing.
I tried.
Well, how 'bout
you come with me?
I can do that.
All right.
I'll text you.
♪ Let's stay together ♪
Uh... Miss C., how do
you know DJ Khaled?
You're getting him
to give us a song?
Wait, how are you pulling that off?
He's bomb.
Well, Mama's still got a
couple tricks in her purse.
I still got to talk to him
about this old demo I found.
The deal ain't done yet.
I'm just trying to figure
how Khaled knows you.
True artists remember and
appreciate my work, smartass.
- You ain't even think I knew Pumpkin.
- True.
- Or Big Boi.
- True.
You're right. Which
is exactly why now
we're going straight to
the top of the tour.
- Hey.
- Hi, Miss Ruby.
Hey, baby.
Now, this bitch
burned to the ground
- 'cause you got bad luck.
- Girl, you crazy.
Here. Take this. Hang that
picture up somewhere.
Whoever heard of a salon
without Martin there looking
- after all of us, huh?
- Aw. That's nice right there.
- Yeah.
- Miss Carlotta,
there's a good spot next
to Barack right there.
- It's all open. That would be cool.
- Oh, you might be right.
That's "President
Obama" to you, Missy.
Yeah, I-I know that.
You didn't say "Dr. King." You said
"Martin." I was following suit.
You got some nerve,
comparing yourself to me.
- Ruby, let her be now. Don't start.
- No. No, no. You don't
see her like I do.
There's something bad
about that little
white devil bitch.
You know what, Miss Ruby?
The only thing devilish in
this room is that breath.
- Oh, I'm gonna...
- Ruby, come on now. Ruby, don't...
- She don't know me.
- Come on, it's not like that.
Girl, what is wrong with you?
That crazy old lady's been calling
you the devil since you met her.
Yeah, I know.
Look, I'm sorry I
told Miss Carlotta
about you, Alex and Noah, but we
can't keep living lies, Star.
I'm not mad about that, Simone.
I could care less.
Are you fighting
with Brody or...?
No, I ain't seen him.
Man, I-I still can't
believe he killed Arlene.
What kind of sick
person kills like that?
You mean Otis? You
were protecting me.
You didn't even kill him.
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
- Star.
- Hello?
We got a party to set up, right?
Let's go, kid.
Hey. I got the folding chairs
you wanted being delivered,
and I'll pick up the ice
on my way over tonight.
- Thank you.
- I got your text.
How in the hell did you find
- a DJ Khaled song in the vault?
- Because he sold it
to the Floyds under one
of his old street names,
so I told him I'm giving
it to Take Three.
Why wouldn't you
give it to Noah?
I mean, the melody sounds
like it wants a solo artist.
Yeah, but the lyrics can
be split up for a trio.
- The girls need this.
- Yeah, they do.
They'll be on every
playlist with DJ Khaled.
But you can't say it wouldn't be
a good look for your new artist.
Don't have me feeling
guilty about Noah.
I'm just sayin'.
See you at the party, baby.
♪ ♪
What are you doing?
I'm just trying to get
this thing mixed, but...
something's not hitting
right with these levels.
There you go whining again.
Oh, for real.
Things just been messed up
ever since my mom came around.
Yeah, don't hate me, but
I went to go see her.
- Simone.
- Look, she is worried
about you having problems
with immigration.
The fact that we're married, but
we ain't even living together?
What, you want to
come live with me?
Me and the cockroaches?
No, mm-mm, but I'm
gonna ask Miss C.
If you could come move
in with us in the salon.
- Yeah.
- Would you like that?
Are you kidding me?
Okay, but listen,
your mom leaves for the D.R.
You need to take your
ass down to see her.
I wish I had five more
minutes with my mom.
Just go.
♪ Baby, tell the truth ♪
♪ What I got to do ♪
♪ To get you with your
arms around my body... ♪
- Hey.
- Hey.
I thought you was gonna call
when you came back to town.
Why? I leave again tomorrow.
- Before we can even talk?
- Look, there's nothing for me here.
Everyone has made that
very, very clear.
No, we got stuff to figure out...
old stuff.
So, what, you're
just gonna run away?
And you chose a line of
coke and another woman
- over helping me and my son.
- Look, I was messed up.
All right, Paola? I was so
messed up that I let you down.
You don't think I know that?
But seeing you again, it's...
It's brought back everything
I used to feel about that...
No, I don't want to do this.
I'm happily married to a man
who would do anything for me.
I don't want to hear that.
All right? I ain't leaving.
Well, then we have a problem.
I guess we do.
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
♪ Make somebody say, you feel
it when you're dancin'... ♪
That's so dope!
I can't believe she found this.
It's crazy.
Wait a minute. Wait. Noah?
- Noah?!
- Yeah?
What you listening to?
Where'd you get that?
This, uh, new DJ Khaled song.
Carlotta gave it to me for the tour.
- You mean our song?
- What you mean, your song?
- It's ours.
- Are you serious?
- That's our song.
- Carlotta...
- That's why I'm here. Listen.
- To what? Carlotta,
you know that song is
perfect for Take Three.
And for me, too. Don't
forget about what I could do
- to this track.
- Yeah, we do know what
you're gonna do to that track.
You're gonna make it into a slow jam
and dance around in circles
shirtless like you always do.
- You are kind of one note, dude.
- That's funny
coming from you three who would
just be grinding on a chair, right?
I'm here for all y'all.
Take Three and Noah
will both do demos.
Turn 'em in today. Maurice will
speak for Midtown and decide.
And I promise I will
find a joint just as hot
for whoever doesn't
get this one.
- Fair enough.
- Okay.
Right. So we are right back
to where we always were.
Competing with Noah Brooks.
Well, maybe you should've
thought about that
before you spread
your legs for him.
"On my... way." Done.
- Hey. Miss C., you got a sec?
- I'm already late
to help Bruce get set
up for the party.
You girls good to start the
demo on your own, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. And check on your sister.
Something is wrong with her.
Yeah. Well, by the way, Miss C.,
your wig is looking
super fly today.
Your hair's just glowing
with that purple.
Okay, come on now.
What do you want?
Look, I was thinking maybe Angel
could live with us in the salon?
- Hell no! I just got rid of his uncle.
- Wait.
Please. It's to protect him against
immigration in case they pop up.
You know it's more than that.
You got feelings for him.
Yeah, well, look, Miss
C., I'm just trying
to do the Christian thing.
He needs us.
Christian thing, huh?
All right, look, if you can find
a couch or somewhere for him
- to sleep, then...
- Okay. Okay!
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you, Miss C.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you won't regret it. And
you know what? We got room
because Alex isn't
moving back in.
So, I'll set that all up.
I'm gonna do my warm-ups.
It's gonna be great.
- Okay.
- Alex?
- Alex, I need to speak with you!
- I can't.
I got to go work on this
demo you gave to Noah.
When y'all gonna stop
acting like kids?
Is Noah the reason
you not back home?
See, it's that business right
there that broke up me and Mary.
We let JAHIL get between
us, and that was it.
And I'm not about to let
that happen to y'all.
It's not Noah.
It's Derek.
Every time I see
him, I feel guilty.
That kills, you know?
I can't live next door to
him and focus on the tour.
Listen, Alex, just do
what you need to do.
Come home when you're ready.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Now, where's Blondie?
- We got a song to fix.
- All right.
- Make it a banger.
- Always.
All right, look, I'm just...
start from the top
and sing all the way down. Yeah.
Of course Carlotta gave you
our studio space. Why not?
She already gave you our song.
First of all, y'all are
in Studio C, okay?
And second, the song belongs
to whoever makes it a hit.
This is not personal. This just
how the game goes. You know that.
I'm tired of hearing
it's not personal.
It's a gang of managers in
Atlanta, and you chose mine.
Oh, my God. You seriously think
everything is about you.
Working with Carlotta is so I
don't screw up my last chance.
I'm not above asking for help.
You should, 'cause your attitude
lately has been extra ugly.
That's what happens when you
steal my manager, or my music,
- or anything that's mine.
- Nah, it's something else.
You lie as good as
that wig on your head.
You wish it was
something else, Noah.
Let's go.
- ♪ Vibes ♪ - ♪ Vibes ♪
- ♪ Been ♪ - ♪ Been ♪
- ♪ Right ♪ - ♪ Right ♪
♪ All night ♪
♪ And we can fall
in love like this ♪
♪ We can fall in
love like this ♪
♪ Let's take our time,
'cause I'm feeling like ♪
♪ We can fall in
love like this ♪
- ♪ We can fall in love like
this ♪ - ♪ Tomorrow's gonna ♪
- ♪ be too rough ♪
- ♪ Be too rough ♪
- ♪ But tonight is gonna lift
you up ♪ - ♪ Lift you up ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
♪ That's what I believe ♪
♪ You're probably gonna
think too much ♪
♪ But tonight we're
gonna drink too much ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
♪ That's what I believe
I believe I can ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
♪ Make somebody say ♪
♪ You feel it when you're
dancin' with your hands up ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ - ♪
Don't worry 'bout a thing ♪
- ♪ Just let it all go ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ I know I can make somebody
say ♪ - ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
♪ I'll tell you what
your problem is ♪
♪ You be thinkin' 'bout
your problems, yeah ♪
- ♪ I can take 'em all away ♪ - ♪
I can take 'em all away mm-mm ♪
♪ Don't try to take on
the world tonight ♪
- ♪ Don't try to take ♪ - ♪ Don't
be thinking about tomorrow ♪
♪ On the world tonight ♪
- ♪ I can take it all
away ♪ - ♪ oh, ooh ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Ooh, ah ♪ - ♪
Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪ - ♪
Make somebody say, yeah... ♪
♪ You feel it when you're
dancin' with your hands up ♪
♪ Don't worry 'bout a thing
just let it all go ♪
♪ I know I can make
somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪ -
♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Ooh... ♪ - ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Whoa, ah. ♪
- Hi, baby.
- I told Simone we'd talk, so...
But I guess you found
better things to do.
She's only been here 24 hours,
and you're already in the bed
- with her?
- Angel, it's not like that.
- Didn't happen that way, man.
- This is what he does, Mom.
We have a lot of
history from Miami.
Me and your uncle.
He's not my uncle. Did you
know she was married?
Yeah. She told me.
- Nice.
- My life right now was my plan B.
The first, the one that
was meant to be was here
- with you and JAHIL.
- Angel, she was young.
All right? She didn't
have any money.
She had a baby, her visa
was about to expire.
But you know what, man? I didn't
give a damn about any of that.
I fell in love with her anyway.
You left me.
You are and you will
always be my first love.
And what is he?
He is someone that will
always be there for me.
And for you.
♪ Chain hurt my neck,
chain hurt my neck ♪
♪ It hurt my neck ♪
♪ I got so much ice
that I never sweat... ♪
Boy, don't stick your
finger in my cake!
Shut up, bitch.
See what I'm talking about?
Hey, hey.
♪ Chain hurt my neck,
chain hurt my neck... ♪
Oh, hey, baby.
I got the demos from Take Three and Noah.
I'll make a decision ASAP.
I don't have no time
for that tonight.
I only got time for this.
We're finally open.
Look at my wallpaper.
Look at my floors. Brand-new
floors and brand-new chairs.
Oh, girl, they not all new.
Mine still got ashes on it.
And it's gonna stay just like that
till you get your license back.
Come on, Maurice. Let me show
you what I did with the back.
- What's going on, Maurice?
- Hey.
Girl, why is everybody going off
over Miss Ruby's
nasty-ass pig feet.
'Cause it's nasty.
Well, who still eats pig feet?
Smellin' up the whole damn shop.
Girl, well, kick her ass out.
You try kicking her out.
Crazy and high as that bitch be.
So you invited all the
construction workers?
- Hey, Mike.
- Hey, hey.
Just one.
And stay away from him... hoe.
I'll put a razor to that
face if you try it.
No, I'm-I'm straight.
♪ Hit the mall for the fit ♪
♪ And we standing up, I'm
standing tall in your ♪
♪ I send them bullets at you ♪
♪ I jump wall at your clique,
when them shooters get the... ♪
I see that raggedy
bitch back there.
I honestly just want things
to be okay with him.
I should just go say hi.
- What? No. You can't do that.
- No, no. Not in front of her.
It's fine. I got it.
It's fine, it's fine.
Well, if you gonna go,
punch her in the throat.
Oh, he's so cute.
- Oh, shoot.
- I'll grab it. Let me help you.
Oh. Slow.
Got it?
♪ Or killed them folks
that Gucci killed ♪
- ♪ This for killers only ♪
- Okay?
♪ Yeah, this for the homies ♪
♪ Drug dealers only ♪
- Good?
- Yeah, very good.
♪ Yeah, rich... only ♪
♪ Bad... only ♪
♪ Yeah, this for the homies... ♪
What a bitch.
I'm gonna get you a drink, okay?
No, I'll end up
just like my mom.
Yeah, come on, let's
just get her inside.
Come on, Alex baby, you
know she's just a rebound.
She's not half as cute as you.
And I can smell a hoe from far away...
she's preying on him,
that's all it is.
And you know they're
not getting it in...
he could barely move his hips.
- Right.
- He can move.
- Hmm?
- He can move.
This whole time, I thought I
was responsible for his pain.
And yeah, I'm responsible
for what I did, but...
I didn't kill his father.
I wasn't the one driving
the car that hit him.
I just... I just
liked someone else.
I- I feel that same
way about Elliot.
It's, like, sometimes I
got to remind myself
that I'm not the one
that killed him.
- Yeah, we screwed up.
- Yeah.
♪ ♪
What did you do?
Hey, where are you going?
Ruby, you seen Simone?
She better not be nowhere
with your weed in her mouth.
What am I, her social worker?
Why don't you ask her
cracker-ass sister?
That's not cute.
Miss Ruby, I know you stay
on that bottle, but you
got one more time.
Or else what?
Or I will knock them
dentures out your head.
Oh, God, child, let that go.
- Ruby, sit your drunk ass down, now.
- Come on, bitch,
- you want to fight, let's do it.
- Get this old lady out of here,
Miss Carlotta, 'cause
I don't care anymore.
I been waiting to stand my ground.
Come on, let's do it!
- Ruby, what are you... Miss Ruby!
- Oh! You're a bitch!
- You little white bitch!
- Give me that bottle!
Let go of me! Let go of me!
- I got your bitch!
- Just get her out of here.
- You give me this bitch!
- That's an old woman in there.
What the hell is wrong with you?
- What are you doing?
- Give me that bottle.
Sit down.
♪ This for the homies ♪
♪ Drug dealers only ♪
♪ Yeah, this members only... ♪
You saw your mom? That's huge.
You want to talk or make out?
Make out.
♪ ♪
In my wig room?
My brand-new wig room.
Get downstairs. And put
some damn clothes on.
I have my jeans on.
You think she's still
gonna let me stay?
You know how to shampoo hair?
- No.
- Well...
♪ I need, like, all the cake ♪
♪ Give me fifties and twenties,
I need, like, all the dough ♪
♪ Come give me plenty... ♪
So, you decided to come back.
♪ Me and my whole crew ♪
It's been what, a month?
I don't know.
I see you know how to drink.
I guess it's a special occasion.
What are we celebrating?
We're not celebrating.
We're forgetting.
- Oop!
- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You all right?
- Yes, I'm good.
- You sure?
I'm good.
You look good.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
♪ No, I ain't sharin', no ♪
What are you trying to forget?
♪ I gotta get it all ♪
♪ I gotta, I gotta get it all ♪
♪ No, I ain't sharin', no ♪
I did something bad.
I did something really bad.
And I can't talk to...
anybody about it.
I can't tell anybody.
What can I do to take
your mind off of it?
♪ I don't make it
drizzle, I make it rain ♪
Trust me.
I want to.
What do you mean you want to?
Then why aren't we in the back
seat of your car right now?
♪ Rollin' again ♪
♪ You see I'm gone
with the wind... ♪
'Cause we ain't
done drinkin' yet.
♪ I gotta get it all,
I gotta get it all ♪
Then more drinks.
Not that.
- Okay. Order something.
- Whiskey!
We need alcohol.
Is there a bartender?
Put that thing out. You
just had a heart attack.
Maybe it's a good thing Angel
showed up when he did.
I needed to pace myself
before round two.
You sound so sure of yourself.
♪ Crazy ♪
You know back in the day it
would have been round three,
round four.
This is just how I remember us.
Hmm. Better food, though.
♪ You ain't changin'
how I feel ♪
You know, what you said to
Angel, maybe you were right.
We did miss our chance.
But we're here now.
I want to try.
Do you?
♪ Nothing to complain about... ♪
♪ ♪
I've been looking
all over for you.
Well, you found me.
In the last place I'd have thought
your bougie-ass would be.
I'm sorry I messed things
up with you and Derek.
Well, it's not like you were
the only one on that stage.
And backstage.
- Yeah.
- No. I'm...
I'm responsible, too.
I was right there with you.
I knew what was
happening between us.
I just tried to ignore it.
I didn't think it
was fair to Derek.
I knew exactly how
you made me feel.
How's that?
you were right...
about me being a little bougie.
Alex, I was, I was
just messing with you.
Mm-hmm. No. No, it's fine.
Being a little bougie
just means that...
you know exactly what you want.
So, what is it that you want?
♪ ♪
Thanks for coming.
Good seeing you.
Good night.
Hey. Where's Star?
She went to the label to
calm down; she was upset.
Yo, I'm tired of Miss Ruby
busting on my sister like that;
she can't help it, she white.
Look, I want to talk
to you about Angel.
- I don't want him hurting you.
- The only way I'm gonna get hurt
is if he gets deported.
All right, he can live here.
But you staying upstairs.
He's staying in that RV
since JAHIL don't want to
move the damn thing anyway.
That way, if ICE shows up, we can
say you're living there with him.
Are you using protection?
- We ain't done nothing.
- Well, you sure
looked like you were
about to to me.
I'm getting you on the pill,
but until then, you
stay away from that RV.
The last thing I need is one
of my girls getting busy
in that nasty hoopty.
♪ Tell me how this
supposed to go ♪
♪ 'Cause I ain't ever really
been in love before ♪
- Hold on. Hold on.
- What?
♪ This is turning into
something more than physical ♪
♪ I know, we're just friends,
just friends, I know ♪
♪ But lately I been thinking
we could be some more ♪
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
- What?
- Are you sure about this?
♪ 'Cause this can't
be seasonal ♪
Please say yes.
Yes. Yes, but, Noah,
we can't have this
a secret, okay?
I can't have that, not with
Take Three, that's family.
Okay. Okay, we'll tell everyone.
♪ Could you be love? ♪
- Yeah. Okay.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Wait. You-you-you want
to tell them now?
- No, no, no, no. Not right now.
- Okay. Okay.
♪ Could you be love? ♪
Noah, you got protection, right?
Please say yes.
♪ Could you be? Could you be? ♪
♪ Could you be love? ♪
♪ Could you be love. ♪
- Okay, let's go.
- Easy.
- I'm ready to go.
- Easy.
- Okay. Okay.
- Yep.
- You live close?
- Yep.
Yeah. I live, um...
I walked here; that's close.
- You live alone?
- Yeah... no. No.
A lot of people, but...
I have a big backyard
and it'll work.
Yo. Thanks for calling, man.
You're not supposed to be here.
You're supposed to be
listening to the song
for the DJ and giving it to us.
- Come on. Let's get out of here.
- No. I'm not going with you.
We're supposed to
have sex, remember?
- Next time.
- Look, I got it from here.
No. I'm not go... I'm
not going with you.
Wh-wh-what are you
pulling, a Simone?
Why are you doing
this to yourself?
You don't get down like this.
Why did I do what to myself?
Why am I trying to forget?
'Cause I'm tired
of fighting with everybody, and
everybody fighting with me.
Look, you are strong, Star.
Strong people fight
for what they want.
- Now let's go.
- No! I'm not going with you.
And I'm not going to that party.
If you take me there,
- I will kill Miss Ruby.
- The party's over. Let's go.
No. I'll kill her. I'll really kill her.
I've done it before.
Star, you're drunk. You
ain't never killed nobody.
- Now let's go.
- Yes, I did. I did.
Carlotta told me about
what you tried with Otis.
You were strong then, too,
and you were trying to
protect your sister.
I'm not talking about Otis.
The other one.
The other one?
- What other one?
- You can't tell Simone.
Okay? Simone can never
know that I killed her.
- You understand? If I tell you...
- Look, no, no, no, no.
Star. Star. Star,
who did you kill?
Our mother.
JAHIL, I'm going
back to my husband.
Wait, wait. What?
Why are you, why are
you doing this, girl?
It's too late.
But that doesn't change
you being my first love.
But you can't be my last.
Take care of Angel, okay?
He looks up to you.
How you feeling?
Thank you.
I brought you home last night.
Your boy Jax texted Simone.
She asked me because she figured
you'd get busted by Carlotta.
You don't remember me coming?
I don't remember anything.
Oh, my God. Did I try
to have sex with you?
Nah, you just talked.
What'd I talk about?
About how you fight
hard for your dreams.
How you need it.
Of course.
And about that,
you're getting a win today.
Not even Carlotta knows it yet.
Well, hit me. I need that.
The DJ Khaled track is going
to Take Three for the tour.
Y'all did the damn thing.
Is our version
better than Noah's?
Y'all both had hot tracks.
You know what? Let him keep it.
We don't need a pity track.
We can get to the
top on our own.
Yeah, I know you will.
You're a killer.
Feel better.
Yeah, well, you better
move in your stuff quick
before Miss C. changes her mind.
Yeah. All right now.
I'll have my stuff moved
in by the end of today.
- Okay.
- Thank you, Simone.
Boy, it's just an RV.
No. It's saving me.
You're saving me.
Well, that's what
wives are for, right?
Guess so.
So are we gonna hear the song?
Yeah. If you sing it with me.
I'll think about it.
♪ ♪
♪ Baby, tell me why ♪
♪ Why I gotta try ♪
♪ So hard, you got me
craving your attention ♪
♪ Baby, I can't lie ♪
♪ Not a day go by ♪
♪ I hope I see my name
up in your mentions ♪
♪ Boys is calling me ♪
♪ But I don't really care ♪
♪ 'Cause, baby
you're all I need ♪
♪ And all I need
is what I want ♪
♪ What I want ♪
♪ I want you ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything,
but everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything ♪
♪ But everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ Baby, tell the truth ♪
♪ What I got to do ♪
♪ To get you with your
arms around my body ♪
♪ What I gotta lose,
lose from telling you ♪
♪ How I feel ♪
♪ I'm hoping that you're ready ♪
♪ Baby, tell me ♪
♪ Baby, baby, baby, tell me ♪
- ♪ Baby, tell me ♪
- ♪ Baby, tell me ♪
♪ Baby, baby, baby, tell me ♪
♪ Baby, tell me,
baby, baby, baby ♪
- ♪ Tell me ♪ - ♪
What I gotta do ♪
♪ What I gotta do ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But I all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking
but all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything
but everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking
but all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything ♪
♪ But everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ ♪
Simone. Simone.
So did you like it?
Oh, yeah. Oh, I loved it.
Okay, good.
Glad you came last night.
Me, too.
So... Alex Crane.
She was your girl, huh?
She was.
Not anymore.
You sure about that?
I mean, the way she
was looking at you.
Yeah, I'm sure.
How sure?
I'm very sure.
Anyone in the house right now?
♪ ♪
Looking good.
Don't start, Ruby.
I, um...
I've got a lot of
reasons to hate you.
Well, I could find a few reasons
to hate you, too, Miss Ruby.
A white man stole
my daddy's farm.
A white woman spit at me.
A white man killed my
son in cold blood.
That's why I can't
stand none of you.
It's not fair for me
to put you with all them
evil white folks, either.
Ain't it funny how we can be
done in over and over again,
but we still
expected to be fair?
I survived Jim Crow,
I survived the KKK,
and I'm gonna survive that
monster in the White House.
So I guess I can
handle your ass.
Plus, I don't think
you're really white.
Sorry to disappoint you,
but I'm pretty sure I
am white, Miss Ruby.
Well, not that kind of white.
Thank you... I guess.
Where you been?
Did you sleep here?
Uh, yeah. In the RV...
with Noah.
Jesus, take the wheel.
Don't do nothin'
till I get back.
This is better than
one of my stories.
I'm sorry, babe. We got about
one more hour before we open.
No. I'm actually
looking for someone.
My son's father
used to live here.
Your son's father?
That damn Peruvian bastard
could never keep his pants on.
JAHIL left about two weeks ago.
- I can get his number, though.
- Not him.
My son's father is named Arnold.
Arnold's not here no more.
you all saw Star...
We can't do this, not here.
You need to find somewhere
else to stay tonight.
He would keep me from
school to have sex with me.
- Paola.
- Mom?
- ICE is looking for you.
- So what are you saying?
You're an undocumented
- I did something. I got married.
- You married Angel?
You're gonna need
to use every ounce
of your energy if you
want to walk again.
Girls are hyped up about
landing an A-list promoter.
I fought for Sound House
to back this tour.
I fought for you, Noah, but my
company sees you as a risk.
If you keep selling out
regional shows, I'll run
the idea of a tour. But it
won't be a Noah Brooks tour.
Will you be my manager?
Brody, I remember everything
the night that Mama died.
- What did you do?
- I love you, Star.
♪ ♪
♪ Now I'm sittin' here wishing I
could get you out of my head ♪
♪ Baby, I tried, but
I can't unlove you ♪
♪ You know you got your
hooks in my soul ♪
- ♪ Feels like I'm dying ♪
- Mama.
- ♪ Slowly because you ♪ - Mama.
- ♪ And your love will never let me go ♪
- What'd you do?
- What did you do?
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
♪ Sometimes ♪
♪ I thought I could
walk away, but it... ♪
Cleaning up.
What does it look
like I'm doing?
Looks like you just stabbed a
knife into a chopping block
like you were gonna
kill somebody.
You been trippin' for weeks.
We have a fitting at the label.
Change your clothes.
Can you wear anything
besides plaid?
It's all about plaid right now.
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
Saint Laurent is serving
mad plaid this season.
Can't even believe they
have a budget for this.
See? Lesbians ain't the only
ones wearing plaid now, Star.
I'm very happy for you.
Can you please tell me what the
hell is going on with you?
- I can't be myself?
- Look,
get off your period and come
pick out some damn clothes
for this regional tour. Okay?
Thank you.
Come here right quick?
♪ I'm only lookin' to
prey, then I feast ♪
♪ I'm off the leash,
it's mandatory ♪
I don't know. Let me know
what you think. I...
I just feel like it's
missing something.
All right, let me hear it.
♪ I got all that I need ♪
She's still helping him out.
♪ Don't matter 'cause
I got you... ♪
One of you want to explain
to me what's going on? Huh?
Skipping out on studio time?
- We got a track to finish.
- Ask producer boy here.
- I'm working on it.
- Listen, man.
Hey, listen.
I know it's been a lot lately,
okay, with your mother showing
up like that and everything.
Yeah, getting hit with
a lifetime of lies
doesn't really make it
easy to be writing music.
Actually, it should
make it a lot easier.
Great artists write from
a place of pain, man.
Shut up, Andy.
Look, I could lose everything.
If you lose, I lose. And I
ain't losing a damn thing.
Life happens, okay? You
got to get through it.
And we're on the
road in two weeks.
Be ready.
- Whose dumbass idea was this, anyway?
- Yours.
And you invited the whole
damn neighborhood.
Hey, bitch, you should've
hired a caterer.
♪ Who was that, who was
that, who was the one ♪
♪ That was there for you ♪
Who gonna pay for that?
We celebrating.
We got a salon full of
weave ready to be sewn in.
They closed that arson
that we know your ex-con
boyfriend was behind.
You didn't tell your grandma
that you let him live, did you?
Girl, hell no. If I tell
her that, she'll kill me.
Who keep blowing up your phone?
Bitch, cut them vegetables.
We got a party to throw
and a salon to reopen.
- ♪ I got all ♪ - ♪ I got all ♪
- ♪ That I need ♪
- ♪ That I need ♪
♪ Every single thing that
could matter to me ♪
♪ All that matters is ♪
- ♪ I got you, I got you ♪
- ♪ I got you, I got you ♪
- ♪ I got... ♪ - CARLOTTA: Noah,
we locked that track already.
Okay, girls, what
looks do you like?
'Cause we got to get this budget
in to Maurice for the tour.
Any of 'em.
I don't care.
Since when do you,
of all people,
not care? This regional tour's
everything you've been grinding for.
Only if Sound House
backs the national one.
They will.
Hey, guys. Did you
all find something?
Hey. Mira. Come here.
- What?
- You finally got your apartment.
So why is your RV still
parked in my backyard?
Look, I'm-I'm dealing with
a lot right now, Lottie.
- Oh, what?
- Okay? I got the tour,
I got Paola and Angel. I mean...
- I'll take care of it, all right?
- Get off me.
Just move your damn RV.
Regional tour's in two weeks.
I need looks and
set lists and...
Man, what about those tickets?
You know
Sound House is gonna be down
our necks about the numbers.
Ticket sales are good.
Especially because
"Can't Stop Loving Her"
just got listed by Spotify.
- Wait, what was that?
- Andy and Angel,
you're starting the
tour with Midtown's
- top song.
- That's a hit.
- That's a hit.
- Looks like we winning.
Now, listen, if that's
not reason enough
to finish that song, I
don't know what is.
And I told you this...
we ain't losing nothing.
Sounds like a win to me.
Bye, y'all.
How are those two idiots on top?
We need to talk
about radio play.
- Carlotta, I need you in the studio.
- No.
Miss C., we need spins to get ahead.
Group meeting right now.
Wait, wait, I-I talked to Carlotta
yesterday to set this up...
Excuse me, we're talking
to our manager right now.
- This is my manager, too.
- Okay, everybody, one at a time.
Miss C., you should
have never said that
you were gonna manage him
after what happened.
- After what happened?
- Nothing important.
Nothing I can think of.
Hmm, yeah, like...
I don't know...
before the showcase, he was
messing with the both of 'em.
At the same time?
- Look, it was not like that, all right?
- Yes, it was
Both these girls
been acting messed up, and you
the only common denominator.
So, is it over?
- Completely.
- Is what over?
Yeah, they all hos.
Definitely some ho-ish behavior.
♪ I bring me ♪
♪ Get mine, 'bout
mine, go hard ♪
♪ Looking for another like me ♪
♪ Boy, stop, I bring me ♪
♪ Whose love is the tightest?
Whose kiss is the nicest? ♪
♪ Me ♪
♪ Whose touch is the rightest? ♪
♪ I bring me ♪
♪ I bring, I bring me. ♪
Maurice, we need to talk.
Hey. You get my e-mail
about the tour backdrops?
I'm already on that. Get this...
Noah was fooling around
with Alex and Star
before the showcase.
All three of them
working together to
keep it from me.
That's some good
teamwork right there.
No, it's not good. It don't make
for good energy in a group.
- How did I not catch that?
- Well,
we've been busy with
our own little secret.
Not to mention getting my
salon back in compliance,
paying down that damn fine.
And now I got to get my
groups ready for this tour.
I need a hot track ASAP.
With Charles in Europe,
you're in charge, right?
Yeah. Why?
Midtown Sound is a subsidiary
of Floyd Entertainment.
Floyd has got to have a big
vault full of unused tracks.
Can I take a look?
Yeah. It's on my laptop.
It's all yours.
Thank you, baby. I owe you.
Oh, I know.
And, trust, I'm-a
call you on it.
Good stuff today, sir.
You're a miracle worker.
You know that?
Let's get a drink tonight.
Look, I can't. I got
this neighborhood thing.
I tried.
Well, how 'bout
you come with me?
I can do that.
All right.
I'll text you.
♪ Let's stay together ♪
Uh... Miss C., how do
you know DJ Khaled?
You're getting him
to give us a song?
Wait, how are you pulling that off?
He's bomb.
Well, Mama's still got a
couple tricks in her purse.
I still got to talk to him
about this old demo I found.
The deal ain't done yet.
I'm just trying to figure
how Khaled knows you.
True artists remember and
appreciate my work, smartass.
- You ain't even think I knew Pumpkin.
- True.
- Or Big Boi.
- True.
You're right. Which
is exactly why now
we're going straight to
the top of the tour.
- Hey.
- Hi, Miss Ruby.
Hey, baby.
Now, this bitch
burned to the ground
- 'cause you got bad luck.
- Girl, you crazy.
Here. Take this. Hang that
picture up somewhere.
Whoever heard of a salon
without Martin there looking
- after all of us, huh?
- Aw. That's nice right there.
- Yeah.
- Miss Carlotta,
there's a good spot next
to Barack right there.
- It's all open. That would be cool.
- Oh, you might be right.
That's "President
Obama" to you, Missy.
Yeah, I-I know that.
You didn't say "Dr. King." You said
"Martin." I was following suit.
You got some nerve,
comparing yourself to me.
- Ruby, let her be now. Don't start.
- No. No, no. You don't
see her like I do.
There's something bad
about that little
white devil bitch.
You know what, Miss Ruby?
The only thing devilish in
this room is that breath.
- Oh, I'm gonna...
- Ruby, come on now. Ruby, don't...
- She don't know me.
- Come on, it's not like that.
Girl, what is wrong with you?
That crazy old lady's been calling
you the devil since you met her.
Yeah, I know.
Look, I'm sorry I
told Miss Carlotta
about you, Alex and Noah, but we
can't keep living lies, Star.
I'm not mad about that, Simone.
I could care less.
Are you fighting
with Brody or...?
No, I ain't seen him.
Man, I-I still can't
believe he killed Arlene.
What kind of sick
person kills like that?
You mean Otis? You
were protecting me.
You didn't even kill him.
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
- Star.
- Hello?
We got a party to set up, right?
Let's go, kid.
Hey. I got the folding chairs
you wanted being delivered,
and I'll pick up the ice
on my way over tonight.
- Thank you.
- I got your text.
How in the hell did you find
- a DJ Khaled song in the vault?
- Because he sold it
to the Floyds under one
of his old street names,
so I told him I'm giving
it to Take Three.
Why wouldn't you
give it to Noah?
I mean, the melody sounds
like it wants a solo artist.
Yeah, but the lyrics can
be split up for a trio.
- The girls need this.
- Yeah, they do.
They'll be on every
playlist with DJ Khaled.
But you can't say it wouldn't be
a good look for your new artist.
Don't have me feeling
guilty about Noah.
I'm just sayin'.
See you at the party, baby.
♪ ♪
What are you doing?
I'm just trying to get
this thing mixed, but...
something's not hitting
right with these levels.
There you go whining again.
Oh, for real.
Things just been messed up
ever since my mom came around.
Yeah, don't hate me, but
I went to go see her.
- Simone.
- Look, she is worried
about you having problems
with immigration.
The fact that we're married, but
we ain't even living together?
What, you want to
come live with me?
Me and the cockroaches?
No, mm-mm, but I'm
gonna ask Miss C.
If you could come move
in with us in the salon.
- Yeah.
- Would you like that?
Are you kidding me?
Okay, but listen,
your mom leaves for the D.R.
You need to take your
ass down to see her.
I wish I had five more
minutes with my mom.
Just go.
♪ Baby, tell the truth ♪
♪ What I got to do ♪
♪ To get you with your
arms around my body... ♪
- Hey.
- Hey.
I thought you was gonna call
when you came back to town.
Why? I leave again tomorrow.
- Before we can even talk?
- Look, there's nothing for me here.
Everyone has made that
very, very clear.
No, we got stuff to figure out...
old stuff.
So, what, you're
just gonna run away?
And you chose a line of
coke and another woman
- over helping me and my son.
- Look, I was messed up.
All right, Paola? I was so
messed up that I let you down.
You don't think I know that?
But seeing you again, it's...
It's brought back everything
I used to feel about that...
No, I don't want to do this.
I'm happily married to a man
who would do anything for me.
I don't want to hear that.
All right? I ain't leaving.
Well, then we have a problem.
I guess we do.
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
♪ Make somebody say, you feel
it when you're dancin'... ♪
That's so dope!
I can't believe she found this.
It's crazy.
Wait a minute. Wait. Noah?
- Noah?!
- Yeah?
What you listening to?
Where'd you get that?
This, uh, new DJ Khaled song.
Carlotta gave it to me for the tour.
- You mean our song?
- What you mean, your song?
- It's ours.
- Are you serious?
- That's our song.
- Carlotta...
- That's why I'm here. Listen.
- To what? Carlotta,
you know that song is
perfect for Take Three.
And for me, too. Don't
forget about what I could do
- to this track.
- Yeah, we do know what
you're gonna do to that track.
You're gonna make it into a slow jam
and dance around in circles
shirtless like you always do.
- You are kind of one note, dude.
- That's funny
coming from you three who would
just be grinding on a chair, right?
I'm here for all y'all.
Take Three and Noah
will both do demos.
Turn 'em in today. Maurice will
speak for Midtown and decide.
And I promise I will
find a joint just as hot
for whoever doesn't
get this one.
- Fair enough.
- Okay.
Right. So we are right back
to where we always were.
Competing with Noah Brooks.
Well, maybe you should've
thought about that
before you spread
your legs for him.
"On my... way." Done.
- Hey. Miss C., you got a sec?
- I'm already late
to help Bruce get set
up for the party.
You girls good to start the
demo on your own, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. And check on your sister.
Something is wrong with her.
Yeah. Well, by the way, Miss C.,
your wig is looking
super fly today.
Your hair's just glowing
with that purple.
Okay, come on now.
What do you want?
Look, I was thinking maybe Angel
could live with us in the salon?
- Hell no! I just got rid of his uncle.
- Wait.
Please. It's to protect him against
immigration in case they pop up.
You know it's more than that.
You got feelings for him.
Yeah, well, look, Miss
C., I'm just trying
to do the Christian thing.
He needs us.
Christian thing, huh?
All right, look, if you can find
a couch or somewhere for him
- to sleep, then...
- Okay. Okay!
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you, Miss C.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you won't regret it. And
you know what? We got room
because Alex isn't
moving back in.
So, I'll set that all up.
I'm gonna do my warm-ups.
It's gonna be great.
- Okay.
- Alex?
- Alex, I need to speak with you!
- I can't.
I got to go work on this
demo you gave to Noah.
When y'all gonna stop
acting like kids?
Is Noah the reason
you not back home?
See, it's that business right
there that broke up me and Mary.
We let JAHIL get between
us, and that was it.
And I'm not about to let
that happen to y'all.
It's not Noah.
It's Derek.
Every time I see
him, I feel guilty.
That kills, you know?
I can't live next door to
him and focus on the tour.
Listen, Alex, just do
what you need to do.
Come home when you're ready.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Now, where's Blondie?
- We got a song to fix.
- All right.
- Make it a banger.
- Always.
All right, look, I'm just...
start from the top
and sing all the way down. Yeah.
Of course Carlotta gave you
our studio space. Why not?
She already gave you our song.
First of all, y'all are
in Studio C, okay?
And second, the song belongs
to whoever makes it a hit.
This is not personal. This just
how the game goes. You know that.
I'm tired of hearing
it's not personal.
It's a gang of managers in
Atlanta, and you chose mine.
Oh, my God. You seriously think
everything is about you.
Working with Carlotta is so I
don't screw up my last chance.
I'm not above asking for help.
You should, 'cause your attitude
lately has been extra ugly.
That's what happens when you
steal my manager, or my music,
- or anything that's mine.
- Nah, it's something else.
You lie as good as
that wig on your head.
You wish it was
something else, Noah.
Let's go.
- ♪ Vibes ♪ - ♪ Vibes ♪
- ♪ Been ♪ - ♪ Been ♪
- ♪ Right ♪ - ♪ Right ♪
♪ All night ♪
♪ And we can fall
in love like this ♪
♪ We can fall in
love like this ♪
♪ Let's take our time,
'cause I'm feeling like ♪
♪ We can fall in
love like this ♪
- ♪ We can fall in love like
this ♪ - ♪ Tomorrow's gonna ♪
- ♪ be too rough ♪
- ♪ Be too rough ♪
- ♪ But tonight is gonna lift
you up ♪ - ♪ Lift you up ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
♪ That's what I believe ♪
♪ You're probably gonna
think too much ♪
♪ But tonight we're
gonna drink too much ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
- ♪ That's what I believe ♪
♪ That's what I believe
I believe I can ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
♪ Make somebody say ♪
♪ You feel it when you're
dancin' with your hands up ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ - ♪
Don't worry 'bout a thing ♪
- ♪ Just let it all go ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ I know I can make somebody
say ♪ - ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪
♪ I'll tell you what
your problem is ♪
♪ You be thinkin' 'bout
your problems, yeah ♪
- ♪ I can take 'em all away ♪ - ♪
I can take 'em all away mm-mm ♪
♪ Don't try to take on
the world tonight ♪
- ♪ Don't try to take ♪ - ♪ Don't
be thinking about tomorrow ♪
♪ On the world tonight ♪
- ♪ I can take it all
away ♪ - ♪ oh, ooh ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
- ♪ Ooh, ah ♪ - ♪
Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪ - ♪
Make somebody say, yeah... ♪
♪ You feel it when you're
dancin' with your hands up ♪
♪ Don't worry 'bout a thing
just let it all go ♪
♪ I know I can make
somebody say ♪
- ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah ♪ -
♪ Make somebody say ♪
- ♪ Ooh... ♪ - ♪ Whoa, oh-oh-wah
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Whoa, ah. ♪
- Hi, baby.
- I told Simone we'd talk, so...
But I guess you found
better things to do.
She's only been here 24 hours,
and you're already in the bed
- with her?
- Angel, it's not like that.
- Didn't happen that way, man.
- This is what he does, Mom.
We have a lot of
history from Miami.
Me and your uncle.
He's not my uncle. Did you
know she was married?
Yeah. She told me.
- Nice.
- My life right now was my plan B.
The first, the one that
was meant to be was here
- with you and JAHIL.
- Angel, she was young.
All right? She didn't
have any money.
She had a baby, her visa
was about to expire.
But you know what, man? I didn't
give a damn about any of that.
I fell in love with her anyway.
You left me.
You are and you will
always be my first love.
And what is he?
He is someone that will
always be there for me.
And for you.
♪ Chain hurt my neck,
chain hurt my neck ♪
♪ It hurt my neck ♪
♪ I got so much ice
that I never sweat... ♪
Boy, don't stick your
finger in my cake!
Shut up, bitch.
See what I'm talking about?
Hey, hey.
♪ Chain hurt my neck,
chain hurt my neck... ♪
Oh, hey, baby.
I got the demos from Take Three and Noah.
I'll make a decision ASAP.
I don't have no time
for that tonight.
I only got time for this.
We're finally open.
Look at my wallpaper.
Look at my floors. Brand-new
floors and brand-new chairs.
Oh, girl, they not all new.
Mine still got ashes on it.
And it's gonna stay just like that
till you get your license back.
Come on, Maurice. Let me show
you what I did with the back.
- What's going on, Maurice?
- Hey.
Girl, why is everybody going off
over Miss Ruby's
nasty-ass pig feet.
'Cause it's nasty.
Well, who still eats pig feet?
Smellin' up the whole damn shop.
Girl, well, kick her ass out.
You try kicking her out.
Crazy and high as that bitch be.
So you invited all the
construction workers?
- Hey, Mike.
- Hey, hey.
Just one.
And stay away from him... hoe.
I'll put a razor to that
face if you try it.
No, I'm-I'm straight.
♪ Hit the mall for the fit ♪
♪ And we standing up, I'm
standing tall in your ♪
♪ I send them bullets at you ♪
♪ I jump wall at your clique,
when them shooters get the... ♪
I see that raggedy
bitch back there.
I honestly just want things
to be okay with him.
I should just go say hi.
- What? No. You can't do that.
- No, no. Not in front of her.
It's fine. I got it.
It's fine, it's fine.
Well, if you gonna go,
punch her in the throat.
Oh, he's so cute.
- Oh, shoot.
- I'll grab it. Let me help you.
Oh. Slow.
Got it?
♪ Or killed them folks
that Gucci killed ♪
- ♪ This for killers only ♪
- Okay?
♪ Yeah, this for the homies ♪
♪ Drug dealers only ♪
- Good?
- Yeah, very good.
♪ Yeah, rich... only ♪
♪ Bad... only ♪
♪ Yeah, this for the homies... ♪
What a bitch.
I'm gonna get you a drink, okay?
No, I'll end up
just like my mom.
Yeah, come on, let's
just get her inside.
Come on, Alex baby, you
know she's just a rebound.
She's not half as cute as you.
And I can smell a hoe from far away...
she's preying on him,
that's all it is.
And you know they're
not getting it in...
he could barely move his hips.
- Right.
- He can move.
- Hmm?
- He can move.
This whole time, I thought I
was responsible for his pain.
And yeah, I'm responsible
for what I did, but...
I didn't kill his father.
I wasn't the one driving
the car that hit him.
I just... I just
liked someone else.
I- I feel that same
way about Elliot.
It's, like, sometimes I
got to remind myself
that I'm not the one
that killed him.
- Yeah, we screwed up.
- Yeah.
♪ ♪
What did you do?
Hey, where are you going?
Ruby, you seen Simone?
She better not be nowhere
with your weed in her mouth.
What am I, her social worker?
Why don't you ask her
cracker-ass sister?
That's not cute.
Miss Ruby, I know you stay
on that bottle, but you
got one more time.
Or else what?
Or I will knock them
dentures out your head.
Oh, God, child, let that go.
- Ruby, sit your drunk ass down, now.
- Come on, bitch,
- you want to fight, let's do it.
- Get this old lady out of here,
Miss Carlotta, 'cause
I don't care anymore.
I been waiting to stand my ground.
Come on, let's do it!
- Ruby, what are you... Miss Ruby!
- Oh! You're a bitch!
- You little white bitch!
- Give me that bottle!
Let go of me! Let go of me!
- I got your bitch!
- Just get her out of here.
- You give me this bitch!
- That's an old woman in there.
What the hell is wrong with you?
- What are you doing?
- Give me that bottle.
Sit down.
♪ This for the homies ♪
♪ Drug dealers only ♪
♪ Yeah, this members only... ♪
You saw your mom? That's huge.
You want to talk or make out?
Make out.
♪ ♪
In my wig room?
My brand-new wig room.
Get downstairs. And put
some damn clothes on.
I have my jeans on.
You think she's still
gonna let me stay?
You know how to shampoo hair?
- No.
- Well...
♪ I need, like, all the cake ♪
♪ Give me fifties and twenties,
I need, like, all the dough ♪
♪ Come give me plenty... ♪
So, you decided to come back.
♪ Me and my whole crew ♪
It's been what, a month?
I don't know.
I see you know how to drink.
I guess it's a special occasion.
What are we celebrating?
We're not celebrating.
We're forgetting.
- Oop!
- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You all right?
- Yes, I'm good.
- You sure?
I'm good.
You look good.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
♪ No, I ain't sharin', no ♪
What are you trying to forget?
♪ I gotta get it all ♪
♪ I gotta, I gotta get it all ♪
♪ No, I ain't sharin', no ♪
I did something bad.
I did something really bad.
And I can't talk to...
anybody about it.
I can't tell anybody.
What can I do to take
your mind off of it?
♪ I don't make it
drizzle, I make it rain ♪
Trust me.
I want to.
What do you mean you want to?
Then why aren't we in the back
seat of your car right now?
♪ Rollin' again ♪
♪ You see I'm gone
with the wind... ♪
'Cause we ain't
done drinkin' yet.
♪ I gotta get it all,
I gotta get it all ♪
Then more drinks.
Not that.
- Okay. Order something.
- Whiskey!
We need alcohol.
Is there a bartender?
Put that thing out. You
just had a heart attack.
Maybe it's a good thing Angel
showed up when he did.
I needed to pace myself
before round two.
You sound so sure of yourself.
♪ Crazy ♪
You know back in the day it
would have been round three,
round four.
This is just how I remember us.
Hmm. Better food, though.
♪ You ain't changin'
how I feel ♪
You know, what you said to
Angel, maybe you were right.
We did miss our chance.
But we're here now.
I want to try.
Do you?
♪ Nothing to complain about... ♪
♪ ♪
I've been looking
all over for you.
Well, you found me.
In the last place I'd have thought
your bougie-ass would be.
I'm sorry I messed things
up with you and Derek.
Well, it's not like you were
the only one on that stage.
And backstage.
- Yeah.
- No. I'm...
I'm responsible, too.
I was right there with you.
I knew what was
happening between us.
I just tried to ignore it.
I didn't think it
was fair to Derek.
I knew exactly how
you made me feel.
How's that?
you were right...
about me being a little bougie.
Alex, I was, I was
just messing with you.
Mm-hmm. No. No, it's fine.
Being a little bougie
just means that...
you know exactly what you want.
So, what is it that you want?
♪ ♪
Thanks for coming.
Good seeing you.
Good night.
Hey. Where's Star?
She went to the label to
calm down; she was upset.
Yo, I'm tired of Miss Ruby
busting on my sister like that;
she can't help it, she white.
Look, I want to talk
to you about Angel.
- I don't want him hurting you.
- The only way I'm gonna get hurt
is if he gets deported.
All right, he can live here.
But you staying upstairs.
He's staying in that RV
since JAHIL don't want to
move the damn thing anyway.
That way, if ICE shows up, we can
say you're living there with him.
Are you using protection?
- We ain't done nothing.
- Well, you sure
looked like you were
about to to me.
I'm getting you on the pill,
but until then, you
stay away from that RV.
The last thing I need is one
of my girls getting busy
in that nasty hoopty.
♪ Tell me how this
supposed to go ♪
♪ 'Cause I ain't ever really
been in love before ♪
- Hold on. Hold on.
- What?
♪ This is turning into
something more than physical ♪
♪ I know, we're just friends,
just friends, I know ♪
♪ But lately I been thinking
we could be some more ♪
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
- What?
- Are you sure about this?
♪ 'Cause this can't
be seasonal ♪
Please say yes.
Yes. Yes, but, Noah,
we can't have this
a secret, okay?
I can't have that, not with
Take Three, that's family.
Okay. Okay, we'll tell everyone.
♪ Could you be love? ♪
- Yeah. Okay.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Wait. You-you-you want
to tell them now?
- No, no, no, no. Not right now.
- Okay. Okay.
♪ Could you be love? ♪
Noah, you got protection, right?
Please say yes.
♪ Could you be? Could you be? ♪
♪ Could you be love? ♪
♪ Could you be love. ♪
- Okay, let's go.
- Easy.
- I'm ready to go.
- Easy.
- Okay. Okay.
- Yep.
- You live close?
- Yep.
Yeah. I live, um...
I walked here; that's close.
- You live alone?
- Yeah... no. No.
A lot of people, but...
I have a big backyard
and it'll work.
Yo. Thanks for calling, man.
You're not supposed to be here.
You're supposed to be
listening to the song
for the DJ and giving it to us.
- Come on. Let's get out of here.
- No. I'm not going with you.
We're supposed to
have sex, remember?
- Next time.
- Look, I got it from here.
No. I'm not go... I'm
not going with you.
Wh-wh-what are you
pulling, a Simone?
Why are you doing
this to yourself?
You don't get down like this.
Why did I do what to myself?
Why am I trying to forget?
'Cause I'm tired
of fighting with everybody, and
everybody fighting with me.
Look, you are strong, Star.
Strong people fight
for what they want.
- Now let's go.
- No! I'm not going with you.
And I'm not going to that party.
If you take me there,
- I will kill Miss Ruby.
- The party's over. Let's go.
No. I'll kill her. I'll really kill her.
I've done it before.
Star, you're drunk. You
ain't never killed nobody.
- Now let's go.
- Yes, I did. I did.
Carlotta told me about
what you tried with Otis.
You were strong then, too,
and you were trying to
protect your sister.
I'm not talking about Otis.
The other one.
The other one?
- What other one?
- You can't tell Simone.
Okay? Simone can never
know that I killed her.
- You understand? If I tell you...
- Look, no, no, no, no.
Star. Star. Star,
who did you kill?
Our mother.
JAHIL, I'm going
back to my husband.
Wait, wait. What?
Why are you, why are
you doing this, girl?
It's too late.
But that doesn't change
you being my first love.
But you can't be my last.
Take care of Angel, okay?
He looks up to you.
How you feeling?
Thank you.
I brought you home last night.
Your boy Jax texted Simone.
She asked me because she figured
you'd get busted by Carlotta.
You don't remember me coming?
I don't remember anything.
Oh, my God. Did I try
to have sex with you?
Nah, you just talked.
What'd I talk about?
About how you fight
hard for your dreams.
How you need it.
Of course.
And about that,
you're getting a win today.
Not even Carlotta knows it yet.
Well, hit me. I need that.
The DJ Khaled track is going
to Take Three for the tour.
Y'all did the damn thing.
Is our version
better than Noah's?
Y'all both had hot tracks.
You know what? Let him keep it.
We don't need a pity track.
We can get to the
top on our own.
Yeah, I know you will.
You're a killer.
Feel better.
Yeah, well, you better
move in your stuff quick
before Miss C. changes her mind.
Yeah. All right now.
I'll have my stuff moved
in by the end of today.
- Okay.
- Thank you, Simone.
Boy, it's just an RV.
No. It's saving me.
You're saving me.
Well, that's what
wives are for, right?
Guess so.
So are we gonna hear the song?
Yeah. If you sing it with me.
I'll think about it.
♪ ♪
♪ Baby, tell me why ♪
♪ Why I gotta try ♪
♪ So hard, you got me
craving your attention ♪
♪ Baby, I can't lie ♪
♪ Not a day go by ♪
♪ I hope I see my name
up in your mentions ♪
♪ Boys is calling me ♪
♪ But I don't really care ♪
♪ 'Cause, baby
you're all I need ♪
♪ And all I need
is what I want ♪
♪ What I want ♪
♪ I want you ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything,
but everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything ♪
♪ But everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ Baby, tell the truth ♪
♪ What I got to do ♪
♪ To get you with your
arms around my body ♪
♪ What I gotta lose,
lose from telling you ♪
♪ How I feel ♪
♪ I'm hoping that you're ready ♪
♪ Baby, tell me ♪
♪ Baby, baby, baby, tell me ♪
- ♪ Baby, tell me ♪
- ♪ Baby, tell me ♪
♪ Baby, baby, baby, tell me ♪
♪ Baby, tell me,
baby, baby, baby ♪
- ♪ Tell me ♪ - ♪
What I gotta do ♪
♪ What I gotta do ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But I all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking
but all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything
but everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ They keep on talking ♪
♪ But all I want is you ♪
♪ They keep on looking
but all I want is you ♪
♪ They give me everything ♪
♪ But everything ain't you ♪
♪ I want you, I want you ♪
♪ ♪
Simone. Simone.
So did you like it?
Oh, yeah. Oh, I loved it.
Okay, good.
Glad you came last night.
Me, too.
So... Alex Crane.
She was your girl, huh?
She was.
Not anymore.
You sure about that?
I mean, the way she
was looking at you.
Yeah, I'm sure.
How sure?
I'm very sure.
Anyone in the house right now?
♪ ♪
Looking good.
Don't start, Ruby.
I, um...
I've got a lot of
reasons to hate you.
Well, I could find a few reasons
to hate you, too, Miss Ruby.
A white man stole
my daddy's farm.
A white woman spit at me.
A white man killed my
son in cold blood.
That's why I can't
stand none of you.
It's not fair for me
to put you with all them
evil white folks, either.
Ain't it funny how we can be
done in over and over again,
but we still
expected to be fair?
I survived Jim Crow,
I survived the KKK,
and I'm gonna survive that
monster in the White House.
So I guess I can
handle your ass.
Plus, I don't think
you're really white.
Sorry to disappoint you,
but I'm pretty sure I
am white, Miss Ruby.
Well, not that kind of white.
Thank you... I guess.
Where you been?
Did you sleep here?
Uh, yeah. In the RV...
with Noah.
Jesus, take the wheel.
Don't do nothin'
till I get back.
This is better than
one of my stories.
I'm sorry, babe. We got about
one more hour before we open.
No. I'm actually
looking for someone.
My son's father
used to live here.
Your son's father?
That damn Peruvian bastard
could never keep his pants on.
JAHIL left about two weeks ago.
- I can get his number, though.
- Not him.
My son's father is named Arnold.
Arnold's not here no more.