Spider-Man (1994–1998): Season 2, Episode 8 - Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 8: Duel of the Hunters - full transcript

Spider-Man has finally turned into a gigantic Man-Spider. To help him, Dr. Crawford contacts Kravin the Hunter. But will Kravin get to Man-Spider before the Punisher does?


Mariah Crawford was right.

I took his serum too soon.

MJ, I can't get out today.

I'll be there right now.


Sorry, Aunt Ma. Pater
Parker no longer exists.

I stay with you.

Whatever happens, we meet it together.

Help me!

Where are you going?

Morbius luo. I'll help him.

But you're sick!

Who are you?

I am a judge.

I punish those who persecute the innocent.

You intercepted it from a student.

Give a search announcement
about Spider Man.

You get somewhere where you can get help.

No, I'm not ready!


Jonah, that mysterious
man says he's a Judge.

Now you're in a swing.

Come on, let me find out quickly.

Battle Car, Locate My Location Now!

Exhaust Tactics. Code 81452.

Open the door! Escape right away.

Start the autopilot. Return to base.
Hurry up!

Frank, are you? Are you there?

I am.

What happened?

I looked at the devil's
eyes and was scared.

It had six ugly grapples.

It was like a horror movie.

Show it.

Commissioner Lee.

Give us a search announcement
about Spider Man.

Has Spider Man Became a Human Spider?

The authorities are
wondering if Spider Man is

and the mysterious plasma
loss of New Yorkers

and the Empire State University campus

a link between stories of a spider monster.

If so, what kind of connection?

Sergei, Spider Man has been transformed.

He's dangerous. Come here right now.

- Frank, let it be.
- I can not.

If the Spider Man became a kind of monster,

It's not the right thing for you.

We just had to do a spectacular task

and get you into popularity.

Are you listening? You don't
do this to fight monsters.

Wrong. I fight specifically
against monsters.

I'll destroy that creature
before anyone gets hurt.

Do you or not? -Autan. As you wish.

It takes hours to prepare.

Anyone with a human spider in between?

No. If he has any human sense left,

he's probably hiding somewhere,

not to be seen during the day.

When the time comes, I'm looking for him

the trace I put on his foot.

She gets sleeping beauty. He needs them.

Mrs. Parker, I was afraid.

Mary Jane, you slept all night.
It's morning.

- Morning? Where are you going?
- Poliisilaitokselle.

Peter didn't come home yesterday.

You know what he's like.

He always follows that awful Spider Man

to take pictures.

The news said the Spider Man
had turned into a monster.

I'm very afraid.

Peter may be in trouble or worse.

I'll be with you.

You do not have to. -I want
to know if something is wrong.

I care about Peter.

If something happened to
him, I wouldn't endure it.

New York.

I have developed an antidote
for the whole night.

I have to give it to him soon,

otherwise he will become
a human spider in the end.

That's good you came.

My own Calypso, you have to take it.
There's a long night ahead.

Although I am no longer superhuman,

scientifically created madman,

I want to be a good predator.

Sergei, Did you eat a hunter's ceremony?

Does the lion catch his brother?

Do you have that shield?

- Is. These are really big weapons.
- You care too much.

I think it's too old for that.

We have done this from the Vietnam War.
Don't you start getting tired?

- Never.
- Then I can't stop.

Someone has to keep you alive.
Be careful, okay?

I do what to do.

War Log entry. The tracker works.

Today we see action.

I'm hungry. Felicia, my dear.

No! I have to get out of
this terrible blood loss.

I'll do it for you, Felicia.
Maybe I need help.

Hello? Who is it?

Help! Help!

Hey, what's the matter with you?

The spider monster talking about

to be in a science laboratory.

That monster is just a trash
thing invented by Daily Bugle.

Against Spider Man.
He's a good guy, a hero.

What do you suggest? That I see visions?

You're smart here, I'm not.

Wait a minute.

You're the Flash Thompson,
the hero of the Empire State.

No need to clap.

Once you are so brilliant,

you can bring me back inside.

I have to go somewhere.

Are you a big star. You are afraid.

What? Come on.


The wind poured some objects.

You imagined the rest.

That science is bad for your brain.

Really? How do you know that?

You athletes have no brain.

No problem!

Webbing? What is happening here?

Auto Battle. The glue gun.
Act on my character.

Wind Repair...

I made the adhesive stronger.
This time I grabbed you!

I live for this, a network head.

Prevent monsters like you from
doing evil to the innocent.

Say goodbye.

I don't know who you are,
but you made a big mistake.

Who are you? -Someone who doesn't need it

barbarian weapons to catch.

Debra, help me. Thompson, stop.

- No!
- Hunger is too big. Must be edible.

- Forgive me.
- No!

Leave her alone.


No! Let him be.


The TV said you were Huligan,

who thinks he is above lai.

- So what?
- Is written,

that man can build the throne of
the thrust, but cannot sit on it.

Stop hunting. It is not about good or bad,

but about life.

I don't know who you are,

but if you are still on my way,

The lion will never walk again.
Is it clear?

"The wounds of their own
are fresh." Francis Bacon.

Revenge is a stupid reason to predatory.

Maybe, but it suits me.

You're agile, but my persecution is good.
I will find you for sure.

Harry, thank you for coming! -I'm
right after I got your message.

You're Peter's best friend.

You were the only one I could turn to.

Computer, war journal entry 19943.

So? Sergei, what's new?

Come on suddenly. I know
where our friend is.

And Peter Parker, a student at Empire
State, is still not showing up.

She disappeared yesterday.

Is he also the victim
of that strange spider

who has terrorized the city?

Oh, unusual! I hope not.

The student of Empire State said earlier

seen it on the campus.

The police are puzzled.

I share those concerns.

It is not like Pete to disappear around.

No! Stay away.

Leave her alone!

No, don't do us bad!

- Remind me I won't do that anymore.
- Harry, you brave fool.

What made it go? -I do not know.
But for a moment

it seemed to me that it knew me.

What on earth?


We should work together.


No! Don't shake the net.

Don't hurt her.

I don't hurt, but I'll
break her into something!

Then he has no nerve
heads to feel the pain.

Don't, Gunga Din. If I drop this,
we will be in the news tomorrow.

- Sergei, get him!
- Who are you?

I'm Dr. Mariah Crawford.

That being is my friend. She needs my help.

Sorry. There is no fault
if you have a bad track.

Wait! The TV said you
were fighting criminals

to take your family to death.

Your family died of firing between gangs.

Don't you realize that
nothing brings them back?

This man is sick.

He's left inside the being body.
He's a victim.

As your wife and your
children were victims.

The only monster you are. Jack.

I have to give serum.

Hold him with Sergei.

Hurry up!

Well. It's done.

Take off your coat.

- Get it around his face.
- What?

She keeps the mask for a reason.
Respecting his wish.

Put this to him. I found it.
I was going to take it to memory.

Take it easy. We are friends.

This man saved you.

Just like I wake up from a nightmare.

Well, little Calypson.
You've done it again.

- Kalypso?
- Mythology.

Kalypso was the goddess who
gave Odysseus a gift of life.

You're supposed to be Calypso.

Let him rest. Then I'll
help bring her here.

Wait! If you are comforted,

The spider-man did not do the kidnapping.

It doesn't comfort you.


World Trade Center. The parking garage.
How did you know?

I found the gravel in the spider web.

It still smelled of the bombs of years ago.

Smart. I'm impressed.

We would be a great couple.

Thank you for saving my life.

This will be a beautiful day.

I'm lucky that I'm alive

and that I am Spider-Man.