Spider-Man (1994–1998): Season 1, Episode 11 - The Hobgoblin: Part 1 - full transcript

Norman Osborn hires a psychopath, known as the Hobgoblin, to kill the Kingpin. But the Hobgoblin plans to use Osborn and Kingpin's rivalry to his own advantage.

I don't understand why you're doing this.

I have to insure the magazines
that I want to serve the public.

They must not start to doubt
what I'm doing for my job.

Is not true. Why me?

This may be too sudden,

but it is a beautiful, huge apartment
on the edge of Central Park...

Why do you want me as a roommate?

We hardly know each other, Osborn.

And you are a friend of Flash.

Why don't you ask him? Kuu I e.

I want out of my dad's apartment.

He doesn't pay the rent, so my
roommates are not responsible

and a good student.

Flash is a fun type, but not a genius.

So you're serious?

Me? Hardly ever, but my father is.

You agree with me.

How can I afford it?

Everything is taken care of.
Daddy pays everything.

- Time agreement.
- It's.

She has spoiled me from
my parents' separation.

He believes he can buy
good spells for his son

as he buys everything else.

I have to consider this.

My father is at that foundation.

Because I don't meet him every day,

if I don't tell you the decision
right away, the thing goes missing.

Yes, you give the time to think.

Where's Parker? If he doesn't
get a good picture of me...

We have gathered to start the
great project of Empire State.

Our new criminology building
is about to be realized.

New York's leading benefactor, Wilson Fisk.

It would be great to have an orna
apartment on a closer campus.

What does May Aunt think about it?

Thank you very much, Mr Osborn.

It is an honor to raise
the first shovel mold

soon to become Fisk's
Department of Criminology.

Fisk, dig a sufficiently
wide pit for your own grave.

They give a clear picture together

the values that our
citizens should support.

In addition to that...

That damn boy!

Who's that?

Well, here's the need for
a new racket in the suit.

Did you see what Parker did?

- Where did he go?
- Go low.

- I say, Charlie.
- Hämähäkkimies!

You were late for the Halloween party.

The name is Mörkö.

You just got to your funeral in time.

Look at him. -He's not
getting caught up in Him.

Hope they kill each other.

I want to know who that madman is.

Why are you chasing Fisk?

Believe it, it's not personal.

That's it.

You're lousy. How did you
achieve such a reputation?

Probably thanks to the trash cans.

That type is always smarter than me.

How do you beat that flying miscarriage?

This high nose leaks blood.
Why do I get confused?

Do you enjoy a flight?

True boring flight. No
peanuts or Stallone movie.

I'll get lost.

You have to make it easy to descend.

Oh no! The bacon is empty.

I haven't done that. Here you have
to succeed with the first try.


No! This may succeed.

Complete descent. Just as I planned.

How Do I Find All the Shrugs?

Where do they appear and
how do I get them back?

- Are you okay, Dad?
- I'm sure.

Thank you. I don't have a problem either.

You cursed! Mörkö, you
brought a bad disappointment.

You didn't tell me that Spider Man
would get involved with the story.

It complicated some things. That's
why I ask for a higher premium.

If you pay, I'll try to grab Fisk again.

No can do. Fisk is now alert.

Why do you want to kill him at all?

- What has he done to you?
- It's none of your business.

Nothing else belongs to anymore.
You are fired!

Leave that to me.

You can't talk to me like a little bad guy.

You were just a little villain
before the board and weapons

ambitious masked raggari.

I made you Möron.

Now I end your career.

Don't forget that I
know who you really are.

I saved the information so that it would
be revealed if something happened to me.

You owe me, Osborn.

I'll take the lentola
board as a down payment.

Bugle Young Photographer,
Peter Parker, Queens

pushed Fisk into safety.

Good grief. You might have been hurt.

In order for me to sleep at night
peacefully, you will change away,

You must promise not to take such risks.

I will not change out
if you do not want to.

No no.

Young people have to do that.


Anna Watson said Mary Jane
might change her friends.

Really? -It doesn't really like that

that alone in that big
house around the corner.

We decided to change to me.

That's a great thing.

You have to follow and I can change.

So. It's a pretty fine arrangement.

I knew you would understand.
But I want to say something.

Wherever I go, I'm always
here for you if you need me.

Thank you my love.

- You want a dessert?
- Sure.

After a brutal attack by the day.

A person known as a morgue
hailed into the sky.

Parker! You have a lousy tour.

Let it be, Flash.

This is her home now.

Peter, you almost didn't
get to our big housewives.

This place is incredible.

Don't just stand there.

When can I thank your father?

Who knows? She hasn't been to yet.

He has a lot of work in OsCorp.

Must take care of the guests.

This is a really great apartment.

Don't you boys just ruin it
with DayGlo velvet boards.

Your place is filled with Warhol paintings.

Please do not. Paintings
by Hockney and Motherwell.

No harm, but you and Harry can

detained by the interior police.

Fortunately, I can help.

The large windows are
suitable for zipping the sey.

Moving here can be the
best decision I made.

What are you secreting, Fisk?

Secrets can earn well.

Welcome. Even you can't
fly high enough or fast

to avoid death.

So this is the center of everything.

I didn't think this place was there.

I thought this was a legend
like EI Dorado or Shangri-Ia.

My desire for criminals,

to entertain the unsuspecting.

But it is true.

One nerve center

indeed, the vast majority of the
world's criminality dominates.

And this is it.

- Tell your husband away.
- Why would I do that?

Because you can anywhere, Fisk.

Or should you say Kingpin?

Isn't that why there is a
bigger reason to destroy you?

Don't you want to know
who hired me to kill you?

Time is bold. Or what, Smythe?
The man wants to do the trades.

How Disgusting!

He can't afford it.
Get your weapons.


Mörkö, you are fun.

Tell me what you really want.


The chance to show you what
benefits I can have for you.

And most of all I want this!

Your entertaining value
justifies your presence here.

Let's find out the most important things
first. Who was your former employer?

Norman Osborn.

Osborn. I'll give her a lesson.

At the same time, I will try
how faithful you are to me.

If you want to work for me,
you need better weapons.

Which are better suited to
your very strange essence.

Why are you dressing up?

The rams have been around for centuries

symbols of rude fear and horror.

I want my enemy to see these faces last.

Full boys mixed up.

Good thing that May's
Aunt doesn't see this.

Hello. What?


Hey, where's this mecca?

Aunt Aunt is coming here.

Even worse. She is here.

Funny. Aunt Aunt has never
raised my spider craze before.

Peter! What on earth?

You! Brilliant. I get
two birds with one shot.



Aunt May you hear my voice?

Send an ambulance immediately!

Doctor, how can he?

It's a kind of scene.

The mind retreated due
to high nerve pressure.

We can only wait.

Why do my dear people suffer,

when I try to work right?

That's right, be it Spider-Man or Peter.

I can't seem to win.

First, Uncle Ben, now this one.

How do I endure myself if
something happens to May's aunt?

He destroys us. She's miserable.

Liar. Just too ambitious.


These qualities are needed
to advance in this company.

He reminds me when I was young.

Maybe I'll train her for my protection.

How moving.

Special delivery from me.

Welcome to the lower range, junior.

What you want from me?

Your dad is upright. Do you need to ask it?

I am very pleased Groke.

Things went better than I expected.

I even found out about the old kalavela.

From that bonus.

Everything in time.

I deserved it. Liver!

You will be paid when I authorize it.

You're working for me now. Never forget it.

All right, Kingpin. If you want to.


Norman, it's great to see how hard you are.

What now, Fisk? I'm a busy man.

So busy not to talk about your son?

Harry! What is this?

This happens when someone
tries to deceive me.

Hey, Osborn. I found a new job.

I hope you do not hurt that
I put your name on my resume.

Isn't life full of surprises?

I was surprised when you sent me to Mörö.

I didn't know you didn't want me
an OsCorp silent companion anymore.

But be it. Now I want
all of your inventions.

My invention? They are my life's work.

Get the time 24 hours
to hand over them to me.

Do not be late.

It destroys me.

You can choose. Either
your life or your son.

It's a sneaky villain. I tore him...

Mary Jane.

I was worried. I had to come.

Thank you. Has the police told
you anything new about Harry?

- Nothing.
- This is my fault.

You couldn't do anything.

Mörkö is a madman.

- He attacks at random.
- No.

Not random. He chased me.

Did yachting?

How did he know I lived there?

Didn't he speak of two
flies at the same time?

- Peter?
- MJ, I have to leave

for a while.

- Can you stay with May's aunt?
- Sure. But where...

We have to talk.

To talk about? Caught my son!

Kingpin is a crooked traitor!

You're a liar pyrky!

Yes, of course, but this time
I'm talking about the truth.

I have a plan.

We can take revenge on Fisk together.

What do you suggest?

Get back your company and your son.

How do you benefit from it?

I want Kingpin.

Get me to Mr Osborne! I
am his son's roommate.

Be your mother. He must not be disturbed.

If I come back, I need a better weapon.

I already gave my own.

Don't bother, Norm.

You geniuses always do one,

but you're planning better.

It flies twice higher

and four times faster than the old board.

It has a large number
of missiles and bombs,

and it even has a remote control.

Fits perfectly.

I would recognize that laughter anywhere.

Different board, same pine.

Jopas something.

Now is the time to try
out my great new life.

Tell me how did you find me?

I followed your abominable traces.

It is a pleasure to shoot you down.

Let's see where this device is capable.

According to Osborn, these are bombs.

How can I grab him? That
lumberboard is incredible.

It's time to attack separately.

That lento board works on its own.

Hey, Spiderman!

Want to watch the scenery?

I need some luck. I may be...

wrong kind of happiness!

How a nice surprise. They are bombs!