South Park (1997–…) - episodes with scripts
The curious, adventure-seeking, fourth grade group of boys, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, all join in in buffoonish adventures that sometimes evolve nothing. Sometimes something that was simple at the start, turns out to get out of control. Everything is odd in the small mountain town, South Park, and the boys always find something to do with it.
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
- 3. Freak Strike
Season 8
- 1. Good Times with Weapons
- 2. Up the Down Steroid
- 3. The Passion of the Jew
- 4. You Got F'd in the A
- 6. The Jeffersons
- 7. Goobacks
- 8. Douche and Turd
- 9. Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
- 10. Pre-School
- 11. Quest for Ratings
- 12. Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
- 13. Cartman's Incredible Gift
- 14. Woodland Critter Christmas
Season 9
- 1. Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
- 2. Die Hippie, Die
- 3. Wing
- 4. Best Friends Forever
- 5. The Losing Edge
- 6. The Death of Eric Cartman
- 7. Erection Day
- 8. Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
- 9. Marjorine
- 10. Follow That Egg
- 11. Ginger Kids
- 12. Trapped in the Closet
- 13. Free Willzyx
- 14. Bloody Mary
Season 10
- 1. The Return of Chef
- 2. Smug Alert!
- 3. Cartoon Wars: Part 1
- 4. Cartoon Wars: Part 2
- 5. A Million Little Fibers
- 6. ManBearPig
- 7. Tsst
- 8. Make Love, Not Warcraft
- 9. Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
- 10. Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
- 11. Hell on Earth 2006
- 12. Go God Go
- 13. Go God Go XII
- 14. Stanley's Cup
Season 11
Season 12
- 1. Tonsil Trouble
- 2. Britney's New Look
- 3. Major Boobage
- 4. Canada on Strike
- 5. Eek, a Penis!
- 6. Over Logging
- 7. Super Fun Time
- 8. The China Probrem
- 9. Breast Cancer Show Ever
- 10. Pandemic
- 11. Pandemic 2: The Startling
- 12. About Last Night...
- 13. Elementary School Musical
- 14. The Ungroundable
Season 13
- 1. The Ring
- 2. The Coon
- 3. Margaritaville
- 4. Eat, Pray, Queef
- 5. Fishsticks
- 6. Pinewood Derby
- 7. Fatbeard
- 8. Dead Celebrities
- 9. Butters' Bottom Bitch
- 10. W.T.F.
- 11. Whale Whores
- 12. The F Word
- 13. Dances with Smurfs
- 14. Pee
Season 14
- 1. Sexual Healing
- 2. The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs
- 3. Medicinal Fried Chicken
- 4. You Have 0 Friends
- 5. 200
- 6. 201
- 7. Crippled Summer
- 8. Poor and Stupid
- 9. It's a Jersey Thing
- 10. Insheeption
- 11. Coon 2: Hindsight
- 12. Mysterion Rises
- 13. Coon vs. Coon and Friends
- 14. Crème Fraiche
Season 15
- 2. Funnybot
- 3. Royal Pudding
- 4. T.M.I.
- 5. Crack Baby Athletic Association
- 6. City Sushi
- 7. You're Getting Old
- 8. Ass Burgers
- 9. The Last of the Meheecans
- 10. Bass to Mouth
- 11. #DUPE#
- 12. 1%
- 13. A History Channel Thanksgiving
Season 16
- 1. Reverse Cowgirl
- 2. Cash for Gold
- 3. Faith Hilling
- 4. Jewpacabra
- 5. Butterballs
- 6. I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining
- 7. Cartman Finds Love
- 8. Sarcastaball
- 9. Raising the Bar
- 10. Insecurity
- 11. Going Native
- 12. A Nightmare on Facetime
- 13. A Scause for Applause
- 14. Obama Wins!
Season 17
Season 18
- 1. Go Fund Yourself
- 4. Handicar
- 5. The Magic Bush
- 6. Freemium Isn't Free
- 7. Grounded Vindaloop
- 8. Cock Magic
Season 19
Season 20
- 1. Member Berries
- 2. Skank Hunt
- 3. The Damned
- 4. Wieners Out
- 5. Douche and a Danish
- 6. Fort Collins
- 7. Oh, Jeez
- 8. Members Only
- 9. Not Funny
- 10. The End of Serialization as We Know It
Season 21
- 1. White People Renovating Houses
- 2. Put It Down
- 3. Holiday Special
- 4. Franchise Prequel
- 5. Hummels & Heroin
- 6. Sons A Witches
- 7. Doubling Down
- 8. Moss Piglets
- 9. Episode #21.9
- 10. Splatty Tomato
Season 22
- 1. Dead Kids
- 2. A Boy and a Priest
- 3. The Problem with a Poo
- 4. Tegridy Farms
- 5. The Scoots
- 6. Time to Get Cereal
- 8. Episode #22.8
- 9. Episode #22.9
- 10. Episode #22.10
Season 23
- 2. Band in China
- 3. Shots!!!
- 4. Let Them Eat Goo
- 5. Tegridy Farms Halloween Special
- 6. Season Finale
- 7. Board Girls
- 8. Turd Burglars
- 9. Basic Cable
- 10. Christmas Snow
Season 24
Season 25
Season 26
- 4. Deep Learning
- 5. DikinBaus Hot Dogs
- 6. Spring Break