Smallville (2001–2011): Season 3, Episode 20 - Talisman - full transcript
Lionel calls Professor Joseph Willowbrook to the Kiwatche caves to show a recently found ancient object. Professor Willoebrook brings his assistant Jeremiah Holdsclaw, who takes the relic from the hands of Lionel. It transforms in a knife and makes Jeremiah as powerful as Clark. He runs away from Lionel's security men with the mythic knife. Professor Willowbrook insists that Clark is Namam, the man who fell from the stars, and in accordance with the Indian prophecy, that knife belongs to him and could be destroyed only by his greatest enemy. Jeremiah thinks that the enemy is Lionel and makes plans to kill him. Meanwhile, Lana decides to move to Paris to be away from Clark and make a fresh start. Also, a troubled Pete reveals to Chloe that his parents have decided to get a divorce.
Look at this place.
He's done nothing but
defile our holy ground.
History has taught us to
walk among our enemies.
Yeah, while they walk all over us?
I understand your anger, Jeremiah...
but we have no access to these
caves without his permission.
Professor Willowbrook, thank you for
coming on such short notice.
I didn't realize you'd be bringing
someone with you, though.
This is Jeremiah Holdsclaw, future
leader of the Kawatche people...
and one of my brightest
graduate students.
- Oh.
- He may be able to help...
identify the artifact.
Jeremiah, it's an honor to meet you.
Perhaps you could show us what you found.
Yes, of course. Miriam.
What do you...?
What do you make of this, professor?
Incredible. Palak.
What is Palak?
Ancient traditional cookware.
Beautiful example.
Jeremiah, what do you think it is?
I think the professor is right.
I think we should take it back to the
museum to properly study it.
Oh, no. It can't leave the cave.
Not until I've had it
thoroughly analyzed. Miriam.
If you are the friend of the Kawatche
that you claim to be...
then why won't you let us take it now?
Professor, would you give
me the artifact, please?
Jeremiah, you're embarrassing me.
Professor, this is ancient Kawatche soil.
Everything in here belongs to us.
No! No!
Give it to me.
Give me the knife, Jeremiah.
Find him.
And bring me that knife.
♪ Smallville: "Talisman" ♪
Season 3 Episode 20
Original Airdate May 5, 2004
Professor Willowbrook?
Those are a lot of steps for
an old man to climb.
I'm sorry I haven't seen you lately.
- Between the farm and school, I...
- No need to make excuses, Naman.
Don't worry.
Your secret is safe with me.
I'm not Naman.
It's just a story on a cave wall.
Until last night, I believed that too.
What happened last night?
Your destiny was revealed.
It's called Palak...
the Star Blade. It's been missing
for 500 years.
Until Lionel Luthor unearthed it.
It shines a light on Sageeth
so Naman can identify and destroy...
his greatest enemy.
And Willowbrook came because
he thinks you are Naman?
Dad, you should've seen the way he looked
at me. It was kind of overwhelming.
Well, Clark, he thinks you're
the savior of his people.
That's a lot to shoulder.
Even... Even for you.
Yeah, but I'm not.
- I mean, I can barely take care of myself.
- Sit down.
Look, you can't allow yourself to get all tied
up in prophecies written on a cave wall.
Except some of the prophecies
are starting to come true.
One of Willowbrook's students got a hold
of the blade, and it's given him powers.
What exactly are we talking about here?
So far, strength, speed
and he's bulletproof.
How is that possible?
The Kawatche were charged
with its safe keeping.
Holding it, they're given
the power to protect it...
until they can deliver
it to the true Naman.
I had your abilities for a short time...
but, believe me, having all
that power was intoxicating.
You don't think Jeremiah's
gonna give it back.
Clark, you've got to find him and stop him
before Lionel Luthor gets a hold of it.
Why won't you listen to me? I told
you I don't wanna talk about it!
Note to self, forward all
telemarketing calls to Pete.
You wanna tell me what that was about?
It was nothing.
Did you pull an all-nighter, or do you
just find changing clothes too cliche?
I was a little laundry-impaired this morning.
How bohemian of you.
Hey, do you want to cover
the gymnastics tryouts?
I'm sorry, can you find someone else?
Pete Ross passing up the opportunity to
ogle Smallville High's women in spandex?
Look, I just can't do it, okay?
I gotta get to class.
Well, hang on a second,
and I'll walk with you.
Or not.
- Dad, I came as soon as I heard.
- Lex, I...
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Would you excuse us, please?
Yeah, I'm fine, son. I just...
bruised a few ribs, that's all.
The rumor's floating around that
the person who attacked you...
was holding an ancient
Kawatche artifact...
that supposedly gave him
superhuman strength and speed.
Well, if that were true,
wouldn't that be a prize?
Is that why you've come?
I don't live in the past anymore, Dad.
Someone told me it was a weakness.
Given your recent mishaps in the cave...
maybe you should start
following your own advice.
why don't you let me use some law
enforcement relationships to track this guy.
Considering what you and I have
been going through recently...
this filial concern of yours is...
touching and a little surprising.
Who are you, Lex?
no matter what our differences...
I'm always gonna be concerned
about your well-being.
You know, Lex, the only thing more
bruised than my ribs is my ego.
Any more publicity
would only embarrass me.
So the cave...
What do you say? Let's let
the matter drop, all right?
You didn't get in?
No, no. I got accepted.
They turned down my financial aid,
which means I can't go.
Well, wait a minute.
Before you commit yourself to pouring
lattes in the Sunflower State...
why don't you talk to Lex?
Chloe, I am not asking Lex for a loan.
Why not? You know he would
happily lend it to you.
But I wanted to do this on my own.
Well, selfishly, I would be
glad if you decided to stay.
But if Lex were in your shoes,
do you think...
that he would let one bump in the road
deter him from pursuing his dreams?
Call him.
Here for the prospective-students tour,
Did you do this?
Now, what possible reason would
I have to ransack the office...
of an obscure teaching assistant?
Then tell me why you're here.
You first.
Jeremiah was gonna help
me with a term paper.
Term paper.
Your visit doesn't have anything to do with
the fact that he went ballistic last night...
and absconded with a
sacred Kawatche artifact.
I didn't know.
Well, I'm surprised.
I mean, you usually keep such a close eye
on everything that happens in the caves.
- For those papers you're always writing.
- You still haven't told me why you're here.
Well, according to the legend
of Naman and Sageeth...
this missing artifact bestows
extraordinary abilities...
on whoever possesses it.
You don't really believe that.
I like to keep my mind open
to extreme possibilities.
You're starting to sound like your father.
I guess I should be offended...
but it looks like he's beaten
us both to the punch.
Tell me something, Clark.
Do you have any idea what this might be?
if you find your friend,
tell him I'd like to meet him.
And good luck with your term paper.
Even if I knew where he was,
what makes you think he'd listen to me?
But as I understand it,
you're not only his academic adviser...
but you're his...
spiritual counselor as well.
- Yes?
- So why not just explain to him...
that the Star Blade isn't his to keep?
- What do you know about it?
- I've read your writings, professor.
It doesn't belong to you either.
You know, I have a considerable
amount of influence around here.
- Yes?
- Is that a threat?
No. Of course not.
But I'm fascinated by your work.
I'm thinking about giving your
department a sizable grant...
so you can continue your research.
Don't tell me an educated man like you
puts stock in old Indian legends.
Look, professor...
you and I both saw what
Jeremiah did in the cave.
I've suspected for some
time that there are...
special human beings who are
capable of feats like that.
Now I know I'm right.
If you've read my work...
then you also know that the blade will
crumble if the wrong person touches it.
- Who is he?
- According to legend...
he's the bearer of darkness.
Clark. Well, this is a coincidence.
Nice to see you.
What did he want?
The same thing you do, Naman.
Professor, please stop calling me that.
One who denies his destiny...
can bring about as much pain and
suffering as your greatest enemy.
Please, professor, I'm just here to help.
I don't want Jeremiah to hurt
anyone, including himself.
This mural was painted on
the blinds in his office.
I tried drawing it.
Clark, that's the slumbering place.
The burial ground where the ancient
Kawatche used to perform death rituals.
Jeremiah's writing his dissertation about it.
Does it still exist?
Jeremiah doesn't exist anymore, professor.
You can't allow the power of the
blade to cloud your judgment.
It's made things very clear.
Your duty is to protect the blade
for Naman. He's Naman.
Him? He's not even Kawatche.
Look, it doesn't really matter who I am.
The blade is dangerous, Jeremiah.
It's given me the strength of 10 men.
I can shoot fire from my eyes.
Don't you see, professor?
I am Naman.
You're misinterpreting
the prophecy, Jeremiah.
All these years, I've listened to you.
But now I can see you've held me back.
You're afraid that I've become
more powerful than you.
Jeremiah, it's the blade.
It's corrupting you. Just put it down.
I don't take orders from anyone.
I will be the savior of my people.
I will bring Sageeth here and kill him!
You don't even know who Sageeth is.
You could kill an innocent person.
The man I want...
is far from innocent.
Stay out of my way, false prophet.
Clark, do you have any idea
where he went?
I'm pretty sure he's
going after Lionel Luthor.
Because he thinks Lionel is Sageeth.
I remember when you first
learned about this from Kyla.
She said... Thanks. She said Sageeth was
supposed to start as one of the good guys.
But the prophecy isn't written down.
It's an oral tradition, so it's open
to a million different interpretations.
What's your interpretation?
I don't know. Professor Willowbrook...
thinks that I'm Naman.
And Jor-El wants me to be some
sort of Kryptonian warrior...
but I just want to be Clark Kent.
Well, you are Clark Kent, and like it or not,
you're the only one who can stop this kid.
- We need to warn Lionel.
- No.
Jonathan, you just said...
I don't want to give him information...
that can help him find this weapon
before Clark does.
Son, what you need to do is, you need to
find Jeremiah before he kills Lionel.
Dad, even if I do find Jeremiah, I don't
know how to get the knife away from him.
If he does have your abilities, there's a
good chance that he has your weakness.
Now, I know what you're going to say.
This faux Egyptian decor is terribly tacky.
So I'm gonna need you to just use your
imagination and you will see the potential.
And keep in mind,
location, location, location.
- Hi, can I help you?
- Yes.
Earl Grey, please.
And whatever my client wants.
Take a look up on the second floor.
There's a very nice living space...
Miss, I think there's been
a misunderstanding.
The Talon's not for sale.
Well, it is, dear.
Lex Luthor hired me to sell it.
Excuse me.
- I'm part-owner. You can't just...
- Take it up with him.
You can't just sell the Talon
without consulting me.
I thought that's what you wanted
so you could afford to go to Paris.
No, I asked you to buy me out of my share.
I didn't ask you to sell the building.
Either way, you get the money.
I put my heart and soul into that place, Lex.
My friends hang out there, it's a sanctuary.
I do not want it turned into a Kinko's.
Lana, this may come as a shock to you,
but the Talon's not exactly a cash cow.
And personally, I have no
interest in the coffee business.
It's much more profitable
to sell the building.
If the Talon is such a terrible investment,
then why'd you keep it this long?
I thought that was obvious.
I did it for you.
I spend so much time swimming
with Wall Street sharks...
and boardroom barracudas...
that it's been nice to come up for air...
with someone as honest
and pure-hearted as you.
In some ways, you're the
best partner I've ever had.
Thank you, Lex.
But you're leaving, and you're irreplaceable.
So why hang on to something that's over?
Unless, of course, this is really
about you having second thoughts.
What? No, I...
Because you've got to ask
yourself, Lana, who are you?
Are you a small-town girl
content to spend her days...
gossiping in a coffee shop
with her friends?
Or are you the girl who goes to Paris?
What do you want?
The same thing as you.
To insure the well-being
of the Kawatche people.
Then stop pillaging their caves.
But who rightfully owns the cave, Clark?
Your family? They seem to believe they do.
That's funny. I could say
the same thing about you.
You want me to leave the Kawatche alone?
Deliver a message for me.
Tell them to return the stolen artifact.
Well, I'd be careful if I were you.
They say that artifact is dangerous.
Acquiring anything valuable always
involves a certain amount of risk...
and I believe that that knife is valuable...
in more ways than one.
- What are you talking about?
- We'll have to run tests to be sure.
But I believe that that Star Blade...
is forged from the same metal
as the octagonal key.
It might be possible to use the metal
from the knife to create a duplicate.
- I thought the original was in the cave wall.
- My scientists haven't been able to find it.
You honestly believe that I'd help you?
Why are we playing games, Clark?
You're as eager as I am to unlock
the mysteries of the cave.
Even if I wanted to help you, the
Kawatche don't take orders from me.
Don't be modest.
I'm sure they believe, as I do,
you're a very...
special young man. They'll believe you.
You can also tell the professor
that I can turn...
from being a loyal ally to
his very formidable nemesis...
in a heartbeat.
The friend who becomes the enemy.
I beg your pardon?
Mr. Luthor, those caves may not belong to
my family, but this barn does. So get out.
Have you found Jeremiah?
Not yet, but I have an idea.
I need your help.
I'm at your service, Naman.
I know you want to believe it,
but I'm... I'm not your savior.
I mean, did you ever think
that Jeremiah really is Naman?
He has all the abilities
foretold in the prophecy...
and he's gonna try and kill Sageeth.
True, but he did not fall from
the sky in a rain of fire.
Jeremiah is desperate
to be someone he's not.
And you are desperate
not to be someone you are.
Professor, I may be confused about who
I am, but one thing I'm not is a killer.
You'd be surprised what you're
capable of when the time comes.
Now, how can I help you?
Well, if I can't find Jeremiah...
maybe I can get him to come to me.
Do you have any way to contact him?
I could try to pass him a message
through other members of the tribe.
But after last night,
I doubt if he'll listen to me.
That depends on the message.
What are you doing here?
Professor Willowbrook sent me a message.
He told me that after he saw what
I could do, he knew he was wrong.
- I'm the true Naman.
- I never claimed to be Naman.
Willowbrook says you're a false prophet.
That before I kill Sageeth, I have to kill you.
What's this?
Danny, what's...?
What's happening?
Danny, why have we stopped?
Hey, I thought I had the monopoly
on burning the candle at both ends.
Actually, I was just heading to
the Torch to print out my term paper.
Oh, yeah. What good are extracurriculars
if you can't milk them for office supplies.
Just lock up when you're done
and try to turn everything off, okay?
- Okay.
- Oh, hey.
I saw your mom at the courthouse. You
didn't tell me she was up for a judgeship.
Actually, she doesn't have the job yet.
With her record, she's a shoo-in.
I was talking to a couple people...
You don't stop until you
get your scoop, do you?
I was just trying to show
a little interest in your life.
I'm your friend.
I'm not just some random reporter.
Oh, you see, that... That's the problem.
You're both.
And it's pretty obvious
which one comes first.
- What's with you, Pete?
- Not everything is public domain, Chloe!
Now I understand why Clark gets so mad
at you for trying to bust into his private life.
- Clark!
- Clark!
Jonathan, he barely has a pulse.
Help me get him over.
Oh, God.
Martha, why don't you go get something
to help stop the bleeding, sweetheart.
You better... You better hurry, sweetheart.
Come on, Clark.
Jonathan, how did you...?
I have no idea.
Mom? Dad?
Sweetheart, thank God.
- What happened?
- We found you bleeding to death.
Blade must've been made
of Kryptonian metal.
I guess my body healed itself.
your father did it.
I have no idea, Clark.
One minute I was trying to stop the blood,
and the next minute you were healed.
You saved my life.
I didn't save your life, son.
I was just the vessel.
For Jor-El?
Well, however it happened,
we should be grateful.
He's not done with either of us, is he?
Clark, Lex called last night.
Jeremiah has Lionel.
- I know where they are. I'll go.
- Clark...
Jeremiah tried to kill you.
let him go.
Now, Sageeth...
you'll bring no more darkness
to my people.
I don't know how you survived.
But you won't do it twice.
Lex, it's Jeremiah.
- Where's...? Where's Jeremiah?
- I don't know, Dad.
I'm gonna get you out of here
before he comes back.
Come on!
According to Chloe's sources...
the doctors at Belle Reve think that
Jeremiah may never come out of his coma.
I guess having all those abilities
really took a toll on his body.
Well, son, at least we know that the knife
won't ever hurt you or anybody else again.
It also means the prophecy came true.
The blade glowed and then disintegrated
when they touched it...
which means either Lionel or Lex
is my greatest enemy.
Did you see which one grabbed it first?
No. But I don't need a blade to tell
me that Lionel Luthor's a bad person.
If you're gonna believe this legend...
you have to face the possibility
that it could be Lex.
I'm not ready to do that.
the Kawatche think that you're a savior.
Jor-El wants you to be a conqueror. Now...
knife or not, you can't let
other people tell you what to be.
Who do you think I'll become?
I don't know.
You could be the world's greatest hero.
Or its most mild-mannered citizen...
but the only person who
can write your story...
is you.
Is this where they're holding
the partnership meeting?
We got another offer.
Chloe and her dad.
I never would have predicted that one.
They want to keep the place
exactly as it is...
and let me stay on as part-owner...
so I can go back to work
when I get home from school in Paris.
Sounds too good to pass up.
I turned them down.
Without consulting me?
I don't think Chloe was ever really
interested in running the place anyway.
I think she was just having some
trouble letting go of the past.
But I don't want anything
pulling me back to Smallville.
I thought about what you said, Lex.
About who I am...
and I decided...
I'm the girl who goes to Paris.
Chloe, what are you doing here?
I think I should be asking you that.
Just give me a minute,
and I'll get out of your way.
You know, when my parents split,
I hid out in the garage.
I didn't have my driver's license yet.
Your mom called today. She asked
me if I'd seen you, and I said I hadn't.
She tried to brush it off.
She said you were probably
hanging out with Clark.
But you weren't.
Mystery solved.
I'm guessing you didn't tell me
about your mom's job offer...
because it wasn't a good thing, was it?
I thought she'd turn it down right away.
But it doesn't look like
that's gonna happen.
Well, having been through my
own version of divorce court...
I know how difficult it can be.
Do you think there's any chance
that they'll work it out?
My dad's helping her move to Wichita.
I guess I just didn't realize
how bad it was between them.
This just seems like an
excuse for her to leave.
It just feels like it's somebody
else's life and not mine.
You know, I've been thinking
a lot about this prophecy.
I've got a new interpretation.
Wanna hear it?
May I?
This Naman guy is supposed
to come from the stars...
have the power of 10 men
and shoot fire from his eyes, right?
It's just an allegory, Lex.
I know.
But if one person could do all that...
he would be a formidable enemy.
He could conquer the world.
He could become a tyrant
if nobody kept him in check.
So I've been thinking...
anybody who'd be willing to fight him...
would have to be pretty brave.
did it ever occur to you that maybe
the hero of the story...
is Sageeth?