Six Flying Dragons (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

Subtitles by DramaFever

Yeon Hee… For me…

I'm about to hold hands with these
bastards who killed Eun Chang.

We're living
in the most turbulent of times.

Don't torment yourself,
and don't look back.

Eun Chang… this is the beginning.

Please… watch me until the end.

[Episode 9]

I'm here to report.

[Cho Young (Leader of Hwasadan)]

It's truly been a long time, Jailsaek.

Jailsaek, here to report to you.

What can we do with one skinny rabbit?

What else would we do?

We'll boil it and have a bite each.

How can we share it all?


Who are you?

Who are you? I said who are you?

You're Pal Bong's father, right?

You've gone through a lot.

Leader Boon Yi sent me here.

Boon Yi?

That's the end of my report
on the northwestern region.

And for the northeastern region…

war with Hobaldo (chief of the Jurchens)
is imminent.

How will it turn out?

Considering the impact
of Yi Seong Gye's army

I expect him to fight them off in the end.

Yi Seong Gye will probably submit a report
to the government soon.

It's a border stabilization plan
to fight off Hobaldo.

Here are the contents.

The Border Stabilization Plan?

Such nonsense…

How could this possibly
pass in the government?

Yes, you're right.

From about 120 officials in the government

about 10 members with Jung Mong Joo,
another 10 members with Choi Young…

and a few innocent officials
from the Sadaebu…

They may be able to agree on it.

Until Lee In Gyeom dies, even if the sky
opens up, it will never happen.

I'll excuse myself now.

By any chance, do you have
any information on Jung Do Jeon?

Jung Do Jeon?

I have not collected anything…

- Should I look into it?
- Yes.

If you can, find out about him.

Even at the risk of going against
an order from my boss

I am betting my fate on you, Jung Do Jeon.

Make it happen.

Otherwise… you'll be dead by my hands.

Do you understand, Sambong?

Why are you doing this?
Untie me, and we can talk!

This is the last time.
You have no other chance!

If you talk nonsense again, you'll be on
your way to the afterlife. Understand?

Does Boon Yi have a brother or not?

She does! She definitely does!

About eight, nine years ago
when Boon Yi came to Gaegyeong

Boon Yi and her brother grabbed me
and asked about their mom.

What's Boon Yi's brother's name?

It's Sae…

It's definitely… some Sae…

Gae… Sae…

- What's that?
- What?

Ddang Sae!

Right? Ddang Sae!

Right, it's Ddang Sae! Ddang Sae!

- That's right!
- It's Ddang Sae.

- Ddang Sae?
- Boon Yi really sent him!

Right, it's Ddang Sae!

That's Boon Yi's brother!

If we go that far together,
then what's next?

If we have a final match over Goryeo…

wouldn't it be truly interesting
for a man's life?

Until then… trust me.

I will help you.

[Hong In Bang]
So? What do you want me to do?

[The three men of dodang]

[The three men of dodang
Lee In Gyeom, Hong In Bang, Gil Tae Mi]

[Military Power
Choi Young, Yi Seong Gye]

This is the current
power structure, right?

Try to change the idea.

Lee In Gyeom and Choi Young on one team…

If you, Gil Tae Mi, and Yi Seong Gye
become one team…

Wouldn't it be worth a fight?

You have no choice but to be in a weaker
spot militarily because of Choi Young.

This will solve that problem completely.

But… there is no way that
Yi Seong Gye will be our team.

Just pass the Border Stabilization Plan
that General Yi Seong Gye submitted.

With that, General Yi Seong Gye
will become your power.

When you go to the meeting tomorrow,
the Plan will be an item to discuss.

Border Stabilization Plan…

The Border Stabilization Plan?

Is Yi Seong Gye the only one
protecting the country?

How can the northeastern region be the
only one militarily self-sufficient?

[Poeun Jung Mong Joo]
Hobaldo's power…

In a situation where we don't know
when a war will break out

is there a better plan than this
Border Stabilization Plan?

Will you let all the other regions
declare independence too?

The northeastern region resisted
with everything they had!

They're clearly different
from other border regions.

And, General Yi Seong Gye is different
from those who waste people's assets!

Yes, if we trust General Yi Seong Gye

and repair the northeastern region
based on the Border Stabilization Plan

it will become a strong wall
that protects Goryeo.

We should stabilize at least one of them,
the Jurchens or the Japanese pirates!

Wait a minute, what are you saying?

We're just worms that mooch off people…

Are you saying that Yi Seong Gye and you

are the only loyal retainers
who protect the country?

How much did we offer with our private
soldiers and assets for every war?

- How can you say such a thing?
- If you want to pass the Plan…

you'll have to apply the same plan
for all regions of Goryeo!

If we protect the northwestern region,
we'll be able to protect the whole Goryeo!

So noisy!

Now now now now…

Now now… please be quiet.

Since we have heard
enough opinions on this item…

let's vote on it in the next meeting.

The Border Stabilization Plan…

This will never happen!

For security of the northern border,
we need the Border Stabilization Plan.


Please open the door!

That's… your house.

What is this about?

I know a little about lacquerwares,
but this is a first for me.

Where is this from?

It's from Wonju in Gyoju Gangneung
(current Gangwon Province).

Of course…

I heard the royal court of Yuan
makes an effort to look for this.

Now I know why.

This provocative purple color…

and this gold color on a different level!

This is not something you can get
just by having wealth.

I know you were very disappointed in me.

I'd like to apologize with all my heart.

So I brought this to you,
although it isn't much.

I will do my best and be loyal to you.

Please forgive me.

You shouldn't have a useless dream again.
Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

How dare you! Drop your swords
right now and surrender!

Sir! Please spare us!

What on earth are you doing?

Do you know whose house this is
to make such a ruckus?

I understand that this is your house

- but we're following an order…
- Order?

Whose order?

I gave them the order!

The cultivated wasteland should of course
be returned to the country.

That is pretty obvious, right?

But the cultivated wasteland
in Yiseo County

was under Dae Geun,
a servant in your household.

That's why I ordered them to arrest
everyone who's involved in this.

What are you doing? Arrest them now!

Sir! Sir!

Spare me! Sir!

Please spare me, sir!

I will interrogate them
and reveal what happened.

I really hope that you
have nothing to do with this.

One thing was never forgotten.

Lee In Gyeom! Choi Young!

I won't let them get off!
I will knock them down!

How did it go?

As you told us, we reported it
to General Choi Young…

He took all of Hong In Bang's servants,
and is now crushing them!

It'll be the end of Hong In Bang's
servants this time, right?

You'll have to wait
a little longer for that.


But Hong In Bang is caught in a trap
because of this.

A trap?

Now he won't be able to get away
from what I told him.

What will you do, Hong In Bang?

Choi Young and Lee In Gyeom
will definitely not stop there.

What happened here, my in-law?

Choi Young, this old hag…
I can't stand him anymore.

Why does he always have to bother us?

I can't stand this.
Let's go to Lord Lee now.

He'll take care of everything for us.

Hong In Bang and Gil Tae Mi

agreed to follow my wishes
on state affairs and tax rates!

Do you really believe
that you can control Hong In Bang?

Since Gil Tae Mi is frivolous
in words and actions

you'll be able to keep him under control.

But Hong In Bang is different.

He appears to lower himself now

but he will move Gil Tae Mi
with his tongue

and take Woo Hak Joo
as his servant in the end.

Then you won't be able to beat him down
even if you want to!

We will get rid of Hong In Bang.

He shouldn't have entered the government
to begin with.

Do you really not like
Hong In Bang that much?

Although he's still inexperienced,
I thought it was worth raising him.

In 1375, Sadaebu people were taken,
and Hong In Bang was tortured.

It wasn't even a few minutes before he
broke down and asked to be spared.

Also, it didn't take him a month
to take Gil Tae Mi as his in-law

since he came back from his exile.
That's who he is!

If this is another war,
you should trust me.

Right now is the time.
We have to cut him out now!

Is this a fake card or a real card?

Does he really mean
to cut out Hong In Bang?

Or does he mean to trade
the Border Stabilization Plan with this?

Lord Hong In Bang is here.
Should I bring him in?

He is not feeling well.
Please come another time.

Why is he not feeling well now?
He was full of energy earlier!

Is he with General Choi Young?

Are you telling me to go to Hamju?

Yes. Please hurry up
and depart immediately.

Will Yi Seong Gye really hold your hand?

That is exactly
what I mean for you to find out.

If he would hold my hand,
what can he do for me?

Also, what can I do for him?

Is the Border Stabilization Plan
all there is?

Find out clearly what his real intentions
and conditions are.

Anxiety and doubt must be circling him.

Will it happen the way we want?

"People make plans, but successes
are up to Heaven."

Zhuge Liang came up with a perfect plan

but he wasn't able to capture Sima Yi
because of a sudden downpour.

Yes, that's why it was called,
"Heaven's rain".

Yes. I don't know what will happen now

but we only do the best that we can do.

What happened to the matter
we spoke of before?

I'm supposed to meet him soon.

He's supposedly
the best storyteller in Gaegyeong.

[Ddang Sae (Later Lee Bang ji)]


I told you to fix this habit!
Where did you get this precious thing…

Well done.

No, it's not that.

She looked like the wife
of someone high up.

If we make a play out of something
and spread it as a song

she'll give us
at least five more of these.

Five? What's the story?

But it's…

About how Hong In Bang and Gil Tae Mi
killed Baek Yoon.

What could it be? They couldn't have
known that you did it.

Where is she now?

She wanted to see you anyway.

I heard you were looking
for a storyteller. Here I am.

I heard you're the best storyteller
in Gaegyeong.

Is it true?

Well… that's what everyone says.

- Leave us alone.
- Yes, ma'am.

Make a song and perform a play
with what's written there.

That's what I do all the time.

It's no big deal.


Is this true?

Is it important?

It's not, really…

Hong In Bang and Gil Tae Mi
killed Baek Yoon…

You just need
to deliver the message clearly.


If the rumor reaches my ears…

I will give you five times
what you have already received.

If it reaches my ears within three days

I will double even that amount.

So, do your best…


do your best…

The sooner the better…

Yeon Hee!

You will… receive… more reward.

Yeon Hee!

I'm done.

Let's go.

If you don't accept the clothes from me
at the July Festival

I won't be the weaver girl.

Hold on!


It has been a long time.

It has been.

I thought I would see you some day
if we were both alive.

I thought some day I would get to see you
if we continued to flow.

You look… happy.


Maybe we will get to meet again…

But even if we get to meet…

I hope we pretend not to know each other.

Since we met in passing…

let's… just pass on.

Yes… let's do that.

Because it rises up in my heart

Even if I burn up all the past feelings

Only longing that I can't grasp keeps spreading

I'm cut by your breath, it's engraved in my body

So it hurts the more I try to forget

This pain that I can't place a single finger on

I hope it's not you, I hope it's not you

Some day, from the tip of my life

I'll crazily call out to you

You, who resembles my tears

I miss you the more I love you

I can't stand to see you. Go!

This is why I can't see you

I can't even have your name in my lips

So I'm burying it in my heart

How did it go? How did it go?
Did she say she'll give five more?


Let's prepare with this.
Gather some people.


Were you crying?

Cry? Me?

You're talking nonsense.

You did cry.

You heard the news, right?

What news?

The town where you used to live.
It's Deokjin, right?

People got caught cultivating a wasteland
and got into big trouble.

I heard that there was fire,
and a lot of people died and got hurt.

Hong In Bang did all of it.

What now?

You said you didn't want to hold a spear
so I transferred you here!

How nice is this?

I shouldn't be cleaning poop here!

As you know, I saved Young Master's life
not just once, but twice!

Hey! I don't know what you heard…

but Hamju is not a place
where you can rest on your laurels!

You have to accomplish something!

Like this? Like this?

If I scoop this poop well,
I'll accomplish something?

Do I get to accomplish anything?

How can I accomplish anything here?

This little thing…



A suspicious man came to see Father.

General won't see everyone
just because someone asks him.

He says… he has something to tell him
about the Border Stabilization Plan.

The Border Stabilization Plan?

How did he find out?

You have something to tell the General
about the Border Stabilization Plan?

Yes. Since it's a matter of urgency,
I'll cut to the chase.

Lord Hong In Bang sent me here.

- Hong In Bang?
- Yes.

If he uses his influence
and passes the Plan…

he asks what General Yi Seong Gye
will do for him.

How does he know about
the Border Stabilization Plan?


Of course he knows! It's already being
discussed in the government.

That's why you sent Sambong from Hamju.

Let's not do this…

Let me meet with General Yi Seong Gye.
Now, please.

- Deliver the message to the General.
- Yes.

- Why did he come to Hamju?
- Do you know him?

He's the head of Biguk Temple
who sent those spies!


What on earth are you saying?

Are you saying that I submitted the Plan
to the government through Sambong?

Yes. It's already being discussed
in the government.

I definitely received the report
with your seal stamped on it, sir.

So Lord Sambong went to Gaegyeong with it.

Who on earth gave you that report?

Bang Won…

Could it be…

Bang Won gave it to you?


Young Kyu, go to Ji Ran
and tell him to arrest Jukryong.

- Yes!
- And you…

- Capture Bang Won right away.
- Yes.

Bang Gwa, I will write you a letter,
so go to Gaegyeong right now

and tell General Choi Young and Lord Lee
In Gyeom that the Plan is not my idea.

Yes, I will get ready right away.

So what?

It's not that I saved you
expecting something…

Although I did save you twice, twice!

Still, when something goes,
something should come…

What… do you think about this Goryeo?

What? Goryeo?

Goryeo is Goryeo. But rather, I'm asking
you to consider my situation here.

You should be considerate
of my situation, too.


Why would I be considerate of
General Yi Seong Gye's son's situation?

General Yi Seong Gye's son
should be considerate of my situation.

What Goryeo means…
(double meaning of "being considerate")

it should be done by both.
If only one side does it…

Goryeo, Goryeo… Please stop!
I'm sick of it!

Yes, you're also tired
of this country Goryeo?


What I meant was not that Goryeo…

Over there!

I'm not falling for it.
Don't change the subject.

Young Master! Lady!
Lady! Young Master…

Young Master…

Go ahead.

They found out!

They found out how you stamped
the seal on the Plan and sent it.


Jukryong from Biguk Temple came.
Hong In Bang sent him.

Hong In Bang?

He ordered that you and Jukryong
be taken in right away.

- Yi Bang Gwa was sent to Gaegyeong.
- Why my brother?

He means to withdraw
the Border Stabilization Plan.

He can't do that!

Think about it. The fact that Hong In Bang
sent Jukryong means things are going well.

But he'll withdraw it?

What will you do?

I should go to Gaegyeong.

I have to stop my brother
and help Teacher Sambong.

What's wrong with you?
You'll have me getting beat up.

If any horse is missing,
it's all my responsibility!

I'll be considerate of your situation.

From now on, you will be Bukdo Guard
of Rank Two who protects me.

Bukdo what? What's that?

There is such a thing.

You wanted this sword.

Here is a gift.

Yes! I will serve you, Young Master…

I mean, Master!

Bang Won, how dare you!

[Lee Shin Jeok]
You dared to forge the report?

How could you do that?

You have to let me go.

I have to go and help Teacher Sambong!

I will never be fooled
by your tongue again.

Catch him!

- What are you doing, Bukdo Guard!
- Yes!

Bukdo Guard, Swordsman Moo Hyul!

- You should follow me too.
- I don't know how to ride a horse!

Once you get on it, the horse will run.


Did you hear the rumor?

We were just now talking about it.

Gil Tae Mi got an order from Hong In Bang
and killed Baek Yoon!

It's spread everywhere in the city!

It was already wrapped up, so I don't know
why this rumor is going around now…

No way.

You didn't actually do it, did you?

Why would we kill Baek Yoon?
Of course it's not true!

Whether it's true or not is not important.

What's important is that someone
is spreading the rumor on purpose.

Yes. Who would that someone be?

It has to be Lord Lee
and General Choi Young!

They made up their minds.

They decided to cut you both out.

What should I do?

Jukryong, how come there is no news?

Right now.

Such a rumor
happens to spread just in time.

Even Heaven is helping us.

Hong In Bang, Gil Tae Mi!

Let's get rid of them now!

Just allow me to investigate them.
I'll make sure to get their confession.


But… let's leave Gil Tae Mi out of this.

Tae Mi…

The day you entered the government
for the first time…

Do you remember?

How you should dress,
how you should follow the customs…

With an excited face…

you kept following me around
and asking me questions all day.


Now you're leading your own followers.

Even then…

do you not have enough?


Even for the likes of you…

you don't find it enough
to have that grand title?

Do you mean to come up here and
cut off my head with your in-law?

Sir, it's not that. I just mean…

Hong In Bang… he is a wicked thing!

I'll make sure to eliminate
that wicked thing, and what will you do?

Will you die with that wicked thing

or will you come with me again?

I… have seen you
since you were eight years old.

For someone like you…

Do I have to wring your neck
with my own hands?

If I have to, then I will be happy to.

[Deokjin, Yiseo County]

Who is there?

Where did everyone go?

What happened?

They beat all of them to death!
Those Hong In Bang servants!

All of us were beaten trying to protect
the grains of our sweat and blood.

How do you know Boon Yi?

Still, a few came back…

but Boon Yi didn't come back.

Sambong… why…



I killed Baek Yoon according to your plan
to stabilize the country.

But it's only getting worse.

I endured and waited.

I waited and waited…

but you're not showing up.

The country is becoming
more horrendous by the day.

Now, both the plan to stabilize
the country and you…

I don't need them.

If I kill all of them one by one,
that's it.

Hong In Bang…
He is a wicked thing!

I will make sure to get rid of
the wicked thing, and what will you do?

Gil Tae Mi will abandon Hong In Bang.

Yes. Although everyone looks up to him
as a swordsman

he is always nervous about his background.

He fears the powerful

and he will change direction in a moment
if he feels like he is overpowered.

He'll become anxious.

Hong In Bang…

only the name Yi Seong Gye
will remain in his head.

When one is drowning,
one will grab even the blade of a sword.

He will come see me soon.

And I will put a blade
in his anxious hands.

Why is there no message from Jukryong?

Why is Yi Seong Gye…

What's going on? Please stay strong.

You're about to be abandoned
by Gil Tae Mi and Lord Lee.

Hong In Bang…

How could you trust
someone like Gil Tae Mi?

Why… Why did he come here now?

Gil Tae Mi… Why?

Maybe he won't betray Hong In Bang?

My in-law, do you know the most important
thing for a swordsman to become strong?

To lower your head.
To lay low.


If things go wrong while you keep
your head up high, you'll die.

Death means the end, and once you die
there is no chance to be strong again.

For Sadaebu, they'll be fine after they're
back from exile for acting stiff.

But not for swordsmen.

Things that go wrong mean death.

Do you know how much I lowered myself
to Hong Ryoon in the past?

We're the same age, but I never spoke
to him comfortably.

And I increased my power…

As you know, the result is… like this.

What do you mean to say?

Lord Lee… told me to stay out of it.

He said he would pick out just you.


But I guess I've gotten old.

I can't hear his nagging too well.

So I'll stay with you,
and see the end of it.

To be honest, without you…

I'll end up running his errands
for the rest of my life.

And that seems
a rather tiring way to live.

So, is there a way to survive?

There is.

Let's offer half of our total wealth.

Let's lay low completely.

Like I did with Hong Ryoon.

Get on your knees.

What if I offer half of my assets?


Then the members who follow us
will decrease by half.

And our power will be down by half.

Hong In Bang…

Would he really do that?

If he does, would you let him live?

If it comes true…

It seems to be going wrong.
Take a look.

He convinced Hong In Bang
to offer half of his assets!

I overlooked one thing about Gil Tae Mi.


I need to go to Gaegyeong!

I need to see Hong In Bang!


The Border Stabilization Plan
shouldn't be withdrawn.

It's also your long-time wish, right?

Bang Won, maybe you're right.

But… I'm going to follow Father's wish.

My wishes don't matter.

Bang Gwa…

I will apologize to you sincerely
about this another day.


- Moo Hyul!
- Yes?

Please escort my brother.

What are you trying to do?

- Does it hurt a lot?
- How dare you!

Hurry up and untie me.
I have to stop Bang Won!

I'm sorry, but I'm Bukdo Guard
of Rank Two…

so I have to follow orders.

Bukdo what?

Goodbye then.

You made the right decision.

What a waste for me…

I feel like I'm really dying!

Let's just close your eyes…

and make the announcement
in the meeting tomorrow.

I believe I've never said this before…

Thank you.

To hear that is embarrassing.

We must be really drunk.

Let's go take a pee.

Lord Hong In Bang.

Who are you?

His face… didn't look like one
that will be alive long anyway.

What are you doing?
Is anyone there?

You killed Baek Yoon.

Did Choi Young send you here?
Or is it Lord Lee?

Sir, are you all right?

Where are you going?

I'm going to Hong In Bang.

Hong In Bang?

What will you do?

Watch the situation and if anything
happens, go tell people in Hamju.

And to Teacher Sambong, too.

So what do you plan to do
when you get there?

I'm going to solve Hong In Bang's worries.

Lee In Gyeom…

Did you really
send an assassin to kill me?

Jukryong! Why isn't Jukryong coming back?

I have to see him!

What brings you here
at this time of night?

Since Jukryong is not coming back…

are you anxious?

You sent Jukryong because you couldn't
believe Father's true intention.

Then did General Yi Seong Gye
send you here?

Yes, I came here with my father's order.

- What about Jukryong?
- He is… detained in Hamju.

- What?
- You can take me as your hostage.

That way you can trust each other.

Pass the Border Stabilization Plan

A deal will happen after that.

- Make sure to be on high alert!
- Yes, sir!

- We have "Heaven's rain"!
- Heaven's rain?

Someone who tried to kill Hong In Bang
appeared in Hwasadan.

It seems to be
that unidentified swordsman.

Now Hong In Bang and Gil Tae Mi…

They'll naturally think that he was hired
by Choi Young and Lee In Gyeom.

It really is "Heaven's rain."

Now it's my turn.

I lost him!

He was great!
He was better than Hong Ryoon.

He was training someone like that
without telling me.

I cannot forgive him.

I said we'd offer him half of our assets!

Do you know what he said then?

He smiled…

"Only if that can happen…"
"Only if that can happen…"

Then he sent an assassin?

Lord Hong,
I should kill Choi Young tonight!

Lord Gil…

- You shouldn't do that.
- He provoked me first!

If he drew the sword first
but couldn't kill me

then he should be prepared to die!


Some scholar is requesting
to see you urgently.

Scholar? Who did he say he was?

Gil Tae Mi and Hong In Bang will make
an important announcement today.

Let's get inside.

Yes… the Border Stabilization Plan
will be voted down today.

You must be upset.

There should be multiple items today.

First, as we said in the last meeting

we'll vote on
the Border Stabilization Plan.

You must have
made up your minds on this by now.

Then first…

those who are opposed to the Border
Stabilization Plan, please stand up.

What are you doing?

We should see the ones
who are for this now!


Those who are for the Plan,
please stand up.

Hong In Bang! This bastard…

I'll partner with General Yi Seong Gye.

You have made a good decision.

Meet with General Choi Young
and tell him exactly what I tell you.

I will get
the Border Stabilization Plan passed.


You can kill Gil Tae Mi and I
on your next chance.

But the Plan will be gone forever
if it doesn't happen now.

Hold my hand briefly this time

and cut off my head next time.

I trusted your words and I was
about to offer half of my assets!

This time, you should trust me.

It's about creating new power.

I don't know!

Fine, good.

What are you doing, Senior Prime Minister?
You should declare it!

It's 79 votes versus 41 votes.
The Border Stabilization Plan has passed!

The Border Stabilization Plan…
has been approved.

Now the base of revolution
has been established.

Hong In Bang…

Your ambition…
triggered revolution after all.

Subtitles by DramaFever

Synced by Peterlin

[Six Flying Dragons]

The Plan passed!

- How could you betray me?
- You sent an assassin last night!

- Who was that swordsman?
- Ddang Sae, you were the swordsman?

I'd like to be with you.
I already acted on it.

How could you?

I acted according to your plan, but rather
than the end of this rotten Goryeo

it is only more rotten
and decomposing now.

If I see you again, I might kill you.