Si no t'hagués conegut (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Ciències o lletres - full transcript

When Clara and Òscar become convinced Eduard is delusional, he brings them to meet Dr. Everest to prove otherwise; Joan opens up to his son-in-law.




Dr. Everest?




Fifteen days?

Hi, Mom.

Yes, it's me.

Don't worry. I'm really-- I'm okay.


No, Mom, my battery is really low.

I've been resting for a few days.

I'll tell you soon, I'll tell you soon.
I'll be there right away.

Yes, bye. Bye, Mom. Bye.



-I'm here to see Dr. Everest.
-She isn't here.

-It's important. It's--
-They took her away yesterday.

What? Who?

In an ambulance.

But she doesn't have any family.
I'm all she has.

I know, but I can't do anything.

Can I see her?

I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Is she awake for visitors right now?

Dr. Rius, please...

What? What is it?

I want to see Dr. Everest.
She was admitted last night.

-Are you family?
-He isn't.

Tell her I'm Eduard. See what she says.

Go and see what she says.

Is it serious?

-Excuse me?
-Dr. Everest. Was it a heart attack?

No, angina.

Will she survive?

At the moment, it's serious, but stable.
How do you know her?


I'm-- she's my best friend.

At the care home, they gave us her data,

but we don't have
any kind of identification document.

She's North American.

Yes. Yes, yes, we know that.
We don't have her medical history,

and we don't even know if she's allergic
to any kind of medicine,

or even how old she is.

How old she is? She's old.

-She says yes. She wants to see him.

-How are you?

happy to see you.

Me, too.

I went there every day and I didn't...

Did you see them?

-Your children. Your--

Yes, yes.

Yes, it was amazing.

Why did you come back?

I promised you. I will never leave you.

How is she?

Well, good. Good, very good, in fact.

Maybe you should come more often.

Don't pay any attention to him.

Go home. Go home to your loved ones.

Be with them. They need you.

-And you need them.
-I'll come every day.


Don't you want to see me again? Why?

I need to be alone for a few days,
to recover.

Go on, you can leave.

-Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me.
-See you later.

Excuse me. Dr. Everest said
she doesn't want any guests.

And okay, I respect that.
But I can see how--

Thank you.

-Can I call you?
-Call me. Yes.

-Perfect. Thank you very much.

Tere wants you to come for dinner.

Your nephews miss you a lot.

I miss them, too. Okay.

-Do you want coffee?


-Herbal tea?
-No, Mom, thanks. I'm fine, thank you.

Don't you think you're going a bit far?

With Mom. With us, with your friends.

In what way?

Eduard, you need to let us help you.

-It's clear we can't do--
-I don't need--

-Let me speak!
-You're making--

I'm making you feel bad because you can't
keep doing what you're doing to us.

I'm not doing anything to you.

What about the other night at dinner?

I didn't feel good.

And disappearing all of the time,
without telling us where you're going.

You're upsetting Mom.

Can't you tell us where you go
when you disappear?

-What is it that you do?

Are you hiding from people?
From the world?

-Are you hiding somewhere?


-I can't hurt anyone else.
-Anyone else?

I killed my wife and kids.
Is that not a big deal?

Eduard, you didn't kill your wife
and kids. It was an accident.

-I killed my wife and my kids, Pere!
-It was an accident!

Enough! Enough,
Stop fighting! Enough!

Eduard is here now
and I want us all to get along.

Let's see if we can convince him
to never leave us again.

-Can I have a bit?
-I'll make you one.

-No, no. I just want a sip of yours.
-Blow on it. It will be hot.

-Leave it, Mom. I'll do it.
-No, it's fine.

Leave it, please. Let me. Let me.

I love that you look after me
and that you're there for me.

I do everything I can to--

Yes, I know.
And I never appreciate you enough.

-I don't need it.
-Yes, you do need it, Mom.

You're the best mother
that any son could ever ask for.

And I'm really sorry
that I've never said that before.


You don't deserve everything
I'm doing to you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'll take you up to bed.

When can you try?

To start living again.

-Aren't I alive?
-Come on, you know what I mean.

Stop disappearing all of the time
and stay here--

with your family, with your friends.

Try to lead a normal life.

Not enough time has passed yet, Mom.

It's been nearly a year!

Not for me.

Not for you what?

-Mom, for me, it has been hard enough--
-No, no. Eduard.

Let's not go back there, please.
Let's not go back.

I've got you an appointment.

-I don't need to see a doctor, Mom.
-I don't want them to admit you, but...


I want them to give you a once-over,
from head to toe.

And if you need pills,
then they can prescribe them.

Everyone who goes
through a trauma like this

needs specialists' help.
That's what they're there for.

As you wish, boss.

And by the way,

Toni and your work colleagues
keep asking for you. What do I tell them?

-Don't worry. Mom.
-Of course I worry.

I don't know if I'll survive.

But I'll try.

Hey. I promise.

Good to see you, Eduard.

It's great to see you all, too. Hello.


Welcome, mate. Welcome.

-So, are you coming back?
-No, no, not yet. But soon, right?

I came to say hello
and tell you that I've asked

if I can come back
within the next few days.

I've just had a physical done
so it should be soon.

-That's great news. Especially for Roser.

It was tiring getting these guys
to do all of your work.

-Do they treat you that badly?
-Mate, you tell me.

All day saying,
"Eduard would do that differently.

Eduard would be up in arms about that."

So annoying, mate.

I just wanted to apologize
for not always being there for you guys

and not answering your messages.
It's just-- I do what I can.

We've missed you, boss.

Eduard, we're so happy you're here.

Whatever you need,
you just have to ask.

Thank you. Can I stay here today?

-You're still signed off--
-To ease myself back into it,

to get used to things again,
and catch up with Roser.

Great. Okay, but you're only visiting.

-You're not to do any work, okay?
-Yes, of course,

-Anyway. Welcome back.
-Thank you.


Dr. Rius?

Isn't this her personal number?

Eduard Marina.

I just wanted to know
how Dr. Everest is doing.

She was admitted to this hospital.

Okay. Yes, thank you.




What do you mean she's busy?

It's the fifth time I've called.

To find out how Ms. Everest is.
She's a patient there.

Why can't you tell me?
No, I'm not a family member,

but I may as well be.

Listen. Listen. Listen!

Great! Will you help me?

Allow me.

Thank you. I've reserved a table
at a restaurant that you're going to love.

I can't go, Mom.


I need to go and see
a person who isn't well.

Is she worse than me?

Mom, don't compare. It's--

I will compare. Is this person
more important than your mother?

Than your family, than your friends?

Can't you go there tomorrow?

Of course I can. Yes.

Are you waiting for a call?

No. No, no.

-Do you want us to go home?
-No, no.

Mom invited my father-in-law, Joan,
for dinner.

I don't want to interrupt.

Are your mom and father-in-law...

What? No, no. Well, not that I know of.

The last time I saw him,
during one of your "absences,"

he seemed to be in good spirits.


Yes, the last time I saw him,
I said that I couldn't stand

the bad vibe between us because of...

And he said...


"What bad vibe?"

He's a good guy, Joan.
I hope one day he can forgive me.

Anyway, it's not totally true.

-What I've just told you, it's not--

-About Joan?
-Yes. It wasn't him who told me that.

You can't leave us hanging like that.

I've tried to explain it to you
other times and...


And it's never gone well.

That party.

You were saying crazy things.
That Elisa and I--

I know it sounds crazy.

You and I, we've been together.

And we've had children.

Called Joan and Carlota,
instead of Jan and Carla.

And we went to see Elisa perform,
she was a famous singer.

I should have told you everything
from the beginning.


I've been seeing Elisa and my kids--
all of these days that I've been away.

And I saw you. And myself.

And my mother, and my brother,
and my father-in-law, Joan.

And my father, may he rest in peace.

Well, other versions of all of us.
In other universes.

On this last trip, I was ready.
Dr. Everest had already warned me.

If I hadn't reacted in time,
I wouldn't be here.

I'm not going to travel
to any more universes.

But the temptation to see Elisa again
is so strong.

And Jan and Carla are so cute--

but every time, an accident ruins it all.
Like a curse.

What's more,
the doctor got scared this time.

It's been three days
since I last saw her...

She's so old, so delicate.
She's a great woman.

I don't understand
why they don't call me.

-The hospital.

Why would they call?

Because Dr. Everest is a patient there.

Being looked after by a Dr. Rius,
and I call her and never get through.

-But why do you call her?
-I want to know if she's recovering well.

-What do you mean who? Dr. Everest!

-What's that look about?


-Have you told your doctor all of this?

-You should.

-Edu, please.

-You're saying--

That you travel to other universes
with a device

that a 70 or 80-year-old
American scientist made?

-With a bracelet?

It goes in my skin,
and when I activate it,

beams of light come out from within,

and they create kind of sparkles
and streaks of light around my body,

everything turns white,
and then I appear in another universe.

And where do you put this bracelet?

Here. Look, here.

See this mark?

The device goes in my skin,

and then it goes transparent here,
and I only need to press--

Don't you believe me?

No, visiting hours are over.

-We've come to see Dr. Everest.

I came the other day,
she has no other relatives.

-There is no Dr. Everest here.
-She's a patient. Okay?

-A patient?

Her name?

Lisbeth, I think.

I always call her by her last name.
She's known as Dr. Everest.

There is no patient in here
by that name or that last name.

Can you tell Dr. Rius, please?

She knows who I am.
I spoke with her the other day.

-Dr. Rius works here, doesn't she?

Well tell her.
It's urgent. I'm Eduard Marina.

I was thinking I was going crazy.

She's from another shift.
That's why she doesn't know me.

Dr. Rius had an emergency
outside of the hospital

and she had to leave.

I told you I need to see Dr. Everest.

If Dr. Rius isn't here, who can I talk to?

I told you
there's no Ms. Everest here.

There definitely is.

I know which patients are on my floor,

and there is no Ms. Everest.

Have they discharged her?

-You must leave.
-You've been away, right?

-Yes, but--
-What did I tell you?

Look, I called Dr. Rius
a bunch of times,

she doesn't pick up.

-Can you stop shouting, please?

I don't want to! What is going on?

-Edu, come on!
-No. Leave me.

Dr. Rius gave me her card
so I could call her.

If you don't go I'll call security.

-No, no. Edu.
-No, there's no need.

Come on, Edu.

-Do you know him or not?
-It's the first time I've seen him.

Thank you.

Where are you going?
You can't go in there.

-We need to see the doctor.

-Come on, please.
-Step back.

-Stop being ridiculous.
-You can't go past!

Is it because I'm with them?

Dr. Everest won't say anything.
They're my friends.

She'd love to see them.

Dr. who? What do you mean?


No. You can't be serious.
Tell Dr. Everest!

There's nobody with that name
living here.

-You're kidding me.
-Edu, Edu, Edu!

-You're kidding.

Hey! Where are you going?


-Stop! Freeze!
-Edu! Edu!

-Freeze! Will you stop? Stop!
-Edu, stop!

Where are you going? Freeze!
Hey, freeze!

-Get out! Get out!

-He's lying.
-Come on, Edu, let's go.

Don't you believe me?
Look, he's lying.

-Come on, Edu.
-He's lying. He's lying.

I swear that if he comes back,
I'll call the police.

Look, is there an old woman
named Everest who lives here?

-And have you seen him before?

Come on, let's go.

Can't you go faster?

I'm going at a normal speed.
Can't you calm down?

Where are you taking us now?

She's there, I'm sure.

And if she isn't, it's fine.

I'll show you the portal.
Then you'll believe me.


This can't be happening.

No, no, this can't be happening.

-Is this where you live? When--?

This is where Dr. Everest
has her laboratory.

And she must have left the hospital
and cleared everything out.

This was like a charity shop, but...

-Okay. Come on, Eduard.

-That's enough.
-No, no, no! Wait, wait!

I'm sure if we go in,
the device will activate.

Come on, I said!

Eduard, where are you going?

I can't believe it.

I can't believe it. No.

No. No, I can't believe it. No.


And this is where you sleep.


No. No!

No, Eduard, wait!


I need to find something
that I can show you,

so you don't think--

-Do you think I've invented it all?

No. You have experienced it.

And I believe you.

But sometimes,

our minds can create experiences
so real that they're like life.

-You think I've gone insane.
No. No, Edu.

Not at all.

Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
No, we're on our way, Maria, don't worry.

See you soon. Bye.

What did she say?

Joan is still there keeping her company.

They'll stay up.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

They won't say anything to him tonight.

Is he still asleep?


Will he get over it?

I hope so.

When you get to such a level of delirium,

you fear that you'll be like that forever.

Eduard. Are you okay?

Didn't Òscar and Clara want to come up?


I'm very tired, I'm sorry.
I'm going to sleep.

Can I come in?


I know how you feel.

In different moments in time,
but I'm like you.

I'm exactly like you.
That's why I know how you feel.

-In different moments in time?
-Yes, time.

Nobody knows what it is,
but we all deny it.

How can you deny something
if you don't know what it is?

We say...

"I'll never do that again."

Thinking about a certain thing that
you don't want to repeat in the future.

And one day, one day you do it,

and "never again"
becomes two empty words, in the past.

Into nothing.

I was still very young when I lost Miriam.

-Younger than you are now.

And now...

now I've lost Elisa
and my two grandchildren.

I'm like you.

With such a big gap, it's not the same.

But I don't have those years anymore.
I'm like you.

No. No. In fact, I'm worse.

I'm already old.

And I'll die with no descendants.
You can still make your life again.

It's impossible.

"I'll never do that again."

But one day, the future will surprise you
and you'll do it.

Do you want me to tell you a secret?


For days after the accident,

I only had one thing in my head.

A memory that came to me suddenly
that I couldn't shake off.

-And I didn't understand why.
-What memory?

One of those moments
that when you experience it,

you know it will stay.
It will keep coming back.

Has that never happened to you?

-I don't know.
-An intense experience.

Later, life is cruel.

You erase that memory,
you never think of it again.


one day, when you least expect it, bam!
It comes back.

Like a slap in the face.


Elisa. This is the end.

My end. You know that, don't you?

Save the tears for later.
I still have the strength to talk.

-Just listen to me.

What I hate most about dying so young
is that I won't see what you'll become.

Since you were born, I knew.

You will do great things.

You have it within you,
but you don't know it yet.

-You have to promise me.
-Promise you what?

That you'll do great things.

What things?

When you acted
in the end-of-the-year play at school,

I wasn't the only one who said it.
Everyone saw it.

-Saw what?
-Your gift.

For writing, for performing,

for literature, for music, for art--

Míriam, don't you want to rest?

No, no, no. Listen to me. Listen to me.

You'll be a really, really great artist.
In the future, everyone will study you.

-Do you want to rest?
-No, don't worry.

What's going on?

Next week, we have to decide...


For our last year of school,

they're making us choose
between sciences and arts.

And why are you telling me that?
What's the problem?



And she changed her mind.


Out of respect for her mother.

Elisa wanted to study in the sciences.

Her mother was diagnosed with cancer,
when she was nine years old.

And she always said,

"When I'm older, I'll be a doctor,

so I can study, research
and cure this awful disease."

But she chose the arts.

And she didn't become an artist later.

Not in this world, no.
In this world, she decided to study them.



When she died,
I couldn't get rid of that memory.

If she hadn't paid attention
to her mother...


she'd have chosen another path.

Or maybe she'd never have met you.

-She would still be alive now?

If she hadn't met me.


-No, no. Sorry, sorry. No.
-Of course--

No. No, man, no. No, it's not that.
Come on, come on, come on.

Who knows?
Maybe I would be the one now. No.

"If I hadn't done this or that."
Come on, man.

We need to get these ideas
out of our heads.

Not long ago, a person told me
a phrase that made me think a lot.

It was, "The universe doesn't
just have one story,

it has all of the stories
that are possible."

Your stories, these days.

I know that you're living them.

The one about you and Elisa.

Your possible stories.

Who told you that phrase?

-Someone I met.
-Who? Who?

A person...

-You've gone red.

Is it a woman?

-A woman, actually.

"I'll never do that again.
And suddenly, one day, you do it."

That's why your daughter's memory
is following you, years later.

No, no. What are you talking about?

-You've fallen in love again.

-Come on, man, come on. No.
-And I know who with.

Ah, really? Who?

With a woman who is older than you.
Amazing, intelligent.

She's foreign, she's American,

and she's been living here
as a recluse for years.

Dr. Everest.

-What are you talking about?
-Isn't it her?

No, she's foreign, yes,
but she's not American, she's--

-And her name?
-She's no doctor. Her name's Betty.

Betty. Betty what?

When did you meet? And where?
A few months ago.
Not long after Elisa's death.

One day, I went to the cinema alone,

and she was there, in the queue,
and we started chatting.

-About what?
-About nothing, about everything.

About life, about death.

She has also suffered many tragedies.
We mutually consoled each other.

Do you see each other often?

We've been to the cinema, and--

out for a drink a couple of times.
We've gone out for dinner.

But afterward,
she always leaves without a trace.

I don't know where she lives.
She always comes to me.

Have you anything of hers? A photo?

No. No, no.

One day...

one day I wanted to take a selfie,
you know, with my phone?

And she said no.
I guess in a flirty way, you know?

Because she is so...

I fell in love.
The very first time I saw her.

Nothing like this has happened
since I met Míriam.

The other day,

I took one without her noticing.

Wait, wait, wait, I'll find it.

She'd kill me if she knew.


-It's her! It's her!

Can't you see? It's proof that I'm not--

that everything is-- It's her.

-Let me, let me...
-What are you doing?

I'm sending it to myself.

Shit. I'm also getting
Clara's answering machine.

It's very late, you should be asleep.

Listen, why don't you rest
and call them tomorrow?

No, they need to believe me.
Now I have proof.

-What's he talking about?
-I don't know.

-What proof?
-Eduard, listen to your mom.

-I'm going, Mom.
-No, no.

Please, Eduard. Don't do this.

Wait until tomorrow.

No, I can't!

No! Eduard!

Don't worry. We know where he goes
when he disappears.


To a scummy little hole, to do nothing!

What did you say
to shock him so much?

Nothing, no, no.
It was when I showed him a photo of...

Of who?

Of that friend I told you about.

-Does he know her?
-It seems he does.

-I don't know.

Can I see it?


She's very old, isn't she?

I don't believe it.

This woman came to this house
to give me a letter for Eduard.

How do you know her?

We've been out a couple of times.

What does this old woman
have to do with Eduard?

Dr. Everest, why are you hiding?

I need you.

Why did you disappear with no trace?

Or even worse, erasing all traces.

You told the security guard
and hospital staff

to say they didn't know you
if they saw me, didn't you?

Or me-- I was close to...

Why did you empty the lab?
What did you do with the portal?

Won't you say anything?

Why have you been seeing
my father-in-law?

Why didn't you tell me?

Where are you taking me?


So they'd think I'm crazy?

Why did you have to appear?

What happened to you?

I wanted to end everything for good.

Why would you do that?

Why are we here?

Can you reconnect the portal?

-Can you do it?

First, tell me why.

I want to go to a universe where
choosing the path doesn't depend on me

but on the life of another person.

Is it possible to do that?

Which other person?

Elisa, my wife.

What's your plan?

Find the universe where we can
both live without any accidents

or any tragedies
coming to destroy our lives.

Wait here.

Which junction in your wife's life?

When she was 15 or 16 years old.
I think she made a mistake.

About what?

-About her studies.

Back then, you know, they made us choose
between the sciences and the arts.

She chose the arts.

There must be a universe
where she chooses the other option.


What is this?

It might not work.

Maybe it will.