Shomin Sample (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Aika-sama Has a Lot of Friends - full transcript

Kimito introduces Aika to a fortune telling game on his cell phone.

Astrology? What do the public for astrology?

. Recently ah, we've become Nndjem by smart our phones

! This kind of things can be done by phone? Show me! Show me

. H-Well

"Astrology is the moon"

! I'll tell you Bmasirk the status of the moon

Is not this Marica?

. No, her voice is similar represented by


Declaration of the Assembly Allantij-

- Well, here is your score

Ica, Could one say that the wall around your mind thin!?

. For this reason you are very frank, and Taatoven things as small

. For example, you're trying to take into account the feelings of others

! just awesome ! You have made me reassuring

. This is really a surprise, even to put it in the history of AD

! I went out and detailed answer as well as the blink of an eye

! Occultism commoners stunning

. Ah, I wrote the color of your luck here

! Huh? let me see

Okay ?

What is that ?

! Green is the color received

! If I have taken myself in this amount of green there is no doubt that I'll be lucky

... Okay

You will have to make your face Green, also

. Yes, as long as I got to the actual dimension continue all the way

Say what you have to do? Do Bkivta put something on them too?

Going on the road. You Ica, a beautiful idea

. Here we go, it is now ideal

... in order, and now you are carrying grain Alaedima Argosai Balorjae

"Certainly generate better with" pills, pills

when ?

. Dance when commoners brings good luck

- We do this before the beginning of the spring - before the spring?

We Nbosr grain on that day, you do commoners as well?

. Yes, and as long as did not arrive today evening spring, Doing this half remains effective

. Now, I've got the color of your luck and pills Alaedima hands

. You do according to

! But you can not use green soy beans in the evening spring

. The pills are the primary Idema soy beans

! I did not know it

! Well, Ica Argosai Orgosai for good luck

♪ pills! pills! ♪♪ pills! pills! ♪ Here you Ica

♪ pills! pills! ♪

"Now," Gates


! Again, from the top


♪ pills! pills! ♪

! Gates

who is she ?

"Declaration of results"

- Well, this is the result

. Rico, you are living in order to communicate with everyone who Tmlkinh

Episode 8 of the Ica-sama a lot of friends

, Due to the excellent ability in monitoring and analysis

. Vstagdin success in doing management

. You are fixed in your quest for Romancik

. just awesome ! I think it's incredibly accurate

Oh really ? Astrology Commoner accurate, true?

Well, Should we try this with you Haku?

... Haku, you Thafezin on a delicate balance between the conflicting natures

. Kalnchat, inactivity and attention and neglect

. Both suits you to be a researcher or artist

. This is true, well

. Occultism commoners stunning

! What an incredible civilization

Well, it's very accurate, is not it? That suits you to be a researcher

! What a tamper

What can the ability of astrology to say about me?

! It is impossible to fall in this absurd

In this case, you Tmaenai left?

you idiot

You want to try too, right?

! Only in the scope of the art of self-defense

. Well Well

... Well, I'm as they are talking about

... I bet he will say that I am an independent noble Hospitality

. Or like Maimutw Musashi years in the dusk, or something like that

. This is not what you have to say

. Karen, you're lonely too

. You are of the kind that does not stop worrying about everything around him

... You often stray, in your fear and perform tasks

. But smile wins easily and spontaneously, and you are inactive when it comes to romance

.Artvaa Anthwaitk is your charm

! E-there is something wrong

. No, I think it has Ahstk dramatically

! Let me see him, because you carry it got this ridiculous result

! I'll do this Biday

! Test your fit with the person who care about him

... for us for easy exercises in the vernacular activities

. I think it would be very useful for us to know Tuaqatna

- for - I was

So, why not use this vaunted grassroots astrology?

... With this it seems to be showing compatibility with the opposite sex

. For this we will use with Kemeto-sama as a binary for our examination

. Because this is the only way, we perception that we do not have another option

A-order, what would you do!?

. Hmm, it is the only option

! What gives all of this Agreement

. Well, Flandaoh day club activities

. I think it's no problem as long as it in this fun

. Well, Kemeto-sama please Start

E-Listen, you do not think that there was a strange atmosphere here?


. Do not bother, nothing

. Well, we will begin to Arzogaoa-san

what is wrong with you ?

. . . Nothing, just

. P-Let's start with Ica-sama


. In alphabetical order

- Well, we'll start with Bhetwafiqi Ica - e-hai, a-waiting

What is that ?

Okay ?

, Ah, give it points up

K-How many points?

... Let's see

Huh? How many ?

- Tell me, according to please and tell us faster

! Tell us what, come on

Haku, what Tdharban my knees?

.. Let's see ... I am consensual and Ica is

. 80 points, I was stunned at the first meeting

. And quickly fell in love

. Ica and Kemeto Ciecklna gorgeous duo no doubt in this

. Q-I was pleased because I thought it was good and enjoyed by

! But it was also a compromise with Kemeto

! So for this reason, it was a compromise with Kemeto

! Ah, fun nights

. كيميتو-ساما تنّبأ لي من فضلك تالياً

. الآن بعد ان فكرت بهذا فإن أرسوجاوا تأتي اولاً في الحروف الأبجدية

. آو ، ريكو هى التالية !؟ أتمنى ان تحصل على نقاط جيدة

. مع هذا أشك انها قد تحصل على نقاط أعلى من 80

. كما حصل فإن نقاطي 80

! كيميتو-ساما ، من فضلك أسرع واخبرنا النتيجة

. 90نقطة ، كيميتو و ريكو مناسبان جداً للزواج

. بالتأكيد ستهنئين بحياة زوجية سعيدة مع كيميتو

. 90نقطة ! و مناسبة جداً للزواج كذلك

! هذا خطأ ! هناك خطأ في الإدخال او شيء من هذا القبيل

. اوه ، هيا آيكا-ساما

. علينا ان نكون سعيدتين لأن كلانا حصل على نتيجة جيدة

. من جهتي ، انا سعيدة جداً

. آيكا-ساما ، لقد حصلتِ على ... 80نقطة حسب ما أذكر

هاكو ؟ ماذا عنك؟ أتريدين المحاولة ؟

. أتسائل كم سيكون توافقي مع هاكو

. هناك بعض المصطلحات الفرعية الغير مفهومة تماماً في اللعبة هنا

... 50نقطة ، يبدو أن تفاعلك مع هاكو

. ليس جيد ولا سيء

.. لأن هاكو من النوع الذى يُفهم على نحو خاطئ كثيراً

. فسيكلفكم فهم بعضكم البعض مجهود أكبر

. إنها مرتبكة قليلاً بسبب النتيجة السيئة التى خرجت

حـ-حسناً ، إنه تنجيم ، أتريدون بعض الشاي ؟

هاكو ؟

. حسناً

هـ-هاكو-ساما هل أحضر بعض الحلوى الجديدة ؟

. هذه فكرة جيدة ، سأذهب لأحضرهم

. لا أعتقد ان هذا يزعجها لهذا الحد

اذن ، ماذا عنكِ كارين ؟

. لا يمكنني ان اكون الوحيدة التى لم تحاول

. هل انتِ متأكدة ؟ لا سبب لإجبار نفسك على فعل هذا

اوه ، آسف آسف ، فلنفعلها

! انا لا اريد تحديداً فعل هذا ، أتفهم؟

. أجل ، أجل

. 0نقطة ، لو كنتِ مع كيميتو فإنه سيموت

يموت ؟

!... لـ-لما ، انتِ

لما تحاولين قطعي ؟
هاي ، التنجيم كان دقيق جداً

. هذا لا يشكل أيّ فارق

. لا يُأخذ التنجيم كإثبات اننا غير متوافقين

. الجميع علم هذا منذ البداية

أيمكنك التوقف عن طعن السجّاد بالكاتانا خاصتك ؟

. اوه ، آسف ، لقد اخطأتُ في مدخلاتك

ماذا ؟

... تاريخ ميلادك لم يُدخل ، فلنرى

. 100نقطة ،انتم شركاء حتميين

. كارين و كيميتو مثاليين معاً ، لا طريقة أخرى للتعبير عن هذا

. انتِ الشريك النهائي ، التى يمكنها الإرتباط معه على المستوى الروحي العميق

.كارين ، يجب عليِك بداية هجومك بقوة واستعجال بدءاً من الغد

. العبي بمهاراتك الخاصة و انقضِ عليه بأشد ما يمكنك

100نقطة !؟

! هاي ، لا تأخذِ الأمر على محمل الجد
إنه مجرد تنجيم

-- بطبيعة الحال ، إنه ليس بهذه الدقة

-- لا يمكنك الإيمان بهذا الشيء
-- هذا صحيح

كنتما متحمستان قبل دقيقة عن مدى دقته ، اليس كذلك ؟

! اعطه لي

" سنيزلق بعيداً عنك ببطئ "

خطأ ! هذا ليس التنجيم الحقيقي الذى اريده

" كلاكما لديه أقوى العلاقات الكريمة منذ الأزل "

. اسم سيد التنجيم اونميوجي قد وضع

لدى آيكا-سان الكثير من الأصدقاء " هذا خطأ"

. آه ، لم نجرب هذا التنجيم بعد

-- حسناً، هذه
-- التالي ، سنقوم بهذه

! فلنجرب هذه وحسب

" اخيراً وجدته انا وكيميتو " مرتبطين بشكل مثالي بلا زيادة لقولها

طالما انتِ و كيميتو " في رأس ريكو تماماً " فهو دقيق للغاية

... What are you talking about, this astrology says

"Kemeto and Rico are partners, selected Saosson happy house"

"Says your fit" Ica snail produces pressure on Kemeto

! I'm not spiral

How you could say this

. I'm sure that any compatibility with me will never matter

! that is enough

! Both of you, Aofaqa Khalavkma

! Disgraceful to us that we fight on one of us Tnjimh true

! True astrology comes from the moon, the mine in uniform sea

- No, not as well as you've already wrong

- This is the only pictured Alhanaoal with proper astrology

... will be out to individual inspiration for the birth of true astrology

what is wrong with you ?

. I'm hungry

! Uh, well, I'm going to something

. I want potato cakes

Oh, I loved? is not it ?

.. I wonder if I have any potato

! Hotkik will be good as well

Well, Are we together?

are you awake ?

... a-order

. I wished I never wake up

Have you signed in the ring?

--- Listen, there's something you want to question him

As always you stand there Watching waking?


Is there any rule stipulates that my answer to your questions?

. No, there is not

.Lsu luck, we're the maid who serve you

. Unfortunately, it wakes you up from my duties

. In fact, the best that Atjahlha, but as head of servants

. It hurts me that I can do this because I managed to seal my feet frustrated

Do you deliberately Stmtina four times?

- I'm annoying - this fifth

. Therefore, the settlement that hit them until you wake up is watching

... This is not within your business, right?

. Mchahtk within my work

. This reminds me of the announcement Old, you will not get any white liquid filtered from me

Is this sexual harassment?

! No ! Apply this scissors aside

. You should not wake me anymore

. In a telephone alarm

. As you wish

. So now destroy your phone

when ?

. Excessive mechanics is the curse factor

And you do not work in the first place, is not it?

. Very good, that you are serious as well as Egypt Vsosubh

- No, you should not force yourself - every morning, I will put an ice rink and Adoor

. The three-axis Aoukzk serious

انا غير متأكد ايٌّ مكان يحتوي على كلمة " جادة " بالظبط

اذن ، علينا الإستمرار بنفس الطريقة التى بدأنها حتى الآن ؟

هاه أجل

. سأخرج الآن لهذا من فضلك ارتدى ملابسك بسرعة

ما خطبها ؟

" آه اوه ، كتفاي "

" جعلتني غاضباً الآن "

هذه مرتي الاولى التى أراهم فيها لكن هذه
لكن هذه العبارات في الفيديو مضحكة جداً

ماذا هناك ؟

.كارين ، يجب عليِك بداية هجومك بقوة واستعجال بدءاً من الغد

. العبي بمهاراتك الخاصة و انقضِ عليه بأشد ما يمكنك

! فن السيف ، نمط كارين


ماذا ؟

ماهذا ؟ أيام برية باكوماتسو ؟


أجل ؟

! مهاراتي الخاصة مع سيفي

هاه ؟

كيف هى ؟ مذهلة ،صحيح ؟

... ا-اتو

! سألتك ان كانت مذهلة

! مذهلة ! مذهلة

انهم جيدة

لما بدأت الآن باللعب بمهاراتها الخاصة ؟

اوه ، ما هذا ؟

ماذا هناك ، كاجورزاكا ؟

كُم سترتك قد قطعت بوضوح اليس كذلك ؟

انت من قطعها

! لا فائدة ؟ سأصلحها لك

هاه ؟

.لا أملك اي معدات خياطة في متناول يدي ، لهذا سنذهب لغرفتي

. هذا وقتٌ جيد لك

.. هـ-هاي

. هذه غرفتي


ما الذى يمكنني قوله ، انها بسيطة

. بالتأكيد ، هؤلاء الذين يسيرون على خُطى السيافون لا حاجة لهم بزينة لا فائدة منها


. اجلس هناك ، سأعد الشاي

. حـ-حسناً

. اشرب

. حسناً ، شكراً لك

" حار ، وخزة أذن "

ما خطبك ، كاجوزراكا ؟

. لـ-لاشيء

. حسناً ، سأجلب عدة الخياطة

. فلنرى ، أعلم انها هنا بمكان ما

هل هذا متعمد ؟ هل تقوم بهذا عمداً ؟

م-ماذا هناك ، كاجوزراكا ؟

هاه ؟

. أشعر ببصرك على ظهري

. لـ-لا ، انت تتخيلين الاشياء

.. ا-اوه

مجموعة الخياطة

. يا الهى ، يالك من رجل غريب الاطوار

! انت هى غريبة الاطوار هنا

. أوه ، اجل نسيت

. كاجورزاكا ، ادر ظهرك لي

لما ؟

! افعل هذا وحسب

ماذا ؟ لا تقل لي انها تقلع ملابسها

. ح-حسنا

ح-حسنا ؟

... أ-أجل

. البرزو الناتج عن تضخم هذه الأفخاد الجذابة

. ان تكون مقيدة بشدة بهذه الملابس الحارة بشكل جيد جداً

! اريد فرك خدي عليهم الآن وحسب

! سأدفع بكل سرور 1000 ين

. الخط الذى يتبعها من الأعلى لركبتيها مثالي كذلك

. The method of gloss, which reflected her skin tight

- make it seem very vigilant - I think it's good, I know, I said this earlier

. For-do not get me wrong

. It is light and open, I enjoy Bartdaihm

. Still it looks great on you, you look amazing out

. Well, maybe I will continue wearing from now on and other times

! But it will not be for you in any way

. True, I know

! You do not know

... This is a beautiful, what I can say, it's surprising

For what to happen?

. Oh, I was thinking and by how much you are a good bride

What-What are you talking about?

... e-Would you say

! No ! I'm not ready for this

! Stmezkinh !! Stmezkinh!

. Well, we finished

! Stunning, you can to look at a very close look, otherwise you will never learn that he has stitched

. What do you think ? This is the second after my skills fencing

. Yes, this is really amazing, my mom can not do this

So you call me carelessly to meet your parents, right?


Internal cut your shirt, as well?

. Oh, you're right

. Oh well, as well as to sew, give me

Huh? No, nothing wrong

! aflha vhsb

. If I'd be half of his castle Nude

! This is what I am going to him


Are you fine ?

. Yup

. Sorry

You have the hands of the poor, huh?


. It's really different for girls

. But not as if by nothing special

How it was strong enough to overcome this?

Am I a strong grip for this limit?

. All his campaign with them is my sword

. Sometimes I am concerned about what is right to do

.. especially in the previous time I mean, as a girl, this

Prominent, is not it?

... Kajorzaka

This is a testament to how hard the work that you've done, right?

. And the harshness of your hand muscles in your arm

It has been built from one through which I walked by, right?

This kind of things up for others and have you received as you know

.. I think what Tortah as a result of something you've done

. I want to say it's a beautiful

K-Kajorzaka, Are you serious?

... Are you saying that I ..

! We have come

. nobody is here


. But I heard them say they saw an amazing room Kemeto Karen

Well, where are they?

I thought I understood the ethics of all this world expanding

I thought so it's enough to follow what leads me to him daily

. But here I am here, I can not put a name to this

Feelings that can not be predicted, and the usefulness of the guide

The dividing line between the cheek mixing red, dark blue

And before I know about it, it made it hard to say inside or outside my heart

Do not disappear in the twilight, near to see what it all I

I'm sure that everything will be an opportunity to love

Bring your tears and your dreams, which are forced to hide your smile Well?

I will come to you days that you will Mhassoda everyone

. Since this idea, no need to hide them

Such as the kind of love Confect

Which melt in my mouth

Pulse in my heart

Sweet and puzzling

I am ready to go for this

I love thee, O

I will give you all the feelings of my heart

I am deeply fascinated by the commoners

I Odrsk every day

You did not pick up telepathically so far?

what are you ? cool ?

Oh, you understand, you hide Khgelk, huh?

Such as the kind of love Confect

Which melt in my mouth

Pulse in my heart

Sweet and puzzling

I am ready to go

Here's my love of

I will give you all the feelings of my heart

. E-Hai, do not move

! I do not know how you could say this and you are in this position

! S-I said do not move

! Wah .. There is no

! Kemeto Kemeto-sama

Kemeto, what do you do?

What is that ?

. E-This is a new type of astrology

. Oh, so then

Otakbrha Astrological, huh?

So, you have no choice but to do this, huh?


! Come on ! Astrological told her, come on

"Djalteni angry now."

come on hurry up

"Djalteni angry now."

What do you mean that I made you angry now?

"Djalteni angry now."

Next Episode

Love Love, Mio-Mio

! You pervert

I am, I will be your servant Kemeto-sama

! Aflleha, really

! stop this

Kemeto, also gather them

! Mio-Mio, Kerr-Bio

Kajorzaka-sama here