Shadowland (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - The Enemies of America - full transcript

The walls close in on an anti-vaccine activist pushing a fake COVID-19 cure; a disgruntled veteran works to bring an end to America as we know it.

- There are some people

that still do not believe
in the New World Order.

A one-world government

controlled by the 13 elite
families of the world.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- You can see
where that mistrust

of a common narrative
comes about.

♪ ♪

- The media make, you know,

people that are like myself
to be the crazy, lone nut.

I don't care.

- We're all
in the same boat of,

where are
we gonna feel safe?

Are they gonna take us
to the Gulag

because we're
unvaccinated vermin?

This is about ushering in
a New World Order.

This is about training people
to be obedient slaves.

♪ ♪

- This is a "wicked, nefarious,
globalist, Chinese--

Biden's a sold-out, fraudulent
president" situation.

I'm telling you, it's wicked.

- If we activate
mandatory vaccines globally,

I imagine these people
stand to make

hundreds of billions of dollars
that own the vaccines.

- And they'll kill millions,

as they already have
with their vaccines.

- If they can sit
and watch this and realize

this whole thing
has been planned,

it's been planned
for a very long time...

♪ ♪

- He is taking her
into custody.

He's locking her up.

- Trying to hold
the fort down here, so...

- Why am I not speaking?

I'm not given a fair chance.

I've been banned from more
than all of these people.

- I can't have someone
throwing hand grenades

in my professional career.

- Breaking up with someone
via text

is just super hurtful.

- [laughs]
- Oh, my God.

- You gonna drink that?

- A warning tonight about

a fake coronavirus cure
being sold.

- We're gonna be
in Miami, Florida,

protesting for Mark Grenon.

- Prosecutors say Mark Grenon,
along with sons,

Jonathan, Jordan,
and Joseph Grenon,

sold their miracle
mineral solution.

- They were ordered
to stop selling

their toxic bleach solution.

Saying they would not comply
and threatening violence.

- You and I came together

because you reached out to me
regarding Mark Grenon.

- These boys, one of them
has not seen his newborn son,

has not seen the literal sun,

is drinking tap water
contaminated with poisons,

is eating fake, shit food

for a crime
that was never committed!

♪ ♪

[birds squawking]

[bottle spraying]

- I am here now
in Miami, Florida,

and we are protesting
for Mark Grenon

and his three sons

that have been incarcerated now
for 500-plus days.

[car horn honks]

Maryam, the bee lady,
will be speaking.

Where did y'all park?

- Hi, beautiful.
I'm on Facebook Live.

Hello. Hi.

- I love her energy

I love the fact
that she's like me,

that she's always
asking questions.

- Can I use this?

- You can use
whatever you want to, babe.

- All right.
- How does--

Okay, thanks.
- Right there.

So right now
your sons are where?

- On the seventh floor.
- Seven, okay, I see seventh.

- On the left.
- On the left, okay.

Look at him.
You hear him?

He's banging on the window.
- Yeah.

- Yes, we can hear you!

- We can hear the brothers
banging on the window!

We see you.

[steady music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, is this him?

- Okay, we are
gonna speak to the--

- This call is
from a federal prison.

- God bless you.
- God bless you, brother.

- God bless you.
- Love you, Jon.

- Jonathan, thank you.
- Love you, brother.

Love you, brother.


♪ ♪

- We are here
standing for the Grenon family.

They dare to use the C word,
which is "cure,"

and corona
in the same sentence.

They have been imprisoned

and treated
like poster children

for others such as myself

and Christopher Key
of the Vaccine Police

for daring to question

this shadow government!

Well, guess what!

This is the United States
of America,

and the powers that be would
like to take this country down!

And they used the coronavirus

as their trojan horse

to usher in

whatever the hell they wanted!

We must stand for liberty,

for freedom!

Okay, I'm now going
to introduce

Christopher Key!

- Whoo!
- You're too cute.

- Meeting Christopher
is just--it felt like,

you know,
"Hey, where have you been?"

- I come here today
to give away chlorine dioxide

to every single one of you
that came here today.

- Christopher is
like a kindred spirit,

because I'm a disrupter, too.

- Who does not have
chlorine dioxide?

'Cause I want to give it
to you right here

in front of this facility.

- He's a brother.

- I'm gonna keep doing this
every single day

and twice on Sunday, guys.

- I don't need to be admonished

for being a wild card
or having balls,

when we are
the true superheroes

that want to make a difference.

- Anybody that wants
chlorine dioxide,

I have it, and I'll give it
to anybody all day, every day.

If you need chlorine dioxide,
call me.

If you guys want
to come arrest me, here I am.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

[bottle spraying]

We're at a hotel room
back in Birmingham, Alabama.

I had to come back in town

because I received
a very threatening phone call

from a Fiona O'Leary.

She is the woman
that had Mark Grenon

and his three sons put in jail.

This woman directly did this.

- We're joined by Fiona O'Leary
from County Cork in Ireland,

who, for years,
has been trying to get

the attention of authorities
to crack down.

You have been the subject
of much harassment online,

haven't you,
for taking this stand?

- Mark Grenon especially

has been very aggressive
towards me,

calling me a witch,
a B-I-T-C-H,

but it doesn't bother me

because I know
what I'm doing is so important,

especially for children.

- Fiona O'Leary, I believe,

and it's my opinion...

is one crazy bitch, okay?

Anybody that is exposing

alternatives to Big Pharma

she has went after

and said that we are
the problem,

that we are causing
death to humanity.

♪ ♪

The people I talked to
regarding Fiona said,

"Christopher, two things
are gonna happen.

"You're either gonna
end up dead,

or you're gonna end up
in jail."

And I thought about it.

I thought about...

getting rid of all
the chlorine dioxide that I had

because I feared for my life.

And that's why today
I'm gonna go

to the Vestavia
Police Department.

That's why tomorrow
I'm gonna go to the FBI,

because I am going to try
to get in front of this.

And then I don't have
to be scared

and not sleep for days
because I think

I'm doing something
that's gonna put me in jail,

because what I'm being told now

is that I could go to prison
for 30 years.

I really fear
for my life right now

because this person,
Fiona O'Leary,

I believe, is very dangerous.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[cell phone vibrating]

This is Christopher.

Who is this?

- So I've written a lot about
how conspiracy theories start,

how they spread,
why people believe them,

and so right now I'm sort of
preoccupied by how they end.

In my reporting so far,
what I'm coming to the view of

is that this is not, like,

a two-year, five-year,
ten-year phenomenon.

Like, I genuinely think
it's a generations-long...

Like, I think this is a thing
that we're in for a while,

and the contours of the
specific conspiracy theories,

whether it's Q
or anything else, will change,

but I think this is now, like,

a condition of the world
that we live in,

that conspiracy theories
are rampant.

[dramatic music]

I, for years, have written
about conspiracy theories.

It's come up again and again

with ever-intensifying
and scary consequences

as conspiracy theories
have become more mainstream,

but I've been thinking
more recently

about how that ends.

In conditions where
conspiracy theories can spread

and be distributed
at global scale

with the click
of a Facebook button,

how do we weather this
as a society

without more people being hurt

or without hurting, you know,
democratic society?

- The FBI says many
of today's conspiracy theories

are politically motivated

and fueled by
the partisan divide in America.

The bureau warns some
of those conspiracy theories

will likely motivate
some domestic extremists

to commit criminal,
sometimes violent activity.


- Armed militias
reportedly on the rise,

driven by xenophobia
and racism,

but also by fear
of government itself.

- At this point, we're living

under corporate
and medical fascism.

This is tyranny.

When do we get to use the guns?

[cheers and applause]
No, and I'm not--

That's not a joke.
I'm not saying it like that.

I mean, literally,
where's the line?

How many elections
are they gonna steal

before we kill these people?

- It's like,
how do you weather it?

If it's not gonna end
for generations,

which is what I believe,
then, like,

how do we learn
from other periods of history

or other places in the world

to see how America
can get through it?

Whatever the answer
to that question is,

is the future of America.

♪ ♪

[gunshots, glass pinging]

[glass pings]

- Well...

Guess that's all of them.

My name is Eric Matthew Braden

and I'm an ex-military,
Army man.

♪ ♪

September 11th...

Was a big turning point
in my life.

I really wanted to stand up
for my country.

I really wanted to join
the military...

but it wasn't
until years later,

when I ended up
getting in trouble.

All right.

This is one of those times
in life where, you know,

drugs got involved
and they destroyed everything.

I ended up with charges,
drug charges,

and, you know, some other
charges for weapons as well.

And it was a moment in time

where I was gonna go
one way or the other,

and, luckily, I was assisted
in many ways by Uncle Sam,

you know, to be able
to join into the military.

♪ ♪

It took me getting in trouble

to actually go
to do the right thing,

and I ended up going to serve
my country proudly.

But, unfortunately,
when I showed up

to my Airborne training,
we got to the point

where we're doing
zipline training...

and this guy just barreled
right into my back

with his helmet full blast,
and that was the end of it.

I knew.
I knew my back was broke.

I knew it was done.


♪ ♪

- Ready to feed these animals?

- Yeah, let's go feed
the cows.

- [chuckles]

- When I got
out of the military,

I was, you know,
a complete mess.

- Come here.
[clicks tongue]

Come here, little one.

- I was just struggling to try

to get my basic
motor skills back

with the feeling of, you know,
failing at defending my country

the way I wanted to so badly.

♪ ♪

Through the hard time
of the training

and the injuries
that I had gone through,

I ended up with a pretty
severe opiate addiction.

This right here--
this is my buddy, though.

Yeah, that's my buddy.

My son was born

two weeks prior to my exit
from the Army,

and, you know,
through that addiction,

that made me someone that my
son didn't need to be around.

And my ex-wife absolutely
did not want me

in my son's life at all.

♪ ♪

Yeah, it's pretty--

it's a pretty dark time
in the world right now.

Pretty sad, too.

[bees buzzing]

I think I started really
questioning government...

With the Iraq
and Afghanistan war.

- There was a deafening
drumbeat in the wake of 9/11,

as President Bush,
Vice President Cheney,

and other top officials
warned that Iraq had amassed

a stockpile of illegal weapons

and began building
a case for war.

- When I went
into basic training,

I thought we were gonna be
heading off to war to...

you know, actually go

and attack the people
that attacked us.

- After all this time,

questions still remain
as to why the United States

launched the war
in the first place.

- I started hearing
the narrative

of weapons
of mass destruction.

- On February 5, 2003,
Powell stated

with no qualifications
that Saddam Hussein

had mobile,
biological weapons.

- Upon communicating
with the drill sergeant

after they asked us,
you know,

why did we join up
and what are we doing there,

they basically explained to us

that it was all a lie.

- The American public
was led to believe

that Saddam Hussein
had large stockpiles

of weapons
of mass destruction

and was prepared to use them,

which famously turned out
not to be the case.

- It was just an amazing,
you know, realization that...

You know,
that they fooled--

they fooled the entire country.

- If you think about
the public's lack of trust

for government right now,
that's one of the reasons.

That now has undermined
trust in government.

- It was basically for money.

The war machine gets paid

Every time a war is created,
you know, both sides,

left and right,
they both get paid.

And, you know, a lot of that
was George Bush Jr.

They worship money.
They worship greed.

And they sacrifice the blood
of their own to get it.

I knew that I had a new fight,

and I realized
that I had a fight,

but it wasn't gonna be
on a battlefield.

It was gonna be
against the people that were,

you know,
actually in authority.

Who loves freedom?
[crowd cheering]

I said, who loves freedom?
[cheering continues]

Who will defend freedom?
[cheering continues]

Who will fight for freedom?
[cheering continues]

- Amen.

- My name is General E

from SPC,
Southern Patriot Council.

SPC is a group of people,

that will be
the last line of defense

against any tyranny.

♪ ♪

We are freedom fighters.
We stand for the truth.

We stand for honor, integrity,
and mutual respect.

We will fight,

and we are finding out...

who is the enemy of America.

[crowd cheering]
- Yeah.

- Well,
the most recent one now

that I'm going into
is the border.

- Over the last year,
Border Patrol agents

have seen record numbers of
migrants crossing into the U.S.

along the southwest border.

- Our front door
is being kicked in.

- In the last three months
of 2021,

Border Patrol agents
came across

nearly half a million

That's double the encounters
from the same time in 2020.

- What that comes down to is,
where's it coming from?

Why is it coming
from that direction?

- Nothing about it
is an accident.

Obviously it's intentional.
Joe Biden did it on purpose,

but why?

- Who's the puppet master
behind all this?

There's got to be
something behind it, right?

- To change the racial mix
of the country,

that's the reason.

To reduce the political power
of people

whose ancestors lived here
and dramatically increase

the proportion of Americans

newly arrived
from the Third World.

- They're bringing in
more people

to affect a voting pattern.

- In political terms,

this policy is called
the Great Replacement.

The replacement
of legacy Americans

with more obedient people
from faraway countries.

- They're replacing a level,
a class.

- They will come for you
and "replace you."

This is an elaborate
conspiracy theory

that is gaining traction right
now on the American right.

It's a white supremist claim,

and it is that
non-white immigrants

will replace the electorate,

the presumably
more white electorate.

- The strings are being pulled
by a puppet master,

and because that puppet master
wants this to happen,

he's pulling the strings
on both sides--

over the border
and in the border.

It's a destruction
of our way of life in America.

It's an attack on our ways.

- Let me introduce myself.
My name is Eric Matthew Braden.

I am running for governor
of Texas, guys.

That is not a joke.

I've seen this state...

go from the Texas I once knew

into something that
I can't even identify anymore.

I will get this sinking ship,

and I will turn it
into a sovereign nation

with a border
that is impenetrable.


There's these individuals
that are...

pretty much so powerful
because of their money.

Their influence is so heavy.

And these people
are the Bilderbergs,

the Rothschilds, the Gates,
you know, the Soroses,

you know, the Clintons, the--

you know, all these--
there's so many of them.

There's a big club,
and none of us are in it.

You understand that?

They are the 1%, rich elite.

They are the Skull and Bones.

They are Ivy League
college people

that pull all the strings
in this country.

That money can enable them
to pull strings

and make anything happen
anywhere, at any time.

Anytime they want to
do anything, they can do it.

All these people
that control society--

their born, bred,
and put through a process

to tell you what to do
and when to do it.

If we don't do what they say,

you're in trouble
'cause they'll come after you.

They will come after you
with that evil,

and they will take you out.

They want to maintain
their wealth.

They want to maintain
their riches.

They want to maintain
their power.

Eventually they meet a man
like me that's un-fallible

and unpurchasable,
and it's not gonna happen,

you know, so...

You know, I would be the enemy.

If it takes me strapping
my AR-15 and my battle vest on

with all my ammunition
to fight for you

and give my life, I will do so.

And there isn't a damn
white-collar governor out there

that would do that,
but I will.

[cheers and applause]

- This is Christopher.

Who is this?

I am always fabulous.

How can I help you, Fiona?

No, please,
I'm not real smart,

so I can't read
between the lines, so...

Why do I need to listen to you?

I don't get rid
of anything, okay?

Because I do not live
in fear, Fiona.

I am doing everything lawfully.

I'm doing everything legally,

and you can't stand that.
- No, you're not. You're not.

- And you're an evil,
evil person, Fiona.

And it's very sad that what's--

You know,
I pray for you, Fiona.

I will do everything I can

to expose the tyranny
that you are doing

to those that are doing
God's work,

helping God's people,
and you are a fraud, Fiona.

What you're doing
right now, Fiona,

is you are threatening me.

This is fear and intimidation.

I feel threatened,
and I am headed to the police.

You've got less than
60 seconds, Fiona.

60 seconds, anything else?

- Okay, guys, we are here

at the Vestavia Hills
Police Department.

I am very fearful
for my life now.

I have given away
chlorine dioxide,

so I'm here today at
the Vestavia Police Department

to find out is it illegal
to give it away.

Okay, my name
is Christopher Key.

I am what's considered
the Vaccine Police,

and I feel threatened
for my safety

because of a woman
named Fiona O'Leary.

She was responsible

for Mark Grenon and
his three sons being in prison.

There's a substance
called chlorine dioxide.

I do not sell chlorine dioxide,
nor shall I ever,

but I have given it away.

And if that's wrong,
I need somebody to tell me,

because I will stop.

And I wanted to get
on the record

that this woman is calling me,
harassing me.

I'm gonna go down
to the FBI on Monday--

they're closed today--
to report it to them.

I have no home.


I live out of hotel rooms.

Why do you need my physical

driver's license
to fill it out?

So you're saying you're not
gonna fill out anything

unless I bring--

Yes, sir.

I'm not refusing, I just--

I'm saying I physically
don't have it with me, okay?

I probably should just go
to the sheriff's,

'cause, again,
I think it'd be best

for me to just go
to the sheriff's office.

I haven't broken any law, and
I do have a driver's license,

but I just don't have
to show it to you.

- I'll explain it to you again.

- But, again, I do have one
in my possession, okay?

Again, I don't--I know.

And, again,
I don't have to show you

my driver's license, okay?

I didn't mean to cause
any trouble.

I was just trying to get
something on the record.

Thank you, sir.

♪ ♪

I actually really did forget
my driver's license

and didn't have it with me.

They were just trying
to be difficult.

When we first
started doing this,

the chances of me
going to jail,

I thought,
were next to nothing.

And now,
with this Fiona crazy lady,

who knows?

- So the piece
that I'm working on

is about moments
when conspiracism flourish,

and one driving question
for me has been,

how do we sort of
break the fever?

And so I'm really curious
to hear from you

about the parallels
you see right now.

- The most important
and famous conspiracy theory

of the 20th century
was the Nazis' argument

that the Jews
started World War II.

This 600,000 people
in a society,

which I think now is maybe
60 million or 70 million,

that these 600,000 people
ruled the country.

They had wrecked
the film industry.

They controlled the newspapers.

They controlled the banks,
all of which was lies.

But the appeal
of that conspiracy theory

was, in a time of unemployment,

political confusion,

it explained things.

And the explanation

went along with a face
and a person.

It's the Jews, and we can see
what they look like,

and they're the cause of it.

- There's a villain
to point to.

- There's a villain.
There's a villain.

And therefore,
the German government

was going to retaliate
against the Jews

and exterminate them.

Because if you believe
in a conspiracy theory,

then you believe
that the people

who are running
the conspiracy are evil

and are the cause
of enormous harm.

And what do
such people deserve?

They deserve to be killed.

So, when people play around

with these ridiculous
conspiracy theories--

QAnon or whatever it is--

the result of it has been,
in the past,


- And today, too.
- And today.

- And just for a moment,
to talk about anti-Semitism,

why is anti-Semitism
always present in these moments

where democracy is threatened?

- It's embedded in our culture.

The notion that there's a small
group of people, these Jews--

they killed Jesus,
they caused the Black Plague,

they caused World War I,
World War II,

French Revolution,
communism, capitalism.

And that habit of thinking
that small groups of people

are responsible
for large events

and that they are evil

and therefore
you need to kill them

because they've done
all these horrible things,

that's an element
of Western culture.

- When you look
at other moments

of high levels of conspiracism,

what has worked before to...

tamp it down again?

- When political leaders,
religious leaders,

or corporate leaders,
influential people

say that this is rubbish.

This is unacceptable.

It's immoral. This is false,
totally unacceptable.

And this message needs to come
from both political parties,

and it's not,
because the incentives

are working
in the opposite direction.

That is, there are voters
who will vote for people

who say the election
was stolen.

- A lot of them.
- A lot of them.

And if you can win elections
by telling a lie

that's an incentive
to keep lying.

Nothing else is gonna change
their mind

or change the mind
of the cynics

who only care
about political power

and realize
that going down this path

is a recipe
for losing elections.

- It does seem to me
that a sort of theme

that's emerging here
is one of the major dangers

is the silence of people
who know better.

- Absolutely.

Nothing is more dangerous
to a democracy,

than conspiracy thinking.

They lead to violence.

[indistinct chatter]

- I'm running
for governor of Texas.

- Are you really?
- Yeah.

My name's General E,
Eric Braden.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

My name is General E,
Eric Braden.

I'm running
for governor of Texas.

I can't pull it up right now
'cause I don't have signal,

but I'd show you
some of the marches

where I've got my
battle gear on, my AR-15,

and I'm marching
against these motherfuckers.

- Hell, yeah.
- So I'm running for governor,

but I'm also a warrior.

on a secession platform,

so we can get the hell
out of this shit.


That's what I'm doing.

Yeah, I need
a bunch of signatures

before the 9th of December
to get in the game.

I'm working on that right now.

Basically, I'm the only guy

that's actually running on
a secession platform in Texas.

So I'm the only man
that's gonna get us out.

One, two, three, secession.

[indistinct chatter]

- Hell, yeah.

- Eric Braden, General E.
Eric Braden.

Yes, sir.

Yep, governor of Texas,
my friend.

Yep, running
on a secession platform.

I'm getting Texas
out of the Union.

We're leaving.


Are you from Texas?

Born and raised here in--

All right.



It's a fun project--
cute, fun.

It's not at all?

What was settled in 1860?
- Your arg--

- Okay.
- [chuckles]

- Oh, boy.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.
- Good luck to you, sir.

[country music playing,
indistinct chatter]

- Back in the day, yeah,
we'd whip the shit out of him,

but we're not gonna do
that tonight.

Nah, we ain't gonna do it.

No, he's good.
We're gonna give him a pass.

- I hope you win, man.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, man.
- We're right behind you.

- All for you, man.
Good luck.

- Wish me luck.
God bless, guys.

- Yep.
- Take care.

[dramatic music]

- No, I didn't attempt
to get any signatures.

You know, eventually
we're going to end up

getting those signatures,
or we're not going to.

So, you know, there's got
to be a time where I have

to put this down to actually
get serious about this.

I have to get
5,000 signatures,

and I have no idea how many
I actually have right now.

I have 19 days

to get in this race
or go to the beach.

♪ ♪

- Okay, what I want
y'all to listen to

is the phone call

that I had with Mary--

she called herself--
which is Fiona.

So that's a lie.

You know, she's lying
about her name, okay?

So that's fraudulent, okay?

She lives in Ireland, okay?

We have verification
that she lives in Ireland.

I said, "If they can make
a donation, great.

"If they can't,
it doesn't matter.

"We will send it
anywhere around the world

if somebody needs it."

Is that unlawful?
Is that illegal?

I don't think so.

She's trying to get me
to say, you know,

"We have to have
a $20 donation.

"we have to have
a $50 donation.

We have to"--

Never did I say that.

Never did I say that,
not one single time.

Just a grandmother.

Okay, so she tries
to entrap these people,

and when she
gets enough evidence,

she takes it
to, you know, the FDA

and then gets
the local police to go in

and, you know,
arrest those people.

[line trilling]

Hey, man.

Okay, I think
I've come to the conclusion

I'm not gonna physically go
to the FBI

'cause I don't want to walk on
to their jurisdiction.

But I'm considering
making a phone call to them

to get something on the record.

Is that a good idea,
a bad idea?

What are your thoughts?

Again, you know,
I don't know.

Nope. Never will I.

Okay, so what are your thoughts
on what I should do?

Okay, well, think about it
and let me know.

All right, bye.
- Yeah, bye.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[leaf blower whirring loudly]

♪ ♪

- Hey, brother.


We don't.

Yeah, we don't have anything

as far as directions
whatsoever on the bottles.

So it's in my best interest

not to go down
to the sheriff's office?

So just leave it alone?

All right, look,
I just needed to know

if I needed to go
down there or not.

So you're telling me no,
so we're done.

Let me go finish dealing
with a bunch of other stuff,

and then I'll see you tomorrow.

All right, love you, brother.

- Bye.

- I thought I did
everything aboveboard,

but now my team is saying
there's a couple things

that we have
that need to be cleaned up,

and that's
what I'm trying to do.

Next time y'all see me,
I may be in jail...


Or maybe dead.

Anything's possible.

When you're exposing

what I believe I'm exposing...

I'm going after
the head of the snake.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

- Going into this story,
my hope was, like,

okay, surely there's
a historic framework

for how mass delusions end.

Let's just find that
and follow it...

but it's not that simple.

And this has been
the challenge

in reporting this story
all along,

is I keep looking for...

a clear sense
of what can be done

to mitigate the harm
that conspiracism causes

before it spills over
into more violence,

and I'm not finding examples.

And part of this is you can't
prove a negative, right?

You can't learn from something
that never happened

'cause you don't know
what you avoided, in a way.

But I still really wish
there were a clearer sense of,

okay, this works.

But especially right now,

we shouldn't be defeatist
about it.

Any individual
that cares about living

in a functioning democracy
has a role to play

in making sure
that we protect it.

♪ ♪

- Got any brothers and sisters
on channel right now?

All right, well, I'm sitting
here on the beach right now.

Just here with
my beautiful wife, my dog,

and enjoying a little time
here, doing a little R&R.

Today was the last day
to get the 5,000 signatures

to run for governor of Texas.

To be able to get
into the actual race,

you either have
to have those signatures,

or you have to have the money

to actually pay
for the filing fees.

So I don't have the money
for the filing fees,

and I don't the signatures
to join the race.

So, you know, stay tuned,
and God bless all y'all.

♪ ♪

- It's unfortunate that
I didn't get the signatures.

You know, I had no illusion
that I was gonna win

the election
for governor of Texas.

You know, I didn't think
that I was gonna be--

gonna be winning that.

What I really wanted to do
was make a statement.

Basically, what these
elitists think

is that they are
better than us.

They believe
that they're smarter than us

and their lives
are more valuable than us.

They manipulate,
and they basically connive

their way into everything
that they do.

If I had the chance
to say anything

to these people
that have ruined this country

and attacked it,

attacked its liberty
and its freedoms...

if I had one thing to say,
it's very short and very sweet.

I'm coming.

Ain't nothing gonna stop me.

♪ ♪

- I want to change the world.

- If you have someone out there
that's watching

that has a loved one that's
just kind of flirting with Q...

hey, heads up.

It's not something
they just flirt with.

Catch it early if you can.

Take it seriously.

- I feel I have
a lot of hope now.


I guess maybe
I formulate it myself.

I do have a daughter.

There is hope that me and her
will be reunited.

I believe that.

- I have learned to...

put my head down
and to shut my mouth

because I'm not someone that
needs training to speak up.

So I've taken this
as a humbling experience.

It's definitely--
I've cultivated more gratitude,

like thank you, God,

for this unmasked lunch
I'm having or walk.

To not take anything
for granted,

but it's my job to speak up

and to speak out

against this insanity

that's tearing
human beings apart.

And the ultimate game
is divide and conquer.

- So let me just be honest
with you.

I think that
I'm gonna get killed.

I've outed a lot
of powerful people,

organizations that
are currently in control

of the United States,
it appears.

And I believe that once they've
consolidated enough power

and put in enough censorship

that I'm going to have
an accident,

and you'll hear about my death,

and it'll be ruled either
a suicide or an accident

or homicide by somebody else.

That's my fate.

- I have nothing to hide.

They can have
whatever information they want.

I never had any plans.

There was never
no insurrection.

I was preaching the Bible,
for goodness' sake, you know,

at the Capitol, of all places.

And if they want a deposition,
if they want my testimony,

I'll gladly give it to them.

At this point,
I think you know my nature

and my character
and my pushback.

At this point,
I would love nothing more

than to sit in that chamber

and let them know what I really
think about whole situation.

Call out the lies.

I'm gonna call out
the deception.

I'm gonna call it what it is.
I don't need their approval.

I don't need a bigger church.
I don't need money.

I don't care.

- There really
is just this divide,

and the people over here
don't get what the people...

They don't see it.
They don't want to see it.

I don't know.

- We really thought that...

we had accomplished something
on January 6th,

that we were...

voicing our First Amendment
rights to freedom of speech,

to freedom of religion,

to freedom to assemble,

and the freedom to petition,

but they turned us
into terrorists,

which we are not.

We're just patriots.

We just don't want to lose
our liberty...

and our pursuit of happiness.

And since my arrest,
I haven't had much life,

or pursuit of happiness.

♪ ♪