Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 16 - Stay With Me - full transcript

Clary and Jace come up with a risky plan to get rid of her twinning rune, which may bring an old enemy back into the fray; Alec worries about Magnus.

Previously, on Shadowhunters...

On the ground, Garroway.

Hands on your head, face down.

So, you're just gonna
take the punishment

for someone else's crime?

Yeah. I'm sorry, kiddo.

Who did this to you?!

Caelestis ignis.

Latin for 'heavenly fire.'

It's the name of an
off-the-books Clave program

I heard your brother
was in New York.

You let him go.

Clary! Hey!

What are you doing?!

It seems our rune
has brought us together.

You are, of course,
aware that there are risks.

OK? I can give you
the transfusion of magic,

but whether or not
your body accepts it...

I can take care of myself.





These waffles are unbelievable.

Even better
than your French toast.

I've been getting good,
aren't I?


I'm thinking about
taking the next step.



Careful. A man can get used
to this type of treatment.

Oh, you haven't
seen anything yet.

Care to dance?


Oh, I'm just remembering Havana.

Salsa dancing at the Tropicana?

I still have nightmares
of your two left feet.

Oh, it wasn't that bad.


I've been practicing.

Really, now?


Magnus, I do believe
you're speechless.

I'm a lot of things
right now, Alexander.


Magnus, stay with me.

I'm here.

Stay with me.

Slow down.

Slow down!


Magnus, stay with me!

Stay with me! Come on!

Come on, Magnus.
Stay with me. Come on!

What happened?

Catarina, he...
he just collapsed.

I don't know. You have
to do something.

He's not breathing.

By the Angel!

Hey, Magnus. Magnus!

Can you hear me?!

Stand back...
Please, I'm right here!

Stand back!

Catarina, is he
gonna be all right?

Come on, Magnus!

Hang in there!

♪ We're coming

♪ After you

♪ This is the hunt

♪ This is the hunt ♪

How'd it go?

Fantastic. One dead end
after another.

None of Mirek's clients
have the Morning Star blade.

There's one name left.

At least, I think it's a name.

It looks like it's written
in some Seelie language.

What is it?

These are letters from
the ancient Seelie alphabet.



Our Queen goes by many names...

some of them
not very well known.

I had no idea
that the Seelie Queen

took an interest in antiquities.

Will you arrange an audience
with Her Highness?

I can try.


Clary. Hey.

I'm fine. I didn't feel a thing.

Good. OK, that's good.

What'd they do to you?

They couldn't do anything.

The demonic tether that
binds me to Jonathan is...

...stronger than anything
they've ever seen before.

OK. Well, look. That...

It doesn't mean
we're out of options.

Look, you... you saw
that illustration with me.

Michael separated himself
from Lucifer.

That means there
has to be a way.

Maybe we go
straight to the source.

Are you talking about Lilith?

She gave me the rune.

She's got to know
how to remove it.

A warlock can summon her.

We can...
No. No. No.

Look, we just got rid of her,

and it almost cost you
your life.

I don't know what else to do.

Look, when I saw Jonathan
last night,

I couldn't call for help.

I couldn't walk away.

I couldn't do anything!

And after what
happened with Aline,

and the fire, I... I...

I can feel it, Jace!

It's this darkness.
It's growing,

and I... Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, listen to me.

You are a good person.

And there is no rune

that's gonna change that.

Magnus, I... I don't
know if you can hear me.

This is my fault.

I was selfish.

When you first lost your powers,

and you said you were
OK with it, I...

...I didn't think twice.

I guess I was just so happy

that maybe we could...

...grow old together.

♪ I want to love

♪ Like a man

♪ I'll build you a home

I guess I just didn't realize...

...deep down, how much
you were suffering.

♪ Give my new body a chance

Magnus, I love you...

...more than anyone
in the world, and...

...I'm... I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

♪ I fought the world
for your hand

♪ You're all I have

May I come in?


♪ You're all I have ♪

Did you manage to...

make contact with the people

at the Spiral Labyrinth?

Yes, and I shared the test
results, and he agreed.

Magnus's body is
rejecting Lorenzo's magic.

Rejecting? What do you mean?

Think of it like
a failing organ transplant.

Each time Magnus
performs a spell,

it puts a tremendous strain
on his body.

He got lucky this time.

He will regain consciousness.

But if he uses magic again,

even for something small,

he might not survive.

Why can't you just... fix him?

Why can't you just take
Lorenzo's magic out?

I wish I could. The only one
who can reverse the transfer

is the person
who gave it to him.

Lorenzo did this on purpose.

Alec, there's no way
he could have planned it.

With magic transfusions,
there's always this possibility.

No. He knew
how desperate Magnus was.

He took advantage of him.

I'm not gonna let this son
of a bitch get away with it.

You need to settle down.

What's the Shadowhunter saying?

"Emotions cloud judgement?"

You lose your temper
with Lorenzo,

he'll have less
incentive to help.

Like it or not,

Lorenzo Rey is Magnus's
only hope.

Hey, Fray, he's gonna be OK.

First Luke goes to prison,
and now this.

Why is everything falling apart?

Hey. Hey. Hey, Fray.

Hey! Fray!

What, Simon?!

What, are you gonna
make some joke

to try and get me
to feel better?


I can't live like this.

Jace, we have to do it.

Do what?

Clary, what's going on?

I spoke to Catarina.

She won't summon Lilith.
Too dangerous.

Well, can... can we
find another warlock?

There's no one else
we can trust.

What about me?

What if I use my rune ability
to summon Lilith?

The runes were designed
to give us the power

to fight demons,
not summon them.

Look, I know it's a long shot...

but if I can create a rune

that can bring back the dead,

isn't this worth trying?

What other choice do I have?


Let's say we manage
to summon Lilith.

What's to stop her
from escaping?

Or attacking us?

The Malachi Configuration.

It was built to contain
greater demons.

Right, but not
the Queen of Hell.

We need a contingency plan.

A way to send her back to Edom
if she gets loose.

The Mark of Cain.

Yeah, the Mark of Cain
would be perfect...

...if you still had it.

Yeah, I don't, but Izzy and I
both know someone that does.

Do you think you can
convince Cain to cooperate?

Well, I mean, it seemed like
he liked me. It's worth a shot.

OK. Let's say we summon Lilith,

and we manage to trap her,

and Cain is willing to help.

The only problem is...

how do we get her to talk to us?

Don't worry about it.
With the upgrades I made

to the Malachi configuration,
that shouldn't be an issue.


I'll go talk to him right now.

I'll go with you.

Charming, isn't it?

It's one of Mozart's
lesser known works,

but certainly
one of my favorites...

You should've seen
the look on Wolfgang's face

when I told him
what I really thought

about his Mass in C Minor.

We need to talk.

Hang on, this is the best part.

What can I do
for you, Mr. Lightwood?

Magnus has fallen ill

as a result of the magic
you gave him.

I did warn your boyfriend
of the risks involved.

He assured me
he could handle it.

Well, he can't.

And I would appreciate

if you would
take the magic back.

Yes, I'm sure you would
appreciate that.

But he brought this
upon himself.

Not my fault
the pompous old warlock

falls by his own hubris.

Why? Why do you
hate him so much?

It's simple.

All my life, I've had to sit by

and watch while the world
lavished praise on Magnus Bane.

The Prodigy. The High Warlock
who could do no wrong.

Green isn't becoming
on you, Lorenzo.

You have no idea
how hard I've had to work

for everything that I have.

That man was born with
a silver spoon in his mouth.

His celebrity is
not based on talent.

It's nepotism.

Lorenzo, you're right
about one thing.

Magnus is beloved.

And when word gets out
that you wouldn't help him,

purely out of jealously...

how do you think the other
warlocks are gonna feel?

I guess we'll find out,
won't we?

Oh, you bastard.
I swear I will...

You'll what?

I believe we're done here.

You can show yourself out.

You've never been in love,
have you?

I'm over 300 years old.
Of course I have.

More times than I care to admit.

Well for me, it's only one.


He is my world,

and if he dies...

Look, Lorenzo...

...he's no threat to you. OK?

He doesn't have his powers.

Just... please.

Please, help him.

You have a visitor.

Jonathan Morgenstern.

I see...

Show him in.

But first, let me
slip into something

a little more comfortable.

Your Highness.

Is this any way
to welcome a guest?

Jonathan Morgenstern.

I would say it's a pleasure
to meet you,

but alas, we Seelies cannot lie.

I am not your enemy.

Whatever quarrel
you had with Lilith,

that has nothing to do with me.

I'm only here searching for...

For the Morning Star sword.

I know all about
your little quest.

Then perhaps you could
help me out

by handing it over.

I'm afraid you have
more pressing concerns.

You see, your mother
came into my court

and slaughtered dozens
of my subjects.

Delivering your head to her

on a silver platter will be
fitting revenge.

That demon is not my mother.

And I assure you,
I have no loyalty to Lilith.

It's why I left her to rot
in Edom after she was banished.

How noble.

Nevertheless, there is
a debt to be paid.

Blood for blood.

And what if I can
offer you a better deal?

I'm listening.

Your realm will never be safe
as long as the Queen of Edom

draws breath. But...

...if you offer me
the sword as payment...

that silver platter of yours...

...will soon bear Lilith's head.

Lucian, your face...


There was a guy I put away
a few years ago.

I handled it.

For now.

All this stress, this pressure.

What if you can't
control yourself?

What if you turn?

It won't happen. I knew
what I was getting into

when I decided to do this.

What's all the stuff?

You knock over a library?

Uh, I brought you
some reading material.

Turns out Elliot was
a closet mystery buff.

There's piles of these
hidden all over the shop.

Wait. You went back?

You, my friend,
are looking at the new owner

of Ouroboros Books and Antiques.

Oh, well!

Maryse Lightwood, entrepreneur.

I never would've gotten the idea

if you hadn't
dragged me down there,

so... thank you.

What is it?

I don't want you
to visit me anymore.


You said you wanted
a fresh start,

and now you've got it.

You've got your whole life
in front of you.


I've got this.

That doesn't mean
you have to go it alone.

It's important for me
to see you move on... see you be happy.

I am happy.

Just... consider me
your Book of the Month Club.

I am not gonna turn my back
on you, Lucian.

Not now.

Not ever.

Cain should be
right around here.

Hold on.

What is it?

All clear.

Not a rat in sight.

My hero.

I heard about Raphael...

You OK?

If I hadn't let myself
fall for him...

I think things would've
ended differently.

Maybe, but then...

maybe you wouldn't have
had that time together.

You know, after seeing
what Jace went through

when he thought
Clary was dead...

watching Alec fall apart
over Magnus...

I'm not sure I want
love in my life.

Not if it hurts like that.


That was insensitive.

You and Maia just broke up.

It's fine.
Maia is where she should be:

with Jordan, at the Praetor.

Besides, I don't know
if this whole love thing

is really for me. I mean,

no matter how hard I try,

I just can't seem
to make it work.

You know what?

Let's make a pact.

Single for life.

What is that?

It's a pinky swear.

You've never done
one of these before?


But it looks, uh... serious.

It's very serious. I mean,

the consequences of a broken
pinky swear could be dire.

This is the most sacred vow

anyone can make.

I love sacred vows.

Let's do it.

We should, uh... keep moving.



Is it even possible
to kill a demon

as powerful as Lilith?

In Edom it is.

Every demon has their weakness.

What's hers?


Are you sure that's
where you want to summon her?

An abandoned power plant?

It has the strongest ley line
convergence outside the city.

And we need to do this
away from a populated area.




Absolutely not.


If things go sideways,

your Mark is the only thing

that can banish Lilith
back to Edom.


Why can't you
just do it yourself?

You... you managed
to remove the Mark.

It wasn't easy.

The only reason I succeeded

was because Isabelle
was there to help me.

I could help you
get rid of yours too,

coach you through
the whole ordeal...

...if you're willing
to come with us.

I won't stand before Lilith
ever again.

Why do you fear her?

You're invincible!

No man is invincible.

She seduced me once.

Made me kill my own brother.

Look, Cain, I get it.

I was in a similar situation...

with a vampire named Heidi.

She manipulated me...

and I was so hungry
that I fed on my sister.

And my mother
watched the whole thing.

The guilt... never fades.

It's unbearable.

It is.

But... sometimes,

to overcome your demons,

you have to face them head on.

If you want to make up
for your sins of the past,

sitting in a sewer
isn't gonna do it.

Cain... this is your chance.

Magnus, can you hear me?

There you are.



There you are...


What happened?

Oh. Well, you got very sick,

but everything's gonna be OK.

Just hold on. Here. Let me...

...get that for you.

Ah. A man could get used
to this type of treatment.

Oh, but definitely not
this wardrobe.

Right. Let me get you
a change of clothes.

Oh, no need.


Alexander, what...

What's he doing here?

Using Lorenzo's magic
is what got you sick.

Catarina says that if you
use the magic again,

even a little bit,

it could go horribly wrong.

The only way for you
to get better...

is for Lorenzo to take
the magic away.


No, Catarina's just
being overly cautious.

Trust me, I feel fine.

No. Can we just
get a minute, please?

NO! I'm not getting rid
of my magic.

Magnus, you stopped breathing.

Your heart stopped.
I thought you were gone.

I'm so sorry for scaring you.

I was clearly adjusting
to Lorenzo's magic,

and I must have
overextended myself.

I promise I'll be more careful
from now on.

It doesn't matter
how careful you are.

As long as you have
Lorenzo's magic,

you'll be living
with an ax over your head.

Oh, could you
stop being so morbid?

Look, I know how important
magic is to you,

but is it really
worth dying for?

Magnus, answer me.


How can you even say that?

I am nothing without my magic.

You fell in love

with Magnus Bane,
High Warlock of Brooklyn.

Can you honestly say that you
don't feel differently about me?

Look at me! Can you honestly
say you like this?!

Yes! Your powers
were incredible.

But that's not why I fell
in love with you.

I fell in love with you
because you're wise,

and you're generous,

and you're brave,
and you're incredible!

I just...

When you walk into a room,

there's a spark in you,

magic or not,
that lights up everything

and everyone around you!

And... and... hey!

I won't lose you!

I can't.

It's you.

Hello, Mother.

You came back for me,

my sweet boy.

Of course I did.

When I rose and realized
you were gone...

I was devastated.

And yet, you took your time...

...leaving me here to suffer.



When that wretched Daylighter
blasted me back to this realm,

I was weak...
my powers diminished.

Asmodeus... he took
full advantage.

That cat-eyed cretin,
he took my crown,

and he bound me to this room

with magic that he took
from his son.

Mother, I had no idea.

If I had...

I would've come back right away.

What was keeping you so busy?

Clary. She ran away.
I had to find her.


I'm afraid that rune
was a necessary evil.


No, it's not evil.

It's beautiful.

She called you
a monster, Jonathan.

She wanted you to stay dead.

It's different now.

Your sister will never love you

like I do. Believe me,

if you didn't need her life
force in order to live,

I would have taken her heart

and ripped it out of her chest
and crushed it in my hand!


How dare you speak
to your mother like that?!

Mother, I'm sorry.

Please, forgive me.

Thank you so much for coming.

I know how hard
this must be for you.

I have spent centuries
cowering in the dark... was finally time
to come into the light.


Good job getting him here.

No problem.

Now, go away.


Look, I don't have time
to babysit you.

Without your... your Mark,
you're defenseless.

Defenseless?! Do these look

defenseless to you?

Are you kidding?

Look, we're a package deal,

me and Clary!
I'm not going anywhere.

All right.

I'm going to open
a summoning portal inside

the Malachi Configuration.

Once Lilith surfaces,
she'll be trapped inside.

If she breaks free,

use your vamp speed
and act as our shield.

I will do my best.

Everyone keep their eyes open.

Don't take any chances.

Whenever you're ready.

I think I have it.

Mother, let me help you.
I'll set you free.

We can defeat Asmodeus together.

Why do I not trust
a word you say?

I'm telling you the truth.

I realize I never should have
left Edom in the first place.

You're the only true family
that I have.

Mother, I love you.

I have waited

so long to hear you
say those words...



Welcome back.

Are you ready?

You understand once
I take back my magic,

that's it.

I cannot give you
another transfusion.

Just do it.


Lorenzo... thank you.

Yes, well...

I hope you know
this changes nothing.

I'll be keeping the apartment.

Oh, fine.

I have everything I need
right here.

So many familiar faces...

...Son of Adam... precious Owl.

How lovely to see you both.

And you... the girl
who stole my boy's heart.

You put that rune
on me and Jonathan.

Now, you're gonna tell me
how to remove it.

Why would I do that?


that ungrateful bastard,
tried to kill me.

As far as I'm concerned,
you two deserve each other.

Enough! If you're not gonna
cooperate willingly,

we're gonna have to make you.


Ready to talk now?

There's only one way

to break the bond
between you two.

You've heard of Michael
and Lucifer?

Huh? Lucifer possessed

the Morning Star blade,
but Michael...

had a sword of his own

called Glorious.

It was imbued with heavenly fire

which gave it the power
to purge demonic energy.

Heavenly fire?

By stabbing Lucifer
with Glorious,

Michael was able
to nullify the rune's power,

and break the connection.

Where is Glorious now?


Glorious was destroyed

the moment Michael
pierced Lucifer.

Its blade was shattered
into a thousand pieces

and lost to time.

There is no hope for you,
Clary Fairchild.

No! You put that rune on her,

you're gonna take it off!

I told you,
there's nothing I can do!

Jace, stop!

Jace, stop! I think
she's telling the truth.

Watch out!


Hello, sister.

You stay away from her!

Clary, wait!

Remember what happens
when you get close to him.

Simon, I can't just watch this!

You don't have a choice.


As happy as I am to see Clary,

I'm here for Lilith.

I don't care why you're here.

You're not getting away.

And how do you
plan on stopping me?

You don't learn, do you?

You hurt me, you hurt Clary.



Son of Adam...

Release me.



Lift that sword...

and come to Edom with me.

I need your Mark to protect me
from Jonathan.

Do me this one favor...

I'll bring your brother Abel
back to life.

Cain, don't listen to her!

She's just trying
to manipulate you like before!

You have my word.

I promise.

Forgive me.



Help me!




Jace! Are you OK?

Where did you send him?

Where he belongs.

No. No. No.





It's way past visiting hours.

What's going on here?

Who are you?

My name is Scott.

You look tired.

Probably haven't had
a good night's sleep

since you got here.

I sleep fine.

Because your conscience
is clear.

We've had our eyes on you
for quite some time, Graymark.

Always admired you.

My last name is Garroway.

You've dedicated your entire
life to helping others,

which is highly admirable.

But this latest move,

getting thrown in prison
to protect the Shadow World,

that is true dedication.

Truth is, a man like you

is wasted in a place like this.

Get dressed. It's time to go.

Look, I don't know
who you're working for,

but in case
they didn't tell you,

there's a murder charge.

What murder charge?

Your record has been expunged.

All the open cases,
they're now closed.

How the hell did...

You answer to
the Praetor Lupus now.

Those restraints will stop him
from hurting himself.

As long as he's here,
you'll be safe.


When we were out there,
there was a moment

where I felt compelled
to help Jonathan.

And then, I heard your voice.

It snapped me out of it.

The same thing
happened with Aline,

and with the fire,
and today in the Infirmary...

Every time I get close
to the edge... pull me back.

What are you saying?

I didn't think
I was strong enough

to fight the rune's influence.

But... maybe,

with your help,

I can be.


I hate the idea
of you being connected

to that monster forever.

You shouldn't
have to endure that.

Hopefully, she won't have to.

Do you remember when Lilith
mentioned "heavenly fire?"

Yeah, it's what gave
Michael's sword

the power to purge demon energy.

What about it?

The sentry who was killed,

he said the words
"heavenly fire"

in Latin before he died.

Alec and I asked mom about it

and apparently, it's the name of
an off-the-books Clave program.

You think someone at the Clave
knows about Glorious?

It's possible.


Alec. What a nice surprise!

I thought I'd actually stop by

and see the place.

I'm proud of you.


It's really coming together,
isn't it?

There's actually something
I wanted to talk to you about.

What is it?


Magnus had a little
health scare.

He's OK. Everything's fine.

But, when it happened,
it made me realize

how much he means to me.

And that I...
can't live without him.

That's what love is.

I'm so happy you two
found each other.

Me too.

And I need the family ring.

I'm gonna ask Magnus
to marry me.

