Servant (2019–…): Season 4, Episode 4 - Boo - full transcript

Sean sees Leanne's true colors while she hunts her enemies on Halloween.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hey, what the hell?

- Oh, man, come on. Let's go!
- Trick or treat!

Were you ever afraid
of yourself, Mother?

I am.

I've been having these dreams.

There was this black shadow
moving through the house.

Somehow I know that it's me.

I hurt people when I get angry.

Maybe I got that from you.

The scariest part is,

is that I'm starting to
like the way that it feels.

Actually… I love it.

Now remember, kids, candies
with no wrap might be a trap.

Wait a minute. Who's
that 17th-century hunk?

- Oh, Walker, please don't encourage him.
- Sorry, what was that, Walker?

Say that again.

Philadelphia's sweethearts.

Yes, they are.

Thanks to our very own
Dorothy as Marie-Antoin...

Philadelphia's sweethearts, huh?

Media loves a power couple.

That was your best year.

What did they use to call
you? "The queen of Halloween"?

Yeah. But things have changed.

No, we're not so different
than we once were.

Sean, we don't have
to lie to each other.

We've both made choices.

I'm not the same person
I was, neither are you.

Thank you for lunch.

Meanwhile, back in
Philadelphia, the mid-op...

What are you doing?

Good morning, dear.

We're on the hunt for a
last-minute costume for Jericho.

Well, those belonged to Dorothy's mother,
and they are not for you to touch.

Are you dressing up tonight?

No. Halloween is for children.

Oh, honey. Beg to differ. My
friends and I used to go wild.

What do you mean?

Well, Halloween's a space
to embrace your fears.

Indulge in your
darkest fantasies.

I'm sure you know what
I'm talking about.

Come on!


I fucking hate this holiday!

This is what happens when
you encourage mischief.

All the goddamn stunted
adolescents in this city

start taking out their aggressions on
the taxpaying citizens of this world.

It's ridiculous.

- They get your car?
- Brutally.

Don't tell me you're decorating.

Dorothy can't do it herself this year,
so I thought this might make her happy.

You thought it might make
her like you, you mean.

It's a lost cause, brother.

As long as you and I are Team Leanne,
Dorothy won't have anything to do with us.

I'm not Team Leanne.

You sure about that?

She seems to make everything
work out all right for you.

I've made my peace with how
things are. You should too.

Silly String on
my fucking gilet!

- You think it's horrible.
- No.

He's adorable.

No, you can say it. It's awful.

Okay, it's awful. But
it's not your fault.

I should've gotten
him a costume earlier.

It's just, my mind is in
a million places and...

Not to worry. I'm sure there's
something better somewhere around here.

Well, what you dress
him up in last year?

Maybe we could use a
piece of his old costume.

I… I'm not sure.

Can't remember.

Well, it's okay.

Well, think on it, dear.

In the meantime, we'll see if the
stores around here have anything left.

Right? Yeah.

- Sean Turner?
- Yeah.

Wow, it is you.
Man, we're big fans.

- Thanks.
- Yeah. We watch you every week.

- Thank you, man. I appreciate it.
- No problem.

Happy Halloween. Take care.

You too.

Happy Halloween.

Love your show, Sean!

These boxes are
full of costumes.

They belonged to Dorothy's mother, so
I'll need them back when you're done.

I want you all out on the
street tonight, just in case.

They're coming for me.

They've infiltrated
my neighborhood,

and I think they've even
bought one of the houses.

So tonight, I'm going hunting.

They're very good at
hiding who they are.

But if I get close enough,
they always reveal themselves.

But tonight we get to
hide who we are too.


I never dressed up
for Halloween before.

My dad always said
it was sinful.

Can I tell you a secret?

Sin can be fun.

In other news, this
year's Mischief Night

brought almost one and a half
million dollars in property damage.

Now to Philadelphia's police
commissioner to discuss the response.

We won't stand for mass
hysteria in our city.

Tonight, we will have an
increased police presence…

Someone order the
lobster special?

That's precious.

Better than the pumpkin, right?

Yes, that's good. So good!

It was Sean's idea.

What's that?

It's nothing.

Got a little secret,
have ya? Spill.

Come on, tell us. We won't tell.

What kind of mother can't remember
her child's first costume?

This isn't the only time
something like this has happened.

There's all this missing time.

Like, this whole period of my
life that I just can't remember,

no matter how hard I try.

It hurts my brain
to think about it.

I can't imagine this is normal.

It scares me.

The brain can't
hold every memory.

Sometimes you just lose
things as you get older.

Take it from us.

It's probably just aging.

This is something else.

Ladies. Lobster.
It's about that time.

You ready, little buddy?

I'll keep you on FaceTime so you
feel like you're right there with us.

Thank you.

Oh, God, I wish I
could go with you guys.

Mommy loves you,
you little stinker.

Like, one piece of candy. And
don't let him get spooked.




Hey, buddy.

He made me call again.
Attachment issues.

Mommy loves her
little crustacean.

Is he having the best time?

Of course. He's your son.


thank you for this.

Anything for you.

Is everything okay?

- What happened?
- No, it's nothing.

I just thought I
recognized someone.

What are you?

A doll.

I'm going out tonight.

Sean took Jericho

so left me to man the door.

I could come with you after?

That won't be necessary.

You know, you
shouldn't be alone.

I'll be fine.

You know, you don't need to
be afraid for me anymore.

I know what I'm doing.

- Trick or treat.
- Hey, I like your crown.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, take a couple.



- Hey.
- Trick or treat.

Okay. Take a couple.

- Help!
- Leanne!

Don't eat too much candy…

- Help!
- …or you'll turn into a fat little worm.

- Hey, let go of my kid!
- Nobody loves you.

Mom! Dad!

I'm so sorry. She's
a theater major.

- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- What?

- Halloween's about scaring people, right?
- Yeah, in a PG way.

You don't get extra credit for
tripling people's therapy bills.

Now I'm out of candy.

You look fucking amazing.


- Tobe. Hi.
- Hi.

Did you make this yourself?

Yeah, kind of.

I mean, that's impressive.

I have things to do.

You have things to do?

Well, I'm walking
that direction too.

Tobe, I really need to
be on my own tonight.

Okay. Well, how about this?

I'll just walk beside you, and
that way we're alone together.

- Okay. But just for a little.
- Okay.


- if my palms are sweaty, you know.
- No, it's okay.

It's just... Not that
you might be able to…

We should start with that one.

They're new.


Trick or treat.

You're new, right?

We are. Aren't you guys a
little too old for this?

- We have thyroid problems.
- Whatever.

Is that really all
you have to say to me?

I'm sorry?

Come on, Leanne. Let's go.

Too old?

Kill me if I'm 30
and that cranky.

Go to your party, Tobe.

What? I thought we
were having fun.

I'm sorry.

There are things that I need to do,
and I can't do them when you're around.


Leave me alone, Tobe.

All right, kids, just
one for each of you.

- Trick or treat.
- Happy Halloween. Thank you.

Hey! Excuse me?

I'm right here.

Aren't you gonna do
something about it?

I'm sorry, do I know you?

Why are you pretending?

I'm right here! Come and get me!

Oops! I'm sorry, sweetie.

I think you have
the wrong person.

Here, take some candy.

Trick or treat!

Go home, Tobe.


You're not Tobe.

I'm not afraid anymore.

Get away from me! We were
just trying to scare you!

It was just a joke!



Kids! Eat the kids!

Eat the kids.

Boo! I got you.



That was very scary.

Do you think that I'm scary?

What about now?

Hey! What are you looking at?

I smell fear!

What about now?

They've all gone crazy.

Her ideas are
spreading into others.

She's even attacking children.

Poor little lambs.

I worry we waited
too long to stop her.

You mean, what we're trying
to do, it might not work?

It has to work. We cannot fail.

I have kids. Okay?

If she finds out
and comes after me…

If she wins, there will be
no world for your children.

Chaos accelerates.

The city will fall, and
that's only the beginning.

We need you.

You've kept us
close to the family,

and they're the only
way we can reach her.

Fear not.

Certain pieces are
already in place.

And if I'm not mistaken, even the
Turners will be ready to help us.

You're still awake.

I fucking love Halloween.

Is there something
you wanna say to me?

I owe you everything,
I know that.

And I'm so grateful.

But if it means losing my family,
losing Dorothy, I don't want it.

- I'd give it all up.
- Sean.

You've already made your choice.

So be an adult and deal
with the consequences.



I never meant to make a choice.

I only did what I
thought was best for you.

For our family.

What are you talking about?

I've lost you.

I'm not okay with that.

Julian's right. As long as she's in
the house, you'll never forgive me.

What are you saying, Sean?

I'm prepared to do whatever
it takes to get rid of Leanne.

I'm with you now.