Sell Your Haunted House (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 15 - The Egg Ghost Returns & Do Hak Sung Hunts Ji A - full transcript

Do Hak Sung gets released from police custody and makes his way to Scruffy. However, it doesn't take long for Ji Ah and In Bum to find the secret ledger and putting him back on the wanted list. Meanwhile, an egg ghost appears.

Ms. Choi.

(Episode 15)

Yes, she just went in.

She heard the recording file.

And I told her everything. Let's wait.

It will be hard to make a decision right away.

Great work.

Should I get you some food on my way back?

How about the macarons I got you last time?

Forget it.

King-sized mandu. Both meat and kimchi flavours.

You've reached Daebak Realty. This is Hong Ji A.

Ms. Hong?

I'll testify.

But the secret ledger is somewhere else, not here.

That ledger is the record of all of Dohak's corruption.

That'll be...

more than enough evidence.

Ms. Choi.

Thank you for mustering up the courage.

He's that guy.

At 10:30pm tonight, at Sky Building in Haengun-dong, Seoul,

- Oh In Bum.
- a fire incident...

that is suspected to be a gas explosion took place.

In Bum!

In Bum.


What are you doing?

In Bum.

Are you okay?

What happened?

There was an explosion.

An explosion?


He's one of Do Hak Sung's henchmen who lied about wanting...

to sell the cold storage.

Right after Ms. Choi had entered Sky Building,

I saw him leaving.

The police found this footage...

of Sky Building before the explosion.

They're going to make a composite based on the information we have...

and put out an APB by tonight.

Do Hak Sung is more terrifying than ghosts.

How could he kill his secretary of 20 years?

We must find him before the police do.

Last time, he headed toward the intersection...

in Haengun-dong.

Okay. I'm sure we'll find a lead once we look into the CCTV...

and his call records.

Give me a list of her real estate.

Include ones that are under other people's names.

Why do you want to see that?

During my last call with her,

she agreed to testify and mentioned a secret ledger.

But the secret ledger is somewhere else, not here.

That ledger is the record of all of Dohak's corruption.

That'll be...

more than enough evidence.

I'll look into it right away.

Will we be able to bring him down with that secret ledger?

We must.

That scumbag is garbage.

How many innocent lives did he take...

just to murder Ms. Choi?

Didn't I tell you...

that you wouldn't be able to catch me?

You just wait.

I'll make sure you get sacked at all costs.

Go home safely, sir.

We'll meet again soon.

(Kind, Present, and Swift Police)

- Here he comes.
- Here he comes.

- Move aside.
- Is it true that you instigated...

the Yongnam Village fire 20 years ago?

Please tell us!

Please comment regarding the death of your secretary!

- Please share a word or two!
- Is it true?

Please tell us your thoughts!

Please comment!

Do you admit to your offences?

Sir, it's very difficult to reach you.

But then again,

I could still get out without your help.

Okay. Sure.

Have you reached Assemblyman Han?

Not yet, sir.

Those darn scumbags.

How dare they treat me like a spent force?

What about the guy who rigged Ms. Choi's house?

He'll be stowing away on a ship early tomorrow morning.

I've located Scruffy.

(Daebak Realty)

He had turned on his phone for a brief moment,

and it was around Haesung Port, Incheon.

(Daebak Realty)

I'll call the police for help.

Be careful, guys.

Even if we get him,

he won't tell us right away that Do Hak Sung had ordered him.

When he had been detained last time,

he feigned ignorance until he was let go.

This time, he'll spill.

Why are you so certain?

Because I won't hand him over to the police.

Hello, sir.

Wait. Over there.

Scruffy was on that motorcycle.

So I heard you handled it nicely.

Well done.

You should leave Korea for a while.

Thank you.

No. This can't be.

A man is passed out here and bleeding.

Please hurry to the warehouse at Haesung Port.

Stop it.

It's too late.

(Yoo Young Jae)

Get the necklace ready.

(Yoo Young Jae)


I'm inside.

She just left. So she'll be there in ten minutes.

Take care of it.


Ten minutes?

That will be more than enough time.

Let's see.

Oh, my.

You will burn anyway. So why don't you come with me?

What's this? Is that a key to a safe?

So I heard you handled it nicely.

Well done.

You should leave Korea for a while.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir!


These days, people can get arrested outside Korea.

- The key.
- What?

He left Secretary Choi's house with a key.

Ms. Choi Sun Mi had a townhouse under a borrowed name.

And there's a private safe for the residents at the townhouse.

What's the name of the townhouse?

Happy Townhouse.

Okay. I got it.

Scruffy stole the key when he broke into Secretary Choi's house.

You'll find a secret ledger there.

Did you find this out from the spirit's memories again?

(Dohak Construction)

(Chairman Do Hak Sung)

Put an APB out on Do Hak Sung now.

Yes, sir.

Push ahead with the safety test of Sky Building.

If you don't get it going and things go south,

it will be the end for all of us.

What if people move back into the building and there's a problem?

There was a fire and an explosion in the building.

Buildings won't collapse that easily.

Gosh. That chairman. I mean,

Do Hak Sung caused all of this mess.

Please take care of it. I'll help you if you need anything.


Mr. Jung.


Did you enjoy your meal?

What do you think you're doing? How rude!

(Arrest Warrant)

I'm arresting you on suspicion of taking bribes.

What are you doing?

- Let go of me!
- Let go!

- Hey.
- Mr. Jung. Hey!

How could you do this to me?

- Let go.
- Hey! You're unbelievable!

Let go of me!

Okay. Thank you for your help.

With the evidence he got from Secretary Choi's storage,

he will be able to prove he's guilty of embezzlement,

professional negligence, bribery, and instigation to murder.

Even Do Hak Sung won't be able to get away with this.

So what? He already got away.

There's an APB on him, and he's on the No-Fly List.

He'll be apprehended soon.

In the end, Secretary Choi died...

to get back at Do Hak Sung.

That scumbag ought to be crushed.

He took away so many lives.

Even at this moment, more injured people...

are dying at the hospital.

Is that why?

A strange rumour is going around online.

A strange rumour?

A lot of people are saying they saw a ghost at Sky Building.

But what's odd is that the ghost is faceless.

And when they see the ghost, they will end up dying.

What is it?

Did I say something wrong?

(Jinsung University Hospital)

It can't be, right?

The doctor said it was something like mass hysteria.

He'll be fine once he's stable and gets treated.

We're all going to die.

It's going to kill all of us.

You'll be okay, honey. Calm down. Goodness.

Gosh, that sound...

That's the sound of a faceless ghost coming.

Spare me.

- Spare me.
- Honey.

Spare me.

All right, calm down.

- Someone help us, please.
- We need someone here!

That's the second person.

He also died after he said he saw a faceless ghost.

What if something bad happens to us?

Tell me about it. What's going on here?

I'm too frightened to stay here.

The faceless ghost...

he told us about...

is the egg ghost, right?

The same one that possessed me 20 years ago.


Like that time,

people who died in the fire at once became the egg ghost.

That means Do Hak Sung...

made the egg ghost again just like that time.

That egg ghost appeared at the hospital and killed people?

The egg ghost is at Sky Building right now.

People who died in the hospital were...

probably bewitched by it back at the Sky Building.

Egg ghost.

Is there no way of doing an exorcism ritual on that one?

There's only one way.

By stabbing someone who's possessed...

with a nameless needle and killing it.

Someone who's possessed by the egg ghost?

Like a psychic?

Are you saying In Bum has to die?

An egg ghost can possess an exorcist's body as well.

Does this mean either one of you has to die?

You're kidding, right?

Let's not do this exorcism ritual.

If we let it go on,

it'll continue to kill more people.

It doesn't go around killing people forever.

It vanishes once it kills enough people to vent its spite.

How many people must die before it loses its spite?

One hundred? Two hundred?

What if it's 1,000 people?

Can we sacrifice one person...

to save 1,000 people?

If I don't perform the exorcism,

more people will die.

To stop that disaster,

we must sacrifice the boy.

What are you talking about?

I don't care about that disaster.

You cannot kill In Bum!

An egg ghost is...

an evil spirit that cannot be controlled by humans.

It's like a natural disaster.

How is this a natural disaster?

People who died a wrongful death because of Do Hak Sung...

became that egg ghost.

And that egg ghost is about to kill more people.

How can we turn a blind eye to this?

What if we don't? Do you have a plan?

What now?

Will you sacrifice yourself?

No, he can't do that!

I'm saying I'll find a way.

That's enough, all of you.

In Bum.

Do whatever you want.

Go find a way or help those unfortunate people.

Do whatever you like.

But I'm not taking part in this.

Don't ever bring up...

the word "egg ghost" when you're with me.

I've been...

looking into the possibility of revoking...

the building completion certificate for Sky Building.

The permit shouldn't have been granted...

due to faulty construction to begin with.

Do Hak Sung lobbied some people...

and completed the building out of the ordinary.

Once I have the certification revoked,

it'll only last for a while,

but we'll be able to stop any huge disasters.

(Daebak Realty)

Mi Jin.


You can't do the ritual alone.

Ms. Hong is out too. What's with you?

Stop thinking.

Okay. We'll find a way.


Let's go to sleep.


- Goodnight.
- Night.

I'm not like you, Mom.

I can ignore this.

I can ignore it.

I can ignore it.

Hello, may I have a word with you?

Sure, go ahead.

You were on the scene of the fire at Sky Building, right?


I wanted to ask you something.

(List of deaths in the Sky Building fire)

I never even saw the fire because of the thick smoke.

There were sprinklers, but they never went off.

(Lee Jae Pil, 49, male, Unit 903, suffocation, death on the scene)

(Death on the scene)

There were lots of smoke due to the cheap interior material,

and the sprinklers didn't go off, so the damage became greater.

I see.

(Choi Mi Hoon, 17, male, Unit 701, suffocation, died in the ambulance)

It was a huge fire.

What's worse was that the sprinklers didn't work either.

I think that's why they all asphyxiated.

(Daebak Realty)


(Daebak Realty)


Here's your food.

Gosh, you're so generous.

Thank you for the meal.

Where's In Bum?

He had plans, so he left.

Are you done already?

I don't have an appetite.

I'll be back later.

She didn't finish her food.

She's seriously ill, isn't she?

How may I help you?

You can't go in there right now.

Are you sure no one has entered the building?

Yes. Until they finish the safety inspection,

even the residents can't enter.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Didn't you just say that no one was allowed in?


(Safety Inspection)

They're here to do the safety inspection.

If they can't enter, who will do the inspection?

You could die if you go in there right now.

- What?
- Who is she?

Beats me. Who are you?

Where are you from?

You look completely normal, but you must be insane.

Move aside before I call the police!

Is this the police?

Why did you do that?

She's crazy.

Otherwise, why did she throw my keys?

Ms. Hong, say something, will you?


Take a look at this.

("Fatal Accident at Sky Building")

Once again, people have died.

(Daebak Realty)

What? What do you want?

Why did you go there?

I was just passing by.

You were just passing by,

but then you caused a scene and damaged their property?

Had you gone there on purpose, it would've been horrendous.

You couldn't help...

but feel concerned, could you?

I knew it.

The Ms. Hong I know...

acts coldly toward others but is actually warmhearted.

Give me the paper you've been jotting down on.

You knew?

How could I not when we live under the same roof?

It's a list of individuals from Sky Building who have died.

In order to perform an exorcism,

we need to identify the unrested spirit.

That's where I began.

We should identify the unrested spirits...

if we want to do anything.

I've visited the police, hospital, fire station,

and the bereaved families.

If an egg ghost is created by several unrested spirits...

who have died at the same time in the same place,

then those eight individuals are the names.

Since there are eight of them,

maybe you should stab me eight times.


stab me once with eight needles?

Has it ever crossed your mind that you could die?


Hold on. You're a skillful exorcist, and I'm a special psychic.

What's there to worry about?

All right. Let's think this through.

Have you gone crazy? How dare you come here?

Please help me this once, sir.

I refuse to go down like this.

If you help me,

I will get back on my feet.

Think about the hefty amount of money I've given you!

You darn thug.

Are you threatening me?

Do you not get it?

You're done for.

You've ruined my appetite.

After leeching off of me,

how dare he call me a thug?

That darn scumbag.

How did it go?

The police have blocked all your secret accounts.

Darn it.

How in the world did the police get...

the secret ledger Ms. Choi had?

Ms. Hong.

It was Ms. Hong from Daebak Realty.

And she was the last person to speak with Ms. Choi.


Hong Ji A, that wench.

Find out her whereabouts and report back to me.

(Republic of Korea, Passport)

- What is this?
- It's your fake passport...

and stowaway ticket.

The ship will head for Vladivostok tomorrow evening.

This is as far...

as I can help you, sir.

You scumbag.

Don't you know how much I've paid you?

That's why...

I'm doing this much.

All right, then.


Take this with you, you scumbag!

Hong Ji A...

Hong Ji A...

They passed the safety inspection of Sky Building?

What do you mean?

They were even debating whether to cancel the construction or not,

so how did it pass?

It's not that easy to shut down a construction.

Not only did Do Hak Sung bribe his way into getting the approval,

but there's faulty construction too. So why did it pass?

Did the higher-ups pressure you?

It's not like that.

Then what is it?


We can't let people move into that dangerous building.

The safety inspection was done by a reliable company,

and no one's moving in just yet.

They will thoroughly reinforce the construction...

before letting anyone move in,

so don't worry.

(Choi An Na, Died at the scene Kim Sung Gu, Died at the scene)

(Lee Jae Pil, Died at the scene Hwang Ho Sun, Died at the scene)

If an egg ghost is created by several unrested spirits...

who have died at the same time in the same place,

then those eight individuals are the names.

(Choi Sun Mi)

(Daebak Realty)


Why are you out here?


So many people will die once people start moving back in.

They won't move back into the building right now.

It's only going to get delayed.

As long as the egg ghost is in there,

a disaster is bound to happen.

It hasn't happened yet.

But you know that it will.

What then?

Will you kill Oh In Bum?

Hong Ji A.

- Are you thinking of...
- No one will die.


To dissipate an evil spirit like an egg ghost, someone must die.

What if I seal it instead of killing it?

What are you talking about?

Oh In Bum got a list of the victims who died from the incident.

Sealing them might work.

It's only your speculation.

Don't worry.

I'm sealing the spirit, not killing it.

So no one will die.

And if anything goes wrong,

I'll pull myself out right away.

Have I ever failed you?

I'm sure you know better than anyone that I can't die...

before I send off my mother.

Seal it?

It's a curse that looks up a very strong evil spirit.

It's only temporary since it's not an exorcism.

Let's think about...

the perfect solution with some time.

Then, no one has to sacrifice their lives.

The exorcist will experience a side effect.

That's why we don't usually seal spirits.

A side effect?

Wouldn't that put you in danger?

It's better than people dying.

When will we do it?

We should do it right away.

If we delay it even for a day, there could be more victims.

(Daebak Realty)

Seal the spirit? What is this?

What's this earthen jar?

You guys don't have to risk your lives, right?

Don't worry.

How could I not worry?

She's never done this before.

You're not sure if this will work or not.

I can hear you.

Be safe.


I'll bring your boyfriend back in one piece.

He's not my boyfriend.

Please bring him back in one piece.

(Daebak Realty)

Call me as soon as you're done.

If something goes wrong, we'll leave right away.

For what? And you think you can help once you get there?

Don't be rash. The egg ghost might attack you.

Well, we're more like backup.

I'm just giving you moral support.

Okay, I understand. Bye.

Mi Jin.

(Daebak Realty)

You have to keep...

Ji A safe.

If anything goes wrong, I'm going to stop.

Get out of the building right away.

Why are you saying stuff like that? You're scaring me.

I knew it wouldn't be easy.


I believe in you.

I know you will make it work.

Thank you for not giving up.

We're partners. That's what partners do.

(Lee Jae Pil, Choi An Na)

(Kim Sung Gu)

(Gu Ji Young, Gu Ji Woong)

(Gu Ji Young, Gu Ji Woong)

(Lee Jae Pil, Choi An Na)

(Jo Yong Jin, Hwang Ho Sun)

Get out, In Bum!

This is good. It's always good!

Your food is the best.

Just the food?


Everything you do is perfect, Ms. Hong Mi Jin.

Hey, Ji A. Why are you standing there?

Come and eat breakfast.

Ji A, come and take a seat.

Come and sit already.


Nice, fried eggs.

Is it good?


I had a dream.

What was it about?

I was an exorcist in the dream.

An exorcist? What is that?

Someone who lets unrested spirits leave from this world.

You were a psychic.

A psychic?

What's that?

No idea, but it sounds like a perfect job for you.

What an interesting dream.

It was sad.

You were an unrested spirit in my dream.

You're still a little girl, aren't you?

It was just a dream. Don't be sad. I'm right here.

I'm not sad anymore.

Hey, Ji A.

What's that necklace?

You're right. I've never seen it before.

My necklace?

It'll get in your way as you eat.

You should take it off.

Take off your necklace.

- Yes, Ji A. Take it off.
- Yes.

Just take it off.

Take off that necklace.

I've been bewitched.


This isn't real.

You aren't my mom.

In Bum.

You cannot leave this room.


If I don't perform the exorcism, more people will die.

To stop that disaster,

we must sacrifice the boy.

This was it.

This was how she felt back then.

She couldn't let this horrible disaster...

go out into the world.

Because she's an exorcist.

Stabbing a spirit...

without writing down its name could cause physical damage.

Stabbing a possessed psychic's heart...

is the only way to exorcize them.

Once the psychic dies,

the egg ghost also vanishes.

Ms. Hong.



We did it.

I'm glad.

Secretary Ju.

We're done with the exorcism.

We did it.

(Secretary Ju Hwa Jeong)

I told you to look forward...

to the kind of interesting things that will happen...

once you turn me into your enemy.