Selena + Chef (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Selena + Marcela Valladolid - full transcript

- Got it. Hey, it's Selena,

and I'm proud to say
that I'm no longer

a complete novice
in the kitchen.

I'm getting better every day

thanks to the help
of some of the most

amazing chefs in the country.

Is that the door?

I might need your help,
I might not.

They send me the ingredients

and take me through it

so that you and I
can learn it together.

Oh, yeah,
definitely needed your help.

- Oh, you need my help
big time today!

- Look, it looks like
Cinco de Mayo in here.

They're in their kitchens
and I'm in mine,

so we're going to learn

how to make something
together, apart.

- This stuff all looks amazing.

Wait! - Oh, wait, let's see.

- Got some instructions.
- "Hey, Selena.

"I'm so excited
to cook with you.

"Before you do anything else,

"I would like you
to do one thing.

"Roast some vegetables
to prep for the lesson.

I'll see you soon. XO, Marcela."

Okay, so...

preheat the oven to 400.

We need two tomatoes, halved.


One large onion, halved.

Two large unpeeled
garlic cloves.

- Want to do it with the knife?

- No, I'm scared of knives.

- Place the tomato,
onion, and garlic

on a baking sheet.

Drizzle lightly with olive oil

and roast about 55 minutes.

All righty,
the first thing down.

Let's hope we did it right.


- Yeah!

- Selena and Marcela, take one.

Let's get her in.

♪ Oh, I'm tryin',
I'm tryin', I'm tryin' ♪

♪ I'm tryin', I'm tryin' ♪

♪ Oh, tryin', I'm tryin',
I'm tryin' ♪

♪ My feelings on fire ♪

Hi, Marcela. - Hi, Selena.

Oh, my gosh! How are you?

- Good. How are you?

- Good, thank you.
Nice to meet you.

Welcome to my home
in Chula Vista.

- On this episode, I'm joined
by Chef Marcela Valladolid.

She's been the host
of multiple cooking shows

and is known for championing

the flavors of Mexican culture.

It's a heritage we share

and I'm so excited
to learn from her.

My best friend Raquelle is here.

- Hi, Marcela. Raquelle.

- Hey, Raquelle, how's it
going, how's it going?

I don't have
my best friend here,

but the family's here.

- Yeah, that's great.
- Can't wait to meet everyone.

- We're gonna meet them all.
All right, what do we do?

Where do we get started?
- For today's lesson,

I am going to demystify
mole for you.

We're gonna make shredded
chicken mole enchiladas

topped with
the traditional mole,

Mexican crema,
cilantro, white onion,

sesame seeds,
and edible flowers.

Mole's a really special dish

and it does take
a little bit of time,

but it's worth the effort.

- I'm so ready. Let's do this.

'Cause I grew up
around my family

on my Mexican side,
so we would always

make things
like homemade tortillas

and salsa and tamales,

but since I moved here,

nothing's the same
as my grandma's,

so this will be a little bit
special to me.

- All we want to do is, like,
go back, right?

And smell the smells
and think of grandma

and think of mom
or ,

and sometimes
it's just really hard

'cause those recipes
are either super complex

or we don't have
the ingredients, so.

This isn't complex.

- It looks complex!

- It's just a lot of, like,

mise en place.

Okay, so you have your
grocery bags, right?

Did you unpack stuff?

Or, like, what's the deal?
- Yeah, I did.

- Did you see chiles?
Dried chiles?

- Let's see.

- We're gonna start
with something easy.

You have to take off the stem,

so you just rip off
the top part.

It should come off
all by itself.

You're just gonna
take out the seeds.

As many as you can, all of them
don't need to come out.

We need, like,
2 ounces of these,

which is probably the whole bag.

- Oh, no.
- It's so cool.

Do you want to try one?
- Yeah, I'll try.

- I feel like there's
still some in here.

- It's okay if you leave
some in there.

It's totally fine.

- It's like a little rattle.
- Yeah, you're right.

- These guys have to be,
kind of, flash fried.

So grab a pot. - Okay.

- And then any kind
of vegetable oil will work,

but I prefer avocado oil

because of its high smoke point

and that's just, kind of,
better for your health.

Just pour the whole thing
in there.

- The whole thing?
- Yeah.

- The whole thing?
- Yeah!

- Okay, so after that,

you're gonna find
your chile negros,

which is literally
a black-colored chile

that's kind of... it looks like
a giant raisin.

- Oh, yeah, I found them.

- Same thing, take off the stem

and then pour out the seeds.

- Where are you from originally?

- I was born in San Diego,

but I was actually raised
in Tijuana.

My mom wanted us to speak
both languages fluently,

so I would get up at, like,
6:00 in the morning every day

and cross
the international border,

go to school in San Diego

and then go back to, like,
have dinner

and sleep at home in Tijuana.

- Whoa, that's amazing.

- When I think about it,
it's totally weird

that I was crossing
an international border,

like, every day
to get to school.

But that's such common practice

for folks here at the border.

For us, it's more like a region.

It's not like it's two
different countries.

- That's so cool.
- How's your oil looking?

- So my oil is looking good.

- Okay, so take
your wooden spoon

and put the handle
inside the oil

and if it starts to bubble...
Is it bubbling?

- Yeah.
- Then it means you're ready.

- What? That is crazy.

- Walk over with your chiles.

We're gonna add all of them
in there.

Turn them a couple of times,

you want to get them

fully coated in oil.

But you gotta be really careful

because if you overcook them,
they turn bitter.

And you definitely
don't want that.

- Whoa, the smell is crazy.
- Whoo!

- Yeah, that's your
abuela right there, man.

And then after they're fried,

they're actually gonna
go into a pot.

Get your pan nice and close.

Drip off the excess fat,

and then just dump
all of those chiles

in that additional pan.
And here's the thing,

now you have this beautiful
chile-infused oil

that you can use anywhere

where you were gonna use
cooking oil.

- Wow.

- Okay, go grab
your vegetable broth.

So you're gonna dump,
like, as much of that

in with those chiles
to cover them

and then turn it on high.

- Great.

- So now it's time to measure

all of our mole spices
and ingredients.

Because they're
small measurements,

you can grab, like, a big plate.

Something like this.

Bring over the salted peanuts
and the pepitas,

which are these
green seeds right here.

- Peanuts...

- And then grab sesame seeds,
raisins, and almonds,

oregano, cumin, and thyme,

peppercorns, and coriander,
the same but brown.

- Perfect.

- Okay, so we're
just gonna measure.

Start with 1/3 of a cup
of those peanuts.

The same with the pepitas,

the pumpkin seeds, 1/3 of a cup.

You got the almonds, same.
1/3 of a cup.

And then for the next

do, like, a scant 1/3 cup
of raisins.

- So 1/3, right?
- Yes, ma'am.

- I've just made
a few mistakes before

so I'm double-checking.

- Here's the thing about mole.

Like, even with your
biggest mistake here

in terms of measuring it,
you might get, like, you know,

a little bit of extra
flavor of peanuts, we'll live.

Like, the chocolate
balances everything out,

so you really can't mess it up.

And then sesame seeds,
same deal.

A scant 1/3 cup.

- So pretty.

- You're gonna grab the oregano.

You're gonna do two teaspoons

and then one teaspoon of cumin.

- On a side not, you guys,
I just noticed

we're coming up
to about 55 minutes

on our vegetables
that are in the oven.

- We can take it
out of the oven.

I'll take mine out too.

Thank you for reminding me.

- Oh, wow.

- Ooh.

Yummy. - This looks great.

- And that's just gonna end up

going in your pan
a little bit later,

so we can let that cool down.

So we did cumin last.

And then we're gonna
move on to thyme.

You've got that one teaspoon
of the thyme.

And then you have peppercorns
and coriander.

So do... like a little handful,

which'll give you, like, maybe,

I don't know, 10 peppercorns.

Put them there with your spices.

Same with the coriander.

And then you've got
one cinnamon stick.

Pick a thin one
and maybe tear it in half.

- Smells so good.

- How long have you
been cooking?

- Professionally? Like 20 years.

People always ask me
if I used to cook with my mom,

but in my house, it was, like,

you weren't allowed to mess
with, like, mom's cooking

or anybody's cooking,
so I wasn't really

in the kitchen
when I was younger.

I started much later in life.

- See, I love hearing that.

It gives hope for us
starting later in life.

- It is what it is.

Some of us love it,
some of us don't.

And some of us have to
order it from takeout.

- Yeah.

- We're moving on.
We need a third pot.

Do you have something
like this in your kitchen?

- This looks like the same
size as yours.

- That looks perfect.
Take that one.

- The chiles are making me hot.

I think I'm gonna have
to take off my sweater.

- Yeah, I'm, like,
sweating over here.

Okay, so we're gonna
heat up that pan

that you just brought out
over medium heat,

and then you're gonna take

a couple of spoonfuls
of that oil.

- Mmm.
- Smells good.

- Yeah, it smells so good.

- Then you're gonna find
a tortilla

and break it up into maybe,
like, six pieces.

And then just throw them
into that hot oil

and then you're gonna find

your bolillo, which should
be one of these guys.

A baguette situation
that you should have

over there with your stuff.

You actually just need,
like, 1/4 of it.

So you can just make a lot
of sandwiches when you're done.

- Great.
- Perfect.

And then rip it off
into three smaller pieces

into the pan with the tortillas.

- Okay.

- Remember your roasted

- Yeah.
- Those are going in.

Do the garlic last,
'cause you're gonna do

something different with them.

Ooh, that sounds good. - Mm-hmm.

- Take your garlic cloves

and you're gonna
take off the peel.

It should just kind of
come off on its own.

- Whoa. So what do I do now?

- You throw them in the pot
with the "tomaters."

- Okay, so turn that all
around, mix it up.

Try not to let anything stick.

Just keep it moving along.

Because whatever burns
turns bitter,

and you don't want that.

- You look very at ease.

- Yeah, I feel good.

I feel like I belong.
- You totally belong.

So then what we're gonna do...

take your beautiful
plate of spices

and you're just gonna dump
that whole thing in there.

- Oh, okay.
- The whole thing.

- Wow.

- Just very carefully...

- That was so pretty.
- And move it around.

This one is important
for you to move around.

- I love that you're mixing
with the tongs.

- Oh, sorry.
- It's very, um...

- That's very chef-y!
You could be a chef now!


- I love it.

- Oh, there it is. I smell it.

This is mole, babe. - Hi, Congo.

- Cute.
- Aww.

- Congo's looking at the bread.

Do not eat that bread.

Do you have dogs?

- I have two dogs, yeah.

Their names are Winnie
and Daisy.

- Big dogs or little dogs?

- Little dogs.

- I got this big dog
before Philip,

who is my partner,

so he was, like,
the man of the house.

Now we have an actual
man of the house.

- Aww.

- Okay, so it's starting
to get a little dark

at the bottom of the pan,

so here's what we're gonna do.

You're gonna turn off the heat

for the chiles that you have

in the pot behind you,

and then you're gonna carefully

kind of, dump them in there.

You want to shake off
some of the excess liquid.

So we're gonna finish the mole,

but we still have to blend it.

- Do you want me
to get a blender?

- Yes, please. We're gonna blend

everything that you
just sautéed,

but we're gonna add
some of this broth

to make you be able to blend it,

'cause otherwise it's too thick.

So grab, like, a bowl
or a measuring cup

and grab just, like,
a chunk of it.

And then you can just
pop that in the blender.

So then just add
plenty of broth.

Put the lid on nice and tight,

and then turn your blender on

and start low,
and go all the way high.

- Whoo!

- Keep going until
it's nice and smooth.

How's it looking? Is it smooth?

- It's smooth.
- Okay, cool.

- Yours look lighter than ours.

- That's the thing about mole.

You... like, when you bought
those chiles,

who knows how hydrated
they were?

When it comes to adding
the broth,

you can't really give out
a measurement,

you just kind of have to see.

So mine kind of probably
looks slightly different,

and here's what's great
about it.

Like, you're gonna end up
cooking this down so much

that any excess liquid
is gonna evaporate.

So scoop up some more
of those chiles

and throw them
into that blender.

Now that you know
what we're doing,

just throw all of it in there.
We'll figure it out.

- Wow, I think we made a lot.

- And just keep adding broth.

- If you're looking
at the blender, like,

fill it up to the same
height as the chiles.

And then we're missing
an ingredient

that gets added at this stage.

You're gonna have to find
yourself this guy,

which is a tomatillo.

You actually need two of those,

they usually come in a papery
husk like this.

- Ooh, these are cool.

- So you take the husk off
of both of them.

Cut it up into small pieces

and throw it in there as well.

- I'll cut it for you.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

- Cut it up so it blends good.
- Oh.


Okay, okay, okay.

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

- She said to chop it up more
so it blends better!

- Well, I... okay.

- Just listening
to my girl, Marcela.

- We're getting this done.
It's gonna be beautiful,

I can feel it. - It's intense.

It's really intense.
- Just remember to start low,

'cause I don't want you
to mess up

your beautiful face
or your beautiful kitchen.

- You're very nice.

- Okay, are we good?

- Yeah, I think we are.

- Okay, cool.
So pot number four.

We need pot number four.

So let's add that into the pot.

- Oh, wow.
- Yummy, Sel.

- And then you're gonna
turn it on

and don't taste it yet!

Because what makes mole
so special

is the development of flavors,

and the only way to get
that development

is literally to put it
on your stovetop

and let it go.

And maybe Raquelle
will be in charge

of policing the mole
so it doesn't burn.

- Mole police!

- And then Selena
will move on to tortillas.

- Sure.
- Maybe do some cleanup first?

- Okay.

Do you like listening
to a lot of Spanish music?

- Oh, my gosh, yes.

I like the old-school
Mexican pop artists.

Like, those are my guys.
- It's funny.

I'm actually named
after Selena Quintanilla, so.

- Oh, my gosh, like,

the two most famous
Latina women,

like, have the same name.

- It gives me goosebumps

because I was obsessed
with Selena.

I knew everything about her.

I was just such a fan,

and my real name
was gonna be Priscilla,

and my dad said, "No, I want
her name to be Selena."

- You're living up to that
saying that says,

"Be so good at what you do,

that your idols
become your competition."

And you got there.

I think in some way,
you saw and heard

that it was totally possible,

and now you're like...
This, like, megastar.

- So cool.
- Raquelle?

Are you stirring the mole?

- I'm loving
being the mole police.

- So listen, Raquelle.

It's seriously like lava.

- Is it gonna spray me?

- Actually, like, all of, like,

the abuelitas in Mexico

have all of their hands
with, like,

the scars of, like, the mole

that are, like,
their battle scars.

- Oh! Okay!

I'm gonna put this back on.


- So look for masa
in your ingredients.

- Okay.

- And then, I actually sent you

a tortilla press. - Yep.

- And then the most important
part of tortilla making

is to have an incredibly hot

nonstick pan.

- Where's that pan
we used the other day?

♪ ♪

Are these... I mean...

What is... - I know.

No, that's a wok, babe.

Oh, my God.

There's these.

- Yeah, yeah!
Those are nonsticks.

- Oh, good.
- Yay, yay.

So take the big one
and crank it on high heat

and that's where we'll
make the tortillas.

And then you need
a piece of plastic

in the shape of a circle

that's attached at one end,
like this.

So the easiest way to do it
is to take,

like, a plastic bag
from the market.

- Okay, when...
- Or a zip-top...

Do you have a zip-top bag?

- Something like this?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Perfect, that's awesome.

You just need to cut
the sides open

so that you can open it up

and it touches both
the bottom surface

and the top surface
of the tortilla press.

- Okay, we're good.
- Yeah.

- Okay, cool.
- We got it.

- So get to your masa

and grab a small golf ball size.

- Mmm! The dough smells so good.

- Yeah, doesn't it?

If you have, like,
a good Mexican market

in your neighborhood,
you can buy the masa,

and that's where I got you
yours from.


Put it in the center
of your press.

And then you're gonna
take the top.

Push it down,
just ever so slightly,

and kind of shake it
side to side if you can.


Let's check to see,
like, our thickness.

- Okay.
- There you go.

- It's so cute!

- So grab the whole thing
and put it in your hand

and then go straight
to the griddle.

- Do I need to put anything
oil or something?

- Not at all, especially
because it's nonstick.

- And then just
keep repeating it?

- Yeah, exactly.

♪ ♪

You're making tortillas, guys.

- Oh, it's beautiful.
Selena, come look.

- That's beautiful.

- You guys are pros.

You guys can open up
your own taco shop now.

- Selly and Rocky's taco truck?

I love you. - I love you.

You're my girl.

- Can my kids say hi?

- Yeah, of course.

- This is David.

Say hi, David. - Hi!


- And this is Anna.
- Oh!

- Philip.
- Hello, hello.

- Say, "Hola, Selena"!

- Hola!

- "Selena, nice to meet you"?

- Nice to... nice to meet you.

- Good job. Get outta here!

- Adios!

- That was the cutest
thing ever.

- I don't even understand.

- Oh, they're so precious!
- They're so cute.

- We're keeping him for sure.
- Yeah.

- Now, just locate, maybe,

your rotisserie chicken,

an onion,

and your Mexican crema.

- Mexico's version of...
- Sour cream.

But it has, like,

a much higher fat content,

which makes it much yummier.

- That's why I like it better.
- Yeah, of course.

- Try the best you can
to cut off

the breast of the chicken,

and we're gonna shred it.

- The, like, meaning...

- The meaty part of the chicken.

Just kind of try... here,
we'll do it with our hands.

I think it's upside down.

Uhh... -

- That's the breast right there.

Yeah, that's the top...
Yeah, exactly.

That's the meat that you want
to get in there and grab.

That's... those are the legs.

Yeah. And then on the top

is the breast. - Kay.

- Those are the pieces
of meat that you need.

So we're just shredding,

and this is gonna be the filling

for our little enchiladas.

So this is an easy hack, like,

you can make the mole
from scratch,

but then purchase
the rotisserie chicken.

- Okay.

- And then we're gonna take
a white onion,

cut it in half.

Just watch your fingers.

And then go crosswise.

This is part of your garnish,

so you want thin slices.

Yes, yes. Okay.

Your cilantro should be
in the bag somewhere.

You're gonna take a handful

and we're gonna chop it up
for garnish.

♪ ♪

Perfect. And then just...

give it a nice chop.

♪ ♪


So take, like,
a small sauce pan.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I'm just gonna set it
over high heat.

- Let me turn it on.

- I'm just gonna clean up
for a moment.

- Oh, oh!

She's wiping on the floor again.

- I'm sorry,
this is my easy hack.

I'm just trying to...
- This is a new thing.

Season two, she's just been
wiping things onto the floor.

- That's fine,
I do it all the time,

and then I go back with a broom.

It works. - Yeah.

- Put a tablespoon
of that avocado oil in there.

Oh, we actually still have
to add our chocolate here.

Turn it off

so it cools down a little bit.

And then grab your Mexican

- So many goodies!

- Oh. This.

- Yes, that's it.
Just take it out of the wrapper

and cut it in half if you can.

You're gonna use a lot of
strength to cut through it.

- Oh, my God, Sel.
- It's okay.

- Oh, is it hard? Yeah.

Just keep... kinda push down,

eventually it'll break.

Or give it a whack.

Get your... fingers, yeah,
out of the way.

There you go.

- It's not working.
- It's rock solid.

- There we go.
- Whoo!

- There you go.

You can literally just
throw it into the pan

and stir it until it melts.

We're making it easy.

That's so hot, that lava,

but that's why I wanted you
to turn the heat down

because you don't want
to burn the chocolate.

♪ ♪

- Oh, my gosh.

- Oh, whoa. So much smoke.

- Will you...

turn the thing on? - Yeah.

- So then you're gonna take
a pinch of salt

and put it into your mole.

- That's better.

♪ ♪

- Oh, that wasn't...

oh, so here's the deal.

I wasn't looking,
but you put the chocolate

into the pan with the oil,

not the pan with the mole.

♪ ♪

The chocolate goes in
with the mole.

- Oh!

♪ ♪

- Which is fine.

Just forget that oil

and grab a disc of the chocolate

and cut it in half
and throw it with the mole.

- Okay.
- It's totally fine.

I was like, "Why does that
look so thick?"

- Oh, my gosh.

It's so burnt from the oil.

- Yeah, we can forget
about that pot.

♪ ♪

There you go.

So to this pan is where
you're gonna add

one teaspoon of salt...

and one tablespoon of sugar.

- Okay, whew.

- Raquelle, you're gonna find

another small pot.

- Found one.
- Okay, great.

Is the oil in the pan?

- Yep!
- Okay, cool.

So just take, like,

a handful of that chicken,

throw it in that pan.

♪ ♪

- Oh, yeah, that sizzle is nice.

- We're just gonna get a little
cooking on the chicken.

And then you're gonna
take a ladle

full of that mole

and put it in with your chicken.

You're just kind of
mixing the shredded chicken

with the mole.

- Yum!

- How's it looking?
- Great.

- So now it's time to put it
all together on a plate.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Bring your chicken.

Toasted sesame seeds
should be in your grocery bags.

- These.
- Oh yeah, those are toasted?

- 'Cause they're a garnish
at the end.

- You're gonna grab one tortilla.
- Okay.

- And then you're gonna fill
with about a tablespoon

of that chicken stuff.

- Yummy!
- Perfect.

And then fold that over
and put it on your plate.

We're gonna do five.

It's so lovely that you guys
are gonna get this

with, like, fresh tortilla.
- I'm so excited!

- Look how beautiful those look!

Okay, so you're gonna
take your mole

and you're gonna make
a yummy, like,

sauce situation down the middle.

And you can be super, like,
heavy with the sauce.

It's all good. - Oh, my gosh.

- The more the merrier.
- It looks amazing!

- And then you're gonna take
some of that Mexican crema.

So the way I drizzle
is I take a spoon

and then I work, like,
on a diagonal.

The fun part is, yeah,
totally just, like,

adding the crema, right? - Ooh.

- And then you're gonna take
some of those

beautiful sliced onions
that you did

and just sprinkle them
over the top

and over the sides.

And then take a handful
of that cilantro

and just sprinkle,
sprinkle, sprinkle.

That looks like something out
of a restaurant, my friend.

You're doing so well. - Whoo!

- I know, you've gotta
get a picture.

- And then you take
some of those sesame seeds.

Do a nice sprinkle.

Just a little bit.

And then you don't have
any edible flowers,

but I do, so I'm just gonna
put them over the top...

- We do! We... you know what?

We do have edible flowers.
- Oh, you do?

Okay, cool, cool! Bring them on!

- Let's do it.
- Let's go restaurant-style.

Let's go chef-y.

- Oh, my gosh.
These are beautiful.

- We take a picture
and then we're digging in.

- Hi, honey.
Would you like some of this?

- That's why I'm here.
- Okay.

- They're cute!

How did you guys meet?

- Oh, my gosh.
- Ah!

- 20 years ago
when I was a culinary student,

I was 19 and I got into
this sky bar

with a fake ID, and he's like,

"Who's that Mexican?
I want to hang out with her."

- And we hung out
for a couple years

and then I went back to Mexico,
got married,

and he stayed in L.A.
and he got married

and then we both got divorced,
and 15 years later,


- We didn't get married.
- We're not married yet.

- Wait, we're not married!
We got back together.

- We just had a bunch of kids.
- We just have kids

and dogs and houses, but
we don't... we're not married.

- Wow.
- Wow, I love it.

- And mole.
- And mole.

We have mole... who needs
a marriage license

- when you have mole?
- Exactly!

♪ ♪

- Bon appétit.
- Bon appétit.

♪ ♪

- Let's get in there.

It's messy.

- Mmm!
- Oh, my gosh.

- Oh, my God.
- This is so delicious.

- I saw one episode
where you were like,

"This is not good,"

so I know you're not shy
about saying

when something isn't good.

- She's not.
- No, I'm not.

This is incredible. - Oh, yay!

- Mmm, my God!

- Look at that.

- Mmm.
- If we rate this one to five,

I'm gonna give myself a four

because I should've
added more chicken.

- I would give it a five,
but I agree with Selena.

We should have put
a little bit more chicken.

But outside of that,
it's perfect.

- Mmm!
- This is why I do what I do.

- I wanted to know a little bit

about the charity organization
that you work with.

- I work with this organization
called "The MAAC Project."

And they look for kids

that are of Hispanic descent.

They have issues financially,

but they want to
get into college.

And we help get them
$1,000 scholarships

and get them into college.

- As a thank you to Marcela,

we are donating $10,000
to MAAC Project.

- Thank you so much.

I know they're incredibly

You're gonna be helping put

10 young men and women
into college,

and that is massive.

- That's so cool.
- That's amazing.

- You are awesome, thank you!
God bless you guys.

- Thank you so much for letting
us into your home

and for teaching us,
and I'm so happy we did this.

- Good.
You guys did such a good job.

You did such a good job! - Whoo!

- Gracias, gracias.

- Adios.
- Adios!

- Going back to seconds
means it's good.

Wow! -

- That is something bomb.
- I know, that's amazing.

- It's actually crazy.

- This is literally


♪ ♪