See No Evil (2014–…): Season 10, Episode 3 - Someone You Trust - full transcript

In 2009 in Tracy, CA., a little girl vanishes after playing at a friend's house, leaving her family desperate for answers; with no leads and few clues, investigators must rely on surveillance footage to piece together the horrifying truth.

[Timothy Bauer]
We received a 911 call

from Sandra's mother,
Maria Chavez.

And she wanted to report her
daughter as a missing person.


She's not here
in the trailer park.

She's not at
her friend's house.

Where is she? Is she hiding?
Is she playing games?

This isn't funny.

[Bauer] Watching that video...

That's a parent's
worst nightmare.

The Orchard Estates
Mobile Home Park is
a tight-knit community.

I mean, growing up we all
kind of knew each other.

Kids, hurry up. You're going
to be late for school.

Hey, Trouble. Hi, Sweetie.

[narrator] Eight-year-old
Sandra Cantu was at home
with her mom Maria,

sisters Miranda and Simone
and her brother, Thomas.

Sandra and I had
a very special relationship.

She loved to just to
run around and play.

She liked gymnastics,
playing with her friends

and just having a good time.
Just being, you know, a kid.

And, you know, not worrying
about too much.

All right, let's go to school.

[Maria actor] Okay, kids.
Have a good day.

She was always
getting good grades.

Uh, you know, she was
very loved by the teachers,

by a lot of the people
that she was in school with.

That day everyone, you know,
we all went to school,

and, you know,
we did our school activities.

-Hello, darling. How are you?

-How was school?
-Good. Can I go and play?

[Thomas] After school,
she would go and play
with her friends.

I mean, it was just
kind of the normal thing
that we would all do.

Get home. "Hey, mom.
You know I love you.

Um, I'll be home
when dinner's ready.
Or, just holler for us."

[narrator] Before heading
out to play,

Sandra puts on
her favorite T-shirt.

At the time,
she just loved Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty was her thing.

-[Maria actor] I love you.

-Hey, hon.
-Hey, Mom.

Hey, can you call your
sisters for dinner, please?

Yeah, definitely.
I'll be right back.

[Thomas] So I went and got
my sisters for dinner.

Um, one of them was outside
playing in the park and

I went and just told her,
"Hey, dinner's ready.
Go wash up."


[Thomas] And then
I looked for Sandra...

Sandra, dinner's ready.

[sighs in frustration] Sandra?

And I think after about
45 minutes of looking,

I knew that, like,
hey, I can't find her.

[Maria actor] Anything?

[Thomas] My mom and
my older sister went around,
searching the park.

My mom was hysterical.

Just because she
didn't know, you know,

where her daughter was
and what was going on.

They were very, very afraid.
They were scared.

You know, like, "She's not
here in the trailer park.

She's not at
her friend's house."

Um, so her biggest concern
was, "What's going on?

Where is she? Is she hiding?
Is she playing games?
This isn't funny."

We received a 911 call
at 7:54 pm at night

from Sandra's mother,
Maria Chavez.

And she wanted to report her
daughter as a missing person.

She knew Sandra had been
playing at a friend's house

on the northwest corner
of the trailer park.

But after she had checked
with all of Sandra's friends,

she couldn't locate her
and she was concerned.

We get a lot of
missing persons calls.

But whenever we get a missing
persons call with a minor,

there's a lot more effort
that's put in because
of the child's age.

For us in law enforcement,
we always have to assume

the worst case scenario.

We hope for the best,
we plan for the worst.

When I arrived at the house,
I knocked on the door.

Hello ma'am.
I'm Detective Bauer.

This is Detective Kootstra.
Is it all right if we come in?

Please, come in.

[Bauer] Maria Chavez let me in

and they kind of gave me
a rundown of Sandra's day.

Sandra arrived home
from school about 3:00 pm
on that Friday.

She asked her mom if she could
go play at her friend's house.

That was normal
activity for her.

She was wearing
black leggings and
a Hello Kitty pink T-shirt.

Ma'am, is there any reason
at all you can think of

why Sandra would take off.

There's no way that Sandra
would have left the mobile
home park voluntarily.

Detective Bauer was just
mainly making sure

that we were okay,
that everything was sound.

And, you know,
that she obviously isn't home.

That something is wrong.

Uh, ma'am, if we could get,

uh, a piece
of Sandra's clothing

and the most recent
photograph you have.

[whispering] Yes.

We were 99.9% sure that
she was not at any trailer,

um, at the mobile home park

and that she wasn't
with any of her friends.

We had to expand the search
because there was many,

many places that she could
have disappeared to.

[dog barking]

We called the dogs in because
they can take a scent
off a human's clothing

and maintain that scene
and they can travel with it.

The dogs left
the trailer park.

They went on to Clover Road.

One turned left and went west

which would be toward
Sandra's school.

And then one went east
towards the main street
that least to the freeway.

And that was concerning to us
because our worry was

if Sandra did travel on foot,
or car, or bike,

and head east out of the
trailer park on Clover Road,

we were gonna have
a hard time finding her.

[narrator] With the dog
search inconclusive,

investigators returned
to Sandra's family
the following morning.

[Bauer] I have to
start interviewing

every single person
in their family

to see if we can find
something that was

out of the norm that
would make this little girl

either be taken and kidnapped
or run away.

While I was speaking
with Sandra's Grandpa Joe,

he mentioned that he
had recently installed
surveillance cameras

because someone
had vandalized his van.

The surveillance camera
that was installed
in Sandra's residence,

uh, was facing
the front porch.

And facing towards the road.

[Bauer] Every surveillance
camera, there's clues.

It's going to tell me
what she was wearing,

where she was walking,
was she by herself,

who she was with.

And, so, there's tons
of clues in any type
of video surveillance

that can point me
in a certain direction.

We collect the whole
DVR system

and we take it back
to the police department.

And we download it
so that we can watch it

and we can break it down
piece by piece.

Right, cue it up to 2:40,

that's when she
gets home from school.

[Bauer] Sandra arrives home
from school and is seen

getting out of the family car
and walking up the porch.

[inhales] Yeah, that's her.

[Kootstra] Watching the video
and seeing Sandra

walking back to her house
with her backpack,

it was consistent with what
her family was telling us.

Keep playing. Keep playing.

[Bauer] At 2:57 pm Sandra
comes out of the house

and is skipping and is seen
greeting her brother

before she returns
back to the house.

That's her brother, Thomas.

Cue it up to when
she went out to play.

[Bauer] Watching
that video footage,

it was consistent with what
family members had told us.

That Sandra was playing
at trailer number nine,

opposite of where
Sandra lived.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Bauer] I see Sandra
come into camera view,

and she's skipping.

Then something
catches her attention.

[Bauer] We didn't know
if it was a person,

if it was a car,
if it was an object.

She looks down South,
on the South end
of her street,

and then she goes
out of camera view.

Keep playing, keep playing.

[suspenseful music playing]

At 6:30 we see Simone,
Sandra's older sister,

and Maria, Sandra's mom,
get into the family vehicle

and start driving around
the trailer park

in an attempt to locate Sandra
before Maria calls 911.

Keep playing.

We could see
that the community members
also got involved,

right after
the police arrived,

and started searching
the surrounding area
to include other trailers

and other streets
in the mobile home park.

Simone was part
of that community search team

and she was looking
for her sister.

Simone was close
with her sisters.

Maybe she could point me
in the right direction of
what happened to Sandra.

[dramatic music playing]

Hi, Simone.
Please come in,
have a seat right there.

Thank you for coming in.

I knew Simone
was very street smart.

So I asked her,
I asked her a couple
point-blank questions.

"Do you know what
happened to your sister?"
And she said, "No."

[suspenseful music playing]

The last thing I asked her is,
"Where did Sandra go?"

And what does
she think happened,

and she looked at me
point-blank and said this,

she said, "My sister Sandra
would never leave
the trailer park.

Unless it was with me,

my sister, my family,

of some adult
that she truly trusted."

And she believed,

and she made me believe,
that something bad
had happened to Sandra.

You've been really helpful.
Thank you very much
for coming in.

[Bauer] But,
she just had no idea

and she didn't know
who to point us to look at.

[narrator] Police reach out
to the public for help.

[Bauer] We generated
a phone number,
that the public could call in,

that we released
in a press release.

That they could call in
if they had tips regarding
where was Sandra last seen at.

Or any tips regarding
her disappearance.

[narrator] Looking for a lead
Det. Bauer returns
to Sandra's mom, Maria.

I just wanted to ask you
about Sandra's father.

[Bauer] We learnt that her dad
lived out of town.

Sandra's mom
and her dad had been
spilt up for many years.

We knew that through
Maria's statement,

that she... Sandra hadn't
seen her dad in many years.

[Maria] He would never
lay a hand on his little girl.

[Bauer] Maria didn't seem
too concerned with it.

She wasn't worried
that he had any involvement
in Sandra's disappearance.

But because it's
a common issue

that comes up
in missing persons of minors,

and law enforcement
in general,

we couldn't rule it out.

[narrator] Sandra's father
comes forward voluntarily.

Hi, Sir.
Have a seat, please.

He showed up
at the police department
and wanted to talk with me.

And I promise you, Sir

we are doing everything we can
to find your daughter.

He was extremely concerned.

He was adamant,
to me repeatedly,

that he was gonna find her,

and that he would, you know,
do whatever it took
on his own to find her.

I constantly remind him
to just please allow us
to do our job.

[narrator] Investigators
look into Sandra's father's

at the time
she went missing.

I learned in speaking
with the FBI that the day
that Sandra disappeared,

he was at work and that was
confirmed through his
place of employment

and also through
his phone records.

[telephone ringing]

I'm on my way.

[narrator] Detectives
shift their attention
to a new person of interest.

[suspenseful music playing]

There was
a karate teacher that lived
in the trailer park.

Sandra's family had told us,
about a year or two prior

that this individual
had actually kissed Sandra
on the lips

while they were
at the swimming pool
at the park.

Which was very odd
and disturbing to us.

Being that she was
only 6-years-old when
that incident happened.

So we interviewed him.

He told us
it was just an innocent kiss,
didn't mean anything.

We searched his trailer
with an FBI Evidence
Response Team.

Just looking
for any evidence that Sandra
may have been there.

We did locate a red substance,

that possibly was blood,
on the floor.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Bauer] The karate teacher's
alibi for the night
that Sandra disappeared

was that he was teaching
karate at his studio
on the North side of town.

[narrator] While officers
rundown his alibi,

and the red substance
is sent to the lab
for analysis,

police must consider
the worst.

[Bauer] It was a long time
since Sandra went missing.

We felt it important
to search our city dumps.

[suspenseful music playing]

Our concern was,
if something happened
to Sandra,

would we find her,
or her body, or her clothing,

or anything associated to her
at the dumps?

So we sent out
some of our personnel
to the city dumps,

to look specifically for items
that belong to Sandra.

[telephone ringing]

[telephone ringing]

Detective Bauer.

I got a phone call
from one of the officers
that was search out there,

and he had located
a Hello Kitty shirt.

I'm on my way.

I wasn't really positive
about the outcome
from that point on.

-[siren wailing]
-[dramatic music playing]

[Bauer] When I first learned
of the discovery of the shirt

I was extremely concerned.

Because if we found the shirt,

then the body was also
gonna be dumped somewhere.

[police radio chatter]

But the shirt isn't a match.

It's the wrong size and color.

Once we determined
that the shirt did not
belong to Sandra,

it, kinda, reignited
a little bit of hope in us

that she could
have been found alive.

[narrator] At that station,
the karate teacher's alibi
is confirmed.

Tests on the red substance
are also not a match
for Sandra.

He is ruled out
of the investigation.

[somber music playing]

That evening,
the community gathers to pray
for Sandra's safe return.

I didn't have too much hope
in the beginning.

And I feel that a vigil
takes place just to be able
to pray and give hope,

to the people
that may not have it,
sometimes you need that.

It was very touching
to see that many people.

Myself and numerous
other detectives we're just,

kinda, hanging back
watching the vigil.

Because we're hoping we see
someone showing an interest
in the vigil.

And we're hoping
that whoever abducted Sandra
would show up.

[woman] Officer? Officer,
I think I found something.

[vigil singing]

[Bauer] Around 8:30,
one of our officers
was approached

by a female named, Melissa
who lived at trailer 57.

And she was
extremely disturbed because
she had just found a note.

[dramatic music playing]

She told our officer that,
while see was walking
Northbound on her street...

[Melissa] Over here.

Right there.

...on the sidewalk
she found a note.

I... I figured with everything
that's going on
it looked suspicious.

[Bauer] The note said,

locked in stolen suitcase

thrown in water
Bacchetti Rd. Whitehall Rd."

and it was signed "Witness."

[Kootstra] It's really,
kind of, a turning point
for us in this investigation.

'Cause we've interviewed
an entire trailer park

and haven't really found
any new leads

to us locating Sandra.

[camera shutter clicks]

[Bauer] What was interesting
about the note was,

that it was, kinda,
windy that night.

We found it odd
that someone would
just find a note there

versus a note being placed.

And this was really
the first time that anybody

had a significant contact

with this resident
named Melissa.

So that night,
couple of investigators
from the FBI

had a lengthy interview
with her about the note.

And that's where they learned
more about her relationship
with Sandra, the missing girl.

Melissa Huckaby
lives eight trailers down
from Sandra.

They live on the same street.

Sandra and her sister
would regularly go over
to Huckaby's trailer

to play with her daughter.

Melissa's explanation
for the night that Sandra
went missing was,

that afternoon
she went to the church,

to prep for Sunday school
on Sunday morning.

She's a Sunday school teacher
at her grandfather's church,

it's right down the road
from the trailer park.

We continued on
with the processing
of the note for evidence

to see what kind
of finger prints were on it.

-[camera shutter clicks]
-And then we also
added Melissa

to our board
of persons of interest.

[narrator] Investigators head
three miles out of town.

To the location
mentioned in the note.

[Bauer] We had the Search
and Rescue personnel
go out on that Sunday

and search those ponds
to look for the suitcase.

They're drainage ponds.

These are not bodies of water
like a river or a lake,

where you send
a drive team into,
you can't dive this.

Because it's so compact
with manure.

There's no visibility.

They didn't locate a suitcase.

They didn't locate
anything that they believed
belong to Sandra.

[dramatic music playing]

We knew that time
was running out.

If we couldn't find
Sandra soon,

we knew that we
might not find her alive.

[narrator] 8-year-old
Sandra Cantu has now
been missing for three days.

Detectives revisit
her last moments on camera.

[Bauer] She's trying
to tell us in that video

what she was doing
and where she was going.

And so, the only way
you're gonna see that

is to watch the video
over and over.

There's about 13 trailers
that were South
of Sandra's trailer.

There was only one place
that Sandra would go to
past her house,

and that place was
Melissa Huckaby's house.

[dramatic music playing]

Detectives go to interview
Melissa Huckaby again.

But find she's not there.

Melissa had checked herself
into the hospital

because she had swallowed
a razor blade.

Which I thought was kinda odd.

We decided to put a group
of surveillance officers
at the hospital,

so we could keep track of her

and we would know
if she was gonna try
to leave the hospital.

[dramatic music playing]

[cell phone ringing]

Detective Bauer here.

I get a phone call, roughly...

on that Monday morning.

And the dispatcher says,
"Hey, Tim,
something's going on.

We just got a 911 call from
the Sheriff's department."

Okay, what've we got?

All the detectives
just jumped into their cars,

and they're all driving,
like, bats outta hell
all over to this pond.

And I go, "Where?"
And they go,
"Bacchetti Rd. Whitehall Rd."

And I go right then

-[camera shutter clicks]
-it hit me,
that that was the note.

And I go, "Well,
what are they looking for?"

They said, "There's something
floating in the water."

[Bauer] I remember
calling my partner,
Sergeant Knight,

he says, "It looks like
it's a suitcase, Tim."

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

I said, "Do you think
she's in it?"

And he goes, "I don't know.
It's 50/50."

[police radio chatter]

Everything inside you
wants you to believe
that Sandra's not in there.

But there's a strong part
of your sixth sense

that tells you Sandra
is inside the suitcase.

[somber music playing]

[narrator] As the suitcase
is transported to the medical
examiner's office,

police canvas
the surrounding area.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Bauer] We identified a house
at the very far East end
of Whitehall Rd.

And there was a resident
that, male resident,
that lived there

and we enquired to him
if had seen anything unusual.

He recalled a Friday,
a couple weeks prior,

seeing this purple SUV car
on Whitehall Rd.

by those ponds,
by those trees.

And he found that unusual.

And he said that, "Hey,
I recognize all the cars

that are supposed
to be down near here."

And he didn't
recognize this car.

So he decided to stop.

He told his wife, "Hey,
I'm gonna stop and see
who this is, this is weird."

And as he got out of his car,

and walked around to
the driver's side of the car,
to see if anybody was in it,

he noticed
that the back of the car

had a spare tire
on the back of it.

As he walked
to the driver's side
of this SUV,

he hears a noise
in the trees.

-[woman gasps]
-[suspenseful music playing]

So he looks to his left
and he see a female
coming out of the bushes.

And he confronts her
and he says, "Hey,
what are you doing?"

And she says,
"Oh, I was going to pee."

And he's like, okay,
well that's kinda weird.

But she's
off the side of the road.

Maybe she just
had to pee real bad,

she pulls off
the side of the road.

And, you know, so be it.

Didn't tell anybody.
Didn't think anything of it.

Right? Just passing by.

Um, until we contacted him
that day.

[piano music playing]

At the coroner office,

the examination
of the suitcase begins.

The suitcase was a black
and grey Eddie Bauer suitcase.

That was pretty decent in size
a standard piece of luggage.

The suitcase was secured
with these cords,
white in color.

They unzipped the suitcase.

And that's when we determined
that Sandra was in there.

She still had the legging on,

she still had
the Hello Kitty shirt on.

[narrator] The coroner rules
that Sandra has been drugged,

and sexually assaulted.

[Bauer] You know,
that's Maria Chavez's baby.

That's a parent's
worst nightmare.

I guess it reminds you how... evil and how, um,
horrific people can be.

[dramatic music playing]

[somber music playing]

[Bauer] I had promised
Maria Chavez, early on,

that if there was
any big break in the case,

I never wanted them
to see it on the news.

[Bauer sighs]

Ma'am we...

We've found Sandra's body.

[crying] No.
Are you sure it's her?

-[Bauer] It's Sandra.
-Oh, no!

-[Maria crying]
-[Bauer] I'm afraid so.

The day that they told us
that they had found her...

[Maria crying hysterically] was very devastating.

Everybody basically..., in shock.

Screaming, crying, upset.

It's a devastation that can
only be comprehended to,
like, the world imploding.

To us.

[piano music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] While neighbor
Melissa Huckaby
remains in hospital,

detectives search
for any sign of her
in the surveillance video.

Cue it up to around 3:30 p.m.

At 3:42 p.m.
on surveillance system
at Sandra's house

we see a female
walk from the South

and get into a small SUV.

And then drive her car South

back towards
the direction that she
initially walked from.

Just rewind it a bit.

Car appears to be two-toned,
specifically purple.

And we noticed that there is
a spare tired fixed to
the back door of the SUV.

[narrator] The SUV
matches the description
of the car seen by the pond

where Sandra's body was found.

Twenty minutes later,
the purple SUV leaves
the trailer park.

[Bauer] The car
goes Northbound at 5:26.

Which is toward the direction
of the ponds where
the suitcase was found.

There was only one SUV
that left the trailer park
that day on March 27th,

that was purple in color.

And that SUV belonged to
Melissa Huckaby.

[dramatic music playing]

[Bauer] My partner,
Sergeant Knight, and I

decided to head over
to the hospital
to have our first,

real conversation
with Melissa.

-Uh, Melissa Huckaby?
-Yeah, that's me.

Hi, I'm Detective Bauer,
this is Sergeant Knight.

I was wondering
if we could ask you
a few questions?

[Bauer] She was anxious.
We could tell she was anxious.

I asked her if she remembered
the news reporting Sandra

being found.

She said she was heartbroken
from the loss of Sandra
and her death.

But I don't recall
her crying at all

or ever shedding a tear
or anything like that.

Melissa told me that she was
missing a suitcase.

Melissa said her suitcase
went missing about
the same time

that Sandra went missing
from the trailer park.

So she felt
some guilt for that.

Can you describe the suitcase
that you had stolen?

Well, it was
a pretty large suitcase
and it was black.

When she described
the suitcase it was
a perfect match

to the suitcase
we found in the pond.

But I didn't tell her that.

The puzzle's totally
coming together for us.

I felt like we, kinda,
had her where we wanted her.

Thank you so much
for your time.

-Hope you feel better.
-Thank you.

God bless you.

[suspenseful music playing]

[narrator] As Melissa
is discharged
from the hospital,

detectives issue a warrant
to search her trailer.

While we were searching
Melissa's bedroom,

at her residence,
we found a notebook.

The lines of the paper
of the notebook

-[camera shutter clicks]
-and the rip
of the notebook paper

that Melissa found
the day after
Sandra disappeared

was almost an exact match.

With no sign of foul play
at Melissa's trailer,

detectives search the church
where she works.

[dramatic music playing]

[Bauer] When we enter
into the Sunday school room,
where Melissa taught,

every window has
the draw string cordage

with the little
plastic cap over it.

Except for one.

Hey, guys.

Get a shot of that.

The cord looks like
it's been cut.

And the round cap,

the little handle that you
pull the cord down with,
is missing.

That was significant to us
because the cordage,
from the blinds,

and the cordage
that I recalled seeing
on the suitcase,

was the exact match.

We found isopropyl alcohol
at the church.

That was also found
in Sandra's liver.

[Bauer] One of my partners
was searching the kitchen

and he found a rolling pin.

One of the handles
on the rolling pin was bent.

Which was kinda odd.

The evidence technician
was able to run that under

this alternative light source
that we had.

And, pretty quickly,
we determined

that it was presumptive
for some type of bodily fluid.

That was the last piece
of the puzzle

to confirm the sexual assault
and all the criminal activity

that took place,
took place in that church.

[suspenseful music playing]

On Friday, April 10th

Detective Bauer
conducts an interview
with Melissa Huckaby.

During the first part
of the interview,
with Detective Bauer,

Melissa seemed pretty relaxed.

She's sitting in the interview
with her legs crossed.

You know, just talking
nonchalant about
what happened.

About 3 1/2 hours into
the interview I'm starting
to come at her kinda hard.

About things.

Wasn't until she was
confronted with the facts,
by Detective Bauer,

and all the evidence
that we actually had on her,

uh, she finally broke down.

[Melissa sniffles]

[Melissa crying]

We can prove that that was
not a likely scenario.

Because we know
that Sandra was drugged.

Sandra was also
sexual assaulted

and Melissa's story absolutely
did not make sense.

And the fact that we had
a witness who saw Melissa

out by the ponds the night
that Sandra disappeared.

All the together
just proved to us that we
had the right person.

[narrator] Melissa Huckaby
is arrested and charged
with the sexual assault,

kidnap, and murder
of Sandra Cantu.

A year later,
her trial begins.

Prosecutors lay out
their theory on what happened

after Sandra
walked out of frame.

[Bauer] Sandra willingly
got into that car,

with the suitcase
in the backseat of that car.

And Melissa invited Sandra
to go to the church with her

to decorate
the Sunday school room.

At some point
Melissa had gave her a drink.

And then, mixed in that,
was some type
of benzodiazepine.

Which is what rendered
Sandra unconscious.

Sandra was ultimately killed
by Melissa Huckaby.

Melissa put Sandra
in the suitcase.

Tied it closed with cords
from the mini blinds.

Melissa drove her
out Clover Rd.

to Tracy Blvd.

Ending up on the area
of Whitehall and Bacchetti.

[Melissa panting]

And threw her
into the manure pond.

[narrator] Mid-trial,
Melissa Huckaby pleads guilty
to kidnap and murder.

In exchange for this plea,

prosecutors agree to drop
the sexual assault charge.

She's sentenced
to life in prison without
the possibility of parole.

I don't understand
why Melissa did it.

Or what could
cause someone to kill
an innocent 8-year-old.

[somber music playing]

It can only
be described as evil.

And it's not something
any sane, or normal person
would have done.

I think once Sandra
went missing,

it brought
this community together.

'Cause Sandra
was Tracy's daughter.

And everybody pictured her
as a member of their family.

[Bauer] Life is precious.

So you also value
the time that you have

with your family,
and your friends,
and your kids.

'Cause unfortunately
this little girl,
who's full of life,

and everybody loved her,
had 8 years.

Eight years and that's it.

[Thomas] She took one of
the biggest parts
of our lives away.

The joy of...

of somebody just blossoming
into something that they
could have been, you know?

Time does...

...heal some of it.

I will say there are always
those parts that,

you know, will still linger.

Um, in everything.

And, you know, that's okay.

You know, and I feel
that's what kinda
makes us human.