Secrets of the Universe (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - How did the Universe Begin? - full transcript

Scientists are brushing up upon age old questions

that used to be the purview solely of theologians.

Last century, a radical idea about the origin

of everything was born.

It would become the most famous theory in all of science.

Fred Hoyle, in rather derogatory way,

described it as a big bang.

As the big bang theory evolved,

it made predictions that were only confirmed by accident.

This radiation was discovered using this radio antenna

that wasn't even looking for it.

What was coming out of this thing

had to come from somewhere.

Had science discovered the moment of creation?

We're looking at the infant pictures of the baby universe.

But the big bang theory had its challenges.

There were several problems

that could not be explained without conspiracies.

Cosmologists were forced to propose

a mind-blowing scenario to fix the difficulties.

I wake up my wife and I said,

"I think that I know how the universe was born."

They claimed that the universe expanded

by trillions of times in a tiny amount of time.

An idea called inflation.

It took the observable universe

and flung it apart so fast that space itself expanded faster

than the speed of light.

But could this be true

or was there a flaw in the whole idea

of the big bang itself?

There should be a telltale signature all over the sky.

An Intrepid team of scientists built

a telescope in one of the most inhospitable places on Earth

looking for the answer.

It could be one of the greatest experiments of all time.

But the team would face intense challenges

and controversy as they battle

to answer the greatest scientific mystery of them all.

So is the big bang right?

Wondering where the universe from

is the biggest question anyone can ask.

All the billions of galaxies,

the untold trillions of stars and planets stretching out

over unimaginable distances.

What could possibly have made them?

For some, the question itself was irrelevant

because the universe never had a beginning.

It had just always been.

Well our lifespans as humans are very short compared

to the age of the universe.

So during our lifetimes the universe

doesn't appear to do very much.

If you couple that with people's limited ability

to observe distant objects,

the universe did appear very static.

But for others,

a moment of creation better fitted their beliefs.

There was a persistent belief that the universe

must have been creative as we see it,

and generally that was attributed to God.

Yet, other religions believed

that the universe might be an everlasting cycle

of birth and death.

These ideas that humans have had

about whether there's a beginning to everything

or something that's more cyclical, that is everlasting,

that didn't have a beginning, that didn't have an end.

These are things that have absolutely reflected now

in the questions that we're asking

now that we actually have data and we kind of doing this

from a scientific point of view,

not a religious point of view.

Most scientists at the start

of the 20th century thought the universe was static

and had always been.

But in 1915 preconceptions about the origins

of the universe would be challenged

when Albert Einstein published a paper.

He came up with this beautiful theory

of general relativity, which tells us how the whole

of space time and should behave.

It tells us that if you put mass into it,

a bit like throwing a ball onto a rubber sheet,

it deforms space.

At its core, general relativity said

that neither space nor time are rigid,

there continuously distorted by matter.

But Einstein was troubled by the implications

of this on a cosmic scale.

He came to realize that his new theory of relativity said

that space actually should be changing.

If you just put masses into space,

the gravity of them should actually try and pull

the space between them back together

and should actually shrink space.

But Einstein hated this idea.

Einstein thought that the universe was static.

And so he came up with this thing

that he called the cosmological constant.

So Einstein's cosmological constant is a kind

of a fudge factor that he inserted into his equations.

And he did this really on just on grounds of prejudice.

You know, towering genius that he was,

he somehow felt compelled to fix his equations

to prevent the universe from expanding or contracting.

In 1922

a Soviet scientist called Alexander Friedmann

began corresponding with Einstein.

He was sort of inspired by Einstein's new theory

of relativity and tried to apply them to the whole universe.

And, you know, he quickly realized,

as Einstein had, that the natural behavior

of such a universe was to expand or contract.

And that being perfectly stable was a kind

of vanishingly, unlikely knife-edge point

between those two possibilities.

He said, depending on the kind of initial conditions,

depending on how you started things off,

space could be growing.

But whatever it is, it shouldn't be static.

It shouldn't be unchanging.

And so he wrote a couple of scientific papers,

but Einstein didn't like it.

It wasn't long

before others would challenge Einstein's position.

Working independently of Friedmann,

was mathematician and priest George Lemaitre.

Lemaitre was a very remarkable man.

He had a distinguished war career.

He was awarded the Croix de guerre by the king of Belgium

for his service in the First World War.

A few years after Friedmann, he took a step further.

He said, well, if the universe is indeed growing,

then it must have come from somewhere.

Must have had some beginning.

He called it a cosmic egg.

Lemaitre was the first to suggest

that the beginning of the universe would

also be the beginning of time.

He called the beginning of the universe,

"a day without a yesterday."

Einstein when hearing about this for the first time,

called Lemaitre's math,

"elegant, but his physics atrocious."

But Lemaitre had an ace of his sleeve.

He so figured out what we should expect

to see around us if the universe were in fact growing.

And so we should see galaxies moving away from us

and the ones that are further from our Milky Way,

should recede from us faster than the ones close by.

In a paper published in 1927,

Lemaitre had given a prediction

of how fast the expansion might be,

depending on how far away we look.

Well, this is where the experimentalist comes in

and it always pays to look

and let the universe tell us what it thinks.

And Lemaitre matter was already acquainted

with one of the world's greatest astronomers,

who was studying the most distant parts

of the visible universe.

So Edwin Hubble studied the motion of galaxies

and all the galaxies that he looked around at

were all receding from us.

And that was exactly the kind of prediction

that Lemaitre would make,

that the universe would be expanding.

In 1929 Edwin Hubble published his results

that concurred with Lemaitre's predictions,

the further away the galaxies he observed were,

the faster they were moving from us.

He calculated that the most distant galaxies

were moving away at thousands of kilometers per second.

Einstein, in fact, visited Edwin Hubble

and his telescope here in Pasadena

and came to the conclusion that putting in

this cosmological constant was a mistake

and accepted the idea that perhaps, this was possible.

The universe is actually a dynamic place,

expanding from a beginning time.

It was rapidly proposed what's going on.

It's not that there was an explosion centered on our galaxy.

It's just that the entire fabric

of space itself is expanding.

If you think of such a picture,

a kind of expanding grid

with the galaxies on the grid points,

it turns out that every point,

as it looks out to other points,

sees all the points receding.

It doesn't matter where you are,

every point is the center of the expansion as it were

and the galaxies are just being carried along in the flow

of the expansion of space.

Now that most of the world's cosmologist believed

that the universe had a definite beginning,

they could start to figure out how it might have worked.

Scientists began to develop ideas

about what should happen in these very hot conditions

in the early universe.

I think the biggest advance

was by a fellow named George Gamow.

He and his collaborators looked at the possibility

that elements were cooked up in the early universe.

And this is what's called primordial nucleosynthesis.

Gamow there that at the very beginning,

there was only intense heat and energy.

Over the next few seconds and minutes,

the energy condensed into the first atoms.

But they were incomplete atoms.

The baby universe was too hot for electrons

to become attracted to the atomic cores.

And so you have this very short window

in which you can create cores of atoms.

And you just have a long enough to do that

before the universe then cools down enough

that you can't do it.

A bit like turning your oven off.

You would only be able to develop very light elements,

like hydrogen and helium, a little bit of lithium.

And this mixture of elements was

then remarkably consistent with what astronomers can

actually see now out in the skies around us.

But Gamow and his colleagues

also made a prediction of immense importance.

He also found that as the universe expands,

it should leave a remnant radiation background.

370,000 years after the beginning,

the expanding universe would've cooled down enough

for the electrons to become attracted

to the incomplete atomic cores.

So the significance of this moment when the electrons

and protons come together, which we call recombination,

is that not only is the full hydrogen atom formed

for the first time,

but light rays now travel freely through space,

eventually towards us.

And so the prediction was that we should be bathed

in this primordial radiation of light rays

that have indeed been traveling for billions of years,

since that beginning of the universe time.

Gamow and his collaborators called

this first visible remit of creation

the cosmic microwave background.

This entire process of the universe expanding

from an ultra-dense ultra-hot state

and forging matter from energy was given its famous

and misleading name by a skeptical British cosmologist

called Fred Hoyle on a BBC radio program.

In a rather derogatory way,

he just described it as a big bang.

Well, it caught on like these things do.

When people call it the big bang,

they almost always picture the wrong thing.

They picture a firecracker at a place and a time,

what we actually observe is the infinite universe expanding

into itself with no actual first moment.

People are shocked when I tell them this.

We've been told the wrong thing by astronomers

and science writers for generations.

And it's hard to take the meaning

of the words that Fred Hoyle gave us.

If the big bang really did happen

then finding the cosmic microwave background

that Gamow and his colleagues had predicted

became a vital importance.

The challenging thing is that it would be very difficult

to find because as the universe has grown and cooled down,

this light from the early universe has stretched

its wavelength well beyond the waves that our eyes can see

into microwave wavelength.

And they should now be extremely cold, almost absolute zero.

The temperature

of this cosmic microwave background, or CMB,

was carefully predicted

by a Princeton scientist called Jim Peebles.

Some of his colleagues then set about trying to find it.

And then completely serendipitously

this wonderful thing happened.

When I took a job at Bell Labs,

they had a unique radio antenna,

which we planned to look at some special things

in radio astronomy with.

And what we found was something we weren't looking for.

Rather than collecting light,

that our eyes can see radio astronomy uses antennas

that capture light of much longer wavelengths,

like microwaves and radio waves.

Only 26 miles from Princeton University,

Robert Wilson and his colleague Arno Penzias,

wanted to use their radio antenna

to measure the emissions coming from the halo of gas

around our own galaxy.

But in order to do so,

they would first need to calibrate it.

Radio astronomers aim their big antennas

at a source they're interested in and get a signal.

But then they turn them off to the side a little bit,

and so they measure the difference between near the source

and on the source.

Wherever they pointed their telescope,

they always found background radio emission,

a kind of noisy hiss at a certain frequency.

The background should have been quite small.

And so we had a real conundrum

that the antenna was producing more noise

than we could understand.

Arno and Bob set about trying

to locate the source of the noise

that was ruining their experiment.

Yeah, we had a checklist

of something like nine different things.

But things like we had a perfect view of New York City,

could it be that the city is noisy

and that the side lobes of our antenna were picking that up?

Well, we had the perfect instrument.

We turn it around and we look at New York City, nada.

They wondered if the troublesome signals

were coming from the ground.

And so they wheeled a cart around the antenna

with the radio source in it.

But again, nothing.

Bob and Arno were narrowing down their list.

But what if it was something inside the antenna

that was causing the problems?

There was a pair of pigeons

who had taken up roost in the antenna.

They would fly up just about into the cabin of the antenna

and it must have been a nice toasty place to be.

It wasn't necessarily the pigeons

that were suspected of causing the interference,

but something they were leaving behind.

There was this white dielectric material

all over the inside of the horn reflector.

And so we thought it could be radiating.

We first got a trap and put it

where the receiver normally would be

and caught the pigeons.

We put them in a cardboard box and mailed them as far away

as we could in the company mail to a pigeon fan,

here in Whippany, New Jersey.

Well, he took a look at these pigeons,

said, "these are junk pigeons," and let them go.

Well a day or so later here are the pigeons back.

So that didn't work.

Our technician brought in a shotgun

and in the name of science dispensed with the pigeons.

In short, none of the things we could think of

and do anything about actually made any difference.

A hint at where their problems might lie,

came when Arno had a chance conversation

with the fellow astronomer.

He said to Arno,

"what's happening with your crazy experiment?"

And Arno laid it on him,

"We've got this excess noise in our antenna.

We can't find it."

He said, "You oughta talk to Bob Dicke at Princeton."

Bob Dicke was the colleague

of Jim Peebles at Princeton University,

whose team were already actively looking for evidence

of the radiation predicted by the big bang theory.

Although Peebles had calculated what kind

of radiation they were looking for,

their experiments were only being calibrated

and had yet to begin.

The team were eating lunch together when the phone rang.

Dicke picked up the phone

and they heard atmospheric radiation,

sky temperature, antennalized,

all the things they were interested in.

Dicke put down the phone and said,

"Boys, we've been scooped."

Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias

had accidentally found

what Jim Peebles and George Gamow had predicted.

We invited them over.

They looked at our antenna and all the measuring system,

and agreed that we'd done the right thing.

We went down to the conference room

and they told us about how a big bang might produce

a universe full of radiation.

Wilson, Penzias, and Peebles

were all awarded Nobel Prizes

for their parts in this momentous discovery.

And suddenly it changed everything.

The fact that we see the galaxies expanding around us.

We see the elements in the right abundances

that you'd expect from a hot big bang.

And then we see this radiation coming

from all directions in the sky.

Those three things became the pillars

of the big bang theory.

So now scientists had a picture

of a universe that expands from a big bang,

cooks up basic elements in the inferno,

and leaves behind a detectable background.

But that couldn't be the whole picture.

The hot big bang model was on pretty firm footing,

but there were definitely some puzzles.

This CMB radiation did appear indeed

to be the same temperature everywhere.

And the that's really weird

because you're receiving a ray of light

from all different directions.

And those rays of light have traveled

for 14 billion years to reach you.

And they could only have achieved the same temperature

if they were once in contact.

There was a second problem,

which is that the universe seemed

to be something known as flat.

The universe is observed to have very close

to what's known as spatial flatness.

What is spatial flatness?

So if you imagine yourself on the surface of the Earth,

the Earth, locally, looks very flat,

meaning that if you go to a sidewalk

and you draw a triangle with three straight lines to it,

you will get,

when you sum up those three angles, 180 degrees.

However, if you make that triangle bigger

and you put one vertex of the triangle in Bangkok,

one in Mexico city, and one at the South Pole,

that triangle has about 270 degrees

between its three angles when summed together.

Now imagine going off the surface of the Earth.

Pick three stars, measure the angle that they sub 10,

and make the triangle,

and observe their three interior angles and add those up.

It turns out no matter how big a triangle you make

in the universe those angles always add up to 180 degrees.

So it's very, very striking that the universe

was fine tuned to parts in a billion or a trillion

in its curvature, right after the big bang.

How could that possibly happen?

Physicists were pretty confident about their model

of how the universe worked down to a time

of about one second,

where the conditions had to be right

to start to form these light elements.

So how flat would the universe have to have been then

to explain how flat it is now?

And it has to be extremely flat to parts

in 10 to a large number.

And that seemed just very odd that that would be the case.

So the solution to both of these problems

is something called inflation.

I didn't expect that I'm going to be a cosmologist.

I thought that I'm going to work on particle physics,

but then unexpected things happen.

The original of cosmic inflation

was built independently by Alan Guth in the US

and Alexei Starobinsky in the Soviet union.

Inflation introduced a new phase at the very beginning

of the universe, before the formation of atoms

in which there was a sudden accelerated expansion

of the universe.

Inflation would've been staggeringly brief

and increased the size of the universe by a scale

that is hard to comprehend and even to say.

In much less than a trillionth of a second,

the universe would've expanded

by 100 trillion-trillion times.

And you would very rapidly blow up a space smaller

than an atom to larger than a galaxy very, very, very fast.

This means the overall universe is much bigger

than we can ever observe from our own bubble within it.

So it's a very fundamental rule in physics

that nothing can move through

the fabric of space faster than light.

But that actually says nothing

about the fabric of space itself.

The fabric of space itself can expand faster than

the speed of light in these theories.

There's nothing to prevent that.

And that's what happens during the inflationary phase.

The distance between points is growing faster

than the speed at light can close the gap

between those two points so to speak.

But there was a brief moment

before inflation began

in which the universe expanded much more slowly.

Those regions that we observe in the sky,

being the same temperature,

they were all connected at this earlier time

before the universe got ripped apart by inflation.

Inflation also explains why the universe is so flat

because that expansion takes whatever geometry universe

had prior to inflation and stretches it out tremendously.

So that local region

that we can see today looks very, very flat.

It's like, if we're on the surface of the Earth now,

we know the surface of the Earth is curved.

It has continents and oceans

and suddenly through stretching,

all we can have access to is our backyards.

Well now our backyard is going to look rather locally flat.

The original theory of cosmic inflation

utilized a core concept taken from quantum theory

that suggests that there can never be such a thing

as zero energy.

Even a random spot in the vacuum of space

has quantum particles fizzing in and out of existence.

In this picture of the big bang,

the tiny and seemingly empty spec

from which the universe would grow

was bursting with potential energy.

So this is a strange way of producing lots of particles,

lots of energy, practically from nothing.

In models for inflation,

the universe that would've been extremely compressed

was composed of like an energy field.

And it would be the stored up energy in that field

that would be released a little bit like releasing a spring.

They would have this sort of potential energy,

this energy that's raring to go.

This newly unleashed energy

and the rapid creation of space

would propel a chain reaction

of bubbles of potential energy exploding.

And as a result of it,

the universe does not look like one bubble,

but instead it looks bubbles producing bubbles,

producing bubbles, producing bubbles, forever.

It becomes a fractal.

So the classical picture of the universe,

which is hung big and round,

no, it's not a big and round.

It's something well like three

of universes growing like that.

And this mechanism,

with its random fluctuations,

is ultimately responsible for us being here at all.

So the idea of inflation is that all structure

in the universe originated from quantum fluctuations during

this hyper expansion phase at a very early time.

If the quantum fluctuation's in the big bang

were the correct description plus inflation,

then we should have roughly the pattern

of hot and cold spots that we see in a sky.

And that match with where the galaxies are today.

Sure enough, they do.

The current idea is gravity acts on the denser regions

and stops them from expanding,

pulls the material back together again to make a galaxy,

and then planets and stars.

So we're here because of those spots

in the big bang radiation,

plus gravity, which is a pretty amazing result.

But inflationary theory

in its original form had a fundamental problem.

This energy would sort of permeate space

and would be expanding incredibly fast.

And somehow you have to stop that from happening

in a gradual and smoothly controlled way.

For about a year or more,

many different people worked on it.

Steven Hawking and his collaborators wrote a paper saying

that it's impossible to solve this particular problem.

But late one night, Andrei had a brain wave.

I wake up my wife and I said,

"I think that I know how the universe was born."

During the summer of 1981,

Andrei wrote a paper on the modified theory,

which he called new inflation.

And so what Andrei Linde came up with

was a different mechanism for gently sort of rolling

into a smoother expansion

than had been come up with to begin with.

And in October, there was a conference in Moscow,

lots of brilliant people came,

and one of them was Steven Hawking.

And they gave a talk at this conference

and everybody got very excited.

But next day, I came to the talk by Steven Hawking.

Unexpectedly, they suggested me to translate.

Steve would say one word, his student say one word,

I translated this word.

It was about old inflation of the theory.

And then Steven said,

"and recently was an interesting suggestion

about how to improve it by Andrei Linde."

And I happily translated.

And next second he said,

"but this suggestion is completely wrong."

And for half an hour, I was translating why my own theory,

which I had just reported the day before,

why it does not work, et cetera, et cetera.

After the lecture, Andre asked Steven

if they could talk in more detail.

they retired to a side room where for more than two hours,

they discussed Andrei's modification to inflation.

He said something and his student would say,

"but you didn't say that before."

And this thing continued.

I ended up in his hotel.

He was showing me photographs of his family

and we became friends.

Hawking realized that Linde had solved

the issues that were plaguing inflation.

He had proposed a mechanism by which inflation

could not only start, but gracefully come to an end.

Andrei was invited to come back to Cambridge

and work with Steven where over the next year

they and their fellow cosmologist molded a simpler

and more robust inflationary theory

that became the centerpiece of big bang cosmology.

By the late 1990s cosmologists knew

that there was some evidence for inflation,

but they wanted to find the smoking gun

that would tell them that it must have happened.

And they were sure that it could be found

in patterns within the cosmic microwave background.

If inflation happens a likely thing to come from it

is this really particular signature

that we're all searching for now with our telescopes.

And it's an imprint of ripples in space time

that would've been imprinted during that inflation process.

The patterns they were looking for

are called polarization patterns.

But what is polarization?

Any given ray of light is a fluctuation

in the electric field and a fluctuation

in the magnetic field that are 90 degrees apart.

And then this whole wave train is moving

along the third direction.

As you rotate around the direction of motion,

these are other polarizations.

So you have a continuous range of polarizations

for each individual ray of light.

The polarization properties

of an individual ray of light can tell us a story

about what has happened to the light on its journey to us.

Now most of those fluctuations

we see in the microwave background,

but they're like a sound wave.

It's a compression wave traveling through the universe.

This first common type of fluctuation

creates either a cross like or circular pattern,

which is called an E-mode,

but there is another pattern called a B-mode.

And this is a one that is crucial

to finding evidence for inflation.

In Einsteins theory,

you can also have fluctuations in space time

called gravitational waves.

And they don't act like a density wave

that compresses and rarifies.

Instead they squeeze space in one direction

and stretch it in the other direction

while they're propagating in the third dimension.

Those fluctuations have a very, very specific signature.

They will have imprinted a particular form,

a particular swirliness, actually.

And if we could detect this pattern of swirling,

twisting polarization in the microwave background,

that would be perhaps indirect evidence

that inflation took place.

If it could be observed to be truly cosmological,

not caused by some systematic error in the instrument

or in the galaxy or something else,

that would be as close to

what was called smoking gun evidence

that inflation took place.

In 1996 the European Space Agency, ESA,

started planning a space mission called Planck

to map the cosmic microwave background

at very high resolution.

In the sky maps you will see the different colors show

the temperature variations.

Blues and yellows are hottest, through to greens,

and then red for the coldest areas.

Initially, we were not planning to measure polarization

when we first started out with the project.

Planck's prime mission was to do the ultimate job,

measuring the temperature variations

in the microwave background.

People had not really realized how important

and how much information polarization signals would carry.

So it was not the primary goal.

A separate project

from around the same time called Boomerang,

didn't go into space,

but used balloons to make high sensitivity observations

of the CMB.

My last year as a graduate student,

I worked on developing

new technology detectors for Boomerang.

Now the detectors that were developed on Boomerang turned

into the detectors on the Planck satellite,

and they were developed here at JPL.

In the midst of Planck's development,

the science team got more and more interested

with polarization measurement.

So I was also a postdoc

at the California Institute of Technology.

I was really fascinated by building a telescope

that was only sensitive to the polarization

of the microwave background.

Myself and Brian Keating, we came up with an approach

that would call B-modes or bust.

We proposed to the CalTech president at the time

to get some seed money.

We said, "We're going to look

for this inflationary gravitational wave signal,

to look and see if we can see it.

And build an experiment that's just tailor made

to do that one thing and do it really well."

We would've loved to take it into space,

but space born experiments will cost you anywhere

from a hundred to a thousand times more than

their ground based equivalent.

And we believed we could do it from the ground

if we went to an exquisite site like the South Pole.

Brian, Jamie, and their colleagues,

established BICEP, Background Imaging

of Cosmic Extra-Galactic Polarization.

I started working on it full-time 2007, 2008.

The stage was set for a battle

between two very different missions,

both sharing closely related technology,

But for the Planck team, they still did not really believe

that BICEP was a competitor.

Within the Planck community,

we were not really all that concerned.

What BICEP was trying to achieve was quite

a different thing, using quite a different approach.

The really novel thing about BICEP is the telescope.

So we're looking for swirly patterns in the polarization

on scales several times bigger than the full moon.

Now you don't need a very big telescope to do that.

Telescope of 25 centimeters or so would be just fine.

And actually that brings a huge number of advantages

because I can take that small telescope

and I can spin it around to take out any polarization

that's in the instrument.

It's really hard to do that with a large telescope.

The small size of the BICEP telescope

also makes it easier to cool.

The ancient light of the cosmic microwave background

is now extremely cold.

So in order to see it,

the telescope itself must be kept very cold.

I can cool that whole telescope down

to four degrees above absolute zero.

And that's very hard to do with a large telescope.

The first generation of BICEP used these kinds of detectors

we developed for Planck called a balometer.

And the basic idea is you take something that absorbs,

in this case, millimeter wave radiation,

and you stick a sensitive thermometer to that absorber.

And if any radiation hits the absorber

you measure the increase in temperature

using the thermometer.

The BICEP experiment is located

at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica.

The South Pole is flat, it's featureless, it's cold,

it's barren, it's dark.

Literally six months of the year

the sun is below the horizon and we pay one person

to sit there for the next nine months of his or her life.

But we call that person a winter-over

and we always joke, "We're gonna pay you $75,000

and all you have to do is work for one night,"

because that's all they'll be there for.

So it would sit there at the South Pole

and it would scan back and forth for years on end,

accumulating data, storing the data.

We're testing it, we're analyzing it,

we're looking for artifacts.

BICEP1 was created in 2001 and we deployed it in 2005.

It took data from 2006 till 2009.

We then decommissioned it to make way for a bigger,

better instrument called BICEP2.

Those first three years really showed

that the method worked really, really well.

Meanwhile, much of the field is struggling

with larger telescopes to do these kinds of measurements.

After 13 years of careful development,

the European Space Agency was ready

to launch the Planck spacecraft in May 2009.

I was very happy to be part of the Planck collaboration.

I joined when it was about to be launched.

So basically you can think of Planck

as a camera that has a lens

of about one and a half to two meters in diameter.

It has an array of about 50 detectors or so.

While we were pleased with the devices on Planck,

BICEP didn't have as much sensitivity

as we ultimately wanted.

We needed to increase the detectors from dozens to hundreds,

to thousands, to tens of thousands.

And the way to do that is using the same methods

that we use to make computer chips.

With a lithograph,

the entire structure and reproduce them many, many times.

And in fact, you don't wanna just reproduce the balometer,

you wanna produce everything about it,

how it couples to light, which we use a printed antenna,

and how we select the frequencies.

All this is just lithographed on the device itself.

So you build an instrument,

you measure the sky with it for a few years,

you build more detectors, more sensitivity, more data,

so you can improve the sensitivity faster.

So that's been the pattern.

There was BICEP1, then there was BICEP2,

then there was Keck Array,

but basically it's just continual arms race

of improving sensitivities.

Between 2010 and 2012,

BICEP2 collected thousands of scans of the sky.

BICEP was observing a very small part of the sky

with as much sensitivity as they could.

They chose the patch of the sky,

which they thought would be the cleanest possible.

During the same period of time,

ESA's Planck spacecraft revolved once every minute,

slowly scanning the entire cosmos over the months.

The measurements that we take,

they do not reveal things instantaneously.

The data take years to acquire.

They can take year or more to analyze.

Now we have four scientists representing

the device of two collaborations, John Kovac--

People have a slightly ivory tower view

of science sometimes.

Like we all sit in the common room,

smoking our pipes and being great chums with each other.

And science can be fiercely competitive.

People's careers depend on the results

that you publish ahead of other people.

So the theory of cosmic inflation,

which attempts to explain the start of the big bang itself,

predicts that the early universe will contain

a background of gravitational waves

that produce patterns of polarization called B-modes.

Suddenly there was an announcement

by the BICEP2 team claiming

that they have observed primordial gravitational waves.

Today were gonna be reporting the detection

of B-mode polarization as seen by the BICEP2 telescope

that matches very closely the predicted pattern.

This was big news in our community.

So many of us watched the results together.

This is amazing!

You talk about it being thrilling.

Maybe it was in a way, but it was also terrifying.

Up here today are the co-leaders

of the BICEP and Keck Array series of--

Well, I think the first reaction was "wow."

Major collaborators that you see in BICEP2

over the past--

Because it was presented as a clear cut case.

UC San Diego, Brian Heating's group there, they're--

There are considerable challenges

to separating the E-modes and the B-modes accurately enough.

We had to develop new mathematical techniques

to allow us to do that.

When we apply those techniques we started to be able

to see a B-mode detected with statistical significance

for the first time.

And this was of course tremendously exciting.

It was what we had been trying to do for all of these years.

Pattern is very distinct.

However, the signal is very small.

And they said, we have found gravitational waves.

This is yet another confirmational inflationary theory.

Everything was great.

We felt that the polarization pattern on the sky was real.

As Clem Pryke would later say,

"We instead of seeing a needle in a haystack,

we observed what was," later he called,

"a crowbar in a haystack."

Okay, so this is the actual polarization pattern map

as measured by the BICEP2 telescope.

Think of it as little sticks indicating the direction

and the magnitude of the polarization.

The most reasonable interpretation is

that it is gravity waves written

in that micro background pattern.

And those gravity waves come from the inflationary epoch

at a tiny, tiny fraction of a second after the beginning.

The BICEP team had made an announcement

that suggested that the holy grail

of signals had been found.

One that would show for certain that inflation had occurred

and that the big bang model was correct,

but there were troubles brewing.

But if other people have other data

and they can go in and say,

"actually, we don't see the same thing as you."

That's the risk you run.

As you may have gathered, if seems traditional now

that each experiment is very secretive

about what it's doing.

As soon as people started to look at the paper

and at the details, they realized that,

"maybe there are some issues here."

Now we had only measured this at one frequency,

basically where the CMB is brightest.

Now it's possible that we would have contamination

from our own galaxy from polarized dust.

The issue is that we had the means,

Planck had the means to measure the dust part of the signal.

There were no measurements available

to our team at the time of a brightness of polarized dust

in these faint regions.

the Planck satellite team had this data,

but we didn't have access to it.

The BICEP team thought

they had an agreement with ESA

that the Planck team would provide them with data

that would show the dust contribution to the BICEP signal.

But it's not the way it played out in the end.

We did ask and they did not provide us the data

that could be, A they didn't have it,

B that maybe they did have the results

and they were bluffing,

C this wasn't something that they could agree upon

on our time scale.

Well of course it was certainly not

about destroying anybody or any group,

it was about getting the good result.

Well, so the first thing that happened is

the Planck team put out a paper on the polarization

in the diffuse sky, including our region.

And it showed indeed that the polarized emission

from the galaxy was bigger than we had assumed from models.

The signal that we saw turned out to be dust emission.

The thing that clears up scientific disputes

and uncertainties is data.

In order to get a clean understanding of the problem,

you needed to use both sets of data,

you couldn't do it with Planck only,

you couldn't do it with BICEP only.

And so we very quickly decided

that we had to work together with their team.

The two teams joined forces

and together they published the results of what had happened

in this remarkable story.

They jointly told the world that BICEP

had not yet found evidence for inflation.

Well, I thought, "man, that must hurt."

That was tough luck for them.

They were too eager.

It's a bit embarrassing perhaps,

but I think being a skeptic about any result

and getting independent confirmation,

that's how science works.

And you know, point here isn't how I feel.

The point is, how do we get to the best result?

I don't think I was particularly sorry for them

in the sense they did a wonderful job.

I was sorry because it wasn't true.

Because it would've been scientifically much more exciting

to actually have access to that signal

and therefore to inflation,

and to a new part of knowledge in the universe.

It is widely acknowledged

that the BICEP team did great science,

but at this time they were fooled by the galactic dust.

They made a mistake, but on the other hand,

they were the first to come to the verge

of possible discovery and still the best.

Theoretical scientists, like Andrei,

need experimental scientists like Jamie, Brian and Clem.

A scientific theory is of limited use

unless an experimenter can come along

and prove that a theory is correct.

And this is the story of the big bang.

Edwin Hubble proved Lemaitre right,

that the universe must be expanding.

Penzias And Wilson proved that theorists were right

when they found the cosmic microwave background.

But as we shall see, finding evidence for inflation

is still the key objective.

I think the consensus today in a community is

that inflation is the best candidate for the phenomena,

the early part of the universe.

And so I think we should pursue this.

No question about it.

I'm involved in a project called the Simon's Observatory,

which is building a set of telescopes

that are going to be in the North of Chile.

So the Simon's Observatory is a large collaboration,

spanning all seven continents

of approximately 300 individual researchers

and about 45 institutions.

If you can't be in space, the two best sites are Chile

and the South Pole for looking at this CMB radiation.

It's 'cause they're very dry.

BICEP is also continuously pushing the envelope

on their experiments at the South Pole.

And both teams plan to build

a healthy competition between them.

So their goal is to compete with us head to head,

and we'll see who does the best.

The goal is to reach similar sensitivity to this radiation

and to these gravitational waves

from both of these locations on Earth.

I see it as being important

to have two complementary approaches

to such an important potential discovery.

I think it's very good that people are collaborating

and sharing information.

I think that's the way science ought to work.

Best part about it is that no one can do it alone.

One of the powerful lessons of BICEP2 is

that it will take the village of all of cosmology

that we will rely on the confirmation

of sometimes our competitors.

Looking down the horizon,

we can perhaps envision a day

where there'll just be one experiment.

So there is a concrete plan in the works

for the ultimate ground based CMB experiment,

and it's being called CMBS4.

The objective is to make observations

from both South Pole and from Chile

with apparatus somewhat similar to the current experiments,

but just a lot more of it.

And so it's kind of a mega experiment.

I'm sure that all the work that has been done so far,

including the one from BICEP,

will help in reaching that final goal.

The big bang theory attempts to answer

the biggest question anyone can ask,

"Where do we come from?"

The theory has passed many challenging tests

and it is the best description of how our universe began.

We have to be prepared that all these dedicated efforts

may ultimately fall behind of the unknowable screen.

It may be that there is simply a limit

to how much one can know about the earliest moments

of the creation of the universe.

The way I say it is you imagine in your mind,

running the universe backwards

to where everything is compressed and compressed,

and hotter and hotter and hotter,

and when you run out of imagination,

that's what you call the big bang.

And we may push the imagination a little farther,

but eventually you probably still run out of imagination.