Search Party (2016–…): Season 5, Episode 4 - Episode #5.4 - full transcript

Hello, everyone.

I thought I'd make this video
while in the bath

because lately
I've been feeling,

well, naked.

I've been working on something

that's been taking up
a lot of my time.

And I'm about to apply myself

more than I ever have
in my entire life.

I've fully aligned
with my purpose.

And I can't wait
to share the news with you.

But the timing
isn't quite right.

But what I can tell you

is that it is going to
directly affect

the existence of you

and everyone you've ever met.

This is going
to be irreversible.

But don't be scared.

This is a mission of Lyte.

Well, look at you,

all sexy and enlightened.

That's me.

You know, Portia,
I really have to thank you

for pushing me
to do this endeavor.

It's gonna be the biggest thing
since sliced bread.

And I owe it all to you.

Dory, I can't tell you
how much that means to me.

I wish we could just melt
into the same person.

Why can't we do that?

Can we just invent
that already?

One thing at a time.

Hey. Do you want to get
dinner with me tonight?

There's this really cute spot,

and it has outdoor seating
and gorgeous lighting.

That sounds lovely.

But let's see
how the day plays out, okay?


Yeah, we'll just see
how the day plays out.

I love that 'cause it's kind of
being present and

should I make a rez?


♪ ♪

♪ Oh, but dear,
the sky is low, watch ♪

Thank you.

Oh, wow.

Nice, right?


This isn't bad.

No, it's like super sexy.

Yeah, of course.
Thank you so much.

Oh, course. Yeah.

You know, I like to treat you
like the princess that you are.

Uh, Joe.

There's something that
I really need to tell you

and I feel, like,
really nervous to say it.

Okay. No, hey, hey.

Look, you know you can
tell me anything, right?

I'ml'm your supportive lover.


I just want you to know, like,
you really mean so much to me

and, like, I think
I'm kind of seeing someone.

Like, I don't want to say
too much about it because,

you know, it's really new to me
in a lot of ways.

But, um, yeah.

Wow. I'mum

I'm actually relieved.

I may be kinda
seeing someone too.

Yeah, it's complicated.

Oh, my God.
I'm just trying to process it

'cause it's actually
extremely confusing.

And I have a lot of conflicting
feelings about it, but

I hope I get to
meet her one day.


Yeah. Yeah, you too.

I hope he
makes you really happy.


♪ Oceans on the sky
Sky... ♪

Oh! Wow!

Oh, wow.

Oh, my gosh.

Ah, this is it. This is it.

Yes, this is where
we're gonna do it.

This is our new home.

Yeah, yeah.
God, this is so perfect.

This is just exactly
what it should be.

You know, I told them.
I said I don't want offices.

You know, no divisions,
no secrets.

Just community.

Oh, ah, my best friends.

Isn't this place of the times?

I got the design team
from Selfie Castle.

Doesn't it just make you

want to take a million pictures
of yourself?

That is so smart.

People are just gonna be so
jealous that we get to, like,

sit and, like, stand in here.

Hey, you want to see
the, um, lab?

The lab? Yes.

God, it sounds so cool
to hear it.

It's so cool to hear.

Yeah. The lab.

Oh, boy. Here we go, the lab.

Everybody, this is
our resident genius

Dr. Benny Balthazar.




Very excited to be
making history.

Yeah. Benny graduated
first in her class at MIT.

It doesn't get more
sciencey than Benny.

Oh, my God. MIT.

That's actually
one of the schools

I consider
pretending to go to, so.

Oh, yes.
I read about your lies.

Oh, thank you.

Well, Benny,

it is an honor to embark
on this journey with you.

Yeah, it's gonna be huge.

Well, do you mind showing us
what y'all are up to?

Sure. So, obviously,

we're gonna start with
targeted amplicon sequencing.

Of course, obviously.

And then
xray crystallography.

We'll see where that gets us.

So we have the most
sophisticated technology

in here.

Equipment that some of
the most wellfunded labs

in the world
don't have access to.

This is the most
comprehensive library

of natural and synthetic
chemical samples

that the world has ever seen.

You could do absolutely
anything with these.

If there's a way
to cure cancer, it's in here.

Oh, well, that would have
come in handy

when I pretended
to have cancer.

Nobody is allowed
in there ever.

In the wrong hands,

this could start World War III.

So we are using
a new technology

that visually maps
neurochemical reactions

as they're occurring live
in our test subject.

We're looking for anything
traditionally associated

with enlightenment.

The idea being that
we can reverse engineer

the chemical recipe
for what you experienced.


I'm sorry,
but this doesn't feel

quite right to me.

To reduce my experience

to just chemicals.

What I went through
was so much more than that.

It was spiritual,



I died.

And then I came back.

That's what the pill
should be doing.

Yeah, well, uh,
we'll look into that.


Oh, hey, thank you.
Thank you.


Thank you. Hi, Kate. Hi, Jose.

Welcome. Try everything.
I liked the soda pop.

I like the cherries.
They're all good.

I'm sorry. Do we own
this candy store too?

Oh, we don't own it.

No, they shut it down
when I come in

'cause I think best
when I got in candy me.

I, in fact,
I'm microdosing sugar.

Dor, Dor!

They have my favorite candy
from when I was a kid

and they're really
impossible to find.

They got everything here.

Um, III think what
we're essentially trying to do

is to reinvent the wheel.

Uh, so it could
take the science

a heck of a long time

before it sees
the light of day.

So the question becomes,

what are we gonna do
in the meantime?

Research. And meditate.


We get people on board.

We get them lining up
around the block

and, uh, just
just clamoring for it.

Like, shouldn't we make
a pill first?

No, I think
we need to create the need

before the technology.

See what I'm thinking?

I think we need to pull some
kind of, you know, magic trick

so that we hypnotize the entire
country into joining our cause.

And I know how to do it.

We're gonna do it
through aa kind of a stunt.

Here. Come here.
Come around here. Come close.

Get in a little tight,
a little tight,

a little grouping.
Stay right there.

That's good.

All right.
Cast your gaze right about

from where you are
right around there.

Watch this. Bing.

Oh, my God.

You guys, it's like

the future we've all been
waiting for.

So what is this that
we're looking at exactly?

Well, this is
a very carefully curated group

of the most popular
social media influencers

whose followership
adds up to collectively

about a third
of the American population.

They're just fantastic.
So watch.

I'm gonna isolate
this lady right there.

Oh, my God.
I know who that is.

She looks, like,
very hot in skates.

That's exactly what men want.

And then there's this fella.

Oh, yeah,
that's the pop scientist.

He's like a joke in the
legitimate science community.

Well, he's very likable.

Here's the whole group again.


I don't think I recognize
any of these people.

But I have very young

who assure me that this gang

has the attention
of basically the entire world.

There we go. Goodbye.
What do you think of that?


So are you saying

that you want these people
to promote the pill?

I want them to promote it.

But also, I want them to be
the first to take the pill.

I think this could be
a very exciting public example

of what the road to

would look like exactly.


Well, if we did this,

I would want to feel connected
to these people, you know,

to build a relationship
with them over time

so that I can teach them and
love them and really know them

so that by the time
we actually take the pill,

we're likewe're like
a reala real family.

Like disciples.



Imagine a group
of influencers

living on the premises
and liveing,

so to speak,
24/7 from Lyte Headquarters.

They live there?

But they look so annoying.

Trust me, we need these folks
to be on board.

If they believe,
so will everybody.

[GASPS] Oh, my God.

I'm having an idea.

I'm having an idea. Okay, okay.

Maybemaybe this sounds crazy.

But what if
we made it seem like

anybody in America could be
chosen for this,

like a nationwide lottery?

Like we act like there's this
equal opportunity chance

at exclusivity when really
it's just preselected?

Oh, I love that idea.
It's patriotic.

it's something to chew on.


You may have noticed
an unusual package

in your mailbox recently.

That's because tech billionaire
and public persona.

Tunnel Quinn
is sending something your way.

Quinn had purported
on social media

that he had hoped to have
every single package

delivered to every American
by last Wednesday

but only 1/5th of the country
has received their parcel

as the US Postal Service

is overwhelmed by this
unprecedented situation.

There's an air of mystery

around the purpose
of this stunt,

though Quinn did release
this video yesterday.

If there's a light
coming out of your box,

you've been chosen
to be a pioneer

who's gonna take us all

into a new dawn
of human evolution.

Geez, you're gonna want this.

As of today, only two boxes

have emitted a shining light,

one belonging to fitness
personality Dogey Dodge,

the other to beauty and cosplay
influencer Pepper Southerland.

Which begs the question,

is this truly
a random selection

or are the people being
selected social media famous?

They want me.

I don't know what it is
but they want me!

millions of Americans

expressed disappointment

as they open their boxes to
see nothing but a black void.

And I can say
from personal experience,

it is quite hurtful
to open that empty box.


♪ ♪

Oh, my God!

Is that Dr. Richie Thinky?

I'm such a fan of yours.

I was so stoked when I saw
that you got picked.

My nephews are obsessed
with your science experiments.

We that whole, like,

baking soda volcano thing
that you do

in my living room.

The Big Kaboomer?
Yeah, yeah.

Wow, that must
have been messy.


I'm so excited to meet you,
Elodie on Wheels.

I'm a huge fan of yours!
Shut up!

[GASPS] Is it her?

Is it really her?
Oh, no!

You daft little piggy!

Where in the fuck
have you been?

The last time I saw you,

I was literally
holding your hair back

while you were
seriously blowing chunks

into Angela Merkel's
Louis Vuitton clutch

at her discothemed wedding
in the Black Forest!

Oh, no. Take it back.
Say it's not true!

Oh, my God.

Was she so mad?
Are you kidding me?

This is literally
the Duchess of Bellhead.

No one's allowed
to be mad at her.

That's so fun.

Are you both duchesses?

No, I'm PeoplePlacesMarty.

I basically do, like,
the most badass stuff

with, like,
the most badass people

on the most badass planet
in the entire solar system.

Are you PepperPaintsHerself?

Yeah, I am.

And I'm dressed like
a dragon today

'cause I'm having heartburn
and it feels like fire.

And then I, like,
almost wiped.

I just want
to butt in and say

that I'm getting really
strong energy from both of you.

Are you both water signs?


Yeah, be careful
this week, okay?

A lot is being asked for you,
so don't get too fluid.

Okay. Thank you.

And I trust
anything that you say

because I am a huge fan
of your weekly readings.

Yeah. Do me a favor, okay?

Don't give me feedback unless
I specifically ask for it.

Hey, did you guys

have to fill out a shitload
of paperwork for this?

Like, why do they need
so much of our medical history?

I'm starting to get pissed that

I don't know
a single thing about this.

Hello. Ah, there you all are!

Oh, wow, you're all glowing.

Why don't you all take a seat?
Please. Get comfortable.

I want to welcome all of you.

Hi. Hi, hi, hi. [CHUCKLES]

Okay. Well, I'm Dory Sief.

And I am the cofounder of Lyte.

And these are
my amazing partners.

You guys want
to introduce yourselves?

Hi, you guys.
I'm Portia Davenport.

I am so excited by this!

This is gonna be
so fun and amazing.

And I'm here if you guys
have any questions at all. Yay!

Hi, I'm Drew Gardner.

Um, I want to thank
you all for coming.

And yeah, same.
So if you have any questions,

feel free
to just shoot 'em my way.

Um, I'm Elliott Goss.

It's so incredible
to meet you guys.

And yeah, if you have
if you have any questions,

you can come to me.

Yes, the dragon.

Yeah, I guess just, like,
what is this?

Well, you've all been chosen
to participate

in the single most important
experiment of all time.

We've been developing a remedy
for anguish and ignorance

that is going to enhance

the collective
human experience.

And we can't do it without you.

You've been selected
to be the first pioneers

to embark on the quest
for enlightenment.

Wait! What?

Oh, hell, yes.

I just wanted to give you
a little taste

of what I'm talking about.

So does anybody
want to volunteer

and be my little guinea pig?

[GASPS] Oh, I will.

Yes, Elodie.
Why don't you come up here

and join me, sweetie.

Oh, God. Okay.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I actually think
I hate all of them.

How many years do you think

we're gonna have to
know these people?

Even more reason
to make the pill

so we can just fix them all.

Are you okay?
I'm okay.

So what do you want
to work on today?

What do you mean?

Is there a part of you that
feels unaligned in your life?

Anything you want to fix?
Anything at all?

Oh, gosh. Where do I start?

Um, I guess,

well, I could use a boyfriend.


Great. So what would
a boyfriend do for you?

Get me laid.


Sexual connection. Good.

What else?


I guess
I've always been a romantic.

I've always just felt like
happiest when I'm in love.


Can I say something that might
not make any sense to you?


You don't want a boyfriend.



I do though.

Consciously, you do.

But when every part of us
truly wants something...


We can manifest it
like that. [SNAPS]

So the fact that you're sitting
up here and you're telling me

that you want a boyfriend
but you don't have one,

it tells me that
there's some part of you

somewhere that just isn't
completely on board.


You're not listening
to every part of Elodie.

Would you like to hear
what she has to say?

Yes, yes. What does she say?

Okay. Well, I'm going
to embody Elodie,

so that you two
can have a conversation.

How does that sound?



Why don't you
give me your hand, sweetie?




I think if you
get into a relationship,

you're gonna mess it up
like you always do.

You're gonna scare him away

because he's gonna realize
how pathetic you really are.

You're unrealized
and superficial.

And roller skating
is not a point of view.

Is she really
channeling right now?

Every time you get into
a relationship,

you get ignored
or rejected all over again.

So I'm going to reject

every man that comes my way

before he has
a chance to reject me!

So what now?

You have to convince me

that you're worthy.

you are going to die alone.


Do you see what happened there?

We got in touch
with the part of Elodie

that is in resistance.

You won't acknowledge
her power over you.


Thank you, Elodie.
Why don't you take a seat?

[WHISPERS] That was amazing.

So here at Lyte,

what we're trying to do
is heal the wounds

that put us in resistance

with the things that we need.

That was the first step

towards healing
that particular trauma

because you weren't born
with that trauma.

Something happened in your life
that fractured you.

We have hundreds of fractures.

It's overwhelming, isn't it?


But here's the good news.

We are going to fix
all of that.

And we're gonna do it
with a small private group.

Just you all, me,
Portia, Drew, Elliott,

and some of the most
well regarded scientists

working in our time.

I meanl mean,
how does that sound?


Normally, it would
take a lifetime

to heal all of these wounds.

But we are developing a pill

that is 100% backed by science

that is going to integrate

all the tiny broken pieces
of your souls

in one fell swoop.

And with all due respect,
if she can enlighten you guys,

she can enlighten anyone.

I need this.

I have a lot of issues.

This is so messed up.

Do you want to share
your thoughts with us, Dogey?

Yeah. I just have a problem
with what I just saw.

You didn't become
a part of her.

You bullied that girl.

I don't like this one bit.

Is that because maybe
you're afraid to do this work?

Um, no.

I think it's just all bullshit.

Nah, man, expand your mind.
This shit is real.

Ugh, I can't even with
how low you vibrate.

Hey, it's okay.

He just has a choice to make.

Do you want to work on yourself

and bettering the lives
of everyone in the world

or do you want to leave?

There's a great restaurant
right next door

if you want to grab a bite
on your way home.


Fuck you. Fuck all of this.

I'm Catholic.

He's famously closeted.

[WHISPERS] Oh, okay.
Is there anyone else

who is having doubts
about this?

Because this is not something
to take lightly.

This is a huge responsibility.

And you will be dedicating 100%
of your lives to this cause.

People may not understand.

Family and partners,

they may question you
about this.

But that should embolden you

because that tells you
that their love

has always been conditional.

That's an unfortunate truth

because even our parents
withhold love from us

when we don't turn out
how they envisioned.

But we will become
a family together

in our pursuit
for unconditional love.

We are voyagers

of true love

for the betterment of humanity.

And if that is not something
that you are interested in,

then you're free to leave.

I'm with you.

Me too.


I'm in.

I mean, we have to.

Let's do this!



Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

This is a day

that I've been looking
forward to my entire life.

I just didn't know it.


Every now and again,

an innovation comes along

that changes everything.

I've been lucky to be at
the helm of several of these.

In 1992,

I envisioned a world
where people could

send messages back and forth
at the speed of light,

allowing everybody to easefully
make plans with each other.

I called it texting.


We love texting!

And now I bring you

the greatest breakthrough

in the history of our species,

universal enlightenment.


That's right.
And to explain it,

I'd like to introduce my friend
and business partner.

we've been working on a formula

to change the world.

Dory Sief.

Yeah, Dory!


So I don't get a kiss?


I believe.

I believe that humankind

can not only know love

but be love.

That we are intended
to transcend consciousness

to survive.

Since the dawn of time,

we have pined for an era

where we reconcile
the dilemma of who we are

and why we are here

and transmute ourselves

into absolute peace.

We are evolving.

And we're so thrilled
to present

the very first to evolve.

These six test subjects
were chosen

from amongst
210 million Americans

and asked to redirect
their online presence

with a new focus

on the quest for enlightenment.

These pioneers are gonna be
the first people on the planet

to take the pill

that's gonna bring about
a revolution of love.

And now may I introduce
my disciples.



First up, Leonora Hamsdale.


Red Lyte!


Marty Plushfeld!


Orange Lyte!


Winnie Miranda!


Yellow Lyte!


Pepper Southerland!


Green Lyte!


Ritchie Thinky!


Blue Lyte!



And Elodie Revlon!


Violet Lyte!


Yeah! Whoo!






♪ ♪

Hey. You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm doing fine.


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

♪ Are you here ♪

♪ ♪

♪ With me ♪