Scandal (2012–2018): Season 6, Episode 8 - A Stomach for Blood - full transcript
The events leading up to the election night, as seen from Abby's perspective reveal a thirst for power.
Hello, Philadelphia!
We love you, Frankie!
I want to thank you
for thinking differently.
Thank you for thinking about
tomorrow, not yesterday.
About progress, not decline.
About equality, not bigotry.
About love, not hate.
About hope, not fear.
Thank you for thinking
we can really be a nation
of the people, by the people
and for the people.
IHoy si somos una nación
de la gente, por la gente,
y para toda la gente!
God bless you.
And may God bless these
United States of America.
Folks, this is just...
Frankie Vargas has been shot.
The president-elect
has been shot.
- We have Falcon and Firebrand.
- Extraction via west...
Stagecoach is standing by.
Ms. Whelan, we're gonna take the
stairs to the parking garage, okay?
Status on Foxtail's team?
Foxtail's on our six.
back with us at the Castle.
We have Falcon and Firebrand.
Extraction via west stairwell.
Stagecoach is standing by.
Status on Foxtail's team?
Foxtail's on our six.
Will rendezvous
back with us back at...
Make a right up here.
We've got eyes on Stagecoach.
Exit route is clear.
Watch your head,
Ms. Whelan.
Go! Go, go, go!
Don't tell me what you think,
Ken. Tell me what you know.
Find out!
Get Director Webster
on the phone.
We need some answers.
Have we heard from Ballard yet?
Ken's lost,
and Margaret doesn't have him.
Have you been in touch with him?
Get that?
Do not do this.
You are chief of staff
to the president
of the United States of America.
Something has happened
that has never happened
in the history of this country.
So you don't get to break down.
You have to serve your country.
You have to stay with me.
I need you.
Got it?
Your phone...
Answer it.
Yeah. Patch me through
to Webster.
Call list is a mile long
and growing.
You want me to go over it
with you now or... Later.
Okay, but everyone's
asking for you.
The press secretary
wants to... Later!
You shot him.
This is not happening.
Listen to me...
W-What can I...
I can't just leave.
Because I'm his right-hand man.
You think the president
isn't gonna notice if I leave?
Look... Look,
I'll do something else.
Just give me something else,
but I can't...
There's no way I can...
I want Santa Barbara.
There are already
two presidential libraries
in Southern California.
Have you been to Sacramento?
What's wrong with Sacramento?
It's not Santa Barbara.
You have a new aide.
Julie? Jackie?
San Jose would kill to be
the site for your library.
Jessa. She brought me
a muffin yesterday.
She wasn't wearing a bra.
She's gone in the morning.
These young ones are bold.
She's what, 22?
She's a child.
I think I'm more attractive
to women now than when I was 25.
You are the most powerful man
in the world.
These women are not hot for you.
They're hot for your office.
Your power.
Power is sexy.
Thank you for clearing that up.
Now I'm going to
a donor lunch for you.
What about Vermont?
What about Vermont?
If the library were in Vermont,
I could spend some time
up there at the house.
It's close to Karen.
Tell me you're joking.
Libraries, foundations.
Doesn't anyone ever deviate
from the script?
Chop wood? Ski? Relax?
Mr. President,
the Fitzgerald Grant Library
will be a living,
breathing monument...
Not just to your past, but to
who you will be in the future.
You are young.
You have so much more
to accomplish.
Enjoy your lunch.
Thank you for coming.
We deeply appreciate
your interest
in supporting
the Grant Foundation,
as well as preserving the legacy
of President Grant's
time in office.
We're only beginning
to identify a location
for the presidential library,
but we'd hold any contribution
you're willing to make
at this time in high esteem.
Did you happen to have
a figure in mind?
$250 million.
I'm sorry?
I thought we discussed 3.
$300 million.
For a presidential library?
Of course not.
Do we look crazy?
No. I, um...
$300 million.
Not for the president
or his library, Ms. Whelan.
It's not his team that we're
interested in being a part of.
It's yours.
I was under the impression
this was a donor lunch,
that the two of you
were from the...
Oh, Fund for American Renewal.
To be honest,
I had never heard of it.
But my office assured me it was
legitimate. Unfortunately...
My business is quite legitimate,
Ms. Whelan... as am I.
Yet you're here
with $300 million
to be a part of
a... a team?
My team?
My team doesn't exist.
Not yet, at least,
but the funding does...
All set up in a PAC account,
controlled by you and you alone.
Peus. And Ms...?
I've had the privilege of serving at
the pleasure of the president for...
For far too long.
How sick and tired must you be?
Of serving someone else,
of catering to
that big old man-baby's
every waking need,
of working day in, day out
in service
of someone else's vision?
The slog, right?
Come on. Be honest.
How jazzed are you
gonna be come January,
when your official duties
are dunzo, huh?
Come January,
my duties to the president
will continue, Ms. Ruland.
Now, that's just sad.
What I think Marjorie
is trying to say is,
you don't have to do that.
At least, you shouldn't.
You have ideas,
Ms. Whelan.
You have a vision, a point of
view that is entirely your own.
The problem is
that no one gets to hear it.
You're in the shadows,
obstructed by the man
who you consider it
a privilege to work for.
Well, I'm here to tell you
that your abilities
have not been lost on us.
My fund...
The Fund for American Renewal...
Its focus is the future
of this country.
And I believe it's you,
Ms. Whelan, who is that future.
So we're offering you
$300 million
to tell us about your ideas,
your vision, your point of view.
We are the ones who listen.
What do you want?
I just told you.
What do you want, Mr. Peus?
What's the catch?
How many strings are attached
to this offer?
I'm willing to bet there's
at least 300 million of them.
Am I right?
Well, I guess that depends.
If things go well
and you meet our expectations,
there is a scenario where we set
our sights, well... higher.
Have you ever considered
running for public office,
Ms. Whelan?
A little inside information...
In this town, a person wields
far more power from the shadows
than as some state senator
or junior congresswoman.
What about as president?
You can't be serious.
You're serious.
I'm not a politician.
You are not a politician.
You've never run for anything
in your life.
You don't fit here.
You're cut from
an entirely different cloth.
You even fail to recognize
your own value.
Imagine that...
Here, in this city,
someone like that.
Precisely why the three of us
are here right now, Ms. Whelan.
How about a good think
on the sitch, hmm?
That won't be necessary.
I appreciate the offer,
the kind words,
but... no.
Thank you, but no.
Good luck building that library,
Ms. Whelan.
What fun.
I mean, I know it's
supposed to be a privilege,
and I am a patriot and all,
but I'm ready for it to be done.
You're not even sleeping
I mean, 1600 Penn, it's just
ruining all the fun, Ab.
I can't wait to have you
to myself again.
Maybe take you
on a little vacation?
Perhaps a little Hawaii action?
What do you think?
Well, this is nice.
I like this.
Our conversations...
So deep, so meaningful.
Abby. Hello?
Do we still have that bottle of
bourbon your father gave us?
Red. Wow.
I don't know what I did
to deserve this.
You're up in the polls today.
Increased your lead
by three whole points.
Your debate performance
last week killed.
That is true.
Well, I just thought
I might pass along
my compliments in person.
What do you need?
This is a $2,000
bottle of bourbon, Red.
What do you need?
How'd you know
that Vargas was the one?
The one?
The guy. Your guy.
The one you plucked
from relative obscurity.
Left the White House for,
hitched your wagon to.
The one.
Some people have it, Red.
A brilliancy, charisma,
Of course, the strong jaw
and glorious hairline
don't exactly hurt, either.
Fitz had it.
Frankie does, too.
But what makes you sure?
That they have what it takes,
that they can go all the way?
What makes you sure?
Cyrus, I asked you a question.
Have you told him yet?
Told him what?
That you're thinking about
leaving him, making a run.
I'm not thinking about it.
You are.
Don't lie, Red.
I know the look. I've seen it
on many, many faces.
He has no idea, does he?
It hasn't gotten that far.
I mi...
I might not do it.
You'd make a great candidate.
I have no doubt about that.
You have the brilliancy,
charisma, breeding.
Plus, those tresses of yours,
don't get me started.
But let's be clear...
Once you leave him,
there'll be no more smiles,
no more pats on the back,
no more scotch on the damn seal.
He will not be proud of you.
He will be abandoned by you.
no matter how good your life is
or how successful you are,
there's always gonna
be a part of you that...
you never really
feel whole again.
A piece of you
is always with him.
If you can live
with that... do it.
Soar to great heights.
Join me over here
in the rare air.
If you can't, don't.
No one's going to blame you...
Especially me.
I love that picture.
Margaret told me
to wait in here...?
How was your lunch
the other day?
With the donors?
Oh. Fine. Whatever.
Are these your notes
on the Labor Day speech?
215 acres outside of Rutland.
Ample space for the library,
close to my house.
You can run the foundation
from Bennington. It's nearby.
You want me to move
to Bennington?
I want you to run my foundation.
From Vermont.
I've decided that's where
I'm going after the election.
Take Teddy.
It's close to Karen.
I've never been
I hear it's the most
challenging, the most peaceful.
Vermont has some of the best
fly-fishing in the country.
You're not saying anything.
I can actually learn
to make jam.
Okay. No.
I have been busting my ass
building up your foundation.
I am killing myself
to further your legacy,
to accomplish something,
to change the world,
without Congress or... or...
Or the courts as an obstacle.
And you want to make jam?!
I want to be a human again.
You're not a human. You are the
president of the United States.
Why does everyone who isn't me
think they know
what I should be doing?
You can't dodge the
responsibility of this office.
You are President Fitzgerald
Grant III until you die!
Are you worried about your
career, what's next for you?
Please. You are the most
powerful woman in Washington.
Don't worry.
You'll have every opportunity.
Yeah, I'm not worried.
This isn't about me.
It's about me?
Yes, sir.
You are the president.
It is always about you!
In six months, you will have
the power, the means,
and the freedom to literally
save a piece of the world.
Stop being a child and grow up!
I'll remind you, Abby,
that I have dutifully
served my country
in every way possible.
I have fought... literally
fought... for this country.
I have been shot
for this country.
I have given my child
for this country.
I have handed this country
my heart.
I have given this country
my soul.
And while you were baking pies
for your poli-sci professors
and prancing around the quad
pretending to stand
for something,
I was giving everything I knew
how to give to my country.
I know who I am
and what I've done.
And if I want to take
some time away
from this bloodsucking swamp,
time for myself, run myself
instead of being run
by people with their own agenda
for the first time
in three decades,
I think I've earned that right.
Olivia is never going
to Vermont for you.
That... was low.
Lower than you.
She's not. I'm sorry.
The library is going to be
in Rutland, Vermont.
Look into the land.
Update me in the morning.
You can go.
Mr. Peus? Abby Whelan.
I'm in.
Ex-wife, Senator Grant,
who was very popular
as First Lady of California
and still retains a residence
down US-101 from San Benito
in Santa Barbara.
What an amazing moment, Senator.
You should be very proud.
This moment?
It's not about me, Abby.
It is about every woman who has
been told her entire life
that her dreams, her desires are
crazy and impossible
and that the ceiling's
too high and unbreakable.
I am about to show them all...
that's not true.
Not for me
and not for any of us.
And for that?
Yeah, I am very, very proud.
This is it!
Turn up the TV!
Loud! BNC is now ready to
call San Benito County
and the state of California,
and... this is a surprise.
BNC is projecting
that Governor Frankie Vargas
will carry San Benito County
and the state of California
to become the next president
of the United States.
Um, amazing.
Well, that's it, folks.
After one
of the greatest setbacks
in political history,
Frankie Vargas...
I can't talk right now.
It's the apocalypse.
Well, now,
that certainly depends
on your point of view,
don't you think?
Frankie Vargas was
just elected President.
And if I were you,
I would try and dial down
my panic level
before things
get really interesting.
What are you talking about?
I'm gonna call you again
in a few minutes.
You'll be very distracted,
very upset,
much more upset
than you are right now,
and you might not want
to answer the phone.
That would be a mistake,
because I need you
to answer the phone.
Then I will give you
on what you're going to do next.
Give me instructions?
About what?
I want to thank you
for thinking differently.
Thank you for thinking about
tomorrow, not yesterday.
About progress, not decline.
About equality, not bigotry.
About love, not hate.
About hope, not fear.
Thank you for thinking
we can really be
a nation of the people,
by the people
and for the people.
IHoy si somos una nación
de la gente, por la gente,
y para toda la gente!
God bless you.
And may God bless these
United States of America.
Oh, my God!
Folks, this is just...
Frankie Vargas has been shot.
The president-elect...
You shot him.
Not personally, but I can see
how you'd get there.
This isn't happening.
Vargas' body is
at St. Anne's Hospital.
We're gonna need you
to go there and lock it down...
Secret Service, medical staff,
local authorities.
The only way to stay out
of jail tonight
is if they're taking
their orders from you.
No. An associate of ours
will meet you there.
No! She'll tell you what to do.
Listen to me...
BDIC... it's a small bank
in Macau,
used by North Korean
Intelligence to launder money.
That's where
your money came from.
The money we gave you...
North Korean Intelligence.
The Treasury's Office
of Terrorist Financing
and Financial Crimes
isn't onto it yet,
but we could report it.
You still there?
Ms. Whelan?
Yes. What do you
want me to...
St. Anne's Hospital...
Lock it down.
I can't just leave.
Why not? Because I'm
his right hand.
You think the president
isn't gonna notice if I leave?
You're a smart girl.
You'll figure it out.
Look, just give me
something else.
I can do something else,
but I can't...
There's no way I can...
Give this
to the staff secretary.
Have her bring it to
the president in 15 minutes.
While he's in the Sit Room.
That's very important.
If she asks where it came from,
tell her it's classified.
Abby. I thought you'd be
downstairs already.
Heading there now.
- 15 minutes.
- Got it.
Nelson McClintock... prints on
the sniper rifle look to be his.
We're testing.
Are we sure he's not part
of a terrorist cell? Dana?
The CIA has no intel
on this guy.
Appears to be homegrown.
We recovered a smartphone
on him, but it's locked,
and the tech company's
putting up legal fight.
They aren't gonna give their help.
We don't need it.
My team opened it already.
Nice of the
National Security Director
to show up on a matter
of national security.
I was being briefed by my guys.
We ran a vacuum
over the entire event,
sucked up the data
from everyone's phones.
didn't make or receive...
You need to get to the hospital.
I want this place secure.
Shut the elevators down, close
the banks across the street,
clear the floor.
Only essential personnel...
No campaign staff,
no press, no family,
no local police,
no florists, no orderlies,
no administrators.
I want to see only doctors
and nurses, agents, me and you.
That's it.
I want everyone else
off this floor.
And let's toss a net
on all cell service,
Wi-Fi, landlines...
My babies saw their daddy
get shot on TV.
I have to call them!
Miss Whelan?
Not now.
I have a package for you
from our friends.
We're pretending
we have options?
I don't know
what your plan is...
Our plan...
This is insane.
The president-elect
is dead.
You people did that.
You should listen closely now.
This envelope has three
long-range sniper bullets in it.
You're going to make it look
like they were pulled
from the president-elect's
and get me the ones
that are really in there.
I can't... do that.
Ms. Whelan.
Yeah, I know...
North Korea, criminal charges.
Guess what.
I don't care.
Planting evidence?
It crosses the line.
That's what
we thought you'd say.
That's your boyfriend, right?
Leo Bergen?
Is your conscience worth
your boyfriend's life?
What you're asking for
is impossible.
Do you know how hard it was
to lock this place down
when everyone's carrying
a camera in their pocket?
I'm having a hard enough time
controlling the situation as it is.
Details, Abby.
You'll figure it out.
You're a leader.
We believe in you.
Give it to me.
The FBI is requesting
any and all evidence
pertinent to the investigation
into Governor Vargas'
We need the bullets
you removed from his body.
The bullets are still
in his brain, arm, and abdomen,
and the only way to retrieve
them is to perform an autopsy.
Then we need an autopsy done
on Governor Vargas now.
No, we can't perform an autopsy
until the Joint Pathology Center
orders one.
Well, what are they waiting for?
Me. What are you waiting for?
The president.
But you have to do something!
Not until I'm ready.
Sir, he's dead!
He isn't dead
until I say he's dead!
We've had
the president-elect moved
to the morgue's autopsy room.
There's evidence inside
Governor Vargas
that's crucial
to the investigation.
We need those bullets, Major.
Uh, hang on.
Has the president-elect
been declared dead?
I mean, I am aware of
the president-elect's condition,
but the Joint Pathology Center
an official confirmation
before conducting
a postmortem...
Major Morales.
You've asked for a transfer
to Edwards Air Force Base
in California and been denied
three times, correct?
Twice. I'm still waiting to hear
about my last request.
You know who I am, Major,
who I work for?
Yes, ma'am.
You've been denied three times.
Your parents live in California.
Pacoima. But I don't know
what this...
It would be nice for your
daughters, Alexis and Natalie,
to grow up
near their grandparents.
Yes. It would... Unfortunately,
Edwards doesn't need another doctor.
Thule Air Base, though,
could use a good pathologist.
Thule? In Greenland?
North of
the Arctic Circle. Yes.
Little Alexis and Natalie
will love it.
Plenty of snow.
20 hours of darkness in the
winter can be a bitch, but...
What's going on here?
Are you...
blackmailing me?
With every passing moment, the
people responsible for murdering
our president-elect
get further away.
I am not blackmailing you,
Major Morales.
I'm giving you an opportunity...
A chance to serve your nation
in its darkest hour
and be rewarded
in sunny California.
Do you know why
the Joint Pathology exists?
To perform the autopsies
of federal officials.
But their team has not arrived,
and the president
has not even declared
the president-elect
dead yet.
I thought
the president-elect's autopsy
was already underway.
That's the point,
Agent Spaulding. You're right.
There's a member
of the Joint Pathology team
in there right now.
Just the one.
And his hands are...
Well, I don't blame him
for being nervous.
We're all nervous, but we're not
elbow-deep in the president-elect.
So, how did he even get
access... Yes, Agent.
How did he? How?
I thought you did everything
by the book.
Hey, you can't be in here.
Please put down your instruments
and step away from the body.
I'm in the middle
of something here.
We need you
to come with us, Major.
She told me...
It's okay, Major.
You can return
with your full team
when the president
signs off on the autopsy.
He won't forget
your service today.
Come on.
Ma'am, I'll keep watch
over the president-elect
until the full
Joint Pathology team arrives.
Thank you, Agent Spaulding.
Where's Leo?
Assuming my friends are pleased,
you should have
your boyfriend back
within a couple of hours.
Oh, my God!
And the bastards stole
my grandfather's watch.
Oh, Leo, what happened?
It was the craziest thing.
I have no idea.
I blacked out.
I-I don't remember
Cops found me
in an alley in Southeast
and brought me home.
Well, what'd the cops say?
Do they have any leads?
Not a one.
Here. Here.
Let's get you up.
Ow, ow, ow.
Ow, ow.
Hey, at least when they ask me
where I was
when Frankie Vargas got shot,
I'll have a great story.
I'm so sorry.
It wasn't your fault.
Yes, Mr. President?
Wait. What?
My God. It was Cyrus Beene.
He killed Frankie Vargas.
It's the only voicemail that went
missing from the FBI tip line.
Less than a day later,
her cabin exploded.
This is Cyrus.
He did this.
He killed Frankie.
Ms. Whelan.
Are you framing Cyrus?
Let me guess...
They found the voicemail?
If I had known
that was the plan...
You'd have what?
Let your boyfriend die?
You're a brilliant woman,
Ms. Whelan,
but you don't have
a stomach for blood.
Cyrus should be President.
Are you framing Cyrus?
You don't have
a stomach for blood.
Cyrus should be President.
Okay, I'm not sure
how the NSA can help, beyond
what we've already done...
I'm not looking
for the NSA's help, Jake.
I'm looking for yours.
Mr. McClintock
has confessed to the crime
of shooting Frankie Vargas.
Good evening.
The election's over.
You're wrong.
- I'm not wrong.
- You're wrong!
Sir, opening up this
investigation into Cyrus Beene
based on some random voicemail
and 20 seconds of video footage
that's clearly been
taken out of context...
I made a decision.
You are being played.
The warrant was served by
the attorney general himself,
who accompanied
Vice President-Elect Beene
to Maryland Hamilton
Federal Penitentiary.
Tell me you're not seriously
considering making this
a death-penalty case
against Cyrus.
The chief of staff
doesn't make these decisions.
The president does.
Fully support the decision
of our attorney general
to pursue the death penalty
against Cyrus Beene,
for a crime of this magnitude
deserves no lesser punishment.
David, it's Abby.
I need to talk to you.
It's Sunday.
I am not working.
You're the attorney general
of the United States.
You're always working.
I hate you.
This is important.
Give me a minute.
I hate to interrupt
a good hero moment.
Did you think we were
gonna let you waltz over
to the attorney general
and make a plea
for Cyrus Beene's life?
What are you talking about?
Look at you, playing all dumb.
Thinking you can outsmart us.
Like there's anything you can do
that we haven't already
prepared for.
So naive.
But I guess you'd have to be
to think you could
actually be president someday.
You won't be the first person
to underestimate me.
Says every loser
who's built a career
on riding
other people's coattails.
Leave right now.
Because the attorney general
of the United States...
My friend David Rosen...
Is going to come out that door,
and I'm gonna give
him information
that's gonna put you
and your people in a cement box
until the time comes for you
to stand trial for treason.
Oh, Abby.
I'm a real bitch.
You just play one on TV.
I'm gonna be front row
when they give you the chair.
Oh, amazing.
You got to meet Samantha.
Hey, handsome.
She's the best.
she's the best.
We're heading to brunch.
You want to come with?
Abby wanted to talk.
Did she?
What is it that you wanted?
It can wait.
He's fine.
There's a high-value inmate
I need your help getting to.
You should ask Olivia.
I can't ask Olivia.
I'm, um...
I-I've got a lot
going on right now.
I would love to help, but...
What if I had something
to trade?
Something you wanted?
You want Cyrus
out of jail, right?
You think he's innocent.
What are you talking about?
Jennifer Fields is alive.
Say that again?
Jennifer Fields...
The woman from the cabin?
She's alive.
You're not supposed to know yet,
and I can't tell you
where she is right now,
but she's safe.
And when the time is right,
maybe I can arrange a meeting.
Because one of the things
she can do
is help exonerate Cyrus.
Looks a lot worse than it feels, Red.
No contact! Hey!
Tom Larsen
wasn't Frankie's shooter.
He set me up,
which means I am innocent.
So if you came here...
I came here
to say I believe you.
You are innocent, Cyrus.
What are you doing?
I'm going to war for you.
What does that...
What does that mean, Red?
All you need to know
is I'm not giving up.
I'm here to make a deal.
You're not in the strongest
deal-making position
right now, Ms. Whelan.
It's stronger than you think.
I have something you want...
Information you need.
I'll give it to you, and I
assure you it will be worth it.
I just need you
to get Cyrus out of jail.
What is it?
Will you get Cyrus out of jail?
Will you get Cyrus out of jail?!
If the information
is as good as you say it is,
you have a deal.
Jennifer Fields is alive.
Oh, my God!
You're going to
get me out of here.
I'm gonna save your life.
Whatever it takes.
Is it done?
Jennifer Fields is dead.
And Huck?
Don't worry, Ms. Whelan.
He'll have no idea
you were part of this.
You said it yourself, Cyrus.
I'm a force.
We love you, Frankie!
I want to thank you
for thinking differently.
Thank you for thinking about
tomorrow, not yesterday.
About progress, not decline.
About equality, not bigotry.
About love, not hate.
About hope, not fear.
Thank you for thinking
we can really be a nation
of the people, by the people
and for the people.
IHoy si somos una nación
de la gente, por la gente,
y para toda la gente!
God bless you.
And may God bless these
United States of America.
Folks, this is just...
Frankie Vargas has been shot.
The president-elect
has been shot.
- We have Falcon and Firebrand.
- Extraction via west...
Stagecoach is standing by.
Ms. Whelan, we're gonna take the
stairs to the parking garage, okay?
Status on Foxtail's team?
Foxtail's on our six.
back with us at the Castle.
We have Falcon and Firebrand.
Extraction via west stairwell.
Stagecoach is standing by.
Status on Foxtail's team?
Foxtail's on our six.
Will rendezvous
back with us back at...
Make a right up here.
We've got eyes on Stagecoach.
Exit route is clear.
Watch your head,
Ms. Whelan.
Go! Go, go, go!
Don't tell me what you think,
Ken. Tell me what you know.
Find out!
Get Director Webster
on the phone.
We need some answers.
Have we heard from Ballard yet?
Ken's lost,
and Margaret doesn't have him.
Have you been in touch with him?
Get that?
Do not do this.
You are chief of staff
to the president
of the United States of America.
Something has happened
that has never happened
in the history of this country.
So you don't get to break down.
You have to serve your country.
You have to stay with me.
I need you.
Got it?
Your phone...
Answer it.
Yeah. Patch me through
to Webster.
Call list is a mile long
and growing.
You want me to go over it
with you now or... Later.
Okay, but everyone's
asking for you.
The press secretary
wants to... Later!
You shot him.
This is not happening.
Listen to me...
W-What can I...
I can't just leave.
Because I'm his right-hand man.
You think the president
isn't gonna notice if I leave?
Look... Look,
I'll do something else.
Just give me something else,
but I can't...
There's no way I can...
I want Santa Barbara.
There are already
two presidential libraries
in Southern California.
Have you been to Sacramento?
What's wrong with Sacramento?
It's not Santa Barbara.
You have a new aide.
Julie? Jackie?
San Jose would kill to be
the site for your library.
Jessa. She brought me
a muffin yesterday.
She wasn't wearing a bra.
She's gone in the morning.
These young ones are bold.
She's what, 22?
She's a child.
I think I'm more attractive
to women now than when I was 25.
You are the most powerful man
in the world.
These women are not hot for you.
They're hot for your office.
Your power.
Power is sexy.
Thank you for clearing that up.
Now I'm going to
a donor lunch for you.
What about Vermont?
What about Vermont?
If the library were in Vermont,
I could spend some time
up there at the house.
It's close to Karen.
Tell me you're joking.
Libraries, foundations.
Doesn't anyone ever deviate
from the script?
Chop wood? Ski? Relax?
Mr. President,
the Fitzgerald Grant Library
will be a living,
breathing monument...
Not just to your past, but to
who you will be in the future.
You are young.
You have so much more
to accomplish.
Enjoy your lunch.
Thank you for coming.
We deeply appreciate
your interest
in supporting
the Grant Foundation,
as well as preserving the legacy
of President Grant's
time in office.
We're only beginning
to identify a location
for the presidential library,
but we'd hold any contribution
you're willing to make
at this time in high esteem.
Did you happen to have
a figure in mind?
$250 million.
I'm sorry?
I thought we discussed 3.
$300 million.
For a presidential library?
Of course not.
Do we look crazy?
No. I, um...
$300 million.
Not for the president
or his library, Ms. Whelan.
It's not his team that we're
interested in being a part of.
It's yours.
I was under the impression
this was a donor lunch,
that the two of you
were from the...
Oh, Fund for American Renewal.
To be honest,
I had never heard of it.
But my office assured me it was
legitimate. Unfortunately...
My business is quite legitimate,
Ms. Whelan... as am I.
Yet you're here
with $300 million
to be a part of
a... a team?
My team?
My team doesn't exist.
Not yet, at least,
but the funding does...
All set up in a PAC account,
controlled by you and you alone.
Peus. And Ms...?
I've had the privilege of serving at
the pleasure of the president for...
For far too long.
How sick and tired must you be?
Of serving someone else,
of catering to
that big old man-baby's
every waking need,
of working day in, day out
in service
of someone else's vision?
The slog, right?
Come on. Be honest.
How jazzed are you
gonna be come January,
when your official duties
are dunzo, huh?
Come January,
my duties to the president
will continue, Ms. Ruland.
Now, that's just sad.
What I think Marjorie
is trying to say is,
you don't have to do that.
At least, you shouldn't.
You have ideas,
Ms. Whelan.
You have a vision, a point of
view that is entirely your own.
The problem is
that no one gets to hear it.
You're in the shadows,
obstructed by the man
who you consider it
a privilege to work for.
Well, I'm here to tell you
that your abilities
have not been lost on us.
My fund...
The Fund for American Renewal...
Its focus is the future
of this country.
And I believe it's you,
Ms. Whelan, who is that future.
So we're offering you
$300 million
to tell us about your ideas,
your vision, your point of view.
We are the ones who listen.
What do you want?
I just told you.
What do you want, Mr. Peus?
What's the catch?
How many strings are attached
to this offer?
I'm willing to bet there's
at least 300 million of them.
Am I right?
Well, I guess that depends.
If things go well
and you meet our expectations,
there is a scenario where we set
our sights, well... higher.
Have you ever considered
running for public office,
Ms. Whelan?
A little inside information...
In this town, a person wields
far more power from the shadows
than as some state senator
or junior congresswoman.
What about as president?
You can't be serious.
You're serious.
I'm not a politician.
You are not a politician.
You've never run for anything
in your life.
You don't fit here.
You're cut from
an entirely different cloth.
You even fail to recognize
your own value.
Imagine that...
Here, in this city,
someone like that.
Precisely why the three of us
are here right now, Ms. Whelan.
How about a good think
on the sitch, hmm?
That won't be necessary.
I appreciate the offer,
the kind words,
but... no.
Thank you, but no.
Good luck building that library,
Ms. Whelan.
What fun.
I mean, I know it's
supposed to be a privilege,
and I am a patriot and all,
but I'm ready for it to be done.
You're not even sleeping
I mean, 1600 Penn, it's just
ruining all the fun, Ab.
I can't wait to have you
to myself again.
Maybe take you
on a little vacation?
Perhaps a little Hawaii action?
What do you think?
Well, this is nice.
I like this.
Our conversations...
So deep, so meaningful.
Abby. Hello?
Do we still have that bottle of
bourbon your father gave us?
Red. Wow.
I don't know what I did
to deserve this.
You're up in the polls today.
Increased your lead
by three whole points.
Your debate performance
last week killed.
That is true.
Well, I just thought
I might pass along
my compliments in person.
What do you need?
This is a $2,000
bottle of bourbon, Red.
What do you need?
How'd you know
that Vargas was the one?
The one?
The guy. Your guy.
The one you plucked
from relative obscurity.
Left the White House for,
hitched your wagon to.
The one.
Some people have it, Red.
A brilliancy, charisma,
Of course, the strong jaw
and glorious hairline
don't exactly hurt, either.
Fitz had it.
Frankie does, too.
But what makes you sure?
That they have what it takes,
that they can go all the way?
What makes you sure?
Cyrus, I asked you a question.
Have you told him yet?
Told him what?
That you're thinking about
leaving him, making a run.
I'm not thinking about it.
You are.
Don't lie, Red.
I know the look. I've seen it
on many, many faces.
He has no idea, does he?
It hasn't gotten that far.
I mi...
I might not do it.
You'd make a great candidate.
I have no doubt about that.
You have the brilliancy,
charisma, breeding.
Plus, those tresses of yours,
don't get me started.
But let's be clear...
Once you leave him,
there'll be no more smiles,
no more pats on the back,
no more scotch on the damn seal.
He will not be proud of you.
He will be abandoned by you.
no matter how good your life is
or how successful you are,
there's always gonna
be a part of you that...
you never really
feel whole again.
A piece of you
is always with him.
If you can live
with that... do it.
Soar to great heights.
Join me over here
in the rare air.
If you can't, don't.
No one's going to blame you...
Especially me.
I love that picture.
Margaret told me
to wait in here...?
How was your lunch
the other day?
With the donors?
Oh. Fine. Whatever.
Are these your notes
on the Labor Day speech?
215 acres outside of Rutland.
Ample space for the library,
close to my house.
You can run the foundation
from Bennington. It's nearby.
You want me to move
to Bennington?
I want you to run my foundation.
From Vermont.
I've decided that's where
I'm going after the election.
Take Teddy.
It's close to Karen.
I've never been
I hear it's the most
challenging, the most peaceful.
Vermont has some of the best
fly-fishing in the country.
You're not saying anything.
I can actually learn
to make jam.
Okay. No.
I have been busting my ass
building up your foundation.
I am killing myself
to further your legacy,
to accomplish something,
to change the world,
without Congress or... or...
Or the courts as an obstacle.
And you want to make jam?!
I want to be a human again.
You're not a human. You are the
president of the United States.
Why does everyone who isn't me
think they know
what I should be doing?
You can't dodge the
responsibility of this office.
You are President Fitzgerald
Grant III until you die!
Are you worried about your
career, what's next for you?
Please. You are the most
powerful woman in Washington.
Don't worry.
You'll have every opportunity.
Yeah, I'm not worried.
This isn't about me.
It's about me?
Yes, sir.
You are the president.
It is always about you!
In six months, you will have
the power, the means,
and the freedom to literally
save a piece of the world.
Stop being a child and grow up!
I'll remind you, Abby,
that I have dutifully
served my country
in every way possible.
I have fought... literally
fought... for this country.
I have been shot
for this country.
I have given my child
for this country.
I have handed this country
my heart.
I have given this country
my soul.
And while you were baking pies
for your poli-sci professors
and prancing around the quad
pretending to stand
for something,
I was giving everything I knew
how to give to my country.
I know who I am
and what I've done.
And if I want to take
some time away
from this bloodsucking swamp,
time for myself, run myself
instead of being run
by people with their own agenda
for the first time
in three decades,
I think I've earned that right.
Olivia is never going
to Vermont for you.
That... was low.
Lower than you.
She's not. I'm sorry.
The library is going to be
in Rutland, Vermont.
Look into the land.
Update me in the morning.
You can go.
Mr. Peus? Abby Whelan.
I'm in.
Ex-wife, Senator Grant,
who was very popular
as First Lady of California
and still retains a residence
down US-101 from San Benito
in Santa Barbara.
What an amazing moment, Senator.
You should be very proud.
This moment?
It's not about me, Abby.
It is about every woman who has
been told her entire life
that her dreams, her desires are
crazy and impossible
and that the ceiling's
too high and unbreakable.
I am about to show them all...
that's not true.
Not for me
and not for any of us.
And for that?
Yeah, I am very, very proud.
This is it!
Turn up the TV!
Loud! BNC is now ready to
call San Benito County
and the state of California,
and... this is a surprise.
BNC is projecting
that Governor Frankie Vargas
will carry San Benito County
and the state of California
to become the next president
of the United States.
Um, amazing.
Well, that's it, folks.
After one
of the greatest setbacks
in political history,
Frankie Vargas...
I can't talk right now.
It's the apocalypse.
Well, now,
that certainly depends
on your point of view,
don't you think?
Frankie Vargas was
just elected President.
And if I were you,
I would try and dial down
my panic level
before things
get really interesting.
What are you talking about?
I'm gonna call you again
in a few minutes.
You'll be very distracted,
very upset,
much more upset
than you are right now,
and you might not want
to answer the phone.
That would be a mistake,
because I need you
to answer the phone.
Then I will give you
on what you're going to do next.
Give me instructions?
About what?
I want to thank you
for thinking differently.
Thank you for thinking about
tomorrow, not yesterday.
About progress, not decline.
About equality, not bigotry.
About love, not hate.
About hope, not fear.
Thank you for thinking
we can really be
a nation of the people,
by the people
and for the people.
IHoy si somos una nación
de la gente, por la gente,
y para toda la gente!
God bless you.
And may God bless these
United States of America.
Oh, my God!
Folks, this is just...
Frankie Vargas has been shot.
The president-elect...
You shot him.
Not personally, but I can see
how you'd get there.
This isn't happening.
Vargas' body is
at St. Anne's Hospital.
We're gonna need you
to go there and lock it down...
Secret Service, medical staff,
local authorities.
The only way to stay out
of jail tonight
is if they're taking
their orders from you.
No. An associate of ours
will meet you there.
No! She'll tell you what to do.
Listen to me...
BDIC... it's a small bank
in Macau,
used by North Korean
Intelligence to launder money.
That's where
your money came from.
The money we gave you...
North Korean Intelligence.
The Treasury's Office
of Terrorist Financing
and Financial Crimes
isn't onto it yet,
but we could report it.
You still there?
Ms. Whelan?
Yes. What do you
want me to...
St. Anne's Hospital...
Lock it down.
I can't just leave.
Why not? Because I'm
his right hand.
You think the president
isn't gonna notice if I leave?
You're a smart girl.
You'll figure it out.
Look, just give me
something else.
I can do something else,
but I can't...
There's no way I can...
Give this
to the staff secretary.
Have her bring it to
the president in 15 minutes.
While he's in the Sit Room.
That's very important.
If she asks where it came from,
tell her it's classified.
Abby. I thought you'd be
downstairs already.
Heading there now.
- 15 minutes.
- Got it.
Nelson McClintock... prints on
the sniper rifle look to be his.
We're testing.
Are we sure he's not part
of a terrorist cell? Dana?
The CIA has no intel
on this guy.
Appears to be homegrown.
We recovered a smartphone
on him, but it's locked,
and the tech company's
putting up legal fight.
They aren't gonna give their help.
We don't need it.
My team opened it already.
Nice of the
National Security Director
to show up on a matter
of national security.
I was being briefed by my guys.
We ran a vacuum
over the entire event,
sucked up the data
from everyone's phones.
didn't make or receive...
You need to get to the hospital.
I want this place secure.
Shut the elevators down, close
the banks across the street,
clear the floor.
Only essential personnel...
No campaign staff,
no press, no family,
no local police,
no florists, no orderlies,
no administrators.
I want to see only doctors
and nurses, agents, me and you.
That's it.
I want everyone else
off this floor.
And let's toss a net
on all cell service,
Wi-Fi, landlines...
My babies saw their daddy
get shot on TV.
I have to call them!
Miss Whelan?
Not now.
I have a package for you
from our friends.
We're pretending
we have options?
I don't know
what your plan is...
Our plan...
This is insane.
The president-elect
is dead.
You people did that.
You should listen closely now.
This envelope has three
long-range sniper bullets in it.
You're going to make it look
like they were pulled
from the president-elect's
and get me the ones
that are really in there.
I can't... do that.
Ms. Whelan.
Yeah, I know...
North Korea, criminal charges.
Guess what.
I don't care.
Planting evidence?
It crosses the line.
That's what
we thought you'd say.
That's your boyfriend, right?
Leo Bergen?
Is your conscience worth
your boyfriend's life?
What you're asking for
is impossible.
Do you know how hard it was
to lock this place down
when everyone's carrying
a camera in their pocket?
I'm having a hard enough time
controlling the situation as it is.
Details, Abby.
You'll figure it out.
You're a leader.
We believe in you.
Give it to me.
The FBI is requesting
any and all evidence
pertinent to the investigation
into Governor Vargas'
We need the bullets
you removed from his body.
The bullets are still
in his brain, arm, and abdomen,
and the only way to retrieve
them is to perform an autopsy.
Then we need an autopsy done
on Governor Vargas now.
No, we can't perform an autopsy
until the Joint Pathology Center
orders one.
Well, what are they waiting for?
Me. What are you waiting for?
The president.
But you have to do something!
Not until I'm ready.
Sir, he's dead!
He isn't dead
until I say he's dead!
We've had
the president-elect moved
to the morgue's autopsy room.
There's evidence inside
Governor Vargas
that's crucial
to the investigation.
We need those bullets, Major.
Uh, hang on.
Has the president-elect
been declared dead?
I mean, I am aware of
the president-elect's condition,
but the Joint Pathology Center
an official confirmation
before conducting
a postmortem...
Major Morales.
You've asked for a transfer
to Edwards Air Force Base
in California and been denied
three times, correct?
Twice. I'm still waiting to hear
about my last request.
You know who I am, Major,
who I work for?
Yes, ma'am.
You've been denied three times.
Your parents live in California.
Pacoima. But I don't know
what this...
It would be nice for your
daughters, Alexis and Natalie,
to grow up
near their grandparents.
Yes. It would... Unfortunately,
Edwards doesn't need another doctor.
Thule Air Base, though,
could use a good pathologist.
Thule? In Greenland?
North of
the Arctic Circle. Yes.
Little Alexis and Natalie
will love it.
Plenty of snow.
20 hours of darkness in the
winter can be a bitch, but...
What's going on here?
Are you...
blackmailing me?
With every passing moment, the
people responsible for murdering
our president-elect
get further away.
I am not blackmailing you,
Major Morales.
I'm giving you an opportunity...
A chance to serve your nation
in its darkest hour
and be rewarded
in sunny California.
Do you know why
the Joint Pathology exists?
To perform the autopsies
of federal officials.
But their team has not arrived,
and the president
has not even declared
the president-elect
dead yet.
I thought
the president-elect's autopsy
was already underway.
That's the point,
Agent Spaulding. You're right.
There's a member
of the Joint Pathology team
in there right now.
Just the one.
And his hands are...
Well, I don't blame him
for being nervous.
We're all nervous, but we're not
elbow-deep in the president-elect.
So, how did he even get
access... Yes, Agent.
How did he? How?
I thought you did everything
by the book.
Hey, you can't be in here.
Please put down your instruments
and step away from the body.
I'm in the middle
of something here.
We need you
to come with us, Major.
She told me...
It's okay, Major.
You can return
with your full team
when the president
signs off on the autopsy.
He won't forget
your service today.
Come on.
Ma'am, I'll keep watch
over the president-elect
until the full
Joint Pathology team arrives.
Thank you, Agent Spaulding.
Where's Leo?
Assuming my friends are pleased,
you should have
your boyfriend back
within a couple of hours.
Oh, my God!
And the bastards stole
my grandfather's watch.
Oh, Leo, what happened?
It was the craziest thing.
I have no idea.
I blacked out.
I-I don't remember
Cops found me
in an alley in Southeast
and brought me home.
Well, what'd the cops say?
Do they have any leads?
Not a one.
Here. Here.
Let's get you up.
Ow, ow, ow.
Ow, ow.
Hey, at least when they ask me
where I was
when Frankie Vargas got shot,
I'll have a great story.
I'm so sorry.
It wasn't your fault.
Yes, Mr. President?
Wait. What?
My God. It was Cyrus Beene.
He killed Frankie Vargas.
It's the only voicemail that went
missing from the FBI tip line.
Less than a day later,
her cabin exploded.
This is Cyrus.
He did this.
He killed Frankie.
Ms. Whelan.
Are you framing Cyrus?
Let me guess...
They found the voicemail?
If I had known
that was the plan...
You'd have what?
Let your boyfriend die?
You're a brilliant woman,
Ms. Whelan,
but you don't have
a stomach for blood.
Cyrus should be President.
Are you framing Cyrus?
You don't have
a stomach for blood.
Cyrus should be President.
Okay, I'm not sure
how the NSA can help, beyond
what we've already done...
I'm not looking
for the NSA's help, Jake.
I'm looking for yours.
Mr. McClintock
has confessed to the crime
of shooting Frankie Vargas.
Good evening.
The election's over.
You're wrong.
- I'm not wrong.
- You're wrong!
Sir, opening up this
investigation into Cyrus Beene
based on some random voicemail
and 20 seconds of video footage
that's clearly been
taken out of context...
I made a decision.
You are being played.
The warrant was served by
the attorney general himself,
who accompanied
Vice President-Elect Beene
to Maryland Hamilton
Federal Penitentiary.
Tell me you're not seriously
considering making this
a death-penalty case
against Cyrus.
The chief of staff
doesn't make these decisions.
The president does.
Fully support the decision
of our attorney general
to pursue the death penalty
against Cyrus Beene,
for a crime of this magnitude
deserves no lesser punishment.
David, it's Abby.
I need to talk to you.
It's Sunday.
I am not working.
You're the attorney general
of the United States.
You're always working.
I hate you.
This is important.
Give me a minute.
I hate to interrupt
a good hero moment.
Did you think we were
gonna let you waltz over
to the attorney general
and make a plea
for Cyrus Beene's life?
What are you talking about?
Look at you, playing all dumb.
Thinking you can outsmart us.
Like there's anything you can do
that we haven't already
prepared for.
So naive.
But I guess you'd have to be
to think you could
actually be president someday.
You won't be the first person
to underestimate me.
Says every loser
who's built a career
on riding
other people's coattails.
Leave right now.
Because the attorney general
of the United States...
My friend David Rosen...
Is going to come out that door,
and I'm gonna give
him information
that's gonna put you
and your people in a cement box
until the time comes for you
to stand trial for treason.
Oh, Abby.
I'm a real bitch.
You just play one on TV.
I'm gonna be front row
when they give you the chair.
Oh, amazing.
You got to meet Samantha.
Hey, handsome.
She's the best.
she's the best.
We're heading to brunch.
You want to come with?
Abby wanted to talk.
Did she?
What is it that you wanted?
It can wait.
He's fine.
There's a high-value inmate
I need your help getting to.
You should ask Olivia.
I can't ask Olivia.
I'm, um...
I-I've got a lot
going on right now.
I would love to help, but...
What if I had something
to trade?
Something you wanted?
You want Cyrus
out of jail, right?
You think he's innocent.
What are you talking about?
Jennifer Fields is alive.
Say that again?
Jennifer Fields...
The woman from the cabin?
She's alive.
You're not supposed to know yet,
and I can't tell you
where she is right now,
but she's safe.
And when the time is right,
maybe I can arrange a meeting.
Because one of the things
she can do
is help exonerate Cyrus.
Looks a lot worse than it feels, Red.
No contact! Hey!
Tom Larsen
wasn't Frankie's shooter.
He set me up,
which means I am innocent.
So if you came here...
I came here
to say I believe you.
You are innocent, Cyrus.
What are you doing?
I'm going to war for you.
What does that...
What does that mean, Red?
All you need to know
is I'm not giving up.
I'm here to make a deal.
You're not in the strongest
deal-making position
right now, Ms. Whelan.
It's stronger than you think.
I have something you want...
Information you need.
I'll give it to you, and I
assure you it will be worth it.
I just need you
to get Cyrus out of jail.
What is it?
Will you get Cyrus out of jail?
Will you get Cyrus out of jail?!
If the information
is as good as you say it is,
you have a deal.
Jennifer Fields is alive.
Oh, my God!
You're going to
get me out of here.
I'm gonna save your life.
Whatever it takes.
Is it done?
Jennifer Fields is dead.
And Huck?
Don't worry, Ms. Whelan.
He'll have no idea
you were part of this.
You said it yourself, Cyrus.
I'm a force.