Scandal (2012–2018): Season 5, Episode 9 - Baby, It's Cold Outside - full transcript
Olivia feels more frustrated taking on "First Lady" type responsibilities; Mellie proves just how powerful she can be; Jake and Huck continue the hunt for Rowan.
[ stevie wonder's
"someday at christmas" plays ]
♪ someday at christmas,
men won't be boys ♪
♪ playing with bombs like kids
play with toys ♪
♪ one warm December,
our hearts will see ♪
♪ a world where men are free ♪
♪ mm, someday at christmas,
there'll be no wars ♪
♪ when we have learned
what christmas is for ♪
♪ when we have found
what life's really worth ♪
♪ there'll be peace on earth ♪
♪ someday all our dreams
will come to be ♪
♪ someday in a world
where men are free ♪
♪ maybe not in time
for you and me ♪
I like that one.
♪ but someday
at christmastime ♪
♪ someday at christmas,
we'll see a land ♪
[ sighs ]
What's harding's wife's
name again?
Sandy. She's --
Home and garden editor
at the columbus tribune.
We need to pass this
spending bill, olivia.
I know.
♪ people will share ♪
♪ a world where people care ♪
You went nog.
I did.
I got punch.
To each their own.
When I took this job,
I had no idea how many holiday
parties were involved.
This is my last one
of the night.
Well, cheers to that.
[ glasses clink ]
You see that?
It looks like olivia pope,
it sounds like olivia pope,
But that over there
Making chitchat like
a trophy wife is weird.
All I see
is a happy holiday.
Our charm offensive's
Poll numbers are up,
And america's starting
to fall for olivia pope.
All I'm saying is,
don't get used to it.
I just feel like I can really
talk to you, you know?
I get that a lot.
[ chuckles ]
I could use your help.
I have a problem.
You do?
Though maybe you're not
the right person to ask.
Try me.
Well...I've been searching
forever, and...
There was a cookie I had
once at a dinner
With the president.
A-a cookie?
It was just to die --
I mean really to die.
It was, oh, kind of cinnamon-y
but not spicy.
I can't do spicy.
Of course not. [ scoffs ]
And it had sugar on top
And maybe just a little swirl
of caramel.
I asked the chef,
but I forget what he called it.
[ chuckles ]
it had a cute little name.
Do you think you could
get me that recipe?
I would love to.
[ both laugh ]
[ laughter ]
Senator gibson,
Gibson: Mellie.
Hope those special-interest
gifts are all under $50.
I bought those
for my grandkids.
Catching a flight home
just as soon as we, uh,
Vote through
that spending bill.
Which is the reason
for my visit.
[ sighs ]
I found a mistake.
Seems funding
for planned parenthood
Has been put under
the discretionary column.
Planned parenthood
will still be fully funded.
But if it's moved
to discretionary,
Then that money could be taken
away at any time,
In future spending bills --
It's funded.
Nothing in this bill
says otherwise.
But there's no guarantee,
and if there's no guarantee,
Well, then
I can't vote for it.
That bill will pass just fine
without you, mellie.
I'm sure
there are others...
When they find out,
they'll agree with me.
I have never brought a bill
to the senate floor
Without knowing how many votes
I need to pass it,
And this one
is no exception.
That's what makes me
so good at my job.
And you know what's gonna make
you good at your job?
Voting yes on this thing.
Then we're all
gonna go home.
Have ourselves
a merry little christmas.
[ laughter ]
[ chuckles ]
[ chuckles lightly ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
So this holiday dinner
for the cabinet,
The social secretary wanted some
help with the place settings.
His name is mitchell.
I know the schedule.
You don't need to tell me.
I have a brain.
Look, I know you hate this
stuff, but it's working.
Our favorables are rising,
the country is accepting us,
My funding bill
is gonna pass --
[ quietly ]
crappy bill.
Huck, it's me -- again.
I don't know if you're sick
Or you're doing
your weird huck thing
Where you disappear
for a while
And come back like
nothing happened,
But either way,
call me back.
What is this?
It's christmas.
You don't have
to thank me.
Oh, I wasn't going
to thank you.
I was gonna tell you
to take this crap
Out of here
before liv sees it.
Liv hates christmas?
Everybody over the age of 10
hates christmas.
But everybody loves
a good holiday party.
What'd you guys do
last year?
Same as every year --
We passed around
a bottle of vodka
On the steps
of the lincoln memorial
And went to work, because
that's what gladiators do.
We don't...Decorate.
We work.
Bah humbug.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
Before you go...
What is this?
Happy holidays.
Sorry I didn't get a chance
to wrap it,
But that was hard to do
with your hands down my pants.
Keep it.
Come on.
[ camera shutter clicks ]
[ scoffs ]
Look, I get it --
you're embarrassed
Because you didn't
get me anything.
No, you're not embarrassed,
Or, no, you didn't
get me anything?
I don't want
your bracelet, david.
I just thought,
since we're doing this...
...That I'd get you
something special,
Because you are
someone special.
'tis the season and all.
If that isn't the saddest,
There's no need
for presents.
Hope you kept
the receipt.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
Senator gibson:
$1.1 trillion.
Every penny stretched to within
an inch of its life.
Wasn't easy, tell you that,
but we got it done.
So, without further ado,
'cause I know you all want to
get home to your families,
I humbly suggest we put
this kitten to a vote.
Mr. President?
Thank you, senator.
Is there anyone else who would
like to be recognized?
In that case --
I'd like to be recognized.
The chair recognizes the junior
senator from virginia.
What the hell is this?
[ senators murmuring ]
So, here's the thing.
This bill keeps the lights on,
and I'm all for that,
Just not when it means
hurting people in the process.
Mrs. Grant --
I have the floor.
You say we're not defunding
planned parenthood,
And technically you're right.
But by making that money
You give the people in this room
the power to say,
"you know what? We're a little
over budget this year.
How about we don't give that
little ladies' organization
The full amount
they're asking for?"
So you don't.
And then, next year,
you give them even less,
And even less
the year after that,
And you keep chipping away
at their budget
Until, before you know it,
Planned parenthood
no longer exists.
[ exhales sharply ]
So, as much as I would like
to get home for the holidays,
I refuse to do it at the expense
of women's health.
Oh, no.
...Before we vote,
I'd like to tell you about
The thousands of
federal projects
That aren't discretionary...
I don't believe this.
She's filibustering.
...Like $5 million
we're spending
On senate
hair-care services...
Senator grant has the floor.
...The half a million dollars
it costs
To paint an alaskan salmon
on senator campbell's 737.
Not discretionary --
[ gavel bangs ]
I said, quiet!
A $25,000 travel stipend
For the alabama
watermelon queen...
[ senators grumbling ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
♪ chestnuts roasting
on an open fire ♪
♪ jack frost
nipping at your nose ♪
There aren't any
freedom fries.
You got the underground railroad
without freedom fries.
Who does that?
♪ yuletide carols ♪
♪ being sung by a choir ♪
What is your plan here?
What do you want?
You want something.
I wouldn't be alive if you
didn't want something.
You'd have, um...
What's your thing?
I'd be skinned
and eaten by now.
♪ helps to make ♪
♪ the seasons bright ♪
You understand
I'm being generous?
♪ tiny tots... ♪
I'm choosing kindness
Because I need you
to understand
I may be the bad guy,
But the worse guys
are out there.
I'm choosing kindness.
♪ ...To sleep tonight ♪
This is a rare moment.
I'm allowing you
a little power here.
If I were you,
I would make use of it, son!
♪ he's loaded lots of toys
and goodies in his sleigh ♪
You are no one's father,
and I am not your son.
♪ ...Every mother's child... ♪
Eat your underground railroad.
It's getting cold.
♪ ...To see if reindeer
really know how to fly ♪
♪ so, I'm offering... ♪
[ clatter ]
...Before we vote,
I'd like to tell you
About the thousands
of federal projects
That aren't discretionary...
This the scene just hours ago
when mellie grant,
The junior senator of virginia
and former first lady,
Began her filibuster of
a congressional spending bill,
A bill which, if it doesn't
pass by midnight,
Could lead to a very untimely
government shutdown.
It's never gonna
get that far.
How can you be so sure?
Because in order
to kill the bill,
She has to stand up there
for 16 hours.
That's 16 hours
where she's not allowed
To lean on anything
for support,
16 hours where she won't be able
to eat or pee.
Yes, people have
done it before,
But those people
trained for it.
They put on diapers,
wear comfortable shoes...
What do you think?
There's no talking about mellie
without talking about you.
If she looks desperate,
it's because you abandoned her.
If she looks unstable,
it's because you kept her down
All those years --
their words, not mine.
I say we stay
far, far away.
Watch her hang herself
by her own rope.
I say we bring olivia in
to manage the message
Outside the white house.
Have her work some of
her media contacts.
Olivia's busy.
Can we make her un-busy?
[ camera shutter clicking ]
38 million women
living in this country
Are in need
of contraceptive care.
20 million of those women
depend on government services
To provide them birth control
Because they are under
the age of 20
Or are living below
the poverty line or both.
But we're gonna have to say,
"sorry. We can't help you."
And when they ask us why,
we can tell them.
It's because we have
to allocate...
$1.24 million for tree-snake
control in guam...
Or [exhales sharply]
$10,000 for talking
urinal cakes in michigan.
$331,000 to study
"hangry" individuals.
Not hungry, not angry --
Speaking of which...
Point of order,
mr. President!
No, the --
the rules clearly state --
The rules clearly state
You cannot bring food
onto the floor.
They say nothing about food
that is already here.
The lady from virginia
is correct.
Where was I?
Oh! Yes.
$544,000 for the d.O.J.'s
premium linkedin account.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
You're b613?
Yes, sir.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
"you can't take command, son!"
He was the closest thing
to a father I ever had.
Me too.
Where's rowan?
Why aren't you with him?
Someone took him.
Tom: Took him?
When you got out of prison,
what did we agree on?
That rowan was a problem.
And that I was
to report to you,
Keep on eye on him.
"keep an eye on him" --
that is all you had to do.
Now you're telling me
the only man
That can stop lazarus
is...In the wind?
Find him.
Prove your worth.
Give me a reason to let you
keep breathing.
What's your question?
You are good.
But then,
all my boys are.
What is your question?
You knew that I was
being hunted.
You knew that ballard
was closing in.
I can only assume that you knew
that I was marked for death.
So, why?
Why did you save me?
That's what this is --
you saving me.
A...A rescue?
Some mission?
You're working for someone.
I'm her father --
I am...A father.
Hers, jake's...
I have so many sons,
So many
ungrateful children.
[ laughs bitterly ]
There is no gratitude
in parenting.
I don't know why
we do it.
But...You know exactly what
I'm talking about, right?
What's his name?
Javi, I believe, is what you
call him -- your son.
Have you seen
javi recently?
Do you think
he misses you?
Or do you think he's happier
now that he knows his insane,
Shell-of-a-human father
is out of the picture again?
Don't talk about
my family.
He's spent the majority
of his life
Believing he was
fatherless anyway.
Can you imagine
a father so bad
That you tell your child
he's a bastard
Rather than tell him
his father was you?
Do not talk
about my family.
One could argue
that he's better off
Being parented by
one of the random men
Who have run in and out
of the house over the years.
Oh, I kept a close eye
on kim.
Trust me --
there has been no shortage --
Yes! Yes!
There you are!
The son I know,
the son I respect.
Do it!
Did you have a tv
in prison?
I'm just curious
if you saw all the things
They were saying
about liv...
About your child.
A whore, a homewrecker,
A slut who repeatedly spread
her legs to get to the top.
I don't agree with them,
obviously, but...
I don't know
what I would do
If they were saying those things
about my child.
It would hurt.
Especially if they were the only
thing I had left in my life.
But she's not
yours anymore.
She's his.
She chose him --
the president -- over you.
Do you think
that she loves him,
Or she just hates you
so much
That it's worth being unhappy
with him just to spite you?
Or, uh...
Do you prefer jake?
Which white boy
do you approve of
Being inside
your daughter?
You took my family
from me.
But javi's fine.
He's a good kid.
He'll be a good man.
And by staying away,
I've been a good father.
But your daughter?
You failed.
The sad part is
that you know it,
And you're not doing anything
about it.
So, like I said,
you are nobody's father.
I know what you want.
And knowing
that you want to die?
Oh, it's almost better
than killing you.
She's trying to sink this bill,
shut down the government --
Not because
she believes anything
That's coming out of her mouth,
but simply to raise her profile.
She'll probably
switch parties
If she gets any traction
off of this,
Pull a sally langston.
[ mellie speaking indistinctly ]
Mellie's trying to
tank me right now,
And you're not
even listening?
I heard every word
you said.
Hard to tell.
Maybe what mellie's doing
isn't about you at all.
I should get back to work.
[ mellie continues speaking ]
We used the reagan china
Two weeks ago for
the german ambassador.
I know,
but it's so festive.
We could just as easily
go with the clinton china
And the grant tartan
for linen.
It's --
it's gold-based.
That would work.
And we'll use this one.
But make sure mcarthur and
haverford aren't so close,
And switch out peterson
for meyers.
And then the flowers?
Spruce and lilies.
Spruce and lilies.
You're good at this.
I know.
[ aretha franklin's "respect"
plays ]
Let's turn to bnc's medical
correspondent tamara connors
For more information
on the physical toll
This filibuster could be
having on senator grant.
A sensitive
subject tonight.
According to the rules,
Mellie grant must remain
on the senate floor,
Or the chair, senator gibson,
can end the filibuster,
Which means that she can't leave
to go to the bathroom.
Now, how long will she be able
to stand up there
Before, you know,
biology kicks in?
It depends on
a few things, noah.
The senator's fluid intake,
her functional bladder capacity,
The elasticity
of her urethra,
Which, for some women,
loosens after childbirth.
♪ ain't gonna do you wrong ♪
♪ because I don't wanna ♪
♪ all I'm asking ♪
I'm dropping these off
for senator harding's wife.
I'll make sure
that she gets them.
♪ just a little bit ♪
The cookies, that's what they're
called -- snickerdoodles.
Urine control varies
from person to person,
But to go this long
without a break --
As I understand it,
If another senator
were a friend of the cause,
Let's say [clears throat]
And were to ask
a long, drawn-out question,
Grant could duck out
for a quick bathroom
break, correct?
Correct. And let's hope she
finds a friend in there fast.
♪ just a little bit ♪
♪ just a little bit ♪
$998,000 on the
missile defense system
With only a 30% success rate.
I'm sorry. [ sighs ]
That was $998 million.
$998 million with only
a 30% success rate.
What else do we have here?
[ indistinct conversations ]
$1.3 million for a museum
Honoring the naval history
of the pacific northwest,
And $400,000 for
a south carolina museum
To honor the historical
significance of the teapot!
Because asking her
a question
Means giving her a chance
to tinkle.
It means I have to sit
in that room all night
And watch a sad,
broken woman
Make a mockery of
the u.S. Government.
A liberal female democrat
Who thinks defending
planned parenthood is a mockery?
Mellie grant
is political quicksand,
And I refuse to go down
with her.
♪ take out the tcp ♪
[ sighs ]
♪ oh! ♪
♪ little respect ♪
$213,000 for olive fruit-fly
research in France.
Ho ho ho!
6.4 --
What is this?
It's for you.
Happy holidays.
Wow. Small batch,
limited edition.
This is good stuff.
I thought you could put it
in your nog.
Y-you know what?
I have something
for you, too.
I don't know
that you'll like it.
[ claps hands ]
[ sighs ]
Oh, it's beautiful!
It's so thoughtful.
I don't know what to --
Here, let me.
[ cellphone rings ]
Are you gonna get that?
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ hoarsely ]
$171,000 to study the...
Gambling habits of monkeys.
[ sighs ]
$175,000 to determine
whether...Cocaine use
Leads to risky
sexual activity...
Among japanese quail.
$2 million...
She needs to stop.
Why doesn't she stop?
Mellie always did want
to make history.
Well, she's about to go down
as the first person
To empty her bladder all over
the senate floor.
$2 million to study
the feasibility
Of wooden skyscrapers.
[ breathing shakily ]
[ page rustles ]
Mr. President,
The vice president
of the united states.
What the hell
is she doing?
Excuse me.
Lisa, hi!
Hi. Excuse me.
I'm so, so sorry.
Gosh, I don't want to be
the kind of person
Who marches in here
and throws her weight around.
I hate people like that.
But I am
the vice president,
Which makes me the president
of the senate, which means...
You're in my chair.
Again, so sorry.
Thank you.
Will the senator yield
the floor to me?
Will you yield
the floor to me
So that I may ask
a lengthy question
About the multitude of services
planned parenthood provides?
[ breathing rapidly ]
I yield for
a question from...
Vice president ross.
Now, I'm not up here to ask you
about abortions, senator,
Which, as you know,
only makes up 3%
Of all planned parenthood
I mean, I could, but I won't.
Let's talk about gonorrhea!
[ toilet flushes ]
[ gasps, sighs ]
I should've known.
Thank you.
I think I might be done.
I can't do this.
I just...
I can't.
I don't even know
why I'm doing this.
I'm a republican.
I just didn't like gibson
telling me what I can't do.
You're the biggest bitch
I know.
Don't tell me
you can't do this.
[ sighs ]
[ groans ]
Just a couple more hours,
You want to come watch?
I have to...Be somewhere.
The cabinet dinner.
That's a bore.
Good luck.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ indistinct conversations ]
Sir, the chef is worried that
if we don't begin to serve,
He won't be able to
synchronize the courses.
[ "we three kings of orient are"
plays on piano ]
Please tell the chef
to go ahead.
We're now taking you live
to the senate floor
As senator mellie grant
is seconds away
From running out the clock
on the senate spending bill.
[ weakly ] I want to thank
the vice president,
As well as the women's caucus
For their support throughout
this very long day.
I'd also like to thank
the pages,
Along with all of
the senate staff.
I know many of you missed your
holiday travel plans today,
And I am sorry for that.
I'm sorry that I had to resort
to theatrics
To protect what should be
basic human rights.
But all of you
that stuck with me
To the bitter end
should be proud.
Because of your sacrifice,
Millions of women
across this nation
Get to enjoy their holidays
Without having to worry
If they will have access
To proper healthcare
in the coming year.
[ exhales sharply ]
Finally, I want to wish
you all a merry christmas,
A happy new year,
And, mr. President,
I yield the floor!
[ scattered cheers and applause,
booing ]
[ gavel banging ]
All those in favor
of closing debate,
Respond by saying "aye."
Aye! Aye!
Aye! Aye!
The "ayes" have it.
Debate is now closed.
Sine die.
[ gavel bangs ]
[ sighs ]
[ scoffs ]
[ laughing ]
Noah: And there you
have it, folks.
After the longest filibuster
in modern history,
Senator grant has succeeded,
killing the spending bill
That would have put planned
parenthood in serious jeopardy.
This has been
the defining moment
Of mellie grant's
political career,
As millions of americans
rallied behind her,
Crashing the live streams
on several websites
And making the hashtag
The number-one trending topic
On twitter for much
of the evening.
Miss pope,
are you ready to begin?
We now return you to
"it's a wonderful life,"
Already in progress.
♪ silent night ♪
♪ holy night ♪
Stand up right now.
About time.
Been waiting for you.
♪ all is calm ♪
On your knees.
[ chuckles lightly ]
Now, this plan...
Lazarus one --
we need you.
We're taking control
of things.
We're bringing the agency back
to what it was meant to be,
What it was
before rowan lost his way.
This is our time.
♪ mother and child ♪
Did she beg?
when you killed her.
That was on you, jake.
You promised me you would
take care of olivia.
Look where she ended up.
Huck: You shouldn't have
mentioned my family.
This was a test for you.
It was never about me.
It's about you.
You're an addict.
You think you're recovered,
But you wouldn't know for sure
until you tempted yourself,
Until you stared the drugs
in the face.
I was the drug --
the ultimate trigger.
You passed, I'm breathing,
And now you think you're ready
to have the one thing
In your life that completes
you -- your family!
I'm going home.
Mm. Sad.
Family is the only thing
that has kept you alive here.
Olivia is the only reason
that you're alive.
She's also the reason
I'm shackled to this chair.
Family is a burden.
We're brothers.
After all we've been through,
all we've seen...
We won't let --
[ gunshot ]
Rowan: A pressure point,
soft tissue, an illness,
An antidote to greatness.
You think you're better off
with people who rely on you,
Depend on you,
but you're wrong,
Because you will inevitably
end up needing them,
Which makes you weak,
Family doesn't complete you.
It destroys you.
♪ heavenly hosts
sing alleluia ♪
You want to tell me
what's going on?
Where were you tonight?
What the hell are you --
Yes! Oh, thank you.
You can't be serious.
Olivia, I am trying
to talk to you!
I tried tonight
To make it to your dinner.
I thought I'd get back
in time.
I really...Tried, but...
But what?
Where were you, olivia?
Something came up --
Do not lie to me!
I don't know
what you want me to --
You were running.
That's what I want you to say.
That's what
I want you to admit.
It doesn't really matter
where you were tonight.
You just weren't here.
You didn't make it to that
dinner tonight because --
Because I didn't
want to go.
Why would I, fitz?
So I could sit in the corner
with the other housewives
And force myself
to watch you run
With the big dogs
across the room?
Guess what -- I am a big dog,
so I didn't want to go.
I knew this was
gonna happen.
I knew when
I moved you in here
And tried to give us a real shot
at making this work --
You mean when
you moved me in here
And treated me like I was
some kind of hostage?
Is that honestly
what you think?
That all this is some kind of
sick, twisted punishment?
Yes, I do.
What are you --
for my father.
This has nothing
to do with --
It has everything to do
with him.
I get my father released,
I try to help you,
I try to save you --
Oh, let's not pretend you did
that for me, olivia.
That was for you.
You did that so you wouldn't
have to marry me.
[ chuckles ]
What was worse
for you, fitz?
When I let my father go,
Or when I asked you
not to kill him?
Do I owe you now, fitz?
Do I get to show
how worthy I am
Of your sacrifices now,
Do I get to talk to wives
at cocktail parties for you?
Trade recipes for you?
Plan dinners for you?
Live in this cage for you,
and not breathe for you?!
Tell me,
what must I do to prove
I am forever indebted to you
for saving my father's life?!
Olivia --
be your housewife?
Your girlfriend?
Your property?!
You stand there,
And you think
About what I have
been doing --
And about everything
I have ever told you --
And you tell me
who wouldn't run.
Try to understand
what I am telling you.
Moving you in here,
Asking you
to go all-in on us --
Oh, who is really lying
to who here, fitz?
You asked me?
When did you ask me?
When I tried to propose.
When we were out
on the truman,
When you
flat-out refused --
That wasn't a proposal.
That was manipulation.
You want to talk
about manipulation?
You think I don't know
What you've been doing
this entire time?
What are you
talking about?
I'm talking about you...
Strutting around here,
Wielding your
undue influence
In your power capes
like you run the damn place.
So you're bitter.
Is that it?
After realizing how ineffectual
you actually are --
You know,
you're worse than her.
You're worse than mellie.
At least with mellie,
I knew what she was
the entire time.
Unlike you.
I mean, I knew where
you came from, but --
Where I came from?
We both know
who your father is.
I came from a palace compared
to the man that raised you.
At least my father
loved me.
You want to know
who wouldn't run?
Someone capable of being
in a relationship.
Someone capable
of being normal.
If you were someone
capable of being alone,
Someone capable of
not suffocating me --
I wasn't suffocating!
I was trying to show you --
You were trying
to save me!
I was trying to save us!
There is no us!
There is no this!
There is no vermont!
There is no jam!
There is no future!
[ crying ]
not anymore.
You just needed time...
...To get used to the way
things work around here,
The way things work with us
in here, to be here.
You needed time.
We didn't get any time.
I told you, if it got out,
if they knew...
We needed time before.
We never had a chance.
I told you.
If we're already broken
going in, then --
I was unavailable before.
You liked me unavailable.
[ sighs ]
I don't know you
She got this side of you.
She did this part.
I didn't have to.
I didn't have
to be everything.
You could've had
Been something.
Mellie --
that's what she said.
[ sniffles ]
[ sighs ]
I hate that
you're always right.
Me too.
We tried.
We did.
♪ ave maria ♪
No sign of huck.
Looks like it's gonna be
just you and me tonight.
Oh. I can't.
I was just about to take off.
Where are you going?
My aunt sylvia's.
She makes a great
sweet potato pie.
Oh. Right.
Yeah, you have a family.
Want to come?
I totally have plans.
Merry christmas, quinn.
Merry christmas, marcus.
♪ ave... ♪
The lid is on.
There's no briefing
I don't want to get a call,
an e-mail, or a text --
♪ benedicta tu in mulieribus ♪
Sam, get me phil jurik
at the post.
I see you wear scarves
And, well,
I can see why.
I mean, that neck --
it's epic.
I wish I could
pull off a scarf,
But I have nowhere near
the neck real estate you do.
Oh, you hate it,
don't you?
No. I love it.
It's beautiful.
You have great taste.
I mean, your bracelet
is gorgeous.
David rosen
gave it to me.
♪ ave maria ♪
Merry christmas.
[ engine turns over ]
Jake: You were right.
It's hard to believe,
You were right.
Lazarus wasn't you.
Welcome home, son.
♪ ave maria ♪
[ phone rings ]
Come on up.
[ knock on door ]
Can you believe
the hardware store
Just leaves this stuff outside
during the holidays?
Did you shoplift
It was going in the bargain bin
tomorrow anyway.
So, is there room
at the inn or what?
[ elevator bell dings ]
Inside, straight ahead.
♪ benedicta tu in mulieribus ♪
♪ et benedictus ♪
♪ et benedictus
fructus ventris ♪
♪ ventris tui, jesus ♪
♪ ave maria ♪
[ camera shutter clicking ]
"someday at christmas" plays ]
♪ someday at christmas,
men won't be boys ♪
♪ playing with bombs like kids
play with toys ♪
♪ one warm December,
our hearts will see ♪
♪ a world where men are free ♪
♪ mm, someday at christmas,
there'll be no wars ♪
♪ when we have learned
what christmas is for ♪
♪ when we have found
what life's really worth ♪
♪ there'll be peace on earth ♪
♪ someday all our dreams
will come to be ♪
♪ someday in a world
where men are free ♪
♪ maybe not in time
for you and me ♪
I like that one.
♪ but someday
at christmastime ♪
♪ someday at christmas,
we'll see a land ♪
[ sighs ]
What's harding's wife's
name again?
Sandy. She's --
Home and garden editor
at the columbus tribune.
We need to pass this
spending bill, olivia.
I know.
♪ people will share ♪
♪ a world where people care ♪
You went nog.
I did.
I got punch.
To each their own.
When I took this job,
I had no idea how many holiday
parties were involved.
This is my last one
of the night.
Well, cheers to that.
[ glasses clink ]
You see that?
It looks like olivia pope,
it sounds like olivia pope,
But that over there
Making chitchat like
a trophy wife is weird.
All I see
is a happy holiday.
Our charm offensive's
Poll numbers are up,
And america's starting
to fall for olivia pope.
All I'm saying is,
don't get used to it.
I just feel like I can really
talk to you, you know?
I get that a lot.
[ chuckles ]
I could use your help.
I have a problem.
You do?
Though maybe you're not
the right person to ask.
Try me.
Well...I've been searching
forever, and...
There was a cookie I had
once at a dinner
With the president.
A-a cookie?
It was just to die --
I mean really to die.
It was, oh, kind of cinnamon-y
but not spicy.
I can't do spicy.
Of course not. [ scoffs ]
And it had sugar on top
And maybe just a little swirl
of caramel.
I asked the chef,
but I forget what he called it.
[ chuckles ]
it had a cute little name.
Do you think you could
get me that recipe?
I would love to.
[ both laugh ]
[ laughter ]
Senator gibson,
Gibson: Mellie.
Hope those special-interest
gifts are all under $50.
I bought those
for my grandkids.
Catching a flight home
just as soon as we, uh,
Vote through
that spending bill.
Which is the reason
for my visit.
[ sighs ]
I found a mistake.
Seems funding
for planned parenthood
Has been put under
the discretionary column.
Planned parenthood
will still be fully funded.
But if it's moved
to discretionary,
Then that money could be taken
away at any time,
In future spending bills --
It's funded.
Nothing in this bill
says otherwise.
But there's no guarantee,
and if there's no guarantee,
Well, then
I can't vote for it.
That bill will pass just fine
without you, mellie.
I'm sure
there are others...
When they find out,
they'll agree with me.
I have never brought a bill
to the senate floor
Without knowing how many votes
I need to pass it,
And this one
is no exception.
That's what makes me
so good at my job.
And you know what's gonna make
you good at your job?
Voting yes on this thing.
Then we're all
gonna go home.
Have ourselves
a merry little christmas.
[ laughter ]
[ chuckles ]
[ chuckles lightly ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
So this holiday dinner
for the cabinet,
The social secretary wanted some
help with the place settings.
His name is mitchell.
I know the schedule.
You don't need to tell me.
I have a brain.
Look, I know you hate this
stuff, but it's working.
Our favorables are rising,
the country is accepting us,
My funding bill
is gonna pass --
[ quietly ]
crappy bill.
Huck, it's me -- again.
I don't know if you're sick
Or you're doing
your weird huck thing
Where you disappear
for a while
And come back like
nothing happened,
But either way,
call me back.
What is this?
It's christmas.
You don't have
to thank me.
Oh, I wasn't going
to thank you.
I was gonna tell you
to take this crap
Out of here
before liv sees it.
Liv hates christmas?
Everybody over the age of 10
hates christmas.
But everybody loves
a good holiday party.
What'd you guys do
last year?
Same as every year --
We passed around
a bottle of vodka
On the steps
of the lincoln memorial
And went to work, because
that's what gladiators do.
We don't...Decorate.
We work.
Bah humbug.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
Before you go...
What is this?
Happy holidays.
Sorry I didn't get a chance
to wrap it,
But that was hard to do
with your hands down my pants.
Keep it.
Come on.
[ camera shutter clicks ]
[ scoffs ]
Look, I get it --
you're embarrassed
Because you didn't
get me anything.
No, you're not embarrassed,
Or, no, you didn't
get me anything?
I don't want
your bracelet, david.
I just thought,
since we're doing this...
...That I'd get you
something special,
Because you are
someone special.
'tis the season and all.
If that isn't the saddest,
There's no need
for presents.
Hope you kept
the receipt.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
Senator gibson:
$1.1 trillion.
Every penny stretched to within
an inch of its life.
Wasn't easy, tell you that,
but we got it done.
So, without further ado,
'cause I know you all want to
get home to your families,
I humbly suggest we put
this kitten to a vote.
Mr. President?
Thank you, senator.
Is there anyone else who would
like to be recognized?
In that case --
I'd like to be recognized.
The chair recognizes the junior
senator from virginia.
What the hell is this?
[ senators murmuring ]
So, here's the thing.
This bill keeps the lights on,
and I'm all for that,
Just not when it means
hurting people in the process.
Mrs. Grant --
I have the floor.
You say we're not defunding
planned parenthood,
And technically you're right.
But by making that money
You give the people in this room
the power to say,
"you know what? We're a little
over budget this year.
How about we don't give that
little ladies' organization
The full amount
they're asking for?"
So you don't.
And then, next year,
you give them even less,
And even less
the year after that,
And you keep chipping away
at their budget
Until, before you know it,
Planned parenthood
no longer exists.
[ exhales sharply ]
So, as much as I would like
to get home for the holidays,
I refuse to do it at the expense
of women's health.
Oh, no.
...Before we vote,
I'd like to tell you about
The thousands of
federal projects
That aren't discretionary...
I don't believe this.
She's filibustering.
...Like $5 million
we're spending
On senate
hair-care services...
Senator grant has the floor.
...The half a million dollars
it costs
To paint an alaskan salmon
on senator campbell's 737.
Not discretionary --
[ gavel bangs ]
I said, quiet!
A $25,000 travel stipend
For the alabama
watermelon queen...
[ senators grumbling ]
[ camera shutter clicking ]
♪ chestnuts roasting
on an open fire ♪
♪ jack frost
nipping at your nose ♪
There aren't any
freedom fries.
You got the underground railroad
without freedom fries.
Who does that?
♪ yuletide carols ♪
♪ being sung by a choir ♪
What is your plan here?
What do you want?
You want something.
I wouldn't be alive if you
didn't want something.
You'd have, um...
What's your thing?
I'd be skinned
and eaten by now.
♪ helps to make ♪
♪ the seasons bright ♪
You understand
I'm being generous?
♪ tiny tots... ♪
I'm choosing kindness
Because I need you
to understand
I may be the bad guy,
But the worse guys
are out there.
I'm choosing kindness.
♪ ...To sleep tonight ♪
This is a rare moment.
I'm allowing you
a little power here.
If I were you,
I would make use of it, son!
♪ he's loaded lots of toys
and goodies in his sleigh ♪
You are no one's father,
and I am not your son.
♪ ...Every mother's child... ♪
Eat your underground railroad.
It's getting cold.
♪ ...To see if reindeer
really know how to fly ♪
♪ so, I'm offering... ♪
[ clatter ]
...Before we vote,
I'd like to tell you
About the thousands
of federal projects
That aren't discretionary...
This the scene just hours ago
when mellie grant,
The junior senator of virginia
and former first lady,
Began her filibuster of
a congressional spending bill,
A bill which, if it doesn't
pass by midnight,
Could lead to a very untimely
government shutdown.
It's never gonna
get that far.
How can you be so sure?
Because in order
to kill the bill,
She has to stand up there
for 16 hours.
That's 16 hours
where she's not allowed
To lean on anything
for support,
16 hours where she won't be able
to eat or pee.
Yes, people have
done it before,
But those people
trained for it.
They put on diapers,
wear comfortable shoes...
What do you think?
There's no talking about mellie
without talking about you.
If she looks desperate,
it's because you abandoned her.
If she looks unstable,
it's because you kept her down
All those years --
their words, not mine.
I say we stay
far, far away.
Watch her hang herself
by her own rope.
I say we bring olivia in
to manage the message
Outside the white house.
Have her work some of
her media contacts.
Olivia's busy.
Can we make her un-busy?
[ camera shutter clicking ]
38 million women
living in this country
Are in need
of contraceptive care.
20 million of those women
depend on government services
To provide them birth control
Because they are under
the age of 20
Or are living below
the poverty line or both.
But we're gonna have to say,
"sorry. We can't help you."
And when they ask us why,
we can tell them.
It's because we have
to allocate...
$1.24 million for tree-snake
control in guam...
Or [exhales sharply]
$10,000 for talking
urinal cakes in michigan.
$331,000 to study
"hangry" individuals.
Not hungry, not angry --
Speaking of which...
Point of order,
mr. President!
No, the --
the rules clearly state --
The rules clearly state
You cannot bring food
onto the floor.
They say nothing about food
that is already here.
The lady from virginia
is correct.
Where was I?
Oh! Yes.
$544,000 for the d.O.J.'s
premium linkedin account.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
You're b613?
Yes, sir.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
"you can't take command, son!"
He was the closest thing
to a father I ever had.
Me too.
Where's rowan?
Why aren't you with him?
Someone took him.
Tom: Took him?
When you got out of prison,
what did we agree on?
That rowan was a problem.
And that I was
to report to you,
Keep on eye on him.
"keep an eye on him" --
that is all you had to do.
Now you're telling me
the only man
That can stop lazarus
is...In the wind?
Find him.
Prove your worth.
Give me a reason to let you
keep breathing.
What's your question?
You are good.
But then,
all my boys are.
What is your question?
You knew that I was
being hunted.
You knew that ballard
was closing in.
I can only assume that you knew
that I was marked for death.
So, why?
Why did you save me?
That's what this is --
you saving me.
A...A rescue?
Some mission?
You're working for someone.
I'm her father --
I am...A father.
Hers, jake's...
I have so many sons,
So many
ungrateful children.
[ laughs bitterly ]
There is no gratitude
in parenting.
I don't know why
we do it.
But...You know exactly what
I'm talking about, right?
What's his name?
Javi, I believe, is what you
call him -- your son.
Have you seen
javi recently?
Do you think
he misses you?
Or do you think he's happier
now that he knows his insane,
Shell-of-a-human father
is out of the picture again?
Don't talk about
my family.
He's spent the majority
of his life
Believing he was
fatherless anyway.
Can you imagine
a father so bad
That you tell your child
he's a bastard
Rather than tell him
his father was you?
Do not talk
about my family.
One could argue
that he's better off
Being parented by
one of the random men
Who have run in and out
of the house over the years.
Oh, I kept a close eye
on kim.
Trust me --
there has been no shortage --
Yes! Yes!
There you are!
The son I know,
the son I respect.
Do it!
Did you have a tv
in prison?
I'm just curious
if you saw all the things
They were saying
about liv...
About your child.
A whore, a homewrecker,
A slut who repeatedly spread
her legs to get to the top.
I don't agree with them,
obviously, but...
I don't know
what I would do
If they were saying those things
about my child.
It would hurt.
Especially if they were the only
thing I had left in my life.
But she's not
yours anymore.
She's his.
She chose him --
the president -- over you.
Do you think
that she loves him,
Or she just hates you
so much
That it's worth being unhappy
with him just to spite you?
Or, uh...
Do you prefer jake?
Which white boy
do you approve of
Being inside
your daughter?
You took my family
from me.
But javi's fine.
He's a good kid.
He'll be a good man.
And by staying away,
I've been a good father.
But your daughter?
You failed.
The sad part is
that you know it,
And you're not doing anything
about it.
So, like I said,
you are nobody's father.
I know what you want.
And knowing
that you want to die?
Oh, it's almost better
than killing you.
She's trying to sink this bill,
shut down the government --
Not because
she believes anything
That's coming out of her mouth,
but simply to raise her profile.
She'll probably
switch parties
If she gets any traction
off of this,
Pull a sally langston.
[ mellie speaking indistinctly ]
Mellie's trying to
tank me right now,
And you're not
even listening?
I heard every word
you said.
Hard to tell.
Maybe what mellie's doing
isn't about you at all.
I should get back to work.
[ mellie continues speaking ]
We used the reagan china
Two weeks ago for
the german ambassador.
I know,
but it's so festive.
We could just as easily
go with the clinton china
And the grant tartan
for linen.
It's --
it's gold-based.
That would work.
And we'll use this one.
But make sure mcarthur and
haverford aren't so close,
And switch out peterson
for meyers.
And then the flowers?
Spruce and lilies.
Spruce and lilies.
You're good at this.
I know.
[ aretha franklin's "respect"
plays ]
Let's turn to bnc's medical
correspondent tamara connors
For more information
on the physical toll
This filibuster could be
having on senator grant.
A sensitive
subject tonight.
According to the rules,
Mellie grant must remain
on the senate floor,
Or the chair, senator gibson,
can end the filibuster,
Which means that she can't leave
to go to the bathroom.
Now, how long will she be able
to stand up there
Before, you know,
biology kicks in?
It depends on
a few things, noah.
The senator's fluid intake,
her functional bladder capacity,
The elasticity
of her urethra,
Which, for some women,
loosens after childbirth.
♪ ain't gonna do you wrong ♪
♪ because I don't wanna ♪
♪ all I'm asking ♪
I'm dropping these off
for senator harding's wife.
I'll make sure
that she gets them.
♪ just a little bit ♪
The cookies, that's what they're
called -- snickerdoodles.
Urine control varies
from person to person,
But to go this long
without a break --
As I understand it,
If another senator
were a friend of the cause,
Let's say [clears throat]
And were to ask
a long, drawn-out question,
Grant could duck out
for a quick bathroom
break, correct?
Correct. And let's hope she
finds a friend in there fast.
♪ just a little bit ♪
♪ just a little bit ♪
$998,000 on the
missile defense system
With only a 30% success rate.
I'm sorry. [ sighs ]
That was $998 million.
$998 million with only
a 30% success rate.
What else do we have here?
[ indistinct conversations ]
$1.3 million for a museum
Honoring the naval history
of the pacific northwest,
And $400,000 for
a south carolina museum
To honor the historical
significance of the teapot!
Because asking her
a question
Means giving her a chance
to tinkle.
It means I have to sit
in that room all night
And watch a sad,
broken woman
Make a mockery of
the u.S. Government.
A liberal female democrat
Who thinks defending
planned parenthood is a mockery?
Mellie grant
is political quicksand,
And I refuse to go down
with her.
♪ take out the tcp ♪
[ sighs ]
♪ oh! ♪
♪ little respect ♪
$213,000 for olive fruit-fly
research in France.
Ho ho ho!
6.4 --
What is this?
It's for you.
Happy holidays.
Wow. Small batch,
limited edition.
This is good stuff.
I thought you could put it
in your nog.
Y-you know what?
I have something
for you, too.
I don't know
that you'll like it.
[ claps hands ]
[ sighs ]
Oh, it's beautiful!
It's so thoughtful.
I don't know what to --
Here, let me.
[ cellphone rings ]
Are you gonna get that?
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ hoarsely ]
$171,000 to study the...
Gambling habits of monkeys.
[ sighs ]
$175,000 to determine
whether...Cocaine use
Leads to risky
sexual activity...
Among japanese quail.
$2 million...
She needs to stop.
Why doesn't she stop?
Mellie always did want
to make history.
Well, she's about to go down
as the first person
To empty her bladder all over
the senate floor.
$2 million to study
the feasibility
Of wooden skyscrapers.
[ breathing shakily ]
[ page rustles ]
Mr. President,
The vice president
of the united states.
What the hell
is she doing?
Excuse me.
Lisa, hi!
Hi. Excuse me.
I'm so, so sorry.
Gosh, I don't want to be
the kind of person
Who marches in here
and throws her weight around.
I hate people like that.
But I am
the vice president,
Which makes me the president
of the senate, which means...
You're in my chair.
Again, so sorry.
Thank you.
Will the senator yield
the floor to me?
Will you yield
the floor to me
So that I may ask
a lengthy question
About the multitude of services
planned parenthood provides?
[ breathing rapidly ]
I yield for
a question from...
Vice president ross.
Now, I'm not up here to ask you
about abortions, senator,
Which, as you know,
only makes up 3%
Of all planned parenthood
I mean, I could, but I won't.
Let's talk about gonorrhea!
[ toilet flushes ]
[ gasps, sighs ]
I should've known.
Thank you.
I think I might be done.
I can't do this.
I just...
I can't.
I don't even know
why I'm doing this.
I'm a republican.
I just didn't like gibson
telling me what I can't do.
You're the biggest bitch
I know.
Don't tell me
you can't do this.
[ sighs ]
[ groans ]
Just a couple more hours,
You want to come watch?
I have to...Be somewhere.
The cabinet dinner.
That's a bore.
Good luck.
[ camera shutter clicking ]
[ indistinct conversations ]
Sir, the chef is worried that
if we don't begin to serve,
He won't be able to
synchronize the courses.
[ "we three kings of orient are"
plays on piano ]
Please tell the chef
to go ahead.
We're now taking you live
to the senate floor
As senator mellie grant
is seconds away
From running out the clock
on the senate spending bill.
[ weakly ] I want to thank
the vice president,
As well as the women's caucus
For their support throughout
this very long day.
I'd also like to thank
the pages,
Along with all of
the senate staff.
I know many of you missed your
holiday travel plans today,
And I am sorry for that.
I'm sorry that I had to resort
to theatrics
To protect what should be
basic human rights.
But all of you
that stuck with me
To the bitter end
should be proud.
Because of your sacrifice,
Millions of women
across this nation
Get to enjoy their holidays
Without having to worry
If they will have access
To proper healthcare
in the coming year.
[ exhales sharply ]
Finally, I want to wish
you all a merry christmas,
A happy new year,
And, mr. President,
I yield the floor!
[ scattered cheers and applause,
booing ]
[ gavel banging ]
All those in favor
of closing debate,
Respond by saying "aye."
Aye! Aye!
Aye! Aye!
The "ayes" have it.
Debate is now closed.
Sine die.
[ gavel bangs ]
[ sighs ]
[ scoffs ]
[ laughing ]
Noah: And there you
have it, folks.
After the longest filibuster
in modern history,
Senator grant has succeeded,
killing the spending bill
That would have put planned
parenthood in serious jeopardy.
This has been
the defining moment
Of mellie grant's
political career,
As millions of americans
rallied behind her,
Crashing the live streams
on several websites
And making the hashtag
The number-one trending topic
On twitter for much
of the evening.
Miss pope,
are you ready to begin?
We now return you to
"it's a wonderful life,"
Already in progress.
♪ silent night ♪
♪ holy night ♪
Stand up right now.
About time.
Been waiting for you.
♪ all is calm ♪
On your knees.
[ chuckles lightly ]
Now, this plan...
Lazarus one --
we need you.
We're taking control
of things.
We're bringing the agency back
to what it was meant to be,
What it was
before rowan lost his way.
This is our time.
♪ mother and child ♪
Did she beg?
when you killed her.
That was on you, jake.
You promised me you would
take care of olivia.
Look where she ended up.
Huck: You shouldn't have
mentioned my family.
This was a test for you.
It was never about me.
It's about you.
You're an addict.
You think you're recovered,
But you wouldn't know for sure
until you tempted yourself,
Until you stared the drugs
in the face.
I was the drug --
the ultimate trigger.
You passed, I'm breathing,
And now you think you're ready
to have the one thing
In your life that completes
you -- your family!
I'm going home.
Mm. Sad.
Family is the only thing
that has kept you alive here.
Olivia is the only reason
that you're alive.
She's also the reason
I'm shackled to this chair.
Family is a burden.
We're brothers.
After all we've been through,
all we've seen...
We won't let --
[ gunshot ]
Rowan: A pressure point,
soft tissue, an illness,
An antidote to greatness.
You think you're better off
with people who rely on you,
Depend on you,
but you're wrong,
Because you will inevitably
end up needing them,
Which makes you weak,
Family doesn't complete you.
It destroys you.
♪ heavenly hosts
sing alleluia ♪
You want to tell me
what's going on?
Where were you tonight?
What the hell are you --
Yes! Oh, thank you.
You can't be serious.
Olivia, I am trying
to talk to you!
I tried tonight
To make it to your dinner.
I thought I'd get back
in time.
I really...Tried, but...
But what?
Where were you, olivia?
Something came up --
Do not lie to me!
I don't know
what you want me to --
You were running.
That's what I want you to say.
That's what
I want you to admit.
It doesn't really matter
where you were tonight.
You just weren't here.
You didn't make it to that
dinner tonight because --
Because I didn't
want to go.
Why would I, fitz?
So I could sit in the corner
with the other housewives
And force myself
to watch you run
With the big dogs
across the room?
Guess what -- I am a big dog,
so I didn't want to go.
I knew this was
gonna happen.
I knew when
I moved you in here
And tried to give us a real shot
at making this work --
You mean when
you moved me in here
And treated me like I was
some kind of hostage?
Is that honestly
what you think?
That all this is some kind of
sick, twisted punishment?
Yes, I do.
What are you --
for my father.
This has nothing
to do with --
It has everything to do
with him.
I get my father released,
I try to help you,
I try to save you --
Oh, let's not pretend you did
that for me, olivia.
That was for you.
You did that so you wouldn't
have to marry me.
[ chuckles ]
What was worse
for you, fitz?
When I let my father go,
Or when I asked you
not to kill him?
Do I owe you now, fitz?
Do I get to show
how worthy I am
Of your sacrifices now,
Do I get to talk to wives
at cocktail parties for you?
Trade recipes for you?
Plan dinners for you?
Live in this cage for you,
and not breathe for you?!
Tell me,
what must I do to prove
I am forever indebted to you
for saving my father's life?!
Olivia --
be your housewife?
Your girlfriend?
Your property?!
You stand there,
And you think
About what I have
been doing --
And about everything
I have ever told you --
And you tell me
who wouldn't run.
Try to understand
what I am telling you.
Moving you in here,
Asking you
to go all-in on us --
Oh, who is really lying
to who here, fitz?
You asked me?
When did you ask me?
When I tried to propose.
When we were out
on the truman,
When you
flat-out refused --
That wasn't a proposal.
That was manipulation.
You want to talk
about manipulation?
You think I don't know
What you've been doing
this entire time?
What are you
talking about?
I'm talking about you...
Strutting around here,
Wielding your
undue influence
In your power capes
like you run the damn place.
So you're bitter.
Is that it?
After realizing how ineffectual
you actually are --
You know,
you're worse than her.
You're worse than mellie.
At least with mellie,
I knew what she was
the entire time.
Unlike you.
I mean, I knew where
you came from, but --
Where I came from?
We both know
who your father is.
I came from a palace compared
to the man that raised you.
At least my father
loved me.
You want to know
who wouldn't run?
Someone capable of being
in a relationship.
Someone capable
of being normal.
If you were someone
capable of being alone,
Someone capable of
not suffocating me --
I wasn't suffocating!
I was trying to show you --
You were trying
to save me!
I was trying to save us!
There is no us!
There is no this!
There is no vermont!
There is no jam!
There is no future!
[ crying ]
not anymore.
You just needed time...
...To get used to the way
things work around here,
The way things work with us
in here, to be here.
You needed time.
We didn't get any time.
I told you, if it got out,
if they knew...
We needed time before.
We never had a chance.
I told you.
If we're already broken
going in, then --
I was unavailable before.
You liked me unavailable.
[ sighs ]
I don't know you
She got this side of you.
She did this part.
I didn't have to.
I didn't have
to be everything.
You could've had
Been something.
Mellie --
that's what she said.
[ sniffles ]
[ sighs ]
I hate that
you're always right.
Me too.
We tried.
We did.
♪ ave maria ♪
No sign of huck.
Looks like it's gonna be
just you and me tonight.
Oh. I can't.
I was just about to take off.
Where are you going?
My aunt sylvia's.
She makes a great
sweet potato pie.
Oh. Right.
Yeah, you have a family.
Want to come?
I totally have plans.
Merry christmas, quinn.
Merry christmas, marcus.
♪ ave... ♪
The lid is on.
There's no briefing
I don't want to get a call,
an e-mail, or a text --
♪ benedicta tu in mulieribus ♪
Sam, get me phil jurik
at the post.
I see you wear scarves
And, well,
I can see why.
I mean, that neck --
it's epic.
I wish I could
pull off a scarf,
But I have nowhere near
the neck real estate you do.
Oh, you hate it,
don't you?
No. I love it.
It's beautiful.
You have great taste.
I mean, your bracelet
is gorgeous.
David rosen
gave it to me.
♪ ave maria ♪
Merry christmas.
[ engine turns over ]
Jake: You were right.
It's hard to believe,
You were right.
Lazarus wasn't you.
Welcome home, son.
♪ ave maria ♪
[ phone rings ]
Come on up.
[ knock on door ]
Can you believe
the hardware store
Just leaves this stuff outside
during the holidays?
Did you shoplift
It was going in the bargain bin
tomorrow anyway.
So, is there room
at the inn or what?
[ elevator bell dings ]
Inside, straight ahead.
♪ benedicta tu in mulieribus ♪
♪ et benedictus ♪
♪ et benedictus
fructus ventris ♪
♪ ventris tui, jesus ♪
♪ ave maria ♪
[ camera shutter clicking ]