Scandal (2012–2018): Season 4, Episode 17 - Put a Ring on It - full transcript

When Michael gets himself in a bad situation, the Gladiators launch into damage control and put pressure on Cyrus to move up the wedding. Meanwhile, David takes the first step in executing his plan to take down B613.

[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]

[ beeping ]

[ gasps ]

[ beeping continues ]

[ beeping stops ]

[ cellphone chiming ]

[ both gasp ]

[ clears throat ]

It's 4:00 a.M.

You don't go in at 4:00 a.M.
Unless something big happened.

Did someone drop a nuke
on us?

Separation of church
and state, leo.

Did aliens land?
Is the white house on fire?

[ cellphone rings ]



I'm sorry.

Say that again.


Are you kidding me?!
[ glass shatters ]

Hey, party people.


Last call.
He was still in the bar.

You were still in the bar?

Forgive me for needing to escape
your prison of a house

Every once in a while
to blow off a little steam.

I am paying you a fortune.

And believe me, it is
the hardest money
i have ever earned.

You have one job --
one job --

To fake your way through
this fake engagement!

What is satan's problem
this time?

What, does he want to watch?
'cause that costs extra!

Hey! No.
You have a heart condition. Sit.

He is in breach of contract.

I want that whore
out of my house.

The contract says i can have
a life as long as i'm discreet.

Yes, it does.
But tonight,

You went out,
ordered a few vodka shots,

Met a cute guy --
tall, blond, green eyes.

Someone saw me?

[ scoffs ]
it's more than that.

Way more.

Man: Looks like
this d.C. O-m-g couple

Is on the o-u-ts.

Man #2: Photos on instagram
early this morning

Revealed that michael ambruso,
the former sex worker

Engaged to white house
chief of staff cyrus beene --

Michael was out getting to know

One of d.C.'s
more hands-on gay bars,

Called gentleman john's.

Man #3: Since the news broke
early this morning,

It's been radio silence from
the chief of staff's office.

You have to shut this down.

Get it out of the headlines
once and for all.

You have to get married --

Not next month, not next year,
now -- this week.

It sounds like
a shotgun wedding.

It is, and you're
the pregnant bride.

You've pushed this wedding,
what, five times?

No, four.

[ scoffs ]
y-you know the job, liv.

There hasn't been
a good time.

Of course not.
It's impossible to find time

To do something
you don't want to do.

Funny how that works.
[ sighs ]

Every day that goes by

Gives the media another 24 hours
to beat the drum.

We have to change
the conversation,

To remind everyone
that this is a love story,

A fairytale romance.

So, we need to go big --

Something over the top,
something splashy.

Cyrus, i'm sorry.

I don't want this any more
than you do, but --

I can't ask the president
to do that.

We need the white house.

There is no bigger stage.
There is no bigger moment.

We have bills to pass,

And we need the tea partiers
to pass them.
[ sighs ]

He has yet to publicly express
his views on same-sex marriage,

And he can't rock the boat

With mellie's senate campaign
on the horizon.

I can't pile on
and bother the president

With my hooker troubles,

I just can't.
I won't.

A white house wedding?

A gay republican
white house wedding?

Hosted by the first lady --

More importantly,
the republican candidate

For senator of virginia.

[ k.C. & the sunshine band's
"boogie shoes" plays ]

[ camera shutters clicking,
cellphone rings ]

Olivia, what's up?

You covering the first lady
today, peter?

Unfortunately. Why?

How'd you like
to make some news?

Hosting an historic
white house wedding

Would be
the perfect platform

For a candidate
who's looking to transition

From a social figurehead

To someone who's engaging
at the forefront

Of one of our most divisive
issues of our time.

What can i get for you?

You know those
reporters outside,

Talking endlessly
about michael's wild,
sinful night in your bar?

Yeah. What about 'em?

They got the story
all wrong.

It was an innocent
bachelor party.

¶ just to boogie with you ¶

It was an innocent
bachelor party.

Now go tell
the reporters outside.

A leader taking a bold step

Towards the right side
of history.

Thank you all for coming.

Mrs. Grant, are you comfortable
with the idea

That cyrus beene, your husband's
openly gay chief of staff,

Is getting married
for a third time?

Olivia: Breaking with
her husband's beliefs --

Decisively, unapologetically,

After careful consideration and
prayer over these last years...

I am -- not just for cyrus,

Who deserves his happiness,
but for all americans.

Never once considering asking
the president's permission,

Because this is something
you feel in your heart,

In your gut.

Do you plan
on attending the wedding?

That politics should never
stand in the way

Of fundamental rights
for an oppressed population

Of law-abiding americans.

That yours is the party
of lincoln.

That love is love.

[ chuckling ] attend?
Of course i will.

I have the pleasure
of hosting the event

Here at the white house.

To be celebrated, never
relegated or regulated.

¶ my, my, my, my,
my boogie shoes ¶

That's all.
Thank you so much.

[ reporters shouting ]

¶ just to boogie with you,
yeah ¶

[ reporters shouting ]

[ camera shutter clicking ]

I'm sorry, leo, dinner's
gonna have to wait.

The press wants a head
on a stick,

And i don't want it
to be mine.

Cyrus and his rent boy
making things difficult?

We set up a war room,
but it's a mess.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

You're doing great
out there.

I'll see you at home.

I don't know.
Don't i need a tie?

This is the style.
Trust me.

If my name was crockett
or tubbs.

It's purple, janet.

Purple brings out
your eyes.

You want people
to notice your eyes.

It'll draw them in,

Make them listen
to what you have to say.

"i am cyrus beene,

And i would make
a great comptroller."

[ both laugh ]

[ laughing ]
what would i do without you?

Oh, wear
the wrong clothes?

No. No, i mean it.

I can't do this without you --
any of it.

I need you, janet.

I need you.


And...You know what?

Why don't we get married?


But [stammering] cyrus,
w-we just started dating.

Y-y-you just met me...

I know.
It's fast. I know.
But --

[ laughing ] we've only been
dating a few months.

But when you know, you know,
and i know,

From the moment i laid eyes
on you...

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.
Oh, my god!

You better not be joking.

I am catholic.

I have been saving myself.

And i can't just get divorced
like those girls from holyoke.

I mean it.

I love you.

You're the love...

Of my life,
my soul mate.

Marry me, janet.

P-- say yes.
Please s-say yes.


Yes, yes, yes!

We're getting married!

Oh, my god!

[ both laugh ]


Okay. Okay.



...Are getting married.


[ camera shutter clicking ]

I hear we're running
a quickie wedding service

Out of the white house now.

I know you must be angry,

I'm not angry.

So, what should i say
about your reaction

In the briefing today?

You should say that my views
remain unchanged.

Whose idea was this?
The first lady
just announced it.

Mellie did not think of this.
Elizabeth north?

Olivia pope.

You're angry,
aren't you?
Still not angry.

So in the briefing,
i should say...?

That my views
remain unchanged.

But are you pleased?
Concerned? Excited?

[ reporters shouting ]

The president's views
remain unchanged.

So the first lady's views on
marriage equality have evolved,

But the president's

The president's views
on the subject

Remain crystal-clear.

Then why is everybody
in this room

Asking you the same questions
over and over?

There have only been
17 weddings

In the entire history
of the white house --

Two in the rose garden --
yours will be the third.

Do i have to be here
for this?

I do have a country to run.
I am doing this for you.

Are you? Are you, ma'am?
How generous. How selfless.

I cannot tell the difference
between you and mother teresa.

Where are we
with the guest list?

Just waiting to hear back
from michael's parents

Before doing
the seating arrangements.

My parents?
You invited my parents?

Of course we did.
They're your parents.

My -- my parents and i,
we haven't spoken since --

I mean, t-they won't come.

They will not be on board
with this.

We need them for optics.
It's important.

Maybe you can
give them a call.

Sure. [ sighs ]

Is there any way we
could do this without my
parents, cyrus? Please?

For god's sake,
stop whining.

Hey. Looks like we're about
20 minutes out.

Janet and the girls
are all set upstairs.

All four of your folks
got here just fine.

Looks like this thing's
actually gonna happen.

You ready,
comptroller beene?

Yeah. I am.
[ laughs ]

Glad to hear it.

We still on for racquetball
next week?

I told you, i o-- only played
racquetball a couple of times.

I don't play it anymore.

And i told you,
it's a hard sport to give up.

20 minutes from now, i'm gonna
be a happily married man.

And happily married men
don't play.

[ sighs ]

People are getting sick
out there.

People are dying out there,

And i cannot --

I will not die because
i couldn't control myself.

[ breathes deeply ]

I don't play racquetball

Find someone else.
Just --

And once all this is over,

Why don't you stay the
hell away from me and
my wife from now on?

All right, champ.
You got it.

I'll go get the rest
of the guys.

[ sighs ]

You need to see this.


...Perched on his leg
like he's santa claus.

Only he's not santa claus,
is he?

He's michael ambruso,

The spray-tanned former gigolo

Who we're told is the love
of cyrus beene's life --

Just like we're told
that this photo

Was taken at mr. Ambruso's
bachelor party,

And that his behavior is as
innocent as the behavior

Of any young man who chooses
to spend his last hours

Of singledom in the embrace
of a stripper.

[ laughs ]

Well, i have it
on good authority

That this story is nothing
but a lie,

And that the white house
is so terrified of the
truth coming out,

They're running
a secret war room

To help their good friend
cyrus beene save face...

Which is why i'm offering
a reward.



To anyone with
incontrovertible evidence

That the marriage of
cyrus beene and michael ambruso

Is not only immoral
but fraudulent...

There is a word for you,

...An attempt by
a corrupt administration

To shield its chief of staff...
Olivia: Cyrus.

...From the political
and criminal fallout...

...Of his depraved
and illegal behavior.

The moral bankruptcy of
the grant administration

Is once again writing checks
to the american people...

Breathe. Right now!

...And asking us to cash them.
[ breathes deeply ]

They are trying to hide behind
frills and wedding bouquets.

We must arm ourselves,
america --

Not with guns
but with the truth.

Say something.
Don't just stare.

I'm still processing the fact
that you did this.

You're still -- excuse me?

Casting your lot
with olivia pope,

Backing this terrible idea,
without checking with me,

Your campaign manager?
What in the hell was that?

We are not partners.
We are not friends.

You work for me.
You fix for me.

You don't accuse me.
You do not judge me.

You most certainly do not
lecture me.

You are not me.

You wish you were me,
but you can't be me.

Remind yourself of that.

Do you understand?

I wasn't implying --

I have a position.
You have a job.

You fix.
That's your job.

You fix or you leave.

Do you have a problem
with that?

No, i --
because if you do...

I do not.

Are you sure?

I am quite sure,
mrs. Grant.

Why don't i start by helping
michael's parents

Get here for the wedding?

Why don't you do that?

I'm on it.
Thank you, mrs. Grant.

No one's going
to take this seriously.

She's a grown woman who thinks
angels are real.

Don't underestimate her.

Sally langston has an audience
of 3.8 million devoted fans.

And she's offering
cash money.

She's not gonna find

i need you to think back

On anything you may have said
or done over the past few months

That could be construed
as inappropriate.

Sally langston is a dog
who won't stop digging

Until she's sure
there aren't any bones
buried in your backyard.

Like i said, i'm clean.

Huck, look into michael.

See if he's been sleeping
with anyone

Since he and cyrus
moved in together.

You think he's lying?

I think if he's lying,
we need to be prepared.

I want to know where
sally langston's
getting her intel.

It's too accurate.
She knows about the marriage.

She knows about
white house meetings.

Someone's leaking to her --
somebody inside the white house.

Who in the white house
would give info to sally?

Somebody who doesn't know
they're giving info to sally.

Leave without me.

Abby: You played me!

What are you talking about?

I mentioned our war room
in passing,

And you told sally langston.

You're working for her!

What did you
expect me to do?

[ laughs ]

[ gasps ]

Just admit that wedding
is a sham!

Church and state, leo!
Church and state!

I did church and state!

You're the one
who told me things

You should not
have told me.

You're like the politicians

Who claim they believe in the
separation of church and state

But still voted to put the words
"one nation under god"

In the pledge of allegiance
in the 1950s.

You don't really believe.
You just say you do.

You broke the barrier.
You talked. Not me.

Don't you dare call me
a hypocritical secularist.

Well, if the school
prayer fits.

You talked!

You poked the hole
in the condom, not me.

I kept it all wrapped up.

I talked. Fine.

But you didn't have to use
the information.

[ keys thud ]

Would you not have used
the information?

Can you tell me
with absolute honesty

You would never use any
information you learned from me?

Think about that.

You hypocritical

Church and state!

[ door slams ]

[ camera shutter clicking ]

What do you think
you're doing?


I told you i don't want you
in here.

You need to stay on your side
of my house!

I know you can hear me,
you repulsive...


We won! [ laughs ]

Did you see the news?

[ chuckles ]
i wish you'd been there.

Election night,
governor grant --

We took california
by storm, janet.

We won.

Look, i-i know
i-i-i've been absent

These past couple
of months.

[ sighs ]

Fitz's campaign has been hell
for me.

But it's over now.
We won!

We should be celebrating.

Celebrating. Right.

Cheers, baby.

What has gotten into you?

My mother was a model,

I was just so happy that a man
looked at me

When you proposed.

I didn't even know.

And i definitely never knew
it could be different.

I never knew
it should be different.

But now it's different.
Now i know.

And i thought
that getting drunk

Would make
this conversation easier.

I thought
it would make me brave.

But now i'm just --
i'm just drunk and scared,

So i w-want...

A divorce, cyrus.

You don't believe
in divorce.

When i proposed,
you said you don't believe --

I'm lonely here, cy --
with you.

It has been 16 years,
and i barely know you.

Being with you
is a lonely experience.

No, no! You can't!

[ breathing heavily ]

Look, don't do this to me,
janet. Don't.

Don't leave me --
not right now,

Not when it's about
to be my turn.

[ laughing ] your turn?

I'm making a run
for congress --

With fitz's connections,
and with you...


I can make this happen.

We won
comptroller together.

We can win this one, too --

With you by my side.

I can be congressman --
if i have a wife!

At the very least,

Let's stop pretending
with one another.

How about i will admit
that i'm not having an affair

If you'll admit
you aren't gay?

Goodbye, cyrus.

[ breathing heavily ]

James: Cyrus.

Cyrus? Are you okay?

Because if this is happening
too fast, just tell me.

There was a laundry mix-up.

A couple of my shirts ended up
in your closet.

Don't worry, i'll stick
to my side of your house.

Turns out,
michael has a second phone.

It only gets calls
from one number --

A guy called phillip reed.

I had an amazing time
last night, michael.

I've been thinking about you

Pinning me up against the wall
and shoving --

So michael lied.
It's worse than that.

Turns out that --
sally langston

Has got some guy named
phillip reed booked
on her next show.

I think he's gonna say
he's --

Having an affair
with michael.

How did you know?
I pulled
michael's cell records,

Did a search
for most-called numbers,

Came up with phillip,
triangulated cellphone towers

To track him to the vicinity
of his office server,

And then i hacked
into their e-mail system.
How'd you find out?

I listened to all of

Leo's voice-mails
when he was in the bathroom.

that's another way to go.

Let's go.

This sunday, sally langston's
exclusive interview

Blows the lid off
cyrus beene's sham wedding.

Let freedom ring.

The liberty report --
sunday at 8:00.

So, apparently, michael's
been seeing this guy

On and off
for seven months.

So he lied.
He lied.

That's what he does best.

Then we need to cancel
the wedding.

Abby: Oh, we can't cancel
the wedding.

The optics of that alone...

Everything's already booked.

It'd be a public-relations

It already is
a public-relations nightmare.

This guy is set to appear
on sally's show on sunday.

I agree. Call it off.
I'm sorry, cyrus.

No one is calling anything off.
No one is quitting --

Not until i've tried
everything -- everything!

Is that clear?

Okay, then.

[ door opens ]

[ door closes ]
"okay, then."

[ scoffs ]

[ camera shutter clicking ]

[ sighs ]

He's the one who wanted this --
vermont, the inn,

The little milk pails full
of flowers on the tables.

All james --
not cyrus, james.

And now the president
of the united states

Is gonna be looking on as i get
stood up at the altar.


Cyrus, talk to him.

Did olivia tell you
to come here?

She says you're worried i'm
going to ruin your career.

"cripple your journalistic

I believe were
the words she used.

I didn't tell her that,
but she's right.

I want to be
cyrus beene's husband,

And i want
to be a journalist,

But i don't want to be
"cyrus beene's husband,

The journalist."

I want to be married
to you,

But i don't want anyone to think
that i'm your lapdog.

Does that make sense?
Of course it does.

I'm never gonna ask you
to do that --

Compromise your principles,
influence your work.

I love you
too much for that.

Do you promise?

I promise.

[ chuckles ]

You know, you're pretty hot
when you get all sincere.

So for the love of god...

[ sighs ]

...Won't you come inside
and marry me?

[ camera shutter clicking ]

[ gasps ]

[ breathing heavily ]

Don't you love vermont?

Where's the rest
of your suit?

Would you believe
senator martinez

a cape codder on it?

They're bringing me
a new one.

I never saw cyrus as much
of a rose-petal guy.

On his wedding day,
he's a rose-petal guy.


Open the door.

I just want to know what i did
wrong, why you left.

This is cyrus' day.
Don't do this.

Why you resigned.

I wouldn't have come if i
thought you were going --

Even if you didn't want to be
with me,

I don't understand why you would
leave the white house.

You are the white house!

I don't want to be there.

I can't be there
and see you every day.


I asked.

It's a ring --

Very old, rare,
one of a kind.

It even has a name --
doux bebe.

It was my

Her father bought it for her
at auction in paris.

She wore it
at her debutante ball.

And i was supposed to give it
to my wife, but i didn't.

It just...

Never felt right.

So i kept it.

And now i know why --

Because i was supposed
to give it to you.

I don't want a ring
from you.

Don't think of it as a ring.

Don't think of it as...

You don't have to love me.

[ scoffs, sniffles ]

You don't have to
come back to me.

But if you could wear this,

If i could know that you
were wearing this,

Then even if you hate me,
i'll know...

We'll be okay.

I'll know you're out there.

[ breathes deeply ]

[ sniffles ]

[ fitz sighs ]

Doux bebe?
That's its name?

[ both chuckle ]

You can call it
whatever you want.

In english, doux bebe means
"sweet baby," so...

You want me to call a ring
"sweet baby"? [ chuckles ]

I just want you
to be happy.

[ exhales sharply ]

[ sniffles ]

I could never hate you.

[ crying ]

[ sniffles, sighs ]

I should...

[ sighs ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ gasps ]

[ ring jingling ]

[ door opens ]

[ door closes ]


I need to ask you for something
for cyrus.


Don't say that
till you've seen it.

Sally langston -- we're gonna
need a bargaining chip.

You went around my back
to mellie.

I did.

Nice move.

Mrs. Vice president.
Thank you for seeing me.

No need to be so formal,
ms. Pope.

It's just plain,
old "sally" now.

I'd like to talk to you
about sunday's guest.
Phillip reed,

The piece of fluff
who proves

That cyrus beene's
living arrangement

Is as bogus and empty
as the man himself?

You're not on camera,

Hyperion is calling about
a book deal in five minutes.

You should use this time
wisely, ms. Pope.

You know what i do,
so what do you want?

Because this --
this can't be it.

You were almost the president
of this country,

And now you're signing up
with the weekly gasbags?

It doesn't make sense.
I take offense to that,

coming from a woman

Who's nothing but a shill
for defilers and fornicators.

During the election,

Polls had you ahead of fitz
on domestic issues.

Family values --
you demolished him.

In fact, the only area

He polled ahead of you
was foreign policy.

Was it sexism?

But that's nothing
a couple years

As secretary of state
can't fix.

[ scoffs ]
secretary of state?

That man doesn't want me
on this planet,

Much less in his cabinet.
He signed off on it.

Sally, think about it --

Going toe-to-toe with iran,

Playing hardball with putin

On a horseback ride
through siberia.

It's not too late.

You can still be the first

Elected female president
of the united states.

But the longer you spend
in the world of talking heads,

The less the american voter
will take you seriously.

You seem to think that this is
all some sort of act,

A way station on the road back
to calvary.

But this is calvary.
I've arrived.

I have what i want --

Television show that reaches

Nearly 4 million viewers
a week,

A bully pulpit
on the airwaves,

A place where my voice
is finally being heard.

Believe it or not,

There are other ways
to move this country

In the right direction
that do not involve

The three square miles
around the washington mall.

Right there --

That is the real seat
of power.

I'm exactly
where i need to be,

Doing exactly
what i want to do.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
i do have to take that call.

[ door opens ]

Struck out with sally?

I couldn't convince her
to pull the interview.

[ sighs ]

Well, i'm not ready
to leave this place yet.

The wood paneling
is oppressive, but --

There is another option.

We can tell the press
michael cheated on you,

Make you a jilted lover
with a broken heart --

Play the victim card
and play it hard.

It's not
my favorite idea, cy.

I don't think
he's a bad person.

I do.
I think he's ruined my life.

I think he gets
what he deserves.

It'll take him years
to recover.

The press will destroy him.


So...This dinner
with his parents --

Leak the location.
Seat us near a window.

Make sure there are pics
and press.

It'll make me
even more sympathetic

When my heart is broken.

Oh, liv, this is good.
This is very, very good.

But to be clear,

You'll be throwing michael to
the wolves to save yourself.

I'm not ready
to leave this place yet.

[ camera shutter clicking ]

I can't believe you're here.

When they told me
you were coming,

I-i couldn't believe it,

But...You look great,
both of you.

How are you?
H-how's everything?

How's -- how's work?

Your father retired
three years ago.

I di-- i didn't know.


Dad coached
high-school football.

For how long, dad,
35 years?

11 state championships.
He sent two of his kids pro.


That's very impressive,
mr. Ambruso.

You --
do they have to do that?

They'll be
wrapping up soon.

It's for cyrus' job.

Yeah, i know what it's for.

Everybody knows
what it's for --

Everybody back home,
the whole country.

You two think you're getting
away with something,

But we know what this is.
Okay, vincent --

Now, we agreed to come here,
mr. Beene,

But [scoffs] they're not
paying us enough

To have our picture taken
with you two

Like we're okay with this.

They're not paying you?
Who -- someone's paying you?

Who's paying you?

That woman --
pretty, godless.

Elizabeth something.
Elizabeth north.

Why else do you think
we're here?

You think we approve of this --
of you, of what you are?

You think we spent all that
money sending you to those camps

To fix you, only to have you
end up like this?

Oh, you make me sick
to my stomach, both of you.

Put the food in your mouth.

Isn't this something,

A lady from the white house
is paying us more

Than your father ever earned
in an entire year.

[ chuckles ]
now smile for the camera, baby.

If we want the money,
we have to stay,

And we have to smile.

Um, i'm out of shampoo.
Can i...Borrow yours?


Here. Here.

Don't help me!

[ door slams ]

Cyrus beene, you are not
bringing a tie to st. Barts.

I do not travel
without a tie.

What if there's some dignitary
who's also on vacation

And we're suddenly invited
to an event at the last minute?

I can't represent the president
of the united states

In a pair of flip-flops
and a tommy bahama t-shirt.

You're not going to st. Barts
to represent the white house.

You are going there to enjoy
your honeymoon -- our honeymoon.

No tie, cy.
[ cellphone chimes ]

[ groans ]
thank you.

Ugh, you're turning off
that phone

As soon as
we get in the car.

[ exhales sharply ]
cy? What's wrong?

I just got an e-mail
from britta kagen.

The post wants to run
a story

On the president's lack
of immigration reform.

So, what does britta expect you
to do about it?

She's already tried to shut it
down herself, but [sighs]

Oh, cyrus,
you promised -- no work.

Maybe you can shut it down.


I probably shouldn't be
telling you this, but...

[ sighs ]

For months, the president

Has been working
backroom deals

In order to present an
immigration bill to congress

That won't peter out
due to partisan politics.

He wants to craft legislation
that can actually pass

So that he can actually make
a difference.

But if this story runs,

If one of the most respected

In the country calls him out
on this...
[ sighs ]

...He'll be forced
to push through

Some half-assed bill
just to save face.

He'll lose his political clout
on the hill,

And all that back-scratching
and horse trading

Will go straight out
the window.

Immigration will be dead.

[ sighs ]

And w-who knows what else
will be killed in its path?

I-i-i want us

To have an amazing time
on our honeymoon.

I really do.

But if this story
comes out...

Then our honeymoon will be over
before it began.

[ both sigh ]

I'm sorry, honey.

It's fine.

I -- i-i'll --
i'll see what i can do.

Abby: No one is more shocked
and disheartened

To learn of mr. Ambruso's
infidelity than cyrus beene.

Good. But maybe make cyrus sound
a little less like a bitch baby

Who lost his prom date

And more like one of the most
powerful men in the country.

I want this statement in
the hands of every anchor
at the major nets...

This is terrible for us.
This was my moment.

Maybe we can't use the wedding
to launch your senate campaign,

But your public support of
your broken-hearted gay bestie

Will endear you to the northern
virginia liberals all the same.

[ sighs ]

I think there's been
a change of plans.

There's been
a change of plans, people.

We're not throwing michael
under the bus.

So, how do we stop sally?

Unless you're here to watch
my interview in person,

I'm gonna have to ask you
to leave.

I just need a minute.

Jackie, if it's more
than a minute,

Would you please
call security?

[ chuckles ]

If you go ahead with this,
try to take down cyrus,

I'll tell the world about
another sham marriage --

The one between you
and daniel douglas.

You would defame
a dead man?

Only because you're defaming
a live one.

You have no proof.

Actually, i do, sally.

Michael's client list.

There's a name and phone number
at the bottom.

I think you'll recognize it.

And there's a number
of entries.

Apparently, your husband
was a repeat customer.

This happens
from time to time --

Last-minute cancelations.

But it was either cancel
my guest's appearance

Or have the integrity
of my program undone

By someone whose claims,

In the end,
could not be verified --

Claims that would be unfair
to the white house.

Still, this administration,

Like every political entity
in this town,

Knows that i am still watching
their every move --

For your sake
and for liberty's.

Leo: How'd you shut up
sally langston?

Olivia may have shown her
michael's client list

From his prostitution days,

And it may have had
a certain someone's

Closeted husband on it.

Sally's husband bought sex
from michael? No way.

Tell me liv was bluffing.
Was she bluffing?

She was bluffing.

Church and state.

Come on!

I'll never tell.
[ scoffs ]

I'm one of those people who has
been picturing my wedding

Since i was a teenager.

I believed.

Even in my stupid hometown,
with my stupid parents

And idiot guys who threw rocks
at me every day, i believed.

Even when i was working
as a pro,

My worst nights on the streets,
i still believed.

I believed that someone
was gonna love me,

Care about me,
that i wouldn't be alone.

And it is my wedding day,
and you hate me.

You would murder me
with your bare hands

If you thought you could get
away with it,

And i have no one
who would even miss me.

I have nothing.

It is the day i have been
dreaming of,

And i have nothing.

[ inhales deeply ]

You're wrong, you know.

[ sighs ]

I would never
murder you...

That's a rookie move.

I'd pay a professional
to do it.

[ scoffs ]

You're wondering what this
is going to look like --

Our life.

And i could lie to you
right now.

That's how both my other
marriages began -- with lies.

So i could lie to you
right now.

I could tell you

There's a chance we will warm
to one another,

Maybe fall in love
and live happily ever after.

[ stevie wonder's
"all in love is fair" plays ]

I could lie, but i won't.

We're not going
to fall in love.

That is a relief to me,

Because i cannot
disappoint you.

I cannot hurt you
any more than i already have.

I cannot destroy
your image of me

Or break your heart
or damage your soul.

You don't believe in me,

So...I have nothing in you
to break.

I am on no pedestals.

You see me for what i am --

A filthy monster
desperately trying

To hold on to the last shreds
of its humanity.


Are a good person.

I know that.

Ella could use a good person
in her life.

I'm not promising much,

But i will p-promise this.

¶ but all is fair in love ¶


I...May not do it well...

¶ i had to go away ¶

...But i will do my best
to be your someone.


You're not alone...


¶ that all in love is fair ¶

You're not alone.

¶ all of fate's a chance ¶


[ breathes deeply ]

¶ it's either good or bad ¶

¶ i tossed my coin to say ¶

Sign the thing. Come on.
[ chuckles ]

[ sighs ]

People are...Waiting.


[ breathes deeply ]

True love -- we know it
when we feel it, right?

I know i did.
It's undeniable...

Until it is questioned...

Or judged unnatural.

¶ you either win or lose ¶

¶ when all is put away ¶

¶ the losing side i'll play ¶

¶ but all is fair in love ¶

¶ i should have never
left your side ¶

¶ a writer takes his pen ¶

¶ to write the words again ¶

¶ that all in love is fair ¶

[ chuckles ]

¶ a writer takes his pen ¶

¶ to write the words again ¶

¶ that all in love is fair ¶