Scandal (2012–2018): Season 2, Episode 4 - Beltway Unbuckled - full transcript

Olivia is asked by Senator Davis to help locate a missing girl because her parents are his constituents. They find her, she appears to have been the victim of a hit and run. They find the ...

Oh, David.

NARRATOR: Previously on Scandal...

This is bigger than Quinn Perkins.
It's bigger than Olivia Pope.

Maybe someone else
wanted Quinn's boyfriend

and six other Cytron employees dead?

My name is Huck. And I'm an alcoholic.

I like to drink, let's say,

- Whiskey.

The President of the United States

had me kicked off
the Senate Intelligence Committee

and is having my behavior "looked
into" by the Ethics Committee.

And to my thinking, it's because
I was reckless enough to talk to you.

So, now I'm your client. Pro bono.

Unless you have a conflict of interest.

You're not still tied
to the White House, are you?

(VOICE BREAKING) I am not yours.

I don't show up places
because you want me!

This is over!

No. No ties.

Really, honey? You needed to spend
a few minutes with your girlfriend.

- Mellie.
- Get over her!







There are nine other bedrooms
in this place

besides our room and this nursery.

You are sweating up the baby's sofa.
I will have to have it cleaned.


If I sleep in one of the other bedrooms,
the staff will know.

So then they'll know.

Mellie, if the staff knows, then the press
will know in under 24 hours...

Good for them.


You're fine with the press knowing
that we don't sleep in the same bed?

Tell the press the pregnancy
is making me toss and turn

so you're sleeping in another bed
so that I can be more comfortable.

Tell them that you have been
staying up late in bed

trying to come up with new ways

to keep America safe
and democratic and free,

and you don't want to disturb my
pretty little head with all that thinking.

Or tell them that I don't want to spend
my nights sleeping next to a man

who gets erections in his sleep
dreaming of Olivia Pope.

Your choice. I don't care.


Relax, I'm kidding. For now.

When do you leave for the G8 Summit?

Next week.

- Can't you leave sooner?
- No.

- Why not?
- Because I can't leave the country I run

just because my wife doesn't want
to look at my face.

(SIGHS) Fine. Whatever.



WOMAN: Ooh. Is that fake sweetener?

I'm only asking 'cause my Uncle Dave,
he works at a rat lab.

You ever been to a rat lab?

It's basically rats running in cages.

Or not running, depending on what kind
of chemicals they've been pumped with.

Some of the ones with sweetener,
they start out peppy,

but then they spit up blood and they die.

But that's just rats.

(EXHALES) Yummy almond danish.

I saw you got your six months'
sobriety chip the other day.


One day at a time.

It's whiskey, right?

Yup. Whiskey.

Nice to meet you, whiskey. I'm cocaine.

ABB Y: Oh.

(PANTING) Okay, that was the last time.

Yeah, I think you said that the last time,
and the time before that.

Also times four through six,
but, oddly, not the seventh time,

so I really should remember
what I did there.

I'm thinking it involved pillows.

If you don't like my bed,
we could always go to your place.

Oh, wait, we can't,

because you're a serial killer
who keeps his victims' bodies

immersed in tanks of formaldehyde
in the living room.

You watch a disturbing amount
of television.

- Who is it?

My mother.

Do you mind making yourself scarce?

I know it sounds juvenile,
but she'll hear you breathing

and then I'll never hear the end of it.

I'll hop in the shower.




Make it quick, Alissa, I'm at Abby's.

No, she refuses to talk about work
and I'm not pushing her on it.

Because I don't want
to raise her suspicions,

and please stop calling me 007.

Because you're using it sarcastically.

Did you get the phone records?

Great. Let me know
when you find anything.



WOMAN: Bye, sweetheart.
Anything you need, call us.

MAN: Don't work too hard, honey.

(GRUNTS) It's not just about studying.

Bye, Jenny. We love you.

Love you, too.

MAN: (SINGSONG Y) Sophomore year.

WOMAN: Whoo!


MAN: That's the last time we saw her.

When did you realize she was missing?

Sunday the 18th. Four days ago.

Jenny always attends
the church service on campus

and calls us right after.

When we couldn't reach her by Monday,

we just knew something was off.

The police say they're looking into it.

Which they are,
but it's clearly not a priority for them,

which is why I stepped in.

It's the least I can do for my constituents.

First thing we need to do
is get national media involved.

It's not your daughter who's missing,
it's everyone's daughter.

That's the way it should feel.

It's the difference between
two people looking for Jenny,

and 300 million.

We'll also need a picture.


And not just any picture. The picture.

The one you can't forget

because it's the definition of innocence.

And finally there's the plea.

Get it right,
and you're a front page story.

And Jenny, if you're watching this,

Mommy and Daddy love you.

And we will find you.


She nailed it.


What is it?

A friend of mine at The Post,

asking if we know about
the Beltway Unbuckled thing yet.

- Must be some scandalous new post.

- You been reading this thing?
- Mmm-mmm.

So there's this girl, right?

She goes out every night,
and then blogs about it anonymously.

And by going out,
I mean she screws some politician,

and then writes about
what a bad lay he is.

- That's weird.
- What?

Hasn't been updated.

She usually updates it
at least once a week

and this one hasn't been
updated since...

She's the Beltway Unbuckled girl.

Jenny Nystrom?

Someone found out,
leaked it to The Post.

She's the one, Liv.

The one who's been
sleeping around town.

Which is why the blog
hasn't been updated since...

OLIVIA AND HUCK: Saturday the 17th.

So the girl we spent the last three days

describing as the innocent
girl next door...

Has had her hands down the pants
of every other senator in town.

You're calling...

Edison, to thank him for doing
such terrific due diligence.

Senator Davis, please. It's Olivia Pope.

Let the slut shaming begin.

I mean, here's a girl,
Baines University coed,

wasting her opportunities
and throwing herself like a...

Well, I'm just gonna say it, whore,
at every powerful man in town.

The where, when, who of this.

Where Jenny was
when she disappeared,

who she was last seen with.

It's all in the blog,
we just need to decipher it.

Thursday was Cafe Milano
with the solar lobbyist?

That was Tuesday.

Thursday was,

"What married Palm State politico
has a secret flat near the market

"that's well-stocked
with nose candy and olive oil?

"Quite the combo last night after hours."

Palm State is South Carolina.

"Market"? I'm guessing Eastern Market
on Capitol Hill.

- Senator Baylor?
- Out of town. Maybe Randolph?

I'll get the cops on it.

At some point,
you have to ask why a girl needs

this much sexual attention
and drugs and booze.

QUINN: Uh, thanks for calling,
can you please hold?

Please hold.

Yes, sir, I'm back. Albuquerque Airport?


Wait, you think you saw Jenny?

Sir, there are a lot of brunettes
in Albuquerque.

I'm going to need for you
to be more specific.

- No, I can't send you the money first.

What I want to know is,
who takes responsibility here?

How was this girl raised?

I mean, where are the parents
in all this?

No more TV.

So, Thursday was drinks at Saint Ex
followed by dinner at the Grill,

and an after party and potential
but unconfirmed orgy

at Randolph's Capitol Hill townhouse.

Friday was casino night,

followed by a mellow little
cocaine and champagne soir?e

in the executive suite at The Ritz.

Which gets us to Saturday.

What did Jenny do Saturday
before she disappeared?

Checked herself into rehab, I hope.

Checked all the fancy ones. No dice.

WOMAN: Oh, thank God!

A girl.

There's a girl unconscious in a hospital
near Newport, Rhode Island,

matches Jenny's description.

- And you think she's okay?

QUINN: Alcohol poisoning,
but she's stable.

The hospital's faxing me a photo
to identify her.


Thanks, Bill. I'll be right there.

OLIVIA: Thanks.



QUINN: Here it is. It's coming through.



She's got an ankle bracelet
with a cross on it.

That's not our daughter. That's not...




That's Jenny Nystrom.

OLIVIA: Where are we?
ABB Y: No phone at the scene.

HARRISON: It was a long shot to think

whoever killed her
wouldn't have tossed it.

Yeah, but not having it
makes figuring out

where she was that night
all the more difficult.

She was at the State Department,
at a party called "Around the World."

She was going to write about it
in her blog.

OLIVIA: How do you know?

She would upload her blog entries
to a remote server before posting them.

I reset the password,
got access to her files this morning.

QUINN: Around the World?
HARRISON: It's a benefit banquet

all the embassies send their staffers to.

Prime hunting ground for party girls.

How is a 19-year-old on the guest list
for a State Department party?

If you're young and hot and men
like talking to you, you're on the list.

Abby, make some calls, find out
who Jenny talked to at the party,

if she was seen
going home with anyone.

Quinn, Harrison,
follow up on the autopsy.

C YRUS: Tell me what happened.

She was filming a PSA in the
East Room with some school children...

The one about eating your vegetables?

The one about getting vaccinated.

And then what? Canada invaded?

Is that why I was dragged out of my
meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

Did the children die of mumps
before they were able to finish?

Actually, it's worse than that.

He puked on me.

That filthy little runt
with the eye patch under his glasses.

Top of my class at Harvard,
top of my class at Yale Law,

- and this is what I've been reduced to?

C YRUS: You summoned?

MELLIE: This was a &600 skirt.

Stop scrubbing me! It's ruined!

Thank you for your help.
I will be fine from here.

Thank you.


I want something done.

I'm not sure what you... Excuse me, sir?

Is there a reason that you're here
and not in the Oval working?

A child puked on my pregnant wife.

I have rushed to her side
to comfort and care for her.

I'm pretending I give a damn.

I can't work with this.

I am holding the sticky hands
of children who pick their noses

and telling their idiot parents
to do their job and immunize their kids.

How stupid do you have to be
not to immunize your kid?

Isn't it just natural selection

if your unimmunized snot-nosed brat
gets smallpox in the 21 st century?

And I have to smile and get puked on?

This is my platform?
This is what I'm supposed to do all day?

C YRUS: It's part of the job description.

I want a seat at the table.

You have a seat at the table.

The kiddie table.

I want to be at the adults' table.
Like I was during the election.


Or have you forgotten
how things worked back then?

We've all made sacrifices,
me as much as anyone.

That was the election.
This is the White House.

And in the White House,
this is the way things work.



I'd say 20 minutes is long enough
to fake-worry about you.

I want to be heard.

Like Cyrus said,
we've all made sacrifices.

I know I have, but I suck it up.

I suggest you do the same.



Check that out. Windshield.

We also have some contusions and
rib fractures from the safety restraints.

That's what gave her
the internal injuries.

So you're saying she died
in a car crash?

Soil samples from the scene
match soil samples from her lungs.

Means they were still breathing
when they dumped her.

- So she was...
- Alive. Totally.

Crazy part? Her internal lacs
really weren't all that bad.

She ends up in a hospital
instead of a ditch,

she probably would've been okay.

OLIVIA: Alive?

Are you telling me Jenny was
on her face in a ditch,

suffocating on dirt
and slowly bleeding out for five hours?

Any leads at all?

She was definitely at
the State Department party.

Still don't know who she left with.

I got a guest list.

The glass they pulled out of Jenny's
skull was from a 458 Spider.

Okay, cross-reference
the make and model

with the State Department guest list.

It's a start.

You coming back to the office?
We could use your help.

Soon. I'll be there soon.


Hi, can you tell me has an Olivia Pope
checked in for her chemo yet?


VERNA: Olivia. I thought
I said no visitors.


Actually, that was my rule.

But only because you hired me
to keep your condition secret.

As your friend, however,

I think you need all
the support you can get.

Yes, and as a Supreme Court Justice,
I know that as soon as I go public,

I'll have half the country
rooting for my demise.

While the other half
prays for your recovery.

Don't you have somewhere
you have to be?

No. I have some time.

No, I'm serious.

Aren't you supposed
to be fixing someone

or saving someone right now?

Why isn't that phone of yours
ringing or buzzing or dinging,

or whatever it is BlueBerrys do?

I turned it off.

If you've learned nothing from me
over the years,

what is the one thing...

Never turn off my phone.

Exactly. Then why the hell is...

Verna, you're getting chemo.

My phone is off.

(INHALES DEEPLY) I must be dying
faster than I thought.

There are nine 458 Spiders in the
D.C. Area registered to these owners.

ABB Y: All men, it turns out.

Because women don't have
embarrassingly small sex organs

they need to compensate for.

Read us the names,
and we'll check them against

the State Department's guest list.

Yuri Grechko.

Grechko. No.

- Brian Turner.
- No.

- Yashiro Kyoto.
- Mmm-mmm.

- Philip Lemley.
- Mmm-mmm.

Sebastian Overby. Alexander Lavich.
Kenneth Morse.

Wait. Lavich?

- Alexander Lavich. He on the list?
- Mmm-hmm.

Call the police. I'll call Liv.

They bring Lavich in
for questioning yet?

He's there now, and get this.

The night our girl goes missing,

Alexander Lavich drives
his car into a tree.

He tells police he's the only one
in the car, but the site of the accident,

less than 50 yards from the ditch
they found her body in.

Liv, this is our guy.

I'll tell the Nystroms
they can stop holding their breath.

Hang up. Now.

What's the matter with you?

I've been trying to reach you.
Your cell was off. We have a problem.

Alexander Lavich, 41,

cultural attach?
at the Kurkistani Embassy.

And with diplomatic immunity,
virtually untouchable.

We can't challenge it? His immunity?

I don't know, go to a judge,
get it revoked?

The Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic Relations mandates

that all diplomatic agents
have full immunity

from the jurisdiction of the local courts.

Which means they can't arrest him,
they can't try him.

He can't even be held or questioned.

The only way we get him
is if Kurkistan revokes his immunity,

and the only way they do that...

Is if the President of the United States
makes them.

- Where you going?
- OLIVIA: Out.

You gonna keep your cell on this time?

C YRUS: You can't be here.

I wouldn't have come
if I didn't need a favor.

You want Fitz to call
the Prime Minister of Kurkistan

and ask to waive
Lavich's diplomatic immunity.

- Yes.
- No!

Politically impossible right now.
I can't go into why, but...

You need access to Kurkistan's airspace

in case you want to attack East Sudan.


I just left a meeting with three staffers
who think Kurkistan is next to Morocco.

God, I miss you. Also, you can't be here.

A young girl was brutally left to die...

Yes, dead girl, violence, murder,
people are bad, I'm feeling emotions.

The only reason I allowed you
through those White House gates

is because he's on the Hill right now.

You can't be here. He's not doing well.

He's struggling, he's suffering,
and seeing you will make it worse.

I've got to keep his mind on the G8.
So you have to go before he comes...




Before he comes back and sees you.

I could be running Harvard right now.

I had the job, I turned it down.

Mr. President.

I'm here about Jenny Nystrom.

What happened to Jenny Nystrom
is a tragedy,

and my heart goes out to her family.

But we are not asking Kurkistan
to waive diplomatic immunity.

We can't, and you know we can't
because you're smart

and because you used to work here.

So I'm not sure why you came
to the White House.

Did you show up here
to awaken my conscience?

Make me see the error of my ways?
'Cause I'm awake.

I see the errors. Thank you.



MAN: Over here.
How long were you seeing the girl?

WOMAN: Did you know she was still
alive when you left the scene?

MAN: Are you gonna
issue a statement?

You want a statement?

- Here's my statement.

You got the man elected,
for God's sakes.

He is the President of this country
because of you.

He owes you.

There are strategic considerations...

Oh, please, Olivia.

A 19-year-old girl is dead
and we know who killed her.

There's your strategic consideration.

I'll make an appointment with him.

I'll tell him I'm ready to support
his weak-kneed solar policy.

Edison, you're being investigated
by the Ethics Committee

for discussing intel with me.

They're not gonna let you
past the guard gate.

The President has de-friended you.

Now is not the time for you to be
the public face of this or anything else.

A couple of grieving parents,
on the other hand...


Peter Nystrom says
he's not going anywhere

until the President gets involved

and insists that the embassy
of Kurkistan waive Alexander Lavich's...

The Embassy is adamant
that Mr. Lavich's immunity protect him

from any further investigations.

- And they're not wrong.
- Now, it's just a game of chicken.

Look, I feel like a jerk out here,

waving my arms at the White House
like a crazy person,

trying to get the President's attention.

Heck, I even voted for the guy.

But I'm here
because Jenny deserves justice

and I've run out of options.

Our forward bases will receive
daily fuel shipments out of Kurkistan,

provided they don't get skittish,
which we can't afford.

In the event we're forced to engage
with East Sudan,

we'd like to avoid
putting boots on the ground.

Lf, however, the initial battery

of air strikes
isn't enough to make Kinyazi blink,

we do have the 172nd drilling for the
possibility they'll be sent in, too.

Jenny is innocent.

She was a good kid
and a good daughter,

and I think if I can just talk
to the President, father to father,

I just hope he would understand
and try to help.

(SIGHS) That's it. Thank you.

It's smart, it's brilliant,
the optics, the staging.

She's taking my playbook
and throwing it in our faces.

She has the moral high ground here, Cy.

An American girl was murdered
and those parents deserve justice.

The better half of me wants
to toss that son of a bitch in prison,

- immunity be damned.
- Sir...

The political half of me knows I can't.
Keep your pants on.


MAN: Day three
of the Peter Nystrom vigil

and still no response
from the White House.

But growing support from Americans,
who are pitching their tents in solidarity,

turned this now into a major stand-off.

Where on one hand, you got
the President of the United States,

digging his heels in over foreign policy,

and on the other,
you got an innocent young woman,

who the American people
desperately want him to fight for.

We want justice! Justice!


David, I'm not asking for a tour.
I'm just saying, I have cookies.

Delicious, "you'll be my slave forever
once you eat these" cookies,

and if you're home tonight, I can...

You have plans tonight. Right.

And by plans, you mean
peeling the skin off your latest victim.

No, I get it. Forget I asked.


HUCK: There artificial sweetener
in that?


People and their secrets.

Between this one and Olivia,
it's like we're living in the Soviet Union.

Hell, I'm an open book.

What about you, Huck?
What's your secret?

Artificial sweetener
makes rats spit up blood.

That's not true. There are whole
studies that say that's not true.


Every call made to and from
Quinn's ex-boyfriend

in the three weeks
leading up to the explosion.

And several pieces of popcorn.

Jane got a popper.
I think she's trying to bond with me.

(INHALES SHARPLY) So how's it going
with the ginge?

Abby. Her name is Abby.

She seen your apartment yet?
She see that wall?



Oh, steamy out there, right?
I'm schvitzing!

O-M-G, you like her.

Will you...
I'm simply using her for information.

Uh, no, you're using me for information.

You're using her to get laid
and you totally like her.

Word to the wise, 007,

if you really like her,
do not let her see that wall.

Manzani's Pizza, Manzani's Pizza,
Manzani's Pizza.

Ooh, TJ's Fried Chicken.

Oh, yay. Special occasion!

You're gonna wanna skip to page eight.
That's where things get interesting.

A D.C. Area code.

That Quinn's ex-boyfriend Jesse called
11 times the week before he died.

David Rosen. Glad to finally meet you.

Always keep an eye out for legal talent.

A man in my position can't have
too many lawyers, unfortunately.

- (CHUCKLES) No offense.
- None taken.


So what can I do you for?

Well, I wanted to ask about Cytron.

Small software company in California.

Sorry, my friend,
the name doesn't ring any...

Wait. That the company
that young girl blew up?

The case the government
screwed the pooch on?

Now, that was a slam dunk right there.

Whoever lost that thing was about
as sharp as a sack of wet mice.

- That wasn't your case?
- Afraid so.


In any event, according to
phone records, Jesse Tyler,

one of the young men
who was killed in the explosion,

made 11 calls to your company
in the week before he died.

You need to speak
to my IT boys about that.

Heck, they nerd talk all over the world,
India, Hong Kong, Malaysia.

These weren't calls
to your IT department.

Well, now they weren't calls to me.

I don't know about that software stuff.

My grandkids can't even teach me
how to use my telephone.

Well, actually, they were calls to your
Head of Security, which is confusing,

because Doyle Energy doesn't have
a contract with Cytron, never has.

Now that is a mystery.

So, would it be possible
to talk with your Security Head?


Just come back with a warrant
or subpoena,

whatever it is you boys over at
the U.S. Attorney's Office normally get.

And all those lawyers of mine
I was talking about,

they can advise you
on what they'd need to see.

I hoped he and I might
speak more informally.

Well, now, he wouldn't be
much of a Security Head

if he didn't keep things secure.

Thanks for your time.


You know, you really don't have to stay.

I'm good.

Liv, you don't have time for this.
I watch the news.

You're going for broke
in Lafayette Square.

You're poking a bear.

With that protest across
from the White House,

you're poking a bear.

I'm doing what I have to do to get
Alexander Lavich's immunity waived.

You try so hard to get that man
to walk away from you.

Have you ever stopped to consider how
painful it's going to be if you succeed?

If he actually does walk away?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

We worked on
the general election together.

And I'm not stupid.

And we've been through
far too much together to pretend.

And you're pushing him away

because you think
it's the right thing to do.

As if right and wrong are fixed.

And if you succeed
in pushing him away...

Liv, I've seen you two together.

You breathe in sync.

You have a very active imagination.

You are poking a bear.

Please stop.


- Well, at least turn your phone back on.
- (BEEP)

Verna, I really don't think that we...



The White House.

- I see why you turned your phone off.

To keep my active imagination in check.




Hello, Olivia.

Let's talk about us. You and me.

Mellie, I certainly don't want to...

If we lived in Kurkistan,

we would have been married off
at the age of 12

to pay a debt or buy some livestock

or to feed the men enough
to keep growing opium in the fields.

And after our weddings, our husbands
would beat us and rape us

and force us to bear their children

before we were done
being children ourselves.

And we wouldn't vote or drive
or have voices or rights of any kind.

I wouldn't want that for my daughter
or myself.

Or you.

So when some
self-important goat herder

from that crappy little wasteland
thinks he can come here,

to the United States of America,

and treat one of our bright
young college-educated women

with less dignity than a dog
run down on a country road,

I take exception.

What do you want, Mellie?

Your story, that protest,
it's starting to die.

The crowds get smaller every day,

and my husband's administration
is refusing to engage.

It would be a great help to you

if the First Lady of the United States
took a stand on this, wouldn't it?

Why am I here, Liv?
At a protest that I've already covered?

Because I told you it would be worth it,

and if I say it's going to be worth it,
it's worth it.

So turn on your camera,
stop complaining,

and decide how
you're going to thank me.

- Olivia.
- Camera on.



MELLIE: Mr. And Mrs. Nystrom?

I just want to say
how sorry I am for your loss.

I have two children, and as you can see,
I'm about to have a third

and I just can't imagine the pain
you must be going through right now.

Would you mind if I joined you for a bit?

- Mrs. Grant!
- Mrs. Grant!

No, no. No questions at this time.

I'm not here in any official capacity,
I'm not here as First Lady.

I'm here as a mom.

A mom who is horrified
that our legal system has fallen

woefully short in getting justice
for Jenny Nystrom.

MAN: Mrs. Grant, why isn't
the White House doing more?

The woman's a political genius.

- Which one?
- Huh?

Mellie or Liv?

Both. They both are.


Mr. President...

Mr. President?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


I'm the leader of the free world.

I'm arguably the most powerful man
on the planet,

and I'm being brought to my knees
by my wife and my...

And Olivia Pope.

This is a political nightmare. Jenny
Nystrom has become more important

than the entire nation of East Sudan,
thanks to Liv and Mellie.

They worked together.



They worked together.

The women in your life play
a very mean game of political chess.

Game over. They win.



(SIGHS) How long
has she been doing that?

A long time.

Always in circles
or is she varying the pattern?


If she would talk to someone,
let someone in once in a while,

maybe she wouldn't wear out
so many pairs of expensive shoes.

The hell with it. I'm going in.

Any word from the White House?


Okay, I deserve to know things.

Since that trial,
everything has been a secret.

Everything has been a one-way street
and if you would just...

What is going on?
Who are you protecting?

What does Quinn have on you

that makes you so determined
to put yourself at risk?

Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it? It's all I do.

I worry about it
because you won't talk to me.

You won't tell me anything.

The trial's been over for weeks.
Everyone's moved on.

I'm done suggesting you do the same,
I now require it.

Move on!



I need to take this privately.

Of course you do.


C YRUS: Fifteen minutes, our old place.

Reservation for two. Cyrus Beene.

You're the first to arrive. This way.


Thank you.

Can I get you something to drink?

Just some water.




The United States is declaring Lavich
persona non grata and deporting him.

So, Lavich is forced out of the U.S.

And has to return home to Kurkistan
where he'll, I don't know,

chill for the rest of his life
in a giant palace

while Jenny Nystrom's murder
goes unavenged?

It's the best I can do.

Nice. Wonderful.

America's the greatest country
in the world.

One of your staffers could've
told me this over the phone.

I wanted to see you.

Why? What's the point?

I'm going to the G8 tonight.
Wanna hitch a ride on Air Force One?


Yeah, I didn't think so.


You must really hate me.

For falling in love with you.

I tried. I made the call.

I asked Kurkistan
to withdraw support for Lavich

so I could have him arrested.

They said no, so I did the next...

Can I walk out of here
or will I be stopped by Tom and Hal?


this go? Really?

Other than me joining the Mile High
Club with you on Air Force One?

How is there any future here?



We're done.


I'm letting you go.

That's what you want, right?

And, look,
I'll drop the charges against Edison.

The Ethics Committee doesn't need
to look into him. It's fine.

You go your way, I'll go mine.

I'm married, I have children.

I can't do this.

It's not fair to you, or to me,
or to Mellie, or the country.

I have to be responsible.






You order whatever you want.

It's all being charged to me anyway.



MAN: Mr. President,
do you think you did enough?

FITZ: I think...

I think I did what I had to do in the face
of complicated foreign policy.

Our options were limited.

Did I want to do more?
Did I try to do more? Of course.

I hope the Nystrom family,
as well as the American people,

will not consider this a defeat,
because it's not.

Despite the circumstances,

despite the insurmountable obstacles,
we tried.

And now, it's important to know
when to move on.

So that's what we're doing.
We're moving on.

PETER: He's giving in. He's caving.

OLIVIA: Peter, the President has done
everything he...

PETER: I don't give a damn
about international law or treaties.

They're nonsense. They mean nothing.

That man killed our daughter!

HUCK: Where are you going now?


Where are you going?

The hotel. Back to the hotel.

- Don't do it.
- Excuse me?

Wherever you're going
after you drop your wife at the hotel,

the hardware store, the gun shop,

the safe in the back of your closet,
don't go there.

Don't do it. It's not worth it.

He's not worth it.

It will feel good for a few seconds,

but then it will eat at you
for the rest of your life.

Let me ask you. You got kids?

No, sir.

Yeah. I didn't think so.


You did good work for those people.


You did good work.

Hard to feel like it, but you did.

These girls.

They come here thinking
they're going to change the world,

and then they get involved
with some man, and everything just...

I thought we were very good together.

- You weren't talking about me.

Which is awkward.


We were good together.

Come here.

Come here.

Everything is gonna be all right.

No, it's not.

Why is Abby the only one
who ever questions Olivia?

Come again?

Look, I'm trying here. Okay? I am.
I'm trying to be a team player.

I'm trying to be just another associate
at Pope and Associates,

but every time I look at Olivia, I think,

"This woman saved my life."

And she won't tell me how,
and she won't tell me why,

and I know she's done things
for all of us, fixed all of us,

but no one asks her any questions.

We all just do whatever she says,

and doesn't that ever bother you?

You know what I think about
when I look at Olivia?

My bookkeeping degree.

- What?
- That's what you do, right?

When you're spending
eight years in federal prison?

That's what I was facing
for insider trading.

Eight years of my life

Wasted if she hadn't saved me.

So, the way I see it? Liv's a good person,

and if a good person has to do
something bad for the right reasons,

I'm down with that.

So I don't wanna know the hows,
I don't wanna know the whys.

I just come to work every day,
thankful as all hell

I didn't have to earn
a bookkeeping degree.


WOMAN: I don't understand
why you have to get gas tonight.

It'll save us time in the morning.

Oh, my God!

WOMAN: Police were called
to the scene

where Lavich was pronounced dead,

the victim of what appears
to be a freak heart attack.

HUCK: Earlier tonight, I went out,
I went out hard.

Drank a lot of whiskey.

I wish I could say I didn't enjoy it,
that I felt sick to my stomach.

That I couldn't even look at myself
in the mirror afterwards,

but I can't say that
because it was perfect.

And that kind of perfection
doesn't make me feel weak.

It makes me feel strong.


I looked at myself in the mirror,

and I finally recognized
that person I once knew so well,

that person who went out all the time.

Sometimes just for fun.

And now that I've seen
that person again,

I don't know if I could ever go back.



You gonna miss me?

That was an asinine thing you did today.

It worked out well for me this time,
but the next time you cross me...

Careful, you don't want to threaten me
'cause I might actually get angry.

Now say goodbye to our child.

- You never miss a beat, do you?

Good luck in Tokyo. I love you.


Holy... What the hell?

Relax. I already saw your wall
when I broke in earlier.

What are you... You can't just break in...

What the hell?

Is this something, you and me?

Is it...

Are you just having fun? Is this just sex?

Or is this real? Or is this something?


This is something.

Then we should talk
about what's going on with Olivia Pope.

DAVID: I've been focused
on Quinn Perkins.

I've been focused on Olivia Pope.

I've been wrong.

They know things,
they're involved, sure.

But the murder of those seven people
at Cytron software?

It's bigger than them. Much bigger.

'Cause why is Jesse Tyler,
Quinn Perkins' dead ex-boyfriend,

calling an oil tycoon in D.C.
11 times the week he's blown to bits?

Maybe they're old friends.
Maybe he's related to the guy.

One of the Grant Administration's
biggest donors?

Wake up and smell the cover-up, Abby.

This is a conspiracy.
Who knows how high up it goes?

Sure do appreciate you
making the time, friends.

So what do you think?

I think Oswald acted alone,

I think 9l11 was just a terrorist attack,

and I think AIDS is a crappy disease,

not a biological weapon
created by the Pentagon.

I think "conspiracy" is a strong word.


I hear we have a David Rosen issue.

That we do, Livvie. That we do.


Ripped By mstoll