Sanctuary (2008–2011): Season 3, Episode 16 - Awakening - full transcript

Helen and Nikola explore an ancient Praxian stronghold, and find a little more than they were expecting. Meanwhile, Kate's past comes back to haunt her.

Previously on Sanctuary...

This is
Hollow Earth.

What if this place is the
source for all abnormals?

Both above and
beneath the surface?

It's a real

It seems to be
scanning us.

" Akhkharu ."

"Blood demon."

It must be detecting
traces of the source blood

in our DNA.

I'm not sure
that's a good thing.

I can only assume
that the gateway

has the same defenses.

Which means
we'll need some kind of shield

to get past it.

And you're
the only one who can build it.


Well, I hope
you're all happy now.

I'm ordinary.

Here's to the glorious
vampire race,

once mighty, now extinct.

I want my life back.

Nikola, the door!

Being a living magnet,
it's not exactly on par with

being heir to the greatest race
in all of history.

It makes sense, in an evil way.

If this trip is
your way of apologizing

for leaving me behind
last time...


You're officially forgiven.

I thought
you might approve.

This is amazing.

The last known stronghold
of Praxian society

before they retreated
into Hollow Earth.

Well, let's not
get ahead of ourselves.

For all we know,

the data I collected
from the holographic map

could be inaccurate.

Oh, really?



You know, this reminds me
of when we were in Egypt

looking for
tut's tomb, huh?

Ah... those wild
early days:

No ground-penetrating radar,
no satellite imagery.

We were barely better
than grave-robbers.

Five years of searching,
and then one day

Howard Carter
just points at the spot.

The man was a genius,
in his own way.

Also, he had
excellent taste in claret.


Dead end?


I can feel
there's power

being drawn off
behind here.

No visible wiring...

A doorway?

Yeah, possibly.

I could disengage
the locking mechanism

with a magnetic pulse.

And you're confident of that?

Remember this moment, Helen.

We're about to make history.


Oh, my God, look at this.

It's the ancient script
of the sanguine vampiris.


According to the map,

this was a Praxian

Not anymore.

It says here

that my ancestors drove
them from this place

and made it
a fortress of their own.

Nikola, wait.

If this was
a vampire stronghold,

they'd have

The vampire shield.

Take off your bracelet!


I prefer to think of it as a...

Nikola! Dammit!

♪ Sanctuary 3x16 ♪
Original Air Date on May 16, 2010

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Stay still.

What hit me?

Some sort of
energy beam.

This room must be defended
by vampire technology.

And the source blood shield
hid my vampire DNA.

It perceived you
as being an ordinary human.

Oh, that hurts.

All right, how bad is it?
Let me see.

No, not a good idea.

The only thing
keeping my insides

from spreading out
across the floor

is the magnetic field
I'm generating to hold them in.

Dear lord.

All right, stay calm.

You know, you realize
the thing about traps

is that they're meant
to be escape-proof,

particularly when they're
designed by vampires.

Well, there has to be
some other way out of here.

How long can you hold on?

For the rest of my life.

UK lottery winnings,


Canadian pharmacy, double-plonk.

Delete, delete, delete.

Why don't you
let Henry

install a spam filter for you?

Same reason why

you wait until
he's out of town

before setting up
your new game console.

Yeah, he never
just does it.


He always has to design

a new perfectly
optimized system,

and six months later,

you're still waiting
to play Guitar Hero.


And besides,

I'm shutting this
account down anyway.

I haven't used it
in, like, a year.

Just making sure there is
nothing in here I need.

I definitely do not need
to enlarge that.

What's up?

Nigerian prince
in trouble?

Uh, no.

I just...
gotta do something.

Wow, you move fast
for a big guy.

What's going on?


I'm just going
for Red Bull.

You're going for bull,
all right.

Let it go, okay?

It's nothing you need
to worry about.

Your pulse is thin.

You're losing blood into
the cavity around the wound.

"If you cut me,
do I not bleed?"

Oh, no Shakespeare,

Do you remember
the leaves of autumn

that time we met
at Oxford?

You need to
stay focused.

Your body's
going into shock.

That crimson dress
you were wearing...

You'll start to feel cold,
and then you'll want to sleep.


You can't give in to it.

You need to keep that
magnetic field going.

Any more blood loss, and...

Any sensible woman
would have worn black,

you know, to fit in,

but not Helen Magnus.
Oh, no.


Ah! Holy mother of...

You need to stay awake!

There are other ways
of getting my attention.

I never knew
you could be so cruel.

I'm trying to keep you alive!


I have a hole
through my vital organs,

and we're miles
from surgical facilities.

You are in denial.

If I could recalibrate
a stunner

to cauterize
the arterial damage...

You could buy me
a slow, agonizing death

instead of a decent one?

Even I don't
deserve that.

You need to keep
the blood circulating

while we figure this out.


You're going to have to find
another date to the prom.

You had to rush in,
didn't you?

You couldn't wait
ten seconds

to scan for weapons.

When have you
ever known me

to put common sense ahead of
intellectual curiosity?

There's only one
more shot of EPI left.

You wouldn't happen to have
any morphine in there instead?

If I gave you an analgesic,

it would suppress
your respiration.

You'd just go to sleep.

In your arms.

And bleed out,

Also true.

Is that really
what you want?


Tempting as it may sound,

I have a different
final request.

It's not
what you think.

Read to me.

You serious?

Helen, we're

by the greatest trove
of vampire knowledge

the world has
ever seen.

It's killing me...

I'm being robbed
of my last great discovery.

I've spent my life

trying to piece together
my ancestry.

Come on, read.

All right.

"The armies of the third
great kingdom gathered...

Our enemies recruited
unnatural creatures

of land, and sea, and air,

marred by fin, and fur, and...

They must be
referring to abnormals.

It looks like they fought
side by side

with the early Praxians,

and then when
the Praxians retreated

into Hollow Earth...

Those abnormals
went with them.

It would explain
why some of their species

are so similar to our own.

You're welcome.

"The weak who remained
stayed to serve."

Ah, the golden age of vampires
of which you're so fond.

The age of
human slavery.


Keep reading.

"The warrior Queen Afina
and her court

were laid to rest in state,

to rise again
in the afterlife..."

No, that's not quite right.


"After time."

"After time...

To rule into eternity."

I like the sound of that.

Maybe I'll meet her
on the other side.

Wait a second.

"Laid to rest in state..."

There's another character.

Laid to rest... "Here."

Good heavens.

It's the Queen of the Vampires.

Just think, Nikola.

We're the first people
to see this tomb

in thousands of years.

Nikola, no!
What are you doing?

Help me up.

Are you out of your mind?

I'm not missing out on this.

Help me up.

Come on.

Look at her.

Perfectly preserved,

like an insect in amber.

They must have mastered
crystal replication

on an atomic level.

Oh, don't sound so surprised.

These are vampires
we're talking about after all.

Every advance we've seen
in our lifetimes,

nothing but a pathetic attempt
to recreate

what my race achieved

before the humans
even left the caves.

Just leave me here
among vampire royalty,

my only peers.

I have a better idea.

Move aside.

What are you doing?

If there is even
an ounce of fluid

in that corpse,

a few cells of unaltered
vampire DNA...

Helen, I'm shocked.

Are you offering to re-vamp me?

If you get the hell
out of my way I am.

I have never been
more attracted to you

than I am at this moment.

Bloody hell, what is
this thing made of?

We need something stronger.

On Praxis, I used
a laser scalpel

to cut through the hide
of an earth-moving abnormal.

Now, it's the same principle,
I just need to focus the beam...

No, no, no, you'll overload
the power condenser.

Do you have
a better idea?

Unprotected platinum coils?

Wolf boy...

Have a word with him
about power efficiency.

I doubt Henry
planned on

this kind of repurposing.

That's no excuse.

Secure the oscillator,

or you'll get

Yeah, I got it, thank you.

Yeah, well,

get this wrong,

you might as well pull the pin
on a radiation grenade.

Which is starting to sound
more and more attractive.

All right.

Ready or not...

Time for a field test.

Ah! Damn,
it's overheating.

Yeah, I'd say I told you so,

but, you know,
it wouldn't bring me

much satisfaction.

How deep?

A few millimeters.

Don't you dare!
This is not over!

It's not deep enough.

Can we pull out
the explosive core

and pack this borehole?

Nikola, no!

Oh, come on...

Come on!


Bloody hell.


Hang in there.

Oh, come on. Fight!


I'm back, baby.

And it feels good.

Hey, you know
anything about, uh...

Uh, Taminsails?


They're an amphibious

farmed for
their TSH glands.

It's supposed to give
a powerful high.

Yeah. The buyers
get them as eggs,

they harvest the glands
every six weeks,

and they just
rip 'em out,

no anesthetic.

Yeah, I'd love
to put a stop to it,

but these places come and go,

and the guys behind them
stay hidden.

Well, what if I say

I have a line on
where to find one of them?

Guy named Caster.

Operates out of a warehouse
on the North Shore.

I'll make some calls.

We could coordinate
with law enforcement,

get a TAC team in

and do some recon.

No, we need
to move on this now, Will.

Get your law
enforcement in place,

'cause I'm
gearing up now.

You guys are free
to join me

if you think
you can keep up.

Are you sure you're
feeling all right?

Are you kidding?

I feel great,

better than I have
in years.

So, how did you
manage to...


Never underestimate the power
of a woman's determination.

Well, the...

The stunner beam must have
weakened the crystal matrix...

Oh, right, right.

It didn't have
anything to do

with your fear of
losing me, or...

Don't let it go to your head.

Now, can we
get out of here, please?

Allow me.

Let's see...

Well, the mortar
has been reinforced

with a carbon compound.

Hard as diamond.

So you can't
break through it?

Well, I'm not exactly
at full strength.

I'm hungry enough
to drink cow's blood.


I've got two packets of peanuts
and a protein bar.

Ew, no.

All right, stand back,
I'll see what I can do.


These walls are part of
the original Praxian fort.

They were built to withstand
the strength of a vampire.

So kind of you to say.

Why would they build
a booby trap without failsafes?

I mean, there has to be
some sort of control

to override it.

I found these markings,

thought they might
be sensors,

but nothing seems
to operate the door.


Well, maybe
they're burnt out.

That's odd.

The crystal's degrading.

It must be a reaction

to the piercing
of the outer layer.

My God.

She's alive.

We have to get her
out of there.

We're not equipped
to handle a living vampire.

Excuse me, one of us
is a living vampire.

Helen, come on,
this is our chance

to come face to face

with the last remnant
of an extinct civilization.

I agree.

I'm just saying we need to wait
until we can get

a proper team down here.

A proper team?
How long is that going to take?

Come on, the crypt
is disintegrating

on top of her.

I'm sorry. Once it was opened
and the air got in,

all bets were off.

And I opened it, I get it,
thank you.

I'm not blaming you,

but, yes, you woke her up,
so now deal with it.

Do you want her
to die in there?

No, of course not.

Good, because
I would hate to think

that the only creature

that's not worthy
of your protection

is me and my...
my kin.

I just...

H-how did you
do that?

I'm a vampire.

Infrared imaging
shows a hot spot

in the northwest corner.

A lot of small bodies
packed in tight.

The Taminsails.

Now, we got a TAC team

the northwest exit.

A couple guards
are coming and going,

but no customer

They keep production
and sales separate

so they don't draw the cops.

These creatures have been
living in captivity,

so they might be
a little aggressive

when we try to move them.

Suit up, let's go.

There's no need
to be afraid.

It's okay,
we want to help you.

Come on.

Do you think she
even understand us?

I don't know.

This is... from you.

Your blood.


What did I tell you?

The most brilliant,
elegant race

in history.

They solved the babel problem

by embedding communications
in blood.

It's remarkable.

You've been asleep
for a very a long time.

How are you feeling?

I was in stasis, not asleep.

No need to patronize me.


Imagine a business card

with a drop of blood
in the printing.

You'd eliminate cultural


Global rule becomes
a legitimate possibility.

Can we focus
for one minute?

Yeah, right, sorry,
we'll talk about that later.

I-I would love
to talk about that


Where's my brother?


There haven't been
vampires on Earth

for a very long time.

But I carry on

that legacy.

Dormant gene,

activated by exposure
to pure vampire blood.

Helen, please.

Why do you have to
make it sound

so clinical?

My true nature

was re-awoken

with these dormant genes,

and, uh, my vision,
and, uh, my genius,

all my gifts,

from my ancestors,
from you,

practically wasted

in this primitive
modern world.

What about
the rest of my people?

There's been
a shift in power.

And our beautiful cities?

All that we built?

Yeah, it's...

All a little different
than what you remember.

Thank you.

If we're the only two left, I'll
have to rely on you.

It would be my honor.

I have so much
to learn from you,

and that's not something
I ever say.

I can attest to that.


And what's your story?

Are you of the kingdom?

Well, it's a...
little complicated.

Just waiting for
your signal, over...

standing by.

Go, go, go!

Down! Down now!
Down! Now!

That's a pretty
bad move.

You guys
want to walk away.

We're here
for the boxes.

Let's get these boxes.

So, you were
at war with the Praxians

for centuries.

They were terrified of us.

Tried to destroy us
any way they could,

and then they ran into the earth
like rats.

We took over
all their old forts.

But it says there
that you were dead.

You were sent
to the afterlife,

or "after-time".

" Kianaru " isn't
the afterlife.

It's the future.

Right. Right, the future.

How could I miss that?

So, you were deliberately
put into stasis

for thousands of years?

When everyone
in the royal family's immortal,

it's hard to pass on the throne.

My ancestors kept trying
to kill each other,

so we had to come up
with a better way.

You took turns ruling.

Just so evolved.

I left my brother,
Kalmin, in charge.

He was supposed
to revive me.

But that
never happened.

No, I've heard of Kalmin.

The legends say that he ruled
for a thousand years

before he was assassinated
by his youngest son,

which means that
he left you in there to rot

while he kept your kingdom
for himself.

But look who's
still around.

You and I, Nikola,

not him.

He can have the past.

We'll take the future.


None of us will have

very much of a future

if we don't get out of here.

Afina, can you tell us

how to reopen the door
that locked us in here?

The security system
was designed

to protect me
from my enemies.

Anyone who broke in

would be killed instantly
and sealed in with me.

Yes, the Egyptians
did the same thing

thousands of
years later.

How did you
set it off

if you have
vampire blood?

Ah, well, that's a story
for another day.

The question is,

how do we
get out of here now?

There's an escape hatch

behind that wall.

A human wouldn't be able
to shift the weight,

but one of us could.

If you have
the strength.

I'm afraid I don't.

I need to feed.

Nikola and I have devised

a regimen of nutrients

and animal plasma.

It gives you
everything you need,

but we'll have to wait

until we get
to the surface.

Animal plasma,
that's what you eat?

Well, it's not as bad
as it sounds.

It sounds terrible.

But there is a local antelope

that I used to be
quite fond of.


Don't worry.

We'll figure
everything out.

That corridor leads

to another part
of the cavern.

Only my most
trusted servants

knew of it,

and now you two.

Thank you.

Could you excuse us
for just one minute?

I don't like this.

We have no idea where
that tunnel leads.

Why would she lie
to us?

The woman
is used to ruling

over a population
of serfs.

You don't think she's
working her own agenda?

Look, if she was actually bent
on world domination,

why would she complicate
our trip out of here?

You're assuming
that all of us are going.

You're familiar with
the fox and the chicken parable?

I am.

Which are you in this story,
the chicken or the fox?

The farmer.

I don't feel safe
letting her go first,

and I certainly don't feel safe
leaving her behind.

You have a Sasquatch
for a butler

and you travel the world

with history's
most notorious murderer,

and now you don't feel safe?

Helen, green is not
a good color on you.

Don't be

She's intelligent,

remarkably well-
preserved for her age,

everything I look for
in a woman,

and unlike
someone I know,

she's actually
interested in me.

I'm not engaging
in this childish conversation.

The more you deny it,
the truer it is.

Oh, that's an excellent
scientific method.

Thank you.

really good...

I can hear you,
you know.

Vampire, remember?

You need to learn to trust me.

And if I don't?

That's when bad things
start to happen.


What are you doing?

Changing the rules!

Welcome to the new age.


Don't worry,
he won't be disturbing us.

That old trap was designed
for a true vampire...

A warrior,
not a schoolboy.

Why did you do that?

When I repopulate my species,

I plan to do much better

than a mixed-blood

You, though, will be...
quite useful.


I'm less vampire
than he is.


A blood donor that stays
young and fresh forever,

but without
the bitter aftertaste.

I hope you choke on it.


These things
are expensive.

So, you want to tell me?

Tell you what?

Why this is
so important to you?


That's how much I made
smuggling Tam eggs.

It started
when I was 17.

They'd make a cash drop,

I'd get the eggs,

collect the balance
on delivery.


The guy I was running for

said he was selling them
as pets,

but they weren't pets.

Well, you were a kid.

You were trying
to survive.

You don't think there were
other ways to survive?

I made a choice
because I was good at it.

Yeah, you were good
at finding abnormals.

Good at turning them over
to the highest bidder.

You know that's not
who you are anymore.

It doesn't matter, Will.

It's who I was.


Well, we all have a history.

Yeah, except
mine keeps coming back

to bite me in the ass.

You'll never succeed.

I already have.
I'm alive, aren't I?

The entire human race
will stand against you.

You think so?

In my experience,

the human race never
stood together on anything.

Well, they won't
tolerate enslavement,

that's for sure.

You really
don't understand

your own people,
do you?

They want to be told
what to do.

They crave it.

They elect leaders

for the sole purpose
of taking difficult decisions

out of their hands.

I'm here to offer
a better alternative.


In exchange for advancement,
knowledge, progress...

we've done just fine
on our own.

Oh, yes,
you've come so far,

and yet, I bet you still spend
all your time fighting,

over land, resources,

or my favorite,
conflicting beliefs.

Am I right?

Aw, it's all right.

It's human nature,

and that's why I know
I'll succeed.

I know you better
than you know yourselves.



Oh, that hurts.


How very nice.

No, no...


That back-stabbing,
blood-sucking bitch!

There doesn't
have to be a war.

We take you back
to the Sanctuary.

You could learn from us,
see what we've become.

And then what, we'll
share power equally?


You won't win.

We have weapons

that could devastate
the entire planet.

Your loss.

You'd have
nothing left to rule.

Then we'll start over.

You're so shocked.
It's lovely.

You would really
destroy the world

just so you could
conquer it?

Why not, if it's
there for the taking?

Oh, come on,

you didn't think
you'd rule forever.

For an inferior species,

I'd say you had
a pretty good run.

As did you, until
we defeated you.

That won't happen again.

We're going deeper.

You spotted that,
did you?

I thought we were
going to the surface.

We will.

We just have to
make a quick stop

along the way.

There's that
shocked look again.

You know, I expected
more from you, Helen.

You read the legend.

"Afina laid to rest
to await kianaru ,

the time of returning."

But not just Afina.

That's right.
Afina and her court.

What is this place?

My court.

My warriors,

and they'll be
very pleased

with the blood donor
I've brought them.

Not as crude
as the way you released me.

Have I thanked you
for that, by the way?

I could always
put you back in.

It's too late for that,
I'm afraid.

The first seeds

of a new master race.

You're lucky to be
witnessing it first hand...

You should not have done that.

Son of a...

Afina, come on!

I thought we had something.

Call it heat, attraction...

You and me,
we were gonna...

I hate her.


I would have shared
everything with you.

All the wonders of a new age.

While keeping me
as your personal canteen?

In my time, it was an honor
to serve the Queen.

I'll pass.

Suit yourself.




You're out of
your depth, mongrel.

I'd rather be a mongrel

than a stuck-up
inbred bitch.

Just keep her
under control.

My pleasure.

I need to try
and reverse the process

before the others wake up.


I'm fine.

You worry
about that.

Wait, stop!
Don't kill him!

I have a proposal.

Now you want to negotiate?

Make it fast.

The Praxians, your enemies.

They left you
the surface

while they retreated into
the depths of Hollow Earth.

Helen, no.

They're still there.

They have
a thriving city.

More advanced than anything
you had in your kingdom.

Don't do this.


Tell me more.


Leave the surface alone.

You can have Hollow Earth.

Take revenge
on your old enemies.

That's my offer.

Damn it, no...

how do I find it?

The second level activates
on a Praxian voice command.

You tell us
how to leave...

I'll tell you
how to talk to the map.


I'll honor your deal,
but it won't last.

Once we've conquered
the world down there,

we'll be back.

I don't doubt it.

We'll be waiting.

I would have so liked
to have had you for my court.

In my chamber,

there's a sensor at eye level
near the door.

How do we activate it?

Blood, of course.

Now, the password.


Kha harag.

That should take you
where you need to go.

Which is it?

Uh... here.


Got your email.

You here to return
the deposit I left?

Yeah, about that.

I decided to use it
on a Tam farm of my own,

kind of a country home
for the retired.

It was you...

Busted my North Shore op.

If you can call it that.

You know what, you're crazy,

coming out here alone.

I'm not alone.

A year ago,

you could've
pulled that trigger,

and nobody would've cared,

but I'm with the Sanctuary now.

Think about
that combination,

their toys,
my attitude?

And you do not
want to piss us off

any more than you already have.

My advice?

Cash in your chips
while you still can,

'cause next time,

you're not gonna know
what hit you.

This is your only warning!

Cut it a little closer
than I would have liked.

What, me?

It was you who
handed over the map.

How did you know

she was telling the truth
about the door?

I didn't,

but I had to stop her
either way.

Well, thanks for
consulting me

about the suicide pact.


It's a shame
we lost it, you know.

We barely downloaded
a fraction of that database.

Small price to pay.

For my life?

For saving the world
from human enslavement.

Oh, right. That too.

I'm sorry your glorious legacy

didn't turn out to be
all you were hoping for.


She was an entitled bitch
with a Nazi complex.

The world in her image?

I don't think so.

No, and we mustn't forget

our most important
achievement of the day.

My resurrection.

Oh, here we go...

sweet resurrection.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==