Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Run Rabbit Run - full transcript

Gen receives treatment at the hospital as Usagi and Kitsune wind up in the middle of a disagreement between the Mogura and Bat Squadron.


I love the hospital! I don't know
why Toshiko never wants to come here.

Ugh. Nothing about this is okay.

On a scale of one to ten,
how much does your horn hurt?


It's my eyebrows I'm worried about.

Does it seem like
they're at different levels?

Levels of height or intensity?

I'm gonna need some tests.


I wanted to give you something
before you go…

…to the other side.

He's not dying.

Duh! I mean the other side
of the hospital.

I, um, I-I got you something
in the hospital shop.

It's a friendship candy, for luck.

Thanks, Kitsune. I'm gonna save it.

After tests, you get a lollipop.

Yay, lollipops!

Good luck, Gen!

Don't sign anything.

-Should we wait here?
-No way. This'll take hours.

You want a friendship candy?

I love these. Thank you.

Friendship candy?

Chizu, get back here!
There is no learning without pain.

It's going to be okay.

Thanks, Kaiyo.

What would I do without you?

Friendship candy?

Ninja don't have friends.
They have duties.

I am the only one
who should matter to you.


For your punishment, Chizu,

you will never see Kaiyo again.

Chizu, are you okay?

Uh, y-- yes.

Uh, I, um…

Thank you.

You gonna eat it or what?

Maybe someday.


So cute.

Guys, I feel bad about Gen's horn.

Can we find him a replacement?

A prosthetic rhino horn?

This is Neo Edo.

You can find literally anything here.

Let's go.

Uh, actually, uh, I need to, um,

pick up a new broom.

-For better… sweeping.

No further questions.

She's weird, but I like her.

Gen, we're gonna head out.
We'll see you later.

-Don't look at my butt!
-Yay, butts!


A ninja must make no sound.

A ninja never removes her mask
during training.


The release of the Yokai
has convinced me to speed up our plans.

It is finally time for you
to steal the Scroll of Secrets.

Tetsujin keeps it hidden,
but I can find it.

The scroll will tell us
how to move the Ki-Stone,

and how to harvest its energy.

Once I control Neo Edo's power source,
the city will be at my mercy.

That was a joke.

I have no mercy.

You have always been my favorite, Chizu.

But see that you do not disappoint me.

Yes, Lady Fuwa.

Eep, eep!

Ew, how did this get in here?

That's so weird.

Ugh, fine.

Who knew finding a size-11
fake rhino horn would be so hard?

Where you come from
are they in every store?

Where I come from there are no rhinos.

-There are barely even stores.

News of the day, only two joules.

A newsbotto! Cool!

Breaking news.

Lord Kogane declares
the Yokai threat a hoax,

perpetrated by Yuichi Usagi.

But Lord Kogane was the one who told us
to fight Yokai in the first place.

A bounty has been placed
on the head of the criminal Usagi,

in the amount of 50,000 joules.

Lord Kogane says:

Yuichi Usagi is a dangerous fugitive.

He is a descendant
of the famed traitor Miyamoto Usagi.

Wait, is that the guy
from all the dartboards?

If you see Usagi,
bring him to the Keisatsu for your reward.

But, uh, beat him up first. He's terrible.

And smelly.

You look like you're getting ready
to fight a whole lot of people at once,

which would be a very poor life choice.

-I can handle this.
-You definitely can't.

You're coming with us, Rabbit.

Big sword. Very big sword.

-Hmph! Whoa.
-We gotta get out of here!

But look what I did with the table.
Wasn't that cool?

Surviving is cooler!




Why would Kogane put a price on my head?

And why would he say there are no Yokai?

Okay, plan A, I fight everyone in Neo Edo.

Beat up the whole city?
You're gonna run out of knuckles, bro.

Okay, plan B.

We get to Gen's house and hide
until we figure out what's going on.

Ding, ding, ding! Plan B for the win.


I think we lost them.


These guys.

Hey there, kid.

Apparently you're worth 50,000 joules.

That would buy
a lot more tattoos, bunny boy.


Okay, Chikabuma has a bunch of tattoos,
but you can't see them because of his fur.

This one's a flaming skull.

-Please don't say, "I got this."
-I got this!


Cool sword, man.

Of course it is.

You're good at this.

I'm not even warmed up.



Hold it!

Chikabuma is about to break a sweat.

And that is not cool.

Mogura, snap it up.

-Are they gonna do that thing where they…


Okay, how many fingers am I holding up?

No. I only have four.

Wait. Does my thumb count?


Chizu, what are you doing?

Uh… dancing.

Um, I, uh, didn't hear you come in.

'Cause I can go through walls.

I'm silent, like clouds probably are.

Or like a ninja.

-Only I'm not a total jerk like they are.
-Uh… right.

I thought you were taking today off.

I am here…

because… of a very good reason.

Are you going to tell me what it is?


-Yeep, yeep.





No, no, it's okay.

I was totally planning
to be tied up in a cart today anyway.

We're almost at Keisatsu station.


I'm sorry it has to end like this,
bunny boy.

You're good with a sword,
and you got style.



-Chizu, get out of here!
-These guys are dangerous!

What, us?

No, no, no. Not at all.

Hello. How can we help you?

Why is he scared of Chizu?

Untie them.

It's so crowded here.


Look, no one wants any trouble.

Of course not.

I'll just take the fox
and the rabbit, and go.

Cool, cool, heh.

Then we… pretend
this never happened, yeah?

A little late for that, isn't it?

Wait, who's this? What is going on?

The Bat Squadron.

They're gonna be super mad
to see Chikabuma here.

This is bat territory.

Well if it ain't old Mr. Big Hair.

Looks like you're trying
to claim a bounty outside your turf.


Nah, he was just selling me his sword.

-My what?
-Your sword.

You're selling your sword?

Oh, you must be really
down on your luck, Chikabuma.

And here I thought
I was gonna have to obliterate you.


Just selling my sword.

I'm only trying
to get you out of trouble here.

I'm gonna want that sword back!

Well, I'll just be going then.


I don't want any trouble, Cat.

But this is our turf and we have rights.

Man, this thing is sweet!


Too bad we're turning you in,
so you won't get to enjoy it.

I'm gonna enjoy it right about now.

Fight time!


-This really is a nice sword.
-No, no, no, don't do this!



Why did I headbutt? Never do the headbutt!


-Oh, knock it off!

Who's this clown?

I'm not a clown.

The doctor's put a cast on…

Ow, I can't see around this.


Gen, you're here
to help us fight the bats.

That is… exactly wrong.

I'm here to tell you
not to fight the bats.

I tried to tell him!

Let's just take it down
a notch here, everybody.

Admiral Nochi, I'm Murakami Gennosuke.

I've been looking for you.

My sister Toshiko owes you a lot of money.

I want to take on her debt.

Oh, right. Her.

Sure, whatever.
As long as we get paid.

I would also like to take
that sword-happy rabbit off your hands.

You can add his bounty to my debt.

Why would I do that
when I can just turn him in

and get the 50,000 joules right now?

Do you really want to walk
into the Keisatsu station?

Are you absolutely sure
they wouldn't just lock all of you up too?



I still say we should have fought them.

Are you insane?

There were a dozen of them

Admiral Nochi
could have called in 50 more.

-I could have handled--
-No, you couldn't!

-You see, this is why you need a Sensei.

Not just to teach you to fight.

To teach you when not to fight!

You're right.

I thought I could just figure it out,
but I need a Sensei.

And I think I know who it should be.

Bargain Bunji? The discount Sensei?

Absolutely not.

Gen, thank you for helping with the bats.

You won't regret it.

I already regret it so much.

Now, let's just get back to the house and…

Oh, boy.

This is probably a bad time to ask, but,

did you steal this skycart?

-Why are you looking at me?

borrowed it.

Okay, we're all going to jail.

Huh. Where have I seen that hat before?

You haven't.

Kogane wears a brand-new hat every day.

It's his thing.

There he is. That guy.

I got you!

How can you tell people Yokai are a hoax?

You know they're real!

You are the one
who's been making us fight them!

There are absolutely
no such things as Yokai.

Take it from me, Lord… Sokage?



-Right, Kogane.
-Why did you put a price on my head?

Whoa, that cart doesn't have a horse!

Is that a thing we've got now?

Yes, Lord Kogane.

That's almost as good as all
the floaty sky stuff, and the lights.

So many lights!

Are you all right, Lord Kogane?

Would you quit asking me that? I'm fine!

That hat!


No! Cut it out!

-Get off!

You get off!

You said there were no Yokai
because you're possessed by a Yokai!

Usagi, it is a very bad idea
to fight the Shogun.

I'm not fighting him.

I'm fighting… his hat!

Hey, w-what's going on?

I told you you hadn't seen the last of me!

Everybody sees this, right?

Can we all agree that Yokai are real?

-Unless I'm just having that dream again.

Somebody help me with this!

Let me on your head!

I will be your master!

Just let me control you a little bit.

-You'll like it.

Let me go!

Why did you do all this?

Because you're mean!

You fight Yokai.

And that Shogun,

he wears his hats just one time,
then he throws them away!

It's so disrespectful.

So you possessed him?


What? Is there a rule
that you can't possess someone

because they're disrespectful to hats?

Look, we don't need to fight.
We can work out a deal.

I'm listening.

I will find good homes
for Lord Kogane's old hats.

Go on.

And Kogane will promise
to treat his hats respectfully.


That will be

all right.

Thank you, Usagi.

You have satisfied the honor of the hats.


Hmph! Bad hat!

Don't do that.

You have to start
treating your hats better.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

And I'm gonna need all your old hats.

Okay. Sleepy now.

Gen, thank you again.

And I'm sorry about your horn.

I wanted to get you a new one,
but I blew it.

No, you didn't.

Chizu came to the temple
and asked me to make one.

-You did?
-That's so nice.

Yes, that is… absolutely
the reason I went there.

And here it is.

I am still learning to hold onto tools

without them passing
right through my hands,

so it turned out a little funky.

It's, uh… great.

And look, it's a juicer!

You can have fresh juice any time.

Couldn't you technically do that
with your old horn?

Thanks, guys. This means a lot.

Usagi, how are you going to find
all of Kogane's hats good homes?

I have an idea.


We love them.

-So cute!

I call this one "Mr. Sparkly Hat."

And I call this one "Mr. Fuzzy Hat!"

I'm going to dress this one up
like a baby!

First that cat from the Ninja Crew

shows up and steals the bounty,

then the bats show up and laugh at me.

I'm sick of this!

We're turning into a third-rate crew!

The Ninja Crew and The Bat Squadron
are pretty powerful, man.

But you could be more powerful!


I am Kagehito.

I have been doing some digging.

I find myself in need of



Maybe you mean… partners?


Assist me,

and I can make you
the most powerful of all the crews.

All you and your people must do

is help me find
a certain long-buried item.
