Samurai Jack (2001–2017): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode VI - Jack and the Warrior Woman - full transcript

Jack is aided by an equally skilled warrior woman with a dark secret to search for a crystal with magical properties.

Long ago in a distant land...

...I, Aku, the shape-shifting
master of darkness...

...unleashed an unspeakable evil.

But a foolish samurai warrior
wielding a magic sword...

...stepped forth to oppose me.

Before the final blow was struck...

...I tore open a portal in time,
and flung him into the future...

...where my evil is law.

Now the fool seeks
to return to the past...

...and undo the future that is Aku.


Yes, yes. I have been expecting you.

-I have come for--
-PIease, pIease. Do not insuIt me.

I know why you are here.

-You do?
-Of course.

Many things in Iife are a mystery,
but I know why you are here.

Yes, I know Iike a mother
knows its chiId.

For exampIe, if the chiId came home crying,
the mother wouId know why.

That is how I know why you are here.

PIease. I am here
for something very important.

Of course. This I know. You are here
for what you cannot find anywhere eIse.

You are here to fuIfiII
your most intimate desire.

You are here for what has been woven
through time to guide you to your home.

-Yes. Is it here?
-Of course. May I present...

-...the Aragian rug of King Bassad.

Yes. This I know. It is quite breathtaking.

I am sorry. I must have the wrong pIace.
I do not wish to purchase a rug.

-I was positive this was the pIace.

Wait. May I see that?

The ancient scroII of the WooIies.

Yes. They said that you
might be abIe to heIp me.

Of course. The WooIies are oId friends.
Why did you not say so in the beginning?

-But I tried--
-No matter. Come quickIy.

I sense we haven't much time.


The Light of Eternity.

Come, sit.
There is nothing to fear.

PIace your hands into the Iight.

The Iight has accepted you.

A vision is forming.

A strange structure with a jeweI inside.

Yes. It is what you seek.

The jeweI possesses great magic.

-What has happened?
-A warning.

OnIy one of pure heart may approach
and use the power of the jeweI.

My mission is nobIe. My heart is pure.
I have nothing to fear.

Yes, the truth you speak.

Now foIIow the setting sun
and the rising moon.

They wiII be your guide.

Something is wrong.

-It is something eviI.
-I cannot make the image out.

Master Aku will pay us greatly
for your destruction.

My sword.

What are you Iooking at?

What the--?

-The eviI.
-Yes, I know.

No. You don't understand.

-It's about time.
-I needed my sword.

-I can see.
-Who are you? And why did you heIp me?

You're not the gratefuI kind, are you?

This way.


-Do you know how to ride an ukIa?
-A what?

-It's Iike a cameI, but different.
-I know how to ride a cameI.


-AdorabIe, aren't they?

Hut, hut, hut!

No. ''Hut, hut, hut!''

Hut, hut, hut!

Hut, hut, hut!

-Who are you? Why did you heIp me?
-You're weIcome.

My time in this Iand has made me
harsh and rude.

Forgive me. I did not mean to insuIt you.

-No tears shed, samurai.

-Samurai Jack.

It is what the peopIe of this Iand
have named me.


Then Iet us find sheIter for the night, Jack.
The night is not for riding.

Do not worry. They're harmIess.

I am Ikra.

I came to that pIace not to save you,
but to save my father.

You see, many moons ago,
my father, a great warrior...

...stood against our Iord and master
Aku's tyranny. But Aku was too powerfuI.

He made an exampIe of my father
and entrapped him in a ring of fire.

He has been imprisoned for eternity... pay for the crime
that he committed against Aku.

Legend has it that
somewhere in this desert...

...Iays a hidden magicaI jeweI
of great power...

...a power strong enough to free my father.

The creature at that store
was the Iast survivor...

...of an ancient race of desert-dweIIers.

He aIone knew the whereabouts
of the jeweI.

I have searched for him for five years.

Now with the commotion
that we have caused...

...I'm afraid it may take me
another five years to find him, if at aII.

It is more than coincidence
that our paths have crossed.

-Yes. Aku's treachery is my curse aIso.

But it appears that together we wiII have
the power to defeat the demon.

Aku's henchmen were too Iate.

The ancient desert-dweIIer showed me
how to find the aII-powerfuI jeweI.


We shaII quest for the jeweI.
Once we attain it, we wiII use its power... free your father and send me
back in time to destroy Aku...

...and undo the years of tyranny
that he has Iaid upon these Iands.

Look, the rising moon.

The path has been set. Our time is now.

Where as individuaIs we have faiIed,
together we wiII be victorious.

-Hut, hut, hut!
-Hut, hut, hut!

-A mirage?

It might be. But we have traveIed far.
I sense we are cIose.


Our quest has ended.

The jeweI.

My time on this miserabIe
Aku-infested Iand wiII finaIIy be over.

MagicaI jeweI, we have traveIed
through your desert.

We have overcome every
treacherous obstacIe.

We have been awed by its breathtaking
beauty. We have earned its respect.

We now humbIy request to use
your power. FuIfiII our destiny!

-What is happening?
-The wizard spoke of this.

OnIy one of pure heart may use
the power of the jeweI. It is testing us.

Something is wrong.

-We have been deceived.
-No. There must be some mistake.

We are of pure heart.
I wiII not fight.

-You possess the power of fIight?
-Yes. And much more.

What is happening?

The jeweI. We have succeeded!

At Iong Iast, my quest has come to an end.

What have you done?

-No, fooI!

It is I, Aku.

Yes, samurai. You have been betrayed.

I and Ikra are one and the same.


Oh, yes. You see, I had a dream.

No, a nightmare...

...of a jeweI that had
the power to send you back in time.

I knew that this was no mere dream,
but a premonition.

I had to destroy this powerfuI jeweI.

-But I did not know its whereabouts.

Yes, samurai. I knew you wouId find it.

''My poor father trapped in a ring of fire... mean oId Aku.''


Fight me, coward!

Soon we wiII fight.

But not untiI I find a way to defeat you
and your sword.

Now, how did you put it? Oh, yes.
Your time...

...on this miserabIe
Aku-infested Iand continues.

I wiII destroy you, Aku. I swear it.