Sabrina, the Animated Series (1999–2000) - episodes with scripts
Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a pre-teen girl with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Salem, Sabrina's naive surfer dude friend Harvey, spoiled brat rich girl Gem Stone, Sabrina's rule stricken uncle Uncle Quigley, Sabrina's spaced out friend Pi, and of course, Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda, Sabrina's two criticizing, witchy aunts.
Season 1
- 1. Most Dangerous Witch
- 2. You Said a Mouse-ful
- 3. Boogie Shoes
- 4. Tail of Two Kitties
- 5. The Senses-Shattering Adventures of Captain Harvtastic
- 6. Witch Switch
- 7. Picture Perfect
- 8. Field Trippin'
- 9. No Time to Be a Hero
- 10. Extreme Harvey
- 11. Shrink to Fit
- 12. Has Anybody Seen My Quigley?
- 13. Wag the Witch
- 14. Witchy Grrrls
- 15. Paranormal Pi
- 16. Anywhere But Here
- 17. Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Something from a Coven
- 18. Once Upon a Whine
- 19. Documagicary
- 20. The Grandparent Trap
- 21. I Got Glue Babe
- 22. Boy Meets Bike
- 23. Upside Down Town
- 26. Witchitis
- 27. My Stepmother the Babe
- 29. This Is Your Nine Lives
- 31. Hex-change Students
- 32. Saturday Night Furor
- 34. The Hex Files
- 35. Stone Broke
- 37. Molar Molar
- 38. Harvzilla
- 39. When in Rome
- 40. Field of Screams
- 41. Driver Ed
- 43. Send in the Clones
- 44. Feats of Clay
- 45. Generation Zap
- 46. Board & Sorcery
- 47. Enchanted Vacation
- 49. Xabrina, Warrior Witch
- 50. Straight Outta Paris
- 51. Strange New World
- 52. Witchery Science Theatre
- 53. You've Got a Friend
- 54. Hexcalibur
- 55. Brina Baby
- 56. Witchwrecked
- 57. Fish Schtick
- 58. A Witchmas Carole
- 61. Working Witches
- 62. Wiccan of the Sea
- 63. Key to My Heart
- 64. La Femme Sabrina
- 65. The Bat Pack