Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 8 - Best Friends Fighting - full transcript

Enchantra turns Sabrina and Jessie from best friends to sworn enemies by hiding fighting sprites in their true friendship bracelets. Sabrina, being half-witch, manages to break free and now she must save Jessie before she hurts herself and their intense friendship.

Oh, hey, Jessie.

Oh, hey, Amy.

Sabrina and I were just
doing some window shopping,

which I had
to explain to her

doesn't mean actually
shopping for windows.

Hi, guys.

[ squeals ]

See? This is why
they should have

a "Keep Out, Sabrina"
sign on every corner.

[ sighs ]
Thanks for stopping

what could have been
an ice cream disaster.

Of course. What are
best friends for?

They're for catching
frozen treats, apparently.

[ both laughing ]

Salem, keep still!

You're blurring
the image.

Mm. Sorry.

I stepped in something
I'm hoping was...

No, that's something
other than gum.

I am getting concerned
about the friendship

that is growing
between Sabrina
and that Jessie girl.

It is making Sabrina
enjoy the Human World
far too much,

and if she chooses
to live there instead
of in Witch World,

everything I hope for
will be lost!

I will have
to put their friendship
to the test.


Mmm. It's some form
of candy,

might have
been licorice.

♪ Here's the situation ♪

♪ I'm a combination ♪

♪ Magic can't define ♪

♪ Define ♪

♪ No need for explanations ♪

♪ Endless demonstrations ♪

♪ It's magic,
and it's mine ♪

♪ It's mine ♪

♪ I can never shout ♪

♪ What it's all about ♪

♪ But you ♪

♪ But you ♪

♪ Oh, you know? ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I've got
the witch's secret ♪

♪ Changing the world
to keep it ♪

♪ Where am I now? ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I've got
the power to do it ♪

♪ I've got the wand,
I'll use it ♪

♪ I'll show you how ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ And I've cast my spell ♪

♪ On you again ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

[ school bell rings ]

[ laughs ]

[ laughs ]

[ explosion ]
[ gasps ]

Um, Jessie, I thought
you said furniture doesn't
fly in Human World.

Uh, usually, it doesn't.

[ panting ]

I'm guessing the two of you

are the ones responsible
for that flying chair.

That was
an accident.

Oh, Ms. Mabie
is so mad at us!

She said we have to
get an "A" in our group
science presentation,

or we'll get detention
for a month. A month!

Please, please,
please join our group!

You're two
of the smartest
students at school,

and if you're
in our group, we'll
get As for sure.

Sure we'll help you.

All right!

That best friend
of Sabrina's

is getting to be
more and more
of a problem,

but I know just what
the two of them need,

a little dose
of rivalry.


[ chittering ]

These fighting sprites
were created as enemies
thousands of years ago.

And their influence
has been felt across
the centuries.

Their animosity
was the cause of more
than a dozen wars...

and at least
six pillow fights.

[ Spugent babbling ]

[ yelps ]

And now
for the packaging.

Perfectly disgusting.

[ laughs ]

Bracelets with bite,

exactly what I need

to give this friendship
of Sabrina's
a nice jolt.

Now I just need someone
to deliver these.



[ bell rings ]

[ muttering ]

[ toy squeaks ]

[ squeaks ]


Nothing like a bowl full
of room temperature water

to finish off
another lazy day.


Listen closely,
you foolish feline.

I sent Spugent
to put two bracelets
amongst your cat toys.

Okay. But, uh, where's
my squeaky mouse?

I said listen.

Make sure Sabrina and Jessie
find those bracelets.

When they put them on,
their friendship will be over.

Okay, Harvey.
My carbon atom
is in place,

which makes me
officially part
of a lump of coal.

And they say dreams
can't come true.

And Jim and I have
got our oxygen atoms

floating around together
as an oxygen molecule.

Great! Now, Sabrina,
to demonstrate

what happens
when coal is burned,

you'll join Jessie
and Jim, and, presto,

as a result of
the chemical reaction,

we'll have
carbon dioxide gas.

Yes! I am on fire!

Sorry. Just getting
into character.

Science rules.

Okay, now to get
their attention.



All right,
time for the big guns.

[ gagging ]

Oh, hello.

Uh, Sabrina, think your cat's
left you a little present!

Eww! Salem, whatever
you've been eating,

it needs a haircut.

I'll help you
clean that up.

Friendship bracelets!

Hmm, I don't
recognize those.

Zelda must have
put them out.

Can we have them,
please, please, please,
please, please, please?

Well, since you said,
"Please, please, please,
please, please."

[ laughs ]
[ laughs ]

once more with feeling.

[ groans ]

Hey, little
miss oxygen atom,

not so clumsy
with the bumping.

Look who's talking,

the wonder klutz.

Wonder klutz?

I'll show you
who's a wonder klutz.


Look what you did
to Harvey,

that you meant
to do to me!

Okay, enough with
the atomic weapons.

What's going on?!

I thought you
were practicing for
a science project,

a demolition derby!

It was
Miss Hothead's fault!


Just like a puny human
to blame it on someone else.

You okay?

But if we don't
bring those two particles
back together,

what we're
gonna have is...

[ imitates explosion ]

And I wasn't planning
on doing a nuclear explosion

until my senior year.

I don't even know why
Jessie and I were fighting.

It just sort of happened.

That's the nice thing
about having a cat, though.

You always get along
with such an innocent
little cutie.

Oh, I hate to admit it,

but I'm not that innocent.

Though I have to be honest.
I am a cutie.

[ laughs ]

[ school bell rings ]

JESSIE: Why are we
going this way?

My class is
in the other direction.

Ah, sometimes
it pays to take
the scenic route.

[ groans ]

Oh, my goodness.
There's Sabrina.

What a coincidence.

Hi, Sabrina.


Well, look at that.

Oh, is that
the time?

Harvey, you're not
wearing a watch.

I know.
Uh, my arm hairs
work like a sundial.

Come on, Jim.

Let's leave
these two girls
to get along.

Our grade
depends on it.

I'm sorry about
what happened yesterday.

Me, too.

So are we still friends?

Best friends.


[ grunts ]

Are you having
locker trouble again?

At Witch School,

locker doors just
swing open magically.

In Human World,
not so much.

Here. Let me.

W-What was that for?

Because I'm always doing
stuff like this for you,

but what thanks do I get?

Open. Shut!

Jessie, stop it.
I need to get my stuff.


[ gasps ]

I didn't do it.

[ laughs ]

[ growls ]

I don't know
what's going on
with me and 'Brina.

We're fighting
all the time.

Yeah. I mean, if you
were fighting in costumes

with fantasy swords,
that makes sense,

but fighting for real,

that's just silly.

Oh, I hope
nobody buys those

before I save up
enough money!

the last pair,

and I'd go crazy

if I saw someone else
wearing them.

Yeah, that'd be
really shady of them.

[ laughs ]

Oh, that was a good one.

I'm writing that
in my journal.

It's so lonely
in Human World

without my best
human friend.

Hmm, maybe she
doesn't like your
pungent witch scent.

[ sniffs ]

Nope. It's all clear
under there.

Those ancient sprites
seem to be doing their job.

This is better than war
or a pillow fight.

[ toy squeaks ]

[ squeak ]

If we don't get Sabrina
and Jessie back together,

our science presentation
is gonna be horrible.

I've got it.

Someone once said,
"The enemy of my enemy
is my friend,"

so all we have to do
is find another enemy,

and Sabrina and Jessie
will be friends.

Okay, but where are
we gonna find someone to be
Jessie and Sabrina's enemy?

Hey, Amy, do you
want to hang out

at Spellman's Brew
after school?

[ gasps ]
You mean, like on a date?

Well, I mean,
not really a date, but--

Oh, it's a date. Yay!


Ah, see you on our date.

[ giggles ]

Great job!

I almost believed
you liked her myself.

Are you sure
this is gonna work?

Of course.
When Sabrina
sees you with Amy,

she'll be so mad.

And then when Jessie
sees you with Amy,

who's gonna
be wearing this
little gift from you...

they'll both
be so mad at Amy,

they'll forget
their own problems and
be best buddies again.

How do I look?

Like you're wearing
girls sunglasses.

Yeah, that's what
I was going for.

Hi, Jessie. Look, I don't
know what's been going on.

Yeah, me neither.

Everything was
all my fault.

No, no!
It was my fault!

Mostly me.

Mostly me.

Want to say 50-50?


What the hex?

What's going on?

Jim just went into the shop
with his arm around Amy!


I'll be right there.

Ah, what a romantic
table for two.

It's not really
that romantic.

Should we
hold hands now

or wait until
you walk me home?

[ entry bell rings ]

There they are,
the two love bats.

She's wearing the sunglasses
I wanted so bad!



Uh, okay, if you guys'll
go ahead and--

Oh, what's the word
I'm looking for?

Get out of here.

Jim and I are on a date.

Sabrina noticed.

Yeah, and you're
wearing her sunglasses.

So how does this
make you two feel
about each other?

Me and Jessie?

Oh, we're closer
than ever.

Yeah, like sisters.

Sisters united against
a sunglass-wearing,
Jim-dating nonsister.

[ ding ]
[ ding ]

Why do you have to come
running in here, anyway?

I'm not a useless baby
that needs to be rescued!

I'm here trying
to help you out!

Yeah, well, maybe that's
something I don't need!

Whoa! Wait! What?

No, you're
supposed to be

all enemy
of my enemy friends
'cause of an enemy.

Why would I even be friends
with some boring,

girl like her?

Can't do what?

[ Jessie and
Sabrina grunt ]

Oh, something's
not right here, Zel.


We need to see
if there's something
going on here

that's not
so easy to see.

You are a klutz!

Why don't you learn
how to drive a scooter

You're a drama nerd!

You have been jealous
of my awesomeness

since the day we met!
Admit it!

Where'd you get
those friendship bracelets?

I thought
you put them out.

Wasn't me.

I don't know
why I ever
put up with you.

You're nothing
but a selfish
little witch!

Now, now.

Of course
she means witch
as a metaphor.

[ laughs ]

[ laughs ]

She doesn't mean
Sabrina does magic

or has witch aunts
and a broomstick.

[ both laughing ]

That'd be absurd.

[ laughter continues ]

Oh, funny.

Oh, wow, the things

think of.

Sorry, you two.

We're closing up
early today.

[ growls ]
[ growls ]

[ grunts ]

[ laughing ]


You can
walk me home!


[ animal growl ]

What's happening to her?

[ distorted ] I think
I'm starting to feel

just as powerful
as you think you are.

[ groans ]

Get this off!

I'll show you power.

Sabrina, no!

This isn't you!

You're being
by a sprite!

Resist it!

Use your
witch side

to overcome
its power!

I won't let it
take over!

She did it!

[ screams ]

But Jessie's
growing stronger.

Look out!

This isn't over at all!

Okay, I'm gonna go ahead
and ask the question

that's been on
my mind for a couple
of seconds now.

What is going on?!

It's the bracelets,

Your latest
friendship accessories

seem to contain a couple
of fighting sprites.

The blue one
took power over you,

and the red one
took over Jessie.

You were able to resist
because you're half witch.

It won't come off.

You have to break
the jewels

and free
the sprites at
the exact same time,

uh, by smashing them
against each other.

But getting close enough
to do that could have
grave consequences.

Like wiping out
half the city.

For example.

Well, I've got
to do something.

That sprite's taking over
my best friend,

and I have to save her.

Watch yourself,

These sprites just
get angrier and angrier.

I'll be careful.

Harvey, have you
seen Jessie?

Yeah. Ran by me
going that way.

Didn't even say hi.


Looks like those two are
about to patch things up.

Hup! [ screams ]

I can't believe
we were ever friends!

You make me so angry!

Okay, I'm gonna
need to level
the playing field.

Time to switch
to witch.

[ whistles ]

Hey, Red,
you ready for a fight?

I sure am!

Well, we're not doing it
in this world.

You can't catch me.

Nuh-uh, you just
can't catch me!

Get back here!

Oh, you found her.

It's time to smash
some jewelry.


[ shrieks ]

Hey, I saw Sabrina
looking for Jessie.


which means our plan
might have worked.

I bet right now
those two

are patching
things up in some
cute, girly way.

Wow, I've heard
of girl power,

but this is

I will destroy you,

Yeah, let's tie
a knot in that
for right now, okay?

[ groaning ]

Hmm. I guess
I need to learn how
to tie tighter knots.

It looks like
it's time for me

to break up
a friendship permanently.

[ toy squeaking ]

Enough with
that infernal squeaking!

[ squeaks ]

Fear not, Sabrina.

We in Witch World

will save you
from the disgusting human.

[ groans ]

Get me out of here!

Oh, my goodness!

I've never seen one
so powerful.

[ yelps ]

But I am
more powerful
than that!

I shall
vaporize you!


Sabrina, you could
have been killed.

it's me, Sabrina.

our friendship?

Remember our what?

Remember when I was
new at school

and you were
the first person
to talk to me?

Remember when you
showed me that video

with the puppies
climbing the ladder

and I laughed so hard
that milk shake
came out of my nose?


Look at me. You and I
are best friends.


[ chittering ]

Look at the lights,
so pretty.

[ moans ]

You put yourself at risk
to save this human girl!


Because she's
my best friend,

and that's
what friends do.

[ groans ]

[ grumbles ]

[ squeaks ]

[ yawns ]
What happened?

I had to take you
into Witch World

to battle
an evil sprite

which was
making you hate me.

All I remember is red,

lots and lots of red.

That was your color,

and mine was blue,

but I got rid
of them after
our big fight.

But all that fighting
is over with?


Oh, and I know
how much

you wanted those
sunglasses, so...

Hey! They're exactly
like the ones I wanted!

Being friends
with a half witch
has its plusses,

I mean,
once you get over
the evil sprites

that made us almost
tear each other
to shreds.

How do I look?

Like you're no longer
trying to destroy me,

so good.

HARVEY: Ho ho!
Great job on the
presentation, guys.

Miss Mabie
gave us an "A."

Thanks to
the two smartest girls
at Greendale.

Jim and I got you
some presents

as a token
of our appreciation.

Friendship bracelets?

We figured you
must have lost
the other ones.

[ gasps ] No!

Take cover, everybody!

Protect yourself!

[ grunts ]

[ sighs ]

Probably for the best.

Maybe we
should have got them
necklaces instead.

♪ I've got
the power to do it ♪

♪ I'll show you how ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I've got
the witch's secret ♪

♪ Changing the world
to keep it ♪

♪ Where am I now? ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I've got
the power to do it ♪

♪ I've got the wand,
I'll use it ♪

♪ I'll show you how ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ And I've cast my spell ♪

♪ On you again ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪