SS-GB (2017): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

The Germans seem damn close
to producing an atomic bomb.

We have no option but to go in
and raid Bringle Sands.

Still, we can sabotage the rest.

You want me to get the King
to Bringle Sands?

An American plane will fly
His Majesty out to the Ark Royal

but only if we can get
the King there in time.

These are the atomic calculations.

Spode photographed them.

You're the safer pair of hands
to get it to America.

Bernard Staines is dead. Beaten
to death from what I can tell.

What should we do?
If he was tortured, if he talked?!

I want you to stand ready

to get out, as soon as I get
Barbara Barga to you.

So Harry's right,
you are up to something.

- _
- _


Tomorrow morning you will be ready?

- For Bluejacket?
- Yes.

You will come to the back of the
hospital, an ambulance is waiting.

The army will help you this one time.



He's got the whole floor
to himself, apparently.


You ever thought this could
all just be a set up?

Only every five minutes.

Come on.


Your Majesty.


Morphine, for when the pain is too much.

All right.

Are you all right, sir?

Good luck, Archer.

God save the King.


Come with me.

Are you all right, Doug?

The clutch is going,
I can't get it into gear.

That's all we bloody need.

Where's the nearest garage?

Not near enough.


Have you thought, if we do pull
this off and he gets to America,

what the world will think of him?

Well, you can't tell me the Germans
didn't know what they were doing,

handing him over.

We've got our work cut out to get
there in time for the plane.

Wait here.

- Hello?
- Sylvia? Is the block warden listening?

- Yes.
- Ignore the bastard.

I'm sorry I had to have him get you,
but I need your help.

Well, that would be quite delightful.

I don't know what is keeping
Superintendent Archer.

But I know he's a friend of yours
and I rather hoped he could...

help us here.

Exactly why am I being held here?

That's obvious...

for your own protection.

I'd rather be in the protection
of the American Embassy.

The problem is you haven't
behaved in accordance

with our agreement with
your government...

specifically in your contacts

with so-called Resistance fighters.

I am a neutral journalist,
following a story.

My country is not at war with yours.

I do not believe you are simply
a journalist, Miss Barga.

I think you are also an agent

who wants to lure America
into conflict with the Reich.

You're worrying about nothing.

Pick up any American newspaper
and you'll see.

"No War Talk Here"... that's the mantra

and, frankly, I'm ashamed.

Good. I prefer honesty to pretence.

That doesn't make me a spy.


That makes you a challenge.

Look, I'm telling you,
I don't know anything.
















Well done. Good to see you.

Glad you're all right, Harry.

Thanks for bringing the car.

You can find your own way back?

I don't understand.

It's not really safe
for you to be with us.

Or to know about this.

So it's him, George.

I thought wrong of you, Doug.

Your Majesty.

Sylvia, we've got to get going.

Well, let me come with you.

He needs looking after and there's
nothing for me here, Doug.

You know that.

Let's not stand around here.

Come on.

I don't know what is going on
between Herr Doktor Huth

and Superintendent Archer,

but I think you may be able
to shed some light on it.

My government doesn't like
its citizens being tortured.

I'm afraid they will
never know, my dear.

But if you answer my questions,
we won't have to engage one another

in such... horrors.

Why did you burn
the piece of film at your house?

What images did it contain?

I really don't want our friend
here to damage such...

...fragrant skin.

So, I repeat...

What was in the images you destroyed?

Answer me!





SS. They're checking identity papers.

We can still turn round.

No, it's too late.

You and Sylvia get out and walk.

Take that corner, I'll meet you
further round. I'll distract them.

That's an order.

Come on, we can pretend to be lovers.

Don't get carried away.

Back in a minute, Georgie.

Sorry about the "Georgie", sir.

Come on! Move!


What's the matter?














Thank God. I thought I'd had it.

We're not out of the building yet.

Have you heard from Douglas Archer?

He did ring... just to enquire
about you. Since then, nothing.

But whether he gets the King
out or not, the raid is on.

Things are going to hot up.

The terms of your release
are immediate deportation.

You're to be kept under armed guard
at the Ambassador's Residence

until you can be escorted
straight to the aeroplane

and flown back to Washington.






Well, that was a relief.

Look, sir. It's England.

Your land.

It's Hampshire, sir.

I know a Hampshire song.

I bet you do.

Go on, Harry.

Really? - Yeah.

♪ Well, once I courted a pretty girl ♪

♪ I courted her quite well ♪

♪ Her name was Kitty-mariga Maria, ♪

♪ And mine was Bobby Wells ♪

♪ One night when I was courting her ♪

♪ Her father he came home ♪

♪ He says if I... ♪






- _
- _








Two hours to get the King to Bringle
and we haven't got a bloody jack!









We're going to have to stop.
We don't have much choice.

You have a hunt around.
There must be a jack somewhere.

I need your help,
I've not done this before.

Hold that.

George, I'm going to give you
an injection for the pain.

It will make you feel better.

Thank you.

They mustn't see him.


We hope you don't mind.
We didn't want to disturb you.

We'll be on our way as soon
as we've fixed this.

Where are you heading?

Visiting friends near Dorchester.

Pal of ours isn't in the best of health.

Have you got some water?

You all want to come in?

We don't want to be any trouble.

Come through.

Thank you.

Better it should happen now,
what with the light fading.


What's wrong with your friend?

Just a touch of influenza,
it's worse with old age.

Of course.

Friends in Dorchester?
You come from London?

Yes, but it's good to get out.

We've had some real
pea soupers recently.

It's great to breathe again, isn't it?

I'm David. This is my wife, Margaret.

I'm Frank.


- Are you married?
- No. - No.

Ah, there you are.

That's David's brother.

Give us a hand, will you?

Get some water from the well.

Sit yourselves down.

- Margaret, make some tea.
- Yeah.

Do you want to see if
your friends want some?

Well, we wouldn't want you to waste
your rations on us.

No problem. "Times like these."
"Fellow man" and all that.


I heard the shots.
What was all that about?

They're bloody collaborators.

I thought their shelves were
a little too well stocked.

Whoever it was was about to alert
a German patrol that we're here

and they'd have arrived before we
had time to change that tyre.

- How long do you need?
- The spare's flat.

We'll take their car.

Get ready to move the passenger,
we can't stay here.


What have you done?!

Are there any other weapons?

- I've checked.
- Did you hurt him?

Handcuff her ankle to his wrist.

You hand out the food vouchers and
the mail from the POW camps, yes?

Someone has to do it!

Spying on villagers in return
for a comfortable life?

Where are the car keys?

Where are the car keys?!

We have to go, come on.

You did what you had to, Doug.


Well, as far as I can tell, we're here.

The airfield near the
atomic research centre.

Shame nobody else is.



Got anywhere warm we can take our guest?

The best we can offer
is brandy and pheasant.

Any contact from Colonel Mayhew?

Still waiting.
Any moment now, one hopes.

All right.

Most of the Auxiliary Units got
blotted out in the first two weeks

after the invasion,

so Mayhew ordered
the Resistance to hold fire.

Live to fight another day.

But the game's all up now,

or will be.

All we get are rumours.

Can you tell us what's going on, sir?

For men, risking their lives...

do we have a hope?

A lot hinges on tonight.

Everything, I'd say.

Sir, it's Colonel Mayhew.

We'll need a stretcher, if you have one.

Archer here.

- Do you have Bluejacket?
- Yes.

Good man.

We're on the other side of the
airfield, by the old control tower.

Best come as quickly as you can.

Let's get Bluejacket on his way.

What about the raid on the
atomic research centre?

It's imminent. We're on schedule.

All right, let's go.

Operation's a go.

Where the hell is the plane?

Come on, Doug. Can't hang about.

You've got 20 minutes to
get to Bringle, Danny.

I'll join you as soon as
the King is dispatched.

Here's to merry hell.

Is everything all right?
Have you made contact yet?


They're on their way.

Well, there's the old control tower.

But where's Mayhew and the plane?

- Get the stretcher, Harry.
- Yeah.





German attack!

Get the King out of here! It's a trap!



Sylvia, just go!


By what route were the scientists
to get to the plane?

Get an army officer here
and I'll answer.

I don't talk to you SS...










- _
- _





Ah. You're awake.

You know, you are the only man here

who could appreciate this place.

Actually, I'm not all that up
on Georgian architecture.

Follow me.

The Georgian part... the facade
and one wing... is from 1796.

Actually, this house
is mainly Elizabethan.

I spent a few happy weekends here
when I was up at Oxford.

And then I looked over the wall
as we were passing and here it was.

Tobias Trotter. A genial fellow,
presumably dead now.

His sister was a beauty,

raven-haired and...

a little wild.

Late one night, she showed me...

...their priest hole.

Catholics, you see.

And being good Catholics...

they put it to good use.

Let us find something
we can drink this out of.

You know,

when I saw the old man's
body in the car,

I thought it must be Professor Frick.

It was only when I saw you lying
there that I realised who it was.

And who was the girl?


I had no idea you were still...

But then it turns out
I am easily deceived.

Mayhew played me like a fool.

I didn't know you knew him.

I had him squirming on the hook
within days of arriving here.

I had a spy in the court of Von Ruff
who reported their assignations.

I know.

Mayhew is a master.

He had me believing
I had him in the vice.

Confessed to a plot to fly the top
scientists out of Bringle Sands

to America.

What made you believe
he'd betray his own people?

That's where he was clever.

He said it was doomed to failure anyway,

so he made a deal where
he could hang on to most

of his family's textile
business in the north.

Selfishness is a motive I fully embrace.

He lied. And I was duped.

So you came down here to prevent
the escape of the scientists.

Be the hero of the hour.

And all along, Mayhew just wanted
me to cause a distraction

while the real attack was launched.

I didn't see that coming.


If anyone can make this
bomb work, it's them.

Especially now with the research
from Bringle.

It was Mayhew who killed Spode.

It was him who burned the papers.

He just didn't want the Americans
to get the calculations too easily.

He wanted them to fight for it.

And to destroy any of the work
that was completed at Bringle Sands.

Yes, of course.

Although perhaps he misjudged how
important Spode's calculations were.

Their absence will cost
the Americans time.









It didn't take Kellermann long
to seize his moment.

Firing squads everywhere.

13 men shot in Swanage.

27 in East Lulworth.

They're punishing villages
for harbouring Resistance,

whether they have or not.

I wonder if the price is worth
paying in Mayhew's book.

Any news on him?

But Kellermann is close.

What do you expect me to do? Run?

I'm a lost cause.

Kellermann will use me as a
scapegoat, twist things against me.

Can you believe he has already implied

I was involved in the Karl Marx bomb?

He'll keep his job and get rid of me.

We were all playing for high stakes.

But you, you still have a chance.

Arrest me, Archer,
for when Kellermann arrives.

I'll wager he has no proof
you helped the King escape.

You can be a hero, too. Do it.

You have a son to live for.

All I have is a father I hate.

The pig has won.

So have the army.

They can use the attack as a pretext

for martial law across the entire
occupied region now.

But the real winner is Mayhew.

He got the Americans fighting.

They've tasted blood, and mark my words,

they will build this bomb
and the Reich will be finished.

Mayhew's only false step
was allowing the King

to get caught up in it.

That wasn't an accident.

The King was never meant to escape.

He was infirm.

He would have cut a pathetic figure
in Washington or anywhere else.

Britain would have looked washed up.

Instead he dies a hero, in the same
operation as brave Americans.

I bet in the next few days,

the Queen and the Princesses
will be on a ship from New Zealand

for Washington to represent us.

That's the way Mayhew works.

The long game.


Well then, with men like that,

how did you ever lose the war?

Perhaps we didn't.

Just the battle.

Does your son want to be a policeman?


Yes, he does.

But on a motorcycle.

You are lucky, Archer.

Keep him out of this... lousy business.

Your last chance, Douglas.

Think of him.

Priest hole.

That fool Kellermann
wouldn't even know what one was.







































He's come round.

Where am I?

Sorry, old pal.

You had a nasty little bullet down
there that we took a dislike to.

How did I get here?

You're the only survivor we found.

It was a bloodbath.

What about Douglas Archer?

No sign of him.

Now, you rest.

39 men unaccounted for.

64 walking wounded,

8 serious casualties.

They're still compiling
the list of Bringle personnel

they now have on the ship with them.

Reporting the facility
as totally destroyed.

Yes! Good. What about the data?


Your flight's soon. I don't think
you'll be welcomed back in...

Miss Barga?

Miss Barga! What are you doing?