SGU Stargate Universe (2009–2011): Season 2, Episode 10 - Resurgence - full transcript

After identifying an energy pattern that may signify the existence of intelligent life, the Destiny is rerouted to the site only to find the results of what must have been an epic battle. ...

This is what Destiny intended from
the moment it entered the star system.

That ship is the best chance
we have of getting home.

- Are we done?
- We'll never be done.

You shouldn't have
left him on the planet.

You think I don't know that?

Everyone thinks we're safe.
They think that they'll never find us again.

Why did you take
one of our people prisoner?

We're not safe, are we?

- They're coming!
- Who's coming?

Lucian Alliance.
They're coming to take Destiny.

There's only one way
this is going to end if we wait.

I'm not surrendering this ship.

Once I've changed completely,
the Colonel will see me as a threat.

- Will it be you?
- I came to ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Ronald.

That looks like our shuttle.

The shuttle was restored
to its original condition,

better than it was before.

If they can send
our people back to us,

don't you think it's possible
they can save our daughter?

I need to know.

I know that there were no cabins,
certainly no children.

Simeon killed the man
guarding him, then he killed Ginn.

Don't you act like you are
the only person aboard this ship

that has lost someone that they care about.

- Where's Eli?
- He hasn't shown yet.

Eli, where are you?

Eli, you're needed on the bridge.

Thanks. I'm not sure what happened there.

- I think I must've...
- Yeah, yeah, very interesting.

- Whoops.
- Mr. Volker?

Sorry, I was running a diagnostic
on the ship's power distribution network,

and I think...

Did you remember to bypass
the critical systems?

Uh... No.

There we go.

This is interesting.

Looks like Destiny picked up
some sort of remote energy signature.

Mr. Brody, please don't make me
come over there.

Why don't you be my guest?


From where I'm sitting,
everything is distant.

This energy signature,
it's come from an area

outside of the course mapped out for us
by the seed ships.

Now, getting there would take
a bit of a detour.

- How much of a detour?
- About a day's journey in FTL.

We have any guesses what it could be?

It could be potential new power source,
signs of intelligent life.

Big black monolith orbiting a planet?

- Sorry. Overslept.
- There's no way of telling,

which is precisely
why we should investigate.

Whoa, whoa! Whatever happened to,
"Destiny has a mission,"

and, "We're all on board
and moving forward"?

This isn't forward. This is sideways.

We haven't abandoned the mission,
Mr. Brody, merely delaying it.

But Lisa's right. This energy signature
could be indicative of intelligent life.

- Best case scenario, in my opinion.
- For real?

Do I have to remind everyone

what happened the last time
we encountered an alien life form?

Or the time before that?
Or the time before that?

Yeah, but you can't judge a neighborhood
by a bunch of bad neighbors.

Are you kidding? That's exactly
how you judge a neighborhood.

Look, it's possible that whatever's out there

could be of great benefit to both,
ourselves and Destiny's mission.

- Okay, check it out.
- Let's plot a new course.

How do you do that?

Okay, let's get Chloe up here.
She can make the necessary calculations.

- I tried radioing you.
- Sorry. Sorry, had my music on.

- We're about to drop out of FTL.
- Ah, okay. Thanks.

- Is that...
- Ships, or what's left of them.

That is one hell of a battlefield.

Was a battlefield.
Now it's a graveyard.

♪ Stargate Universe: "Resurgence" ♪
Season 2 Episode 10


Uh, turns out the energy signature
Destiny locked onto

was the clustered radiation pockets
of the various ships.

It looks like at least one of them
is familiar to us.

That's the same type of ship you and
Dr. Rush explored a couple weeks back.

Yeah, from the looks of things,
they came out the losers in this fight.

I'm having Destiny's computer
run a program

that'll plot back some of
these dispersion patterns.

Hopefully then we'll get a better idea
of what's going on here.

In the meantime?

In the meantime, Colonel,
we've come a long way.

It seems a shame to leave empty-handed.
I suggest a bit of cautious exploration.

Mr. Brody,
maybe you'd do the honors this time.

You know, it's like a space junkyard.

Ships, hundreds of them,
scattered in pieces, far as the eye can see.

It's... It's damn creepy.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know
what's going on.

- What's the matter?
- I already told you,

visiting me is a waste of time.

I don't want you putting your life on hold

just so you can come here
and watch me disappear.

- Disappear? Chloe...
- It's spreading faster now.

I've tried to fight it,

control it, but it's stronger than me.

Sooner or later, I'm going to stop being me

and become something else,
something dangerous,

that won't be allowed to stay on the ship.

I won't let that happen.

There's nothing you can do to stop it.

The best we can do is make use of me
while I'm still me.

Will you stop talking like this?

- Why, Matt? Why deny the inevitable?
- Because it is not inevitable.

Of course it is, and deep down, you know it.

You've already started pulling away.

When was the last time
we spent the night together?

You see? You know it's true.

Lieutenant Scott?

Lieutenant Scott.


I need you to suit up
and meet us at the shuttle.

Right away.

This conversation isn't over.

- They need me on the bridge.
- Oh, Dr. Rush says he could spare you.

- He did?
- Mmm-hmm.

I'll save you the trouble.
I'm not crazy,

which is pretty darn impressive,
all things considered.

I went from living at home with my mom
to being stranded on a spaceship

billions of light years from Earth.

And screw the last starfighter,

because all those hours playing Halo
didn't prepare me for this.

No one was prepared for this.

Everyone else had some sort of training,

but, hey, I've come a long way
in my 10 months.

I've fought space battles,
survived deadly radiation,

time-traveled, sort of.
I'm still trying to figure that one out.

I don't think you're crazy.
At least, no crazier than the rest of us.


Okay, then. Good chat.

This isn't a psych eval, Eli.
This is just two friends talking.

You have been a little distracted lately,
and that has some of us worried.

You guys are worried
because I'm a little distracted?

We're worried because,
given the recent events,

you should be a hell of a lot more
than just a little distracted.

The memorial video you put together
for Sergeant Riley,

it was very moving.

You know what's weird?

Sometimes, I'll forget that he's gone.

I'll actually walk into the Gate Room
and turn my head,

and then, for a split second,
I'll wonder where the hell he is,

and then I remember.

He was a very important part
of your life here.

When your whole world collapses down
to less than 100 people in a confined space,

it all becomes important to you, Camile.

Riley was part of this ship, and losing him,

it wasn't just... It wasn't just sad.
It was wrong.

What about losing Ginn?

So, when did you finish fixing the third suit?

Yesterday. It's perfectly safe.

All right, wait, well, then,
how come I'm wearing it and you're not?

Easier to fix
if something goes wrong.

Which it won't, in all likelihood.

- All right, Colonel, we are good to go.
- All right. Take her out.

Have a look around.

- Heading out.
- Lieutenant, be careful out there.

This is amazing.

I don't know.

What, you're telling me you're not the
least bit weirded out flying through this?

Nah. Anything that could hurt us
is long dead and gone, brother.

How goes it, Lieutenant?


We're coming up
on a target of opportunity here.

- Yeah, we see it.
- Looks more or less intact.

Picking up faint EM readings.

We've got an access point
on the ship's left side.

Should we check it out?


- You're good to go, Lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.

All right, let's do this.

- Sorry I'm late!
- No, you're just in time.

Engaging reverse thrusters.

All right, this is as close
as we're going to get.

Hats on, gentlemen.

Let's go explore.

I'll see you on the other side.

I'm on board.

I'm ready for you.

On my way.

Come on, I've got you.

Mr. Brody's en route.

We're both on board.

Have a look around,
see if there's anything you can salvage.

Hey, this way.

Hey, and, uh,
watch your asses over there, okay?

Just do me a favor
and don't touch anything.

If you see something
you want to investigate,

just let me look at it first.

Wow, what did I just say?

Door panel's dead.

Hold on.


That's it, just use the shoulder.

You might want to move up
so you can get a little more leverage.

- Do you want to help?
- Okay.

All right, then just shut up
and let me work, okay?


Come on, come on, come on!

Hi, I brought you some lunch.

Great. Sitting around in this room all day
really works up an appetite.

Well, you can hardly blame the Colonel
for confining you to quarters

after what happened with Simeon.

I understand, but you have to realize
that Simeon was unstable.

- And you knew, but you didn't tell us.
- I thought I could control him.

But you couldn't.

I know.

I haven't seen you in a while.

I wanted to come by. I've just been busy.

Your people,
the ones who came back from the planet,

- they didn't have your child?
- No.

I was wrong about that. I was misled.


There's no other explanation for it.

This ship has demonstrated the ability
to mess with people's minds.

In my case,
I guess it was trying to protect me.

I should get back to the infirmary.

- What is it?
- I'm not sure.

Talk to me.
What's your situation, Sergeant?

Dark, and real quiet.

Too quiet.

Colonel, this is T.J.

Go ahead.

I've just seen some movement
in the debris field.

What kind of movement?

To be honest, I'm not sure.

It happened so fast,
I just thought I should report it.

All right, thanks for that.

What the hell was that?

It's Destiny letting us know
it finished assembling the simulation.

Either that, or pie's done.

Nope, simulation.


- What are those leftover pieces?
- No idea.

Oh, no. We got to get out of here.

- Why?
- Two sides battle.

These guys, they're destroyed,
but these guys, they just go dark.

They're not disabled or damaged.
They're dormant.

Lieutenant, I need you to fall back
to the Destiny.

But Sergeant Greer and Brody
just boarded the wreck, sir.

I need you to get them
out of there immediately.

You may be in danger.

Yes, sir. Greer, did you get that?

We're on our way.

What in the hell?

- Come again, Lieutenant?
- I think I just saw something.

- What is it?
- I'm not sure.

Colonel, this is Camile.
We're not alone out here.

Sir, you have potential hostiles en route!

Shields to full. Ready weapons.
Fire only on my command.

Eli, I want you to broadcast a message.

In Ancient?

Ancient, English, Bat Signal,
whatever else you've got.

Tell them we are not a threat.

Greer, I need you guys back here now!

I've got to go.

Tamara! Let me help.

They're closing.

Hey, we have more monitors.

Come on, come on!


Start her up!

- Shields are up.
- Any response from our message?


- Move it! Let's go!
- Go!

Return fire.

We have a breach in one of the
unoccupied sections. I'm sealing it now.

- Good to go?
- We're good. We're good.

All right.

Okay, here we go!

Shields are weakening.

- Transfer power from weapons.
- We have multiple overloads!

Reroute, reroute!

- We have to jump.
- The shuttle's not back yet.

- We cannot afford to wait, Mr. Volker!
- We are not going anywhere!

Let's go, let's go! This way!
Go, go, go!

This way!

Keep your eyes open.

- Two o'clock. Right there. See him?
- I see him, I see him!

All right, we are on board!

All right, get us out of here.

- It's not working.
- FTL engines are offline.

- They must have taken a hit.
- How long till we get them back?

Shields are weakening,
and we've got some weapons down.

Several areas of the ship have gone dark.

It's just a matter of time
before the shields fail.

All we have are sublight engines.
We'll never outrun them.

We're going to have to try.

A ship just dropped out of FTL.

It's a seed ship.

Destiny, this is Telford.

David, how the hell...

No time for that now.
I need you to follow us.

- Where the hell are we going?
- It's on the move.

- Where are they going?
- Directly towards the star.

Let's follow them.
Divert all remaining power to the shields.

Here we go.

We're coming through the other side.

That bought us some time,

but we only have as long as it takes them
to get around the star.

Hey, you're welcome.

Let's dock.

I got a hell of a story to tell you,
and not much time to tell it.


This is pretty damn impressive.

Not as impressive as flying a seed ship
to our rescue.

Yeah, well, I had plenty of help
with that one.

The aliens we encountered
while exploring it,

turns out they weren't hostile after all,

just desperate.

After Destiny disconnected
and made the jump to FTL,

I figured I was a goner.

I was surrounded.
They had me at their mercy.

But they ended up being friendly.

I wouldn't go so far
as to call them friendly, but, uh,

they weren't exactly interested
in harming me either.

They were curious.

I tried communicating with them,
but that was next to impossible.

I mean, verbally, anyway,
so we found a shortcut.

Their stasis pods are outfitted
with neural stimulators

designed to keep
their occupants' brains active

during extended hibernations,
so when they hooked me up...

It's hard to describe the experience.

It was like watching an entire film library
in less than a day.

I saw images, thousands of them.

Most were a blur, totally incomprehensible,
but others were clearer.

And over time, the pieces drifted together,

and I was able to form
a basic understanding

of the aliens and their history.

They call themselves the Ursini,
and after a while, they began to trust me.

Eventually, working together,
we were able to bring the seed ship online.

Trying to chase you down ever since.

You've been gone for almost a month.
What did you do for food and water?

The pods provide basic nutrients
to their occupants.

I never thought I'd say this,
but I missed the food here on Destiny.

So, wait a minute, these aliens helped you
out of the goodness of their hearts?

There's a little more to it than that.

They need our help.

The ships that came after us
are automated attack drones.

Apparently, years ago, Telford's aliens,
the Ursini,

made the same mistake that we did
and woke them up,

and they've been fighting them ever since.

When they discovered the seed ship,
they boarded it for...

For long-term reconnaissance,

hoping it would give them an edge
in their war against the drones.

Their stay onboard
was supposed to be temporary,

but no one ever went back for them.

They were in stasis for who knows how long
before we came around.

They drained the power away from Destiny
because they were desperate,

just looking for a way home,

and now, even though
they finally have a way back,

they're afraid to make contact until
they're sure that the drone threat is over,

which is where we come in.

We can't trust them.

Our FTL drives are offline.
We really don't have much of a choice.

So what are we going to do, then?

That's... That's still being discussed.

You know, it's only a matter of time

before the drones circumvent that star
and find us,

and with the FTL engines still offline,
we're sitting ducks.

Maybe not. Maybe there's a way out of this.
We help the Ursini defeat the drones.

We barely survived our first encounter
with those things.

That's just because we were
going about it the wrong way.

According to Telford, the drones
are controlled by a command ship.

Now, we take out that command ship,
we cripple the drones.

- Simple as that.
- I doubt it'll be simple.

I'm hoping for a step up from impossible.

Do we know where
this command ship is located?

They do. It's out of sublight range.
We would have to make the jump.

And have you explained that our jumping
capabilities have been compromised?

Telford has made them
aware of the situation.

They've offered to give us a lift.

I don't understand.

They engage their FTL drives
while we're docked,

and we jump with them.

- That's possible?
- Theoretically, yes.

Hmm. "Theoretically."

There's always a risk when you attempt
a jump so soon after a drop-out,

- but assuming it works...
- Hmm.

First they take us someplace safe,

then we play for time,
delay them long enough

till we can get our own FTL engines
back online.

- Double-cross them, you mean.
- Yeah.

No, we can't do that.
If they have offered to help us...

It's a fantastic opportunity
to take advantage of their generosity, yes.

That's not a good idea.

Why not? I mean, at that point,
they're in no position to harm us.

No, but in case you've forgotten,
they still hold the key to us dialing Earth.

Where are Park and Brody?

Effecting repairs
on some of the damaged systems.

And what are you doing?

Monitoring the ship's power levels.


It might interest you to know
that you're bleeding energy

from one of the weapons platforms.



Go and help Park and Brody.

- I'm in the middle of the...
- Go.

Maybe I'll go help Park and Brody.

I know. I screwed up.

No. It's a minor oversight,
one of many, as of late,

but you haven't screwed up.
Not yet, anyway.

I'm sure with your present attitude,
it's only a matter of time.

Yeah, you know, I get it.

People are depending on the boy genius.
I can't let them down.

And yet, despite all that genius,

you couldn't save the life
of the woman you loved.


Someone bigger and stronger came along,
took her away from you,

and there wasn't a thing
you could do about it.

I'm sure you were so blinded by rage
you even imagined getting revenge

on the guy that killed her,
beating the bully at his own game.

Even if you had,
it wouldn't have changed a damn thing.

You'd still be getting up in the morning,
she'd still be dead.

I'm out of here.

You know, we grew up taught to believe
that everyone's equal,

that you're no better than anyone else.

Of course, that's a lie.

Some are better than others,

and it's those who recognize
what makes them better,

and learn to exploit that, who succeed.

You've got so much potential, Eli.

You're capable of success
beyond your wildest dreams,

but the only way that you can achieve that,

you've got to make sure
you don't get beaten down.

You can't give up, not now you're so close.

Am I interrupting something?

Telford communicated with the Ursini
and is on his way back from the seed ship.

Looks like we got ourselves a deal.

All right, let's let them know we're ready.

So this should work, in principle.

It's really no different than when
the shuttle jumps in FTL with Destiny.

Except that the shuttle
is massively smaller than Destiny,

and designed to do that, while we're
three times the size of the seed ship

and just hoping for the best.

There's also the fact
that we're attempting to jump

in the three-hour danger window.

But what's the worst that can happen?
It doesn't work.

Hell, no.

It actually does work,
and at some point we detach,

and the ship's million-year-old
structural integrity gives,

and we end up vaporized.
That's the worst that can happen.

Are you guys done?

Less than a minute before we jump.

Here we go.

We are about to attempt
the coupled jump into FTL.

In approximately four hours,
we will drop out to a safer area.

Once there, we'll have time
to effect any necessary repairs

before launching the attack
on the command ship.

Counting down from three,



It's working. We're in FTL.

And we're still in one piece.

- How we doing?
- Shields are strong and holding.

Structural integrity sound.

Did they tell you? We made a deal.

Once we've defeated the command ship,
the aliens are going to help us dial Earth.


Are you okay?

- We dropped out of FTL.
- Already?

Maybe there's a problem.

Contact the seed ship.

- Oh, no.
- What is that?

I'm guessing that's their command ship.

- We've been tricked.
- So much for our deal with the Ursini.

- We just got a message from the seed ship.
- What does it say?

"Target the command vessel."

Damn it.


Let's engage the enemy.

I've got to get back to the bridge.

Let me help.

- Whoa, where are you taking her?
- To the bridge.

I have to check with the Colonel.

- Over here! Get in there!
- Run!

Shields are holding!

The drones have positioned themselves
between Destiny and the command ship.

- We're not getting anywhere near it.
- Captain, this is Eli.

Chloe escaped her quarters.

- Where the hell did she go?
- I have no idea!

But she might be dangerous.

Brody, seal off that section.

- Lieutenant Scott?
- We'll find her, sir.

- What the hell happened?
- Change of plans.

I guess your friends suspected
a double-cross and decided to act first.

This is Lieutenant Scott.
Chloe has broken containment.

Shields are starting to weaken!

Let's get a message to the seed ship.

Tell them we need to make
a strategic retreat.

We'll regroup, take another run at this later.

- Glad you could make it. Where's Rush?
- No clue.

- How we doing?
- There's just too many of them.

You said you wanted to help me?
Here's your chance.

Put one under... Under like this.

Chloe? Chloe!

Step away from that console.

- Chloe!
- It's too late.

What did you do?

Chloe, what did you do?

Shields are weakening,
and several weapons platforms are down!

- Damn it.
- What do they say?

Nothing. They're not responding.

The drones are giving
as good as they get.

There's no way we're getting
to that command ship.

- We might want to consider falling back.
- There's nowhere to fall back to.