SGU Stargate Universe (2009–2011): Season 1, Episode 6 - Water - full transcript

The water reserves are mysteriously disappearing, in massive amounts, and members of the crew are quick to blame others. When Destiny drops out of FTL the only planet in range is an ice planet with a toxic atmosphere and only two of the space suits are operational. Colonel Young and Luitenenant Scott gate to the planet and start the search for pure ice, using Eli's new invention, a hover cart. When the Colonel is away, Johansen, who is currently in charge, discovers that the dust aliens Scott found on another planet, followed him to destiny and are using up massive amounts of water. The aliens seem harmless until aggravated by a startled crew member and attack him. Meanwhile, Scott and Young have found pure ice a ways from the gate and have returned for a second load. Johansen has a plan to trap the aliens in an air locked room, but when they do the now angered aliens begin to look for a way out. Back on the planet, while returning to the stargate with another load of ice, lieutenant Scott fall into a crevice, during a tremor, and becomes stuck. With Young attempting to dislodge him and pull him out another tremor causes the crevice to enclose tighter and rupture Scotts suit, slowly causing him to loose consciousness. With time running out Young must decide weather or not to leave Scott behind and get the ice back to Destiny. On Destiny the trapped aliens find a way out of the locked room, so Johansen comes up with a plan to lure them into a container of water and lock them in. Another tremor occurs on the planet and releases Scott to fall farther into the crevice but Young is able to catch him just in time and pull him out, just in time to rush to the gate to see the container of aliens being hurdled out through the Stargate and gate back before destiny goes back into FTL. The ice provide some water but the problem remains, there not enough water to survive.

RUSH: Destiny.
The design is clearly Ancient.

Launched hundreds of thousands
of years ago.

SCOTT: Where the hell are we?

Several billion light years from home.

We are on a ship, but we have no idea
where we are in relation to Earth.

RUSH: This ship could be the most
important discovery mankind has made

since the stargate itself.

YOUNG: These are the wrong people
in the wrong place.

SCOTT: I've got a lot of wounded.
We need to get home.

RUSH: We barely have enough power
to operate the main systems.

This ship simply doesn't have
the capability to dial Earth.

Yeah, I read about these Chinese miners
that survived a cave-in for six days

by drinking their urine.

I'm gonna go ahead and pretend
I didn't hear that.

Yeah. You know what they ate? Coal.

- Coal?
- Yeah. This is a true story.

I mean, don't get me wrong,
it was pretty stupid. Almost killed them.

Water level's down again.

You're sure nobody went near
that compartment on your watch?

Spencer came by and asked
if he could have a look in the tank.


He's a crazy person. Sir. Anyway, I said no.

Nobody goes in there
without my authorization.


Maybe it evaporated
when we went through the star.

RUSH: It's a closed system.

YOUNG: You know, all that water
went somewhere.

We're down to half of what we had
when we got here.

RUSH: I don't understand this.

You're the one trying to get
the recycling system up and running.

- Maybe there's a leak somewhere.
- Ship says it's fine.

- If what you're saying is accurate...
- It is.

- Then we've got a serious problem.
- Well, we wouldn't

if you did what I asked you to do
in the first place.

Oh, please, can we stick
to one problem at a time?

Running out of water wouldn't matter

- if we just dial Earth, go home...
- I already explained that to you.

The ship's recharged.
The power reserves are full.

- That's the point. They're not!
- Well, where are we at, then, Rush?

Probably about less than 40%
of original design capacity.

You think I can't tell when someone
just pulls a number out of his ass?


I actually pulled that number
out of my ass. He's not making it up.

Look, if Destiny was ever capable
of dialing back to Earth,

it was thousands of years ago,

when the Ancients originally intended
to come here, but not now.

Well, then, you're right.
We have a problem.

- Yes.
- YOUNG: Again.

- Okay, Eli...
- Get Brody in on this. He's an engineer.

I need to borrow Eli.

- 40, 000 liters?
- FRANKLIN: That's what I heard.

But we didn't drink it.

Let's just say it wouldn't surprise me

if there was more water
than they're telling us.

- So, what, they're hoarding it?
- It's a big ship.

You know the military.

Long as they control the water supply,
they control us.

That's right. I'm talking about you.

Those two are harmless.

Keep it up. I need to know who I can trust.

- I feel like a spy.
- Eli.

- Clean this room up.
- Right.

- What is it?
- Nothing, sir. Just had a strange feeling.

- Well, we just dropped out of FTL.
- Wasn't that.

I'm on my way to the Gate Room.
There's a planet in range. Come on.

What have we got?

There's only one planet in range.
The ship's already dialed it up.

RUSH: We're getting readings now.


Looks like we entered the "Hoth system".

Empire Strikes Back.

The second Star Wars movie.
Okay, I refuse to call it Episode V.

- Minus 47 degrees Celsius.
- Bundle up.

Is that water ice?

Yes, but the atmosphere
is dangerously thin.

And poisonous. 0.13% molecular oxygen,
95% carbon dioxide, with a hint of argon.

GREER: Ooh! Nasty planet.

RUSH: The only candidate within range.

We're gonna have to use
the spacesuits we found,

but if that brings back a half a ton of ice,
I'll take it. Shut it down for now.

Lieutenant Scott, come in, please.


JAMES: There a reason your radio's off?

Come in.

Colonel Young is looking for you.

- I think I'd better...
- Go, go.

What, you couldn't find a broom closet?

We're still working on the other suits.
We're close to having a third one ready.

- How close?
- A day, maybe.

We'll be back in FTL by then.

Well, they're not in great shape.

All these years,
there's bound to be degradation.

Well, keep at it, we're gonna need them.

Looks like it's just you and me, then.

I could take Kennair, sir.

- She's done EVAs before, and you're...
- I'm fine.

How are we going to cut the ice?

Plasma cutter.
Should cut through the ice like butter.

Just don't get the business end
anywhere near you.

Suit radios are voice-activated
between you.

Press here if you want to tie into
the ship's communication systems.

T.J., you're in command while we're gone.

- Is everybody clear on that?
- Oh, I'm sure we'll manage.

Riley, start dialing.

Assuming a fair amount
of physical activity,

you have just over eight hours of air.

That's, what, 11 hours
until the next jump to FTL, right?

Don't worry. You'll run out of air
long before we leave you behind.


Beautiful, huh?

One deep breath and you're dead.

Destiny, this is Young. Come in.

Yes, sir, we hear you five by five.

YOUNG: I've just tested the ice
by the stargate.

I read concentrations of ammonia
and several other toxic chemicals.

Now, how high are the readings?

Off the charts.

Well, you could try looking farther afield.

YOUNG: Maybe on the other side
of that lake.

SCOTT: Is that really a good idea, sir?

The further away from the gate we go,
the less ice we can bring back.

Oh! I've got just the thing.
Give me two minutes.

Colonel, give us five. Eli has an idea.

Maybe there's fresh water in the lake
under the ice.

At minus 47, the ice will be 10 feet deep.

We're better off finding a pressure ridge,
something we can mine.

Sounds like you've done
something like this before.

Oh, yeah. A million times.

- Did you feel that?
- It's just a tremor.

Hey, you know, the last planet
I was on exploded.

Destiny, this is Young.

We're burning through suit air.
What's going on with this bright idea?

GREER: Here we come, people!
Here we come!

Sorry, it's impossible to steer by remote.

That's fantastic, Eli.
What made you come up with that?

Actually, it represents
my most recent attempt to fly,

but it should carry a ton of ice.

PARK: Colonel, we're sending through
Eli's latest invention.

I love it!
The man gets a gold star.

SCOTT: How much will it hold?

Definitely more than
you can carry by yourself.

YOUNG: All right, we're heading out.
Keep the gate active.

We'll radio back when we find something.

- T.J.
- Sir?

- YOUNG: Listen, if we don't make it back...
- You will.

Well, we're two guys
in million-year-old spacesuits

walking around alone on an ice planet.

If we don't make it back,

you're gonna do fine.

Yes, sir. Good luck.

- The level's dropped.
- Again?

Nobody's been in or out.

Well, Brody said
there's no leak in the system,

so that leaves one alternative.

- Who could steal that much?
- That's a lot of water.

Yeah, I know,
but I don't know what else to do.

Besides, it wouldn't hurt to know
where we stand. Start a search.

Let's go, Gorman.

Dial it up again, Mr. Riley.
We must maintain communication.

It just went off a second ago.
Your timing is perfect!

Because it's been 38 minutes,

the maximum time
a stargate can remain open.

Well, see, I didn't know that.

Colonel Young, it's Dr. Rush.
What's your status?

We've found an exposed area of ice
that looks promising.

- Testing now.
- SCOTT: We're pretty far out.

- Can't see the gate anymore.
- It's still worthless.

RUSH: Keep looking.

GREER: Lieutenant Johansen.

- Go ahead.
- GREER: I found something.

- So did I. Can it wait?
- GREER: It's Spencer.

I can deal with him myself
if you'd like, but...

No, it's fine. I'll be on my way.

- I didn't steal anything!
- Yeah?

- What's this, huh?
- SPENCER: Those are mine!

I brought them through with me
when we evacuated!

You brought them through with you, huh?

- Give me a reason. Come on. Come on.
- Hey, hey, hey! Back off!

I don't have time for this.
Lock him up somewhere.

Colonel can deal with him
when he gets back.

You said you found something.

To be honest, I don't know what I saw.

I have to talk to Rush. You keep searching.

Nothing we find is gonna add up
to what's missing.

I know,
but we have to know what we've got.

No one's gone near the tank,
and it keeps going down.

Come on, come on.

Destiny, this is Young. We got pure ice.

That's excellent news.

It's a frozen waterfall.

We should be able to break it up
into manageable pieces and haul it back.

We'll be ready for you.

- Busy day on Destiny.
- I haven't taken anything.

- I don't think you have.
- What are you doing?

- Checking for stolen rations.
- It's okay, Dr. Franklin.

Confess, Miss Armstrong.
You drank 40, 000 liters of water.

- He's kidding.
- I know.

I'm just saying we have rights.

I'm done here, Miss Armstrong.
I hope I haven't inconvenienced you.

- I understand.
- I knew that you would.

You. Next.

This is never going to be enough.

Stand back.

SCOTT: You've done this before, too,
have you?

- YOUNG: At least five times.
- You mind if I give it a shot?

Remember, all we have are the bullets
we brought with us.

So, are we talking about, like, one little
cloud of bugs or are they all over the ship?

I'm not even sure that "bugs"
is the right word for them.

Huh! What about "cloud"?

Except the cloud was alive. It was almost
like thousands of tiny alien creatures.

Yeah, I have a problem
with everything you just said.

What you've just described is...

Well, it's the same as Lieutenant Scott
claimed he saw on the desert planet.

That's what I was thinking, and maybe
some of them followed him back here.

Wouldn't we have
noticed them?

No, not if only a few came through
the gate. They're like tiny grains of sand.

And then what, started reproducing?

Well, if it's a living organism,
then, yeah, they would.

Okay, so now we've got aliens.

What if they start bursting out
of our stomachs?

I don't think they're dangerous. It almost
felt like they were trying to communicate.

Lieutenant Scott used the same word.

Yeah, at the time,
you said he was delirious.

Well, I was wrong.

What do you intend to do?

Well, I guess we should stop everyone
from wandering around the ship.

After you.

- Here?
- Yeah, yeah.

This is Lieutenant Johansen.
We have a situation.

It's under control, but as a precaution,
I ask everyone to return to their quarters

and remain there until further notice.
Thank you.

You're... You're not going to tell them?

- That we've got aliens?
- No, we'll keep it on a need-to-know basis.

- What else?
- You're in charge.

And I'm asking your advice. What else?

Always consider the greater good.
That's it.

That's enough ice for now.
Let's get out of here.

GREER: Gorman, meet me in
the Gate Room. We have ice on the way.


MAN: They're on it.

Dial it back, please.

Destiny, this is Young.
How's it going up there?

- Offloading the sled now.
- YOUNG: Well, hurry it up.

We want to do one more run.

Just so you know,
another matter has come up.

- We have it under control.
- We have aliens on the ship.

- YOUNG: What?
- They just shredded Gorman.

What the hell does that mean?

Millions of tiny flying razor blades
floating around the ship like piranha.

Corporal Gorman is alive.

Lieutenant Johansen is tending
to him now.

- He's probably not going to make it.
- Eli!

YOUNG: That's it. We're coming back.

No, no, no, that's not necessary, Colonel.
Eli is overreacting.

We believe the creatures
are the same as those Lieutenant Scott

encountered on the desert planet.

They must have followed us back
through the gate.

SCOTT: No, I doubt those things I saw
were dangerous, sir. They helped me.

RUSH: Corporal Gorman
may have provoked them.

We'll know more once he comes to.

- If he comes to.
- In the meantime,

Lieutenant Johansen has ordered everyone
to remain in their quarters.

They're nothing more than a nuisance
at this point, Colonel,

but we desperately need more ice.

YOUNG: All right. We'll figure out what to
do with them when we get back.

Okay, sending the sled back through now.
Rush out.

MAN: Yeah, those are on the way.

I just sent it through, sir.

You're gonna have to learn
when to shut up.

You can't just...

You can't just lie to the guy
and expect me to...

Once back into FTL, it could be days
before we find another planet

capable of replenishing our water supplies.

This ice represents a fraction
of what we need to stay alive.

- We need more!
- Yeah, I know!

- But that doesn't mean that you can...
- Yes, it does!

- You're making it sound like we're...
- Just stop acting like a child, please!

RUSH: We have to figure this out.

I said "we."

I say we torch them.

You know, put some teams together,
hunt them down.

- Where'd you get that?
- I can invent things, too.

Hey, we've really got to work together
on this project...

You know, maybe the bugs were just
responding out of self-defense.

Self-defense? Did you see what they did
to Gorman's face?

Yeah, I'm the one treating him, Sergeant.
I saw exactly what they did to his face.

Look, we don't know what it is
we're dealing with,

and torching them may only serve
to antagonize them further.

- We hit them with something else.
- Revenge, that's great.

We gotta do something.

If we just sit around till they drink
all of our water then we're gonna...

Alien bugs show up
and half our water disappears.

Don't tell me I'm the only one
who made this connection.

Well, obviously not. The question is,
what are we going to do about it?

Okay, Sergeant, you and your team
go search for this alien, entity, cloud,

bugs, whatever it is we're calling them,
and report back, okay?

Yes, ma'am.

- And, Sergeant, no torching.
- Yes, ma'am!

ELI: Ooh! I have an idea!

YOUNG: It's gonna be dark soon.

ELI: Okay, stand back.

RILEY: Nothing's happening.


- Yes, there is.
- It's like vapor. We just can't see them.

That's what they did
when I first saw them.

It's like they just disappear.

So they're growing
in numbers exponentially

and consuming our resources
without us even knowing it.

You have to get them off the ship.

JOHANSEN: Sergeant Greer,
come in.

I'm a little busy right now.

The bugs are getting into the water tank
every time we open the hatch.

Once we locate the main swarm,
we're going to have to find...

They're in front of me right now.

- Don't antagonize them.
- I won't.

Unless they antagonize me first.

Do they move when you do?

They do now.

What we need is an airlock.

Unfortunately, there are none
in the habitable compartments of the ship.

I know what to do.

YOUNG: This isn't going to keep us
going very long.

SCOTT: Maybe Destiny will figure out
we're getting short on water

and find us a planet with nice fresh water
right next to the stargate.

I mean, come on, we deserve a break.

Scott! Scott!

Can you hear me?

Yeah. Sorry, sir, the ice just gave way.

Are you hurt?

Negative. I'm okay,
but I'm wedged in pretty good.

Good thing, too.
Looks like a long way down.

All right, just hold on. I'm gonna...
I'm gonna throw a line down.

Here it comes.

I need you to tell me when you've got it.

Got it.

YOUNG: Now, if you can manage it,
run it under both your arms

and fasten it across your chest.

- SCOTT: Done this before, too, have you?
- Oh, yeah. At least a dozen times.

- Okay.
- Now, I want you to pull yourself up.

I'm gonna pull from this end. You ready?

- Yeah.
- YOUNG: Okay, one, two, three!

Pull! Pull, Scott! Come on!

Pull! Pull!

- How stuck are you?
- Pretty dang stuck.

- Is there any way you can dig yourself out?
- I'm not sure.

That's okay. That's passed. Scott?

Still here, sir.

All right, let's just...
Let's think about this for a second.

- Destiny, this is Young.
- Go ahead.

YOUNG: We've got a situation here.

There was a tremor, and Scott fell
through the snow into a crevasse.

He's fine, but he's just out of reach.

I tried to pull him up,

but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.
How's that other spacesuit coming?

We stopped work on that.
I confined everyone to quarters.

YOUNG: All right, it was just a thought.

Well, we'll figure it out.
How's your bug situation?

Same as before. Don't worry about it.

And don't you worry either, T.J.
I'll be out of here in no time.

Good luck. Johansen out.

Everyone is lying.

Yeah, grown-ups do that sometimes.

This is Greer. It's working.

They're moving away from us
as we move forward.

Good job. Keep it up.

SCOTT: How about you lower the gun
down, and I shoot myself free?

YOUNG: Yeah, that's good thinking.

There's no way the bullets will
ricochet into your ass.

SCOTT: Well, maybe I can cut my way out
with the plasma cutter.

You get one hole in that suit, you're dead.

Maybe there's a way for me
to get down there.

No, that's just as stupid.

"That's just as stupid, sir."

The last thing we need is for both of us
to be stuck down here.

All right. Break off.

You okay?

Closed in a little tighter, but I think...

What? What?

I think I'm losing suit pressure.

I thought we were supposed to be
confined to quarters.

Yeah, well, I heard over the radio...

There was a tremor.
Lieutenant Scott fell into a crevasse.

- Oh, my God.
- He's okay.

Just stuck.

Do they have enough air?

Colonel Young says
he's got it under control.

I just thought you would want to know.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

YOUNG: I think the ice tore
a hole in his suit.

ELI: How big a tear is it?

I can't see it, but I can hear it.
It's hissing out pretty good.

- An hour at most.
- YOUNG: Plenty of time to make it back.

Yeah, if I wasn't stuck!

Colonel, you have to consider
the amount of time you have left now.

YOUNG: I'm aware of the damn time, Rush.

All I'm saying is if you delay much longer...

YOUNG: Listen to me!
I know exactly what you're saying,

and I'm not going anywhere
without Lieutenant Scott,

and that's the way it's gonna be!

What is the matter with you?

Miss Armstrong,
you should return to your quarters.

No, you know where you can go?

Now, look, Colonel,
I understand your desire

to rescue Lieutenant Scott, of course,

and only you can decide
how much time you have left,

but, Lieutenant,
if Colonel Young remains there

trying to free you,

to pull you up by himself,

there's a chance
he might not make it back.

SCOTT: He's right.

YOUNG: Just keep the gate active.

We're gonna make it back in time
with your damn ice,

which is all you really care about.

- Colonel...
- Young out!

Damn, he's a lot of work.

This is Greer. I locked them up.

Closing off the ventilation in that room.

Okay, vents are closed.

- Should be airtight.
- What are they doing now?

GREER: Looking for a way out.

Let's hope they don't find one.

Come on!

Come on!


- Colonel?
- I'm thinking.


- It's okay. Come on, sir.
- No, it's not.

We both know
you've done this before, too.

Done what?

Lost people.

Too many times. I'm not...
I'm not doing it again.

- I can't let you do it.
- You don't have a choice.

Not that I'm counting,
but this is the third time

in almost as many weeks
that you've been willing to kill yourself,

and there's a pretty good chance,
at this point,

I won't be around
to talk you out of it again.

YOUNG: You know, you're a fine
young officer.

You've got a heart as big as a house,

but I'm not here because I want to die.

I'm here because
I haven't given up on saving your ass,

so just shut up and think.

GREER: They're getting pissed off.

Really pissed off.

A few of them got out.

What? How?

We need a plan, Lieutenant!

I'm coming down there!

This is beautiful out here.


Lieutenant. Lieutenant?

Scott. Scott! Scott!

Scott! Scott! Wake up, Scott!

Lieutenant! Wake up! Scott!

I need you to wake up, Scott!
Scott, come on!

Wake up!

Come on!

Come on!


Come on, I got you. That's it, pull!

Pull, Lieutenant. Come on, Lieutenant.

Lieutenant! Okay, that's it.
Okay, that's it, I got you.

I got you. Okay.


All right.

You're okay.

Hey, hey, Scott, come on. Hang on, kid.

- What's the plan?
- We open the door,

they go for the water, we close the lid.

- GREER: All right, who's gonna do that?
- I am.

- No, no, no, I will.
- I'm not the one with the torch.

No, look, I am not gonna let you do that...

I'm not the one who's killed any of them,
Sergeant. You are.

I'll stand back, torch them if they get out.

- No, I want you out of sight.
- What, you don't trust me?

No, I don't.

All right.

Eli, I'm ready.

Make us a clear path to the Gate Room.
Seal off everything else.

You're good.

JOHANSEN: If this doesn't work,
lock this compartment off

from the rest of the ship.

Destiny, this is Young.

I'm on my way back with Scott. Come in.

Okay, let them out.

Okay, I got them!

All right, dial the gate. We're on our way.

Destiny, I'm almost at the stargate
with Scott.

Shut it down so I can dial in.

Colonel, we're about to send
these alien bugs through to the planet.

- We've no other choice.
- What?


RUSH: We need you to step away from
the gate and remain as still as possible.

They're coming through now.

- All right, here we go.
- Let's go.

Get his helmet off.

- Pick that up.
- Yeah, I got him.

Give her a hand.

His pulse is thready, but he's breathing.
Let's get him out of here.

Sergeant Spencer,
you step out of line again,

I will deal with you personally.


Yes, sir.

I don't think he does.

FRANKLIN: Colonel, I need to talk to you

about the behavior of one of your men.

PARK: No, that can wait.
We need to go over

the new rationing amounts

- before the next... VOLKER:
- Colonel, I was scheduled to use

the communication stones this morning...

FRANKLIN: This is a matter of rights!

PARK: Colonel!
VOLKER: Colonel!

Just a second, I was scheduled to use
the communication stones...

At approximately 0300 hours ship time,

Corporal Gorman succumbed
to injuries sustained

in an encounter with an alien entity.

Lieutenant Johansen did
everything that she could.

I intend to hold appropriate services
tomorrow at 1600 hours.

How do I turn it off?