Rumbling Hearts (2003–2004): Season 1, Episode 2 - Dai ni wa - full transcript

All right, Hayase,
that was good form.

Don't lose that feeling.
With a time like this...

Ah, you're so restless.

W- what the-?

7 points, 5 points, 6 points,
4 points, 3 points, 5 points, 7 points...

37 points total. You're still
a long way from passing.

Hey, what are you doing,
suddenly coming up like that?

And what do you mean, 37 points?

Sorry about that,


Then, this would be-?

Mm-hmm, my sister.

"Episode 2"
Mm-hmm, my sister.

"Episode 2"
Suzumiya Akane. Nice to meet you,
Narumi Takayuki-san,

Y- yeah...

Don't tell me
she's coming with us today.

Of course not. She's just
tagging along with me... I think.

Yeah, don't worry.

It may be summer vacation,

but I don't have time to get in the way
of the two of you on your passionate date.

Come on now, Akane.

Okay then,
I'm off to the pool.


It's still too soon
to be eating my sister, okay?

Ah, he turned red!
He's so pure of heart'

Good luck!

W- w- why you
precocious little brat!

Sorry, Takayuki-kun.

Did Akane say something
inappropriate again?

No, not really.

Is Akane-chan
always that spirited?

Mm-hmm. She's a little too spirited.

That's it. Akane-chan is a bit like
Hayase in her disposition.

Maybe. You know what?
Akane is in the swim club, too.


Mm-hmm. When she competes
in tournaments, she wins.

She says she's gunning for Mitsuki.

I'm scared to think about
what she'll be like when she's older.

Are you okay?

Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine.

Didn't you sleep?

I was playing a game I borrowed
from Shinji until morning.

Oh no, that's not good
for your health.

How are your studies?

Oh, not too bad.

Takayuki-kun, you should
test for Hakuryo U.

Koyo U is so far away.

Hakuryo U is so close.
We could go there together.

Even if you start now, if you
really work at it, I'm sure...

So Takayuki-kun, you really
should consider Hakuryo U-

We rode too far, huh?


You should have woken me up.

Mm-hmm, but Takayuki-kun,
you looked so comfortable sleeping,

and your face is so adorable
when you're asleep, I couldn't help myself.

Is that right?
Sorry about that, Haruka.

You know what? I brought something
good for us. should we sit down somewhere?


Great, it didn't fall apart!

Oh, meat pie!
It looks delicious!

I heard that you liked meat pie,

Actually, I've been working on them
since quite a while before that,

but I wasn't very good at it.

I'm not too sure
about today's, either.

If it doesn't taste good, don't force
yourself to eat it, and tell me so, okay?

Yeah, you got it.



Mm-hmm. It's really delicious.

Ah, thank goodness!

I'll have some, too.

You're right,
this turned out well.

This is nice, huh?

This is nice, huh?

Yeah, it is.

Ew, no way.

I'm serious.

50, about today...

What shall we do?

Listen, come on in,
if you like.

Yeah, but...

You probably wouldn't
be comfortable, huh?

No, it's not that...

Welcome home'

A- Akane!

Oh, I'm so hungry.

Huh? What are you doing?
Hurry and come on in.

Uh, I was just...

Are you coming in or not?
Which is it?

3, 2, 1, go!

N- no... It's already so late,

and it would be rude for me
to suddenly barge in, so...

You don't have
to worry about that.

H- hold on, Akane!

I'm home!
And I brought a guest!


Narumi-kun, you don't
have to be so stiff.

Well, help yourself.

If you don't have enough,
please say so. I'll cook some more.

Enough, already!

I'm sorry,

Come on now, Akane.


Hey, Big Brother,

you were just thinking
of something dirty, weren't you?

Why, you-!

For crying out-

Big Brother?

Is that strange?

No, it's not strange...

I've always wanted
an older brother.

I might not be able to expect much
from you, but I'll make do.

Oh, you will?

So, Big Brother, make sure
you marry my sister, okay?

Akane! What are you talking about!?

Future plans aside,

as long as you're seeing Haruka,
take good care of her, okay?

We'll leave her in your care.

Y- yes, sir!

Are you okay for the festival
tomorrow? Can you go?

Mm-hmm. I had my
curfew extended.

But Mitsuki said she had something
to do, and couldn't make it.

Something to do? Did she find
a boyfriend, or something?

Oh yeah, that's right...

What is it?

You know what? I heard that Mitsuki
did find a boyfriend. That's why.


Mm-hmm. Akane said
she saw her with a boy,

and the two of them
were walking around town.

Ah, there she goes.

Well, tomorrow, just the two of us will go.
And Shinji- we can leave him out of it.

That wouldn't be
very nice to Taira-kun.

It's okay.

Well, tomorrow then.

Hello, this is Narumi.
I'm not in at the moment.

If you need to reach me,
please leave a message after the beep.



Why didn't you answer
your phone yesterday?

Oh, so you called me back.

Well, I got three messages from you.

Did something happen?

Uh-uh, not really.

Could I talk to you?

Is this about your boyfriend?

--I don't have one.
--I heard you did.

We were just walking together.

But yesterday,
he professed his love for me.

Are you going to
go out with him?

I don't know.

Tell me, what do you think I should do?

What should you do?
Whatever you decide, I'll back it.


You're right.

You know,
I hate to say it,

but this will be the tenth person
to profess his love for me.

But I turned them all down.

What are you, bragging?

No, silly.
I'll slug you.

They all say
they like my hair.

But I dislike it.

This hair is what I dislike about myself...
the way I'm so stubborn.

There's only been one guy up to now
who hasn't said he liked it.

He said I'd look better
with short hair.

How do you feel
about this guy?

I don't know.

I don't know how I feel.

I've made up my mind. I'm not
going to see this one, either.

I want to remain honest
to my own feelings, like Haruka did.

You don't say.
That's probably best.

The festival...


Are you all right?
Weren't you and Haruka-?

Can't be helped.
I'll apologize to her later.

There they are!


Takayuki, why you-!

What were you doing,
saying you'd be going together

with Suzumiya to the festival,
then standing her up!?

She was worried to tears
that you weren't coming!

It's okay, Taira-kun.
It's nothing, really.

I'm sorry, Haruka. I didn't know
you were expecting him.

I brought him here because
I wanted someone to talk to.

Lately, I've had some things
on my mind, so...


So that's why.

I know it was wrong
to do that to you, Haruka,

but I just couldn't leave
Hayase all alone.

I'm really sorry.

Mm-mm, it's okay,
if that's the case.

After all, Mitsuki,
you are my dear friend.




...we all wound up getting
together here, and all.

That's what friends...
that's what pals do.


A- all right, well,
as long as we're all here,

let's all go to
the festival together.

In that case, to make it up
to everyone, it's my treat!

Terrific! But before we go,
let's get a picture together.

Come to think of it,

this will be the first time the four of us
have taken a picture, huh?

There, you see?
So this will be commemorative.

"Come in a little closer.
--Like this?


Sorry about what happened today.

Mm-mm. Mitsuki was concerned
about something, right?

I think I would have done
the same thing.

Oh, yeah?

So I'm glad that you took such good care
of Mitsuki, Takayuki-kun.


Ah, my parents went out.

Akane went with them.

She did, huh?

Say, want to come on in for a bit?

I still want to talk some.

5- sure...

So Haruka,
this is your room?

You're embarrassing me.
Don't stare at it like that.

You've got a lot of picture books.

I like them.

Now that you mention it,

are you still missing that one
picture book from before- "Mayauru's Gift"?

Okay then, let's both
go looking for it sometime.

It's my future dream to become
a picture book author,

so when I get into college,
I'd like to major in child psychology.

You're amazing, Haruka.
I'm sure you'll become one.

When you do, write a story
about the four of us friends.

That would be nice.


I'm going on inside.


Sis, are you home?

I'm home!


Welcome home.
You were out late, huh?

Big Brother,

by any chance
did you eat my sister?

A- Akane!
How could you say that!?

Something's up!

Mame-Chan, are you trying
to get in the way, or root us on?

Which one is it?


Sorry about today.


There's no reason to rush.

We'll have plenty of time, after all.

Say, Takayuki-kun,
can we do the ritual?

Like this?

Mm-hmm, and then you repeat
the words that I say.

Like the stars that twinkle
in the night sky...

Like the stars that twinkle
in the night sky...

...hearts that have melted together
will never come apart.

...hearts that have melted together
will never come apart.

Even though these hands let go...

Even though these hands let go... long as neither of us forget...


"Picture book corner"


Yeah, I'm going to test
for Hakuryo U.

You mean-?

You sure are laid back.

Was it Suzumiya?

Yeah, I guess.

Yikes, I'm going to be late!
Haruka is going to be upset. But then...

she'" probably forgive me
when she sees this.


What are you up to around here?


What's with that outfit?
Got a date?

No, silly, I was just
visiting the trade team.

Heh, is that it?

Is that what?

What about you?
Date with Haruka?

Yeah, she's waiting for me
in front of Hiiragicho Station.

Hmm, you guys
are getting along well.

You make me jealous.

You bet, you bet.

So, that being the case,
I'll see you later.

guess what!

As it happens, today is
my birthday... you see...

Ah, I like this one.

A ring?

No good?

You want a ring from me,
as a birthday present-?

You're right.

Well then...

.let's see..

This one, please.

Are you sure? But...

You wouldn't be happy getting
something you didn't want, right?

This will set me back a lot.

Takayuki, thanks.
I'll treasure it forever.

Yeah, and in exchange, you can get me
something ten times better on my birthday.

Whoa, yikes! Look at the time!
See you later.

An accident, huh?
Watch out for those.

Where's Haruka-?

I wonder if she got mad and left.

It was a girl, right?
That's a bad way to go.


"That girl is going to be okay, right?
--She got run into by a car, didn't she?

I wonder if she was waiting
for someone. Poor girl.




Excuse me.

Where are you!


Reporting an accident,
today at 14:15.

Identification was made by means of
a student picture I.D. found at the scene.

The victim went to
Hakuryo U Annex High,

Hiiragi Campus,

a senior, name of.



"Mayauru's Gift"

Embraced by a gentle breeze,

my heart breaks
as I think of you.

All alone at the top of the hill,

I watch as the seasons go by.

I wonder,
what is there to see

beyond those blue skies?

Wishing for courage,

softly, I pray.

There's no going back now

to those tender days
when you held me in your arms.

Memories of that summer
still faintly linger.

Those small fireworks remain,

even now.