Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (1967–1973): Season 1, Episode 14 - Episode #1.14 - full transcript

(harp music)

- [Announcer] The following
program is brought to you

in living color on NBC.

- And so friends another
true romance story comes

to a close as our happy
honeymooners walk up the

gangplank of the Titanic
to share life's greatest

experience together.


- My name is Jack Jones
and I really got a secret.

- (Mumbles) can
find Ray Charles.


- Why is there one missing?


- NBC has asked me to
announce that you are now watching

this on ABC.


- Will the real Charles
de Gaulle shut up.


- I'm not (mumbles)the
California Primaries.


And that is true.


- If I have but one
life to live, let me live it

with a blonde.


- And now from the Intensive
Care Room of the Bunny Club

here in beautiful, downtown
Burbank, NBC proudly presents

Rowen and Martin's Laugh-In.

Starting Dan Rowen
and Dick Martin with

Judy Carne, Arte Johnson,

and Eileen Brennan.

Ruth Buzzi, Henry Gibson,

Goldie Hawn

Larry Hovis, Roddy Maude-Roxby,

Jo Anne Worley,
yours truly, Gary Owens

and Morgul as
the friendly Drelb.

- Tonight's program
is brought to you by all

the sensational
philanthropists down at, from,

in, with, oh.


(techno music)

- Time now to meet and
greet the winners of our

Phyllis Diller look alike
contest, Dan Rowen

and the tantalizing Dick Martin.


(orchestra music)

- Whee.

- Here we go again, Dick.

- Dick?

- Yeah, Dick.

I'm Dan Rowen
you're Dick Martin.

- You're Dan?

- Of course I'm Dan.

- Well I'm sure glad
you straightened that out.

You know I watch this
show every week and I never

can figure out which one's Dan.


- Well, I'm glad you
finally got it straight.

- Well, no happier
than I am, Dick.


- Hey, listen we really
got a tiger by the tail


- Yeah, right after
the show, right?


- I was talking about this show.

Tiger by the tail is
just an expression.

I mean we really
have a goody tonight.

- Yeah, right after the show.


We have all of the
regulars are here tonight.

- Yep, best bunch of
cuckoos ever put in a cage.

- And with a little luck
you probably won't go

through a trap door tonight.

- Hey, wait a minute.

Trap door's the best thing
that ever happened to me.

- No kidding?

- Yeah, I've got
one in my house.

- You're putting me on.

- No, in my playroom.

Kiss 'em goodnight
and drop 'em, whee.


- That can be a little
dangerous dropping through

the floor like that.

- No the bed breaks their fall.


- Your playroom is right
over the bedroom I gather.

- No the playroom is
right over my bedroom,

and I gather.


- I don't believe
a word of this.

- I've got the trap door
hooked up to the lamp, too.

- Reach up, turn out the lamp?

- Away they go.


- Boy it must be fun, huh?

- It cost me a fortune though.

- What do you mean
it costs you a fortune?

- Well, I keep forgetting
to tell my cleaning lady

about it.

- Oh, I guess that could
be a little bit of a problem

if she come in to dust.

She turns on the lamp...

- And before she knows
it she's fluffing the pillow.


- Pretty hazardous
house you got there.

- Well, there's no point
in talking about it now.

It's all over.

- What do you
mean it's all over?

- Well, I realize I don't
need a house that big

and I got rid of it.

Well, I didn't get rid of it.

I just rented the upstairs.

- You rent, find a nice couple?

- Yeah, a nice couple
of airline stewardesses.


- Here we go again.

- That's what they say every
time they turn out the lamp.


- You can't go
on like this Dick.

- Yeah, that's what they
say every time they fall...


- And you charge
these poor girls rent?

- Sure, fly now, pay later.

- I think we better
go to the party.

- Yeah, let's bring
everybody with us.

- Good idea, come
along to the party, gang.


(rock music)

- Two unwed mothers got
kicked out of our school last week.

One taught French and
the other taught History.

(rock music)

- You know even in Texas
money can't buy happiness.

Votes, yes, happiness, no.


- I'm a home lovin' girl and
that's where I wish I was,

at home, lovin.


- Which reminds me of the
tale of the Bombay confectioner

who fell into a vat of chocolate
and came up with a new

concept in coconuts.


- Boris has been wearing
the Bonnie and Clyde look

for years.

His suits are all shot. (laughs)


- Your police don't
carry guns, do they?

- No just grudges.


- Well, the traffic problem
in New York is bad,

but most pedestrians
eventually get a cross.

Jewish ones get a star.


- I'm all for
modernizing the church,

but I still think they're
going to far when they refer

to a glass of sacramental
wine as the Bible belt.


- One false move
and I'll appreciate it.


- My boyfriend refuses
to burn his draft card.

He needs it to get into bars.


- Dan, I saw and Ingrabar
Bergman movie last night.

- Oh yeah, how'd you like it?

- Well, I don't think
it's nearly as funny as

Charlie McCarthy.


- Back home in Texas
we're going all the way

with LBJ.

See, we don't want him
back there as a Governor.


- I don't mind men
who kiss and tell.

I need all the
publicity I can get.


- It is said, "He who is
deceived by a pretty package

"buys naught but
a kilo of seeds."


- Boris says that General
Westmoreland should have

been replace by Genghis Khan.

After all he's the only
General who won a war in Asia.

Isn't Boris smart? (laughs)


- You know the London
Bridge is for sale?

- No, how much?

- Oh, the whole bloody thing.


- But if you get rid of
cruelty and violence

on television the kids
will have nothing to watch

on Saturday morning.


- It's such a beautiful night.

Let's go somewhere
real romantic.

- Sure, your place or mine?


- We should all prepare
for the day of reckoning,

but let us not say,
"Here come de judge."



(upbeat music)

- Bored.

- And now folks.

- Hold it Judy.

Just to show you
how much I love you,

tonight I'll do the
sock it to mes.

- Oh, that's nice.

- Good you just
stand right there

and you think nothing of it.

- Okay.

Now, and now folks
it sock it to me time.


- Oh, sock it to me, sock
it to me, sock it to me

sock it to me, sock it to
me, sock it to me babv.

- Why should I
run for president.

I'm fast becoming the
father of our country at home?

- Very interesting and true.

- Here come the judge.


- Have you ever
been up before me?

- I don't know your honor.

What time do you get up?



(upbeat music)


- Olsen and Johnson, 1920.

- If Jill Saint John
married Jordan Christopher

she'd be Jill Saint Christopher.

- Sophia Loren has
a well rounded life.

- This program has
just been deported

by beautiful, downtown Burbank.

(flute music)

- Very interesting, but dirty.

- Okay now friends, it's
time for Laugh-In to bring

you our regular weekly
feature, new talent time.


- That band gives
me heartburn, I think.

- Maybe it was
something you ate.

That band's not so bad.

- Not so good either.

- Yeah, well don't worry.

You're in for a
real treat tonight.

- You brought along
another goody, huh?

- Just the greatest
goody we ever had.

- You brought back Tiny Tim?

- The very same, he
flew in this afternoon.

- I don't doubt that a bit.


- Now wait a minute.

Tiny Tim is probably
the greatest single artist

we've ever had in new talent.

- Well he certainly is
great and I'd make a bet

that he's single.


- You know it's
a wonderful thing.

Every since he appeared
on Laugh-In at the beginning

of the season he's
had all kinds of offers.

- Sure he has.

- He has a record out now.

- And so do Bonnie and Clyde.


- Come on now let's
give him the introduction

that the man really deserves
on his triumphant return

to Laugh-In, ladies
and gentlemen...

- The fickle finger
of fate strikes again.

- Laugh-In is proud to present
the one and only Tiny Tim.


et's bring (mumbles) Tiny Tim

Let's raise our voices
and welcome him

With tears of joy our (mumbles)

God bless you Tiny Tim

We dearly love you Tiny Tim

You made us happy
when life gets grim

With heads bowed
low, we sing the hymn

God bless you,
Tiny Bless you, Tiny

Bless you, Tiny Tim


- Tim, it's a pleasure to
welcome you back to Laugh-In.

I'll hold your instrument for
you here for just a minute.

We've had so much
mail about you since your

first two appearances on
the show and we have a lot

of questions if you don't mind,

just briefly answering some.

A lot of our fans want to
know how old are you Tiny?

- Oh, Mister Rowen.

I feel so young.

I really feel 19 again.

- Oh.

- You've made an
album I understand.

- Yes, my dear wonderful
producer Mister Perry

produced it.

- Mister Perry.

- On Reprise Records.

- You have violins
and everything?

- Yes, and of course it's
called God Bless Tiny Tim.


- What's this about a movie?

- Well, I wish God
bless every one of you.


- Very, very sweet.

- A movie, yes, there
is a movie coming up.

I made with Mister
Yarrow, called...

Peter Yarrow,
Peter, Paul and Mary,

called You Are What You Eat.


- Moving right along to
some of the other questions.

I'd like to ask you,
there isn't any truth

that you are planning to
enter the California Primaries

is there?

- Oh, oh, just picking oranges.

- Prior to your
stardom Tiny Tim,

where did you live?

I mean where is your home?

- I've always lived
in dear New York.

- Dear New York?

- With dear Mother and Father.

- Oh, are you an only child?

- Oh, yes, apparently life
is so beautiful (mumbles)

- How old were you
when your voice changed?

- Oh, heck it
always was like this.

- Well Tiny, we're most
anxious to hear you play.

- Oh, there it is again.

Look at it just
slide out of there.


- I leave you two, to it.

- Thank you.


Thank you.

And a one and a two.


("Tiptoe Through The
Tulips" by Tiny Tim)

Tiptoe through the window

By the window
that is where I'll be

Come tiptoe through
the tulips with me

Oh, tiptoe from the garden

By the garden of the willow tree

And tiptoe through
the tulips with me

Knee deep in flowers we'll stray

We'll keep the showers away

And if I kiss you in the
garden, in the moonlight

Will you pardon me

And tiptoe through
the tulips with Me

(clicking tongue)

Knee deep in flowers we'll stray

We'll keep the showers away

And if I kiss you in the
garden, in the moonlight

Will you pardon me

And tiptoe through
the tulips with Me

(clicking tongue)


- They say they
are a nice couple.

- Do I get to keep
one of these pictures

of Tiny Tim for my wallet?


- Hey, he hasn't changed much.

- No, he certainly hasn't.


- One thing we can
say is he really goes

for those high notes.

- I don't think he's got
a whole lot of choice.


- Be that as it may,
that's it for new talent

tonight, folks.

- Don't we have any
other new talent tonight?

- No, who could follow Tiny Tim?

- Nobody I know.

- That's right,
good night, folks.


- This is my first manicure.

- When you speak of
this in years to come,

and you will, be kind.


- This is a rifle.

A rifle can be a
dangerous weapon.

For this reason we all
learn this little rhyme.

Never, never let your gun

Pointed be at any one.

(piano music)

I fell in love with you

In the middle of May Last June

I fell in love with
you In bright sunlight

Beneath the Harvest
Moon (applause)

(upbeat music)


- Oh, you all ready, Dick?

- I guess so.

They can't put me
through the trap door when

I'm on skis.

- That's right.

- And now folks, it's
sock it to me time.

(water splashing)


Oh, that's cute, so cute.


- Sock it to me.

Sock it to me.

Sock it to me.

Sock it to me, sock it to me.

(fast upbeat music)


- Doctor Livingston what
can I do with a broken ankle?

- Limp.



Hava nagila Have
two Nagila have three

Nagila they're pretty small

- I'm not kidding.

Ya'll better watch out because,

here come the judge.

- What's the charge?

- Shoplifting, 50
yards of elastic.

- Well, you're in
for a long stretch.


- Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.

Here comes the judge.


(trumpet music)

- Webber and Fields, 19, four.

- If Gypsy Rose Lee had
married Anheuser-Busch

today she'd Gypsy Rose Busch.

- Had Jill Saint John
married Joey Lewis,

she'd be Jill Saint Lewis.

- That was about as
funny as a bumblebee at at

nudist camp.

(upbeat music)

- I think the present
day administration

is for the birds.

- Time now once again
to cease this flipping

tomfoolery and these
nonsensical nonsequitors

and take a serious
look at the world today

as Laugh-In brings you
the Rowen and Martin report

of the new, past,
present and future.

Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya

Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya

What's the new across the nation

We have got the information

In a way we hope will amuse you

We just love to
give you our views

(Mumbles) squaws and
braves, Laugh-In looks at the

Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya,
ya, ya Your chief!



- Now, here with the
news of the present

the man who knew the news.

It wouldn't be news
without the news.

Here's Dicky.

(orchestral music)


- May the good fairy shower
your bippy with perd dust.


Fairweather, North Dakota,
following the recent tornadoes

the citizens of Fairweather,
North Dakota, have decided

to change the
name of their town.

It is now Fairweather,
South Dakota.


Montgomery, Alabama, the
education strike in Alabama

ended today when
the teacher returned.


Mexico, police in Tijuana,
Mexico recently confiscated

two tons of marijuana
and ordered it burned.

The chief of the local
fire department stated

with the use of modern
techniques they should be able

to keep the fire going
for about three weeks.


Take it away Goldie.

- (Giggles)

And now Laugh-In
looks at news of the future

as we present
News of the Future.

So, now for the
news of the future,

take it away Dan.


- Saigon 1988 as the
United States Army finally

pulled out of Vietnam, the
country was immediately

overrun with Vietnamese.


The Nation's Capitol
1988, 20 years from now,

defacto segregation received
a shot in the arm today

when President George
Wallace signed into law a Bill

which will permit the
Alabama school system to bus

students to classes in Wyoming.


- Blessed are meek for they
shall inherit the watermelon.


- Bunny Club Headquarters
1988, today Hugh Hefner

reached the halfway
point in writing his Playboy

philosophy claiming that
healthy sex life is now possible

for everyone over 83.

Mister Hefner is currently
recovering from his third

heart transplant this month.


- Now, you've all read
that some of the automobile

manufacturers have been
calling back defective models.

Laugh-In news now shows
one such call being made.

(dialing phone)

- Hello, hello Mister Goodman?

Boom-a-rang Motors calling.

Yeah, well since you're the
proud owner of our latest model

you've probably been
expecting one of our surprise

phone calls.

Well, Mister Goodman, surprise.


You're where?

You have, huh?

Hold it a second Mister Goodman.

He's got a surprise for us.

He's got a phone in the car
and he's in his car right now.

- Well, how you gonna
tell him there's something

wrong with his
car if he's in it?

- He already knows that.

He's going 70 miles per hour
and he can't find the brakes.


He's on the Indiana
Turnpike heading for Chicago.

- That's not too bad.

It's a long stretch of road.

He'll make it.

- Well, yeah, it is kind of
bad, see he wanted to get off in


Says he's gotta find the
brakes because it's getting

dark and he want to stop.

- Ah, ha, just a second.

Tell him to try the
cigarette lighter.

- Yeah, Mister Goodman,
would you try the cigarette lighter?

- He did, huh, just a minute.

He did, but the seat goes up.


- That's not bad.

- Well, yeah it is.

He's a chain smoker and
one more cigarette, his head

goes through the roof.

How's he get the seat down?

- Tell him to turn on the radio.

- Yeah, we got it now.

Turn on the radio.

Oops, yeah, car
veers to the left.

- Tell him try rollin'
the left window down.

That'll do it.

- Roll your left window
down Mister (mumbles)

Kicked into overdrive, huh?


All right, well, he
says he's speeding up.

He says he's passing a car.

- It's a good thing
he's going by him.

- No, no, not really,
it was a police car.


- Oh, ho, you tell
him not to worry.

The Indiana State Police
have our last year's model.

When it hits 70, you see
the headlights fold under

and even if they catch him,
they won't be able to see him.

- What, what, okay, yes.

He's says he's
going nutty he thinks

he hears ice cream bells.

- Well, of course he does.

That's the batch they
put the ice cream bells on

the Police cars and the sirens
on the Good Humor truck.


The police may fool you, but
you really know when there's

a Good Humor truck
in the neighborhood.


- You sure do.

Say, uh, yeah, what?

Yeah he has a (mumbles)

Mister Goodman, would you
look in your glove compartment?

Hello, Mister Goodman?

- You shouldn't have
told him to say, Kermit.

Actually what happens when
you open the glove compartment

the seat ejects.

- Oh, sorry about that.


(upbeat music)

- This is a rifle.

A rifle is a defensive weapon.

It is not an offensive weapon.

Of course it could be used
as an offensive weapon.

It all depends
upon how you use it.


(upbeat music)

- Dan, Dick, I've
done your show.

You may feel obligated
to come do my show.

- Oh, any time.

- Oh, you bet your life.

- Please don't feel obligated.

- We promise.

We promise we
won't do your show.

- I don't want promises.

Just put it in writing.


- We won't do what's
the name of the show?


(brakes squealing)

(tweeting bird)

- The second half of the
Rowen and Martin's, Martinens

is brought to you
by... (upbeat music)

- Sock it to me, sock it to me.

- Well, Dick, they can't send
you through the trap door.

And if you get hit with
water it won't matter,

will it?

- No, that's what
they'd like us to believe.

But I feel relatively safe.

And now folks, it's
sock it to me time.


(tweeting bird)

Lights, lights, get the lights.

- Sock it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it to me.


- I (mumbles) sock it to me.

- Sock it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, honey.

- Sock it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me,
sock it to me, woo.

Hey, do you want
to sock it to me?

- Okay.

- What, what, what, what?

- Say, "Sock it to me."

- Oh, don't be ridiculous.

I don't want to say
that ridiculous thing.

- Say it.

- You can't really
mean it, can you?

- I mean it.

- Oh, all right.

Sock it to me.


Are you satisfied?

- Mmmm.

When err I'm sad
the cuckoo sings

A happy, carefree word

It seems this little
thought he brings

The word is for the birds



- There was an old
lady who lived in a shoe.

She had so many
children her welfare check

came to $4,982 dollars.


(upbeat music)


- Lewis and Clark 1874.


- Those of you who are
keeping score at home

that's the first
good one tonight.

- If Emma Jean Coca
married Émile Zola

she'd be Emma Jean Coca-Zola.

- My name is Tiny
Tim and I am a secret.


- I'm willing to go anywhere
at any time to negotiate

with the Planned
Parenthood society.

- We're a little late, folks.

Good night.

- Very interesting, but
unfortunately this show

isn't over.

- Dumb.

This is a groovy
life This is a lot of fun

I may be black and blue

Before the season's done

In spite of chicken jokes

We're telling everyone

That it's a sock it to
me Very interesting

cuckoo Laugh-In world - Dumb.

We never get uptight
We never hold a grudge

If war is in the way
We give a little nudge

We let it all hang out

And yell here comes the judge

Cause it's a sock it
to me Very interesting

cuckoo Laugh-In world

- I just want to swing.

Is this the Twilight Zone

It must be outer space

And lovely downtown
Burbank It's the place

Where ballarinas quack

And run around the block

And everybody says knock-knock

- Who's there?

- Gahertenflinger.

- Gahertenflinger who?

- Gerhertenflinger said for
the man, woman and dog.

- Oh come on.

- By Henry Gibson.

The elevators work,
but never up and down

We're wearing roller skates
beneath a velvet gown

We think that Charles de Gaulle

Is really quite a clown

Because it's a sock it to me

Very interesting
Cuckoo Laugh-In world

- It is with a heavy
heart that we continue.

If we get really bored
we try a nutty trick

If something lays an egg
we pull another schtick

- Is that a chicken joke?

(duck voice)

We always end the fun
by saying goodnight Dick

Cause it's a sock it
to me Very interesting

Cuckoo Laugh-In world

It's a sock it to
me, sock it to me

Sock it to me, sock
it to me (laughter)

- Please sock it to her
once more or I'll scream.

- Very interesting.

Cuckoo Laugh-In world.


- [All] Sock it to me, sock
it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it
to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it
to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it
to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it
to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it
to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me.

- Well I guess I'm
protected enough now.


And now folks it's
sock it to me time.

- [All] Sock it to me, sock
it to me, sock it to me,

sock it to me, sock it
to me, sock it to me.

- Hey Dick, here's
a wire for you.

- Well let me have it.



- Hey, they sure
socked it to you.

(water splashing)


- Hey, folks they
sock it to everybody.

(piano music)


(upbeat music)


(upbeat music)

- And to think this is
on and I have no series.

- I'll tell you one thing.

This show's a lot
funnier if you're drinking.

- Should Anna May
Wong marry King Kong

she'd me Anna May Wong
Hong King Kong Kong.


- If nominated I will not run.

If elected I will not serve.


("Pop goes the Weasel")

- Oh, hi there.

Tonight's subject
mod, mod world is you,

the people of America.

(upbeat music)

- And so as that fellow
said a minute ago

tonight our mod mod
world looks at you,

the people of our great
country of America.

Surely at last we
have found a subject

that you know something about.

- You the people of America.

- No they the people of America.

- I guess I'm an expert
on people everywhere.

- You major in psychology?

- No, I was a
lieutenant in the Infantry.


- Well, you win
some, you lose some.

- That's right, a real thigh
slapper you got there.

You realize that
people in America today

have more leisure
time, have more luxuries,

make more money than
any other period of time

in our history?

- Is that why they're
all on the freeway?


- How'd you figure that out?

- Well, it took me three
hours to get from my house

to NBC today.

- There's no freeway
from your house to NBC.

- There is now.


- You that in the future
those freeways are gonna

be a thing of the past.

The air will be filled
with people flying around.

- Yeah, baby.


- You probably can go
for days without your feet

ever touching the ground.

- I'll drink to that.


- Me, I'm Ed McMahon.


- Aw, come on.

Hey, have you read
anything about the SST?

- The sst.

- Don't be rude I asked
you about the SST.

That's the super
sonic transport.

- What else would you call it?

- That's a good question.

I mean with future air
travel you can get from here

to New York in an hour.

- I'll tell you the truth
I'm not that anxious

to get to New York.

- Well, all right, we'll route
you around the other way.

What I mean is you hop
on a plane in New York

you land here two hours
before you left there.

- Tiny Tim can do that now.


- You know how you can do that?

- No.

- It's a time difference.

- I didn't know that.

- Well, you are aware that
New York is three hours

later than we are out here.

- Hey, that's great.

- What do you
mean, "That's great."

- Well, I'm in New York.

It's eight o'clock at night.

The world comes to an end.

I hop aboard a eight
o'clock flight, right?

I'm here, what is one
hour later in Los Angeles.

- Two hours, two hours.

- No, one hour to Los Angeles.

You got that?

You got the picture now?

I hop on the plane and
I'm here one hour later.

Now I got two hours
to spend with a lady

before the world
comes to an end here.


- You know I never really
thought of it that way.

You have a peculiar
way of looking at things.

You know, Dick, I'll
tell you something.

People are lucky to
be living in America.

- That's what
they say in Poland.

- [Dan] Is that what they say?

- Yeah.

- We probably have the
highest standard of living

anywhere in the world.

- Hmmm?

- Yes we do.

- Well, I don't know about that.

I've seen some of those
pictures of those ladies

in Tahiti.

- Well, native dancing
girls is not the answer

to everything.

- They are if you've
got the right question.


- Dick, the subject is the
great American people.

- Well, why didn't you say so?

- I thought I did.

- Ladies and gentleman
let's take a mod, mod look

at the great American people.

(upbeat music)

- I tell you we should
bomb, bomb, bomb.

Kill them all.

Let's go get them.

- Personally I hate
violence of any kind.

As far as I'm
concerned I'm a dove,

so let's forget it.

(upbeat music)

- Mister Schwartz, I
got me a great idea.

- What, what is it mashugana?

- Now, wait a minute.

Let's get everybody down here

in the neighborhood.

Come on down in here now,

Mrs. Fletcher, Mister
Gomez, Mister Gonzales.

Come on down.

Mister Wong, come on in now.

Come on in Mrs.
Babasha, Mrs. Yamamoto.

Come in and listen to me now.

- What's happening?

- I've got a great idea.

Sit down and I'll
tell you all about it.

- Yeah?

- Now then, I was just
about to tell Mister Schwartz.

I think it's time we forget
all our problems here

in the neighborhood.

Let's all bury the hatchet
now and all try to work

together, what do you say?

- Good idea.

(all talking)

Good, now that that's
settled, let's all go down the

street and beat up that
old Lebanese family.


(upbeat music)

- Americans have
many strange cults.

For example recently
it was revealed that

25 new religions have been
formed in the United States

during the past few months.

For a closer look
Laugh-In presents an

on the spot interview.

- Sir I wonder if you could
tell us exactly how your

religion differs
from the others.

- It's practical.

Now take the golden
rule if any man shall strike

thee on the right cheek,
let him also smite thee

on the left, then sue.


- Do you believe in
giving penance to sinners?

- Now look now we not
only give them penance,

we give them bumper stickers
and pens and everything,

you know?


Fix em up.

- What do you do about
anyone who breaks the

10 commandments?

- We don't have 10.

We dropped a lot of them.

Like the one that says
thou shall not covet

they neighbor's
wife, that's out.

Put too much strain
on the congregation.


- Well what about the one
that says, "Thou shalt not kill?"

- We retained that one,
but we revised it a bit.

Now it reads, "Thou
shalt not kill except in the

"following cases, war,
self-defense, and when cut off

"by another car
on the inside lane."


- Do you have a
place of worship?

- Right now we
using a bowling alley.

- How's that working out?

- I made three converts
this morning, two strikes

and a spare.


- Do you believe
in life after death?

- No, no, no, no, we
believe in death after life.

- Oh, well I believe in that.

- Good, give me $10
dollar and you a member.

(upbeat music)

- Nowhere is the spirit
of adventure more evident

than in the race for space.

- Hello out there.

Jo Anne Worley here
at Cape Kennedy.

And it's a great day for
American womanhood.

We're about the meet,
ladies and gentlemen,

the first woman chosen
to go into outer space.

Here she comes now,
Miss Penelepe Lovelace.

Miss Lovelace, may
I congratulate you.

You must be very proud.

- Proud, are you kidding?

I'm disgusted.

They can forget the whole thing.

- Oh, well, what's wrong?

- Look at this outfit,
I mean look at it.

It's ludicrous.

I can't wear this.

It's embarrassing.

Look at the color
and the length.

And my feet. What would you do?

- It's dreadful.

I'd put a flounce
right around the waist,

maybe a white collar.

- I'll be the laughing stock
of my entire neighborhood.

- Try a beret under that helmet.

- You're not even listening.

- Some divine earring,
darling, Penelope.

(upbeat music)

- Well, Dick I don't think,
didn't mean to interrupt

you there, but I don't think
that we should end this

mod, mod look at the
American people without

a mention of the good
old fashioned martini.

- I'll drink to that.

- I thought you might.

Here now is the Laugh-In
Company with a salute

to everybody.

- Bottoms down.

Here's to the martini

Nice and dry with a lemon twist

Here's to the martini

It's the world's
best psychiatrist

After three we guarantee

You'll feel like a lion

After six you're doing tricks

There's nothing
better than flying

We're off to space
Without a plane

Here's to the martini

A better friend you can't find

If after five you're a meanie

You fell feel like
lifting your beanie

Just mix yourself a martini

And get right out of your mind

I used to come
home from the office

With a terrible frown on my face

I snapped at the
kids, I hit my wife

I hated the human race

Then I discovered the martini

One happy and beautiful day

Now the wife and the
kids don't bother me

Cause they have
moved away (laughter)

Here's to the martini

A better friend you can't find

If you receive a suppoenie

For acting rather obsceney

Just mix yourself a martini

And get right out of your mind


- And now it's time for
Laugh-In to bring you potpourri

which means just about anything,

but it sure is spelled funny.

- Good morning,
shall we get started?

- Look I changed my mind.

I don't want to do this.

I don't want to go
through with this.

- Oh, well, now, now,
we're not going to be

a baby about it again, are we?

- I just can't take it.

I can't stand it.

I'm not going to
go through with it.

- Oh come on, now.

You know you're going to
have to go through with it

sooner or later.

Well aren't you?

- Okay, okay, I'll do it, okay.

- Good.

You put this on and
I'll call your first patient.


- Very interesting,
but he's chicken.

- Is that a chicken joke?

It's a dumb chicken joke.


- We lost the war?


- Of course I'll respect you.

- Pedro, we've got to
stop meeting like this.

Burman is getting suspicious.


- Hello.

It's my doggy's birthday
and I'd like to buy

her a sweater.

- Oh, how big is your doggy?

- Well, my doggy is...

She's you know, I
really don't know.

- How about
bringing your doggy in

and then we'll fit her.

- Oh, no, don't be silly.

I want it to be a
surprise, surprise doggy.

- And how's the wife and kids?


Ah huh, yeah and the new job,

I guess that's all working out?


All right rinse now and I'll
see you again next week.

All right?



- Mary, Mary quite contrary

how does your garden grow?

Rowen oh man it's pretty

and cockull shell
pretty and silver with.


- Who would I tell?


(laughing hysterically)

- Give me, give it.

Well, what did you
fight so hard for?

You only have a quarter.

- I was afraid you'd find
the $500 I hid in my shoe.

- And now ladies and
gentlemen, in answer to your

numerous requests we
have for you a man who will

tell you the
original Polish joke.

(speaking in foreign language)

Here comes the judge.

From this moment
on you for me dear

Only two for tea, dear.

- My dear, my dear.

I've been watching
you from the wings

and I'm going to
make you a star.


- Of course I'll respect you.

- Well, it's time to
say, "Good night, Dick."

- Good night, Dick.

- Good night, Dick.

- Isn't that Jim Arnez?

- Who's Dick?

- Good night, Lucy.

- Good night, Dick.

- Aren't you ashamed of
yourself, wasting an hour

like this?

- And it certainly has been
a lot of fun all season long.

- I wonder if you'd
mind if I said something

my Aunt once said to me?

- You know, Dick, I
would really love to hear

what your Aunt said to
you because I remember

what a funny old lady she
was, but we're out of time.

Next time...

- I wonder if you'd
mind if I said something

my Aunt once said to me?

- No, we're out of time.

You get the idea,
we're out of time.

- I see, yeah.

- Time, T-Y-M.

- Actually what happened
she was nine days in a

Turkish bath with Tiny Tim.


- That poor lady.

- I thought perhaps what
she said when she came

out of the Turkish bath
would be of interest

to the public.

- Listen is she had the
strength to say something

let's hear what it was.

- Well, she came out
and kind of dried off


and she said, "Tiptoe
through the tulips."

- Say good night, Dick.

- Good night, Dick.

- Good night, everybody.

Have a nice summer.


(upbeat music)

- I remember only one case
of drop out when I was a kid

and that was a little girl in
kindergarten who couldn't

keep her rompers buttoned up.


- My grandfather drank a
quart of booze everyday and he

lived to the age of 94.

I was at his cremation
and it took three days

to put out the fire.


- I wanted to send an
application to the um, oh

Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, but I

can't spell it.


- Goldie, you are adorable,
but you're dumb darling, dumb.


- Wouldn't it be something
if Howard Hughes was an

Indian and he's trying
to buy the country back.


- What makes European
men are such great lovers.

- European women.


- Will the driver who left
his car door open in the

parking lot please pick up
a 1968 three door sedan?

- The Carlyle Home for
Wayward Girls, please

call Mister Carlyle.

- What's Mister
Carlyle's number?

- You late devil.

- As one cannibal
said to the other,

"Bet you can't eat just one."


- Is that a chicken joke?

- Mary had a little
office opposite her boss,

and every time he buzzed
for her, Mary came across.


- I bought a maxi-skirt,
but I had to stop wearing it.

- Why?

- Well, Maxi wanted it back.


- Due to a lack of interest,
tomorrow has been cancelled.


- Euphoria is red.

Melancholy is blue.

I've got schizophrenia
how abut you?


- Hey man, what happens
if you cross a flamingo

with a police man?

- You get pink fuzz, man.


- It must be Leap Year.

Tiny Tim finally asked me.

- He did, that two timer.

- We've got to stop
meeting like this.

Harold is getting suspicious.


- If you crossed a polar
brush man with a Mexican

jumping bean what
would you have?

- A travelling salesman.

- [All] Good night, Dick.

(upbeat music)

- Good night, Dick.

(upbeat music)

- Good night, Dick.

- Good night, Dick.

(horn honking)

- The preceding was
recorded earlier so the cast

could watch the Lucy Show.

- Dumb.

- Very interesting, but treason.
