Roswell, New Mexico (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Como La Flor - full transcript

Liz is forced to revisit a painful part of her past when her mother shows up; Michael urges Maria to seek help after she experiences a strange vision; Kyle's attempt to get Steph to open up doesn't go as planned.

Previously on Roswell, New Mexico...

Maybe spending the decade dead

inside of an egg coffin from outer space

- has some side effects.
- But you've been pumping Max

full of antidote for three days.

Parts of your brain
that have gone dark

are lighting up again.

- Who sold you the pills?
- It was Mom!

She was either too high to notice that

they're missing or she knows
and she doesn't care.

I was crying

'cause I'd had a tough
day and I want my mom.

Maybe she just thinks I can
take care of myself, but...

I'm not done being taken care of.

Ground your intention.

Feel the current running
through your body,

your hands guiding it with purpose.


Your turn.

Oh, this is stupid.

Ground my intention? I don't speak

bored rich lady at yoga.

We have been at this

for a week and I still can't control

what happened to me. The
thing with Max's heart

- was just a fluke.
- We got time.

- I love hanging out with you.
- It's called training, Rosa.

You have to do it if you want
to control your abilities.

With great power

comes great responsibility.

Maybe don't remind her

of all the Spider-Man
movies she's missed.

Look, I know


supposed to be a silent
observer over here,

but I do know a thing or two

about electricity shooting
out of your fingertips

at inopportune times.

So let's try a different approach.

I'd like to approach home.

We have to figure out
how to manage this.

Your extrasensory appliance
homicide's getting expensive.

- Think about it this way...
- I swear to God,

if you bring up alien puberty

one more time...

Okay, no, no. I'll just...

- Let me show you.
- Oh, but with your words.

Your heart isn't strong enough,

and we don't know how your pacemaker's

gonna respond to this.

Yeah, you're right.

Okay. Uh...

Okay, draw energy

- from your spine...
- No, don't touch me.

Look, you resurrected me.

I jump-started your heart. We're good.

That doesn't mean that I need
to like you or trust you

or want you around.

You are the one who told me

over and over again, in my sleep,

how dangerous you are.

I started drinking again to shut you up.

So I'm sorry if I'm not

super pumped that you're
banging my sister.

Rosa. Hey.

Uh, no, she's right.

I've invaded her space

enough. I'm sorry. I was...

trying to help.

This morning,

she shorted a hair dryer
before she even plugged it in.

I'm worried she's

gonna hurt herself.

Or someone else.

Saturn's rings, extra Foster's ranch.

How about you whip up a
Peanut Butter Blast-Off

and bring it upstairs?

I... heard a little mouse crying

- in her room this morning.
- I think we are past the point

of milkshake coping mechanisms.

This might call for flan, then.

Sure, Dad.

Here you go.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Escamoles, extra space jam, please.

Friends and family discount?

Don't be rude, mija.

Come give your mama a kiss.

We're closed.

If you're here for prom photos,

- you're a little late.
- The I-40

is practically a parking
lot at this time of day.

Ai, tough crowd.


I didn't come empty-handed.

Merry Christmas,

happy 18th birthday,

graduation, mi corazón.



Te ves bien.

How long has it been?

Seven years.

Since Jim's funeral.

Why are you here now?

Your dad asked me to come.

I asked you

to transfer your half
of the diner to Liz,

so she could sponsor my residency.

You could have e-mailed

the papers back.

- You're not gonna sign them.
- I don't want

to hold up your father's
path to citizenship,

but a little part of me
still lives in this place.

¿Cuánto quieres, Mamá?

How much do you want?

Let's discuss over dinner.


Can't. Busy.


No dinner...

no diner.

Dinner's at 7:00.

Try not to be a decade late this time.

Look, all I'm gonna say is

- she had a very thoughtful manicure.
- Whoa.

So you're gonna be a Planet 7 regular?

Mm, maybe.

I'm very happy for you.

I should have known all along, honestly.

I mean, what does an alien care
about human gender constructs?

Seriously, Max, if it doesn't
work out with you and Liz,

you should... save a horse,

- ride a cowboy.
- Oh.

Sounds good.

What's up, Max? You had a bad burrito?

Something wrong with your pacemaker?

Liz checks my vitals constantly.

I don't need you worrying, too.

Okay, why are you brooding?

You guys remember that
recurring dream I used to have

about being chained up?

I'm starting to think
that maybe it was more

than just a night terror, that maybe...

it's a memory from before
we came out of the pods.

It's becoming

more specific.

It's... it feels like it happened.

Maybe if we give you
more of the antidote.

Max, you just got your life back.

Look, it's probably just a dream.
But if it isn't,

why open up some portal to a dark past

that potentially involves
child imprisonment?

Isobel's right.

You don't need the added stress.

Let's just be happy with where we are.

Oh, my gosh.

He is like if the heart-eyes emoji

and the cowboy hat emoji

- had a little emoji baby.
- Oh, yeah.


Thanks for the beer, guys.
I'm gonna go try

to get my job back so I
can pay for the next one.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

Wait, who's paying for this?

Where's my red jacket? Did you borrow it

- while I was dead?
- Okay, you're ridiculous.

Mom hated that one. It drove her crazy.

She'd be like, "Eres una mujercita."

Whoa. You are not coming to dinner.

Mom is an opportunist. If she found out

she had a kid who came
back from the dead,

she would use you to get
to Anderson Cooper,

and then she'd use him to promote

her latest lounge singer gig.

I'm not leaving you alone
with Hurricane Helena.

Liz, Mom is your kryptonite.

Okay? She turns you into this
needy little spider monkey

who's, like, desperate for her
attention, and then she's gone,

and you're crying under the
covers for a week. It's...

To you, Mom just left.

But I took your advice

and I stopped believing
in her a long time ago.

I can handle dinner.

Okay? All I want

is for her to sign that contract and go.

16 bucks.

No friends-with-benefits discount?

Ooh, sorry, that Groupon expired.

- Mm.
- And Isobel pays double.

Becky tax.


Uh, maybe you can work it off.

Lead bartender quit this morning.

He went off to chase his
rodeo clown dreams.

Oh, I don't think Sanders
would take too kindly

to you poaching his only mechanic.

- Mm.
- How about

I get dinner tonight?


We can get pad thai.

Prasong owes me, like, 20
bucks from the last time I

beat him in pool, so...

Are you all right, DeLuca?

I think Kyle Valenti's been abducted.

My heart was broken.
Liz ended things,

and a part of me died. I
felt like I couldn't breathe

until I saw the border.
I was suffocating here.

Try leading several
short-staffed investigations

with the mayor breathing down your neck.

I have never taken

a vacation day, Sheriff.

I've never even taken a sick day.

I've been here since I was 18.

Okay? That means something to me.

D-Doesn't that mean something to you?

Six months probation.

Desk duty.

I'm the best cop you've got.

I need eyes on you at all times now.

Desk duty's the best I can offer.

Thank you, Sheriff.

Have you heard from
Deputy Cameron at all?

She hasn't replied to my texts

or anything.

You hurt a lot of people
when you disappeared, Evans.

I can't say I blame her.


You back?

Maybe. Maybe, yeah.


hey, listen, Joe, I was wondering if you

could do me a favor.


You did the best you could.

Look, you shouldn't be here.

This room hasn't been sterilized yet.

Relax. I'm not gonna catch the
poor guy's motorcycle crash.

I was just trying to
comfort you or whatever.

My bad.

How come you're always at the hospital?

I'm starting to feel like you're a ghost

who only I can see.

No one hangs around here for fun.

I've been doing admin work for my dad.

He's always here, so I'm always here.

Look, whatever episode of Grey's Anatomy

we're stuck in, I want out.

I can't work like this.

- Performance anxiety?
- I'm quite competent

in my performance.

Go on.

You don't want to disappoint your fans.

Ask them if they can see me...

or if you were just talking to a ghost.

Seems a bit much. My mom
raided my piggy bank

to score a fix. Twice.

Better safe than sorry.

Especially since a certain deputy

refused to wear his uniform.

My mom hates cops.

- It would have been awesome.
- Well,

you'll have to get used
to seeing me in civvies.

Valenti wants me on desk duty.

That is good news. Yes.

You can still do what you love without

overtaxing your system.

Desk cops still help people.

I don't know...


Hey, Papi, are you wearing cologne?

This is my natural musk.


Utensils that match? We are heading into

a hostile negotiation. Eye
on the prize, people.

We have to eat. I mean,

look at Max... he's a bag of bones.

Hope you don't mind I'm early.

Thank you for this, Arturo.

And who do we have here?

Uh, Max Evans, ma'am.

Oh, yes.

Ann and Dave Evans' son.

Pero que guapo estas.

He's a deputy sheriff.

I won't hold it against him.

You didn't open my present.

- Papi, should we take our seats?
- Yeah.

Is she this bossy in the bedroom?


I love how strong-willed

she is, plus...

I kind of like being bossed around.

And he's funny, too.

Cuidado Arturito.

This one's going to sweep
our daughter off her feet.

He better treat her with respect.

Diego pales in comparison.


- How-how do you know...
- Found your

wedding registry online.


in lieu of calling for ten
years, you cyber-stalked me?

You seemed busy.

Top of your class.

Three degrees.

I was very proud, mija.


Look, there are medical reasons

for non-drug-induced hallucinations...

Epilepsy, schizophrenia...

My mom has a degenerative brain disease.

My grandma did, too.

I've always known I'd be next.

Let me run a scan.

My mom has been through
all of the tests.

No disrespect to your mom's
neurologists, but, um, I've

made a few unusual medical
advancements lately, so

could her doctors
transfer her files to me?


Let him try to help.

What are escamoles, exactly?

Ant larvae... Ortecho family recipe.

Space jam helps. Okay, let's
get down to business.

The paperwork, it's
actually quite simple...

You know, Arturo prepared this same meal

the night we bought the diner.

When our American dream came true.

Your dream.

I wanted to be Selena.

Liz, remember, we used sing?

I remember you drunkenly
singing along to the radio

with your daughters in the backseat.

I made a lot of bad choices back then.

But not anymore.

Ten years sober and counting.

Since Rosa died.

Losing her was a wake-up call.

I was sick for a long time.

I needed help.

I'm happy for your recovery, Mom.

My greatest regret

is never getting Rosa
the help she needed.

She was passionate, fearless.

I like to think she got that from me,


she got the worst of me, too.

Well, ten years.

I think that, uh, calls for a toast.


To my preciosa Rosa Linda,

looking down at us from above.

Real mature. Keep it up and
I'm gonna drop you off

at Area 51 myself. Blame your boyfriend

- for messing with my DNA.
- Please

try to keep your anxiety low.

And whatever you do,
don't go downstairs.

Copy that, Warden.


What happened...

Injure yourself doing admin work

for your dad?

I just gave blood.

- Mm.
- Look, you're not the only one

who can save lives, McDreamy.

Excuse me.

I just found out a
friend of mine is sick.

And I can't

do anything to help her.

And I hate

feeling helpless.

I'm sorry.

That sucks.

Do you want a hug?

I can ask around if you like.

I should go.

It's gonna be a late night.

Oh, God.


Let me guess.

Liz called you.

Rosa, it's not 2008.

Only psychopaths call people now.

She told me you were, uh, struggling.


I don't need a babysitter.

That's good, 'cause I don't do bedtime.

I was thinking maybe we could
get into some trouble.


It's time to lighten up
the mood a little bit.

No? Max, if you're gonna
date my daughter,

I need to know you can dance.

Leave him alone, Mom.

- He's tired.
- No, no, it's okay.

I'm-I'm not tired.

One dance, Mrs. Ortecho.

Careful not to mess my hair.


Oh. Good.

Oh, ándale, gùero.

You're a natural.

Party's over.

Time to discuss the Crashdown.

We're having a nice time, Elizabeth.

No, this isn't a family reunion.

We are a struggling small business,

and closing before the evening
rush cost us a lot of money.

We are here because
you're the only thing

in the way of Dad's happiness.

- I'm trying to be nice.
- Give us a number.

- Give us any number.
- Liz, por favor...

No, Dad.

Haven't we endured enough?

Okay, uh...

what am I looking at here?

You tell me.

That's a black hole.

An unstoppable force of destruction.

And it's getting closer.

I see a girl looking into her own doom.

She thinks it's inevitable,

that she can't stop it,

but she can.

See, she created it.

That means she can destroy it.

You and Max, you keep talking
about harnessing emotion

and grounding myself, right?

But I can't do that.

It is in my DNA to be screwed up.


My mom's mentally ill.

So, so am I.

I... was broken

long before Noah did what he did.

That's why he chose me to prey on.

That's probably why he chose you, too.

When I was little, Grandma Patty was

the only adult who understood
my make-believe world.

Thing is, I was six.

So my favorite things about her were...

just illness,

- I guess.
- When did your mom start to...

Oh, I'm-I'm not sure.

She was always kind of...

out there. By the time I
realized it was more than that,

I just became obsessed with money.

Wanted to be able to take care of her.

I invested everything
Grandma Patty left me,

and I worked, scrounged.

It was about three days after
my mom was finally fired

from her job at the Pony, I...

bought the place.

That's my girl.

Woman. Woman.

Not mine.

Your own. Sorry.

I'm learning.


These tests take time.

But I do have some good news.

Maria, you are not an alien.

Thank you?

Your blood doesn't contain a
certain protein that's present

in all three members of the pod squad

and which somehow got

into Rosa's system while she was, um...

- Marinated in goo.
- Exactly.

Look, there is one thing

I noticed in your grandmother's file.

Her insurance company is the same one

that paid for my dad's
cancer treatments.


My dad got cancer

because of an alien incident
at Caulfield Prison.

A fake insurance company

established by Project Shepherd

covered his bills.

Okay, so my grandmother

got sick at the same
alien prison where...

your mother died?

Should I go check on Rosa?

If she caused all this... This wasn't

Rosa. She's with Isobel.

Go home, Max.

My family's obviously
causing you anxiety.

How many times do I have to tell you?
There's nothing wrong with me.

Yeah, there is.

Your heart is weak.

So drop the macho crap and accept
that I know what I'm talking about.

I am not made of glass, Liz.

Well, we can all see that.

The street lights are still on.

I'll go check the circuit breaker. Max.

- Join me.
- Yeah.

Well, I do know a thing or two
about faulty wiring, so...

Have you two thought about children?

Your eggs aren't

getting any younger.

I understand.

The last thing you want
to do is spend more time

with your horrible mother,

but I'm trying, Liz.

Meet me halfway.

Abre tu regalo.

If I open it,

will you tell me how much you
want for half the diner?

You were obsessed with these sneakers.

It's all you wanted for your quinces,

but I dropped the ball.

I did that a lot back then.

I hoped one day I would be
able to get them for you.

In rehab...

I realized all the things I lost.

The people I hurt.

Mostly you.

I just want to start making up

for all the things I missed.


me enseñas tus prom photos?

I'll go get 'em.

Yeah, well, Helena is
certainly entertaining.

She always goes about doing the
right thing the wrong way.

I tried to be the rock,
but it was never enough.

The more I tried to anchor her,
the more she fought against me.



Must have been a little mouse.

I ended up wearing Rosa's red dress.

Mom, about tonight... I...


Where did you get that space jam?

I wanted to take a little piece

of the Crashdown back to Nebraska.

This entire night, all-all
of the theatrics,

just so that you could
steal from us, huh?

How much did you take?
Don't be rude, mija.

I left the dial on three

just in case.

You remembered the combination.

You could barely remember
to pick me up from school.

I'm still your mother.
Then show me the purse.

Oh, absolutely not.

You stole Abuela's ring?

I cannot believe you would take this.

You lost all rights to
this family heirloom

when you abandoned our family.

Rosa pushed me away.
She told me to leave.

Rosa was a teenager, heartbroken

because you lied to her her whole life.

You were the parent.

Okay, she was a child.

I was a child.

I left to protect you.

I couldn't bear to hurt you.

But you did.

I needed a mother, and you
were nowhere to be found.

Did you?

When I left, you achieved so much.

I may not be the PTA mom who
made cookies for bake sales

or hosted sleepovers,

but I sacrificed everything

to come to this country to
give you a better life.

And yet here you are,
playing house with a...

a güerito cop and slinging cheap burgers

with antennas on your head.

I pushed you to be extraordinary!

You think that was a good thing?

You think that was fair?

I felt like I had to be perfect

to get a single scrap of your love.

I was never good enough for you.

You do not care about me.

Or Rosa.

You knew that Rosa was
skimming off your pain pills,

but you figured that if you busted her,

Papi would find out about your problem.

You were selfish, and you were consumed

in your own chaos.

And you ended up
destroying two families...

Ours and the Valentis.

I know all about

your affair with Jim.

I know that Rosa was
really his daughter.

And I know that she threatened

to expose you if you didn't leave town.

You are the reason that Rosa relapsed.

You are the reason that
she was gonna leave.


Where's Max?

I told him to go home.

Sheriff Valenti said

your car was doused with lighter fluid.

Given your reputation,
it could be anyone.


So Michelle Valenti has no leads?

Can't say I'm surprised.

She always was the last to know.

Take the ring,

- sign the papers and go.
- No. Papi.

That's all you have left of Abuela.

It's just a thing.

I have so much more of
my mother than that.

I only wish the same

was true for you, Liz.

Got a pen?

A deal's a deal.

Don't come back.

There's nothing left for you here.

For what it's worth,

I really did want to see you.

You didn't think she was gonna
keep the ring, did you?


But none of that matters now.

I'm going to get my green card.

Dad, I, uh...

What I said about... Jim Valenti...

I never wanted you to know.

Oh, Liz.

I knew.

I... always knew,

and it never mattered.

Rosa es mi hija,

siempre y para toda la vida.


Oh, it was the dancing, wasn't it?

I'm afraid that's all
it's ever gonna be.

I want the ring.

What are you gonna do? Arrest me?

Not without a warrant, but I will

put in a call to Lincoln
PD and let them know

they have a perp in possession
of stolen property.

You can't fool me with this hero act.

I know a con when I see one.

You're a nobody pretending like
hell to be someone worthy.

It's only a matter of time
before Liz sees that, too.

Maybe you're right.

I am playing the hero,

just like you're playing the
politician's perfect arm candy.

See, I did a little digging.

And your boyfriend, Dirk...

He ran for city council.

It's very impressive.

But there's no mention
of your daughters.

I'm guessing Dirk doesn't
even know about Liz or Rosa.

Does he know anything about you, Helena?

'Cause it would be such a shame

if he found out about a
little town called Roswell.

I don't need to explain myself to you.

I wouldn't believe you anyway.

I was wrong.

Maybe you do have huevos.

Glad you weren't abducted. I'm
glad you're not an alien.


I know that face.

You uncovered a massive conspiracy.

I checked the Caulfield drives.

No sign of a Patricia DeLuca,

but there was a Patricia Harris.

Her maiden name.

She signed up to participate
in an experimental trial.

Government was interested in
weaponizing alien abilities.

They wanted to create super soldiers.

Your grandma was one of
the first human subjects.

Kind of wish I was an alien instead.

What happened to the experiment?

It was a total failure.

Caulfield shut it down in the '70s

after people started dying.

I don't understand how your
grandmother got involved.

I do.

Henrietta Lacks,

Tuskegee, Holmesburg.

The DeLucas aren't the
first black people

to be secretly experimented on.

We're gonna need more drinks.

If I'm losing any brain cells tonight,

it's gonna be because of tequila.

Well, I will leave you two to it.


You okay?

If I get tetanus,

I get free shots for life, Maria.

What is it? What's wrong?


Look out!


Dropped Valenti at the hospital.

He, um, did not want me to stay,

which is weird, because I have
excellent bedside manner.

Now that we know your illness
is related to Caulfield,

we can find a cure for it.

Maybe it's not an illness.

I saw the future today, Guerin.

When I first found out

Grandma Patty was experimented
on, I was furious.

But what if my genetic
inheritance isn't just...


It's also actual superpowers.

Saved a life today.

And not just any life...

Kyle Valenti's.


he's gonna turn around and
save five more lives.


It's pretty awesome.

Hmm, you smell like lighter fluid.

Which I guess is better

than trashing Mom's car
with an electric outburst.


Look, I was gonna set her car on fire,

but then I changed my mind.

I don't know why I couldn't do it.

She's hurt us so much.

But then I saw you crying

and it made me so angry

and I felt helpless and I just...

I couldn't rescue you,

- and I'm sorry.
- Hey, I'm fine.

Mom is gone,

and she's never coming back.

I survived.

Liz, I blew up her car and
she still didn't stay.

It's just... It's-it's all so pathetic.

We needed a mom.

And it sucks that she
didn't need us back.


you know, there's a silver lining

in all of this.

She's been sober for ten years.

I saw her chip.

If Hurricane Helena can pull through,

so will you.

What the hell happened?

Eh, drunk driver tried to
turn me into roadkill.

It's late.

Why are you roaming around the hospital?

I was up in the gallery

contemplating American downfall,
thanks to progressive socialism.

But, uh, Magic Mike

seems much more interesting.

You want to give me a hand?


Squeamish all of a sudden.

What happened to the
girl who brought snacks

- to an amputation?
- Okay, it's different

when it's someone I...

- Look.
- Huh.

I-I don't really have friends.


People tend to bail
when things get real.

I'm not into that.


sometimes there are days where I feel

like you are the only
person who sees me.

So it's a good thing that
you didn't get turned...

The feeling is mutual.

How did you...

Don't worry.

I didn't zap her. I swear.

I told you she didn't like cops.


About that, um...

I got a call from my buddy Joe

down at the station about Cameron.

She hasn't been answering my
texts, and I was worried.

Joe ran her plates,

and her car was impounded
just a couple hours away.

I mean, it's probably nothing,

but I'm gonna look into it.

And I'm turning in my badge and my gun,

but I can't do desk duty.

My friend might be in trouble.

I get it.

I love that about you.

But it still scares me.

I can't lose you again.

You won't.

I promise.


And... I'm sorry I
snapped at you earlier.

But, you know, now that, uh,

we've had our first real fight

- as a couple...
- Oh.

I am not having makeup sex
with you in my dad's diner.


Pretty sure it's half yours now.



Do you think that Noah chose me
because I was already broken?

I think you are the only one of us

who ever keeps it together.

I'm serious, Michael.

The night that drifter attacked me,

why am I the only one who
started blacking out?

I mean, Max literally murdered a man,

but I'm the one who breaks?

You were traumatized.

We were kids.


At that age,

trauma gets etched on to your soul.

But what if it's not in my soul?

What if it's in my DNA?

Look, my whole life, I've
played Stepford wife

because I thought that's
what I was supposed to do.


I need to understand myself now.

I need to know where I'm from.

And if I don't know who my
biological parents are,

how am I ever gonna
know who I really am?

What are you saying, Iz?

I know that we said we shouldn't
look into the past, but...

It keeps pulling you back.

Me, too.

I spent my whole life thinking
I'd, uh, build a ship

and blast off into the ether.

And then, uh, the minute I
decide to leave that all behind

and focus on this-this
good thing in front of me,

I'm sucked back in.

Maria's family was
experimented on at Caulfield.

I need to find out more,

so I can find a cure for her illness.