Room 104 (2017–…): Season 4, Episode 7 - Foam Party - full transcript

ROOM 104
Season 4, Episode 7

In the mid-90's, a particularly
befuddled generation of teenagers

floundered in search of something
that could define them.

Out of nowhere,
a new cultural phenomenon arose

from the existential uncertainty
of the North American suburbs.

It was called...


File in, guys !

Hunter, Smirnogg anf tonic,
slice of lime, right ?

Yeah, if you got it.
Jenna, Bacardi and Diet Pepsi ?

- Yeah, psychic. How d'you know ?
- I know my roomates like drinking.

You lived with us for a month, Jack.
I don't even know their last names.

- Luke Thunderfuck. How ya doing ?
- Fine, till I touched your wet hand.

- It's not wet. God, Meg !
- You got calm hands, Luke.

It's a condition. Nothing
for a Thunderfuck to be ashamed of.

- Luke, Jaeger.
- Thanks, dude.

- Hunter ?
- Cheers.

- Morgan, Jack and Coke, right ?
- Yeah, whatever.

- So, Jack.
- So, Jenna.

- You rented a motel room.
- I did.

- On a Saturday night.
- Correct.

- And you set up a fucking bar.
- And joints !

Are you trying to get
into all of our pants ?

You're half way in at this point.
Just keep it going, dude !

No, guys, like you said.

I've been at the house
for a whole month, as of today.

And I just wanted to...

I used to move around a lot.
Like a whole lot.


I never...

Really felt like I belonged.


You don't have to throw us
a party to tell us that.

Just sign up to take out the trash.

No. I had to do something special,
so come on. Everyone drink up !

Cheers !

- Why didn't you do this at home ?
- What ?

Why did you rent a room ? Why not
throw a party at the house ?

- That's why !
- Foam !

- Foam ?!
- Babe, got a problem with foam ?

Yeah. Last time I went to
a foam party, it ruined my clothes.

- Then just strip.
- You wish.

- Every night. Sorry, Hunter.
- I appreciate the honesty, dude.

- You'll get in trouble for this, Jack.
- Really ?

- I'm serious.
- So am I.

You should have told us
how to dress appropriately.

This crap will leave
residue everywhere.

Residue ? That sounds bad.
That sounds really, really bad !

I wear this dress to work !

You got a closet full of clothes.
I got a milk crate on the floor.

We saw that dresser by the dumpster
and you said you didn't want it.

- I don't a dumpster dresser.
- Shut up.

This is a a fucking foam party.
Just for us.

Thrown by this great,
big-hearted man.

- I'm not a great man.
- You are. Shut up.

We're not gonna fuck it up
by bitching about some dress,

or some residue
or some dumpster dresser.

Are we ?

- No !
- No, we're not. Move !

It's fucking foam !

Do another twirl.
Twirl, girl !

Ten out of ten !


Hey, drunky !

Weed, weed, or weed ?

I'm a pretty hairy guy.

Luke, I try not to think
about your body hair,

but if I'm forced you, I'd have
to say there's a lot of it.

Then what's going on here ?

- That's weird.
- What's weird ?

Luke's arm.

- What about Luke's arm ?
- What's up ?

- Holy fuck !
- Oh, God !

- Is this happening to you too ?
- I can't tell, I shave my arms.

Why ?

I'm a pre-pube. I never had
a hair on my arms.

God ! Guys, look !

- Oh my God, Babe !
- What the fuck is happening ?

Guys, look !

God !

It's the fucking foam !
Get up ! Get on something !

- Luke, get on something.
- I am !

- What kind of foam is this, Jack ?
- Just regular party foam.

It's eating my fucking hair !

- If this makes me bald, I swear...
- I'm sorry.

- We just gotta get this off of us.
- Good idea. Everyone strip.

Fuck you, Luke ! Why are you
trying to get everybody naked ?

Morg, look at your dress.

Shit !

Luke, we must shut the machine off.
Then we wait for it to dissolve.

- I'm not putting my hand under that.
- Put it in a comforter or a sheet.

- Jack, where's the off switch ?
- I don't know.

Fuck the machine.
We should run to the door.

I'm not getting any more
of this shit on me.

We could call somebody.
Look, there's a telephone there.

Dead. It's fucking dead.

The foam probably ate the cord.

It's gonna eat everything else
in this room if we don't shut it off !

- She's right.
- Yeah, sorry, Luke, but...

Fuck, no ! I'm not gonna...
Shut up ! All right. Fuck !

Okay, just... fuck !

Are you happy ? You got me talking
and touching some toxic shit.

It's just because
you were on that bed.

Look. I got an idea.

Fuck, yeah. Good.
Splash me right here.

- Luke !
- Splash me too.

Did you get the cord ?
Luke ?

- Luke !
- Luke !

God ! Did he pass out ?

Someone shouldn't have been
force-feeding him Jaeger.

Fuck this. Some needs to shut
the machine off. I'll do it.

- No. Let's wake him up first.
- Yeah. I can splash him.

Morgan, what is on your face ?

What the fuck is going on,
Jack ?

I swear to God, I don't know.

- Luke ?
- Are you okay ?

Buddy ?

Luke ! Come on !
Somebody's gotta help him !

- He probably passed out again.
- I don't think so. Jenna !

We can't just leave him
down there. Can we ?

Why did he have your face ?

- Jesus !
- Sorry, your face was...

Asshole, splash us too.
I don't wanna turn into you.

I'm not turning anyone.
This wasn't my fault.

Jack ! Is there a window
in the bathroom ?

The door's been closed. I went
for a piss when I got the room,

but I don't remember.

Fuck yeah, Morg !

Hey, let me in. Morgan !

I think you locked the door
by accident.

It's getting really high out here.
What should we do ? Guys ?

Morgan, open the door !
Morgan, don't leave me out here.

Fuck. No !

Morgan, I gotta get in there.
Fuck, it's all over me !


Is it not working ?

Are you... me ?


This can't be happening.
This can't...


Morgan ! Stop it !

God, Morgan !

It's not stopping.
No, please, just stop !

Hunter ?

Jenna ?

Guys ?


I know I must have something
to do with this.

Obviously because
of what's happening to you.

But I need you to know
I don't know what it is.

And I would never hurt you.

I love you guys.

Luke ?

Hunter ?

Jenna ?

Guys !

Morgan ?

Shit !

- Let me go !
- Never !

You killed my friends.

Yes, we did.

What do you want from me ?

More friends !

The fuck ?!

Housekeeping !

- No, thank you.
- Checking out today, sir ?

- Yeah, we are.
- Okay, I'll come back.

Season 4
