Room 104 (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Red Tent - full transcript

Two young men plotting to disrupt a political convention are interrupted by nerves, and an AC repairman.

It's dusty.

Just hot air.


You okay?

What time is it?


Are you thirsty?

We shouldn't have stopped.
It's my fault. I'm sorry.

Like I said, I just always
thought I'd go there someday,

so it seemed like maybe a...

It's okay.

We have time.

You have the phone ready?

My dad and I used to go to games
at Lambeau when I was little.

You know,
the Packers are the only

community-owned team
in the NFL.

Well, the owner of the Padres

tried to donate the team

to the city of San Diego
in 1984,

but the league
wouldn't allow it.

The system prevented it.

You have the phone ready?

Yeah, I gave it
60 seconds before it goes,

you know,
after the call arms it.

Hey, um, mind if I come in?

- Come in?
- Yeah.

Yeah, no, I'm working.

Maybe take a break
just for a minute.

We don't have a minute.

- You said we have time.
- Not if we take a break.

- I'm coming in.
- No!

- Oh, Jesus, be careful!
- Look, it'll relax me, okay?


Get out.

Do you know
how delicate this is?

Of course.

You wanna get us both killed?

Look, I'll be careful.

It's even hotter in here.

Sorry I couldn't get
the AC going.

So what do we do with the tent?

I mean, when we're done.

- Burn it?
- Why would we burn it?


That's why we're in here, right?

- A tent can be washed.
- Right.

What if they
check the bag, you know,

before we get to the sot?

- Stick to the story.
- Right.

- Short and simple.
- Right.

- Two sentences, remember?
- Yes.

You'll be fine.

What's your name?


I just...

I mean, at this point,
what does it matter?

Tell me about the Packers.

First game you went to.

Oh, you don't have to
Jedi mind trick me.

I'm fine.

I was eight.

And I didn't realize it then,
but historically,

it was a really
significant game.

Have you ever heard
of the Lambeau Leap?

R-Reggie White recovered
a fumble from the Raiders

and he lateraled it
to LeRoy Butler

who took it in 25 yards
for the touchdown.

And to celebrate, he jumped
into the first row of stands

and a bunch of the fans,

I mean, old men, grown men,

they just hugged him
and patted him on the back.

The Lambeau Leap.

Probably the first time any of them
had ever touched a black man...

my dad included.

What if he doesn't win?

I'm gonna throw up.

Drink some water.

I'm almost done.

You okay?

Mind if I turn on the TV?

If it makes you
feel better, go ahead.

Our correspondent is live
at the convention center...


There's a big crowd...

You can't do better than this?

You getting dressed?

You might wanna shower first.
It's like a swamp in here.

Gonna be a wild one down there tonight
as Smith works the delegates...

Supporters believe tonight is
the chance to talk to his base,

but the truth is
tonight should be all about

convincing people that he can
do the job and be presidential.

Can people picture him
in the White House?

That's the question.

Will his message resonate
with undecided voters?

The spotlight will be on him
tonight for about an hour

to see if, you know,
he can accomplish just that.

There's some good
points here, Michael.

Definitely a big finale
to a long week.

I think it's important
to know that each convention

has its own story to tell,

from the opening gavel
to the final balloon drop.

- Fuck!
- They're trying to create the narrative

of conventions as people.

What's happening here is that people are
proving to be unpredictable in the polling.

Is one of the most
critical speeches of his life.

One delegate told me a considerable
portion of the electorate

simply did not see him
as presidential.

His challenge
is to reveal himself

as someone who can
lead a nation.

He cannot be all things
to all people,

but his task will be
to convince millions

that he's up for the job.

There's been
some concern that if someone

wanted to make a statement
or do something,

that today might be that day,

so we are seeing
a lot of police presence.

It's definitely
in his best interest to.

- I agree, but...
- Holy shit!

Oh, my God.

- I'm so sorry.
- What the hell?!

The maid let me in. He's the
only one who can fix it.

We knocked,

but this TV is so...

He's had
a lot of things on his...

Could you just come back later?

Um, I didn't mean to alarm you.

I'll be done in a minute here.

It's my last one, and then
I can get out of your hair.

Go home.

I'm sorry we couldn't come sooner,
but we're a man short today.

I'm actually on my way out.

Could you give me 10 minutes
to pack up my stuff?

Uh, 10 minutes?
I'll be done in five.

I'm running late. - Well, don't let
me stop you. Do what you gotta do.

Isn't it a little late for this?

Yeah, it is.
Sorry about that.

It's been a crazy day.

Traffic in the city is a mess
with this convention in town.

I had to drive through the thick
of it three times already.

Innerbelt's down to one lane

and you can forget
about Prospect.

I finally think I got a hold
on all these road closures

and, pfft, come out here
and hit another massive jam.

Bunch of rowdy kids protesting,

getting into the street,
messing up traffic.

Look, if I'm being
honest with you,

I'm at the tail end
of a 12-hour day,

I would just love to get home

and see the rest
of that speech with my wife.

Please hurry.

I do appreciate it.


don't know how you could take
this heat a minute longer.

- You in town for the convention?
- Hmm?

I saw your, uh,
thingy over there.

Oh, uh, yeah.

Yeah, I'm, uh, in town
for the convention, yes.

Well, I guess
you are running late.

I'll have this done
in a minute, I promise.

I kind of have a rule not to discuss
politics with the customers,

but I figured
you got it on the TV, so.

Yeah, elephant in the room,
so to speak.

Yeah, he's some kind of
elephant, that's for sure.

Tough to ignore.

Is that what you mean?

- Yeah.
- Yeah? Well...

He really gets the juices
flowing, you know?


You're not a delegate, are you?

I mean, if you were, you'd be
in that arena right now, right?

I'm just going to
the after party.

Oh, very nice.

- Some kind of big shot?
- No.

I hear ya.

Friend of a friend
of a big shot, am I right?

Yeah, like I said,

I usually don't
talk politics with customers,

but it's all anybody wants to talk
about in this town these days.

Politics and sports.

I mean, can't we just
vote for LeBron James?

I'm not gay, but, boy,

I'd have to give it
some serious consideration

if LeBron asked me to marry him.

I might have to rethink my whole
position on that gay marriage thing.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That's funny.

Hot as the devil in here.


Where's your little one?

Little one?

When my boys were young,

they used to build forts
in the living room,

usually with blankets
and sheets.

Can't say they ever used
an actual tent, though.

Yeah, no, um, ever since
we took him camping,

he's been obsessed with it.

You know, living room,
backyard, roof.

I'm so accustomed
to seeing it around,

I barely even notice it anymore.

- How old is he?
- Seven.


You seem so young.

Started early, I guess.

Yeah, well, mine are 18 and 22.

- Wow.
- Yeah, crazy, little bastards.

Of course, they're not
so little anymore,

so I guess they're just
crazy bastards now.

Curtis, my older one,
he goes to college.

He's a women's studies major,
God help us.

The younger one,
he's still in high school.

He's a basketball player,

Well, truth be told,
they're both great kids.

You know,
really gets you thinking

when they leave the house,
I'll tell you that.

Just don't know
how they're gonna turn out.

Just do your best
and let 'em go,

cross your fingers.

Where'd you say your boy was?

At home with my wife.

Right, um,

I know it looks weird,

but I like to bring it
with me when I travel.

It makes me miss him less.

That's sweet.

- How's it going?
- A few more minutes and...

I'll be out of your way.


You want some?

I better not.

Thanks, though.

You think he can win?

He's made it this far.


I just wonder if this country's
ready for someone so real.


But come November,
he's got my vote.

Good to hear.

Immigration, NAFTA, the whole
mess in the Middle East.

Oh, your guy really
tells it like it is.

My guy?

I'll tell you what, though.

Whoever wins, there's gonna be an army of
pissed off people roaming in the streets.

Fucking Christ!

Careful, would ya?!

I'm sorry.

No, um,

I just...
I overreacted.

I'm sorry.

Ah, it's... it's okay.

I'd be on edge, too.

It's a big night for you.

I'll just finish up here

and then I'll...
I'll be on my way.

That offer still stand?

Ah, I hate to be that guy,

but I'm kind of a germ freak.

Think you could get me a cup?


Ah, here you go!

Here you go.


It's been a long day.

Oh, nice.

That is very nice.
Thank you.

- Small batch bourbon.
- Hmm?

A friend of mine
distills it in Kentucky

and sells it to hipsters in
Brooklyn for $100 a bottle.

A hundred bucks?

Wow, everybody's got
an angle, I guess.

Don't they?

Excuse me.

Everything okay in there?

Yeah, just, uh,
give me a second.

- An LG burner, am I right?
- Yep.

Yeah, I spent a few years
in phone repair.

Want me to have a look?


You sure?

There you go.

Everything okay?

If you had a time machine...

and you could go back in time

and prevent Hitler
from becoming Hitler...

you have to do it, right?

A time machine?

Yeah, like
"Back to the Future."

A DeLorean.

88.8 miles per hour,
you can go back in time,

specifically, you go back
to Germany circa 1930,

you're in the same city
as Hitler,

same room, you have a gun.

Do you do it?


- I guess I would.
- You would?


I mean, murder is murder.

It'd still be a sin, I suppose,

but that one
would seem justifiable.

I'd like to think
I'd have the guts to do it.


Get pretty sticky, though,

if that time machine broke down.

I mean, after you killed Hitler.

It'd be a tough one to explain
to the folks in the moment.

"Believe me, people, he was
gonna do some bad things."

I think it'd be
worth the sacrifice,

knowing you prevented
the Holocaust.

I could sleep at night.

But who's to say another Hitler
wouldn't be waiting in the wings?

You know, a different Holocaust?

I mean, one person alone
didn't kill two million Jews.

- Six million.
- Okay, more to my point.

So we somehow associate this one man
with all these millions of deaths...

Murders. - ...but he wasn't
the one pulling the triggers.

Right? He wasn't the one
dropping the bombs.

Eh, I don't know.

I'm rethinking this now.
Maybe I wouldn't.

- You wouldn't?
- No.

So you're saying you wouldn't
take out the person

who devised and implemented
the destruction

of 11 million human lives?

You said six million.

Six million Jews,
five million others.

Well, if I knew that it would prevent
those deaths, then, yeah, sure,

but what I'm saying is
what if it didn't?

And anyway, it's easy to say,

"If I could've met Hitler, I
would've..." blah, blah, blah,

but nobody ever did.

So that means a whole lot of
people must've agreed with him.

You think so?

Maybe they hated the Jews, too.

- Enough to kill six million of them?
- Enough to go along with it.

I don't know, could be they
were living in hateful times.


Like I said,
it's easy to look back

and say
you would've been better.

- That we'd resist.
- Yeah.

- That we'd do something.
- Sure.

Thing is, we don't have
a time machine, do we?

You didn't see my DeLorean
parked out front?


Uh, it's my wife.
I have to take this.

I really am almost done.
I'll... I'll be right back.

Hey, honey.

Whoa, looking sharp!

I should really get going, but
feel free to stay and finish up.

All right, well, room will be nice
and cool for you when you get back.


By the way, you might
run into my son.

He's part of a school group

that's been at
the convention all week,

and my wife just told me

they got invited
to that party tonight.

So he's pretty jazzed about it.

His name's Gerry.

Not that you'll run into
him, but who knows?

- Gerry.
- Yeah.

I'm Steve.

Nice chatting with you.


Good to meet you, Alex.

Have fun tonight,

and good luck in November.

Thank you.

I'm actually gonna hit the
bathroom one more time.

All done!

- Great.
- Yeah.

Check it out.

Nah, I...
I should go now.

Stand where I'm standing, Alex.

See how it feels.

I'm late.

You're sweating.

Come on.

Come on.

Believe me,
you'll thank me later.

- I should really...
- Sit down.

Still got that thing in there?

Oh, your cup.

Small batch, huh?

( crowd chanting )