Robin Hood (2006–2009): Season 1, Episode 3 - Who Shot the Sheriff? - full transcript

An assassination attempt implicates Robin, and calls for an unholy alliance.


- Joderic will be under orders.
- No, it's not for you to worry about.

I cannot be seeing to take from you.

I cannot even be seeing with you,
or Matthew...

- Or matthew has to work at the castle.
- Owen.

Take your wife and family

and get your belongings back into the mount.

Joderic will not evict you today.

Let's go.

What are you waiting for?


Everything is gonna be allright.

- Oh, please.
- What?

You wanna see
the look on their face, don't you?

You wanna see their gratitude.



Do not interfere.
You know I have to do this.

And you know there are
sheriff's men on their way

to make you there's no trouble.

Do you have to do this?

I did it on the old sheriff,
you did not complain.

That was different.


Two things are certain in life:
death and taxes.

But when the death is caused
by the taxes

something is rotten.

Take this.

The miller's debt.

I cannot.

This is stolen money.

The Sheriff knows the miller cannot afford it.

I could break it into small amounts.

Payed in over time, that would be credible.

Every time somebody breaks bread
in Nettlestone,

they will thank you, Joderic.

- Sure.
- Then, do me a favor:

tell them that you have not seen me,

tell them this is your own scheme.

- Why?
- My friends think I'm vain.

Is he here to evict us?

- Robin did not make it right.
- He said he would fix it.


Let me get this straight.

We're giving money to a taxe collector.

A bailiff.

Oh, that makes all differents.



- As you know, I'm here today...
- Didn't you see Robin Hood?

He said he'd speak to you
so we wouldn't be evicted.


No, I'm sorry.

I have not seen Robin Hood.

But, we can work this out.

He's killed him.

Robin's killed him.

Wait! Stop!


What, you can't believe
someone is better than you?

He kicked you good.

Who is he?

The Night Watchman.

- I've never heard of him.
- The Night Watchman?

Been around for years.

Maybe, you were off for the Crusade.

He's a good man.

He's talked about in all the villages.

He's been seiing in Nothingam even at the castle.

Always at night.

Leaves medecine and stuff,


Sheriff men are ordered to shoot him
on sights but he's never ***he fly???.

Why did he kill Joderic then?

We need to find him.

The villagers of Nettlestone report,

that Robin Hood killed an innocent bailiff today.

This is marvellous, isn't it.

What a drama.

Because now,
even his beloved villagers,

will loose patience when
the heroes start picking them off.

What else did they say ?

Hood was fulfilling(orthographe?) a promise to prevent an eviction.

War has altered his brain, I'm not at all surprised.


what do you propose we're doing?

- Immediate reprisals againt villagers.
- Joderic would not want that.

Why should more innocent people
suffer because of his death?

The same people who witnessed and reported the crime.

Did the strategy of reprisals
worked in the villages before ?


Marian is right.

We're not be going down that road again,*** alternatives.

There's a political advantage to be at him.

Robin Hood is giving us the high ground.

We should keep it my thoughts, exactly.

we could have the town cryer's
announcements taking place.

make sure everybody knows,
that an innocent was killed.


We are going to win hearts and minds.

My Lord...

I still believe action is rather than words.

If I had resources. I can do with him, I could
hunt him down.

Very well. We'll do both of it.
The best man win

Joderic was unique.

He was kind,

compassionate, learned.

The murder of the bailiff...

We'll leave as soons as
Joderic is burried.

- We could say you were too upset.
- Murder.

I am too upset.

In response to this change of direction

- from Robin Hood...
- Joe ?

What're you doing here ?

You cannot work.

I've recalled...

They made ??? ever and come back in.

Called me out of the retirement.

I will talk to the sheriff.

I will get you off you duties.

Make no mistake...

Work helps.

- These people that Robin hood...
- I still reach out for her in the night, I know it's daft.

It is not daft.

When all this is over,
you are coming home with us.

All this, though(t) *...

One man,

one arrow,

fired from the bow,

- Robin Hood...
- He's saying that you killed Joderic.

- Of couse, he is.
- he s pretty making look us like,


You know we are criminals.

???Or so,??? listen someone else.
ou ???Or at least, somebody else.ou...

Between stability,

order, authority...

Or the random chaotic cruelty
of Robin Hood

And all outlaws like him.

This cowarded crime,
this murder, will be punished.

We'll hunt Hood down.

With dogs, if necessary
and we will insure that he does not succeed...

See, we would not be coward,
this is what he wants.

You never shoot me, understand?

This... this is all in my honor, isn't it?

Do you really do think
everything's about you, don't you?

- Only when it is about me.
- You have given him a stick to beat you with.

You killed an innocent clerk??? , now,
here he is, making the most??? of it.

I did not do it.
- I'm sure.

He was the so-called non-violent, Night Watchman.

I saw him.

- I was there.
- It was not the Night Watchman.

- How do you know?
- I know.

- Then why did he run?
- Why did you run from Joderic?

I should go.

- You must help me.
- I am helping you

- I'm telling you it was not the Night Watchman.
- and wether it is,

I will find him, I can look
everywhere a part from one place.

I need you to look in the castle.

- I need you to not tell me what to do.
- Please.

- I must clear my name.
- Without catching the killer?

Is that not more important
that your name ?

If people do not trust me,
then what good can I do?

I'll try.

Tell me, ??? is the Master of Arms??? is it just a ceremony or a polition, now???

Because problems like Hood...

demand real solutions.

Town cryers.

Sir Guy.


All these dogs for one man.

Yeah, it's my idea.

The Master of Arms ??? will do nothing.

You are in competitions?

He's little man promoted too far,

when anyone will make a better Master of Arms.


Even when my father was the sheriff

I could not grasp the intricacies

He sent me here by the way.

He thinks it is safer with the killer on the roads.

You say "a killer", you do not think it is Hood?

Whoever it is.

He thought it would be safer
here in the castle.

No, that's not permitted.

I'll talk to the sheriff.

Thank you, Sir guy.

Raw into a line, sweeping ???self through the forest.

Let's show the??? I had to hunt down Robin Hood.

With these dogs, he will run.

This, I do not like.

The kings guild of??? forresters***.

Coming this way.


Pairs ???

Meet where we store the provisions.

Up there, now !

Matthew, am I left handed ?

clue :

No !

Sorry Sir!

Stand on my leg ???.

right one.

Well, now...

That might help you to remember.


New boy, how do you find your new job?

Don't worry.

You know...

You're a lucky boy.

Now that your daddy's mill is shot, you could be....

you could be running through the forest,
chased by owles...

Guards, guards!

Raise the alarm!

In my own room, in my own room!

Where're the men?

Gisbourne has taken them.

to hunt Hood with the dogs.

Gisbourne is fool.

Evidently, Hood has evaded them.

This stuff has nothing to do with Robin Hood!

Now, you lock down this castle

You tell Gisbourne to scrap the dogs.
and find the killer !

Yes, my Lord.

Stop !
Talk Gisbourne to double the dogs!

But my Lord, I thought you said
it could not be Hood.

Two words : Mud sticks.

Hood's over to be blamed for one death. Let's blame him for two.
Let's Gisbourne have his ???part???


You find out who's really
responsible of this.
Yes Mylord.


We pray for Matthew's soul,

as he journeys to a better place.

Whatever??? is Matthew,

And be proud.

We will bring Robin Hood to justice.

You have my word.

I don't believe it.

The soldiers found it.

That was our...

- That was our store.
- They don't have destroyed everything.

That was our food.

What is going on?

I'm hiding in my own castle,

I cannot move in my own ****out.

- Out! Get out!
- We will not *** stone until, My Lord,

the killer will be found.

Not ***stone ??? he will be found.
Lody dody da...

Well, get on with it then.

How is Gisbourne doing with Locksley?

More dogs have been brought in,
but the outlaw is still on the run.

Have you put it **** twice?

- Yes, My Lord.
- Good.

Do you think...

Two deaths are enough?

To get them to really...
turn against them the rebel?

If we're going to blame Hood,
let's do it properly.

What do you think?

I think maybe...

A few more deaths'd be interesting,
you know, pretty deaths,

not just poison???, but...

Pretty deaths.


Quickly! The ****place

Lady Marian.

Come over, please.

How could this happen
after you had the castle locked down?*

You must go back to your room,
it is not safe here.

What is going on here?

Three people have been killed
under your nose.

- Well, that is unfortunate.
- It's incompetent.

And what have you achieved?

You found some food,
the remanence of a picnic,

- but Robin Hood, no.
- At least, I found something,

This is more than could be said for you.

Shut up!

Common up, women.

Grow up.

Forgive me.

All these killings,

they are attributed to Robin Hood,
but what proof is there?

There were no witnesses.

How could he have moved about the castle
unchallenged by your guards?

And you yourself,

you must have been there
moments before the maid was killed.

That I cannot record*recall?.

And from one point of view,
the killings have been useful, no?

Giving you the chance to shine?

She's here???.

She's guessing, My Lord,
she's a girl.

*** bring some water.

A bit of bread wouldn't go amiss.

Have some cheese.

We're gonna make captured

tortured and hanged.

And you want--
You want some cheese.

Will they ever give up?

Master, the dogs!

You cannot stay!
There's too many of them.

Well, we must do something.

We are running away
when we should be at pursuit.

The Night Watchman is still out there.

We head East.

Back to Nettlestone.


Get out of our village,
you're not welcome here.

Hello. Excuse me.

Do you know if the Night Watchman
has been back here?

Has the Night Watchman ****?

- Do you have any food?
- Not for anyone of you.*

Any water, anything?

We are wary.

- You killed my son!
- What?

Kate, you know me!

and Joderic

You told me yourself you'd see to him.

For known, you've kill him.

I swear I could never hurt Matthew.

Don't you say his name!

Don't you put his name in your mouth!

I swear!
I never killed Matthew!

I didn't kill Joderic.

No, you didn't kill all those others either.

What others?


Wait, I didn't do it!
I didn't do any of it!

Hold them for the sheriff.

I'm fighting for you.

The sheriff hangs people
for stealing bread.

He cuts out their tongues.

He divides us.

We are going!

Let's get out of here!

Stay back.

Stay there.

I walked away for my home,

For them.

I gave myself off to the sheriff,
for them.

We gave Joderic money for them.

I never really did understand that.

It's the-- It's a tag.

I will* find it you can't* copy it now.

There's only me and my Dad now,
had to do it just like that.

It's good.

It's good.

Sorry, My Lady,
you can't come through here.

I've come to see Sergeant Lacey.

I'll deal with this.

You shouldn't be here, Marian.

- It's not safe.
- I know, thank you.

It's all right.

It's not, though, is it?

No, You'd thought

Robin a killer.

All these people dead, I...

can't understand.


his poor mum and dad :

I know how they feel.

It was the same with Ruth.

You try not to dwell on it.

Remember the good times.

The only thing I regret is that...

she didn't die in our own bed.

that I can not(that kind of)...???


I need you to take over.

I have to go to the castle.

Enough is enough.

We stop running, now.

You're not gonna give yourself in again?

Not this time.

Go somewhere *** where I can get in.

Go on.

Well, do you want clever
or really clever?

I want fast.

From here,

could I shoot an arrow
through that window?

Pull smoothly
like you're combing your hair.

You could.

But of course, I wouldn't.

You're teasing me, aren't you?

Yeah, I'd say anything that will...

And from the days when you could.

Nowadays, we hold our tongues.

Those of us lucky enough
to still have them.

Say one thing when we mean another.

For instance,

will you say you want archery lessons,

You have really only interested
in bow range.

You're trying to prove
it couldn't be him?

You still love him.



-Tell him,

not that you've ever seen him, but tell him,

good people do still love him.

Ch?teau de Nottingham

Why can it never be a beautiful woman or so...

Call off your dogs.

Why? you're a mad killer?

You know I'm not.

It's true.

So now that we've got that sorted,

what you want to do?
Sleep a little now? (sleep on my own ???)

It seems that somebody wants you dead.

Oh what's new???, welcome to my world.

I came to your room unseen.

If the killer is half as good as me,

he will do the same.

And your point is?

I can *** for you

Two questions:


and why?

Right through Nettlestone village,

parade yourself. Make sure everybody
knows you're there.

That will draw out the killer,

and my men will shoot him.

-What about my men?
-Cause mine are invisible.

And supposing...

I agree,


Innocent people are being killed.

I cannot allow that.

-Oh come on, oh Robin.

It's been a talk, isn't it?

Oh come on, you can be honest with me.

It's not the real reason is it?

Do you want to know what the real reason is?

Nobody loves you anymore,

They've turned against you,

common serves.

And really,

those are the people who love
you the most.

That's why you can't allow that.

Do we have an agreement?

that touched the saor??? (la corde sensible)

I'll take that as yes

By the way,

this is for you.

for future reference.

Anybody wearing one
of those

is with me.

That's sweet.


does it go with my dress?

This is my favor (for) saving your life.

I'm sorry my lady.


this is you with your hair down.

You cannot be here.

Do not me such a spouse, [poor] Marian*.

Listen, I've been trying to think about
who could've done this.

I think the killer is the fortnight (?) the Master at Arms.


He was right there when the maid was killed.

And think about it, a murder on the loose
merely consolidate its position.

The situation is in his interests.

Well I tend to change this situation.

You think just because you want
to change things you can't.

You saw the change at things
you do not want to change.

What about just getting away while you can?


While We're having so much fun.

Does anything touch you Robin?

What does that mean?

It means you're wandering around
as if nothing could hurt you.

As if arrows would bounce off you.

I don't think I've ever seen you hurt.

Oh I've been hurt.

Tell me.


you think it is strong not to feel.

But if you cannot feel,

how can you
understand what others feel?

How could you be a all(home)??? man?

I feel when innocent people are shot down,

I feel when my men are hunted
like animals

I feel when good people turn against me.

I was talking about you to someone today,

a good man.

Someone who still
remembers you from
the old days.

And you know there are still people who love you.

-My lady
-One moment

-I must search your room.


By the way, your investigations,

good work!

Let's see if you're right tomorrow.

My lady!

You had the sheriff to call off the dogs?


Pillow talk.

He'd been in bed with the sheriff.

I've broken* a deal.

We do not deal with the sheriff.


we save his life.


Can't we argue about that tomorrow?

Today, if there are no dogs,

I would like to sleep.

No, I have a better idea.

Another one.

If it's as good as saving the sheriff's life,
I'm with Cheese Boy!

Did they find the food we stored
about the long* stone?

If we were killers,

we would bring them food,

It proves we're not killers.

But they hate us!

Now the mill is closed,
the village will be suffering.

They will be hungry.

You just want everyone to love you.

No I don't want to be branded a killer.

-It is different!
-You want to be loved!

And I'll tell you something,

it's not fair.

I love you,
but no one gives me any food.

And people who do not love you are fed.

come on!

The world is wrong.

We're feeding people who do not love us, and

...saving a man who wants us dead.

I changed my mind,

I no longer love you.

Now can I eat?

I am no killer.

I bring food to show my good will.

I am your friend.

My men are tired and hungry.

This is the last of our food.


You were using us,

you and the sheriff.

I am not.

Fightin' your own personal battles,
using us as pawns.

What gift will you
bring us later?

Fellow englishmen,

Your sheriff and I bring you a gift,

that gift is the
reminder that we are free,

and we should walk free.


Your sheriff and I share no fear.

Today we defy Robin Hood.


we walk among you to show that life goes on.

We will not hide,

or cower*,
in the face of our laws.

We will not change our lives
to suit their campaigns of terror.

We hold our
heads high.

Laws exist to protect us.

If we allow Robin Hood to flaw this laws,
if we...

support him when he
undermines basic justice, to take in flour or bread,*

Then where we'll stop?

We'd give him the right to ignore another law,
and another.

and finally

to condon(condemn) the take of a human life.*

But that too is a law made to protect us.

Your sheriff and I,

share your horror

of the murder of
innocents and we are here today,

to show that we are united....

What do you think you're doing?

You're killing innocent people?

What can of a man are you?


You're the Night Watchman?

There's no time for this,

I know who's trying to kill the sheriff.
It's Joe.

Joe Lacey?


Put it down.

Put the bow down, Joe!

-You'll let me do this, Robin
-Why did you kill them Joe?

My Ruth,

she worked all her life in the castle.

When she laid dying,

Where was the sheriff?
Did he come to visit?

Did he send food?


He sent Joderic,

because we hadn't paid our taxes,

he put us out
and she died like a dog on the street.

And now, so we're leaving.

You kill the sheriff,

Prince John will send another one,

and the people of
this village will be tortured because the sheriff died there.

It's just me then.

But am I the only man in Nottignham
who can say what he likes, do what he likes?

Matthew, the miller's boy!

That was an accident, the sheriff moved.

And the sheriff moved the next day,

when you killed 3 more stable boys and
washer women.

The sheriff's leaving.

Let me do this terrible thing Robin.


Put it down.

Joe, put it down.

I will shoot you.

I did it Ruth.

I shot the Sheriff.


you shot the deputy,

my look-alike.

Poor Joe.

I understand his grief.

But why did he kill so many?

He didn't.

Well who did?

Let's go.

What now, Locksley?

I want to kill you, I'm going to kill you,
I mean it!

You coward, I mean it.

Lacey had no reason to kill stable boys and washer women,

but you did.

It suited you to have people think I was the killer.

Interesting idea. I wish I

You did!

Admit it!

How could I admit it?

you swore they would kill me
if I ever did something* today.*

And I meant it.

That's why,

no one will ever know.

My lord let me have some of my men after him.

-No, too late for that,
But I do have another job for you.

Gisbourne, It's you.

Excuse me.

I just came to inform you that...

I'm to be the new Master of Arms.

I don't believe you.

I need to ear that,

from the sheriff himself.

That will not be possible,
I'm afraid.

I have been a loyal servant.

I have...


I've even killed for him.

Yeah, the sheriff thought
you might have said that.

Wich is why,

I am to be the new Master of Arms.

Can I ask you a question?

Why did they call you the Night Watchman,

when you come out on the day?

I don't normally.*

You know I can't be seen.

And I did not choose the name.


You did not mean* to do it anymore.

... day or night.

Now you hate* me.


My father had me taught to fight.

You want to *** have choices in the world.*

and I choose to help the poor.

Cute* on about to stop me doing that.

But does your father know what* you're doing?

(he)Thinks I enjoy embroidery.

Give me a moment.

I've a mill to open.

Take this.

It's for you and Owen,

in memory of your son.


I hereby declare this mill,

open for business!

He has to have the glory,
doesn't he?



I think he just wants to be loved.