Rizzoli & Isles (2010–2016): Season 1, Episode 2 - Boston Strangler Redux - full transcript

Tensions are high as the squad investigates a possible copycat of the legendary Boston Strangler...or could it be the Boston Strangler himself? Meanwhile, Jane butts heads with her new boss, Lt. Grant, who just happens to be from the same neighborhood where Jane grew up. And Maura gets into trouble with her habit of diagnosing everyone - including her date.

Thanks, Bill. Let's take a
look at traffic around the Boston area today.

It's a light day because of the holiday.

Even if you're heading
to Logan Airport...

... the traffic is flowing
even through the Williams Tunnel.

If you're lucky enough to have a day off,
it is one gorgeous day in Boston.

So get...

Let's go, Va-Janie! Crush it!

Easy out here.

Jane, on the side.

- Wait for the one you like.
- Come on, Jane!

- Ready, Janie?
- Don't call me Janie.

- Okay, Jane.
- Ha, ha.

He can call you whatever he wants.

- You're a traitor.
- And you're a choker.

- I'm handling your cheap cologne.
- Come on, Grant.

Been working drugs too long.

- Oh! Good cut.
- My grandma could have hit that ball.

- Your grandma has balls.
- Stroke up.

That's how Crystl Bustos
won the gold.

Come on. Upstroke.

How long you been playing?

- Me?
- Yeah.

- Never played.
- Love the uniform.

one-layer skin made with Dyneema.

It's light and comfortable, actually,
due to intrinsic cooling properties.

It fits nice too.

- Let's go, Janie! Crush it!
- Upstroke!

- Wind at 10 knots!
- Thank you, Maura.

- Come on, Jane.
- All right. All right.

- Nice catch.
- Good hit, Jane!

- Maura!
- Oh, she's letting me play.

- Get a hit, I'll buy you dinner.
- You're on.

Maura... No, no, no. Maura.

- Screw it.
- Give me a fast one.

Right down the middle.


No ID.

- Was she dead before she was tossed?
- I'd be guessing.

I won't tell.

Ballpark? Two hours.

Heh. Ballpark?
I guess I do owe you dinner.

I love modern Proven?ale.

My God, you're flirting
over a dead body.

When else am I going to do it?

Caf? C?te d'A zur, 7:00?

- I'll call it in.
- Okay.

You're Drugs, we're Homicide.
We got it.

Okay. It's your day off.
I was just trying to help.

- Thank you.
- See you.

Perfect enamel layer.
No deterioration of abutting gingiva.

- English.
- She's a flosser.

No witnesses.

Not that many cars use this overpass.
But Frankie found this.

1960s Chrysler 300F. Wedge engine.

- It's distinctive and pleasing.
- It's from the suspect's car.

You'll never make Homicide
if you keep jumping to conclusions.

You don't know where this came from.
Get me everything you can, all right?

- He looks up to you.
- You're an only child.

Get yourself a brother, we'll talk.
Hey, can I borrow your radio?

Thanks a lot.

I mean, yes, all right, I would like to help
him make Homicide detective, he's just...

He's not ready.

You are deceptively complex.
I do not understand you.

Well, you would if I was a dead body.

Do you think so?

Victor 825.

I got a full notifications. I got one Ocean
Franks down here at Revere Park.

You think it was deliberate?

Well, somebody knew we were here.
I'd say they wanna play ball.

Korsak, you okay?

Hey, it's your sarge's exam,
that's great.

Save it. Passed me over. Again.

It's juice.

I don't got juice.

No, it's political. All right?

How do you think I feel?
They didn't let women in till 1988.

More people to get promoted ahead
of me. Great.

Get off. Get off.

Drug Unit has more space.

Well, this is okay.

Lieutenant's office is through there.
Empty since Ray was promoted.

You lost, Joey?

Can I talk to you for a second,
Detective Rizzoli?

Yeah, why not?

- What do you want?
- I know you have a problem with me...

The habitual difficulty in prayer
is A, distraction, B, lack of grace...

...C, selfishness, or D, dryness.

- Dryness?
- No.

You don't know.
You cheated off my catechism test.

- We were 8 years old. No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.

And I know it was you who put a mallard
duck in my locker in seventh grade.

You don't like cold duck?

It crapped all over my math homework.
No. Not so much.

We'll have to figure out a way
to get along.

- Why?
- Because I'm your new lieutenant.

gave me Homicide command.

Right. Because you got juice.

Might have kissed a brass
on the way up.

But I also made hundreds of cases.

Korsak's made thousands.
He didn't get promoted.

Korsak is sitting at that desk
for a reason.

Same reason you'll be there in 20 years.
You don't know how to get along.

I'll barely have time for coffee before
I'm out of that office and moving on up.


You know, you're exactly the same.

And I'm gonna need everything you got
on that strangling victim.

Yes, sir, lieutenant, sir.

Strike one, Rizzoli.

You got two left.

Ladies and gentlemen, ahem,
I am the new lieutenant.

Wanna say I am very excited to be
working with all of you.

I keep an open-door policy.

Let's make this a tight team.

Oh, and there'll be no more parking
in front of the building.

- Come on.
- It's a security issue.

Four-inch curvilinear contusion.
See the patterned abrasions?

Mm-hm. From the terry cloth.
He didn't use his hands.

So she was clutching at the ligature
and fighting for her life.

Takes 20 to 30 seconds
to render someone unconscious.

One postmortem trauma,
two postmortem trauma...

- I got it, strangling sucks.
- Depends who you're choking.

Can you believe that? I get kicked
to the curb, Grant gets the brass ring.

He's a legend in the Drug Unit.

Perhaps he's a little nicer
off the mound.

Oh, yeah, he's fantastic. I wanna kill
myself. What's the best way?

Uh, atlanto-occipital disarticulation
is very fast.

No idea what that is.
What else you got?

Did I miss anything?

We're just about
to start the Y-incision.

Oh, goody.

Gore never bothered me.
My first autopsy was a burn victim.

Hands all curled up like this.
Guys thought I'd turn into a girl.

Grabbed the fingers looking
for some skin, get a print.

Snapped off like pretzels.

- Knock it off, Korsak. Come on.
- Sink.

You hungry, Frost, huh?

- Gonna grab a tomato soup?
- Heh.

- You wanna know what I'm thinking?
- It's so weird, I do.

I know why you're making such a big
deal that Grant's your new boss.

- I don't wanna know.
- You two like each other.

No. Do you know what that ass used
to call me? Frog face.

- It's not funny, Maura. It... No.
- Ha, ha! It's not funny.

- I'm not a frog face.
- No.

I have an hour to finish this
before dinner with my new guy.

Oh, my God. It's gnocchi night.
Listen, um, I'll call you later, okay?

- Can you believe this?
- I can.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Who invited you?
- Nice to see you too.

- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, honey.

Hello, Jo Friday. I know.

- Yes, I know.
- Swing.

Don't let that dog lick you.
It's unsanitary.

I heard you got a pinch hitter
tossed into your game.

Yeah, Frankie told you
about the victim?

- Okay. That's not dinner talk.
- We're not eating, Ma.

You're the one who wanted to learn
how to make grandma's gnocchi.

Okay, okay. I'm coming.

Come on, you didn't put the potato peels
in the garbage disposal?

If you were home a little more,
I would've known not to do...

- Tag him.
- Dad, can we get a little help, please?

What's the problem?

You're always working.
That's the problem.

Leave her alone.
Janie, where are the tools?

Uh, in the hall closet.

- Frankie.
- Yeah.

- Give me a hand over here.
- Thank you.


Daddy needs help.

- Dad, what do you need?
- What did you say?

Nothing. Everything's okay.

He needs Frankie Jr.
to take over the business.

I mean, Frankie belongs at Rizzoli
and Sons, not out on the streets.

He's not a homeless person,
he's a cop, Ma.

Just point out to him all the things
you've missed, okay? He listens to you.

The things I've... What have I missed?
What? A clogged sink?

No. Like, children who love you.

A husband who adores you...

Damn it. Ang, why'd you do this?

Did I know that you couldn't put
the potatoes in the sink? Just fix it.

You know how to do that.

Well, next time, think.

Okay, I'll do that. I'll think.

- Frankie needs a wife.
- Why? He has you.

- No. No. You're not...
- Ah!


Yeah. All right. I'll be right there.

- You catch another homicide?
- None of your business.

- Fix my sink.
- Okay, princess.

Hmm. He tucked her in.

When was the last time
we had two stranglings in one day?

Well, cheer up.
Maybe tomorrow will be Stabbing Day.

I don't like this.
It's the same M.O. as the softball girl.

"Sophie Clark," 22.

What are you doing here?

I'm working. It's my sector.

- Since when?
- Since I asked for a new sector.

I wanna learn from the best.

So where is Korsak?

- That's funny. That's great.
- You liked that?

- Yeah.
- Well, you're welcome.


Okay, thanks.

We got an ID on the first victim.

Mary Sullivan. Sophie Clark.

That's weird.

- Uh, run it again.
- Check the cold case database.

- Why?
- Just do it.

Oh, wow. Sophie Clark was a victim
of the Boston Strangler in 1962.

He got Mary Sullivan in '64.

Yeah, we got him in '67,
Albert DeSalvo.

He confessed to the murders.
He died in prison in...

Uh, '73. Stabbed by an inmate.

Rizzoli, think.

We got two new stranglings,
same names.

It's a bizarre coincidence
or we got a copycat.

No. Some veteran cops never believed
DeSalvo was the Boston Strangler.

Yeah. Lots of cops do.

So why is it a cold case?
An open homicide investigation, Jane.

Never solved.

Uh, come on, what are you telling me?
That the Boston Strangler is back?

I was 10 when it started.

City went bonkers.

Panic like you've never seen.

Because women were being strangled
in their apartments from '62 to '64...

...and Boston cops couldn't catch him.
- People don't like that.

My mom still talks about it.

People were furious with the cops.

Bosses would've done anything
to get public off their backs.

It was like Jack the Ripper
found Boston.

You're forgetting one thing,
DeSalvo confessed.

Because he loved the attention.
Told you, a banana head.

Then how did he know the details?

The layouts, the way the bodies
were strangled. Read his interviews.

He was a serial rapist
in and out of the clink.

Shared a cell with the real strangler.

It's been 40 years. Even if the
real strangler has been behind bars...

...and he just got paroled,
he'd be in his 60s.

- Hey, Mick Jagger's in his 60s.
- Oh. Well, that's our first suspect.

I was a little disappointed
when I moved to Boston...

...and found out Paul Revere
didn't do the midnight ride.

Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I know what you mean.

I mean, I understand Longfellow
couldn't write:

"Listen my children and you shall hear
of the midnight ride of William Dawes."

- Ha, ha.
- Still.

Is there anything
that you don't know?

Of course. Ha, ha.

I read an article about the initial
plasma state that followed the big bang.

And the universe was at its highest level
of entropy, which was...

...fascinating and you don't really care.
Ha, ha. I...

I like science.

No apologies.

I like you.


Your skin is a little rough.

Oh, I'm sorry. I shaved.

Well, abnormal joint flexibility.

I would be happy
to show you that later.

Ha, ha. Do you have flat feet?

That's really second date material,
but, yeah.


Shoot. Nearsighted?

Yeah, why?

Marfan syndrome.

Yeah. Explains the dolichostenomelia.

- Excuse me, the doli-what?
- Dolichostenomelia.

Sorry. Elongated limbs.

You're suffering from a disorder
of the connective tissue.

It's called Marfan syndrome.

If this is your idea of foreplay,
it's not working.

No, it... The heart damage
is the biggest issue.

But life expectancy has increased,

Nate, wait, I'm...

Nate, why are you...?
Where are you going?

Call my doctor.

Good night.


I didn't believe it either.
But I went through the evidence.

The Strangler had a way
of tying the ligatures into a bow.

- I know, that's all public record.
- Not this detail. That was never released.

So, what are you telling me?

That more than 40 years after the
Strangler stopped killing, the guy's back?

- We... Maybe. Yeah.
- How's that possible, detective?

- He's dead.
- No, no.

DeSalvo, the guy who confessed,
is dead.

What if the real Boston Strangler
has been behind bars. And now he's out.

We... Track the timeline.

Okay, the killings stopped
after DeSalvo was locked up. Right?

They start up again two days ago.


It's a different guy.

It's the same M.O.

He goes after women who live alone.

There's no sign of forced entry, he either
knows them or he talks his way in.

Come on, he's picking victims with
the same names as the Boston Strangler.

This guy's yelling, "I'm back."
We gotta find these women. Warn them.

No, we don't. Okay?

It's not gonna happen.

Two words that I do not wanna hear
together again: Boston and strangler.

That case nearly buried this city.

So ignore the obvious links.

I am telling you
that these new murders...

...have nothing to do
with the Boston Strangler.

If you wanna work here...

...solve them.

I remember you when you cared more
about the people than the politics.

- What'd you bring me here for?
- We'll crack this case.

In the basement?

Know what's up there?

- Yes. That is where I take my naps.
- Ha, ha.

All the old files
of the Boston Strangler case.

I thought they were locked away
in a vault somewhere.

Ha. Even better.
They misfiled the evidence on purpose.

Hey, hold the light. I'll get a ladder.
We'll get them down.

Hey, listen to this.
DeSalvo wrote a poem.

People everywhere are still in doubt

Is the Strangler in prison
Or roaming about?


Worked with him.

Died of a heart attack at 40.

Fitzgerald. Great cop.

Shot his wife then himself.

This case killed a lot of good men,
good careers.

Gee, I can't wait to dive in.

Leahy. I forgot about him. I know
where to find him. He's a great guy.

Well, wait, I want Maura
to look at some of this.

- You're gonna have to smuggle it out.
- You don't need this. Give me this.

Kenny. Vince Korsak.


- You haven't aged very good, buddy.
- Oh, you look the same.

- Mind if we join you? This is Det. Rizzoli.
- Hello.

Detective, huh?

I heard they was putting girls
on the job.

They even let us drive our own cars.

Ooh. Ha, ha.

I'm familiar with the great work you did
on the Strangler case.

The Boston Strangler, huh?

Case ruined my life.

Cost me my wife and kid.

They threw me out of Homicide.

What if you were right?

What if Albert DeSalvo wasn't the
Strangler, like you were trying to say?

It doesn't make much difference
what I thought.

- You thought they had the wrong guy.
- They did.

And if he's alive, he's still out there.

Detective, wait.

Look, you were once a good cop.
I'm a good cop, even though I'm a girl.

If you think of anything,
please give us a call.

No. Good to see you, man.

- Find anything?
- Oh.

Very sophisticated killer.

No forensic evidence so far
on either victim.

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Sink. Sink, sink, sink.

Korsak's calling me BBK. Barf bag kid.

Crowe's leaving plastic puke

You're not the first detective
to be sickened by death.

You just have
to find your morgue legs.

I read a study that said people
can conquer this kind of thing...

...with repeated exposure.

Like when you're afraid of dogs
or flying.

Oh, immersion therapy.

Very effective.

It worked for me.

What were you afraid of?


Live ones.

She'll never judge me.

Tease me.

And I can help her.

I can speak for the dead.

Come here. Come.


Now we're just gonna open her up.

We're gonna take a little look inside.

- Okay, now. Breathe deep.
- Ahem.

Actually, don't inhale.

- Oh, looking good.
- Whoa, look at you.

Hey, Jane. Um...

Thank you. Um...

- I'll be upstairs.
- Ha, ha.

I don't wanna interrupt.

No, it's okay.
I don't wanna get in your guys' way.

- What?
- You'd wanna know...

...if you had Marfan syndrome,
wouldn't you?

You did it again?

- Wow.
- Ah.

Ooh. Cobalt blue slingbacks.

All right, look. Come here.

Take a few cuts off of this.
It'll make you feel better.


- All right? All right. Okay. Let's see it.
- Right.

This is an optimum batting stance.

Really, who says? Pee-wee Herman?

It's a classic rigid-body collision theory,
not Pee-wee Herman.

Fine, fine.
You're ruining a national pastime.

- Don't take my bat.
- Let go. Look, I brought you presents.

- From the evidence warehouse.
- I like presents.

What do we have here?


- Oh.
- What?

- Oh, darn it.
- What?

- I thought it was an original Mary Quant.
- I thought you found something useful.

Well, miniskirts freed women.
They were practical and liberating.

- Can you get DNA off of it?
- No.

No. It's been handled by hundreds
of people and it wasn't stored properly.

We better come up with something.

Or there are gonna be a lot more women
with bows tied around their necks.

- This is Helen Blake.
- Okay.

All right.
And after that, we're gonna have to...

You said I wouldn't make
a good detective.

That's not what I said.

We've got 294 women with the same
last names as the other 11 victims.

- We gotta find a way to let them know.
- Open it up.

I took a bunch of photos at the softball
field and at your second vic's apartment.

You're saying that the killer might try
to sightsee in a crowd of ghouls, so...

- Thank you. Thank you so much.
- Nice.

- Listen...
- Thanks.

Aren't you even gonna look at them?

Can't right now.
There's a strangler on the loose.


- Hey, Frankie.
- Hey, lieu.

Hey, come find me later.
I need to talk to you.


Thanks. Really nice first day.

I got the mayor, the commissioner,
every news agency.

I even got my own mother
crawling up my ass.

I'm not your leak. Can't take the heat,
go back to the Drug Unit.

- Strike two, Rizzoli.
- I am working the case.

Really? Let's see.

You'll call every Mary Sullivan
in the state of Massachusetts...

...and tell her the Strangler's looking
for her? Uh-uh. I am setting up a task force.

From now on, everything
in this case runs through me.

And I want updates from you
every ten minutes.

Hey, they're towing your car, Rizzoli.


Told you not to park out front.

Excuse me.

Come on.

Ooh! Did you tow my car?

Only reason I didn't
was because of this guy.

Ha, ha. Thanks, Big Mo.
I owe you one.

It's good seeing you again. Long time?

- Yeah, take it easy.
- Next time, I'm taking it, Rizzoli.

Oh, good. Thank you.

Us detectives gotta stick together
because the bosses are all idiots, right?

- Yes, they are.
- Ha, ha.

What are you doing here?

I, uh, asked around after I read
about the stranglings...

...and, uh, well, the word is
that you're a good cop.

I thought maybe you could use this.

This is your personal file.

Yeah, can you believe
I kept it all these years?

It was always eating at me too.

You know we all have that one case,
you know, you never really close.

Well, this one is mine.

- Thank you for trusting me with it.
- Sure.

Look, uh...

...it ain't easy for an old fart like me
to see a woman doing this job.

You are a good cop.

- How did you know?
- Ha, ha.

I spent 30 years working
with a lot of bad ones.

Oh, by... You married?


That's too bad.

Uh, no. It's by choice.

Why is that?

Because any man I could love
wouldn't want me doing this job.

And I love this job.

Oh, this job can break your heart too.

Good luck, detective.

"Detective suspended."

Mug shot. Who's this?

See a name?

Yeah. Redmond Jones.

Armed robbery, rape, man 2.

Guy's a dirtbag.

He's been locked up since 1967.

Oh. Stabbed a guard, got 40 more years.

And he was paroled last week.

Two days before our first victim
was strangled.

I'm gonna tell Leahy.

Redmond Jones, career criminal.

Aggravated assault, rape, arson,
you name it.

Born bad.

Who is it?

It's the Boston police, ma'am.

They always come home
to their mother.

You worthless, fat-assed piece
of crap cop.

I remember you.

It's Redmond's mommy.

Where's your son, ma'am?

Now why would a skinny greaseball,
dyke detective be looking for my son?

- Ma'am...
- Holy Mother and all the saints...

...they sending us one
of those affirmative action cops.

What island are you from, honey?
Does he speak English?

Hey, you guys are doing great.
I think I'll check around back...

...before I strangle the old bitch.
- You go. That's right.

- Where was Redmond yesterday?
- At home, having tea...

...and conversating with his mother.

Thanks a lot.

I'll kill you, you son of a bitch.

- Hey, hey.
- Okay, okay, calm down.

- All right.
- Are you okay?

Hey. Come on, man.

- Come on.
- That's enough.

- The old pig started it 45 years ago.
- And I'll finish it too, you...

Are you looking to get arrested?

Arrest him. He's the Boston Strangler.

If they'd have done when I told them
to, all those girls would still be alive.

Maybe it's you doing all the killing,
you whiskey-face, mick pig!

I'm the Strangler. I strangled those girls
while I was hooked up to a machine.

I hope you die nice and slow,
you fat paddy leprechaun.

Hit me again!
I could use a million bucks!

Go to the car! Just go to the car!

Hey, you can't go in there
without a warrant.

Sure I can. It's in plain view.

Now back off.


...isn't that the hubcap Frankie found?

- Hey. Nice car. Where is it?
- Stolen.

Day I got out.

- You report it?
- Oh, yeah, sure I did. Hello, pig.

You didn't report it
because you stole it yourself.

That's right.
Kept it perfect for 40 years.

Dumped it in the marina
to see if it could swim.

- I'll put an APB out on the car.
- Yeah, you do that.

You find it, I want it back,
you wop pig.

Nice family.

Checked Kenny's alibi.
He's on kidney dialysis four days a week.

Confirmed he was there
during the stranglings.

What are you looking at Kenny for?
You an Internal Affairs rat?

- Oh!
- Hey, easy.

Why would you make sure a cop
has an alibi?

Come on, Vince. We're just typing up
some loose ends, all right?

Gotta make sure Lt. Grant doesn't
accuse me of doing shoddy police work.

Who is this and why is he
at all of our crime scenes?

I'll run his face
through facial recognition.

- Close.
- Yeah.

- Ah. We have a winner, folks.
- Let's check on the web for this guy.

That's the problem,
his mom named him Sandy.

Put this on the wall.

- Nice website.
- Really?

You can't bowl
or collect ships in a bottle?

You gotta do this for a hobby?

Every detail of the new strangling
victims is on this guy's blog.

Boston police. Open up.

- Clear.
- Mm-hm.

Get up. Stand up.
Get up. Hands all the way up.

Up against the wall.

Get on the bed.

Oh, we got a live one.

I'm curious as to why you were
at our crime scenes.

You like strangling, Sandy?

My name's Dr. K.O.

Me and Dr. Kevorkian
are death enthusiasts.

Ain't nothing illegal about that.

Interference with a police officer
during performance of duty is.

Hey, if I confess, can I look at the bodies
you got in the morgue?

Rizzoli, we got a third victim.

Liver temp indicates she died
within the last hour.

So it's not our "death enthusiast."

Well, at least he's not blogging.

Thanks for pointing out
the bright side.

Researchers at the
University of Pittsburgh have proven...

...that optimistic people live longer.

So she was a pessimist.

Joann Graff, 29.

A Joann Graff was strangled
in 1962.

By the Boston Strangler.


...what do you see?

A reddish-brown stain.

In other words, blood.

No, a reddish-brown stain.
The crime lab will determine what it is.

No signs of lacerations
or abrasions on the victim.

So it's not hers...

...which means we might've gotten
lucky and the killer was bleeding.

Or smearing reddish-brown stuff.

Okay, real lucky. Red's car's been
located. Towing it to Evidence now.

See? You just gotta remain optimistic.

Hey, move that to Evidence.

You can't park there, Rizzoli.

Move that to an Evidence Bay.

I can't. They're all full.

You just gonna keep the car
parked right there, huh?

Yeah, me and the Batmobile,
we're gonna stay right here.

- Oh, come on, damn it. Stop!
- You got your evidence, Rizzoli.

- Ha-ha-ha!
- Damn it.

Not now, Mom. I'm in a bad mood.


Maura, what's up?

Great news.
We got a hit on the blood you found.

- Who does it belong to?
- Redmond Jones.

Guys, I think we just found
the Boston Strangler.

- We should let Lieutenant Grant know.
- Let's bring this sucker home.

Rizzoli, hey.
The task force will take it from here.

You can't do that. It's my case.

Well, you're part of the task force.
Come along if you like.

Yeah, come along. It'll be fun.

Uh-uh, uh-uh.

- He asked me, Janie.
- Squeezing the orange, Frankie?

You get some juice?
It's a fast way to make detective.

Grant put me on the task force.
What do you want me to do? Say no?

Yeah, Frankie.



Hi, Daddy.

- Jane, are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Hi. What are you doing here?

What do you mean? Frankie said
they towed your car, you needed a lift.

- He's gonna make his first arrest.
- I know. That's great.

- That's great.
- I know.

How come you never asked me
to be a part of Rizzoli and Sons?

- Oh, now you wanna be a plumber?
- No.

I don't understand why you want Frankie
to take over the family business?

Frankie Jr? You two kids were never
interested in the business.

- You all right?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.

- I'll see you at home.
- Okay.

All right, guys. Way to go.

I heard. I'm sorry.

You should have seen them.

Grant and his task force.

Everybody celebrating.

It was a joke.

You know what? Just...
We get one body dropped in our laps.

We have two stranglings in one day.

We have no forensic evidence
and then bam, we find blood.

Maura says forensic evidence
doesn't waver...

...doesn't lie,
doesn't change its mind.

Hey, Frost, did Redmond Jones
have any blood work done recently?

Any doctor visits?

No, not that I could find.

I'm gonna check something.

He's sharing a cell with this guy,
Redmond Jones.

Well, Redmond Jones tells him the whole
story. All these girls that he strangled.

DeSalvo's such a nutcake,
he begins telling people it's him.

Boston Strangler's him.

Excuse me, Detective Leahy?

- Oh, hey, you're, uh, Dr. Isles.
- I am.

- It's nice to meet you.
- Oh, it...

- Do you have a minute?
- Why? What's up, doc? Ha, ha.

Go to the one on Boylston Street,
across from the Common.

It's a dialysis center there.

Yesterday, 2:00.

I checked the clinic's records, showed
Kenny's photo around. Alibi's solid.

- I can't explain. It's a gut thing.
- Understood.

Freeze. Blow that up.

There he is. Going in.

Shuttle forward.

Stop. Blow that up.

Five minutes later.

How long does dialysis take?

Couple hours.

That is a good alibi.

How many dialysis appointments
have you missed?

None. Every other day,
I'm in dialysis for hours.

I don't think that's possible.

You're exhibiting signs of renal failure.
I'm gonna go call you a doctor.

Hey, doc.

- What are you doing?
- Can't stop talking, can you?

- Do you know why you did it, detective?
- Yeah. I was in a bad mood, okay?

You have an obsession disorder.

You identified with the Boston Strangler.
And you became him.

- Because I can get help.
- Shut up. Just shut up!

The real killer is Redmond Jones.
You understand me?

Redmond Jones
is the Boston Strangler.

He's getting what he should have gotten
40 years ago.

By murdering three more women
and framing him.

Hey, Maura, check it out.

- Can you run this blood?
- Hey.

You are a good cop.

- For a girl.
- All right.

Your gun. Put it down.
Kick it over there.

- Don't do it, Jane.
- Shut the hell up.

Put the gun down.

Put it down, slow.

All right, now kick it over there.

You planted Redmond Jones' blood,
didn't you?

I still got some.

Home run.

That was just a base hit.

- You okay?
- Yeah.


Hey, did you ever talk to Marfan Man?


He called to thank me.

He found a specialist.

An international expert, actually.

Are you gonna see him again?

- I don't date patients.
- Ha, ha.

You don't wanna go out with him
because he's got some disease. Ha, ha.

His limbs are a little spidery.

- But that's not the only reason.
- Come on. Come on.

You gotta stop that.
You gotta stop diagnosing people.

- Can we just talk about your love life? I...
- Okay.


I date two kinds:
The kind that hates that I'm a cop.

And the kind that wants me to use
the handcuffs.

Okay, watch this. Ready?
Three, two, one.

- Ha-ha-ha!
- See you.

He was fast. Ha, ha.

- Hi.
- He's smiling.

- "I like handcuffs." All right.
- Ha-ha-ha.


So who do you think
the original Boston Strangler was?

I don't think we'll ever know.

Oh, yay.

Good job, Rizzoli.

Yeah, uh, while Kenny was trying
to kill Dr. Isles over here...

...I was looking for you
so you'd have that arrest.


I owe you a massive apology.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, I can tell from the nasty face
you're making.

Oh, that's not because of you, Jane.
He has bullous lesions.

- I have what?
- Blisters.

- How'd you know that?
- You were limping.

Right. I was limping. Can I sit down?

- Yes.
- No.

Didn't have to wear these big-boy shoes
in the Drug Unit.

You're not gonna take those off
in here?

No, I'm not.

- I can take a look at your bullous lesions.
- Maura, come on.

- I'm just saying.
- Thank you.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry we got off
to such a bad start on our first case.

I wasn't cheating off you
in the catechism test.

I saw you looking at it.

Oh, you saw me looking,
but I wasn't looking at your paper.

See you soon.

Oh, shut up.