Rise and Fall (2023): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

The Grafters complete more Over Time - can one of them rise to the luxury penthouse and become a Ruler?

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16 strangers from all walks of life

are living in this iconic
London tower.

Some seized power

and are the Rulers at the top...

There's a bar.

..the rest have become Grafters

living a life of hard work in
the basement...

It is grotesque.

..as they battle to win up
to £100,000.

the penthouse is split...

I don't think it's fair
for you to tell me

I need to communicate how I feel.

It's a fucking game plan.

..two new grafters arrived...

Oh, my God! Hello!

..and the most shocking
red room yet.

I feel like the empathy
wasn't evident.

Will there come a point where you do
that in this red room?

When I leave this red room,
I feel like in the penthouse,

we're struggling to be
with you as your character.

Tonight, the Grafters clash...

It's fucking mental.

It's not mental in a bad way.

It is mental because you pulled
a fake neck injury

and now all of a sudden you,
you want to go up.

It's slippery.
I can't stand slippery people.

What we need to do
is form an alliance.

We've just got to stick together.

..penthouse tensions grow...

She keeps saying stuff like,
we're all on the same page.

She's a fucking snake.

..and the next Grafter rises.

The Grafter who will rise
to power is...

The gap between the top and bottom
has never been closer.

This is Rise and Fall.

The red room is tense.

With two votes each
for Marina and Rishika,

the remaining votes are about
to be revealed

by Matt and new Ruler James.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Matt voted for...


I make decisions based on
what's in front of me

and...and, Rachel, you're fabulous,

but I just haven't seen enough
of you.

You were quite quiet in here tonight

and I just want...a bit more fire.

James voted for...


Bang. Oh, she's gone. She's gone.

The strongest one's out.

I do respect you as a woman,
and what you represent,

but, ultimately, I've had to think
with my head here

and I'm going with my head
with my decision,

and to see you crumble,

and I feel like I might have seen
you crack today,

that is a cause of concern

in the longevity of
the rest of us as Rulers.

Rishika has lost her power.

Rishika must leave immediately.

Hold your head up high, Rishika,
you're amazing.

Stay powerful, guys. Thank you.

I feel shocked,

and I feel like I was viewed
as too much of a threat

for them to keep me in there...

..and, to be honest, I would rather
go out being a threat

than being a bad leader.

With Rishika fallen,

Moses is giving a sermon
on Ruler game play.

The Rulers up there,
I think they're very smart.

What they're doing is,

they're keeping the weak people till
the very end -

cos I feel like Rishika,
they were very threatened by her

and they want her gone.

And they're going to easily get rid
of Rachel when they want to. Yeah.

They're going to easily get rid
of Matt when they want to.

I don't think the right person went.

This is all about friends.
This is all about alliances.

I don't think it's really about
leadership up there at the moment.

I'm just really pleased she can
leave with her head held high

and she absolutely deserves
the dignity she's left with

and I think we've all learnt
a lot from her.

I, I know I absolutely have.

Obviously, it is upsetting,

because I am - you guys you know

that I'm really close to Rishika,
as well.

I just didn't expect Rishika to go.

I think she was really like
a genuine friend.

I also feel like I'm
a bit vulnerable as well

because she was my alliance
and I think without her,

like, I feel at the moment like
alone a little bit.

Do you want a drink or anything?

Champagne, cos it's in the fridge.

That was a tough one.

Thank you.

Rishika needs to understand

that I had no control
over her going.

I knew she was going to receive
three votes,

and James, being
the significant vote,

was going to vote for Rishika,
so I voted for Rachel.

It's also a little bit strategic,

cos I think Marina thinks
she's got me

wrapped round her little finger.

I had to appear
as though my alliance

was with Marina in order
for her to continue

to believe that I'm wrapped round
her little finger

but I'm fucking not.

Thank you. It's OK, it's OK.

It's not a celebratory drink.

No, it's not a celebratory drink,
it's just a drink.

To take the edge off,
that's fucking rough man.

I feel like my position at
the moment is quite secure.

I know I cast the deciding vote,

but everyone seems to be OK with
the decision that I've made.

It would be nice if everyone
could stay,

but ultimately the game
isn't like that.

For you to have done that
three times

and I know you were closest
to Rishika.

Mm-hm. It's fucking hard, and I
just - I salute you for being here.

Thank you.

It's OK. Sorry.

I am obviously close to Rishika.

Erm, but I definitely wanted
to prove myself today

because I'm listening to everyone.

I am listening to everyone but, erm,
it is obviously hard,

but obviously I did... obviously I
was taken aback a little bit

when you did say, like, you felt
like I was only here cos of Rishika,

because Rishika kept me. No, no.
I was a bit like...

We saw Rishika as the one
with the lot of power. Mm.

And because you were so close
to her, I thought, like,

it was almost like...
in an untouchable sense. Mm.

I'm really sorry to interrupt.
I would love to talk to you, but...

Yeah. ..can we do it in the morning?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Because I think we both just need to
process what's happened. Yeah.

But there's - I've got nothing
against you.

Yeah. No, I know, I know.

But, I thought we'd do it in
the morning. Yeah. We'll be fine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Thanks, Matt.

We'll be... We'll be cool. Yeah.

Oh, I so need to sleep properly.

Who did Matt vote, Rachel?


He's never had a vote, though,

so he must have
a lot of influence up there.

He doesn't really get involved in
arguments, bruv,

he just sort of chills, don't he?

He always kind of votes for the one
who's definitely going -

or, today, he voted for Rachel -
and nobody else voted for Rachel,

which I thought was interesting.

I can't put my finger on
who's pulling the strings up there,

but I'm awfully suspicious
about Matt.

He always just seems
to fly under the radar slightly.

If you keep up what you're doing...

..and knowing you're doing
yourself proud,

you're not the next to go,
because we still need your skills.

That's just my...

That's just my opinion.

Goodnight, Marina!
Goodnight, Cheryl!

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Don't worry, Cheryl,

there's no bed bugs
in the penthouse.

I put them all in the basement.

Another night has passed
without incident

and the Grafters are about
to wake to greet the day.

They just don't know it yet.
Cue alarm.


Ready? Good morning.

Good morning, bro.

Everyone feeling fine
from yesterday's food?

I think being down here, though,

with the tiredness and everything,
I feel really lost.



The soup.

You get it for breakfast,
lunch, dinner.

I've had one cup and thrown it up.

I'm literally eating
four bread rolls a day.

You want to be
the best you can be

in such a shit situation
in the basement.

You can't, because you've got no
energy and no drive,

because you're so hungry.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention, please.

Tonight, there will be a rise vote.

The Grafter who rises to become
a Ruler

will be immune from
the next elimination.

Who are you thinking about tonight?


I mean, it just...doesn't
look particularly fun up there.


And I think it's designed to bring
out the worst in you,

that's what it's there to do. So...

I'm not... I'm not a power
hungry person.

I'm one of those people
who's not yet... I'm not ready.

Cos you need to kind of work your
way up from the bottom.

Some people don't like doing
that, though.

Well, you're going to have
to like doing it here, Rossi,

because only a Ruler
can win that final prize.

So, erm, we...

Um... You're the interviewer.

So, Jeff. Moses.

What do you think about your
housemates, so far?

Er, I have struggled,
to say the least,

to try to be...street wise.

Not, street wise I'm very street -
but cool. Yeah.

Come in.Come in.

Oh, I didn't mean
to lock you out, mate.

This is a big interview,

and I am being interviewed. Take a
seat please. Sit here. Are you sure?

You are the arbitrator. Thank you.

That's all right. Anyways, I'm just,
I'm just going to cut to the chase.

Go on, ask me the questions.

Do you want to win or lose?
I want to win. Cool.

Let me tell you how I think
we could potentially win. Mm-hm.

What we need to do
is, one, form an alliance,

which I think naturally we have.

It's not... It's not going to be
by force

and I think, and I think, I think.

A mad woman,
a mad man and a mad old man.

Moses and Sophie, they said,

"Would you like to be a part of
an alliance?"

Us three, with a fantastic plan
to get upstairs.

We've just got to stick together,
and that's basically it.

So, I'm going to bounce off before
we look suspicious, too suspicious.

I think having Jeff on my side,

it will be amazing,
because I feel like me and him

are already going to get along
very, very well

and I think Sophie
is just strong minded,

and if I'm going to go up to
the penthouse,

I need someone like her by my side.

Moses is masterminding his route
to power -

and, upstairs, Matt's masterminding
his way around a muffin.

How's everyone feeling?

I feel ready for tonight,
I feel ready.

Yeah, I feel refreshed.
Yeah, I agree,

and I think we just need to hit the
ground running today.

Last night, you know,
it was a low feeling we all had

but I think today, a new day.

I think it was so intense
last night. Yeah.

But I know that decisions
needed to be made,

and we all had to fight
our own corner.

It was hard, erm, yeah.

And obviously, I'm the elephant in
the room, as I voted for you. Yeah.

I did. It was nothing personal.
It's just how I feel.

For me, it was obviously really

As you guys know,
I'm really close to Rishika.

It will be interesting to see
how she works without Rishika.

She definitely leaned
on Rishika a lot

and I hope she'll come in
with that fire and that voice -

but is it too late?

Who would you like,
who would you like to see up here?

What are we missing, as Rulers?

Right now, we kind of need
a little bit more people

who process things
with, like, more thought,

rather than go through emotions
and go through their feelings.

Connor is very logical.
I know, like... Yeah.

Even though he's like a bit of
a Queen diva, right,

he loves, he loves it all, but he...

when he needs to strip that away

and think about the logical side of
things, he's actually pretty good.

Yeah. I see that shine
through and through

and I feel that he needs
that little bit of push,

cos he can fucking do it. Yeah.

Operation Connor is on the go.

Marina and I have already been
trying to filter in the fact

that we want him up here

and we already have Cheryl on side.

I'm hoping he's doing his best
to fight his corner down there

so he can get up here.

Hmm, funny you should say
that, James.

The reason I want to stay up there,

is obviously I'd love to get you
Grafters up there

as soon as possible.

I want to assess situations
up there.

I think, like, verbally,
I say it how it is, you know. Yeah.

I'm not going to go up there and be
a bitch, cos I'm not a bitch anyway,

I haven't got the energy
to be a bitch.

I know that some of you don't
want to be pushed too far

but I know there's some,
some of you that do.

Exactly. I know you guys
benefit from the rewards,

and I will express that.

I would really love to rise
to the penthouse,

I've got my strategy in place.

I've played a game and I do believe
I'm playing it quite well.

I've got strong alliances up there

and if that gets me to win,
then great.

Do you think that you would be able
to get on side

people like Rachel and Cheryl
quite easily?

Yeah. Where does that leave,
I guess,

James and Marina, sort of thing?

James and Marina,
I've grafted with so, like...

I, I, I can't make decisions until
I'm up there,

who's going...
Do you know what, though?

No, I think once you're up there
you can form

an alliance obviously with James,

and Matt will probably be in
your little group.

It's who benefits the Grafters,

who's helping the Grafters,
who's helping with the prize fund.

Yeah. If someone's not really,
is a dead weight,

then, to me, they are the ones
that should go.

I know I'm very head-strong.

I'm very confident in what I say

and just by my charm alone,

I'm sure that will get me
to the top.

Ooh, doesn't London look nice?

But don't be fooled, the capital
is awash with hustlers, dreamers

and Connor, who after failing
the persuade the Rulers

in the last rise vote,

is campaigning once again
to get in the penthouse.

Obviously, you know my,
I've said it to all of you,

you, I know your limits,

I know your strengths
and I know you love rewards

and I will fight for that.

I definitely believe I've got
the strongest case.

No-one else is really giving their
full 100%, so,

you know, I'm literally giving my
all to be up there.

Yeah, Connor,
you're definitely going.

Jeff? What are you saying?

I think, Jeff,
it might be a good idea.

Jeff is one of the most easy going,

trustworthy guys so far.

No matter what happens,
we will always work well.

I've got a headache.
I've just got a...

As in a physical headache?
What's that?

Do you, can you get in there really
tight and can you...?

Yeah, sit down. Do you... Can I go
in there?

Oh, he wants your strong hands.

Fucking hell.

What is going on?
That's just fucking weird.

Does he want to chat with him?

Yeah, of course he does.

If somebody comes in,
I'm going to sit on here and just,

just stand behind me just,
just so, OK, go on. No, it's OK.

So, what's happening?

So, if you or Connor goes,
you pitch yourself perfectly,

tell them how you
want to make changes, etc, etc.

They pick you, fantastic,

because now we have someone that's
an alliance,

me and Sophie, up there.

All you need to do is get close
to Rachel,

get close to Marina,
whoever you can get close to.

If we have you up there from
early, great,

and whenever it's time
for this side in,

if me and Sophie puts ourselves
to go up next,

or whatever, you just have to pick

I think my time has come
to be in the penthouse.

I'm here to win.

I haven't spent six days of my life
in the basement not to win.

I don't know what
to make of that. That's weird,

That's suss. Yeah. Very suss.

Jeff and Moses aren't

the only ones making secret plays
for power.

Do you not think, do you not think
one of us is going,

then one of us is up?

I'll vote for you if you
want to go.

All right, fuck it, I'll do that
then. I'm going to put myself up.

Really? Cool. Tonight.

My biggest allies are Connor,
Sydney and Rossi, 100%.

If me and you go,
one of us will be there.

Yeah. We're guaranteed
to be one of us there.

We know what we've got to do
to get everyone else up.

Tonight, me and Connor.
Is everyone happy with that?

Yep. I'm happy.

Eventually there'll be
a whole penthouse of Grafters

and we're living the dream.

Your neck.
Is your neck all right, is it?

Yeah, yeah, it is,
it came out of nowhere.

Fucking hell, Jeff, if you want to
pull him for a chat, mate, just pull

You ain't got to pull
a neck muscle, mate.

Fuck me.

Up in the penthouse,
it's my new favourite thing.

Cheryl shouting, "No!" at landmarks.

What's this, then,
here with the flag on it?

That's the House of Commons.

No. I'm sitting looking at
the Houses of Commons?

And right, and right behind
the House of Commons is Big Ben.


Attention, please.


Would Matt and Marina please report
to the Red Room for

a test of their leadership skills.


Exciting. I think a good test of
the leadership.

See you later.

Hi, James! Oh, hello.

We're off for our leadership skills
to be tested.

I do not trust Marina.

I also think she has not proved that
she's a competent Ruler.

As it is today,

I've got more to offer as
a Ruler than Marina.

Hello. Got a bit of a party going

Rulers, you are about to go head to
head to

try to earn more money for
the prize fund.

Today, Grafters will be working

overtime pumping up as many balloons
as they can in

a two-hour time limit.

You will each be responsible
for managing

a team of two Grafters

and setting the target they have
to reach.

The Ruler whose team successfully
fulfils the highest target wins.

Matt and Marina can hand-select two
Grafters each

for this overtime shift,
but they'll have

to think carefully,
because only one can win.

Each fully inflated balloon is
worth £20. OK.

You must now pick your Grafters.

It's really important for me
to appear and to look,

you know, competent in front of
the other Rulers,

you know, I'm strategic,

I'm smart, but I'm also quite modest
in victory - if I win.

Rulers, please input your target

I see the overtime shifts as
a way to replenish

and restock, because you didn't earn
any money yesterday.

Hmm, fair enough.
We just need to know one thing.

How many balloons can they blow?

Oh, here we go.

Grafters, today there's a chance
to add more money to

the prize fund by working overtime.

You will be going head-to-head
in teams of two.

The teams will be pumping up as many
balloons as possible in two hours.

Oh, that's long.

I chose Joanna and Eddy
to be on my team.

I set a target of 100 balloons.

If you complete this,
you will earn us £2,000.

Wow. Love that, Marina. Well

And I have chosen Moses and Sydney.

I've never tied a balloon, guys.


And I have set a target
of 320 balloons in the two hours.

Fuck! 320 balloons?

If you complete this,

you will add £6,400 to
the prize fund.

Come on, guys.

Bruv, that's a lot of balloons.
You'll be fucked, geez.

How's that possible? It is possible.
It is.

It's ambitious, but I think
it's achievable.

My logic was, one per minute,
very achievable,

but I wanted to give them
a 20-minute grace period.

Come on.

I don't think she's thought about it
very carefully.

100 balloons in two hours?

And her reasons for doing so is
a load of rubbish.

Literally, I'm like, sitting their

"What are you talking about?"

Welcome to the pump house, where
the Grafters hope

to turn hot air into cold, hard

Can Moses and Sydney out-puff Eddy
and Joanna?

It's time to blow hard or
blow home!

Obviously they can't go home,
but, you know...

Right, your pile is considerably
larger than our pile.

Look at the conditions.

Attention, please.

Your work shift begins...


I don't think I've ever actually
used one of these before. Hang on.

Ah, this is weird.

Oh, it looks tough, though, don't

I hate balloons.

It is the one thing that makes my
skin crawl.

Glad have you on board
for this one, then, Joanna.

The target is a bit crazy.

The expectation was so high.

But I think I have the stamina
and I do have the endurance.

This is finally my chance
to show my ability

to put some money in the prize pot.

Long, pull it long, then just round
your fingers. OK?

To me, it's really important
to add money to the prize pot.

Like, that's what everyone's here

Yeah, I can't get in about it
with my nails.

No, that's cool,
we're making it work.

Well done, well done, Moses.

Both of our teams are doing a really
good job. Yeah.

Do you know what,
the tying is really fiddly?

I just can't get it.

Why don't I, shall I tie
and you do that for a while?

Yeah.Shall we do that?

What? Was that a blue one?

Oh, my God.

I don't know how we're
going to do this whole 320.

It's looking very, very hard.

Oh, don't be deflated, Moses,

you'll set a bad example to
the balloons.

Did you have any anxieties about
coming in here? What did you think?

I thought, like, people would find
me a bit overpowering,

intense, bitchy, chaotic,

a C word.

Loads of things.

The comradery's great in
the basement.

It's weird, because you get
to know people in there

and you feel like the bond between
people becomes

like nothing I've ever felt before.

Ed, you're going to tire yourself
out like that.

Oh, my God. You all right? Yeah.

You seem out of breath, are you OK?
The last one was really hard. Yeah.

They make a good team,
Moses and Sydney.

Matt's estimation is high,

but I've gone for the safe option

and they're
going to absolutely smash it.

Oh, my neck.

I want the Grafters

to see me as someone that they can
count on.

One of the worst things that can
possibly happen is just,

yeah, not finishing it.

I think we're doing OK.
We are. We're on 90.

Oh, you do feel high.

Who needs drugs?

Drugs are for the mugs.

I was tingling all over.
I thought I was going to faint.

I think just keep going, let's not
think about the time. Yeah.

I'm not sure you can keep up using
your mouth.

No, no, she'll pass out.

After only 40 minutes...

98. We've got two more.

We need 200 more in 80 minutes.

I wanted to go low as well.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

A bit lower, but I thought,
"Don't be safe."


I took a different angle.

I realise that maybe wasn't
the right move here.

I think it's these two
and then we're done.

99. 100...

100, Eddy.

Well done, well done.
Thank you for saving my neck.

Well done, Joanna and Eddy.

Yes. Good work.

I didn't make the right
decision today,

and ultimately how can
the other Rulers be confident in me?

So I need to really adapt
to that situation.

It's going to be down to
the line. Just keep on going.

You can do this. You've got this.

As Eddy and Joanna now twiddle
their thumbs,

in the penthouse, Rachel is about to
face a trial of her own.

What do you do, Rachel, do you mind,
do you mind me asking you?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a social media
influencer. Yeah. I do... Obviously,

cos you're fabulous and I know that.
Erm, I do fashion,

erm, I also do make-up
and lifestyle. Do you?

Yeah, and I do like, with my
YouTube videos as well,

I tend to do, like, problem-solving
skills, which is dilemma videos.

I'm still like, "What,
what's happening?"

I don't know what's happening,
I can't make heads or tails of it.

Attention, please.
One hour remaining.

Here we go.

198, 200, you've done 200.

Yeah, amazing.

Oh. Got this!

I couldn't have been partnered
with somebody better.

I think me and him worked
so well. I think we're both chill.

I think that was
a really good choice by Matt.

Between them, the team work,

not just between the
respective teams, but together.

Yeah, come on.

Wow, work it baby.

Sydney, she's pumping away
and Moses is blowing and pumping.

It's seriously impressive,
watching them work together.

With just 12 minutes to go...

Home straight, home straight.


Come along guys.

I actually could have pushed them
even more.

I just want to hit that target,
I'm desperate to hit that target.

I'm the most competitive person
you'll ever meet.

I want to win this and
I'm desperate to win it.

We've only got one more,
is that right? Yeah.

Fuck. Last one. Whoo!

Oh, my goodness. Whoo!

absolutely unbelievable.

Oh, my God.
I can't believe we did that.



You have earnt £6,400 for
the prize fund.

I feel amazing.

I've added an additional £6,400
to the money that's

going to be mine at the end.
I feel great.

Oh, I'm fucking buzzing.


Hi, guys. Hello.

I can tell by your face right now.
Yeah, you're trying to keep your...

No, we didn't, I, I'm really sorry.

We were both, basically we were both
way too pushy and...

Are you lying? No, no, like, no,

I'm sorry, what?


I can tell by your face. I knew it.
Did you do it? Matt? £6,400.


Oh, my God, I was so pleased.

The prize pot now is at 25 grand.

That is amazing. 25, 6 or

All round here, right, listen,

how well are we working together
right now, please? So well, so well.

Power is shifting in
the penthouse.

Tonight, the third Grafter will
rise, meaning that,

for the first time, the original
Rulers will lose their majority.

Us, as original Rulers, the first...

They're going to literally
take us one by one.

Yeah, they're going to take us one
by one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

They're going to try
and get their mates up. Yeah, 100%.

I suppose that's the risk
with what we're doing.

Marina thinks I'm wrapped round her
little finger.

Does she?

Yeah. Really?

So if I voted for her...
Why, why do you say that?

Oh, cos she keeps saying stuff like,
"We're all on the same page,"

to me and Cheryl and I'm looking
and I'm thinking,

"I ain't on your fucking page."

You must understand,
I am my own fucking person.

Exactly, yeah. Now Marina has a,
like she has a,

she has a bit of power, because...

No, she hasn't,
she's a fucking snake.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She wanted
James up here. She was like,

"Pick James, pick James, you know.

Why? Because he's an ally. Yeah.

I think Marina's middle name
is Insincere.

She's back-tracking.

I don't trust her.

Jack and Connor thought they were
running unopposed tonight.

Guys, I've put my name forward.

You want to put your name forward?

Fuck me, Jeff, mate. Jeffrey!

That's what I've done.

But at the final furlong,
Jeff has entered the race.

My head has come off.

I don't know what is going on.

Jeff, honestly, mate,

I don't know if he knows what day of
the week it is,

the geezer sometimes,
so frustrating.

It's fucking mental,
it's mental, bruv.

It's not mental. It is mental, cos
you pulled a fake neck injury

and now all of a sudden you
want to go up.

Like, if you've got something
to say, say it.

There's no point us turning on
each other now.

No-one's turning on each other.

I know, but we don't
want to all get heated,

That's what... I just want everyone
to just do what we

need to do for the Grafters.

How are you going to trust someone
to go up there

after what you've
just done in front of us there?

It's slippery and I can't stand
slippery people.

Attention, please.

Grafters, it is time to vote.

You cannot vote for yourself.

I voted Jeff, because he really
wants to go up.

So I've had a game plan for a while.

The first step was to get James up.

Obviously we succeeded in that.

The next step is Connor,

then hopefully me or
Jack will be up next.

Things are very intense at
the moment,

people don't know where to vote,
who to vote for,

people are now starting
to not trust each other down in

the basement, it's insane.

I voted for Jeff.

I just felt like it would be good

to have him up there as an alliance.

All votes are locked.

So who did Moses, then, vote for?
He would've voted for Jeff.

Are you sure? 100%. Them two are
like that, mate, and if goes up,

Jeff goes up, then we're fucked.
It's fine for Connor to go up

a third time,
do you know what I mean?

Of course it is.
We'll have to get Moses out.

Moses, I can figure
he's very eager to get to the top,

but he's got to realise
he's been here a day.

I think he looks at me
as his biggest threat in here,

100%, so I'd be trying to stir
the pot a bit as well.

What a fucking day, mate.

Oh, how are you?
Yeah, I'm all right.

Attention, please.

The results of the Rise vote are...

Jack received two votes.

Connor received three votes.

Jeff received five votes.

Here I am with five votes,
and a popular being it would appear.

Connor and Jeff received
the most votes.

They will rise
to the penthouse imminently.

Well done, boys. Go, get it.

So I pray that Connor doesn't come
back down that lift tonight

because Jeff is being all pally
with Moses.

My chances of getting up there
are slim.

Make sure you've got it.

Cos I'll come up there and chuck you
off the penthouse side. Good luck.

Good luck, guys.

I'm now up for a second chance,

but I, at present,
don't trust anybody.

That's the spirit, Jeffrey.

Would Connor and Jeff enter
the lift immediately?

Jeffrey! Good luck.

I'll do what I've got to do.

See you later.

Come on, boys!

Two Grafters rise, but only one can
stay and become a ruler.

# Gimme a rule and I'll break it

# Your conscience needs a shakin'

# I've been here before

# I know the mistakes
you'll be makin'. #

Oh, fucking hell.

Do you all feel nervous
before someone's coming in?

I hate the waiting.
The suspense. Yeah.

Personally, the worst outcome is
probably Connor not coming up.

It would just throw a spanner
in the works and

the plans that we've got together.

Look, it's lit up. Oh, my God!

I don't want James and Marina
to have another ally.

If that is the case,
then we're all fucked.

Oh, my gosh! Oh!

Doors opening.


I'm back!

Are you OK? Oh, I knew it. I'm OK.

Long-time no see. Long time.

I can't explain how happy I am
to see Connor.

Connor is part of the alliance.

He's part of the game plan.

Phase three or four, or whatever
phase we're on, is in motion,

it's going to happen.
I'm so, I'm so ecstatic.

So weird seeing you two
in bougie outfits.


And obviously,
I'm in a toothpaste-filled...


That's why you don't shake it,
my love. Oh, no!

I feel like now is my time
to be a Ruler.

I'm strong, I'm strong-minded,
I'm still not broken down there.

Oh, God, I know, I see it.

And they all turn round.
I knew, I knew. I believe ya.

I'm someone here that actually wants
to be up here tonight, OK?

If Connor comes back tonight,
right? He's going to be so...

He'll be finished. Easy.

You can't come back down twice,
mate. That's a shambles.

Three aces.
Can you imagine losing to Jeff?

He's going to just,
he's going to walk out.

I would. I wouldn't even come back
and show my face.

I'd just say I was left up there.

If I was them, I would,
with no connections,

I would pick Jeff every time.

I know he hasn't got any connections
down in the basement as strongly

as somebody like Connor would,

and I'm thinking,

well, there's a guy coming,
or a girl coming,

from the basement tomorrow...

..that's going to be three people
from the basement

against three in the penthouse.

I think I'd rather take Jeff.

That's why I should have gone up
cos I had a better chance,

cos at least she's got
something good to look at.

Something else that's good
to look at is that view,

and Connor's working hard
to cling onto it.

Honestly, can I just say?

You know what's going to happen
tonight. You can't say that.

No. Yeah, I can. I can say it.
Is it actually happening? Yeah.

Thank you. You are my...!
Thank you, James, that's very kind
of you.

Do you want the bottle,
or do you want a glass?

Glass - it's not my house.
It will be.

Ah, ha-ha, love it!

If I were to gravitate

to any one person up here,
it would be you.

In terms of alliances being formed,
I think...

..I think there's alliances
that have formed naturally up here.

Yes. There's three people here
that have formed an alliance,

which is a majority vote, so I think
we need to be aware

of alliances downstairs.

Be in no doubt,

Matt is worried for himself.

I don't think he has to be.
I think he's a very good operator.

Think about the people
that have risen so far.

Who would be allies to those?

Certainly Jack's new girlfriend,

Sydney? Sydney.

Yes. Ooh! OK.

Sydney was very close to James.

Yeah. OK. Mega close to James.

Jeff being...

..being a Ruler potentially can
shake the dynamic

a little bit, erm,
which could be a good thing for me.

He's not for alliances,
and I think that...

I think we need more people
like that.

What's your views of Marina?

I think that Marina is...

I may well be throwing myself
to the lions here.

Say it how it is, mate. Yeah.

I think that Marina is...
She's very head-strong. Yeah.

I believe she has made
major mistakes already.

Would you consider her...

..her view on the target
of 100 balloons a mistake today?

That decision was total
and utter immaturity. Yeah.

Marina has made it out that she's...
Everybody loves her.

Close to everyone, yeah.
She's really popular.

The second she's been up here,
she has changed.

I certainly don't have an ally
with Marina.

We need to be careful
about who we choose tonight

as a Grafter.

We need to choose somebody like us,

and I don't want James and Marina

to have another ally joining them.

After sweet-talking Rachel and Matt,

Jeff is about to try some of that
old-fashioned charm on Marina.

I'd like to ask
what YOU are looking for.

Do you want somebody that,

for example,
tries to form alliances?

No. Are you sure?

We don't need that, really.
We don't need it.

Well, I hope not, because if
you're looking for somebody that's

going to get into an alliance,

I am the wrong person,

because I don't do alliances either.

I'm very direct,

and if I feel that something
has to be done and said,

it is said carefully.

It's just I feel like that's not
something I've seen,

and I think being direct is

not something
that I've been shown by you.

Right. Let me help you.

And, and maybe there'll be other
situations where you will be.

Yeah. But it's not something that
I have currently seen,

and that's just me being
truly honest. That's fine.

Would it be fair to say that,

I must have a lot of indirectness

to have formed eight to ten

and well-known companies
without having been waffly?

Because I don't doubt
for one second, Marina...

I don't know your,
and I'm not digging here,

but at this point in time,
all we know about you

is that you gave up university
in the first year.

I am not...

What's this with the mouth?
I am not...

Because you're rude!

Jeff, that's a bit intense.

No, I'm just saying that I am not...

Don't make her cry.

Oh, no, no,
I don't want to do that.
No, no, no, no, no.

You don't come at an 18-year-old kid

and, like, comment
on her personal life

because she's decided to make
a decision on the outside world.

I will really give you
a mouthful if you want, Jeff.

SHOUTS: If you want, Jeff!

It's crunch time.

They must now decide
who to crown a Ruler

and who to send plummeting back down
to the basement, Jeff or Connor?

All Rulers report to the red room

Well, if this is the last time I see
you, Connor, better luck next time.

Take care now.
I look forward to seeing you.

Bye, guys. Bye, guys.

You think you'll get up here?

I'm not too sure.
It depends, you know.

Obviously, I get on with people,

but it's not all about
if you get on with people.

I am 90% certain
that I will rise.

I didn't upset anyone,

I gave my all,

I was positive.

So if they take that all onboard,

I'm sure I will succeed.

If Connor wants to come up, then
it'll leave me quite vulnerable

to be eliminated

because of the alliances
that have been formed.

I sound paranoid, but I'm not.

Voting for Connor will help me
survive as a Ruler

because we're close.

He's part of the alliance
with Marina

and part of the game plan

for the Grafters
to infiltrate the Rulers.

I think Connor has come in
with empathy,

compassion, drive.

He's resilient

and I know that he can make
those head-strong decisions,

and that is also
a pivotal part of his job

on the outside,
and I know he can bring that here.

He brings something very different
than the rest of us

because of who he is as a person,

I think his thought process
is very unique.

And he'll bring a good dynamic
for the shifts

because he's very close to them,
but he has

a lot of different relationships
than Marina and I did,

so I think he has
a lot of strengths.

The pros with Jeff is the fact
that he is head-strong,

he doesn't mind people
not liking his opinions.

He'll still stand firm
with what he believes in.

I think Jeff, being a Ruler,

potentially can shake
the dynamic a little bit,

which could be a good thing for me,

but then is it the right thing
to do?

He does have a number of businesses,
you know,

he knows how to make money,
and our job as Rulers is

to build the prize fund.

He's skilled,
he's got life experience,

he's business-minded,

but he should have really been
telling us why he wants a place

instead of bringing another Ruler's
personal issues into it,

which I did not like that.
That was a no-go for me.

He has courage. Yeah.

Coming in to the penthouse with us
and actually said what he thinks...

I mean, I didn't agree
with what he said at all,
but, you know,

to come into this environment
and say what you think,
it takes courage.

Yeah, it does take a lot of courage.
I get that, Matt, I totally do.

I think we all know
where we stand.

Totally. You know, we've been
through the pros and the cons
on both sides.

Rulers, please submit
your collective decision.



Grafter who will rise to power
as a Ruler

in the penthouse...



Thank you.
Send my love to all of them.

I wish you every possible success.

Get in there,
think of the guys downstairs.

You know that's my moral.
All I care about is you guys,

you know that.
You'll get your rewards.

I will fight for them.
Whatever I can be, a diva,

you know it's all from
the goodness of my heart.

Don't even go there, Connor.
And send my love to
my Rise And Fall husband.

I'll speak to you soon. Take care.

Oh, my God.

Lift falling.

I would love to go up there.

I would love to be there.

I'm too emotional to be
with a couple of the people there.

I'm too gentlemanly
to name her as Cheryl - oop!

Attention, please.

Oh, I can't look, I can't look.

I actually can't look.

I'm scared. Who is it?
Aw. Jeff!

Oh, yeah, OK. Jeffrey.

Jeff! Sorry, I'm happy to see you.

Yeah, we're happy to see you.
Hey, buddy.

Are you OK?

How was it, how, was it?
Of course I'm fucking OK. Look!


Jeffrey! Oh, Jeffrey!

He's done it!

Jeff has come out of the lift

and that means Connor's up,
so I'm like,

yes, game plan, it's in motion,
it's working,

it's all going to plan so far.

Marina, for the third time in a row,

she says,
"I'm not convinced about

"whether you are
a decisive person in business."

I said, "Look, let's work out,
what have you done Marina?

"You've been to university.
You copped out after a year."

Well done, Jeff. Did you say that?

I swear to God I said it!


The world collapsed. Oh, no!

Well, I suppose I don't have
to wear these any more.

Job done.

Attention, please.


you are now a Ruler.

Ruler's wield absolute power,

but with power,
comes responsibility.

Yes, it does.

You must now choose one Ruler

to fall to the basement

and replace you as a Grafter.

Oh, my God. You are fucking joking.

The Rulers are returning to the

Subtitles by Red Bee Media