Rex: A Cop's Best Friend (1994–2008): Season 4, Episode 6 - Der Mann mit den tausend Gesichtern - full transcript
This is a hold-up.
Put all the money in here.
The money!
Don't try that again.
Yes, I want four.
are you buying shares?
I was ordering ham rolls.
Somehow you look
so different today.
You mean
a bit more elegant?
A new shirt and new braces.
Alex is always
so well dressed
I thought I'd dress better too.
I bought something new too.
And I'd like to do away
with the tie.
It makes you look old.
- Even smarter!
- See?
Look at you, Alex.
You always look so elegant,
I thought I'd wear a tie.
Somehow it doesn't suit him.
Now you can't annoy me
with it any more.
So what now?
We were going to finish early
and have a beer.
- Yes.
- We will.
- Nobody's going to stop us.
- So let's go.
All right.
We can't have that beer
after all.
There's been a murder
in a supermarket in district 5.
There's a bullet lodged
in the body.
The time of death is known.
Let us have the projectile
very soon.
Of course.
After the post mortem.
See you.
- Where did he shoot from?
- From the cash register.
Quite a way.
And earlier he shot at you?
Not really. I tried to press
the alarm button and he fired.
So I moved my hand at once.
Notice anything special,
like a watch or jewellery?
No, nothing.
And was he nervous
or quite calm?
When he was shopping
he looked like an old man
but he walked away very fast.
A witness saw a man
who fits the description.
He went around the corner
to a peep show.
A police patrol checked,
but didn't find him.
Does the video camera record
or just monitor?
It wasn't switched on.
Rex, you're not allowed in.
You're under 18.
How old is a dog at 18?
Compared to humans...
over 100 years.
At that age
he's past a peep show.
Hello. Anybody in?
Coming. Need some change?
- Change?
- You need coins to watch.
- So you've been here before?
- Yes, officially.
Hello, I'm Brandtner
from the Crime Squad.
My colleague Beck.
The police came and scared off
all our customers.
Was an elderly man here,
long white hair, light jacket?
Yes, he changed some money
and went into a cabin.
- When did he leave?
- I didn't see him leave.
I'm not aways here, I also
empty the slot machines.
- Did you see anyone leave?
- Several, but not him.
I don't look at them closely.
They don't like it.
Was he carrying anything?
A paper bag, I think,
but I'm not sure.
What was your impression?
Did he walk fast or slowly?
No idea. I had no impression.
He was just an old man.
were you successful?
- Catch the suspect?
- That'd be the clay.
He went to a peep show
after the hold-up.
A good hiding place.
He could wait there
until the search was over.
Right. But he must have left
fairly soon.
A police patrol was there
15 minutes after the hold-up
but he'd gone.
That goes against him
hiding there.
But what goes for it is that
the cabins lock from the inside.
It seems Christian has
investigated it at one stage.
Yes, officially.
You went to a peep show
It was before my official
transfer to this division.
I see.
Were you also officially
a builder?
If you want to eat
your ham roll later
it's advisable to safeguard it
from Rex.
Have there been
any similar cases?
Four unsolved
supermarket hold-ups.
During one
a person was wounded,
today was the first death.
We should compare the cases.
I have several identikits.
This was number one.
Number two.
He shot a person in the knee
when he tried to trail him.
Number three.
Number four.
Show me number one
again, please.
Looks like Elvis Presley.
Can you combine number two
and three?
Che Guevara.
And number four again.
Today's suspect had longer hair.
Add that in, please.
Now he looks like that famous
scientist... what's his name?
They're all disguises
of famous people.
It would be unusual
if five different men used
the same sort of disguise.
I'm pretty sure
it's always the same man.
Remove the hair and moustache
and superimpose them all.
That could be his real face.
A hold-up
in a supermarket today
ended in an exchange
of gunfire.
The manager died from gunshot
wounds soon afterwards.
The culprit escaped with
an unknown amount of money.
He is elderly,
with white hair.
Now for the weather...
On the radio they said that
a supermarket was robbed.
One person was killed
in the hold-up.
You killed someone.
It's too dangerous for me
to have you here.
Nobody will recognise me.
- I'll go soon anyway.
- Why don't you rob a bank?
Too much security.
One more job
and I'll have enough money.
For your bar in
the Mediterranean! Pipedreams!
Look, why don't we start
our show again?
You as Diego with the thousand
faces, me with the singing saw.
That's all over, you dreamer.
Christian, there's new evidence
that the same man is involved.
In two incidents, shots were
fired from the same weapon.
I visited three shops that sell
magic and masks. Nothing!
So I bought something nice
for Rex. Come here, Rex!
Got you!
Stop it, Rex!
Get him to stop.
That was expensive.
- How did you do that?
- I gave him a sign.
We communicate
with gestures.
- How does it work?
- I'll show you.
I'll try it, too.
- Any news from Hollerer?
- No.
I guess they'll work
through the night.
- There are so many theatres.
- And so many possibilities.
Make-up artists, hairdressers,
or anyone who had access
to those things.
I think this man
is a master of disguise.
That'll be Christian.
Hi, Rex.
This is a Ficus Benjaminus,
very precious and expensive.
I'm going inside anyway.
I've brought you something.
Thanks. It's very nice.
This is beautiful.
Really lovely.
- Did you teach him that?
- I had nothing to do with it.
Be glad it wasn't
the sand bag...
So I should be grateful?
- Did you give up your place?
- I was forced to.
Rex didn't want to leave.
What else could I do?
I wish someone would rent
a house for me.
Wait and see.
Here, last night I studied
the previous hold-ups.
- I noticed something.
- What?
This guy can hit a victim's
knee from a distance.
- Like in the supermarket?
- Exactly.
We're after a man who's good
at shooting and disguises.
I looked up a book
on circus artists.
- You think he's in a circus?
- Yes, or working in a show...
as a sharpshooter
or a disguise artist.
Good morning, Rex.
Thank you.
Nobody's woken me up
like that in ages.
- Morning.
- Morning, Alex.
Tell me, how was the theatre?
It went on forever.
Afterwards I visited
some performers' bars.
But nobody seems
to know our man.
We might find him
in a variety show or a circus.
Alex thinks he's a sharpshooter
or a quick-change artist.
Go to the variety show
in Anna Lane.
The director is a woman
called Claudine Potovsky.
She used to run an agency.
She knows all the artists.
That dog act is great.
You've got the job.
Sorry, the dog's taken.
By me.
What do you do?
Detective Brandtner.
I'm chasing a murderer.
This one.
The masks he wears
on his robberies are all expert.
No one comes to mind
right now.
He's also a sharpshooter.
Please wait a minute.
Have we got the job?
If the dog isn't yours,
who'll pull her skirt off?
I Will.
You have to give it back.
You have enough balls.
Sorry, the make-up remover
makes your hands greasy.
I might have something for you.
This could be him.
He appeared as a sharpshooter,
then as "Diego,
man of a thousand faces,"
a quick-change artist.
- Do you know his real name?
- No, he worked here years ago.
I finalised the contract
through an artists' agency.
Any idea where to find him?
He was friendly with the man
who played the music.
He lives in a caravan park
near Hagenbrunn.
- Do you know his name?
- Koller.
Christian, our man has a friend
named Koller
in a caravan park
near Hagenbrunn.
Drive over there. Thanks.
What else do you know?
Hello. My name's Beck,
Crime Squad.
I'm looking for a Mr Koller.
I'm Beck, Crime Squad,
looking for a Mr Koller.
Next door.
I see.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Can I help you?
- Maybe.
My name's Beck,
Crime Squad.
- Are you Mr Koller?
- Yes, I am.
- Come in.
- Thank you.
I was just practising.
Great... But I came
to ask you something else.
What can I do for you?
We're looking for a man
you know well.
A sharpshooter
and quick-change artist.
Diego, the man
with a thousand faces.
I haven't seen him
for a long time.
- What has he done?
- We're looking for him, okay?
- What's his real name?
- You don't know?
- I wanted you to tell me.
- His name's Paul Wallisch.
Where do I find
Paul Wallisch?
I haven't the faintest idea.
Look, in your trade you always
stay in touch somehow.
Still, I don't know
where he is.
If you do know
I'll get you as an accessory,
for aiding and
abetting and more.
My card.
In case it comes back to you.
Have a nice day.
That's him!
The question is where is he now
and what does he look like?
- Christian...
- Yes?
What did Koller say?
Diego's real name is Wallisch.
That's all he knew.
Not a hint where he might be?
I can't wash off
this greasy cream.
What cream?
In the caravan
I put my hands in a jar.
Brandtner here.
I need a police patrol to...
15 lndustrie Street,
an American caravan.
Please arrest two men,
Koller and Wallisch.
Be careful, Wallisch is armed.
Thank you.
- They'll get there before us.
- I don't quite understand.
The one you talked to
wasn't Koller. It was Wallisch.
That grease
is make-up remover.
I learnt that
at the variety show.
The police were here. I'm off.
Hands up!
You're under arrest!
For me?
- And I'm allowed to eat it?
- Yes.
Forget it! It could happen
to anyone.
Here, a gherkin
for your ham roll.
- Thanks. Very kind of you.
- To cheer you up.
We only found this man
in the van.
According to his papers
he's Thomas Koller.
- Thanks. Please take a seat.
- Please.
So, Mr Koller...
Paul Wallisch left you
some money and fled.
I advise you to tell us
Come in.
Got everything?
A Serbian passport,
driver's licence,
car registration papers.
- Looks good. Where's the car?
- Outside the hotel.
Mr Koller, this is the statement
of your testimony.
Wallisch lived with you,
you took no part in the raids.
All you know is he'll do one
more raid and then disappear.
We must take you into custody
as an accessory.
Please come with me.
Here are all the supermarkets
and peep shows.
He's under pressure,
he knows we're after him.
So he might even try
to pull a job tomorrow.
We can't watch
every supermarket.
Right. But there aren't
that many peep shows.
Koller said that Wallisch
took everything, but...
We might find something so Rex
can pick up Wallisch's scent.
No one knows what
he looks like right now.
This must be Wallisch's locker.
Only his vest is left.
Come here, Rex. There!
Now Rex knows
Wallisch's smell.
Look at this.
A catalogue
of all the peep shows.
How does Sch“nbrunn
fit into this?
No idea.
Schénbrunn has
a currency exchange.
- It's open today.
- Let's drive over.
Find him!
Check his car!
He's in the zoo.
Block all entrances.
- He'll change his disguise.
- But Rex has his scent.
I hope he'll keep it
among all these animal smells.
Without clothes
he can't disguise himself.
- He'll think of something.
- That's what I'm afraid of.
Move away!
Get the dog away
or something will happen.
Clear the pavillion!
Everybody lie down!
You too.
Close the shutters.
We're all set.
If you follow my instructions
nothing will happen to you.
Lie down!
And don't make any noise.
Mr Wallisch,
I'm Beck from the Crime Squad.
We've met.
We talked in the caravan.
- Where do we go from here?
- I bet you've searched my car.
I want the suitcase
with the money. Quickly!
I have to talk
to my superiors first.
I'll call you back.
Shall we give him the case
with the money?
Let him wait.
Keep talking to him.
Pretend we're negotiating
with the authorities.
What if he wants to talk
to them?
Get me.
According to the waiter
there are 8 to 10 guests inside.
And the boy.
There's only one entrance
and we can't see
what's going on inside.
- Should they bring the case?
- Yes.
But only if he'll release
some hostages in return.
He'll never agree to it.
He's too clever.
Maybe he'll let the boy go.
Is there another exit
besides this door?
No. Downstairs are the toilets
and the kitchen.
We've checked the case.
There's only money inside.
Should we install a microphone?
No, he won't keep the case
for long.
Let's swap the case
for the boy.
Your case is outside.
Let the boy go as we arranged.
You can go now.
Shit! He's conned us.
- I'll call him.
- Wait a few minutes.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
- What's happening?
- They're in a corner.
The man is aiming
the pistol at them.
Yes... yes...
I have to discuss it first.
He wants a bus so he can
drive off with the hostages.
I think I know his plan.
He'll dress up as a hostage
and we won't know who he is.
- Rex will sniff him out.
- Yes, he's our only chance.
Brandtner here.
What happened?
One hostage tried to escape.
I had to shoot.
- She's not badly injured.
- Release the injured at once!
Only when
the escape vehicle arrives.
Get up!
Get undressed!
Put your clothes on a chair.
Then go down to the kitchen.
Get undressed!
This bus should be okay.
Rex will recognise Wallisch
by his scent, no matter what.
As he enters the bus, Rex will
jump on him and throw him off.
And I'll fire from down there.
What you're planning
is very risky.
Everything okay?
The bus is here. You promised
to let the injured hostage go.
Okay. I'm sending her outside.
Attention! The injured hostage
is coming out.
What is it, Rex?
He's in the ambulance.
Wallisch is in the ambulance.
Come out, Mr Wallisch!
- There's no driver now.
- Not true.
He'll drive me.
Stay where you are.
You might fool me,
but not the dog.
This is a hold-up.
Put all the money in here.
The money!
Don't try that again.
Yes, I want four.
are you buying shares?
I was ordering ham rolls.
Somehow you look
so different today.
You mean
a bit more elegant?
A new shirt and new braces.
Alex is always
so well dressed
I thought I'd dress better too.
I bought something new too.
And I'd like to do away
with the tie.
It makes you look old.
- Even smarter!
- See?
Look at you, Alex.
You always look so elegant,
I thought I'd wear a tie.
Somehow it doesn't suit him.
Now you can't annoy me
with it any more.
So what now?
We were going to finish early
and have a beer.
- Yes.
- We will.
- Nobody's going to stop us.
- So let's go.
All right.
We can't have that beer
after all.
There's been a murder
in a supermarket in district 5.
There's a bullet lodged
in the body.
The time of death is known.
Let us have the projectile
very soon.
Of course.
After the post mortem.
See you.
- Where did he shoot from?
- From the cash register.
Quite a way.
And earlier he shot at you?
Not really. I tried to press
the alarm button and he fired.
So I moved my hand at once.
Notice anything special,
like a watch or jewellery?
No, nothing.
And was he nervous
or quite calm?
When he was shopping
he looked like an old man
but he walked away very fast.
A witness saw a man
who fits the description.
He went around the corner
to a peep show.
A police patrol checked,
but didn't find him.
Does the video camera record
or just monitor?
It wasn't switched on.
Rex, you're not allowed in.
You're under 18.
How old is a dog at 18?
Compared to humans...
over 100 years.
At that age
he's past a peep show.
Hello. Anybody in?
Coming. Need some change?
- Change?
- You need coins to watch.
- So you've been here before?
- Yes, officially.
Hello, I'm Brandtner
from the Crime Squad.
My colleague Beck.
The police came and scared off
all our customers.
Was an elderly man here,
long white hair, light jacket?
Yes, he changed some money
and went into a cabin.
- When did he leave?
- I didn't see him leave.
I'm not aways here, I also
empty the slot machines.
- Did you see anyone leave?
- Several, but not him.
I don't look at them closely.
They don't like it.
Was he carrying anything?
A paper bag, I think,
but I'm not sure.
What was your impression?
Did he walk fast or slowly?
No idea. I had no impression.
He was just an old man.
were you successful?
- Catch the suspect?
- That'd be the clay.
He went to a peep show
after the hold-up.
A good hiding place.
He could wait there
until the search was over.
Right. But he must have left
fairly soon.
A police patrol was there
15 minutes after the hold-up
but he'd gone.
That goes against him
hiding there.
But what goes for it is that
the cabins lock from the inside.
It seems Christian has
investigated it at one stage.
Yes, officially.
You went to a peep show
It was before my official
transfer to this division.
I see.
Were you also officially
a builder?
If you want to eat
your ham roll later
it's advisable to safeguard it
from Rex.
Have there been
any similar cases?
Four unsolved
supermarket hold-ups.
During one
a person was wounded,
today was the first death.
We should compare the cases.
I have several identikits.
This was number one.
Number two.
He shot a person in the knee
when he tried to trail him.
Number three.
Number four.
Show me number one
again, please.
Looks like Elvis Presley.
Can you combine number two
and three?
Che Guevara.
And number four again.
Today's suspect had longer hair.
Add that in, please.
Now he looks like that famous
scientist... what's his name?
They're all disguises
of famous people.
It would be unusual
if five different men used
the same sort of disguise.
I'm pretty sure
it's always the same man.
Remove the hair and moustache
and superimpose them all.
That could be his real face.
A hold-up
in a supermarket today
ended in an exchange
of gunfire.
The manager died from gunshot
wounds soon afterwards.
The culprit escaped with
an unknown amount of money.
He is elderly,
with white hair.
Now for the weather...
On the radio they said that
a supermarket was robbed.
One person was killed
in the hold-up.
You killed someone.
It's too dangerous for me
to have you here.
Nobody will recognise me.
- I'll go soon anyway.
- Why don't you rob a bank?
Too much security.
One more job
and I'll have enough money.
For your bar in
the Mediterranean! Pipedreams!
Look, why don't we start
our show again?
You as Diego with the thousand
faces, me with the singing saw.
That's all over, you dreamer.
Christian, there's new evidence
that the same man is involved.
In two incidents, shots were
fired from the same weapon.
I visited three shops that sell
magic and masks. Nothing!
So I bought something nice
for Rex. Come here, Rex!
Got you!
Stop it, Rex!
Get him to stop.
That was expensive.
- How did you do that?
- I gave him a sign.
We communicate
with gestures.
- How does it work?
- I'll show you.
I'll try it, too.
- Any news from Hollerer?
- No.
I guess they'll work
through the night.
- There are so many theatres.
- And so many possibilities.
Make-up artists, hairdressers,
or anyone who had access
to those things.
I think this man
is a master of disguise.
That'll be Christian.
Hi, Rex.
This is a Ficus Benjaminus,
very precious and expensive.
I'm going inside anyway.
I've brought you something.
Thanks. It's very nice.
This is beautiful.
Really lovely.
- Did you teach him that?
- I had nothing to do with it.
Be glad it wasn't
the sand bag...
So I should be grateful?
- Did you give up your place?
- I was forced to.
Rex didn't want to leave.
What else could I do?
I wish someone would rent
a house for me.
Wait and see.
Here, last night I studied
the previous hold-ups.
- I noticed something.
- What?
This guy can hit a victim's
knee from a distance.
- Like in the supermarket?
- Exactly.
We're after a man who's good
at shooting and disguises.
I looked up a book
on circus artists.
- You think he's in a circus?
- Yes, or working in a show...
as a sharpshooter
or a disguise artist.
Good morning, Rex.
Thank you.
Nobody's woken me up
like that in ages.
- Morning.
- Morning, Alex.
Tell me, how was the theatre?
It went on forever.
Afterwards I visited
some performers' bars.
But nobody seems
to know our man.
We might find him
in a variety show or a circus.
Alex thinks he's a sharpshooter
or a quick-change artist.
Go to the variety show
in Anna Lane.
The director is a woman
called Claudine Potovsky.
She used to run an agency.
She knows all the artists.
That dog act is great.
You've got the job.
Sorry, the dog's taken.
By me.
What do you do?
Detective Brandtner.
I'm chasing a murderer.
This one.
The masks he wears
on his robberies are all expert.
No one comes to mind
right now.
He's also a sharpshooter.
Please wait a minute.
Have we got the job?
If the dog isn't yours,
who'll pull her skirt off?
I Will.
You have to give it back.
You have enough balls.
Sorry, the make-up remover
makes your hands greasy.
I might have something for you.
This could be him.
He appeared as a sharpshooter,
then as "Diego,
man of a thousand faces,"
a quick-change artist.
- Do you know his real name?
- No, he worked here years ago.
I finalised the contract
through an artists' agency.
Any idea where to find him?
He was friendly with the man
who played the music.
He lives in a caravan park
near Hagenbrunn.
- Do you know his name?
- Koller.
Christian, our man has a friend
named Koller
in a caravan park
near Hagenbrunn.
Drive over there. Thanks.
What else do you know?
Hello. My name's Beck,
Crime Squad.
I'm looking for a Mr Koller.
I'm Beck, Crime Squad,
looking for a Mr Koller.
Next door.
I see.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Can I help you?
- Maybe.
My name's Beck,
Crime Squad.
- Are you Mr Koller?
- Yes, I am.
- Come in.
- Thank you.
I was just practising.
Great... But I came
to ask you something else.
What can I do for you?
We're looking for a man
you know well.
A sharpshooter
and quick-change artist.
Diego, the man
with a thousand faces.
I haven't seen him
for a long time.
- What has he done?
- We're looking for him, okay?
- What's his real name?
- You don't know?
- I wanted you to tell me.
- His name's Paul Wallisch.
Where do I find
Paul Wallisch?
I haven't the faintest idea.
Look, in your trade you always
stay in touch somehow.
Still, I don't know
where he is.
If you do know
I'll get you as an accessory,
for aiding and
abetting and more.
My card.
In case it comes back to you.
Have a nice day.
That's him!
The question is where is he now
and what does he look like?
- Christian...
- Yes?
What did Koller say?
Diego's real name is Wallisch.
That's all he knew.
Not a hint where he might be?
I can't wash off
this greasy cream.
What cream?
In the caravan
I put my hands in a jar.
Brandtner here.
I need a police patrol to...
15 lndustrie Street,
an American caravan.
Please arrest two men,
Koller and Wallisch.
Be careful, Wallisch is armed.
Thank you.
- They'll get there before us.
- I don't quite understand.
The one you talked to
wasn't Koller. It was Wallisch.
That grease
is make-up remover.
I learnt that
at the variety show.
The police were here. I'm off.
Hands up!
You're under arrest!
For me?
- And I'm allowed to eat it?
- Yes.
Forget it! It could happen
to anyone.
Here, a gherkin
for your ham roll.
- Thanks. Very kind of you.
- To cheer you up.
We only found this man
in the van.
According to his papers
he's Thomas Koller.
- Thanks. Please take a seat.
- Please.
So, Mr Koller...
Paul Wallisch left you
some money and fled.
I advise you to tell us
Come in.
Got everything?
A Serbian passport,
driver's licence,
car registration papers.
- Looks good. Where's the car?
- Outside the hotel.
Mr Koller, this is the statement
of your testimony.
Wallisch lived with you,
you took no part in the raids.
All you know is he'll do one
more raid and then disappear.
We must take you into custody
as an accessory.
Please come with me.
Here are all the supermarkets
and peep shows.
He's under pressure,
he knows we're after him.
So he might even try
to pull a job tomorrow.
We can't watch
every supermarket.
Right. But there aren't
that many peep shows.
Koller said that Wallisch
took everything, but...
We might find something so Rex
can pick up Wallisch's scent.
No one knows what
he looks like right now.
This must be Wallisch's locker.
Only his vest is left.
Come here, Rex. There!
Now Rex knows
Wallisch's smell.
Look at this.
A catalogue
of all the peep shows.
How does Sch“nbrunn
fit into this?
No idea.
Schénbrunn has
a currency exchange.
- It's open today.
- Let's drive over.
Find him!
Check his car!
He's in the zoo.
Block all entrances.
- He'll change his disguise.
- But Rex has his scent.
I hope he'll keep it
among all these animal smells.
Without clothes
he can't disguise himself.
- He'll think of something.
- That's what I'm afraid of.
Move away!
Get the dog away
or something will happen.
Clear the pavillion!
Everybody lie down!
You too.
Close the shutters.
We're all set.
If you follow my instructions
nothing will happen to you.
Lie down!
And don't make any noise.
Mr Wallisch,
I'm Beck from the Crime Squad.
We've met.
We talked in the caravan.
- Where do we go from here?
- I bet you've searched my car.
I want the suitcase
with the money. Quickly!
I have to talk
to my superiors first.
I'll call you back.
Shall we give him the case
with the money?
Let him wait.
Keep talking to him.
Pretend we're negotiating
with the authorities.
What if he wants to talk
to them?
Get me.
According to the waiter
there are 8 to 10 guests inside.
And the boy.
There's only one entrance
and we can't see
what's going on inside.
- Should they bring the case?
- Yes.
But only if he'll release
some hostages in return.
He'll never agree to it.
He's too clever.
Maybe he'll let the boy go.
Is there another exit
besides this door?
No. Downstairs are the toilets
and the kitchen.
We've checked the case.
There's only money inside.
Should we install a microphone?
No, he won't keep the case
for long.
Let's swap the case
for the boy.
Your case is outside.
Let the boy go as we arranged.
You can go now.
Shit! He's conned us.
- I'll call him.
- Wait a few minutes.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
- What's happening?
- They're in a corner.
The man is aiming
the pistol at them.
Yes... yes...
I have to discuss it first.
He wants a bus so he can
drive off with the hostages.
I think I know his plan.
He'll dress up as a hostage
and we won't know who he is.
- Rex will sniff him out.
- Yes, he's our only chance.
Brandtner here.
What happened?
One hostage tried to escape.
I had to shoot.
- She's not badly injured.
- Release the injured at once!
Only when
the escape vehicle arrives.
Get up!
Get undressed!
Put your clothes on a chair.
Then go down to the kitchen.
Get undressed!
This bus should be okay.
Rex will recognise Wallisch
by his scent, no matter what.
As he enters the bus, Rex will
jump on him and throw him off.
And I'll fire from down there.
What you're planning
is very risky.
Everything okay?
The bus is here. You promised
to let the injured hostage go.
Okay. I'm sending her outside.
Attention! The injured hostage
is coming out.
What is it, Rex?
He's in the ambulance.
Wallisch is in the ambulance.
Come out, Mr Wallisch!
- There's no driver now.
- Not true.
He'll drive me.
Stay where you are.
You might fool me,
but not the dog.