Rex: A Cop's Best Friend (1994–2008): Season 10, Episode 4 - Doping - full transcript
Make it more of a fight!
They don't come to see you play.
Get stuck into each other.
How can I make money
out of such a bunch of wimps?
- Now I see.
- What do you see?
You don't feel the blows.
You're using something.
It's time we got rid
of a few of them.
Remind me tomorrow.
I'll give you a few names.
We'll settle this one day
in private.
Any time.
- I'll smash your face in.
- I'll finish your knee off.
Control yourself.
Otherwise you're finished.
If you think
you can get away with this
it might be the end of you too.
Is your knee sore again?
It's okay, sweetheart.
Male corpse.
His name's Sven Fuchs.
He still has his valuables,
so it wasn't robbery.
- Who found him?
- A garbage worker.
Tracks galore
in all this rubbish!
It stinks, too.
Maybe Rex can find something
before Forensics
carts half the tip away.
He has multiple injuries
to his head, legs and feet,
consistent with a fall
from a great height.
He was brought here.
So another party's involved.
He also has wounds
to the back of his head
although he landed face down.
So it's likely those wounds
were inflicted before the fall.
If you don't check thoroughly
in cases like this,
they sometimes pass for suicide.
All right, then.
See you later.
- Goodbye, Dr Graf.
- Goodbye.
Sven Fuchs is a professional
ice hockey player.
He lives with his mother.
He trained yesterday.
She assumed he'd be late.
He sometimes stayed out
all night.
Good. Thanks, Kunz.
- May I continue?
- Please do.
He died of injuries
sustained in a fall...
ruptured organs
and internal bleeding.
- And his head injuries?
- They showed traces of metal.
The killer used a blunt object,
an iron bar
or something similar.
There's no sign he fought back.
Maybe he couldn't.
Any drugs or alcohol?
What would you like?
A coffee.
Rex, hello.
You want my roll, don't you?
I know you want it.
But you're not getting it.
It's mine.
Oh no!
Oh dear. I was about to ask
if I could have a coffee.
If you wring out my shirt,
I might find
a short black for you.
We must get the members
of the ice hockey club in.
Yes... yes, we must.
- Why?
- I'd rather not warn them.
I own a big haulage company
with a fleet
of refrigerated trucks.
An ice hockey team is ideal
for advertising my firm.
Do you know anyone who has
a motive to kill Mr Fuchs?
None of us,
that's for sure.
No. It must be connected
to his private life.
Mr Fiedler, you're Mr Neumann's
company secretary.
Yes, I also do the PR work
for the team. Unpaid.
Mr Neumann thinks
I can do that as well.
There's a lot of iron
lying around.
Is it possible
that Mr Fuchs was bashed
with something like this?
Who would do such a thing?
I thought you might know.
Fuchs and Gebauer
got into a fight.
Who's Gebauer?
He's not here today.
He called in sick.
Back in a minute.
Well, what is it?
- That's all.
- I'll be in the rink.
- What's Fiedler like?
- I'm not sure.
Rex noticed
a mark on the ice.
The ventilation shaft above it
is broken.
- You think Fuchs...
- It's possible.
I'll call Forensics.
See if Kurt Gebauer
has a record.
He picked a fight
with Fuchs yesterday.
Kurt Gebauer. All right.
What's wrong?
Lost your puck, have you?
- Can I help you?
- You certainly can.
What's that room down there?
It's an old storeroom.
It hasn't been used for months.
I'll take a look
if you don't mind.
By all means.
Are you opening
a blood bank?
That stuff all belongs to
the previous coach Kalinovsky.
He left a few months ago.
Kalinovsky did illegal stuff,
did he?
- I wouldn't know.
- What are those cassettes?
Kalinovsky recorded
conversations with players
for Mr Neumann
because he likes
to know everything.
I see you've found the things
our old coach left behind.
Your new coach, Mr Hilbert,
doesn't know anything.
- So I need to see the old one.
- I don't know where he is.
He probably went back to Russia
after I threw him out.
We parted with Steffek,
his assistant, too.
I won't tolerate shady methods.
Open the door
and say I'm coming, will you?
Hello, I'm Marc.
This is Kunz and that's Rex.
- Can we talk to your daddy?
- Yes, but wipe your feet first.
All right.
I'm sure
this has to do with Fuchs.
They called me from the club.
Can I talk to you alone?
Sure, we'll go in my room.
You can come too.
Mr Gebauer, you quarrelled
with Fuchs yesterday.
- What about?
- The usual.
When a player is fouled,
it often ends up in a brawl.
You split from your wife
a year ago.
These things happen.
At least I got custody
of my daughter.
- Why did you split up?
- People drift apart.
I was told another reason.
Fuchs had an affair
with your wife.
Someone gossiped, did they?
Yes. Several people in fact.
But this is a murder case.
You had a good motive.
I'm Little Red Riding Hood.
Rex is the wolf
and you're Granny.
So I get cake and wine.
We'll skip that bit and start
where the wolf eats Granny.
It's a fairytale.
Maybe that never happened.
But the wolf
has to eat something.
Very well.
It's the second one today.
Mr Gebauer,
were the players given drugs?
Ask Kalinovsky.
I have nothing to do with it.
All right. That's all for now.
Stay in contact.
Excuse me.
Kunz, time to go.
We had fun.
Rex was the wolf.
Rex isn't bad.
That's why
he didn't eat Granny.
I see. You're very young
to be a granny.
Let's go.
Dr Graf found needle marks
under Fuchs's tongue.
That's where
steroids are injected.
Drugs? That figures.
There's nothing suspicious
about his private life.
It's interesting that Neumann
wanted me to think there was.
It stands to reason
that he doesn't want
a doping scandal.
Any coffee left?
Hoffmann here.
Thank you.
We're on our way.
They've got the murder weapon.
Well, Rex. What do you say?
Rex looked here.
He should have found it.
Normally he would have.
Perhaps all the smells
confused him.
Oh dear. Poor thing.
Now he's sad.
Come on, Rex.
Don't worry.
It can happen to anyone.
You must get the players
to lift their game.
How? If you think I'll use
steroids on them like Kalinovsky,
you're really mistaken.
I didn't say that.
For once we have
a perfect set of prints
and they're not
in our database.
That would point to
a first-time offender.
- Perhaps it was Gebauer.
- Yes.
There's no sign of Kalinovsky,
the ex-coach.
Maybe he really went back
to the East.
His assistant,
Klaus Steffek,
is wanted for defaulting
on his maintenance payments.
We need Gebauer's prints
and those
of the other players too.
I'll get someone onto it.
Tell them to check
the storeroom.
Kalinovsky's and Steffek's prints
should be there.
And perhaps they can find
photos of them.
Did you know that there are
over 30,000 substances
we could be looking for?
Of course we could check
for all the usual
performance-enhancing drugs.
- But...
- But?
Well, ideally these sports drugs
shouldn't leave traces
so they're constantly being
redesigned and modified.
So it could be
a very, very long time
before we find anything.
- How's your knee?
- Fine. It doesn't hurt.
So, what's up?
The cops came to see me.
- What did they want?
- To know where I was.
And see if I was into steroids.
- What did you say?
- They should ask Kalinovsky.
So the prints on the weapon
are definitely Kalinovsky's?
Thank you.
See? Kalinovsky.
They didn't have a photo of him
at the club so I'll ask Interpol.
He can't have just vanished.
It seems he hasn't.
I asked my old colleagues
in Fraud.
He hasn't got a record
but he's wanted for fraud.
Good work.
Here you go.
He didn't go abroad.
He went underground in Vienna.
He ordered various goods
and didn't pay.
He's wanted for that.
That must be
why he keeps moving.
Kalinovsky speaking.
Of course
the merchandise is ready.
I'll take the rest
to the warehouse.
It's time for
a change of address anyway.
What's the word on Fuchs?
I can't.
I have to move out of here.
Okay, okay.
If I must.
- Fuchs was on drugs?
- Yes.
Doping substances these days
are designer drugs.
In all official tests
the labs use standard procedures
but this is a new substance.
It's only been detected
very recently.
What is it?
In simple terms,
it's the steroid gestrinon.
Its chemical structure
has been altered
by the addition
of hydrogen atoms.
It's called
and greatly boosts performance.
But people should be aware
that long-term use can result
in circulatory collapse.
Any other side-effects?
It kills pain.
You can push yourself
to the limit
and endure painful injuries.
You wouldn't develop that
for a mediocre team.
But you could sell it to athletes,
swimmers and baseball players.
Even recreational sportspeople
use drugs.
So if someone made it
in large quantities
they'd make big bucks.
All right. I'll tell him.
Thank you.
So Kalinovsky was developing
a powerful new drug
and he was using Fuchs
as a guinea pig.
Then he and his assistant,
Steffek, disappeared
and a few months later
Fuchs was murdered.
Kalinovsky wanted
to get rich quick
and Fuchs knew too much.
Or he wanted money, or both.
We can't prove it
until we have Kalinovsky.
Interpol called.
They sent a photo of Kalinovsky.
I'll get it.
Wait. What happened
at the post office?
At the parcel delivery centre,
we found a recent address
for Kalinovsky.
He had chemicals delivered there
only a few days ago.
What's that?
No idea.
A broken fan.
It looks as if he's moved again.
We're out of luck.
I'll switch on a light.
The bulb's still hot.
Maybe he hasn't gone far.
It wasn't your fault.
Someone pushed him.
It was probably the dog.
Send an accident team
and an ambulance
to 27 Althanstrasse,
9th district.
We're police officers.
What happened?
He was pushed
in front of the truck.
- The dog did it.
- You're crazy.
He's a trained police dog.
He'd never do that.
One thing's certain.
Look at the Interpol photo
of Kalinovsky.
He's definitely not Kalinovsky.
Right on time.
Come in.
I like that.
Show me.
Here are the samples,
as agreed.
There's no need to be nervous.
I hear the stuff really works.
True. I take it myself.
- You really don't feel anything?
- Nothing.
This is a disaster
for the police.
Your dog, for which
you don't have official approval,
pushes a suspect
in front of a truck.
And I was called away
from a medal ceremony over this!
He was told to follow a scent,
not to stop someone.
The accusation is absurd.
It's not the first time your dog
has knocked someone over.
This time he's gone too far.
You know it's manslaughter,
at the very least.
I agree that the man was pushed,
but not by my dog.
The driver wanted an explanation
and Rex happened to be there.
There are paw marks and dog
hairs on the deceaseds jacket.
That's proof enough.
Here's his official suspension.
One more thing.
Stick to it.
Rex has been suspended.
What do you say to that?
Now what?
We must solve the case
and prove Rex is innocent.
Ah, Dr Graf.
Any news?
Very interesting.
If Dr Graf confirms
that the man who was pushed
in front of the truck was Steffek,
Kalinovsky's assistant,
then it might have happened
like this...
Kalinovsky was into doping.
He was fired, then he vanished.
Steffek carries on,
using Kalinovsky's name
and his know-how.
Steffek is wanted
for not paying maintenance
so a new identity
is just what he needs.
He commits fraud
in Kalinovsky's name.
Kalinovsky gets wind of it
and kills him.
The key figure in all this
is Kalinovsky.
A lot of the players
accused him
but claim not to know
anything specific.
I'll question them all again.
You must have known, or you
wouldn't have fired Kalinovsky.
Are you accusing us?
What has got into you?
All I know is that
two men have been killed.
Kalinovsky wasn't a bad coach.
He assured us
that his methods were legal.
We have proof
that Fuchs was doped
with one of a new generation
of substances.
I acquired this team
to advertise
my refrigerated trucks.
A doping scandal
is the last thing I want.
What did Kalinovsky do before?
He coached clubs in the East.
They told us little about him.
I relied on him. Now it appears
he's killed two people.
You think it was him?
Of course.
No doubt about it.
Hi, Doris.
Did you find something?
Why else would you be here?
You can call me any time...
even if you don't find anything.
Fingerprints are deposits
of sweat and fat.
In this case, we found only fat
in an unusually large quantity.
Maybe the killer put cream
on his hands beforehand.
Right. Would you do that
before you bash someone?
With an iron bar?
No. It would slip
out of my hands.
Maybe someone planted
Kalinovsky's prints on the bar.
We also found traces of botulism,
a pretty nasty bacterium
that can kill you.
It's in rotten meat, isn't it?
Anywhere meat is stored.
In coldrooms, for example.
Where have you got to?
I called you 15 minutes ago.
Yes. Hurry up.
What are you doing?
Oh, it's you.
My people thought
someone was breaking in.
But I don't quite understand.
What are you looking for?
Have you got a search warrant?
You knew full well
you didn't have enough evidence
for a warrant, didn't you?
I'd like to point out some facts.
The murder victim, Steffek,
was using Kalinovsky's name.
Kalinovsky himself
has been missing for months.
The prints on the weapon
were probably planted there.
They had traces of bacteria
which you find in coldrooms.
That doesn't justify
If Kalinovsky's prints
could be planted,
it's fairly certain
he's dead.
They show no sign
of decomposition
so he must be in cold storage.
Isn't that rather far-fetched?
I've seen stranger things.
If you sit at a desk all day,
you wouldn't know.
You're suspended
from duty too.
Please surrender your gun.
I've brought
the material on Steffek...
photos, evidence and so on.
Great parking spot
opposite the office.
Except that every two hours
I have to shoo off a cop
who wants to give me
a parking ticket.
- Got any news?
- Yes.
Forensics turned
Steffek's flat upside down.
They found
a large amount of chemicals.
Steffek was undoubtedly
producing a new drug.
Did you speak to Neumann?
He's pretty arrogant.
He's pinning it all
on Kalinovsky.
He's the perfect scapegoat
as long as he, or his corpse,
doesn't turn up.
The killer wants us
to suspect Kalinovsky.
Right. Same with the iron bar.
Rex couldn't find it
because it wasn't there.
It was planted later
to implicate Kalinovsky.
We still have to prove it.
A pity our boss is intimidated
by Neumann. Eh, Rex?
We'll prove you didn't push
the man in front of the truck.
Kalinovsky, where are you?
Look... No.
It doesn't matter what...
Where are you?
He hung up.
But it was him, wasn't it?
- No doubt about it.
- Right.
I'm calling the police.
Please take note
that the caller was
unmistakably Mr Kalinovsky.
Mr Fiedler is my witness.
You told me that on the phone.
What you didn't tell me
is what you talked about.
He babbled on
about the team and the players.
- I feel threatened.
- So you should.
- Two men have been killed.
- Exactly, do something about it.
We'll find Kalinovsky.
In the meantime, be careful.
I can see cars 1 and 2.
Where are the others?
Right, cars 3 and 6
are in position too.
Carry out the surveillance
as planned.
Look. Breakfast.
What happened yesterday?
Kalinovsky's call
stirred things up.
What about the surveillance?
Neumann and Fiedler ate
together. Both were agitated.
All the players stayed
at the stadium, except Gebauer.
- He left early.
- Where did he go?
He got in his car
and drove to the 5th district.
- Did he get out?
- Yes, in Margaretenstrasse.
That's where Wimmer lost him.
Miriam, come down from there.
That's Rex.
He's with the police.
Me too, by the way.
Hi, Miriam.
My name's Hoffmann.
My husband
hasn't killed anyone.
I just want to know
where he is.
He had to go out.
That's why I've got Miriam.
He could be in danger.
I still can't help.
When you live apart
you don't talk much.
Come, Rex.
Come along, Miriam.
Kunz, I'm near
where Wimmer lost Gebauer.
I'll have a look around.
We could be in luck.
You never know.
Rex, go around the back,
This is my last time.
On the contrary!
Business is just beginning.
You said you needed money.
Sure, but two men have died.
Don't shit yourself.
Kalinovsky won't hurt you.
Besides, the cops want him.
He's gone underground.
And he won't resurface.
I developed
Kalinovsky's ideas.
Steffek helped me.
- Who killed Steffek and Fuchs?
- Kalinovsky. Who else?
The cops will get him
sooner or later.
In the meantime,
you can make a lot of money.
You think Neumann will help
when your knee packs it in?
You'll have nothing then.
I'm doing it for my daughter.
I know.
What are you doing?
Okay, Rex. I understand.
Kalinovsky's in there.
He's dead.
Probably has been for months.
- Now I understand.
- Stay here. Stay here!
Hilbert, where are you?
Help him.
Follow him. Go on.
The cop was here.
He asked about you.
He's not officially allowed
to do that.
No one will look for him here.
So stay cool.
Clear off! Move!
Clear off!
Hilbert, hands up.
Drop the knife. Drop it!
You've been suspended.
You don't have a gun.
So what do you think
this is, eh?
Are you prepared to risk it?
He wanted to get rid of Fuchs
because he knew too much,
and Steffek, because
he could make the drugs too.
Hilbert kept a low profile.
The Kalinovsky story
worked for long enough.
I was just a courier.
I was worried about my job.
I'll do what I can. After all,
you helped Rex free me.
Thank you.
What about the call
Kalinovsky made to Neumann?
Hilbert made an edited version
of Kalinovsky's old tapes
and used it for the call.
I was wondering why
he'd hung onto Kalinovsky's stuff.
Well, I must congratulate you
on solving the case.
Thank you.
Just a second.
After the accident, there was
blood on Steffek's jacket.
According to the lab report,
Rex's prints are on the stain.
So he touched Steffek
after the accident...
Well, in that case...
I'll revoke his suspension.
Make it more of a fight!
They don't come to see you play.
Get stuck into each other.
How can I make money
out of such a bunch of wimps?
- Now I see.
- What do you see?
You don't feel the blows.
You're using something.
It's time we got rid
of a few of them.
Remind me tomorrow.
I'll give you a few names.
We'll settle this one day
in private.
Any time.
- I'll smash your face in.
- I'll finish your knee off.
Control yourself.
Otherwise you're finished.
If you think
you can get away with this
it might be the end of you too.
Is your knee sore again?
It's okay, sweetheart.
Male corpse.
His name's Sven Fuchs.
He still has his valuables,
so it wasn't robbery.
- Who found him?
- A garbage worker.
Tracks galore
in all this rubbish!
It stinks, too.
Maybe Rex can find something
before Forensics
carts half the tip away.
He has multiple injuries
to his head, legs and feet,
consistent with a fall
from a great height.
He was brought here.
So another party's involved.
He also has wounds
to the back of his head
although he landed face down.
So it's likely those wounds
were inflicted before the fall.
If you don't check thoroughly
in cases like this,
they sometimes pass for suicide.
All right, then.
See you later.
- Goodbye, Dr Graf.
- Goodbye.
Sven Fuchs is a professional
ice hockey player.
He lives with his mother.
He trained yesterday.
She assumed he'd be late.
He sometimes stayed out
all night.
Good. Thanks, Kunz.
- May I continue?
- Please do.
He died of injuries
sustained in a fall...
ruptured organs
and internal bleeding.
- And his head injuries?
- They showed traces of metal.
The killer used a blunt object,
an iron bar
or something similar.
There's no sign he fought back.
Maybe he couldn't.
Any drugs or alcohol?
What would you like?
A coffee.
Rex, hello.
You want my roll, don't you?
I know you want it.
But you're not getting it.
It's mine.
Oh no!
Oh dear. I was about to ask
if I could have a coffee.
If you wring out my shirt,
I might find
a short black for you.
We must get the members
of the ice hockey club in.
Yes... yes, we must.
- Why?
- I'd rather not warn them.
I own a big haulage company
with a fleet
of refrigerated trucks.
An ice hockey team is ideal
for advertising my firm.
Do you know anyone who has
a motive to kill Mr Fuchs?
None of us,
that's for sure.
No. It must be connected
to his private life.
Mr Fiedler, you're Mr Neumann's
company secretary.
Yes, I also do the PR work
for the team. Unpaid.
Mr Neumann thinks
I can do that as well.
There's a lot of iron
lying around.
Is it possible
that Mr Fuchs was bashed
with something like this?
Who would do such a thing?
I thought you might know.
Fuchs and Gebauer
got into a fight.
Who's Gebauer?
He's not here today.
He called in sick.
Back in a minute.
Well, what is it?
- That's all.
- I'll be in the rink.
- What's Fiedler like?
- I'm not sure.
Rex noticed
a mark on the ice.
The ventilation shaft above it
is broken.
- You think Fuchs...
- It's possible.
I'll call Forensics.
See if Kurt Gebauer
has a record.
He picked a fight
with Fuchs yesterday.
Kurt Gebauer. All right.
What's wrong?
Lost your puck, have you?
- Can I help you?
- You certainly can.
What's that room down there?
It's an old storeroom.
It hasn't been used for months.
I'll take a look
if you don't mind.
By all means.
Are you opening
a blood bank?
That stuff all belongs to
the previous coach Kalinovsky.
He left a few months ago.
Kalinovsky did illegal stuff,
did he?
- I wouldn't know.
- What are those cassettes?
Kalinovsky recorded
conversations with players
for Mr Neumann
because he likes
to know everything.
I see you've found the things
our old coach left behind.
Your new coach, Mr Hilbert,
doesn't know anything.
- So I need to see the old one.
- I don't know where he is.
He probably went back to Russia
after I threw him out.
We parted with Steffek,
his assistant, too.
I won't tolerate shady methods.
Open the door
and say I'm coming, will you?
Hello, I'm Marc.
This is Kunz and that's Rex.
- Can we talk to your daddy?
- Yes, but wipe your feet first.
All right.
I'm sure
this has to do with Fuchs.
They called me from the club.
Can I talk to you alone?
Sure, we'll go in my room.
You can come too.
Mr Gebauer, you quarrelled
with Fuchs yesterday.
- What about?
- The usual.
When a player is fouled,
it often ends up in a brawl.
You split from your wife
a year ago.
These things happen.
At least I got custody
of my daughter.
- Why did you split up?
- People drift apart.
I was told another reason.
Fuchs had an affair
with your wife.
Someone gossiped, did they?
Yes. Several people in fact.
But this is a murder case.
You had a good motive.
I'm Little Red Riding Hood.
Rex is the wolf
and you're Granny.
So I get cake and wine.
We'll skip that bit and start
where the wolf eats Granny.
It's a fairytale.
Maybe that never happened.
But the wolf
has to eat something.
Very well.
It's the second one today.
Mr Gebauer,
were the players given drugs?
Ask Kalinovsky.
I have nothing to do with it.
All right. That's all for now.
Stay in contact.
Excuse me.
Kunz, time to go.
We had fun.
Rex was the wolf.
Rex isn't bad.
That's why
he didn't eat Granny.
I see. You're very young
to be a granny.
Let's go.
Dr Graf found needle marks
under Fuchs's tongue.
That's where
steroids are injected.
Drugs? That figures.
There's nothing suspicious
about his private life.
It's interesting that Neumann
wanted me to think there was.
It stands to reason
that he doesn't want
a doping scandal.
Any coffee left?
Hoffmann here.
Thank you.
We're on our way.
They've got the murder weapon.
Well, Rex. What do you say?
Rex looked here.
He should have found it.
Normally he would have.
Perhaps all the smells
confused him.
Oh dear. Poor thing.
Now he's sad.
Come on, Rex.
Don't worry.
It can happen to anyone.
You must get the players
to lift their game.
How? If you think I'll use
steroids on them like Kalinovsky,
you're really mistaken.
I didn't say that.
For once we have
a perfect set of prints
and they're not
in our database.
That would point to
a first-time offender.
- Perhaps it was Gebauer.
- Yes.
There's no sign of Kalinovsky,
the ex-coach.
Maybe he really went back
to the East.
His assistant,
Klaus Steffek,
is wanted for defaulting
on his maintenance payments.
We need Gebauer's prints
and those
of the other players too.
I'll get someone onto it.
Tell them to check
the storeroom.
Kalinovsky's and Steffek's prints
should be there.
And perhaps they can find
photos of them.
Did you know that there are
over 30,000 substances
we could be looking for?
Of course we could check
for all the usual
performance-enhancing drugs.
- But...
- But?
Well, ideally these sports drugs
shouldn't leave traces
so they're constantly being
redesigned and modified.
So it could be
a very, very long time
before we find anything.
- How's your knee?
- Fine. It doesn't hurt.
So, what's up?
The cops came to see me.
- What did they want?
- To know where I was.
And see if I was into steroids.
- What did you say?
- They should ask Kalinovsky.
So the prints on the weapon
are definitely Kalinovsky's?
Thank you.
See? Kalinovsky.
They didn't have a photo of him
at the club so I'll ask Interpol.
He can't have just vanished.
It seems he hasn't.
I asked my old colleagues
in Fraud.
He hasn't got a record
but he's wanted for fraud.
Good work.
Here you go.
He didn't go abroad.
He went underground in Vienna.
He ordered various goods
and didn't pay.
He's wanted for that.
That must be
why he keeps moving.
Kalinovsky speaking.
Of course
the merchandise is ready.
I'll take the rest
to the warehouse.
It's time for
a change of address anyway.
What's the word on Fuchs?
I can't.
I have to move out of here.
Okay, okay.
If I must.
- Fuchs was on drugs?
- Yes.
Doping substances these days
are designer drugs.
In all official tests
the labs use standard procedures
but this is a new substance.
It's only been detected
very recently.
What is it?
In simple terms,
it's the steroid gestrinon.
Its chemical structure
has been altered
by the addition
of hydrogen atoms.
It's called
and greatly boosts performance.
But people should be aware
that long-term use can result
in circulatory collapse.
Any other side-effects?
It kills pain.
You can push yourself
to the limit
and endure painful injuries.
You wouldn't develop that
for a mediocre team.
But you could sell it to athletes,
swimmers and baseball players.
Even recreational sportspeople
use drugs.
So if someone made it
in large quantities
they'd make big bucks.
All right. I'll tell him.
Thank you.
So Kalinovsky was developing
a powerful new drug
and he was using Fuchs
as a guinea pig.
Then he and his assistant,
Steffek, disappeared
and a few months later
Fuchs was murdered.
Kalinovsky wanted
to get rich quick
and Fuchs knew too much.
Or he wanted money, or both.
We can't prove it
until we have Kalinovsky.
Interpol called.
They sent a photo of Kalinovsky.
I'll get it.
Wait. What happened
at the post office?
At the parcel delivery centre,
we found a recent address
for Kalinovsky.
He had chemicals delivered there
only a few days ago.
What's that?
No idea.
A broken fan.
It looks as if he's moved again.
We're out of luck.
I'll switch on a light.
The bulb's still hot.
Maybe he hasn't gone far.
It wasn't your fault.
Someone pushed him.
It was probably the dog.
Send an accident team
and an ambulance
to 27 Althanstrasse,
9th district.
We're police officers.
What happened?
He was pushed
in front of the truck.
- The dog did it.
- You're crazy.
He's a trained police dog.
He'd never do that.
One thing's certain.
Look at the Interpol photo
of Kalinovsky.
He's definitely not Kalinovsky.
Right on time.
Come in.
I like that.
Show me.
Here are the samples,
as agreed.
There's no need to be nervous.
I hear the stuff really works.
True. I take it myself.
- You really don't feel anything?
- Nothing.
This is a disaster
for the police.
Your dog, for which
you don't have official approval,
pushes a suspect
in front of a truck.
And I was called away
from a medal ceremony over this!
He was told to follow a scent,
not to stop someone.
The accusation is absurd.
It's not the first time your dog
has knocked someone over.
This time he's gone too far.
You know it's manslaughter,
at the very least.
I agree that the man was pushed,
but not by my dog.
The driver wanted an explanation
and Rex happened to be there.
There are paw marks and dog
hairs on the deceaseds jacket.
That's proof enough.
Here's his official suspension.
One more thing.
Stick to it.
Rex has been suspended.
What do you say to that?
Now what?
We must solve the case
and prove Rex is innocent.
Ah, Dr Graf.
Any news?
Very interesting.
If Dr Graf confirms
that the man who was pushed
in front of the truck was Steffek,
Kalinovsky's assistant,
then it might have happened
like this...
Kalinovsky was into doping.
He was fired, then he vanished.
Steffek carries on,
using Kalinovsky's name
and his know-how.
Steffek is wanted
for not paying maintenance
so a new identity
is just what he needs.
He commits fraud
in Kalinovsky's name.
Kalinovsky gets wind of it
and kills him.
The key figure in all this
is Kalinovsky.
A lot of the players
accused him
but claim not to know
anything specific.
I'll question them all again.
You must have known, or you
wouldn't have fired Kalinovsky.
Are you accusing us?
What has got into you?
All I know is that
two men have been killed.
Kalinovsky wasn't a bad coach.
He assured us
that his methods were legal.
We have proof
that Fuchs was doped
with one of a new generation
of substances.
I acquired this team
to advertise
my refrigerated trucks.
A doping scandal
is the last thing I want.
What did Kalinovsky do before?
He coached clubs in the East.
They told us little about him.
I relied on him. Now it appears
he's killed two people.
You think it was him?
Of course.
No doubt about it.
Hi, Doris.
Did you find something?
Why else would you be here?
You can call me any time...
even if you don't find anything.
Fingerprints are deposits
of sweat and fat.
In this case, we found only fat
in an unusually large quantity.
Maybe the killer put cream
on his hands beforehand.
Right. Would you do that
before you bash someone?
With an iron bar?
No. It would slip
out of my hands.
Maybe someone planted
Kalinovsky's prints on the bar.
We also found traces of botulism,
a pretty nasty bacterium
that can kill you.
It's in rotten meat, isn't it?
Anywhere meat is stored.
In coldrooms, for example.
Where have you got to?
I called you 15 minutes ago.
Yes. Hurry up.
What are you doing?
Oh, it's you.
My people thought
someone was breaking in.
But I don't quite understand.
What are you looking for?
Have you got a search warrant?
You knew full well
you didn't have enough evidence
for a warrant, didn't you?
I'd like to point out some facts.
The murder victim, Steffek,
was using Kalinovsky's name.
Kalinovsky himself
has been missing for months.
The prints on the weapon
were probably planted there.
They had traces of bacteria
which you find in coldrooms.
That doesn't justify
If Kalinovsky's prints
could be planted,
it's fairly certain
he's dead.
They show no sign
of decomposition
so he must be in cold storage.
Isn't that rather far-fetched?
I've seen stranger things.
If you sit at a desk all day,
you wouldn't know.
You're suspended
from duty too.
Please surrender your gun.
I've brought
the material on Steffek...
photos, evidence and so on.
Great parking spot
opposite the office.
Except that every two hours
I have to shoo off a cop
who wants to give me
a parking ticket.
- Got any news?
- Yes.
Forensics turned
Steffek's flat upside down.
They found
a large amount of chemicals.
Steffek was undoubtedly
producing a new drug.
Did you speak to Neumann?
He's pretty arrogant.
He's pinning it all
on Kalinovsky.
He's the perfect scapegoat
as long as he, or his corpse,
doesn't turn up.
The killer wants us
to suspect Kalinovsky.
Right. Same with the iron bar.
Rex couldn't find it
because it wasn't there.
It was planted later
to implicate Kalinovsky.
We still have to prove it.
A pity our boss is intimidated
by Neumann. Eh, Rex?
We'll prove you didn't push
the man in front of the truck.
Kalinovsky, where are you?
Look... No.
It doesn't matter what...
Where are you?
He hung up.
But it was him, wasn't it?
- No doubt about it.
- Right.
I'm calling the police.
Please take note
that the caller was
unmistakably Mr Kalinovsky.
Mr Fiedler is my witness.
You told me that on the phone.
What you didn't tell me
is what you talked about.
He babbled on
about the team and the players.
- I feel threatened.
- So you should.
- Two men have been killed.
- Exactly, do something about it.
We'll find Kalinovsky.
In the meantime, be careful.
I can see cars 1 and 2.
Where are the others?
Right, cars 3 and 6
are in position too.
Carry out the surveillance
as planned.
Look. Breakfast.
What happened yesterday?
Kalinovsky's call
stirred things up.
What about the surveillance?
Neumann and Fiedler ate
together. Both were agitated.
All the players stayed
at the stadium, except Gebauer.
- He left early.
- Where did he go?
He got in his car
and drove to the 5th district.
- Did he get out?
- Yes, in Margaretenstrasse.
That's where Wimmer lost him.
Miriam, come down from there.
That's Rex.
He's with the police.
Me too, by the way.
Hi, Miriam.
My name's Hoffmann.
My husband
hasn't killed anyone.
I just want to know
where he is.
He had to go out.
That's why I've got Miriam.
He could be in danger.
I still can't help.
When you live apart
you don't talk much.
Come, Rex.
Come along, Miriam.
Kunz, I'm near
where Wimmer lost Gebauer.
I'll have a look around.
We could be in luck.
You never know.
Rex, go around the back,
This is my last time.
On the contrary!
Business is just beginning.
You said you needed money.
Sure, but two men have died.
Don't shit yourself.
Kalinovsky won't hurt you.
Besides, the cops want him.
He's gone underground.
And he won't resurface.
I developed
Kalinovsky's ideas.
Steffek helped me.
- Who killed Steffek and Fuchs?
- Kalinovsky. Who else?
The cops will get him
sooner or later.
In the meantime,
you can make a lot of money.
You think Neumann will help
when your knee packs it in?
You'll have nothing then.
I'm doing it for my daughter.
I know.
What are you doing?
Okay, Rex. I understand.
Kalinovsky's in there.
He's dead.
Probably has been for months.
- Now I understand.
- Stay here. Stay here!
Hilbert, where are you?
Help him.
Follow him. Go on.
The cop was here.
He asked about you.
He's not officially allowed
to do that.
No one will look for him here.
So stay cool.
Clear off! Move!
Clear off!
Hilbert, hands up.
Drop the knife. Drop it!
You've been suspended.
You don't have a gun.
So what do you think
this is, eh?
Are you prepared to risk it?
He wanted to get rid of Fuchs
because he knew too much,
and Steffek, because
he could make the drugs too.
Hilbert kept a low profile.
The Kalinovsky story
worked for long enough.
I was just a courier.
I was worried about my job.
I'll do what I can. After all,
you helped Rex free me.
Thank you.
What about the call
Kalinovsky made to Neumann?
Hilbert made an edited version
of Kalinovsky's old tapes
and used it for the call.
I was wondering why
he'd hung onto Kalinovsky's stuff.
Well, I must congratulate you
on solving the case.
Thank you.
Just a second.
After the accident, there was
blood on Steffek's jacket.
According to the lab report,
Rex's prints are on the stain.
So he touched Steffek
after the accident...
Well, in that case...
I'll revoke his suspension.