Rex: A Cop's Best Friend (1994–2008): Season 1, Episode 1 - Endstation Wien - full transcript
During the aftermath of a Vienna rooftop bomb explosion, Rex's trainer is shot and killed while giving chase to a suspect. Rex is pines for his dead master and refuses to eat or drink. Inspector Richard Moser feels sorry for him, and so begins their partnership when Rex uncovers a crucial clue in the investigation.
I'd like a cup of coffee.
And a piece of...
what's it called?
- Anything with that?
- Such as?
I quite forgot.
with cream, of course.
- And your coffee?
- With cream too.
One coffee with cream,
one cake with cream.
Is all that cream
good for you, Mr Zhukov?
Good morning.
Mr Spitzer!
what are you doing here?
Everything's fine.
I came to tell you
that at two o'clock
your power of attorney
for the bank accounts
and the cash will be ready.
At a nearby bank.
- You'll see to it yourself?
- If you wish.
It's too bad that we have
to terminate our business.
But it was to be foreseen.
Times have changed.
None of us
are too happy about it.
But you've made provisions.
Give and take.
Everyone benefited.
And I bore the risk.
Were there any problems
in Moscow?
Put it this way...
Some people have been waiting
for the chance to get rid of me.
But I've pre-empted them.
Your coffee, sir.
And your cake.
The same for me too, please.
Excuse me one moment.
what's wrong?
Push the button!
Don't panic.
It won't be long.
Search, Rex!
Thank God.
Why is it going up?
There's nothing downstairs.
Are you sure?
He's sure.
That's him!
He was at the same table.
Go, Rex!
Come on.
we've almost got him.
Drop your gun.
A doctor.
Call a doctor. Quick!
You! See to it.
What's wrong with him?
The dog's injured too.
Could you take a look?
What's the world coming to?
A bomb blast
in the middle of Stephansplatz!
Two passports.
I found them on the dead man.
The guy I shot had no lD.
I'll tell you more
in the morning.
Very well, then.
This evening.
- What's the dog called?
- Rex.
Come on, Rex. Come!
You can't stay here.
- What will happen to him?
- Hard to say.
We had a case before.
The dog couldn't get used
to anyone else. He moped.
We had to have him put down.
Surely you can tell me
roughly when...
No, just tell me
when he can be questioned.
Yes, then put me through
to the doctor.
He's with a private patient?
Bully for him. I'll call back.
It's mad.
"He needs rest.
He's seriously hurt."
"Only Doctor can say."
They don't care he killed a cop.
what a day!
Don't bank on him talking
when he comes round.
He'll talk all right.
Spitzer didn't look
like a pro to me.
- What about the bomb?
- The bomb!
Any kid can knock up a bomb
these days.
Anything new on the dead man?
He had two names
but he wasn't registered
as an Austrian resident.
Try the hotels.
See if a Zhukov
or a Ramirez checked in.
And you ask the federal cops
if they know him.
What are you going to do?
See my Eastern European pals.
Eastern pals, my foot!
You mean
the hot-dog stand.
Sure. Seeing as you've scoffed
my ham rolls again.
How can I go shopping
when I'm slogging away all day?
Can he get mad!
No gherkins!
Two sausages
with the lot, please.
Thanks, Franz.
So, what's new?
I was going to ask you that.
Any news on the explosion?
I heard about it on the radio.
I was there. What can I say?
A cop got shot.
- Hey, look out!
- Sorry. I'm really sorry.
Sorry, are you?
Stop, you're making it worse.
I don't believe it.
It can't be true.
What's up?
He pinched my wallet.
I'll pay you later.
Not your day, is it?
I'm from round here, too.
- I don't know what you want.
- Just my wallet.
where are you from?
- Okay. we'll go to the police.
- No police, no. Please!
My father will kill me.
Look, I'm often
in this part of town.
If I catch you again,
there'll be trouble. Got it?
Now scram.
- How are you?
- Can't complain.
What are you doing here,
Or should I say Richard?
- Have you got any water?
- As much as you want.
You haven't been here
for a long time.
And it shows.
Some kid just stole my wallet.
Fine thing for a cop.
Since my mother died
I've felt a stranger here.
You're right, Richie.
It used to be much nicer.
Nowadays... oh well.
You didn't come to hear
an old Russian grumble.
What can I do for you?
It's about the bomb.
I'm sure you heard about it.
I did.
Let's go up to my office.
- How's your back?
- Worse by the day.
Things were much better
just a few years ago.
Thank you.
One did business
with the East peacefully,
if not always quite legally.
But now...
it's got a lot tougher.
The Eastern Mafia
have taken over.
That's why I'm here.
Do you know this man?
Petr lvanovich.
I know the name.
Yes, Petr Zhukov.
Top brass
in the Russian Trade Ministry.
In charge of
imports from Europe.
A senior bureaucrat,
one of the old guard.
And probably KGB.
Most likely.
Or he wouldn't have got
that job.
- Or a second passport.
- It's genuine.
Of course.
If you've got connections,
you can get a genuine one.
Who could have wanted
to kill Zhukov?
And do it like that,
with a bomb?
A while ago
in Frankfurt and Amsterdam
some former Soviet bureaucrats
were killed the same way.
There are other methods,
more discreet ones.
Cyanide spray, for example.
Maybe it was to warn others.
I don't think so.
There must be another reason.
Zhukov always got a kickback.
That was common knowlege.
So it could be about money.
And if so,
we're talking big money.
Excuse me.
- Richard...
- Hi, Stocki.
The guy you shot...
we found a car park ticket
and a car key on the stairs.
He probably chucked them
in a panic.
Anyway, the make of the car
is on the key.
A posh jeep. There were
three of them in the car park.
We've accounted for two.
The third is registered
to an import-export company.
Gonzagagasse 11.
Gonzagagasse 11.
See you there.
- How often did Spitzer...
- Mr Spitzer.
How often did he go to Moscow?
Once or twice a month.
Although he did go there
more often recently.
I don't know if I'm allowed
to show you these.
You're allowed.
Better than having to, isn't it?
So Mr Spitzer went to Moscow
a good deal recently?
I just told you that.
Mr Spitzer... the company
has had huge problems
since the upheaval
in the Soviet Union.
Right. Well, since then
things have ground to a halt.
- What things?
- Trade.
I've barely had any business
from there recently.
What kind of business was it?
Exports to the Soviet Union...
Oops, Russia!
Mainly technical
construction parts,
and so on and so forth.
Have you heard of a Mr Zhukov?
Petr Zhukov.
Yes. Yes, I know him.
He's the man
at the Trade Ministry in Moscow
Who has to approve our deals.
He's a very important man.
Did Mr Spitzer tell you that?
Markus, that is, Mr Spitzer
said something
in a telephone conversation.
He said...
"Nothing works
without Zhukov."
I'll get it.
It'll be my colleague.
You should see Spitzer's pad.
what a classy place.
No wonder
he's up to his ears in debt.
What's your theory?
Spitzer blew up
his most important contact,
a senior bureaucrat
and KGB agent,
on Stephansplatz.
Spitzer was broke.
Zhukov was fleecing everyone.
Perhaps Spitzer did it
for the money.
Or someone put him up to it
and got scared.
A lot of people
will be getting scared.
Zhukov milked Landovsky too.
- Mr lmports-Exports himself?
- The same.
Then he won't be the last.
If Spitzer doesn't talk,
we'll question every importer.
We must see Spitzer right now.
Hey, what about me?
Rex, this has to stop.
I know you don't want to eat.
But you really must
drink something.
Let's take your bandage off.
Perhaps you won't need
a new one.
Here we go.
Good boy.
Good boy, Rex.
Nearly finished.
There we are.
It's looking pretty good.
Come on, Rex. Have a drink.
Rex, if you don't drink
you'll die.
- Coming for a beer?
- No, I've got to go home.
Come on, Rex. Have a drink.
Go on, open up.
Rex, be a good boy.
Ah, the radiologist.
Anything new?
I think
he still can't be questioned.
We'll have a look.
Fetch a doctor at once.
Who was here last?
A nurse.
And a minute ago, a doctor.
- Give me a description.
- White coat, dark hair...
- Where did she go?
- Down there.
You still haven't drunk
anything, Rex.
Sorry, Rex.
we have to go.
We have a sad duty
to perform.
Squad, dismissed!
Division, dismissed!
Is the dog all right?
His wound's healed
but he's not eating
and he doesn't obey us.
What will happen to him?
They usually go to the family
but Michael was single.
We'll keep him a bit longer.
And then?
Well, Rex...
Rex! Come on, Rex.
We're going, Rex.
Come on now.
What can I do?
Come on now.
Come on, Rex. Come.
we're going home.
There. Jump.
Rex, stay in the car.
You're worried about the dog?
You know what happens to them?
It's not his fault
his master was shot.
He was his handler,
the man he related to.
He needs time to become
attached to someone new.
You should know.
End of subject. I'm not telling
you anything ever again.
Are you out of your mind?
Just don't mention
my divorce, okay?
Fine. Deal with things alone,
like you always do.
But don't ask me for a loan.
What has that to do with it?
Would you marry
a police officer?
I did.
At least my wife says so.
Did you find anything
in Spitzer's files?
He'd done no business
with Russia for six months.
Then why kill him
and put the note in his hand?
"Death to enemies
of the Soviets!"
- It's absurd.
- They're all old commies.
Spitzer sold hi-tech goods
to the East.
Maybe he cheated someone.
Maybe someone wants us
to think that.
I don't know.
Looks like a red herring to me.
We've checked the firms
that trade with the East.
They all had dealings
with Zhukov.
Landovsky, too.
In Spitzer's files
I kept seeing the name of Ostex.
- Have we got anything on them?
- I checked them out.
They ceased business
after the East opened up.
- That doesn't make sense.
- True.
Let's take a good look at them.
Ostex here.
Mrs Werner speaking.
The chief accountant, please.
Thank you.
This is Mrs Werner.
Thank you. I'm very well.
I need to transfer some money
out of the accounts
ending in 328...
356 and 388.
Well, Ostex didn't go bust.
We're from the police.
We want to talk to Mrs Werner.
- Come in, please.
- Thank you.
Trade with the East
looks a safe bet.
- Not quite.
- What do you mean?
I want you to see to it
as soon as you can.
I need cash
for a major transaction.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Two police officers
to see you, madam.
Whatever do they want?
Please ask them in.
My name is Moser,
and this is Mr Stockinger.
we're investigating two murders.
How can I help you?
Well... do you know a Russian
called Petr Zhukov?
I've met him. My late husband
did business with him.
A long time ago.
And Markus Spitzer?
He has an export business
which hasn't done very well.
But Mr Spitzer's company records
clearly show
that your company
also dealt with him.
May I ask where you were
on wednesday around 5 p.m?
Do have a seat...
Can you explain the murders
of Spitzer and Zhukov?
It's just a guess.
in Frankfurt and Amsterdam
some former Soviet bureaucrats
were murdered in a similar way.
Maybe old comrades
are taking revenge.
Yes, but Zhukov was murdered
by Spitzer, an Austrian.
I can't believe
Spitzer had a political motive.
There are rumours
he needed money.
Perhaps he was paid
and then eliminated.
Excuse me.
It's an open secret
that Zhukov got a cut
of all the major deals
between Vienna and Moscow.
Is there any hard evidence?
We could get the Tax Office
to look into your company.
But it's not my area.
I want your help.
What do you want to know?
Times have changed
since the East opened up.
Zhukov still got his cut
although he approved no deals
because he'd been ousted.
He must have had enemies
in Vienna.
Mr Landovsky, for example.
True. He's the biggest player.
He has the most to lose.
You're well-informed.
But would Landovsky murder
someone over a petty scam?
This is about all the money
that Zhukov amassed.
We've asked around.
A cut of 10% is standard.
Zhukov must have extorted
around 200 million.
- He couldn't send it to Russia.
- So it must be here.
What do you do professionally?
I give a little financial advice.
It's sad.
So rich, and yet disabled.
Hey, you can be in a wheelchair
and still be a criminal.
In any event
this is about money.
You think someone didn't want
to keep on paying Zhukov?
Or someone wanted his money.
Landovsky paid Zhukov too.
He's next on our list.
Moser here.
Our colleague
has just remembered something.
No, he didn't see
her face properly.
No, something else.
She had a distinctive limp.
He said
he couldn't get a word in.
Take your bad mood
out on someone else.
Hello. Police.
No cause for alarm.
We'd like to see Mr Landovsky.
He's not here.
That's unfortunate.
I must talk to him urgently.
I can make an appointment.
It can't wait.
- Have you hurt your foot?
- No, my knee. why?
It's our business to be curious.
Where were you
on wednesday around 5 p.m?
Must I say?
No, you can call your lawyer
and I can summons you.
But why go to all that trouble?
I was here.
My boss can confirm it.
All right, we'll check.
Where's your boss
at the moment?
Good morning, gentlemen.
Can I help you?
I'm sure you can.
We want to see Mr Landovsky.
we heard he was here.
I don't know
if I can disturb him.
I'm sure you can.
He's in the range.
Thank you.
Why have you given me this?
The left plate is loose.
would you fix it?
Are you crazy?
Get our boys to fix it.
He'll charge a fortune.
- He'll do it for free.
- What makes you think that?
It pulls to the left.
To the left, you say?
Quite correct.
You're familiar with shotguns?
We know more about hand guns.
We're from the police.
- Police?
- Homicide, Mr Landovsky.
We don't want an accident.
Sorry. I ought not to make
a mistake like that.
A pro, are you?
No, a hunter.
May I ask
why you want to see me?
It's about your friend,
Mr Zhukov.
He's dead. Didn't you know?
Someone blew him up.
Good Lord!
Do you know who did it?
Yes. A certain Mr Spitzer.
But we think he was acting
on someone's behalf.
What makes you think that?
He was murdered as well.
You were
Zhukov's biggest partner.
We all dealt with Zhukov.
We had no choice.
That's how it is in the East.
But it cost you a packet.
And you got no return.
Zhukov still took a cut
although he was ousted, right?
You don't think
I'd kill a man over that?
You can hire other people.
Where were you on wednesday?
Around 5 p.m?
5 p.m?
At my office, I think.
- And your secretary?
- She was there too.
What's she got to do with it?
Mr Spitzer was killed
around that time.
By a woman with dark hair.
Goodbye, Mr Landovsky.
we'll meet again.
All done.
It was a simple matter.
- How much do I owe you?
- It's on the house.
Thank you.
I really want to know
why he did that for free.
He thinks I'm a thug.
I see.
Look who's in a hurry.
Let's go.
- Any change?
- No. He won't eat or drink.
And he growls at anyone
who comes near.
I'll take a look.
Rex! Come.
Rex, come!
Come here, Rex.
There's no point.
Call the vet.
Mrs Werner has finished
her soup.
- Is she on her own?
- Yes, Mr Landovsky.
- Have you got a light?
- Sure.
Avoid heavy food.
You're wheezing.
I don't feel like eating.
- The police came to see me.
- Me too. So?
Don't panic.
Well, what do you know...
Mr Landovsky seems
a little nervous.
That's all, though.
It's as Mrs Werner said.
Those people
all know each other.
It doesn't look like
a friendly chat.
My last business deals
with Zhukov fell through.
I'm in financial difficulty.
The liberalisation in the East
has drawbacks.
It was easier
under the old regime.
Mrs Werner...
I'm telling you.
I want my money back.
Not just the last payments
but all I ever gave Zhukov.
He must have pocketed
close to 200 million.
It's no good to him now.
The facts are simple.
The money isn't there.
Zhukov took it a while ago.
He came here
on his way to South America.
You think I don't know
about your deals?
If I choose,
you'll lose everything.
Is that a threat?
If we don't come
to an agreement
I'll find ways and means
of getting my money.
Watching them eat
is making me hungry.
Good idea. Keep watch
while I grab some lunch.
Here? Do you want
to bankrupt yourself?
Thanks for reminding me.
I need to go to the bank first.
So you don't starve.
Mrs Werner's chauffeur put her
in the car and drove off.
Landovsky went back
to his office
and I bought the cake.
Good idea,
but it lacks something.
Really? what?
will you get it?
Done your banking?
Now you can pay me back.
I went to Mrs werner's bank.
Guess who manages
Zhukov's money.
- Mrs Werner.
- Right.
H?llerer, I want you and wimmer
to watch her and Landovsky.
I'm on my way.
Mrs Werner managed
Zhukov's millions
and kept the interest.
It occurred to Landovsky
that this money was ownerless.
Mrs Werner's motive is clear.
She wants to keep
Zhukov's money.
And Landovsky wants his share.
Maybe one of them got
Spitzer to kill Zhukov.
But who killed Spitzer?
It wasn't Landovsky's secretary.
I've made a few inquiries.
She and Landovsky
are having an affair.
They were at work
on wednesday.
But they weren't occupied
with work.
Goodbye, gents.
Have a nice evening.
I almost forgot.
Your wife called.
- She's taken the furniture.
- I'll sleep on the floor.
One more thing...
The dog's vanished.
I've got something for you.
- What's that for?
- For you to sit on.
You have no furniture.
Any more crap from you,
and I'll move in with you.
Are you threatening me?
I was only joking.
Ha-ha! Leave me be.
Be glad you're rid of her.
Have a nice evening.
Hello, Rex.
I knew you'd be here.
How are you?
I don't even know how to
console humans in this situation.
I know how you feel.
You can't stay here.
I think the two of us
would be quite suited.
I live alone. There's plenty
of space, and no furniture.
You could come to the office.
I can fix that.
We'll just have
to train Stockinger.
He's terrified of dogs.
I don't know
if you like these
but I practically live
on them.
I never get to the shops,
you see.
Oh well! we'll find out
what you like, won't we?
I'm going now.
Think about it.
So you're not coming.
Then I can't help you.
Have you changed your mind?
Coming with me after all,
are you?
What are you up to?
Come on. Come!
Wait in the car.
Hello. Hello!
- Yes?
- The dog's back.
I've found Rex.
Well done.
We've no idea how he got out.
Where was he?
At the cemetery.
It's sad.
Rex... used to be
one of our best dogs.
He could sniff out any scent...
drugs, missing people.
But since Michael's death...
I hear you don't know
what to do with the dog.
That's true.
We can't even sell him
if he doesn't obey.
And if he stops eating
we have no choice.
I want him.
It's not that simple.
He's state property
and maintained by our taxes.
It'll save the expense
of having him put down.
In any case, he stays here.
You can file an application.
And you must pay for him.
He's coming with me.
He'll die in here.
Send me the bill!
Hand over the dog at once!
You're stealing state property.
Lodge an official complaint.
In triplicate.
We're leaving, Rex.
The councillor is busy.
He can see you in two weeks.
- Fine...
- I've got an appointment.
I know.
Go on.
I'll tell him you're here,
Mr Landovsky.
The councillor
will see you now.
we're in deep trouble.
Not so loud! The walls have ears
since the Zhukov business.
The police came to see me.
And Mrs werner.
They're questioning everyone
who did business with Zhukov.
Sit down.
You're making me more nervous.
The police have got
all Spitzer's documents.
If they start examining
our books,
you'll be in trouble too.
Me? Why?
You overcharged
for your goods
and got an export subsidy.
Zhukov approved everything
and pocketed a cut.
How was I to know
your figures weren't right?
Oh please! They know
enough to work that out too.
Can we be sure that Spitzer
didn't talk before he died?
That miserable rat.
He blackmailed me.
I'd really like to know
who told him
about our little arrangement.
Well, it certainly wasn't me.
I didn't know
he was pressuring you too.
Did you know Spitzer
You know
what it's like in our line.
Where do we go from here?
Tidying up our own books
won't help.
The amounts all appear
in Tax Office records.
See what you can come up with.
I know nothing.
Mrs Werner has her hands
on the money...
but not for long.
Look, Max.
He's eating again.
It's funny...
When you talk about the dog
your eyes get moist.
I just wanted
to show him to you.
Rex, come here.
Come on.
Come on.
You've had enough to eat.
He wanted to go walkies.
- What about your wife?
- Ex-wife.
- Has she left at last?
- Yes, with the furniture. Why?
Just wondering.
Don't let it get to you.
It's an occupational hazard.
It was the same
when I was a policeman.
Every second police officer
is divorced.
Yes, I'm over it.
Play-acting is one thing
you've never been good at.
If I were,
you'd never have caught me.
Be glad I did.
Or God knows where you'd be.
Not every kid that nicks a moped
becomes a crim.
True. But from your gang
everyone did.
we've all made a career
for ourselves.
On different sides of the law.
And they earn more than me.
Be glad that I got you
to join the police.
By the way, how's the man
who planted the bomb?
Someone turned off
his respiratory machine.
At first we thought
it was Landovsky's secretary.
- But she's got an alibi.
- A good one?
Not really.
She and Landovsky say
they were busy at the office.
With private matters.
It's not a good alibi,
but it's a pleasant one.
Landovsky went bust
once before.
Over a speculation in Moscow.
The opening of the East
hurt his business.
Mrs Werner's also suss.
We have two suspects.
That's good.
Better two suspects...
than none.
H?llerer speaking.
Hello, Richard.
The light's on in her room.
The car's in the garage.
I had a thought.
This is going back a bit
but Mr Werner's death
was a bit fishy.
There should be a file on it.
Good, H?llerer.
Get hold of it.
On no!
Rex, what are doing?
My trophies!
Go on, move.
The only prizes
I've ever won for brawling.
Know him?
Max Koch.
we met him just now.
Oh well.
My ex-boss.
And this is my ex-wife.
It's funny.
They always want a photo...
Oh well.
This was my job once.
I used to smoke then.
I was with Gina.
Then I got pneumonia
and gave up smoking
because Gina said...
Never mind.
this is the living-room.
Rather sparsely furnished
Now where's he got to?
Off! Off you get!
I sleep here.
You're in the living-room.
I must buy cans of dog food
A whole boxful.
I see. Good idea.
Sleep well.
Wake me if you need me
although I may not know much.
I've never had a dog before.
Good night.
Don't think
I haven't noticed.
- I've found something.
- What?
What the...?
A dog.
It's fairly obvious.
Reginald von Ravenhorst.
But you can call him Rex.
Marokkanergasse 8.
- He's yours?
- Yes.
Since yesterday. And yes,
I've asked the boss. It's okay.
- What did he say?
- Nothing.
He swallowed.
If no one objects, it's okay.
Do you object?
No, but...
Accidental death of
Harald Werner, 1 979. Is he...
Is he...
- Is he our Mrs W's husband?
- Yes.
Get this...
If she weren't in a wheelchair
you'd say she killed him.
Good morning.
No news on the Werners.
Wimmer's watching Mrs W.
The car's in the garage.
The chauffeur's washing
the car.
Without them
she can't go out.
Did you say something?
Me? No.
Mrs Werner became disabled
two months
before her husband died.
I don't know...
Can't you hear it?
- Someone's growling.
- My stomach.
Stockinger, I've got
good news and bad news.
The good news is that the dog...
the one that went missing...
is back.
What's the bad news?
- He works for us now.
- No!
No. No!
Stocki, stay here.
He won't hurt you.
Richard, you know
I'm not scared.
9 o'clock.
It's time.
Are there
any first-class seats?
Sorry. The food just isn't
good enough in business class.
Good morning.
Did you sleep well?
Yes, by the open window.
Fresh air does me good.
- Good morning, madam.
- Morning.
Richard, please!
I didn't know
you had a dog, Richard.
- Well, you'll all get used to it.
- What's he called?
Fill me in
on the late Mr Landovsky.
Well, some walkers
found the body.
It looks as if he fell from
the hide and broke his neck.
All about two hours ago.
There are abrasions
on his palms.
He probably grabbed
the ladder and slipped.
Shoo! Shoo!
Go away.
Cut it out.
- Look, traces of earth.
- Yes, I noticed those.
You'd think
he'd fall on his back.
See if you can find
a haematoma.
Richard, are you really looking
for a murder case?
No, but he's mixed up in a case
we're working on.
I'm convinced
someone pushed him.
Off! Search! Down!
Go! Search!
Over there.
Well? Have they got
a cast of the footprints?
And some soil...
Where's Rex?
No idea. I just told him
to back off a bit.
Rex! Rex!
Come here.
What's the matter, eh?
Rex? Rex, come here.
Rex, where are you going?
What do you want?
What is it, eh?
What's wrong?
What is it?
I don't want to be disturbed.
The councillor is here.
He refuses to leave.
Tell him to wait.
I must talk to you.
Make it quick.
I have a lot to do.
I bet.
You want to close Zhukov's
accounts and do a bunk.
The fantasies
of an Austrian public servant!
Look at me.
Do you envy me?
What do you want?
If it gets out that I approved
the subsidies, I'm ruined.
You have Zhukov's money.
It would only be fair
to give me some.
Is that what you're all after?
Spitzer lived beyond his means.
Landovsky couldn't get enough.
And you...
a panicky little bureaucrat.
Zhukov's cut had to be paid
into your bank.
You've lived well on it.
When he came to claim it,
you hired Spitzer to kill him.
I'd like to see
who could prove it.
Continue your nap at HQ.
We'll get Mrs Werner.
- Stay there.
- You think she'll run for it?
who is it?
Moser. Homicide.
Come on, Rex.
Inspector, Madam is sick
and won't see anyone.
Sorry, but she'll see me.
Stay, Rex.
Open the door.
We have strict orders
not to enter the garden-house.
Should I break it open?
Rex, search!
Good boy.
Good dog, Rex.
Go on, search.
Good boy.
Search. Go on.
Search, search.
Search, search.
Search, Rex.
Rex, what is it?
Have you found something?
What have we here?
Well done, Rex.
Good boy.
Good dog.
What a clever boy.
Run, Rex. Run!
Go get her!
Stocki. Stocki!
Excuse me.
we need to talk.
How dare you?
I work for the government.
So do l.
Mrs Werner...
Been to Lourdes, have you?
It's an amazing story.
Shortly after Mrs Werner
was crippled
her husband was hit by
a heavy concrete flowerpot.
She inherited his fortune
and invested
Zhukov's money wisely.
Why didn't our guys suspect
at the time?
The doctors said she was
a psychosomatic cripple.
She was in
a wheelchair for years!
for a few hundred million...
She confessed to instigating
Zhukov's murder.
And to the murder of Spitzer and
Landovsky, and her husband.
Come here, Rex.
You get a...
She was unlucky
that we caught Spitzer.
And that Rex found
the crucial clue.
If you're looking
for your biscuits...
I'm sorry.
I've eaten them all.
Did they taste good?
Very good.
They were dog biscuits.
I'd like a cup of coffee.
And a piece of...
what's it called?
- Anything with that?
- Such as?
I quite forgot.
with cream, of course.
- And your coffee?
- With cream too.
One coffee with cream,
one cake with cream.
Is all that cream
good for you, Mr Zhukov?
Good morning.
Mr Spitzer!
what are you doing here?
Everything's fine.
I came to tell you
that at two o'clock
your power of attorney
for the bank accounts
and the cash will be ready.
At a nearby bank.
- You'll see to it yourself?
- If you wish.
It's too bad that we have
to terminate our business.
But it was to be foreseen.
Times have changed.
None of us
are too happy about it.
But you've made provisions.
Give and take.
Everyone benefited.
And I bore the risk.
Were there any problems
in Moscow?
Put it this way...
Some people have been waiting
for the chance to get rid of me.
But I've pre-empted them.
Your coffee, sir.
And your cake.
The same for me too, please.
Excuse me one moment.
what's wrong?
Push the button!
Don't panic.
It won't be long.
Search, Rex!
Thank God.
Why is it going up?
There's nothing downstairs.
Are you sure?
He's sure.
That's him!
He was at the same table.
Go, Rex!
Come on.
we've almost got him.
Drop your gun.
A doctor.
Call a doctor. Quick!
You! See to it.
What's wrong with him?
The dog's injured too.
Could you take a look?
What's the world coming to?
A bomb blast
in the middle of Stephansplatz!
Two passports.
I found them on the dead man.
The guy I shot had no lD.
I'll tell you more
in the morning.
Very well, then.
This evening.
- What's the dog called?
- Rex.
Come on, Rex. Come!
You can't stay here.
- What will happen to him?
- Hard to say.
We had a case before.
The dog couldn't get used
to anyone else. He moped.
We had to have him put down.
Surely you can tell me
roughly when...
No, just tell me
when he can be questioned.
Yes, then put me through
to the doctor.
He's with a private patient?
Bully for him. I'll call back.
It's mad.
"He needs rest.
He's seriously hurt."
"Only Doctor can say."
They don't care he killed a cop.
what a day!
Don't bank on him talking
when he comes round.
He'll talk all right.
Spitzer didn't look
like a pro to me.
- What about the bomb?
- The bomb!
Any kid can knock up a bomb
these days.
Anything new on the dead man?
He had two names
but he wasn't registered
as an Austrian resident.
Try the hotels.
See if a Zhukov
or a Ramirez checked in.
And you ask the federal cops
if they know him.
What are you going to do?
See my Eastern European pals.
Eastern pals, my foot!
You mean
the hot-dog stand.
Sure. Seeing as you've scoffed
my ham rolls again.
How can I go shopping
when I'm slogging away all day?
Can he get mad!
No gherkins!
Two sausages
with the lot, please.
Thanks, Franz.
So, what's new?
I was going to ask you that.
Any news on the explosion?
I heard about it on the radio.
I was there. What can I say?
A cop got shot.
- Hey, look out!
- Sorry. I'm really sorry.
Sorry, are you?
Stop, you're making it worse.
I don't believe it.
It can't be true.
What's up?
He pinched my wallet.
I'll pay you later.
Not your day, is it?
I'm from round here, too.
- I don't know what you want.
- Just my wallet.
where are you from?
- Okay. we'll go to the police.
- No police, no. Please!
My father will kill me.
Look, I'm often
in this part of town.
If I catch you again,
there'll be trouble. Got it?
Now scram.
- How are you?
- Can't complain.
What are you doing here,
Or should I say Richard?
- Have you got any water?
- As much as you want.
You haven't been here
for a long time.
And it shows.
Some kid just stole my wallet.
Fine thing for a cop.
Since my mother died
I've felt a stranger here.
You're right, Richie.
It used to be much nicer.
Nowadays... oh well.
You didn't come to hear
an old Russian grumble.
What can I do for you?
It's about the bomb.
I'm sure you heard about it.
I did.
Let's go up to my office.
- How's your back?
- Worse by the day.
Things were much better
just a few years ago.
Thank you.
One did business
with the East peacefully,
if not always quite legally.
But now...
it's got a lot tougher.
The Eastern Mafia
have taken over.
That's why I'm here.
Do you know this man?
Petr lvanovich.
I know the name.
Yes, Petr Zhukov.
Top brass
in the Russian Trade Ministry.
In charge of
imports from Europe.
A senior bureaucrat,
one of the old guard.
And probably KGB.
Most likely.
Or he wouldn't have got
that job.
- Or a second passport.
- It's genuine.
Of course.
If you've got connections,
you can get a genuine one.
Who could have wanted
to kill Zhukov?
And do it like that,
with a bomb?
A while ago
in Frankfurt and Amsterdam
some former Soviet bureaucrats
were killed the same way.
There are other methods,
more discreet ones.
Cyanide spray, for example.
Maybe it was to warn others.
I don't think so.
There must be another reason.
Zhukov always got a kickback.
That was common knowlege.
So it could be about money.
And if so,
we're talking big money.
Excuse me.
- Richard...
- Hi, Stocki.
The guy you shot...
we found a car park ticket
and a car key on the stairs.
He probably chucked them
in a panic.
Anyway, the make of the car
is on the key.
A posh jeep. There were
three of them in the car park.
We've accounted for two.
The third is registered
to an import-export company.
Gonzagagasse 11.
Gonzagagasse 11.
See you there.
- How often did Spitzer...
- Mr Spitzer.
How often did he go to Moscow?
Once or twice a month.
Although he did go there
more often recently.
I don't know if I'm allowed
to show you these.
You're allowed.
Better than having to, isn't it?
So Mr Spitzer went to Moscow
a good deal recently?
I just told you that.
Mr Spitzer... the company
has had huge problems
since the upheaval
in the Soviet Union.
Right. Well, since then
things have ground to a halt.
- What things?
- Trade.
I've barely had any business
from there recently.
What kind of business was it?
Exports to the Soviet Union...
Oops, Russia!
Mainly technical
construction parts,
and so on and so forth.
Have you heard of a Mr Zhukov?
Petr Zhukov.
Yes. Yes, I know him.
He's the man
at the Trade Ministry in Moscow
Who has to approve our deals.
He's a very important man.
Did Mr Spitzer tell you that?
Markus, that is, Mr Spitzer
said something
in a telephone conversation.
He said...
"Nothing works
without Zhukov."
I'll get it.
It'll be my colleague.
You should see Spitzer's pad.
what a classy place.
No wonder
he's up to his ears in debt.
What's your theory?
Spitzer blew up
his most important contact,
a senior bureaucrat
and KGB agent,
on Stephansplatz.
Spitzer was broke.
Zhukov was fleecing everyone.
Perhaps Spitzer did it
for the money.
Or someone put him up to it
and got scared.
A lot of people
will be getting scared.
Zhukov milked Landovsky too.
- Mr lmports-Exports himself?
- The same.
Then he won't be the last.
If Spitzer doesn't talk,
we'll question every importer.
We must see Spitzer right now.
Hey, what about me?
Rex, this has to stop.
I know you don't want to eat.
But you really must
drink something.
Let's take your bandage off.
Perhaps you won't need
a new one.
Here we go.
Good boy.
Good boy, Rex.
Nearly finished.
There we are.
It's looking pretty good.
Come on, Rex. Have a drink.
Rex, if you don't drink
you'll die.
- Coming for a beer?
- No, I've got to go home.
Come on, Rex. Have a drink.
Go on, open up.
Rex, be a good boy.
Ah, the radiologist.
Anything new?
I think
he still can't be questioned.
We'll have a look.
Fetch a doctor at once.
Who was here last?
A nurse.
And a minute ago, a doctor.
- Give me a description.
- White coat, dark hair...
- Where did she go?
- Down there.
You still haven't drunk
anything, Rex.
Sorry, Rex.
we have to go.
We have a sad duty
to perform.
Squad, dismissed!
Division, dismissed!
Is the dog all right?
His wound's healed
but he's not eating
and he doesn't obey us.
What will happen to him?
They usually go to the family
but Michael was single.
We'll keep him a bit longer.
And then?
Well, Rex...
Rex! Come on, Rex.
We're going, Rex.
Come on now.
What can I do?
Come on now.
Come on, Rex. Come.
we're going home.
There. Jump.
Rex, stay in the car.
You're worried about the dog?
You know what happens to them?
It's not his fault
his master was shot.
He was his handler,
the man he related to.
He needs time to become
attached to someone new.
You should know.
End of subject. I'm not telling
you anything ever again.
Are you out of your mind?
Just don't mention
my divorce, okay?
Fine. Deal with things alone,
like you always do.
But don't ask me for a loan.
What has that to do with it?
Would you marry
a police officer?
I did.
At least my wife says so.
Did you find anything
in Spitzer's files?
He'd done no business
with Russia for six months.
Then why kill him
and put the note in his hand?
"Death to enemies
of the Soviets!"
- It's absurd.
- They're all old commies.
Spitzer sold hi-tech goods
to the East.
Maybe he cheated someone.
Maybe someone wants us
to think that.
I don't know.
Looks like a red herring to me.
We've checked the firms
that trade with the East.
They all had dealings
with Zhukov.
Landovsky, too.
In Spitzer's files
I kept seeing the name of Ostex.
- Have we got anything on them?
- I checked them out.
They ceased business
after the East opened up.
- That doesn't make sense.
- True.
Let's take a good look at them.
Ostex here.
Mrs Werner speaking.
The chief accountant, please.
Thank you.
This is Mrs Werner.
Thank you. I'm very well.
I need to transfer some money
out of the accounts
ending in 328...
356 and 388.
Well, Ostex didn't go bust.
We're from the police.
We want to talk to Mrs Werner.
- Come in, please.
- Thank you.
Trade with the East
looks a safe bet.
- Not quite.
- What do you mean?
I want you to see to it
as soon as you can.
I need cash
for a major transaction.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Two police officers
to see you, madam.
Whatever do they want?
Please ask them in.
My name is Moser,
and this is Mr Stockinger.
we're investigating two murders.
How can I help you?
Well... do you know a Russian
called Petr Zhukov?
I've met him. My late husband
did business with him.
A long time ago.
And Markus Spitzer?
He has an export business
which hasn't done very well.
But Mr Spitzer's company records
clearly show
that your company
also dealt with him.
May I ask where you were
on wednesday around 5 p.m?
Do have a seat...
Can you explain the murders
of Spitzer and Zhukov?
It's just a guess.
in Frankfurt and Amsterdam
some former Soviet bureaucrats
were murdered in a similar way.
Maybe old comrades
are taking revenge.
Yes, but Zhukov was murdered
by Spitzer, an Austrian.
I can't believe
Spitzer had a political motive.
There are rumours
he needed money.
Perhaps he was paid
and then eliminated.
Excuse me.
It's an open secret
that Zhukov got a cut
of all the major deals
between Vienna and Moscow.
Is there any hard evidence?
We could get the Tax Office
to look into your company.
But it's not my area.
I want your help.
What do you want to know?
Times have changed
since the East opened up.
Zhukov still got his cut
although he approved no deals
because he'd been ousted.
He must have had enemies
in Vienna.
Mr Landovsky, for example.
True. He's the biggest player.
He has the most to lose.
You're well-informed.
But would Landovsky murder
someone over a petty scam?
This is about all the money
that Zhukov amassed.
We've asked around.
A cut of 10% is standard.
Zhukov must have extorted
around 200 million.
- He couldn't send it to Russia.
- So it must be here.
What do you do professionally?
I give a little financial advice.
It's sad.
So rich, and yet disabled.
Hey, you can be in a wheelchair
and still be a criminal.
In any event
this is about money.
You think someone didn't want
to keep on paying Zhukov?
Or someone wanted his money.
Landovsky paid Zhukov too.
He's next on our list.
Moser here.
Our colleague
has just remembered something.
No, he didn't see
her face properly.
No, something else.
She had a distinctive limp.
He said
he couldn't get a word in.
Take your bad mood
out on someone else.
Hello. Police.
No cause for alarm.
We'd like to see Mr Landovsky.
He's not here.
That's unfortunate.
I must talk to him urgently.
I can make an appointment.
It can't wait.
- Have you hurt your foot?
- No, my knee. why?
It's our business to be curious.
Where were you
on wednesday around 5 p.m?
Must I say?
No, you can call your lawyer
and I can summons you.
But why go to all that trouble?
I was here.
My boss can confirm it.
All right, we'll check.
Where's your boss
at the moment?
Good morning, gentlemen.
Can I help you?
I'm sure you can.
We want to see Mr Landovsky.
we heard he was here.
I don't know
if I can disturb him.
I'm sure you can.
He's in the range.
Thank you.
Why have you given me this?
The left plate is loose.
would you fix it?
Are you crazy?
Get our boys to fix it.
He'll charge a fortune.
- He'll do it for free.
- What makes you think that?
It pulls to the left.
To the left, you say?
Quite correct.
You're familiar with shotguns?
We know more about hand guns.
We're from the police.
- Police?
- Homicide, Mr Landovsky.
We don't want an accident.
Sorry. I ought not to make
a mistake like that.
A pro, are you?
No, a hunter.
May I ask
why you want to see me?
It's about your friend,
Mr Zhukov.
He's dead. Didn't you know?
Someone blew him up.
Good Lord!
Do you know who did it?
Yes. A certain Mr Spitzer.
But we think he was acting
on someone's behalf.
What makes you think that?
He was murdered as well.
You were
Zhukov's biggest partner.
We all dealt with Zhukov.
We had no choice.
That's how it is in the East.
But it cost you a packet.
And you got no return.
Zhukov still took a cut
although he was ousted, right?
You don't think
I'd kill a man over that?
You can hire other people.
Where were you on wednesday?
Around 5 p.m?
5 p.m?
At my office, I think.
- And your secretary?
- She was there too.
What's she got to do with it?
Mr Spitzer was killed
around that time.
By a woman with dark hair.
Goodbye, Mr Landovsky.
we'll meet again.
All done.
It was a simple matter.
- How much do I owe you?
- It's on the house.
Thank you.
I really want to know
why he did that for free.
He thinks I'm a thug.
I see.
Look who's in a hurry.
Let's go.
- Any change?
- No. He won't eat or drink.
And he growls at anyone
who comes near.
I'll take a look.
Rex! Come.
Rex, come!
Come here, Rex.
There's no point.
Call the vet.
Mrs Werner has finished
her soup.
- Is she on her own?
- Yes, Mr Landovsky.
- Have you got a light?
- Sure.
Avoid heavy food.
You're wheezing.
I don't feel like eating.
- The police came to see me.
- Me too. So?
Don't panic.
Well, what do you know...
Mr Landovsky seems
a little nervous.
That's all, though.
It's as Mrs Werner said.
Those people
all know each other.
It doesn't look like
a friendly chat.
My last business deals
with Zhukov fell through.
I'm in financial difficulty.
The liberalisation in the East
has drawbacks.
It was easier
under the old regime.
Mrs Werner...
I'm telling you.
I want my money back.
Not just the last payments
but all I ever gave Zhukov.
He must have pocketed
close to 200 million.
It's no good to him now.
The facts are simple.
The money isn't there.
Zhukov took it a while ago.
He came here
on his way to South America.
You think I don't know
about your deals?
If I choose,
you'll lose everything.
Is that a threat?
If we don't come
to an agreement
I'll find ways and means
of getting my money.
Watching them eat
is making me hungry.
Good idea. Keep watch
while I grab some lunch.
Here? Do you want
to bankrupt yourself?
Thanks for reminding me.
I need to go to the bank first.
So you don't starve.
Mrs Werner's chauffeur put her
in the car and drove off.
Landovsky went back
to his office
and I bought the cake.
Good idea,
but it lacks something.
Really? what?
will you get it?
Done your banking?
Now you can pay me back.
I went to Mrs werner's bank.
Guess who manages
Zhukov's money.
- Mrs Werner.
- Right.
H?llerer, I want you and wimmer
to watch her and Landovsky.
I'm on my way.
Mrs Werner managed
Zhukov's millions
and kept the interest.
It occurred to Landovsky
that this money was ownerless.
Mrs Werner's motive is clear.
She wants to keep
Zhukov's money.
And Landovsky wants his share.
Maybe one of them got
Spitzer to kill Zhukov.
But who killed Spitzer?
It wasn't Landovsky's secretary.
I've made a few inquiries.
She and Landovsky
are having an affair.
They were at work
on wednesday.
But they weren't occupied
with work.
Goodbye, gents.
Have a nice evening.
I almost forgot.
Your wife called.
- She's taken the furniture.
- I'll sleep on the floor.
One more thing...
The dog's vanished.
I've got something for you.
- What's that for?
- For you to sit on.
You have no furniture.
Any more crap from you,
and I'll move in with you.
Are you threatening me?
I was only joking.
Ha-ha! Leave me be.
Be glad you're rid of her.
Have a nice evening.
Hello, Rex.
I knew you'd be here.
How are you?
I don't even know how to
console humans in this situation.
I know how you feel.
You can't stay here.
I think the two of us
would be quite suited.
I live alone. There's plenty
of space, and no furniture.
You could come to the office.
I can fix that.
We'll just have
to train Stockinger.
He's terrified of dogs.
I don't know
if you like these
but I practically live
on them.
I never get to the shops,
you see.
Oh well! we'll find out
what you like, won't we?
I'm going now.
Think about it.
So you're not coming.
Then I can't help you.
Have you changed your mind?
Coming with me after all,
are you?
What are you up to?
Come on. Come!
Wait in the car.
Hello. Hello!
- Yes?
- The dog's back.
I've found Rex.
Well done.
We've no idea how he got out.
Where was he?
At the cemetery.
It's sad.
Rex... used to be
one of our best dogs.
He could sniff out any scent...
drugs, missing people.
But since Michael's death...
I hear you don't know
what to do with the dog.
That's true.
We can't even sell him
if he doesn't obey.
And if he stops eating
we have no choice.
I want him.
It's not that simple.
He's state property
and maintained by our taxes.
It'll save the expense
of having him put down.
In any case, he stays here.
You can file an application.
And you must pay for him.
He's coming with me.
He'll die in here.
Send me the bill!
Hand over the dog at once!
You're stealing state property.
Lodge an official complaint.
In triplicate.
We're leaving, Rex.
The councillor is busy.
He can see you in two weeks.
- Fine...
- I've got an appointment.
I know.
Go on.
I'll tell him you're here,
Mr Landovsky.
The councillor
will see you now.
we're in deep trouble.
Not so loud! The walls have ears
since the Zhukov business.
The police came to see me.
And Mrs werner.
They're questioning everyone
who did business with Zhukov.
Sit down.
You're making me more nervous.
The police have got
all Spitzer's documents.
If they start examining
our books,
you'll be in trouble too.
Me? Why?
You overcharged
for your goods
and got an export subsidy.
Zhukov approved everything
and pocketed a cut.
How was I to know
your figures weren't right?
Oh please! They know
enough to work that out too.
Can we be sure that Spitzer
didn't talk before he died?
That miserable rat.
He blackmailed me.
I'd really like to know
who told him
about our little arrangement.
Well, it certainly wasn't me.
I didn't know
he was pressuring you too.
Did you know Spitzer
You know
what it's like in our line.
Where do we go from here?
Tidying up our own books
won't help.
The amounts all appear
in Tax Office records.
See what you can come up with.
I know nothing.
Mrs Werner has her hands
on the money...
but not for long.
Look, Max.
He's eating again.
It's funny...
When you talk about the dog
your eyes get moist.
I just wanted
to show him to you.
Rex, come here.
Come on.
Come on.
You've had enough to eat.
He wanted to go walkies.
- What about your wife?
- Ex-wife.
- Has she left at last?
- Yes, with the furniture. Why?
Just wondering.
Don't let it get to you.
It's an occupational hazard.
It was the same
when I was a policeman.
Every second police officer
is divorced.
Yes, I'm over it.
Play-acting is one thing
you've never been good at.
If I were,
you'd never have caught me.
Be glad I did.
Or God knows where you'd be.
Not every kid that nicks a moped
becomes a crim.
True. But from your gang
everyone did.
we've all made a career
for ourselves.
On different sides of the law.
And they earn more than me.
Be glad that I got you
to join the police.
By the way, how's the man
who planted the bomb?
Someone turned off
his respiratory machine.
At first we thought
it was Landovsky's secretary.
- But she's got an alibi.
- A good one?
Not really.
She and Landovsky say
they were busy at the office.
With private matters.
It's not a good alibi,
but it's a pleasant one.
Landovsky went bust
once before.
Over a speculation in Moscow.
The opening of the East
hurt his business.
Mrs Werner's also suss.
We have two suspects.
That's good.
Better two suspects...
than none.
H?llerer speaking.
Hello, Richard.
The light's on in her room.
The car's in the garage.
I had a thought.
This is going back a bit
but Mr Werner's death
was a bit fishy.
There should be a file on it.
Good, H?llerer.
Get hold of it.
On no!
Rex, what are doing?
My trophies!
Go on, move.
The only prizes
I've ever won for brawling.
Know him?
Max Koch.
we met him just now.
Oh well.
My ex-boss.
And this is my ex-wife.
It's funny.
They always want a photo...
Oh well.
This was my job once.
I used to smoke then.
I was with Gina.
Then I got pneumonia
and gave up smoking
because Gina said...
Never mind.
this is the living-room.
Rather sparsely furnished
Now where's he got to?
Off! Off you get!
I sleep here.
You're in the living-room.
I must buy cans of dog food
A whole boxful.
I see. Good idea.
Sleep well.
Wake me if you need me
although I may not know much.
I've never had a dog before.
Good night.
Don't think
I haven't noticed.
- I've found something.
- What?
What the...?
A dog.
It's fairly obvious.
Reginald von Ravenhorst.
But you can call him Rex.
Marokkanergasse 8.
- He's yours?
- Yes.
Since yesterday. And yes,
I've asked the boss. It's okay.
- What did he say?
- Nothing.
He swallowed.
If no one objects, it's okay.
Do you object?
No, but...
Accidental death of
Harald Werner, 1 979. Is he...
Is he...
- Is he our Mrs W's husband?
- Yes.
Get this...
If she weren't in a wheelchair
you'd say she killed him.
Good morning.
No news on the Werners.
Wimmer's watching Mrs W.
The car's in the garage.
The chauffeur's washing
the car.
Without them
she can't go out.
Did you say something?
Me? No.
Mrs Werner became disabled
two months
before her husband died.
I don't know...
Can't you hear it?
- Someone's growling.
- My stomach.
Stockinger, I've got
good news and bad news.
The good news is that the dog...
the one that went missing...
is back.
What's the bad news?
- He works for us now.
- No!
No. No!
Stocki, stay here.
He won't hurt you.
Richard, you know
I'm not scared.
9 o'clock.
It's time.
Are there
any first-class seats?
Sorry. The food just isn't
good enough in business class.
Good morning.
Did you sleep well?
Yes, by the open window.
Fresh air does me good.
- Good morning, madam.
- Morning.
Richard, please!
I didn't know
you had a dog, Richard.
- Well, you'll all get used to it.
- What's he called?
Fill me in
on the late Mr Landovsky.
Well, some walkers
found the body.
It looks as if he fell from
the hide and broke his neck.
All about two hours ago.
There are abrasions
on his palms.
He probably grabbed
the ladder and slipped.
Shoo! Shoo!
Go away.
Cut it out.
- Look, traces of earth.
- Yes, I noticed those.
You'd think
he'd fall on his back.
See if you can find
a haematoma.
Richard, are you really looking
for a murder case?
No, but he's mixed up in a case
we're working on.
I'm convinced
someone pushed him.
Off! Search! Down!
Go! Search!
Over there.
Well? Have they got
a cast of the footprints?
And some soil...
Where's Rex?
No idea. I just told him
to back off a bit.
Rex! Rex!
Come here.
What's the matter, eh?
Rex? Rex, come here.
Rex, where are you going?
What do you want?
What is it, eh?
What's wrong?
What is it?
I don't want to be disturbed.
The councillor is here.
He refuses to leave.
Tell him to wait.
I must talk to you.
Make it quick.
I have a lot to do.
I bet.
You want to close Zhukov's
accounts and do a bunk.
The fantasies
of an Austrian public servant!
Look at me.
Do you envy me?
What do you want?
If it gets out that I approved
the subsidies, I'm ruined.
You have Zhukov's money.
It would only be fair
to give me some.
Is that what you're all after?
Spitzer lived beyond his means.
Landovsky couldn't get enough.
And you...
a panicky little bureaucrat.
Zhukov's cut had to be paid
into your bank.
You've lived well on it.
When he came to claim it,
you hired Spitzer to kill him.
I'd like to see
who could prove it.
Continue your nap at HQ.
We'll get Mrs Werner.
- Stay there.
- You think she'll run for it?
who is it?
Moser. Homicide.
Come on, Rex.
Inspector, Madam is sick
and won't see anyone.
Sorry, but she'll see me.
Stay, Rex.
Open the door.
We have strict orders
not to enter the garden-house.
Should I break it open?
Rex, search!
Good boy.
Good dog, Rex.
Go on, search.
Good boy.
Search. Go on.
Search, search.
Search, search.
Search, Rex.
Rex, what is it?
Have you found something?
What have we here?
Well done, Rex.
Good boy.
Good dog.
What a clever boy.
Run, Rex. Run!
Go get her!
Stocki. Stocki!
Excuse me.
we need to talk.
How dare you?
I work for the government.
So do l.
Mrs Werner...
Been to Lourdes, have you?
It's an amazing story.
Shortly after Mrs Werner
was crippled
her husband was hit by
a heavy concrete flowerpot.
She inherited his fortune
and invested
Zhukov's money wisely.
Why didn't our guys suspect
at the time?
The doctors said she was
a psychosomatic cripple.
She was in
a wheelchair for years!
for a few hundred million...
She confessed to instigating
Zhukov's murder.
And to the murder of Spitzer and
Landovsky, and her husband.
Come here, Rex.
You get a...
She was unlucky
that we caught Spitzer.
And that Rex found
the crucial clue.
If you're looking
for your biscuits...
I'm sorry.
I've eaten them all.
Did they taste good?
Very good.
They were dog biscuits.