Return to Jupiter (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Quarantine - full transcript


Help, somebody help us please!


Ed help us, we're gonna die.

Ed do something.

That boy up there was a
so kill immediately.


You're the brewing chemist.

What is this gas?

I don't know.

I never got up to the
betabel deadly compounds.


Center now sealed until further notice.

Emergency, education alert.

Toxic gas alert.

Repeat emergency.

We'll need cutting equipment.

Find Ghrobak.

Emergency education notice...

There's nothing you can do here.

That's my sister in there.

Just leave it to the experts.

Don't underestimate Kumi.

Abe, I don't feel too good.

I need your jacket.

Come on, your jacket and your socks.

Sorry guys.

If I can hot wire it.

Key in my own commands.

I said I wanted laser cutters.

Not if there's gas in there.

Laser, gas, spark, ignition.

I'm sure we can solve the equation.

Maybe I can interface the security locks.

I've already done it.

Why can't we just blast our way in?

You'll do no such thing.

You've done good for me, well done.

No, I don't want laser cutters.

And will somebody kill that alarm.

Gerard no!

I'll just check it out.

Gerard wait.

You don't know what the gas is.

Come out of there.

Gerard come out
of there, that's an order.

You can't go in.
- Avoid it.

Anna, where are you?

Anna, Abe!

Chemistry sucks.

System denied, out of control.

Right, three valves half full.

Four, five, six.



That's the way.

Bad news termite.

Looks like they're gonna have
to shut the IN center down.

So, no summer school?


That's terrible!

I was really looking forward
to my next experiment.

Looks like you'll be
coming with us after all.

Toxin tests on the gas, as I suspect,

it's smelly but harmless.

The children or the gas?

It was a joke.


I get it, yeah.

Good one.

Well, you can count
yourselves very lucky.

You can all go now except your Gerard.

I think we'd better have a little talk.

Sector nine under control,

repeat emergency is over.

Sector nine is secure.

10 weeks to Ganymede.

You know someday someone's going to

invent a faster way to travel.

I've got two words for you.

She chunked you out?

That's formal.

I'm in!

The ice woman's accepted me.

I knew you could do it.


Gonna be an in in-send.

Ganymede here I come.

That's great.

After your recent bravery
you've been assigned

for a probationary period
to my crew on Icarus.

Well, two Keslers on the one ship.

You have a lot to live up to.

Sam, you're hugging me.

You're my brother.

People are watching.

This is great, you'll
have full range of the ship.

Think of the perks.

Abe, don't be stupid.

He's joking right?

You're emergency access key to Icarus.

And as your first task, you
can ID tag your friends.

There's no way I'm wearing it.

Whatever happened to privacy?

This is big brother stuff.

It's just for safety or just in

case an accident happens
or something like that.

You don't honestly believe that do you?

Michael, if everyone has to wear one...

No that's okay Kumi, I can't force him.

So I don't have to wear mine either?

Yes you do.

Come on Gerard.

So here it is, your new security guide.

Just walk straight on through.

How do we know it's
not a cryogenics chamber?

Just go.

Go ahead Anna.

It's giving me goosebumps.

After you.

Reject, unauthorized entry.

So I guess you will be
needing your bracelet after all.

Come on Kumi.

I ask got everything
to be functional by 1100.

But you can't rush these things.

The Icarus is my ship.

Yes but I designed it.

I'm in control and
you'll do what you're told.


I just think we need more testing.

Life supports to full capacity.

Yes ma'am.

I'll get you some
Camomile tea Commander.

And this is the guts of it all.

Watch where you're going

and stay out of the way too.

It's pretty much automatic.

Michael, I wouldn't
touch that if I were you.

Commander Dent doesn't like it.

Yeah well if I see any
I'll let him know, okay?

Commander, atmospherics,
there's been a contamination.

Well shut it down before it spreads

through the entire ship.

Wisdom prevents me from
saying I told you so.

Can't rush these things.

Can you see what's going on?

Some sort of ceiling.

The computers trying to identify it.

Gerard would you please escort

your friends back to earth station.

Yes Commander.

I told you not to touch anything.

I'm sorry.

This is definitely a bad omen.

One tiny microscopic bug
doesn't make a disaster.

But if that tiny bug
gets inside somebody

then that somebody would
turn into a raving maniac,

and then we'll be stuck with him

halfway across the universe.

You worry too much.

Have you got any spare room in there?

I'm gonna need
disinfectants, antiseptics,

antidotes for just about everything.

And maybe one of those
toxin sterilizing masks.

Look I'm not stupid.

I've just spent the last
year studying atmospherics.

Just wait for the Y
squad to cut it all right?

Do some tests.

No one has to know.

You can get me the ship's
atmospheric generator,

I'll check it out.

It's so simple.

You should do this
stuff your first year.

Could even be a plus for ya'.

You're out of your depth Michael

and I'm late for my shift.

See you.

The basally got there
because your system failed.

Didn't I tell you level four.

What were you doing on level five?

I want a bioanalysis
team onboard Icarus now.

Not bioanalysts. Those
idly two faps wouldn't know

a tsetse fly from a termite.

Just as well, it's neither of those.

Hold it right there.


I didn't do anything honestly.

I wasn't even there.

Abraham I've received a
communication from Ganymede...

From your mother.

What's happened?

Attention all Icarus crew

and passengers, your ship
is now ready for departure.

You sure you got everything?

I'm not going.

What are you talking about?

Mom's gone and got herself promoted.

She's being transferred back
here, so I have to stay put.

But that's not fair.

Since when has fairness got
anything to do with parents.

All cargo parts

now secured into position.

Icarus crew lock down all cargo coves

and secure the flight.

Departure time 1400 hours.

I'm very sorry Commander there was a.

Q on the break line.
- So next time jump it.

That uniform gives you a position

of authority when it's done up.

Commander, a security breach but

you're not gonna believe
this, atmospherics again.

Hardly an impressive beginning.

Don't even start.

Must be my bug.

That's impossible.

They wouldn't know what day it is,

let alone how to decode my door seals.

Atmospheric generator

controls activated.

You'll be thanking me for this one.


Bio tracing contamination.

Icarus crew see about...

Mild crew emergency...

Leave it.
- I said here and I mean now.

Put the deacon termination
chamber on standby.

Bioengineering needs
to nursed to capacity.

I warned you.

It's like a new born baby's lung.

You didn't warn me about
interfering adolescence.

He had to get in there somehow.

Where is your access key?

It was here, I had it.

You took your time.

level 5C is out of control.

Emergency, access the regenerator.

Now shutting down and now subdued.

You won't be needed.

Atmospherics program commencing.

Now it's uncomfortable I
know but try and be patient.

What were you doing there?

I tried to help.


Well no matter.

That's interesting.

It's an internal contamination
and it's probably air born.

What does that mean?

Well the basally is inside you and

until we know what it is
you'll have to be quarantined.

For how long?

Well that depends on the
laboratory and the culture tests.

Doc, I've got to be on that ship.

My parents are expecting me on Ganymede.

Well, I'm sorry Michael.

Okay, seal him up.

Patient now isolated.

You better inform his parents.

Absolutely, absolutely.

Is he all right, can I see him?

Yes but don't tire him out.


Just life Frankenstein.

How long are you gonna be in there?

Hey what's this do?

Hey, don't touch a thing.

This is great.

You're like my very own
personal experiment.

I heard about this guy and he caught

a bug and started to mutate.

I'm not interested.

His skin went all scaly and then

he started to eat insects.

And then they nicknamed
him the Lizard Man.

I said I'm uninterested.

Calm down, it could be worse.

They stuck the Lizard
Man in the laboratory,

they poked him with wires and
tubes, and all this stuff.

And then they put a
glass skull on his head

so they could look at his brain.

It's bad enough I'm stuck in here,

it's even worse I'm
stuck in here with you.

So would you just clear off.

I'm just trying to cheer you up.

Your ship is now ready for departure,

All Icarus crew and passengers.

Luckily that short

postponement isn't gonna
blemish your record.

It's not your decision.

Icarus leaves at 1400 hours.

I have to complete
more tests or Michael

won't make a bit of me.

Seven days is a total disaster.

It was joke.


You don't have to go.

You can stay here with me and Michael.

I want to go.

What if it's a really deadly fungus?

It's already got Michael.

Sooner or later...

I'll be fine.

Just don't go blowing
anything up, will you?

What if the fungus does get you?

I hope it's quick and painless.

You'd think by now someone would

have invented some decent hospital gear.

How long until the ship leaves?

It's still another two hours.

Besides fair or not.

You know they're not
gonna let you on the ship

if you still got that bug inside you.

Maybe you can find
out what's happening.

No one tells me anything they just

keep sticking tubes inside
of me every five minutes.

Well it wouldn't have happened

if you hadn't have nicked my key.


How long is he gonna be in there?

As long as it takes
and you're in the way.

See what I mean.

You better go.

Looks like I'm about to be
poked and prodded again.

I'll throw your stuff together.

You never know, it might be good news.

With a face like that
I wouldn't count it.

See you later Michael.

Cargo ship Icarus

standing by for departure.

All personal bags, please
secure it immediately.

No wonder this ship's infected.

Anna, there's no time to explain...

Abe are you all right?

Yes, no, we've got to run.

What happened to you?

Not me, you.

I've got to get you off this ship.

There's a problem with Icarus.

It sure is Turner, you're on it.

I can't believe my
big chance to discover

a new basally and all you catch is

a boring clustrinium bug.

Gee, I'm sorry.

The Icarus, has it left yet?

I'm not the Space Traffic Controller.


What's this?


I've been stuck in there wired up

like a research rat and
all you give me is aspirin.

Well next time
catch something more exotic.

Tell Ed he'll have to
find another experiment.

10 minutes to make it to the

other side of the station.

You'll never make it.

If I didn't find you
on the ship I'm dead.

You did anyway.

You ruled it, Ghrobak said so.

Ghrobak wouldn't get on the ship

if he knew he was gonna die.

That thing forced him to.

You've got to believe me,
you've got to get off the ship.

Use your access code.
- I can't, dad's got it.

Well go and get it.

If you're not leaving I am.

I'm not gonna get in a body bag.

The cargo hold doors,
they're still open.

I can get you out that way.

Yes, what is it?

Commander Dent I was looking for you.

I wanted to tell you that everything

checks out that needs to be checked out.


There are five minutes until we depart.

I suggest you use them
to locate your brain.

Got that!


Departure in four minutes

and 30 seconds, stand by.

We can still make it.

Not me Abe.

Please stay on ES2 with me.

You've got to believe me.

Not this time.

Four minutes until departure.

All access tubes secure for retraction,

repeat, all access tubes
secure for retraction.

What is he half naked?

Reject, unauthorized entry.

Front station activate

the all your units.

Icarus departure in two minutes.

Icarus departure in two minutes.

Finally after 12 years in design

I get my first real mission.

It's been three years, I
can still feel the adrenaline.

One day you'll know
what I'm talking about.

No, I know.

The energy from the whole ship,

I can feel it in this one room.

Then perhaps you'd
like to do your rounds

before you start glowing in the dark.

Yes Commander, this instant.

station activate all your units.

Icarus departure 90 seconds.

All right.

This is the moment
we've been waiting for.

Secure her retraction.

One minute to departure.

Icarus departure in 30 seconds.

Activate access tubes in 30 seconds.

Initiate primary thrusters.

What are you doing here?

I'm going, I'm not staying in.

Nice landing.

Nice outfit.

I bought it especially.

Secure all access tubes.

Commence startup please.

We're on our way.

I'm a dead man.