Return to Jupiter (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Space Pirates - full transcript

Fire the thrusters.
- No! I trashed everything.

The fuel'll back-burn.
- It's possible.

She could've done it.
- Listen to what she's saying.

Fire the thrusters.

Do it now, that's an order!
- Don't listen to him.

Or get out of the way!
- Selby no!

Kumi you OK?
- What happened?

Felt like half the ship just
got blown off. - Which half?

Ours or the other half?

Reckless! - Shut your face
and give me reverse thrusters.

Full power!

Genius, now the thrusters have gone.
The ship's out of control.

Shut it down, shut it down
before you blow the whole ship.

Selby you can't win.

Give it up, before you
obliterate everything!

Get out of the way kid,

dreams cost money and this
ship's the finance for my future.

Shut it down, you'll
back-burn the fuel.

Give me full power.

Reverse thrust.


Hold tight you guys,
hold onto one another.

Get under the console, you'll be safer.

You'll kill us all you maniac!

I said, reverse thrust.

Come on, get moving.

Gerard you're hurt!

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Just worry about Zac and Abe.

We gotta get to the spider
and contact Dent now.

But Selby's got the data chip.

Yeah I know.

Meet me in the rec room!

It's in his pocket.

Haven't you done enough already?

If you wanna leave
him here that's fine.

But if the ion drives explode,

this whole ship's gonna go up.

All right kid, I want him alive.

No fun trundling a corpse.


Wait, we can make a deal.

Anything you want.

Money, goods?

I'll even give you a cut
when we sell the Icarus.

All I want is that data chip.

Too bad suckers!

I think she likes me.

She's just like a plastonia.

Now will you just get on with it?

This is Icarus calling Terminex.

This is Gerard Kestler from
the cargo vessel Icarus.

Terminex, please respond.

Urgent, we have an emergency.


Receiving you Gerard, thank goodness.

I don't know how you did it,

how you fixed the
communication system but

we've got you on the screen Gerard.

What about my boy?

I'm telling you he's
a magnet for disaster.

I mean who's to say he's not going to

be blown into a million pieces.

I'm sure Abraham will be fine.

He's nothing if not resilient,
now if you'll excuse me.

We're till trying to get an
accurate fix on the Icarus.

It appears to be moving.

Gerard, this is Commander Dent.

We've monitored explosions,
please report your situation.

Repeating, the S.O.S. was a fake.

It was all Selby and Glovic's idea.

Gerard, where are they now?

Do you have command of the ship?

You don't have to worry about them.

They're locked away for good.

But what do we do?

How do we get out of here?

Gerard, you can't.

Not yet.

Now listen carefully.

With the extra colonists on Terminex

we're critically short of supplies.

You must save the cargo.

Commander, everything's been destroyed.

What do I do?

We're working on it.


Do you think you could
work a little faster?

Gerard, what about the others?

Are they all right?

They're fine.

What about Abraham?

Termite's fine too.

When are you gonna get here?



I just ran a vector program

on Icarus' projected trajectory.

You're frowning.

I don't like it when you
do that, I get nervous.

I'm sorry, um but I think that Gerard

should take immediate evasive action,

and I suggest he do this
as a matter of urgency.

Will you speak plain English?

Okay well, um, normally I
would give the good news first.

There is none.

They're crashing.

According to Dr Chrobak,

when the thruster exploded

it blasted us straight towards Terminex.

But that's great,
that's where we want to go.

Finally we get some good news!

What Gerard means
by heading towards Terminex,

is directly at it.

We're on a collision course
unless we can stop the Icarus.

That's the thing about good news,

it never lasts.

All right, we've got 50 minutes.

Quadro, you gotta set your timer.

How long until
they send the rescue ship?

Well it doesn't really matter,

they can't help us.

Even is they did catch us,

there's no way they
can dock on the Icarus.

I'm getting
very depressed by all this.

Me too.

We're on our own.

We've got to destroy the
Icarus before it hits Terminex.

We've what?!

Absolutely nothing.

What is wrong with this kid?

When I was his age,

I always had a screwdriver
or a fozzy drive

to break open a door.

You were never a kid.

You went straight from
infant to delinquent.

Now keep looking!

Well, well, well.

What have we here?

Our very own lucky charm.

We won't all fit
in the spider all right?

So Michael I want you to fly it

and take the others outta here.

I think I should stay to help you.

It's all right, I've got Quadro.

I need you to get Abe and Zac to safety.

Then I'll stay.

I don't have time to argue.

Quadro and I'll offload the cargo pods.

Once we've set the timers,

we'll lock ourselves inside
the last pod, jettison,

and then you can pick us up.

All right everyone, good luck.

Will you do me a favor?

Don't go blowing yourself up.

Don't worry.

Just make sure you're here to pick us up.

Quadro, I want you to face facts.

You're a complete coward.

Yes, no.

Don't volunteer for anything.

Not me, I'm not that silly.

Don't go leaking all over me.

You know, salty tears only make me rust.

Come on guys, let's go.

Good luck mate.


Good luck, take care.

Come on Quadro, we've got work to do.

All right.

All right, seal the hatches.

I'll need power to the docking release.

Hatch sealed.

Sorry, I'm a but rusty.

I really don't like leaving him.

You got a better idea?

Well it only takes one
of us to fly this thing.

Do you think we could have
this discussion a bit later?

Let's get moving.

I don't want to leave him alone.

He's not on his own.

Right, he's got Quadro.

On second thought...

I'll toss you for it.

Rough or smooth?

You take the Spider.

Don't worry, I'll look after him.

Here, you do it.

Don't worry, I checked it.

It's safe.

You did that deliberately!

I need my cyber-net.

Now help me open the door!

In case you're interested,

there's only 39 minutes
before we hit Terminex.

Yeah I know, get moving.


We have to find the demolition charges.

You look down that way.
- Why me, why me?

Need a hand?

What are you doing?

I told you to get everyone away.

You were out-voted, Kumi's taken over.


She can't fly the Spider.

She did all right with the Zodiac.

Yeah, when we were there to help her.

Kumi, come in.

Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Kumi, come in.

You're not to take off, that's an order.

You can't fly that thing on your own.

I sincerely regret saying this Gerard,

but it's a bit late to tell us now.

Sorry Gerard.

You just look after my robot.

I don't want him to turn
into a crash-test dummy.

Sure you know how to fly this?

We'll soon see.

Zac, give me power to the docking banks.

Aye aye, captain.

Dear, demolition charges, explosives,

I'm sure I didn't volunteer to
be blown into nuts and bolts.

Quadro, how long?

31 very short minutes before impact.

Listen, are you sure the
charges are still on board?

Remember the containers
we lost near Mars?

The ones Selby tried to steal?

They could have been inside.

I'd forgotten about that.

30 minutes!

Do you remember where you saw 'em

when you made the cargo list for Selby.

I know I saw them,
I just can't remember.

Green triagnite tubes with atomic timers.

29 minutes before impact.

Dear, no.

Green triagnite!


I think I've found what
you've been looking for!

We're all doomed.

You know why they call traignite
green magic, don't you?

Because it can make an
entire planet disappear.

Be careful, don't drop it, watch out!

Please be careful!
- Shut up Quadro!

Think you can arm those things?


I've seen Dad do it before.

You better contact Kumi.


You can let Dent know we're about

to start jettisoning the cargo pods.

Awesome, maybe we
should have stuck around.

Get serious.

Maybe we should move further away.

Well, the jettison
control is alive at least.

What about Selby and Glovic?

Well we can't just leave them.

We'll have to keep two of the cargo pods,

offload the rest of them.


You're gonna keep an extra one?

Well I'm not sharing our pod with them.

All right, how long till impact Quadro?

25 minutes.

Right, 20 minutes should give
us enough time to get away.

Well shouldn't we test

the jettison controls first?

Yes, otherwise instant

and very messy molecular disintegration

is a distinct possibility.

We've got no time for
distinct possibilities.

This has to work.

Otherwise we're both mince meat.

And I'll be an ever-expanding cloud

of metal fragments.

Cross your fingers Quadro.

I'm afraid to say,

that's an impossible
physical impossibility.

Cargo controls indicate

the jettison has been successful.

What about our two?

It's all right, I've saved C7 and C8.

Right, you go get Selby

and don't let 'em out until I get there.

All right Quadro,
we've got two charges left.

I want you to position one of them.

I'll do the other.

Quadro stop shaking, you
wanna blow us all up?

Of course not!

But the more I think
about not setting it off,

the more I shake.

Which makes me feel
that I will set it off,

which makes me shake even more!

So I seem to be caught
in a cyclic dilemma.

Catch 22!

I don't know what catching 22

has got to do with anything.


You stay in there, because
what the eye doesn't see

the mind won't fear.

I've placed the charge!

What if they don't
survive the shock waves?

What if they implode?

Nevermind that, what about air?

Chrobak says the
cargo pods are airtight.

We've got about two hours life support.

I guess we'll be the first to find out.

Come on in Gerard!

Don't be shy.

Let's trade witty anecdotes, shall we?

They were already out.

What do you want?

I think...

Shut up.

I'm in charge now.

I want my ship back.

Or I use the cyber-link to
scramble every chip on board

and send your friends to oblivion.

Dear, leaving
me here to babysit bombs.

There's got to be an easier
way to make a living.

Call Kumi.

Tell her there's a change of plans.

Tell her to return to
the Icarus immediately.

And if we don't?

How do you think she'd enjoy Pluto?

There's nothing like
a good, fiery crash.

I do so love fireworks.

Now contact the girl.

Gerard, answer me.

Come in please, Gerard!

What's keeping them?

They should have jettisoned by now.


They must have switched off.

What are they doing in there?

Why haven't they launched their pod?

You're testing my patience, kid.

Your friend's lives are at stake.

Go ahead, but if you trash the Spider

you destroy any chance you
have of getting away from here.

What are you waiting for?

It would seem we are stuck
in another cyclic dilemma.

Now what, genius?

What about them? They've
got to have a way off.

We take that.

And what would that be?

The cargo pods.

You're too late, we had
to get rid of the cargo,

now that we're gonna blow up the ship.

Blow up the ship?
- You wouldn't dare!

Think again Selby.

You like fireworks?

Here, have some of your own.

Green triagnite!

Glovic, you want to be in charge.

Here, disarm.

How, genius?

It's a machine.

No, it's not.

Yes it is, so
find a way to turn it off.

13 minutes!

Here, I'm no bomb expert.

And when you finish with that one,

there's another two to find.

He's got the box you cretin!

Kid, give me the cyber-link.

I'll give you anything you want.

You seriously think
I'd trade my friends

for anything you've got?



I don't think we'll be fixing that.

We've got 10 minutes.
- What's it to be Selby?

You idiot!

I'm going to break every bone

in your miserable, brainless body.

Sorry I lied about the
cargo pods, we kept a couple.

Please, no.

I don't want to be in here with her.

I'm not thrilled
about it either, genius.

You heard her, she threatened
me with physical violence.

Shut up you whinging.

She's a mad woman.

My foot, I think it's broken.

And she broke it, I'm sure she did.

My heart bleeds for you.

Here wait!

Please, maybe I could come with you?

My foot, it it needs attention.

It's very painful.

You don't know what pain is.


You can't do this.

Can't is the language of a loser.

I learnt that from you Selby.

Look on the bright side,

you'll be the first to
see if the pod's airtight.


Come in Spider!


Where've you been?

I've been worried.

Dealing with Selby,
we're ready to jettison,

but there'll be two pods now.

Please hurry Gerard,

you've only got four minutes
until the charges blow.

Cargo pod C7 is
gone, jettison successful.

Well, there goes Selby and Glovic.

Hurry up Michael, set
the thing and get in here.

C8 ready for dispatch.

What's wrong?

The last pod is, it's not working.


Only three minutes left.

We're stuck here!

What are we gonna do?

Try it again!

I have, it's not doing anything!

Perhaps I can help.

A small power surge might work.

You better get into the pod.

What about you?

Nevermind me, there's
no time to argue, now go!

Come on Michael, do what he says.

Whatever you're gonna do
Quadro, do it quickly!

I was warned
never to volunteer for anything.

This is really going to spark.

Come on Quadro, it's working.

Come on, run!
- Come on, hurry up!

My gyro's spinning backwards.


Gerard, answer me.

Gerard, are you all right?

We're OK Kumi, but
you better get us outta here.

Is Quadro with you?

My gyros will never be the same.

Don't worry, we got him.

As if we'd leave him behind!

He just saved our necks.

Wow, awesome!

I think you did it.

No, we did it.

Thanks Michael.

Couldn't have done it without you,

I woulda gone up in that thing.

And I thought
I was particularly brave.

You were brilliant
Quadro, just brilliant.

I know, I know.

Okay Kumi, come pick us up.

I'm really sorry about your ship.

You should have seen
it, totally obliterated.

It was absolutely amazing.

Well don't worry about Icarus,

because I'm already planning mark two.

I see double rod ion drives.

It's gonna be faster,
it's gonna be safer,

it's going to have a bio-metallic skin

that regenerates itself
should it ever crash.

Which it won't.

I think I'll get a desk job.

Well I think you'll regret it,

it's gonna be state of the art.

It was a joke.

Now move.

Yes, Commander.

We've got someone here to talk to you.

Pascal, I think we should
organize a celebration for them.

Hello my gorgeous little termite.


Now what have I told you
about blowing up spaceships?

Gorgeous little termite?

Shut up, you.

Mum, I told you not to call me that.

Especially in front of my friends.

Right, gotcha, sorry about that.

Won't happen again.
- Good.

Which bit?

The gorgeous or the termite?

Mum, all of it.

Okay, all of it.

Sorry, I have to go,
they wanna use the screen.

Mum wait!

I want you to meet someone.

This is my friend Zac, she's
gonna be staying with us.

If that's all right with you.

Of course, that's good!

You can keep Abe out of trouble,

he needs someone to keep an eye on him.

Where does she get her clothes?

You'll get used to
it, in about four years.

I'm really sorry about
your ship, Commander.

Don't worry Kumi, you'll
all be working to pay it off.

I'm joking, it's all right.

We might have lost a broken-down old hull

but thanks to all of you,
the cargo pods are safe.

Tell Gerard we're dispatching
the tugs now to pick them up.

You can tell him yourself.

Gerard, did you hear that?

Every word of it.

We're all in your debt Gerard,

you've done very well.

One day you'll make
a very fine commander.

You never know, maybe
I'll beat your record

as the youngest commander in the corps.


I wouldn't be at all surprised.

So you still want to take up
that job as trainee, Ensign?

Thanks, but I don't think so.

When everyone goes back to Ganymede

I think I'll be with them.

They might need an eco-engineer.

Maybe I should apply.
- Are you mad?

The we could be Ensigns together, out.

We made it Abe!

If you say one word about this...


And when we're breaking
rocks in a prison colony,

you're going to be breaking my share.


All right, all right, agreed!

And when we decide to
tunnel out of prison,

you're going to dig the tunnel.


Every bit of it!

Whatever you say, please,
you're hurting my foot!

Just be thankful you're
still alive to feel the pain!