Return to Jupiter (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Comet - full transcript

Five billion tons of feral fire ball.


In a few hours we could all
go in the way of the dinosaurs.

Who were the dinosaurs?

A bunch of lizards who couldn't
tell a comet from a pterodactyl.

I say they're not to be trusted.

So what do you reckon Doc?
Is it going to hit?

Well, it's difficult to say, it depends
on the chemical compound, the velocity,

the angle of the descent, there's a
list of variables as long as my arm.

Is that the best you can do?

Well, astrophysics was
never a passion of mine,

it's people who spend their
lives gazing up at stars

inevitably turn weird.

Maybe you missed your calling Doc.

What is it you propose?

We return the shuttle's
ignition sequencer.

We help you get the Icarus away from here

and on it's was to Terminix.

And what about fuel?

Do you plan on making a reactor
within the next few hours?

There's fuel here kid, you
just don't know where to look.

We do.

And when we're all
safely on board the Icarus

and speeding away from the comet,

you give us your shuttle,

and we'll be on our way.

I need time to think about it.

I'd rather trust a snake.

Take it or leave it.

No deal, no sequencer.

Get in there!

You better get used to it,
the next one will have bars.

Well, that seemed to go pretty well,

and I've had enough of this
nonsense about the shuttle.

We have to find the V-tex.

And we will, but if they
find out what it is we're after

we'll loose our position of advantage.

I wasn't aware that we were in one.

To get the ignition sequencer back,

couldn't we just take the shuttle.

No it'll be too slow,

even if the comet hit the
other side of Ganymede,

the effect of the fallout
could be catastrophic.

We're gonna need
the Icarus to out run it.

So Selvie holds both trump cards,

the sequencer and the fuel rods.

Maybe Kumi should talk to him.

I don't want anything to do with him.

But he likes you and
without the sequencer,

we can't fire up the shuttle.

I think we should go for full

voltage output, maximum power.

I'm really not happy about having

my programs tampered with.

I'm not tampering I'm
just giving them a tweak.

A tweak or a tamper, it's
all the same thing really.

It is not, if I didn't
know what I was doing then

I would be tampering, but
I do so, I'm tweaking,

so shut up and keep still.

Perhaps we should try
him with half voltage.

If they're gonna let
Selvie on board Icarus,

I want some protection.

Pass me the fozzie drive.

Attention all passengers and crew,

until further notice, no-one
is to leave the vicinity

of the control center,

meals can be obtained from
the level 12 dining room.

Well, what have we here?

The last supper?

Well I wouldn't want
you to starve, not yet anyway.

I'm impressed Kumi, that
was a clever and I must say

unexpected move of yours.

Implanting the virus in the Spider,

we should be on the same side.

I don't know what you're talking about.


You'll find what you're
looking for inside the Spider.

Sitting where the V-tex was,

you want it?

It's yours.

What's your game?

Just keep him away from me.

I feel like a new teen.

There's nothing to worry about.

Yeah well I'm staying here
until I see a test drive.

Quadro, show us what you can do.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Do it Quadro.

That once belonged to a human,

it goes against my robotic principles.

It's plastic you moron, get on with it.

All right, if you insist.

Okay punk, this moon isn't
big enough for both of us.


Are you sure you took out the lift?

Course I am, what's that
got to do with anything?

We have the sequencer,

it was where you said it would be.

You sound surprised.

All right, this is my
offer, you tell us where

the fuel rods are and we'll
take you with us on Icarus.

But when we get to
Terminix we hand you over

to the authorities.

That wasn't the deal.

First I'll need
Glovich's V-tex computer.

To calculate the comets time of impact.

And second, you'll find fuel
for Icarus in the mining rigs.

They have their own supply
and I suggest you get moving,

we may not have much time.

Here take my lucky Zargox band,

just make sure you bring it back okay?

Thanks Termoid.

Just still worried about leaving him

down here with these guys.

He's not going to show anything now,

not now that he needs our help.

Termoid, Glovich don't let
him anywhere near our shuttle,

until we're sure there's
fuel on the mining rig.

It may not look much but
daily exercise is turned

this tangled ball of sinew
into a tightly wound spring.

Thank you Hesco, that
makes me feel so much better.

Don't worry Commander, if
anything should go wrong,

Quadro will take care of us.

Quadro, the drinks bottle if you please.

With pleasure.

So, you're asking
yourselves, was that one volt

or one squilly.

Calculating the comet's
angle of descent and velocity,

you've got five hours to
get Icarus fueled and well

away from here.

You better be right
about the fuel then.

Don't worry kid, we
wanna get away from here

as much as you do.

Good, because if you
so much as look sideways,

I've instructed the
robot to perm your hair.

You better take the
lift to the mining rig.

It'll be quicker.

Good luck kid.


You're going to need it.

How was I?

Perhaps I should lower my voice a little?

One day you're going to
push me too far, hombre.

You sound like an asmatic Sue.


I really don't feel
comfortable doing this.

Quadro, it's just pretend.

You can pretend all you like.

Quadro, if they give us
any trouble, toast them.

Yeah okay, come on,
we've got no time to waste,

while I load this
sequencer into the shuttle.

It's just in front of you Doc.

Yip, right, okay Abe and
Zak, you can load the rest

of the gear into the shuttle.

Packing, I'm packing.

Fetch it, collect it, why
does it always have to be us?

I thought slavery was abolished.

They obviously didn't need the V-tex

to make those calculations.

She could've done them
on any old set of chips.

So why is she still using it?

I don't know.

So can I tempt anyone into
a game of computer chess.

Kumi we're entering the lift now.

As soon as we get the rig airborne,

you can take off in the shuttle.

We'll contact you again
once we reach the rig, out.

Won't be long now.

Central lift control,

level D7 express.

You all right?

What was that all about?

I have no idea.

Lift control, continue
descent, level D7.

Lift control, continue descent.

See if you can get the doors open.

Kumi, come in please.

Kumi, please respond, can you hear me?

Come on you piece of junk!

Kumi please are you there, Kumi?


Could be interference
from the liftwell.


It won't budge.

We must be stuck between floors.

Lift control, continue descent!

Mission control, emergency stop!


My pack, get a knife, anything!

There's nothing here.

Wait I'll use this, Ace's lucky charm.

You all right?

I think so.

Have to get my stomach out my mouth.

I think maybe we
should've taken the stairs.

Hindsight's a wonderful thing.

Michael, Kumiko, can you hear me?

Come in please.

What's wrong with this thing?

Why did you come here?

Why Ganymede?

Why run the risk of getting caught?

Maybe I like the climate.

I get a bit bronchial,
it's good for my health.

You had to know about the comet.

And you flew in like a
pair of vultures to see what

you could scavenge.

Were are they?

What's keeping them?

How long are we gonna have to wait here?

We not going anywhere
until we know they can get

the rig airborne.

Shouldn't they be here by now?

It's all right, they're on
their way down in the lift.

The lift, Abe they're at the lift.

When we first saw
Selvie, when he chased us.

He was doing something with the lift.

Actually it was Glovich.

He was messing with the controls,

I thought she was trying to fix it.

But what if they really were
trying to fix it, for good?

We'll make our move while
she's off rescuing the kid.

Isn't love grand?

I wouldn't know.

This is getting too close for comfort.

You knew all along didn't you?

Kumi, I know lots
of things, but what it is

you're alluding to escapes me.

You knew about the lift.

Well it was the quickest way down.

Gerard, can you see a way out?

All the access points are sealed.

All of them, the lift
tower must have fused it.

There's no point going any further.

There's no way that's gonna work.

Quadro if they even stick
one single toe outside

of the room, you have
permission to fry it.

Don't say a word.

It would've worked perfectly,
if it wasn't for that robot.

That metallic maniac's
carrying enough volts

to light us up like a Christmas tree.

I never had a Christmas tree.

If Selvie did sabotage the lift,

then he must have another escape route.

He has to.

And with us busy with the rescue,

they'd be free to make their move.

And whatever it is,

I'm sure the V-tex is part of it.

How long have we got
before the comet hits?

Two hours if we can believe
Selvie's calculations.

Dr. Crowback, come in please.

Answer me, you need to press
the black button to respond.

It's no use.

You guys go to the shuttle,
tell Crowback what's happened

and take these with you.

Don't open it.

What is it?

It's just my belongings,
make sure it gets on to Icarus.

Just boring girl stuff.

And be careful with it.

Good luck.
- You too, termites.

We should have jumped them

when we had the chance.

But if they think we're all
locked up safe and secure,

they're not going to
worry about us, are they?

Now, get me the speaker.

And how do you propose to
deal with tin man out there?

I'm not getting fried by that thing.

You won't have to.

Gimme the magnet.

Martian ravines and
liftwells, my favorite.

Despite my initial misgivings Gerard,

I think you might turn
out a real challenge

for the Flight Corps.

I guess you can cut the
pretense about the future.

They're not gonna find us in time.

One of us is gonna
have to go down there.

Yeah, just give me a
minute, I'll be fine.

Who are you trying to kid?

You pass out half, I'll
have to rescue you as well.

Wish me luck.

When I joined the
service, I was just like you

I was going to be the youngest
commander in the core.

And were you?


What happened?

Kumi, you all right?

Do you see anything?

I'm not sure.

The Bazilian was my first mission.

I was a hot shot young flyer,
straight out of the academy.

There was an accident on Demas.

A space tug crashed
trying to take oil samples

from a ravine.

The pilot was a friend of mine.

I decided I could get him
out, using the Bazilian.

They took away your command for that?

I ended up loosing the Bazilian

and my friend.

I placed friendship above responsibility,

I never broke that rule again.

But don't you sometime think
friends are more important?

Command takes that
privilege away from you.

Trouble with responsibility

is that you're expected to
take the tough decisions.


I'm offering you the
benefit of my experience.


But yes, I know it's a boring speech.

No, listen.


Don't look so surprised,

you look like you've see a ghost.

Believe me, we are so glad to see you.

Good work Kumi.

How did you find us?

Lets just say Selvie
forgot to cover his tracks.


We're coming up.

Open up.

Open the door.


We need help in here you
mechanic metal maniac.

Aw step away from the door
or I'll fry your future.

I'm not going anywhere you moron.

It's Selvie, he's sick.

Something he ate.

He needs help.

But, I can't leave my post.

You can't let him suffer like this.

You have to help, it's in your program.

Can't you see he's in pain?

Dear, my but if I leave my post,

I'll be disobeying a directive.

If you don't help him,

you'll be disobeying
your primary function.

Directives, functions,
dear, I'm so confused.

Perhaps I could get someone else to help.


Sweet dreams, bob brain.

We bringing Commander Dent up now.

Petite little thing, isn't she?

I heard that.

We'll continue onto the mining rig.

We'll meet you on board the Icarus out.

Bingo, there you are, they found them.

You better get yourselves
onboard this shuttle.

Well, what about Selvie and Glovich?

Yes yes, well as much as
I'd like to leave them here,

it contravenes every humanitarian
and scientific principle

I hold dear.

Pity, come on dear we better get them.

Billings, Come on, you'll
be piloting the shuttle.

How long to place the V-tex
into the Spider's control?

Five minutes, I could
do it blind folded.

Good, we can still
beat them to the Icarus.


How much do you reckon a class one

iron drive cargo freighter

will fetch on the black market?

Enough money to buy us
a whole heap of laziness.

You can bypass the auto pilot.

What the heck, we'll go manual.

I do love a winner.

This is good, this is brilliant.

What now genius?

No, no, no, no, Kumi, Kumi, Kumi,

She is good.

She is very, very good.

All right everyone, there's
a first time for everything.

Gerard, give me full
power on all thrusters.

Power is good.

I'm getting readings on the fuel levels.

It's 87%.

It's the news I was looking for.

Hang on everyone.

Quadro, do you know where you are?

Of course I do.

We're on the Icarus.

And I do wish we could say
farewell to the wretched moon,

it's been nothing but
trouble since we got here.

Well, you won't be needing
this security chip anymore.

And a good thing I say.

Zak, Zak, they're here.

The mining rig's just docked.

Okay, start transferring
the fuel from the mining rig.

What's the situation with the comet?

It's getting a bit
too close for comfort.

I suggest that we transfer
the fuel in transit.

Very well, we'll get
it underway immediately.

And where's Selvie?

After what he did to the lift,
I've got a few words to say.

Well there we have a slight problem,

they didn't make it I'm afraid.

Why didn't you check
the V-tex was in the case

you picked it up.

It's not my job to
deal with the mundane.

Why didn't you check?

In half an hour we're
gonna have a large lump

of hot rock in our laps.

Research station, Terminex.

Come in please.

This is mining rig alpha,
docked with cargo ship Icarus.

Terminex, can you
hear me, please respond.

Dent said I'd find you in here.

Looks like we not having any luck.

What's that?

Glovich's's V-tex computer.

I switched them while
we were on Ganymede.

They were going to use them
to escape in the Spider

before we got our fuel.

Kumi you're brilliant.

Now they're probably dead.

And it's all because of me.

Kumi don't blame yourself.

Anyone of us would have
done the same thing

to one of those creeps.

I guess.


It's true.

You know I'm gonna be really
glad to see Mum and Dad.


Extreme emergency.

Danger, we're searching for assistance.

This is special Terminex.

Did you get that?

It's Terminex, they're in trouble.

Emergency, danger!