Rectify (2013–2016): Season 4, Episode 8 - All I'm Sayin' - full transcript

Daniel begins to appreciate his progress as he realizes what his new life may look like. The old life is quickly disappearing for Teddy, who knows change is unavoidable. Jon debriefs Janet ...

Previously on Rectify.

Aren't you a romantic?

I make $7-$8,5 an hour
in the 21st century.

It's not romantic. It's real.

- I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry.
- For what?

For hurting your brother.

Thank you, Tawney, for
reaching out to me when you did.

I hope I did the right thing, Daniel.

If I find out you're with her, I'll
press charges. I swear to God.

We got to be our brother's keeper.

That's how places like this work.

We just need you to be one of us.

I may just not be up to the task.

My client was originally
convicted 20 years ago

on what I believe was
a coerced confession.

That is not right, Sondra.
That will never be right.

You ready?


What have you been doing?

Just thinking.


Who else?


Your big brother.

How he was before all that's
happened... happened.

And how was he?

He was complicated.

So we know he wasn't adopted.


And he certainly wasn't untroubled,

even as a child.

But he was always curious and bright.

I thought he might be a writer.

He still is bright, Mother,

and curious, and alive.

Don't forget that part.

He is still alive in the here and now.

And he can still be a writer,

or whatever else he wants to be.

So, we don't have to think about

what was or what could have been,

because today, this day,
it can now be what it is.

Today, we're gonna be
a family again, Mama.

God, why can't you be
happy for one moment?

It's not so simple, honey.

For one moment, it is.

Your firstborn is gonna be back
in that house in a few hours,

and he can walk out that door

and stand right here in this back yard

if he so chooses.

He's like Lazarus, Mother.

Daniel has risen from the dead.

So you can afford for one
friggin' moment to be happy.

Okay, honey.


Hey, honey.

Jon's gonna be here in a few minutes.


Do you want to do it in the living room?

Sounds fine.

What have you been doing?

I'm sorry, Amantha.

For what?

For abandoning you.

No, Mother.

I shouldn't have said
what I said in the attic.

I got stirred up seeing Bobby Dean,

and had a brief relapse.

I've always been so ashamed.

Ashamed of what?

For letting everyone down...

your brother, your father, you.

You were depressed, Mom.

You were probably clinically depressed.

We just didn't know it at the time.

I knew it.

I just couldn't deal with reality.

I was so angry, I just... went to bed.

Dad tried to deal with that reality.

Look what happened to him.

So it was left to you.

I was a kid.

Kids are less breakable.

And Daniel was my brother, not my son.

He was part brother,
part ideal...

part fantasy, really.

Maybe that's why I was able to fight
for him for as long as I did,

because I believed that
if we got him out,

we could live happily ever after.

I know you did.

I just want you to live
your life, Amantha,

the way you want to.

Well, I'm gonna try, Mom,

but it may not be what
you wanted for me.

I just wanted you to get out of here.

- That's all.
- That's not all.

You wanted me to get out of here

because you wanted to get out of here.

I hear you, honey.

Do you?

Because you will always be disappointed

if you try to live through me.

And I will be a disappointment to you.

Have you and Daniel been
talking to each other?



Is that what you feel
when you're around me?

My disappointment in you.

Mm, not always, but... sometimes.

Well, that shouldn't be.

Because you're my hero, young lady.

God, Mom.


Well, first of all...

I'm not that young.

It's all relative, honey.

Excuse me while I go powder my nose.

Hello gollybob, or
whoever else this might be.

This is your lucky day.

You get to leave me a voice-mail.

Hello, Chloe.

It's Daniel...

in case you're confused about that.

Anyway, I, uh, thought I
might come back after work

and... and see you, uh,

and, uh, maybe help you,
uh, finish packing.

Or maybe help you start unpacking.

That was sort of a joke.

Hey, Dan.

Oh, yes, Julian?

Can I speak with you? In my office?

Okay, sure.

I'm just gonna cut to the chase, Dan.

Okay, sure.

We're giving you another raise.

It's not a lot.

15 cents more, puts
you up to an even $8.

That's not nothing, Julian.

Do you like me, Dan?

In what way?

As a boss.

I hadn't really thought
about it, to be honest.


Should I?

Should you what?

Think about you?

I'm not sure.


But keep up the good work.

I'll do my best.

Hell of a deal, these used rims.

Getting out of the rim
rental business to, so...

Ah. Lucky me.


- You can pick 'em up in the back.
- All right.

I'll be. It's really happening.

It really is.

This place has been here
longer than I have.

Damn, I didn't realize
it was that old, Carl.

How's the leg?

Eh, you know,

still a little hitch in my giddy-up,

but I'm on the mend.

Yeah, well, I talked to the D.A.

She's willing to knock the charges

down to misdemeanors.

That's good news.

- There's a catch.
- All right.

You gotta take an anger
management class,

a firearm safety course,

and attend 30 A.A. meetings.

Well, I'm on the wagon
right now, anyway,

so I'll take my medicine with thanks.

You know, I could probably
use a new set of tires.

You ever know Lester Holden, Carl?

A little bit. Why?

I don't know.

I'm selling the store, been
thinking about him some.

Finding some of his old files

with his handwriting on 'em or whatever.

He was... loquacious,

I guess you'd say.

But from everything I ever heard,

he was good people.

Did you and Daniel ever come
to some kind of something

before he left?

Not really.


I don't know.

You just think about things...

usually right before daylight.

I know about thinking about things.

It's just damn unfortunate.

I heard that.

Yep, I just might bring
the family car by

and get me a set of tires.

Well, you better hurry up.
Tomorrow's the last day.


Creeps up on you, doesn't it?

It does.

You go easy, now.

You still think he did it, Carl?

Like you used to?

Between me and you and these tires...

Not really.

I feel pretty sure he didn't do it.

But then, I felt pretty sure before.

What's the difference?

There were a lot of things
that weren't known back then,

or looked into.

And a lot of mistakes.

And no one ever even spoke
to Chris Nelms that day?

Never did.


I never liked Roger Nelms.

Even in school, he was a prick.

Well, he was.

Anyway, Sheriff Daggett and Ms. Person

both feel, ultimately,

there was likely nothing
premeditated or malicious

that occurred during the
original investigation.


Prejudice, arrogance,
inanity, what else?

And I'm still not convinced

about the "nothing premeditated
or malicious" part.

Forgive me for still being
suspicious of asses.

And did you witness

the former sheriff's
interview yourself, Jon?

They shared C.J.'s deposition with me,

which I believe is a good sign
of their true intentions.

What did you think?

At the least, the Paulie
Sheriff's Department

made serious, critical mistakes.

I think early on, they...

certainly led by Roland Foulkes...

had made their minds up about
Daniel being the killer,

and then they set out to prove it.

That's not unique in
wrongful conviction cases.

In fact, it's more the
rule than the exception.

Well, that's comforting.

How many things could it be, really?

That's not so surprising.

But to hear the details of that day,

what they actually did and didn't do...

is somehow even more tragic.

So, what happens now, Mr. Stern?

I am going to drive up to
speak with Daniel personally

about what has transpired,

and what to expect

if the Georgia Bureau of Investigation

accepts Ms. Person's formal request

to open a new inquiry.

Inquiry of what?

Of everything.

Thank you, Jon, for not giving up.

We're a long way from
what we want, Janet,

but this is a remarkable turn.

And I'm glad you're getting
to see Daniel, too.

As am I.


Hello, Peyton.

She hates goodbyes.

I kind of figured.

She wanted you to have this, though.

She said "it might look
good in the fun house,"

direct quote.

Yes, uh...

it just might.

Oh, and the book.

She said give her a call
after you've read it.


Well, I'm gonna go back downstairs.

Stay as long as you like, Daniel.

Who will, uh, live here
now in this big box?


Me, actually.

I was up next.


Good for you.

Yeah, I'm fortunate.

It's a nice space.

The windows.


I'm always struck by the windows here.

They are striking.

And I'm always reminded.


Of a box with no windows.

You're welcome to come visit.

You're a kind man.

Thank you.

Nice day, isn't it?

It is.

I notice those more now.

That's good.

I hope you can enjoy a nice day

once in a while too now, Jon.


Did you really quit Justice Row?

I did.

But they would probably take me back.

Nonprofits can't be choosy.

Oh, they would take you back.

They're not idiots.

And... maybe take some time off

before you definitively decide
to become a tax lawyer.

I'll take that under
advisement, counselor.

Because you're one of
the good guys, Jon,

and you're fighting on the
side of the righteous.

And, God, what a terrible
loss that would be

for the good guys.

When you put it like that...


How many ledges did you talk
me off of over the years?

- A few.
- Yeah.

I had an epiphany.

I think that's what it was.

Oh, yeah?

Smoking a joint in a satellite dish.

I could see those going together.

All three, actually.

Doesn't matter what
happens at this point.

I mean, it matters.

Of course it matters.

But nothing will rectify
what's happened.

It won't bring back Hanna or my dad

or my 18-year-old brother.

I think that might actually
qualify as an epiphany.

Or really good pot.


Safe travels, sir.

And hug my brother for me, will you?

I'll do it.


See you around sometime.

See you around.


I got you.

You did.

Hello, sister.

Hello, brother.

Where are you?

On the front steps at Mama's.

She told me that you
moved back temporarily.

One hopes.

Where are you?

At my friend's loft.

Mom told me about your amazing friend

and her amazing loft.


She went home, too...

To Ohio.

I'm sorry, honey.

Don't get attached to people.

There's a downside.

Too late.

You gonna be okay?

I'm gonna try.

I'm gonna try to be okay.

I'll come up there. Right now.

You know I will. Just
say the word, Danny.

How would you get here?

Does everybody know about my car?


I'll take Jared's bike.

Been there, done that.

He's got a better one now.

See you soon, then.

You know I miss the shit
out of you, brother.

I miss you too, Amantha.

I-I sure appreciate all your letters,

every last word.

My letters then, or now?


But the recent ones are special,

because nobody reads them but me.

Jon's coming to see ya.

Oh, yeah?

I'm sure he'll call first,

but things are changing.

They usually do.

I mean down here, in Paulie.

The truth may be finding the light

after all these years.

Did you know that

Harry Nilsson and John Lennon
made a record together?


I didn't.

Neither did I.

I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Me too.

Tell Jared I said hi.

I will.

That's tough, Dan.

That really is.

Women... they're what makes
this world go around.

They can sure make the world feel like

it's got some kind of direction, yes.

Sounds like you cared a
lot about this lady, Dan.

I did, Tyrus.

I still do.

'Course you do, Dan.

We don't want to trivialize
your experience with Chloe.

But, um, circumstances
being what they are,

her going back to her family

feels like the right decision for her.

And you staying here
focusing on your therapy,

creating a job history,

gaining some life under your belt...

that's... that's right thinking, Dan.

I guess.

Sometimes you just wonder.


Never mind. It doesn't matter.

Ah, you're going back
to that now, are you?

Sometimes you just wonder,

is that what we're doing here?

Keeping our expectations so low

we'll never be disappointed?

I pull boxes.

Tyrus makes cold calls.

Pickles' is about to start
washing other people's clothes.

Is that as good as it gets?

Is that all we should hope for?

Not everybody's expectations
are the same, Daniel.

If you don't like your circumstance,

you've either got to try to
change that circumstance,

or if you can't, or if it's unrealistic,

you gotta change your
attitude towards it.

- Sure.
- Sure?


What you said is, um,
logical, practical,

predictable, realistic.


I think what you experiencing,
though uncomfortable,

is ultimately positive, Daniel...

that you even having expectations,

that you feeling disappointment.

You know, to me,

expectation is kinda like the
trickier cousin to hope.

You hope for something better, right?

You hope for something different,

something more.

That's not a bad thing, you know?

When's the last time you
felt disappointment,

'cause you hoped for something?

Now, I guarantee you're no different

than any man in this room.

You in good company, Daniel.


Good morning, Theodore.

You haven't called me
that in a long time.

- Shame on me.
- Mm.

Are you ready for the big day?

I'm kind of ready for the
day after the big day.

See what that brings.

Why not?

Why not?

Uh, incoming offspring.

Where's Amantha?

She said this is your thing.

Said, "Go with God."

What about you?

I think it's my thing too, Mom.

We'll see you over there a little later.


It's gonna be fine.

Well, let's do it.

So, how you been?

Trying to stay the course.

Doing my prescribed homework.

How's that going for you?

Not fun yet.

Not fun?

Still pretty traumatic to listen to.

I see.

Am I the hopeless case?

Not at all.

With Prolonged Exposure Therapy,

I've seen patients show
marked improvement

after as few as 8 to 10 sessions,

while others take more time.

A year of concentrated
therapy isn't unusual.

But for now, we'll continue
to address your major traumas

until you become more
desensitized to them...

go from there.

Very well, doctor.

You ready to begin?

I-I would like to talk
about another event today,

if that's all right?


I think about it a lot.

Every time I hear
footsteps in a hallway,

it comes back.

I see.




It was my friend's execution.

Well, the day before, actually.

Whenever you're ready.

I'm ready.

Where are you, Daniel?

In my cell. Waiting.

Kerwin is in his cell
next to mine... waiting.

No one is talking,

not even Wendall, who never shuts up.

It's the rare occasion

when the entire row is silent.

We're all just... waiting.

What is it?

The doors are opening into the row.

We can hear their footsteps, the guards,

coming to take him.

Try to stay in the first person.

That's not how it is on this day.

It's like we're somehow united,

even the inmates you hate,

even the inmates you don't really know.

It... it feels like
we're all being taken

for our date with the executioner.

But we're not.

It's just Kerwin they're taking.

I see the guards walk past me now.

I hear them stop at his cell,
put the chains on him.

I want to be strong for him.

I hear him ask the guards if...

if he can have a word with me.

But I can't face him.

He's the one who's strong...

For me.

Finally, I turn to him.

"Because I know you.

Because I know you.

Because I know you."

I don't follow.

That... That's what he kept saying...

His last words to me
before they took him away.

He wanted me to believe.


In myself.

You like school?

I like learning things.

Not real big on the other parts of it.

I was never big on much of any of it.

But I think it's important to go,

to finish.

I'm sure people smarter than
me have told you that before.

I don't know if they were smarter,

but it's good to hear
things more than once.

It was nice of your mom to
accept my mom's invitation.

I think she was kind
of moved by it, Bobby.

This was her last semester.

All "A's."

She hardly had to open a book.

Daniel always commented
on how bright Hanna was,

you know, when... when they were dating.

Well, he was always a
smart boy, as I remember.

I'm sure he still is.

Well, we mothers like to think so.

I don't think your son
killed my daughter anymore.

I don't.

I just didn't want to
let it go, that belief.

But my son, Bobby...

What they told
us was wrong all this time.

I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Judy.

I thought if they killed your son,

it would help me move on.

Now I just thank the Lord they didn't.

And I hope you can have
some kind of life with him, Janet.

We're working on it.

Even if they get the right
one, or ones, this time...

I don't think it'd make
that big of a difference,

not to me, not anymore.

I understand.

I don't think I'll ever be
able to change this room.

I know Bobby wishes I would, but, um...

it's just been too long.

It's too set.


Maybe it's all right just as it is.

It makes me sad,

but it comforts me, too.

I feel that in here.


It's a nice room, Judy.

Well, thank you.

Anyway, a formal request
has been made to the GBI

by Ms. Person.

It's in their hands now.

How we proceed depends
on their response.

How was Mother with all this?

It was complicated for her,

but I sensed in her hope.

I would say she's hopeful.

I like to hear that.

How are you with it?

I'm not sure yet, uh...

Sounds like a lot would have to happen,

but, uh, let's just say

it might be nice to go
home one day for a visit,

just because I wanted to.

That might be nice.

That's what we're aiming for.

It's good to see you, Jon.

Likewise, Daniel.

I really appreciate your
sacrifices over the years.

I don't think it's a sacrifice
if it's one's choice.

As I lay in bed last night, I thought...

I thought about how many people

have tried to help me along the way,

have helped me,

a few of who are no longer alive.

Way more people have
tried to help me, Jon,

than have harmed me.

The harm just seems to
leave the deeper mark.

Anyway, uh, I've always felt such guilt

that others were wasting
their lives on me,

that I was a waste, that I was unworthy.

But last night, I...

I didn't feel that guilt,
or that I was a waste.

I didn't necessarily feel,
uh, uh, worthiness,

but I did feel a kind of
responsibility, I guess.

At least a... a desire to try
and not let you all down.

And then I felt the
smallest flicker of...

not wanting to let
myself down, you know?

Because somewhere in all this,

I've managed at times

to fight for myself for some reason,

to fight for my life for some reason.

And I... survived for some reason.

And here I am, still, for some reason.

And me not knowing that reason

doesn't diminish it or invalidate it

or disprove its existence.

And that's what I'm going
with today, Mr. Stern.

No promises beyond that.

Words to live by, Mr. Holden, for today.

Double Dee?

Don't play hard to get now.

For real, Dee, you gonna do me that way?


You ever dream of being somewhere else?


Yeah, you do.

It's fruitless.

Says who?

It's not real.

And this place is?


How you know if this is real,

and what you dream ain't?

Because who would dream
up something like this?

A madman would...

A certain Dee Holden.

All I'm saying.

Sometimes I dream I'm in a car.

What kind?

An old Caddy.

I like that.

Who you riding with?

- Doesn't matter.
- Come on, man!

The Kerwin Whitman.


Now we're talking.

Where are we?

Could be anywhere.

How 'bout New York City?


Hell, yeah.

Who driving?

You are.

Holy... shit!


You're extraordinarily competent.

It's like riding a bicycle, bitch.

What's our destination?

Just cruisin', seeing the sights.


They're a sight, and we're seeing them.

Hey, ladies.

We new here.

Hang a left, Kerwin.

Let's go to the Village.

Circa 1965.

I want to go to a Broadway show.

- Present day.
- We can do that later.

- Good seats, too.
- Already reserved.

And not one of those
hokey-ass revivals either...

buncha white folks singing
'bout the good old days.

Can we just take in the city
for a minute without talking?


No sweat, Dee.

Can I turn on the radio?

Yes, Kerwin, you can turn on the radio.

Hip hop?



I'll just turn on my music.

Appreciate you taking
me for a ride, Dee.

Anytime, Kerwin.

Good morning, Mr. Crick.

You're cutting it close, Melvin.

I got hung up with a plumbing issue...


Well, you got some good
tires and a hell of a deal.

I appreciate it, Ted.

Dad, this is Melvin.

He was Amantha's landlord,
and how he's mine.

He deserves another 20 percent off then.

Pain and suffering?

Or something.

It's already more than fair, Mr. Talbot.

That's not exactly savvy
negotiating skills, Melvin.

Well, money's not
everything in every case.

No, it's not.

Am I early?

Perfect timing.

Just sold Melvin here
our last set of tires.

Melvin, Tawney.


- Congratulations, Melvin.
- Thank you.

I brought monkey bread.

Thought we could use some sugaring up

before we start packing.

Been missing that.

Glad you're here, young lady.

Me too.

Well, should we close her up?

Go for it, dad.

I brought my professional organizer.

Hey, y'all.

Hey, Tawney.

Monkey bread!

Well, I'll, uh,
leave you all to it.

Oh, you're not getting
off that easy, Melvin.

You stayed till after closing.

You gotta help.


- Where's Amantha?
- Don't know.

Well, let's get started.

Ted, you bring the trash bags?

Knew I forgot something.

Good grief, Ted.


Yes, Melvin?

I can go get the trash bags.

Thank you, Melvin.

- Jared, you go with him.
- Yes, ma'am.

Billy? What in the devil?

Thought we might could
use some cheap labor.

The first 10 guys she asked declined.

Sometimes it's good to be the
last man standing, Billy.

Well, welcome to whatever this is.

Enter at your own risk.


I know one of you Teds
has the magic keys.

You want to keep the files
in a storage unit, Ted?

- Hey.
- Guess so.

What about the garage, now
that it's all cleared out?

- No.
- No.

Well, let the games begin.

Good afternoon.

This morning, I spoke with GBI
Deputy Director Mike Larkin,

and he confirmed that the GBI
will open a new investigation

into the murder of Hanna Abigail Dean.

The GBI is opening this
case at my request.

It was not a request I made lightly.

The original investigation

helped convict 18-year-old
Daniel Lucas Holden

of Ms. Dean's murder,

and he spent the next almost two decades

on Georgia's death row.

Earlier this year,

a court vacated Mr. Holden's conviction

based on new DNA evidence,

and he was released from prison

for the first time since
his original arrest.

At the time of his release,

I reviewed all the evidence

and concluded that Mr.
Holden should be retried.

In order to spare the taxpayers
the expense of a second trial,

I offered Mr. Holden a plea deal,

which he accepted.

He pled guilty to Ms. Dean's murder

in exchange for time served,

20 years probation,

and banishment from
the state of Georgia.

In the days and weeks since, however,

details have come to light

that raise doubts about
Mr. Holden's guilt.

You hearing this, Mr. Melton?

One of the witnesses
at the original trial,

George Melton, was found dead,

apparently the victim of foul play.

Testing revealed that Mr. Melton's DNA

is a statistical match

to the semen found on Ms.
Dean's underclothing

- over 19 years ago.
- What's that about, daddy?

And due to the diligent eff...

I wasn't really watching.

And the Paulie Sheriff's Department,

it has become evident

that the original investigation
was far from thorough,

neglecting to interview key witnesses

and failing to correctly identify

the individuals who raped Hanna Dean

on the night of her death.


After careful consideration,

and at the urging of Sheriff Daggett,

my office formally submitted

a request for a new investigation

to the GBI earlier this week.

Sheriff Daggett and I both believe

that this case is too
important and too complex

for the limited resources

available to the Paulie
Sheriff's Department.

Bringing in an outside agency
to oversee the investigation

is a step we feel is both
necessary and prudent.

And as I said this morning,

the Georgia Bureau of Investigation

confirmed that they have
accepted my request.

And whatever the results
of their findings,

this office is prepared
to do whatever it takes

to find and try

the individuals responsible
for Hanna Dean's murder.

And if it becomes clear

that Daniel Holden is not
guilty of this crime,

then my office will work
with Mr. Holden's attorney

to see that his conviction is
set aside once and for all.

Thank you.

To recap, a
19-year-old murder case

is being re-opened.

So that's why you came by,

just letting me know

that you're dropping the
murder charge against me?

For now, we are.

Felt I owed you a home visit

for all your pain and suffering.

Spent all that goddamn
money for nothing.

Losing my house, my wife...

nobody gives a shit about that.

The state will supply you an attorney

if it ever comes to that.

So y'all are gonna try to pin
Hanna's death on me now?

Well, at least hers wasn't
a suicide like George's.

How do you know that?

I don't think you can
strangle yourself, Carl,

like you can shoot yourself in the head,

like George did.

Yeah, well, hopefully you'll
have your day in court.

Bitch should have kept her mouth shut,

and none of this would have happened.

What'd you just say?

Bitch had kept her mouth shut,

none of this would have happened.

It's word-for-word

what Chris said to me that next morning.

Is that right?

I went over to his house

to see if he was gonna buckle.

Now, why would he buckle?

If Hanna cried rape,

I wasn't going down for that.

I didn't rape her, Carl.

I could get that coo hole
anytime I wanted to,

ever since she was 14.

Hell, she was digging on

that whole free love thing that night,

until Chris got on top of her.

She didn't like that
country-club asshole.

And damn sure didn't want

his privileged dick inside of her.

With her tripping on mushrooms
that Holden had given her,

she started freaking out on him.

You can tell it to the GBI.

Did anybody ever see his hand?

- What?
- Chris' right hand.

I didn't think so.

She bit it

when he was trying to
keep her from screaming.

Did you see Chris the next day
at the sheriff's station?

When Roger finally brought him in

when he damn well pleased?

For a minute, yeah.

Did you notice Chris' right hand

was in his pocket?

That was a long time ago.

- Can't say I recall that.
- Well, it was.

The whole damn time, he
just kept it in his pocket.

You see, I never thought
that I raped her, Carl,

whereas Chris knew he did.

He was always the one who had a motive.


Not me.

It's out of my hands, Trey.

All you son of a bitches playing God!

You can all go to hell!

Mmm. I mean, I wouldn't
call this nouveau cuisine,

but that sure hit the spot.

That it did. Mmm.

Especially with you
springing for it, Daniel.

Appreciate it.

Here's to Mr. Pickle.

May this be just the
beginning of the good life

for you, my friend.

Here, here.

We're proud of you, old man.

I ain't that old. I
still turn some heads.

Yeah. Grandmas.


I ain't got no problem with grandmas.

Um, it's my mother.

You need to take that?

I'll call her later.


Oh, no y'all didn't!

Peach cobbler, wow.

Thank you.


Life is good today.


So, are they gonna bring some for y'all?

Willie D's...

don't get no better than that.

Doesn't get any better.

If you know it's
grammatically incorrect,

it's okay to say it that way.

Yeah, but you don't know that.

What a day.

One to remember, for sure.

It was a blessed day.

It was at that.

Plus, Teddy hasn't run off Billy yet.

Day ain't over yet.

Getting close.

It's Daniel.

Hey, honey.

Did you get my message?

I did.

Isn't that something?

I think our luck's about to change,

has changed.

Well, it's... it's still a long road,

but I think we can afford to be hopeful.

Why not?

Why not?


Can I maybe say something to him

when you're done?

Honey, Teddy wants to talk to you.

Okay, sure.

Hi, there, Daniel.

Hello, Ted.

I just wanted you to know

that I've got the Ceramic Mechanic,

and, well...

It was your dad's,

and I think it should be yours.

That's just how I feel.

That's thoughtful, Ted, but, uh,

I... I was never really
that attached to it,

to be honest.

And I know it means a lot to you.

It did,

but things change.


Want to just leave it here
at the house for now?

I'd... I'd like that, Ted.

And, uh...

I'm really sorry for what's
happened to you, Daniel.

Sounds like things are on the up and up.

I'm sorry too, Ted.

I know everybody here hopes
you come home real soon.

It'd be nice to visit, it sure would.

We'll leave the light
on for you.

There's someone else here who
would like to say howdy.

Okay, Ted.

Hello, Daniel.

Hello, Tawney.

I pray for you, Daniel, every day.

Might be working.

How are you doing?

Mm, I'm...

I'm looking forward to my life,

maybe for the first time in my life.

That's good to hear, Tawney.

How about you?

I'm, um...

Cautiously optimistic.

That's something.

I'll take it.

I hope your life's filled
with wonder, Daniel.

Yours, too.

Well, um...

I'll give you back to your mama.

Bye, Tawney.

Bye, Daniel.


Oh, we just pigged out on Willie D's.

Pun intended.

Well, I went to Darley's
with Pickle and the boys.

Oh, that sounds good.

Yeah, me three.

What vegetables did you get?

Vegetables? There was a strange variety.