Reckless (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

After rushing into Owen's arms upon finding about her husband's indiscretion, Anna begins to realize that she actually has feelings for Owen too.

Anna! Anna!

An - Ooh!

Anna! Please!

Oh, for God's sake.



Morning, John.

# PETER ANDRE: Mysterious Girl


You should be
bloody ashamed of yourself.

You can be bloody ashamed for us.

You know when somebody
gives you the punch line first?

She went out to a presentation.

Till when?
Well, I don't know.

She can't be out
all bloody day, can she?

If she rings in, ask her to turn her
mobile on or I'll be here at three.

Thank you.

He saw your three o'clock
in the diary. He's coming back.

Cancel the appointment.

Hi, Myrtle.

She started vomiting.

Her abdomen
is distended and she is in pain.

I've done a rectal examination,
but there's nothing there.

Anybody contacted Crane?
He's in Amsterdam.

You know he's not.

If he knows that,
I'll be potty training till I'm 65.

Crowther is overseeing her case.
Where's he?

Liverpool, teaching.


We'll take some pictures
to see what's going on, OK?

I don't want to be here.

Can we get hold of her daughter?

I'll do that.
Give her 10mg of morphine.

Let's x-ray her chest and abdomen.

Get a drip up.

Cross match four units of blood.

I'll try and find Anna for you.

I've been trying for an hour.
"What is it?"

Mr Springer wants to speak to you,

Tell him I urgently
don't want to speak to him.

It's about your mum.

What about her?

She needs an operation.
They can't find your husband.

Why didn't you just say?

I just have.

If you needed a new bra, you should
have asked me for the money.

She's been sedated.
What's happened?

She's got a sigmoid volvulus.

It's a bowel rupture,
quite common amongst old people.

Particularly ones with dementia.

Have you contacted my husband?

His pager's off. His mobile's off.

We haven't actually
got a number for him.

Mr Crowther's coming from Liverpool.

With your permission,
I'll do the operation -

No. Absolutely not.

Have you done it before?

I've done a bowel resection, yes.

Mrs Crane.

If we wait, she'll get worse.

We're not anticipating
any complications.

Let me get you coffee or something.
That's OK. I'll see to it.

She cancelled her three o'clock.

You told her I'd be here?
Her mother was taken ill.

Your wife's gone up to the hospital.

This must be like having
the Queen Mother on the table.

He's gonna be looking at every
last snip and suture, you know.

You're both looking incredibly calm.

Yep, this is one time
I'm definitely happier observing.

Danny, there's a rumour going round
you suffer from traumatic impotence.

That is gross defamation.

Not for long. Shut your gob.

Anna, I'm sorry. I am so... sorry.

John's in theatre with Owen.



You will be here when I come out?

I'll be here when my mother comes out.

Use the office. Please.

Right. Who opened the abdomen?

Who did this?
I did.

It's good. Well done.

Artery forceps, please.

Thank you. And again.

Would you come up to the office?


Another drink - Can I get you
another drink or some food?


If... if...

There couldn't be a worse time,
but I have to speak.

Firstly, I swear to you with
all my heart, it is absolutely over.

Secondly - and I know it's trite -
but it meant nothing.

If you think I went for something
better, you couldn't be more wrong.

I have no answers. I haven't
a clue what bloody went wrong.

Sex? Absolutely not. Temptation?

Temptation, I mean what can I say?

I knew her two years before anything
happened. It wasn't carnal frenzy.

I suppose the only possible cliched
mitigation I have is age.

She could be an alien
as far as I'm concerned.

I don't want to hear her age
or anything about her.

No, I meant my age.

Thirdly? Thirdly...

Uh, I love you. I do, yes.

You've done nothing
to contribute to my...

..disappointing, unforgivable,
appalling behaviour...

..and I love you, Anna.

Does this lower her life expectancy?


The operation.

She certainly
couldn't have survived without it.

She's probably got
as long as she ever had.

The colostomy is only temporary.

Thank you.

Thank you for your contribution to that.

I'd like to clean up and get
a change of clothes. If, um...

Thank you.

Shall I wait for you there?

You knew she'd find out,
that she'd ask questions.

Where are your bloody answers?


You're the first man I've slept with
since I married Richard.

He swore this was his first affair.

Would you believe that?

In his position?

I know because he's told me.

Surgeons get propositioned
all the time. It comes with the job.

I thought
the only reason he was telling me...

..was because
he'd deflected the attention.

It was a household joke,
how he fought the women off.

It was his household joke.

I don't want to know who she is.

If he's prepared to pick her up
and drop her like that.

Do you know who it is?


She works here.

Big surprise.

He's known her for three years
but the relationship's quite recent.

If I'm to believe that.

He'd say anything now, wouldn't he?

Will you leave him?

She's younger than me.

Another big surprise.

How do I get out of here?

Cut down the back stairs.

Down towards the kitchen, come back
on yourself to the car park.

Mr Springer.

I'll be five minutes.

I'll walk you down if you like.

"It's party time!"

"# 0891 23 23 23 #"




What are you doing?

Look, Anna...


Don't you bloody dare come in!
Don't you dare!

Anna... Anna, please.


You're wanted in Crane's office.

You and John.

Busy night?

Is there any coffee on?

I think I've worked something out
and it's giving me the heebies.

What's that, Danny?

Your friend. This woman -

Is she connected in high places?

Bang on. She's a trapeze artist,
with vertigo.

That's why she went for a doctor.

The other night, you asked me who
Crane was getting his leg over with.

You have no recollection of that.
Just tell me and I will wipe it.


..are you screwing Crane's wife?

No. Actually, no!

I don't want to know the answer to that.



What've you done?

I do the talking.
I'll talk if I want to.

Then give me the nod,
cos I'm out of there.

covering my list for a few days.

You could get very busy.
I'm not going to be around.

We've a straightforward fortnight.

I'll be on call for emergencies
and I'll do the ward rounds.

As a newcomer you must be getting
a fairly bad impression?

He's fine.

Just let us know
if there's anything we can do.

Thanks. There's not.

You two-faced shit. You're screwing
his wife, for God's sake.

'Let us know
if there's anything we can do'!

I've nothing against him.

You're a maniac, you know that?

You're seriously bad bloody news.


The first thing I remember
is having sex in your flat.

What I can't remember is,
did I initiate that or did you?

It was more evolutionary than that.

One of us brought it up first.

OK, me. I made the first move.

Was I a pushover?

On a scale of one to ten,
you were point five. So blame me.

Tell me how you want to work this
one out. We have to work together.

You told Anna, didn't you?
I did not.

Or you contrived for her to find out.

I did not!

We made a pact at the start
that there was no future in it.

I don't deserve this deceit.
I'm not a womaniser.

You were an exception
in a blemish-free 25 years.

I'm actually a happily married man.

You conceited sod!

What the hell do I gain from -

Shh. Keep your voice down.

Bugger off!

What do I gain from telling your wife?

You dump me in a hotel with a bill
for a Queen-sized bed and breakfast.

No, I'll pay.

Of course I'll pay for that.
I'm sorry.

I am not a sexual sycophant.

I'm not in awe
of surgeon's gifted hands.

I had gifted hands up to here.

I do not want your life, house
or marriage! I'm happy with mine!

I was happy to spend six weeks
planning our weekend!

I have no reason to spoil that
by telling your wife!

No. Vivien, I'm sorry.

I know you haven't - it's me.
I'm just sorry -

I don't want to lose her.

Well, I can't help you with that.

You OK?


Who the hell's Mary Ellison?

"ME. Me."

"Can you get away?"

I'm doing an outpatient's clinic
in half an hour.

I could be somewhere at four.

I thought you were busy all this week?

I own the firm.

I'm as busy as I want to be.

Thank you.


You been in to see your mum?

She's asking when she can go home.

She'll be fit to leave...

..within six or seven days.

If you're happy about...

..a nursing
home taking a post-op patient.

I'm not expecting them to improve.

But, well, if I move into her house
then at least I'll be closer.

You're leaving him?

Nothing to be gained by staying.

The house feels so weird.
I feel like an intruder.

We bought it 15 years ago.

He was offered
a consultancy at St Gregory's...

..and I don't think
we've stopped running since.

I thought we were running together.

Oh, hello.

Hello, Tom.

I thought here was private.
You know these people?


And how vaguely
do they know your old fella?

Oh, they play football together,

For Christ's sake, this isn't -

So, I'm what? The gossip?

They're gonna filter it back to him?

It's none of his business you're here.

But I'm only here so you can tell
him it's none of his business!

If you wanna make him jealous
don't be subtle. Take somebody home.

Have 'em in bed when he gets in from
work. That's how you hurt him.

What the hell's the matter with you?
I can't believe I've done this.

How old are you?

I'm no child.
I knew what I was doing.

But it had nothing to do with me.

What's your complaint?

You got what you wanted.
That is nowhere near what I wanted.

Don't be silly. Get in the car.
Go home.

Get in the car.


Can I come in?


Oh, and a few messages.

Can you ring Mary Ellison?


The last one was urgent.
She's on the mobile.

I got a pay cheque.

Back pay.

Oh, well, if you're rich,
it's me birthday.

You're joking?

I'm having a do down The Swan.

Your dad - Did I iron that shirt?

No, I did.

Your dad got us
the function room and a sherry each.

No-one I know drinks sherry
but it's the thought that counts.

Happy birthday, Irma.

You're welcome to come
if you're not doin' owt.

Your dad reckons she's a bit older.

Does he?
Don't get your back up.

I've made the same mistake.
My last bloke were fifty.

Builder's merchant
from Heaton Mersey. Massive car.

He bought me a freezer.
Then he starts buying clothes!

I looked like Shirley Temple.

I said, 'On your way.
Nobody tells me what to wear.'

Relationships like that are wrong.

If he were good at being 50,
what's he want with a 30-year-old?

Anybody in?
We're up here!

Who's 'we'?

I wish!


It doesn't have to be champagne.
Got any sparkling wine?

Just get us
a bottle of Scotch, will you?

And one for yourself.

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow

♪ And so say all of us

Give over, you shouldn't have.

Come here, you.

Hey, if any of you lot needs your
veins doin', latch onto this fella.

He's a surgeon! He is!

Talk me mam through her hysterectomy.

This is me first, before you ask.

I'm on gills. So, I'm trying.

I know.

I take it you don't have a death wish?


So, what y'doin' chatting up that one?

I wasn't.

Don't. It's not sex with her,
it's like getting mugged.

Your hands are worth money.
Be warned.

Underdressed and overused.

So, what's the score
with 'over-age and underinterested'?

Mind your own bloody business.

All right. I'm only trying
to put you on the right track.

I don't need advice from a man with
less sexual history than a tadpole.

Calm down.

I don't have to be here, Dad!

You're not flattering anybody stopping.

If I make you feel out of place,
go back to London.

Who do you think you're talking to?

Hey! If you're losing your
bit of skirt, it's not my fault.

If coming up here is a mistake,
it's your own mistake.

We all managed well enough
without you. All right?


I want to apply
for early release from the contract.

Does that get graced
with any kind of explanation?

You haven't
got any schoolgirls pregnant?

I don't have to explain,
I'm telling you.

I shouldn't have come.

What the hell are you talking about?

People's insides are different here?
Altitude sickness?

Have you any idea how much it costs
to run interviews for this job?

I'm really sorry.

For what?

Tell him that I'm home till three.
I'll leave the mobile on.

I've already left the number.

Mary Ellison. Thank you.

I'm here.

These... they're -
well, they're not a bribe.

The house feels cold
and I thought they might...

I'll put them...


I started a list of things...

..reasons -
possible reasons why I might have...

..I don't know what the word is...

..'betrayed' you. And...

No, there's nothing there.

I couldn't - You work too hard,
but I like you working too hard.

You're rude to my colleagues
at parties, but that's funny.

What's 'bedroom'?


The paper in the bedroom,
the wallpaper. I don't like it.

But that's clutching at straws,
isn't it?

I couldn't think of a thing, Anna.

I'm moving out.

Oh, my God!

I'm moving into my mother's house.

God, don't do that,
please don't do that.

How can I try to explain
if you're not there to listen to me?

But you can't find an explanation.

I will.

I'm not asking you to invent one.
I'm not satisfied. I'm not staying.



"I'm sorry, we can't
get to the phone at the moment."

Look, I'll move out.
I don't want you to go anywhere.

"Richard, it's Vivien Reid."

"We've got a situation
with Owen Springer."

"He just
handed in his resignation."

"Gordon talked to him,
but he won't shift."

"We have to go to
the board for money."

"Gordon has to talk to you."

"You left your pager
in your office, by the way. Bye."

Forgive me, I'll be five minutes.

Gordon, it's Richard.
What's he up to?

What profession does he think
he's in? Where is he now?

I think you're making a huge mistake

'..making a huge mistake.'
Who asked you, man?

Nobody asked me.
You dragged me into this.

What do you mean,
you were dragged into it?

He knows.

He knows what?

Ask him.

Don't bother.

I know exactly what he's been doing,
who with.

The consequences would have been
predictable to an amoeba.

But how did you get dragged into it?

He forced me to tell him
about Crane and Viv.

I didn't know
what he'd do with the information.

What did you think he'd do?

That's why Crane's bouncing around
like a neurotic moth. Springer.

He'll drag us down if we're not
careful. You keep your mouth shut.

"It's time to play
Lucky Numbers!"

"To light those numbers up,
correctly answer these questions."

"The first two rounds
are worth £500."

Is that good news?


What's this?
It's a present.

May God forgive you!

I preferred you when you were sulking.

Just try 'em for a week.

You try 'em for one week, you get this.

Hey, it's a season ticket.

Let's see.


Come on, let's see.


Let's just have a look.

Bloody hell!

Our kid.


Mr Springer? Sign here, please.

Who's it from?

What you doin'?

I don't know, what are you doin'?

Dad, thanks.

It's not from me.
It's two in the morning.


"Why won't you talk to me?"

This is mad.

This is insane!

Is it your skirt?

"Go to the window."


"Front window."


"More right."

I don't want you to leave.

How did you find out?

How do you think?

I can't believe you just did that.

No, me neither.

If I hurt you, I'm sorry.

I should be the one who's apologising.

I haven't come here to apologise.

When you walked away from me,
at first I thought, 'Oh, sod him.'

And then I got to the main road and I...

Oh, I just started crying.

You get to my age and you think
the world will be sorted for you...

..and it's not.

Suddenly, it's just not.

And I feel
I have no-one to talk to and...

..of all the people
I don't have to talk to...'re the one
that keeps coming into my head.

I trust you.

I think you're the most honest man
that I've ever met.

I trust you...

..and I love you for that.

I love you, I love you...
I love you.

And I want to say that I'm sorry
I took you for granted.

How are you feelin'?

I'm feeling fine.

I'm feeling...


Oh, right! Sorry! It's me!

I completely forgot I had it.




Who is this?

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