Ray Donovan (2013–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Volcheck - full transcript

Ashley's stalker, Bob Lepecka, returns and makes trouble for Steve Knight. Meanwhile, Cochran is officially nominated for the FBI directorship and tries to protect himself from the vetting ...

Previously On Ray Donovan

You need to stop seeing my wife.
That's up to her.

Where are the pictures?

Uh, right there, folder.
The other pictures.

Don't you get it? All I ever wanted
was for you to look at me.

But you can't. You can't talk to me.
You can't share your pain with me.

You're the love of my life.
Come to Ireland and marry me.

Hey, Cookie.

You heard the shots

and you saw Cookie walking away.

Did he see you?
I don't know.

She should go to the police.
Tell what she saw.

You don't understand how dangerous
this guy is. He already killed one kid.

How do you know
her life isn't in danger?

I'm about to become the top law
enforcement officer in the United States.

Hell, in the fucking free world, Mick.
But you guys are gonna bring me down.

Let me get this straight. You like
watching Cochran fuck your wife?

But he's your boss.
How do you put up with that?

You know what, Tom?
We can fix this.

You see what I'm saying?
We could knock this place off real easy.

FBI said Mickey offered to get Sully
out of the country as part of their sting.

Listen to me. You're being played
Mickey and the FBI.

You ruined my fucking life, Ray.

I really liked you. I trusted you.

- Ray.
- What's wrong, Ray?

Come in. Tell me about your day.



Every day, a man should tempt the
ocean's yin and yang with his presence.

Let the ocean decide his fate.

I gotta go.

Seems like you could use
a day of quiet reflection, Ray.

All that heavy shit going on at home.

Your poor daughter's
dead boyfriend.

Your wife fucking another man.

I drank too much.
No, don't be like that.

Don't go back inside your shell.

It's good to talk to other men
about your shit.

It's good to open up.

Hi, Ray.


Look at that.

That fucker is back, Ray.

Look at that!
Shit. Oh, no, don't...


You came back for a beating,
didn't you?

You little fuck.
No, no.

Ha, ha, ha!

Is this what you want?


Come on, Ray.
Ha, ha, ha!

Come on.

It's your turn.

What are you fucking doing?

I get it. Be merciful.

Get out of here, Bob.
He hits her. I've seen it.

He hurts her.
I have to protect her.

Get the fuck out of here now.

Once I was trapped
at the base of a 12-foot storm wave.

I didn't panic.

I surrendered to the outcome.

And the loving mother
spit me back out.

Showed me mercy.

Just like you just did
for that poor man.

You hurt Ashley?

That's a part of our sexual life
and it's none of his fucking business.

You lay a finger on her again I'll
fucking kill you, you understand me?

Come on, Ray. Let's go in the water.

Let's let the waves
wash everything away.

Come on.

I'm not fucking swimming with you.

Ladies and
gentlemen, stow your belongings

and turn off
your portable electronic devices.

We will be landing
in Los Angeles shortly.

We all were.

Besides, Sean shot the girl
with your gun,

high on your drugs.

Ray said
you were in trouble anyway.

You'd stolen a lot of money
from Sully.

There's no reason to frame
your own father for murder.

You need to put that away, miss.
Oh, I'm sorry.

Ah! No!




What is it?

What are you doing?

I'm sorry, honey.

It's nothing.

I'm sick of your lies.

Where are you?

Go fuck yourself.

- Yeah.
- Avi, I need you to find out

where Kate McPherson is.

No, I think she's in L.A.

Boss, I think you should forget
about that woman.

Just fucking find her.

Yes, sir, I understand.

No, no, no. Thank you, Mr. President.

Yes, sir.
I will see you in Washington.

Heh, all right.

Was that...?

Oh, did you get it?

He said he thought
the people would feel safer

if the country's super cop
was looking after our nation's security.

Ha, ha, ha! Oh, my God.
I'm so proud of you.

Washington, here we come.

Oh, gosh. I have to lose weight.

No, no, none of that. You're perfect.

Yes. Yeah.
Oh, my God.

The vetting process
begins immediately, right?

I know what we should do tonight.

Celebrate with the Volchecks.


Let me think about that,
okay, sweetie?



I wanna put you all in, motherfucker.

Not enough. Not enough chips.




Heh, heh. Full house.

Four of a kind.


Lord, today.

- What?
- Are you with my father?

No, man.
That reporter's back.

I need you with him today.

You don't pay me enough.
Get over there right now.

I need more money.

I can't spend all my time
looking after that pain in my ass.

You want more money?
Do your fucking job.

Keep my father in check.

Oh, shit.

All the wiring in that pot place
is ancient, obsolete.

What a fucking break, huh?

That lady reporter is here.

Mr. Donovan?

It's Kate McPherson.

I forgot to tell you.
I gave her the envelope that you left.

She came back
after the division guys took you.

I thought you were dead.

Did I fuck up?

It's okay. No big deal.

Hello, Mr. Donovan.
What brings you back to town?

You remember Mike Renzetti?

Who? Come on in.

Mike Renzetti.


Told me Sully hated you.

You go talking to rapists,
you're gonna get wrong ideas.

Told me you ratted out
Sully's entire family.

That he would never have trusted you
to get him out of the country.

You want a drink?

Maybe a joint?

What happened to you
the night that you called me?

I showed up, your door was busted,

and you were gone.

Somebody scared you.

Then you told me a pack of lies.

Nobody scares me, missy.

Ray does.

Me scared of Ray?
It's the other way around.

No, Ray isn't afraid of anyone.
Oh, yeah? He's afraid of me.

He paid Sully to...

Paid Sully to do what?

Ask Ray.

Now, get the fuck out of here.

We could have taken the bus.

You both got your phones?
Why don't you loan me your gun?

Don't be a smart-ass, Bridg.

I'm not comfortable with this.

It's gonna be okay, Mom.

Be careful.

Boss, you were right.

She arrived in L.A. this morning
and rented a car.

Find her.

Can I offer you some water, some juice?


We've just signed over the rights
to Marvin and Re-Kon's music.

And Mr. Brown is our new client.


This means I get access
to him now, right?

Of course.

Give me a minute alone
with my nigga.

Hey, look, I hear somebody
might be shopping a video

of whoever killed 'Lil Homie.

Who told you that?
You know the streets, dawg.

I'll look into it.

I'll pay whatever they want.

I just wanna see whoever
hurt my boy get justice-.

You and me, we cool?


To my mentor and good friend.

Here's to many years
of service together.

You can leave that with me.
I'll give it to him in person.

- "Bathroom on the right"?
- Yeah.


I knew another lead singer
who thought that "Purple Haze"

was "'Scuse me
while I kiss this guy."

"Excuse me while I kiss this guy"?
Not "kiss the sky", "kiss this guy".

That's hysterical.
I'm sorry to interrupt.

Hi, Torn.
Travis was just leaving.

Thank you, Travis.

Sir, can I just say
how proud I am of you.

Tommy, what do you want?

Well, I just wanted to know
if I was going to Washington with you.

I don't think so, Tom, no.

Well, then, would you consider me
as your replacement here?

Wow. Heh.

My replacement, huh? That's what
all this has been about for you, huh?

Just moving on up in your career?
No, of course not, sir.

It's just that you've been a mentor to me
and a guide.

I have the utmost respect for you.

I thought since there was
a position opening, that maybe...

You thought
you'd just slide on in there?

Of course not, sir.

It's just we've all been
so close and...

Whoa, whoa.

Are you blackmailing me, Tom?

Are you sure?
Yes, sir. Not at all.

No. Sir, I'm just...


You deserve it.

I'm looking over everything.

Everybody's got their job.

And timing is important,
so you're important.

I got this, Mick.

I can blow that security guard
in two minutes or in ten.

Make it go as long as you can.
Use your wiles.

I won't tickle his balls, then.
No finger up the ass.

Oh, thank you for that.

Guys, I don't think you understand.

I need two and a half hours
just to crack the safe.

You're gonna get your time.
This is just to get us in there and hide.

We still need to go in through the roof.
Really? Why?

Because if we go through the door,
there could be an alarm.

They never put an alarm on the roof.

We should tunnel in
through the fucking floor.

That'll only take us a year and a half.

Are you all right?
I'm fine, Mick.

Seriously, I'm fine.
Donovan, get out here.


I'll be right back.

Glad you came. I got something
I want to talk to you about.

Step into my office.

Let's say

one night in the very near future

I needed to turn this off.

What would that be worth to you?

A thousand bucks?

Five thousand?
You got five grand?

Not on me now.
I'm saying afterwards.

Look the other way, I'll give you 5000.
I'm a parole officer

and you just offered me
5000 imaginary dollars.

I could violate your ass, and it won't be
to some imaginary prison.

But if I had real dollars,
you'd go for it?

Here's the deal.

You don't leave here.

You report to La Playa 5 a.m. sharp.

With the hairnet.
Back to business as usual.

Where's that watch
my son gave you? You pawn it?

How come he can pay you off,
I can't?

Think about it.

The fuck are you doing here?
I need something.

You really fucked up my boyfriend.

You broke his fucking femur.
He can't work out.

He's gained 20 pounds.
He looks like shit.

Sits on his ass all day.
And I can't even break up with him.

Who's the new guy?
Fuck you, Ray.

Your shake, Marty.
Thank you, Troy.

You need me to stay?

You heard anything about a video
of the Re-Kon-Marvin Gaye murder?

What if I have?
I need it.

That would be evidence
in a criminal investigation, Ray.

I'd have to turn that over to the police.
Cut the crap. How much, Marty?

Footage like that
would be worth millions.

Find it.
And you have the money?

I have a client who does.

If I find it, I want a million dollars.

And a year's worth of exclusives
on Tommy Wheeler.

And I mean fucking exclusives.

Troy! All right

Show Ray out.

Miss, you can't smoke here.


Were you looking for some eyeliner?
Or blush?

I don't know.

Would you like a makeover?

A what?
A makeover.

Sit down.

Your skin's so light.

You have cool blue undertones.

If I use icy or jewel tones,
it will bring out...

Can you just not talk?

I'm sorry.

Can you just do the makeover
and not talk?

Of course.

You've reached Detective Jim Halloran.

Leave a message,
I'll get right back to you.

I need to see you.

Where the fuck have you been?

The story we put out is wrong.
You gotta get a retraction ready.

I'm not printing a fucking retraction.
Just hear me out.

I got something new. It's huge.

Gonna bring down the president's
appointee for the head of FBI.

Maybe even solve
the Sean Walker murder.

You sound like
a crazy person, Katie.

Fuck you, Bob.

I got this thing figured out.
You'll see.

Do you mind?

Terrence! Terrence!

Your brother's back on the couch,

sleeping all goddamn day.

Well, leave him alone.

- Let him sleep.
- Hey.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Let's just go to Ireland now.
I-- I don't have the money.

So? I saved about $40,000
for his college, he doesn't need it all.

I ain't taking your son's money.

No, it's my money, Terry. I earned it.
I'm not letting you take care of me.

Because I'm a woman?
That's not the way things are done.

We don't have to be citizens
right away. We get jobs.

No, no. That's not who I am.

I have to own something.
I'm a business owner.

I know you are, Terry.
But we have to start somewhere.

I'm not taking your money.

Well, that's fucking ridiculous.
Yeah? Well, I'm still not taking it.

Jesus Christ.

Why haven't you found her yet?

I got Lena over at the marina
in case she shows up.

I don't know what else to do.
Check every goddamn hotel in town.

Why are you still worried
about this woman?

Mind your fucking business.
You are my fucking business!

You are letting everything fall apart
over this woman!

You let another man fuck your wife

and you do nothing about--

You don't fucking get it, do you?

We don't find her, it's over.

She prints what she knows,
we all go to prison.

Get in here.

I know she's in town. I'll find her.

I'm not talking on the phone
about this.

Upload this and send it to me.

I don't understand
why we need anybody else.

We got a good thing
with just you, me and Cherry.

A little backup wouldn't hurt.

Okay, just one, then.
Just one more guy.


Hey, Terry.

You ever meet
my good friend Shorty?


Okay. Well, now you have.

You, uh, got 5000 bucks
you can spot me?


All right. Don't worry about it.
Daryll here?

He's in the locker room.

You have a very nice place here.

Mickey speaks very highly of you.

Shorty, this is my son Daryll.

Daryll, meet my buddy Shorty.

Hey. What do you want?

Listen. I know that you
always wanted that car.

It was wrong for me
to give that to Conor.

You take it.
You know, fix it up a little bit.

All I need is...

you know, maybe 5000 bucks.

It's worth at least that.

Fuck you, man.
Hey, hey.

Listen, listen, listen.
Get off me.

You don't want the car? I...

I'm doing a little deal. A little dealie.

I'm gonna cut you in.

You give me 5 grand, I swear

you'll get a hundred thou back
inside a week.

How you gonna do that?

Well, planning a little job.

A job?

A robbery.
I was gonna ask you to join up.

I'm talking big money.

You are so full of shit.

I give you 5 grand,
that's the only thing I'll be missing.

No way.

Let's go.

I got the money.

I'll give you the money.

But I'm in on the job.

I don't know about this, Mick.

If this thing works,
how much we talking about?

Terry, you're not a criminal.

You don't have the stomach for it.

Lend me 5, I'll give you back 10.
Fuck you.

I got nothing left.

You want the money?

You make me a partner.

Congratulations. Big day for you.

Yeah, it would be.
If your fucking girlfriend wasn't back.

I got something new. It's huge.

Gonna bring down the president's
appointee for the head of the FBI.

And maybe even solve
the Sean Walker murder.

Uh, what are we gonna do about her?
I'm gonna set her straight.

She has to go, Ray.

I won't let you do that.
Are-- Are you suicidal?

Do I have to kill you too?
We're not killing anyone.

I'm about to be vetted

by the entire
Senate Judiciary Committee, okay?

And every fucking journalist
in the country over the next two weeks.

Every rock will be turned over.
Do you understand that?

This woman is gonna fuck
everything up, Ray.


This will fuck everything up.

You come after her or me,
this goes viral.

Ray. Ray.

Oh, fuck, no. Oh, no. Fuck, no!

Excuse me.

Is Detective Jim Halloran here?

Hey. What are you doing here?

I-- I really have to talk to you.

Okay- Okay.

Come on.

I need you-- I need you
to do something for me.

Anything. What?

I need you
to get rid of Cookie Brown.

What do you mean?

Arrest him or hurt him.

Hurt him?

I can't eat. I can't sleep.
He's gonna kill my daughter.

Plant something on him.

Or pull him over and shoot him.

Shoot him?
He's a fucking criminal.

I'm a cop.
He's already killed two people.

If you don't do something,
he's gonna kill my fucking daughter.

You need to get your daughter
to show up

and tell the truth
about what she saw.

If you won't do this for me,
I can't see you anymore.


Be a man.


Oh, sir. I'm glad to see you.

I want you to know
that I was not trying

to manipulate our relationship
for personal gain.

All those times
you thought Megan was doing Pilates

and I had my 1:30 briefing?

I was fucking her.

I'm sorry to hear that, sir.

Heh, well, you're gonna be a lot sorrier
when I stop fucking her.

I don't understand.
I thought about what you asked me,

and you do deserve to be a director,
so congratulations.

I made some calls.
You're going to Bismarck, North Dakota.

Please don't. I--
You think

Megan's gonna follow you there?

Think she's gonna cheer you on
while you're out

investigating illegal elk hunting
on the reservation?

Why are you doing this to me?

You called Donna and you told her
that you wanted her.

You invited us into your home.

And you let that fuck plant cameras

and record our fucking
private time together?

Turn up your nose
at fucking my beautiful wife

and you set me up?

You're fucking finished.

Are you going to the funeral?

There's gonna be so much coverage.
Your picture's gonna be everywhere.

Why not? I hope not.

Listen, do you wanna hang out
this weekend?

Hang out?
If you need me to go to the funeral

with you or anything.

You know, for support.


You wouldn't even talk to me
last week.

You didn't even know my name.

Hey. What is it?

Why? I wanted to see you.

Everybody's so full of shit.

They're never gonna catch
who did it, are they?

Conor, I was in the car.

You saw it?

You know who did it?


And Daddy made me lie
to the police.

They're never gonna arrest him.
That's fucked up.

You're right, Con. It is fucked up.
Everything's fucked up.

I met Mom's boyfriend.

What's he like?

Do you still like M&M'S?

Come on.

He's okay.

What if he has kids
and we have to live with them?

I don't think he has any kids.



Where are the kids?


You look pretty, Abs.

We gotta go.
What are you talking about?

We need to leave town,
go back to Boston.

Abby, we're not going back
to Boston.

You can't be sure
he didn't see her, Ray.

It's fine, sweetheart.
Everything's gonna be--

No, don't touch me.

You know I'd never let anything happen
to you or the kids.

I know where she is.

Are you coming back, Daddy?

Soon, sweetheart.

You fucking left again.
I'm writing you up.

Not so fast.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

How many times
I gotta come looking for you?

Half now, half later.

Like I said, tomorrow
or the next day,

I tell you to turn me off,
you turn me off.

What do you got planned?

You got your money. No questions.

Look, all I'm saying is,
what if I wanted more than 5000?

What would I have to do?



You gonna kill me, Ray?

You need to let go of this.

I don't believe a word
that comes out of your mouth.

You lied about everything.
I had to.

To keep you alive.

Bullshit. You didn't wanna go
to fucking prison.

You keep this up,
you're gonna end up dead, Kate.

So what? Journalists die all the time,
occupational hazard.

You wanna tell me why you paid
$2 million to have Sully kill your father?

You don't quit, do you?


What did you get for dinner?

Burger. Want half?

Yeah, sure. Fucking starving.


So why do you hate your dad
so much?

What did he do?

He was supposed to take me
to a baseball game.

Never showed up.

Come on, Ray.

I'm serious.

I know that Sean Walker killed that girl,
and that you framed him for it. Why?

All right, fuck it.

My father was Sean's dealer.

Sean got high.
Mickey let him play with his gun.

Fucking idiot thought it was a toy,
fired it,

that was the end of Colleen.

So you blame Mickey for that?
Yeah, I fucking blame him.

Everything he touches turns to shit.

My mother's dying of cancer,
my sister's using.

Finally, she throws herself off a roof.
Where the fuck was he?

Getting high.

Screwing some whore
in the projects.

I did some research.

The day your father gets out
of prison, a priest was shot.

St. Josephine's Parish.

I know about
your brother Brendan's settlement.

1.4 million.
Oh, yeah?

They target families like yours.

The mother's sick,
the father's absent.

What about Terry?

Did that priest abuse him too?

Leave Terry out of it.

They don't stop at one kid.

They move from one to the other.

What about you, Ray?

What happened?

Did he get you too?
Shut up.

Did he fuck you up
like he fucked up your brother?




I'll fucking do it.

- Hello?
- Frances?

Are you okay?

We're going to Ireland.
What are you talking about?

It's all gonna work out.

I'm gonna get the money.

Don't worry about it.

You know I love you.


A good team trusts each other.
That's all you have to know.

If you got any questions, ask them.

Terry. Terry.

- Ronald, this is my son Ter.
- Hi.

He's, uh-- He's gonna be our muscle.


He's shaking like a leaf.
How's he gonna do anything?

You wanna find out?
You don't want none of this.

Now, listen, if I say
he's gonna be our muscle,

he's gonna be our fucking muscle.

Who's this guy?

He's my parole officer.
Jesus, Mick, are you fucking crazy?

Now, we're just going over the plans.
Close the door, Ter.

All right.

Everybody look at each other.

And Mr. Cochran has a band.
Eddie and The Undercovers.

That is such a clever name.
Mr. Cochran? Call me Ed, please.

What kind of music do you play?
Classic rock.

We do not go past 1979, mostly because
music stopped being good after that.

I know. Didn't it? Ha, ha, ha!
Yes, it did.

And you, Mrs. Cochran,
are you musical?

Oh, I'm just a fan.

But I really love to dance.
Me too.

You should come with us some
time and watch him play.

Tommy, what are you doing here?


Oh, my God. Please, no.


Oh, my God.


That's what I'm talking about!